Vagina Tightening Creams For Tightening a Loose Vagina

Women who have lost their vaginal firmness are always on the lookout for ways to tighten their vagina again. In this article let us find out about the factors that make the vagina loose as well as discuss about some of the ways through which a vagina can be tightened without causing any harm to the body.

Causes of a Loose Vagina

There are many factors that can make a vagina loose its firmness. Some of the common reasons of a loose vagina are aging, childbirth; a sedentary lifestyle and sometimes insertion of large objects into the vagina can also result in vagina losing its firmness.

Ways to tighten it again

There are two ways through which a vagina can be tightened to enjoy an enhanced feeling of penetration. Let us discuss about both of them and see which one will work for you.

1. Vagina Tightening Creams

These creams are made from natural herbs which have rich skin tightening properties hence when applied to the vaginal area make the vagina tighter instantly in less than half an hour time. The best thing about their usage is that they are free from any type of side effects.

Regular application of these herbal creams helps the vagina regain its original shape and size as well as it keeps bad vaginal odor away and acts as a natural lubricant.

2. Surgery

This is the fastest way to make a vagina tighter but due to its high cost and high chances of undesired side effects it is not a very popular option amongst women. One more drawback of this method is that once a woman goes through pregnancy the surgery will have to be performed again.

Looking at both the methods there is no doubt that vagina tightening creams are a better option to improve overall health of your vagina.

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Vagina Tightening Overview - How To Tighten Your Vagina Without Surgery

Today, our lives greatly differ from the lives of our ancestors and the advancement of the medicine not only allows us to live longer, but also successfully combat many of the diseases that have killed millions in the past. The latest advancements in the nanotechnology and the stem cells research have given us hope that in the very near future, we might be able not only to greatly slow down the again process, but even completely reverse it. However, until that time comes, we all try to our best to stay and look younger for as long as possible.

The past few decades we have witnessed a boom in the breast enlargement and other plastic surgery procedures and there is yet another trend that has emerged recently - vagina rejuvenation! Aging and giving birth to one or more children cause the muscles of the vagina to loosen and many women feel that they and their partners are not enjoying sex as before, and are looking for vagina tightening ways and methods. While plastic surgery, which is known as Vaginoplasty, is an option that many women consider, it not only comes with a high price, but the desired effect is not always achieved. At the time of this writing, in the United States vagina rejuvenation surgical procedure would cost anywhere from $5000 to $10 000 and even more, depending on the location and the surgeon who performs the procedure.

How to tighten your vagina without surgery?

There are a few other ways that can help women to get stronger muscles, better control, and ultimately tighter vagina without having to pay thousands of dollars. One such way is the various exercises, which are very natural way to achieve vagina tightening, but these excursuses have to be done daily for quite a long time in order to produce the wanted result. Other available option is the various creams, sprays, and herbal solutions, which have almost instant effect and cause the vaginal muscles to contract, thus not only giving instant tight vagina, but also increasing the sexual sensation and often helping women to have better sex and stronger orgasms. These ointments and sprays are topical and have to be applied just a few minutes before a woman engages in sexual intercourse, but their effect is almost instant and they are also affordable and perfectly safe.

Such vagina rejuvenation products can be used for a very long time, they will always have the same effect repeatedly and most of them, like the Instant Virgin liquid spray, are unique and powerful blend of herbs, which have been used for hundreds of years in the traditional medicine. Of course, apart from using quick vagina tightening solutions, a woman can continue doing exercises and take a few additional steps in order to preserve the youthfulness of her body. It is essential that healthier diet is adopted, which includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, oxidant-rich products, and enough fiber.

The vast majority of men also have confessed that they prefer women with tight vaginas and this has been known for a long time - once a woman has managed to strengthen her vaginal muscles with the use of a great vagina rejuvenation product, she is likely to see the difference right away. Apart from getting greater control of these muscles, better sex and intense orgasms are often added benefits!

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8 Home Remedies for Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the happiest phases in a woman's life. Unfortunately, it comes with some side effects and problems. Swollen feet are one of the common discomforts faced by women during their pregnancy. Also referred to as edema, it is a condition where excess fluid accumulates in the tissues of the body. This can be painful too.

