During early pregnancy, you will encounter pregnancy symptoms
that give you a hint that there's a new life growing inside you. Signs
of pregnancy may not always appear on the first week because the body's
physical and mental health is still undergoing certain changes to make
way for pregnancy. But other women experience pregnancy symptoms as
early as the first week of pregnancy. It is best if you take precaution
by reading articles around the web about the early signs of pregnancy
before you take a pregnancy test.
Signs Of Pregnancy
Signs of pregnancy vary from women to women. Some symptoms appear even before you notice that you're missing a period. Early pregnancy symptoms take place because of the implantation of the fetus in your uterus and the gradual growth of it. Hormonal changes is evident during this phase to support the growth of the baby and the signs of pregnancy are just your body's reaction to these changes.
Here are some of the signs of pregnancy that you may encounter:
Exhaustion - As your pregnancy progresses, you will notice that you feel easily exhausted, tired, and lacks energy in things that you do. Sometimes this feeling happens even if you're not doing anything. This symptom is caused by the hormonal changes within your body to support the growth of your baby and makes your body adapt as well.
Breast Tenderness - Your breast may show significant changes such as tenderness, swelling, and becomes more sensitive. Many women ignore this symptom because they think that it is cause by PMS.
Light Spotting - This symptom occurs early in your pregnancy. This is mainly caused by implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus. This may show as mild spotting or light bleeding. However, not all women experiences this symptom.
Other pregnancy signs also include a missed period, morning sickness, headache, abdominal cramping, etc.
Always keep in mind that the pregnancy symptoms mentioned above are just indicators. It is probable that you will encounter few to none of these signs, and still be pregnant. Use a pregnancy test or make an arrangement with your doctor to confirm pregnancy. So if you want to learn more, don't hesitate to ask your doctor.
While you are experiencing the signs of pregnancy, it is best if you keep a record of it. A pregnancy journal records your pregnancy symptoms, thoughts, feelings, and other experiences. This can be shared through your blog for your family and friends to know; or for just keep it as a remembrance of your unforgettable pregnancy experiences.
Once you confirmed that you're pregnant, you can start using a pregnancy calendar. This is made to record the progress and advancements of your pregnancy. This also helps you in remembering your pregnancy due date; week that you are in and pregnancy health tips starting from the day you discover that you are pregnant.
Signs Of Pregnancy
Signs of pregnancy vary from women to women. Some symptoms appear even before you notice that you're missing a period. Early pregnancy symptoms take place because of the implantation of the fetus in your uterus and the gradual growth of it. Hormonal changes is evident during this phase to support the growth of the baby and the signs of pregnancy are just your body's reaction to these changes.
Here are some of the signs of pregnancy that you may encounter:
Exhaustion - As your pregnancy progresses, you will notice that you feel easily exhausted, tired, and lacks energy in things that you do. Sometimes this feeling happens even if you're not doing anything. This symptom is caused by the hormonal changes within your body to support the growth of your baby and makes your body adapt as well.
Breast Tenderness - Your breast may show significant changes such as tenderness, swelling, and becomes more sensitive. Many women ignore this symptom because they think that it is cause by PMS.
Light Spotting - This symptom occurs early in your pregnancy. This is mainly caused by implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus. This may show as mild spotting or light bleeding. However, not all women experiences this symptom.
Other pregnancy signs also include a missed period, morning sickness, headache, abdominal cramping, etc.
Always keep in mind that the pregnancy symptoms mentioned above are just indicators. It is probable that you will encounter few to none of these signs, and still be pregnant. Use a pregnancy test or make an arrangement with your doctor to confirm pregnancy. So if you want to learn more, don't hesitate to ask your doctor.
While you are experiencing the signs of pregnancy, it is best if you keep a record of it. A pregnancy journal records your pregnancy symptoms, thoughts, feelings, and other experiences. This can be shared through your blog for your family and friends to know; or for just keep it as a remembrance of your unforgettable pregnancy experiences.
Once you confirmed that you're pregnant, you can start using a pregnancy calendar. This is made to record the progress and advancements of your pregnancy. This also helps you in remembering your pregnancy due date; week that you are in and pregnancy health tips starting from the day you discover that you are pregnant.
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