Here are 8 home remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy:

1. Take Diet High Potassium
This remedy helps you to minimize swelling. Potassium is very effective in maintaining the electrolyte level in the body. It also prevents water from accumulating. Bananas are high in potassium. Having a banana a day will help you.

2. Dandelion Tea This is a miracle tea for pregnant ladies suffering from swollen feet during pregnancy. Dandelion tea balances electrolytes within the body and enhances circulation too. Simply boil a few dandelions with water and consume the concoction thrice daily.

3. Keep Your Feet Elevated Doctors usually recommend their patients to keep feet in an elevated position through the day to get rid of swelling and pain. This is very helpful in maintaining a proper blood circulation within the body. It prevents any pooling of fluids within the foot.

4. Try Apple Cider Vinegar If you like the taste of vinegar, then ACV will serve the purpose. You need to add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a cup of water. Drink this mixture twice daily. Being loaded with potassium ACV is very helpful in balancing electrolytes in the body.

5. Arnica Oil Massage Get a relaxing foot massage. Use arnica oil as it helps to relieve sore, aching joints and muscles. You may ask your spouse, friend or a masseuse to massage your feet with this oil.

6. Cucumber Packs This is easy and very relaxing. Place cool slices of cucumber on your feet. You need to cover your entire feet with the slice. Cucumber slices will pull out excess toxins and water. You may also chew on a few slices daily to keep your body hydrated.

7. Increase Water Intake In most cases, swollen feet result from the accumulation of fluids in the body. Many women think that drinking more water can lead to water retention. However, the truth is just the opposite. Keeping your body well hydrated will help the body flush out excess toxins and fluid within.

8. Saline Water Soak This is very relaxing. Simply dip your feet in the salty lukewarm water. The home remedy is widely recommended by the older experienced women and midwives. Boil some water and mix in a handful of salt. Once lukewarm, place the feet in a tub and allow your feet to be immersed in it unless water turns cold. The remedy helps by pulling out excess fluids residing in the tissues.

EndNote - Swollen feet during pregnancy is a common issue. Women may find this very annoying due to the discomfort and pain that tags along with it. Following some tried and tested home remedies as stated above can help. For severe issues followed fever and other complications, it is important to call the doctor.

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7 Effective Remedies for Leg Cramps During Pregnancy

Leg cramps are quite common during pregnancy. Most women experience it in the third trimester. Reports reveal that nearly half of all pregnant women suffer from muscle spasms especially in their legs. These women have also reported that cramping becomes more frequent during the evening.

One of the major causes is excess weight gained by women during this period. The legs carry all of this weight and this overburden cause spasms/cramps. Additionally, changes in body circulation also cause this issue. Other common reasons include pressure from the growing baby that gets placed on the nerves and blood vessels traveling to legs. The growing uterus also adds to the pressure on veins in the leg. Pregnancy hormones and nutrition deficiency are some other reasons.

Luckily, there are a few things that you can do to get relief from leg cramps. Here are 7 effective remedies for leg cramps during pregnancy:

1. Warm water bath
 Go for a warm water bath with Epsom salt. This is one of the best ways to ease leg pain effectively. It will relax you and reduces stress levels. At the same time, this bath will also relieve the tension in your muscles.
2. Cold Pack
Wrap some ice cubes taken straight from the refrigerator and apply on affected areas. You may also use an ice pack and apply it on cramped muscle.
3. Get Some ME Time
Are you getting enough ME time? If no, then try to indulge in activities that take away your stress. Read a book or explore creative hobbies. Go for a movie, shopping, gardening, or do anything that keeps you happy.
4. Massage and Stretch
Massaging your calf gently will help. Ask your partner or a professional to give you a soothing massage. Flexing your foot will also give relief. Lift your toes up and push your heel out. Do not point your toe. This can exacerbate cramping and even make it worse. Stand on a hard floor and lift toes to stretch calf muscle will relieve cramping. Make sure you hold onto something for balance.
5. Increase Water Intake
Make sure you drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. Studies have revealed that lack of sodium leads to serious muscle contractions.
6. Apply Heat
Yes, application of local heat will help. Place heated water bags, gel packs or towel dipped into hot water and then squeezed.
7. Practice Yoga
Certain yoga poses are said to help during pregnancy cramps. Try out the hip rotation pose in the second trimester. The modified standing squat pose also helps. These are meant for strengthening muscles and lower body. Make sure you take help of a professional.

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Pregnancy During Menopause Is It Possible

It seems unlikely that when you are entering the menopause stage in your life that you can become pregnant. Although the chances that you could become pregnant are lowered because of the irregularity of ovulation, it is true that you could become pregnant. Because you are still having your period, although irregularly, you are still ovulating, and therefore can still become pregnant. So even though you are now just entering your menopause years, there is still a chance you could become pregnant.

Menopause in the recent years has opened up many women to enjoy their sex lives. Due to the elimination of having to use protection in order to prevent pregnancy, the sexual inclination has had a higher rave. So when it comes to pregnancy during menopause then the emotions can be mixed. Some women feel that they are too old to have children and the stress of having a pregnancy during menopause can be increased.

The options available to you when you are pregnant during menopause are not limited, although they way seem that way. Many women choose to terminate their pregnancy because they feel that they are too old to take car of a baby, and the demands on the body are just too great. However on the flip side of the coin some women are very happy to find out that they are pregnant during menopause. They feel like women as they did in their youthful years. It means that they can still do their duties as women and that can also prove to provide them with a glow.

It is important to discuss pregnancy or any kind with your partner, especially during menopause. You and your partner should discuss the options available to you. With emotions flaring, don’t be afraid to say what you need to say in order to deal with your pregnancy. Pregnancy during menopause is another challenge that can only be faced through proactive cooperation.

While if you find out you are pregnant during menopause, you need to think about what is best for you, and what is best for the baby. It is useless to pint fingers and shift blame. Your emotions are going to be all over the place because you are dealing with two major hormonal shifting and unbalancing. Don’t feel pressured to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable in any way.

Menopause Supplements

Menopause is the most trying and difficult period in a woman’s life. It usually occurs to a woman, who is in her late 40s. During menopause, the quantity of female hormones produced reduces significantly. This results in many physical and mental changes in a woman’s body like loss of calcium, hot flushes, dry skin, itchiness, and osteoporosis. However, women today are more aware of this phase of their life and willing to face it. They are ready to take menopause supplements that will help fight menopause. Menopause supplements help reduce many of the menopause symptoms and reduce the physical discomfort faced by several women.

Menopause supplements come in both natural forms and as medical supplements. It is always better to take a natural menopause supplement in the form of green vegetables. Natural ingredients also do not have any side effects compared to medicines. The advantage of natural estrogen is that it is not carcinogenic unlike medical supplements that can cause cancer.

Several plants like soy contain estrogen in the natural form. Soy contains isoflavones that can mimic estrogen and give good relief from hot flushes. One must take soy either raw or cooked to benefit from the isoflavones. The best source of isoflavones is pomegranates. Red clover, dong quai and licorice are other sources of plant estrogens that form natural menopause supplements.

One can consume these natural menopause supplements as whole fruits or vegetables or as pills available at pharmacists. One can eat soy flour or eat bread made from soy flour. Such products are now readily available in the market. Women can consume these products before the onset of menopause to get relief from hot flushes.

A woman can take menopause supplements in the form of hormone therapy. This therapy varies for every woman depending on her medical and family history. In this menopause supplement, the woman gets estrogen and progesterone in different doses according to her need. A woman with a uterus receives both hormones while a woman who has undergone a hysterectomy gets estrogen.

Women can take hormone replacement therapy in the form of oral medication or as topical application in the form of ointments. The dosage and frequency of the medicine depends on the individual. This menopause supplement should stop when the symptoms subside. This is because it can cause blood clots and breast cancer if taken over a long time.

There are several menopause supplements available in the market. These contain a mixture of soy and flax seeds. The fiber is good for digestion and one is consuming natural estrogen. Other experts recommend consumption of gingko, seaweeds and ginseng for relief from menopausal problems.

Nowadays there is a variety of menopause supplements available in the market. However, since they regulate the hormonal balance of the body one must take them carefully under a doctor’s guidance. A woman must choose the menopause supplement best suited for her condition and after a careful consideration of its side effects.

Do You Have Regular Menstruation Cycles

Menstrual cycle is an important part of a woman’s reproductive life. The usual age for the onset of menstrual cycle is 12- 13 years but it may vary from person to person and other environmental factors. The length of the menstruation can fluctuate from 3 to 5 weeks without any prior alarm.

How it occurs?

Menstruation occurs when the endometrium (an inner lining of the uterus) sheds. This menstrual flow contains blood and mucus from the cervix (an opening at the lower third of the uterus) and vagina. The area of the brain called hypothalamus along with pituitary glands control the hormones necessary for the reproductive organs. Six hormones namely, Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) , Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) , Luteinizing hormone (LH) , Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone control your menstruation process.

Pain during menstruation

Painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea is the most common problem for any woman. This causes inability to carry day to day responsibilities due to lower abdominal cramping, vomiting, nausea and headache during menstruation. Pain during menstruation can be categorized into two types. One is the primary dysmenorrhea which is quite normal because of painful contractions as a result of release of natural substances called prostaglandins from the uterine walls.

The second one or secondary dysmenorrhea is evident after many years of normal menstruation as a disease of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Most common factors include abnormal growth, tumors, pelvic infection, uterine cancer or even endometriosis. Endometriosis is a disease whereby the uterine tissue is found outside the uterus, in fallopian tubes or ovaries. This could also end up in infertility.

Menstruation stopping

Many women also face stopping of menstruation for a period say 6 months or more are said to have amenorrhea or absence of menstruation. Another reason for stopping of menstruation includes stress among women that whether they are pregnant or will have their menstruation in time. Emotional stress, physical and mental health problems can also lead to stopped periods for a long time. Menstruation stops during pregnancy and if a women intakes birth control pills then it takes 6 months to year to resume normal periods.

Reasons or factors for stopping menstrual cycles:

1. Sometimes women don’t have menstruation as their ovaries don’t respond properly to the hormones releasing egg

2. Ovarian cysts and obstruction in the reproductive tracts

3. Poor nutrition

4. Vigorous exercises

5. Diabetes

6. Tuberculosis

7. Non alcoholic liver disease

8. Chronic illness

9. Medications such as birth control pills

Menopause And Osteoporosis

We know that our bodies require calcium and vitamin D in order to build and maintain powerful bones. According to his recent book entitled, “Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis,” by Dr. Alan Gaby, it takes more vitamins than we think to prevent brittle bones including Vitamins K and B; as well as minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine, silica and boron.

The idea is to provide enough combined supplementation for our bodies to make an abundance of healthy collagen which is the connective tissue used to create cartilage and bones. Collagen also ‘binds’ our cells together and as a result, someone with good collagen has healthy looking skin whereas another will have thin and wrinkled skin.

A healthy bone cut in half looks similar to a sponge. The body deposits calcium, phosphorus and other minerals onto all of those connective fibers and you get healthy bones! The holes give the bone its flexibility, and you won’t have healthy bones if you don’t have plenty of collagen on which to deposit the minerals.

Collagen is primarily a protein which is made from amino acids. Our bodies can create some of our requirements but we also need additional amounts from our foods and supplements including lysine and praline. Vitamin C is also required to create collagen.

Now we know how bones can be made stronger, but how is this process affected by menopause? The loss of estrogen due to menopause or possibly surgical removal of the ovaries can accelerate bone loss for a period of up to 8 years. It is well established that replacing that estrogen helps protect against the risk of osteoporosis.

More often, women’s bones become fragile as we age and it’s not uncommon to break bones in the wrist, spine and hip due to osteoporosis. Unfortunately, a fracture such as in the hip, can even shorten our life span so it is important to pay attention to our bone health.

What should be done to prevent osteoporosis from happening after menopause?

First of all, eat the foods that are calcium-rich (about 1,000 mg per day) and can enhance bone growth including: sardines, salmon, seafood, and green leafy vegetables such as swiss chard, beet tops, kale, mustard greens, collards, spinach, dandelion greens, watercress, parsley, chicory, turnip greens, broccoli leaves, almonds, asparagus, blackstrap molasses, broccoli, cabbage, carob, figs, filberts, oats, prunes, sesame seeds, tofu and other soy products. Vitamin D-rich foods include fish oils such as found in salmon, mackerel, sardines), eggs (including the yolks), sweet potatoes, tuna, vegetable oils and cod liver oil. Getting 15-20 minutes of sunlight exposure daily can also boost production of vitamin D.

Exercise is crucial; in particular, you need weight-bearing exercise such as walking, Tai chi, dancing and weight training to reduce the chances of brittle bones at least two times a week. Include 15 to 60 minutes of aerobic activity two to three times a week. Avoid high-impact activities and include stretching exercises.

Finally, use high-quality supplements prescribed by your doctor or health-care provider, and oh yeah, don’t forget to have fun.

The information in this article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice.

Facts About Genital Warts

Genital warts, also known as condyloma, or condylomata acuminata, is a highly contagious sexually transmitted infection. It is spread during oral, genital, or anal sex with an infected partner. Genital warts are the most easily recognised sign of genital HPV infection.

Genital warts often occur in clusters and can be very tiny or can spread into large masses in the genital or anal area. In women the warts occur on the outside and inside of the vagina, on the cervix, uterus or around the anus. While genital warts are approximately as prevalent in men, the symptoms of the disease may be less obvious. When present, they usually are seen on the tip of the penis. They also may be found on the shaft of the penis, on the scrotum, or around the anus. Rarely, genital warts also can develop in the mouth or throat of a person who has had oral sex with an infected person.

Genital warts often disappear even without treatment. In other cases, they eventually may develop a fleshy, small raised growth that looks like wadi. There is no way to predict whether the warts will grow or disappear. Therefore, if you suspect you have genital warts, you should be examined and treated, if necessary.

Depending on factors such as the size and location of the genital warts, a doctor will offer you one of several ways to treat them.

* Imiquimod, a topical immune response cream which you can apply to the affected area

* A 20% podophyllin anti-mitotic solution, which you can apply to the affected area and later wash off

* A 0.5% podofilox solution, applied to the affected area but shouldn’t be washed off

* A 5% 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) cream

* Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)

* Pulsed dye laser

* Liquid nitrogen cryosurgery

If you are pregnant, you should not use podophyllin or podofilox because they are absorbed by the skin and may cause birth defects in your baby. In addition, you should not use 5-fluorouracil cream if you are trying to become pregnant or if there is a possibility that you could be pregnant.

If you have small warts, the doctor can remove them by freezing them, burning them or with laser treatment. Occasionally, the doctor will have to use surgery to remove large warts that have not responded to other treatment.

Some doctors use the antiviral drug interferon-alpha, which they inject directly into the warts, to treat warts that have returned after removal by traditional means. The drug is expensive, however, and does not reduce the rate that the genital warts return.

Although treatments can get rid of the warts, they do not get rid of the HPV virus, so warts can recur after treatment. However, the body’s immune system typically clears the virus anywhere from 6 months to a year. There is even some suggestion that effective treatment of the wart may aid the body’s immune response.

The virus that causes genital warts is spread by skin-skin contact. Condoms do not adequately protect against genital warts, because the infected spot may not be covered by a condom. The only reliable prevention is to have no skin contact with potentially infected tissue.

Gardasil, an effective HPV vaccine, is currently undergoing a phase III clinical trial and appears nearly 100% effective against the most common types.

This article is presented for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as medical advice. If you or someone you know has genital warts, consult your doctor for the latest treatment options available.

Safe and Natural Way to Get a Tighter Vagina - 3 Benefits of Vagina Tightening Exercises

Childbirth is a wonderful thing but it has one unpleasant side effect as does aging and that is that the vagina can start to feel very loose.

There are ways to counter this and get a tighter vagina such as expensive vagina tightening surgery or simple vagina tightening exercises. Vaginal surgery is not cheap and it doesn't really do a very good job, let me explain.

While the surgery does tighten your vagina it does not strengthen the vaginal muscles. Basically it is just cosmetic surgery.

The safe and natural option is much better and that is vaginal or kegel exercises. Not only are these easy to do but the results are incredible, you will not only be tight but also very strong down there.

The benefits of getting a tighter vagina naturally are many, here are just 3.

1. Improved self confidence, knowing that your body is tight and strong makes you feel younger and gives a big lift to your confidence.

2. No more embarrassing pads to catch the leaks when you laugh. A tighter vagina will put a permanent end to this.

3. Getting a tighter vagina is also of mutual benefit to yours and your partners sex life. To him because you vaginal walls will be so tight that it will feel sensational for him. For you because the strength of you orgasms will blow you away.

That's just three of many plus points to getting a tighter vagina naturally and remember the exercises only take 10 minutes a day.

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Vagina Tightening Cream - Does it Work?

Instant virgin is an alternative to vagina tightening cream. It is in form of a spray which you can apply to your vagina area to tighten your vagina muscles to enable you enjoy a more satisfying sex.

It is believed that elements like aging, frequency of sexual intercourse, number of partners and other health conditions can make a woman's vagina loosen or sag. The solution to make your vagina tight is to make use of vagina tightening spray. Creams are not so effective in tightening a vagina that is loose, so that is why most people prefer to make use of spray.

At the time you apply a vagina tightening spray to your vagina region, what it will do is to contract the walls and muscles surrounding this region in the space of 5 minutes after you have used it. The constant use of this spray on a day to day period for 3 or more months will help you to fully restore your vagina to be tighter and forbid any future sagging. Want to feel like a virgin again? Then this may seem like the best solution for you to make your vagina tighter apart from the use of cosmetic surgery which is expensive and unsafe.

It will also be necessary to let you note that there is some specific category of people who should not make use of this enhancement. If you are pregnant or have vaginal infections, then it will not be good for your health. It is safer than the use of vagina surgery to tighten it. It will work better than vagina tightening cream which delivers little or no results.

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The Various Benefits of a Vagina Tightening Exercise - No Woman Should Ever Miss This at Any Cost

Vagina tightening exercise to aid aging women

There are some solutions they can use for vagina tightening.

The primary reason for loosening of the vagina is child birth. Every time a woman gives birth to a child, it puts a lot of strain on the vaginal walls and they loosen. So the more the number of births a woman goes through, the looser her vagina gets. The only solution that existed in the past was to have a medical procedure to tighten it. Fortunately, today there are better and more economical solutions available.

Exercise for tighter vagina

The exercises to help tighten the vagina are called Kegels exercises. The vagina is nothing but a muscle and hence with proper exercise it can remain tight and healthy. The Kegels exercises are aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles - these muscles are vital in getting tight vagina. While the Kegels exercises can help tighten the vagina that is not the real aim. The ultimate goal of having a tight vagina is to enjoy a healthy sexual life - it is just a stepping stone towards that. To enjoy your sex, you need to be prepared mentally for it. Through Kegels exercise you can control your vaginal muscles, but with your mind and desire you can control your sex life which is imperative.

Kegels exercise is not that straight forward to do. Many women have trouble doing it properly. Fortunately, you need not give up hope. With the use of tools like Kegels Master, you can perform the exercises better. This tool will help you exercise the right muscles properly. It is designed to help you target the correct muscles and deliver maximum benefits for the time and effort you invest in the same.

So that's it, that's the secret to attaining tighter vagina. What's stopping you now? Start working on the vagina tightening exercise and get your sexual life back under your control. Remember that this solution is effective and inexpensive, but requires dedication and true commitment from you. Remember your sexual life is under your control, how you want to live it is up to you.

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Vagina Tightening Exercises - Tighten Your Vagina With Simple But Effective Exercises

Vagina tightening exercises are the most effective way to both strengthen and tighten your vagina. Tightening the vagina will make your sex life exceptional, and will help you to develop above average pelvic floor health. Don't waste your time or money on vaginal tightening creams or expensive exercisers. The only thing you need is the knowledge of vaginal exercises.

Vagina Tightening Exercises

Vagina tightening exercises are more commonly called Kegel exercises or pelvic floor exercises. If you're looking to tighten your vagina, then you're likely looking to improve your sex life. The most important muscle that is directly related to the quality of your sex is the PC muscle. This is the muscle that contracts during an orgasm. Vagina tightening exercises work to substantially strengthen this muscle in just a few weeks time. In fact, you may notice a difference in just a week's time. But what will you notice?
  • You Will Have Stronger Orgasms
  • You Will Have MORE Orgasms
  • You Will Have More Control Over Your Vaginal Muscles
  • You Will Have A Healthier, Stronger Pelvic Floor (vaginal exercises strengthen all of the muscles)
A Stronger Pelvic Floor

Many women suffer from stress urinary incontinence. This condition is characterized by the involuntary loss of urine. That is, when the muscle that surrounds the urethra, which is part of the pelvic floor, becomes very weak, it is unable to properly support the urethra which results in urine leakage. More specifically, when you laugh, sneeze or cough you will involuntary leak urine. Vagina tightening exercises will help you prevent or eliminate this condition. They will strengthen not just the muscle that supports the urethra, but all of the other muscles in the pelvic region.

A weak pelvic floor can also cause uterine prolapse. This is when the uterus falls into the vaginal canal. During pregnancy, the uterus is severely strained. And as you can imagine, this puts a severe strain on the muscles that support the uterus. Childbirth leaves these muscles substantially damaged and stretched, which can then result in a prolapsed uterus. Vaginal tightening exercises will help you strengthen these muscles following childbirth.

As you can see, vagina tightening exercises have several benefits. Your sex life will become exceptional, and you will be developing a high level of pelvic floor health as well.

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Healthy Pregnancy Is What Every Pregnant Woman Wants

Tips on how to have a healthy pregnancy and make healthier babies. Under normal pregnancy circumstances about 25% of woman are going to miscarry or lose their baby within the first twelve weeks. The honest truth is that no one, not you, me or your health care provider can guarantee that you will have a healthy baby, but we know from all out experience there are lots of things you can do to influence the outcome of your pregnancy.
Having a healthy pregnancy starts with preparing your body for this incredible cycle of pregnancy long before you become pregnant. A defective egg or sperm has a huge part to play as to the reason why so many women miscarry. Defective eggs or sperms are most often due to insufficient vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in the body.
Healthy pregnancy preparation will reduce your risk of congenital abnormalities, miscarriages and going into premature labor. Pregnancy is far more than a physical process that happens to a woman. It has an incredible mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic side to it. In order to have a healthy pregnancy you must embrace pregnancy from a holistic body, mind and spirit.
Eat healthy:
If you have just found out you are pregnant and want to have a healthy pregnancy then start with eating healthier. Be very conscious to make sure you include fruit and vegetables and high protein foods into your diet and eating three meals a day. Pregnancy does not require that you eat for two, but does require that you are very conscious about the quality of food you eat, making sure the food you eat for your is baby is of making high quality nutritious foods and nutritious. Remember protein foods are used as the building blocks for growing all your babies organs.
Set up your prenatal appointment:
Having a healthy pregnancy also includes early prenatal care. As soon as you know you are pregnant, set up your appointment with your doctor or midwife.
Start multivitamins and minerals:
As soon as you know you are pregnant start taking a multivitamin plus an extra folic acid (400 micrograms /mcg)until you get your prescription for your prenatal vitamins. Note many multivitamins and prenatal vitamins do not contain all the minerals that is required on a daily basis to maintain optimal health. Also add a good quality mineral to your pre natal vitamins. Minerals are the building blocks for a healthy pregnancy.
Prevent dehydration:
Having a healthy pregnancy requires that you prevent dehydration and deliberately hydrate every organ and cell in your body. Remember every single cell growing within your babies system need water and if you are dehydrated then your babies cells will be lacking vital water constitution. Drink at least twelve glasses of water every day, this does not mean soda, tea, coffee or juices. It means 12 glasses of filtered water on top of what you are drinking. yes you may spend a lot of time in the bathroom but what the heck you are growing an amazing person inside of you.
A dehydrated body can cause pregnancy complications such as pre term labor which could result on your baby fighting for his or her life in a neonatal intensive care unit. Pregnancy requires extra water intake just by the blood volume adjustments necessary to sustain pregnancy. Did you know by the time you are thirty-four weeks pregnant your blood volume will have increased by forty percent. Women are amazing beings.
Start exercising:
Healthy pregnancy requires that you adjust your body to all the necessary changes needed to grow a healthy baby. Exercise will help increase your body stamina. If you are not used to exercising, then start doing a little bit of walking or stretching even if it is for 10 minutes every day. If you exercise regularly continue your exercise program as long as you do not become breathless. Shortness of breath reduces the oxygen supply to your baby and is not conducive to a healthy pregnancy.
Pregnancy is much more than a physical process. Embracing pregnancy from the mind, body and spirit prospective will enhance your possibility of having a healthy pregnancy. What can you do regarding the aspect of the mind to help you have a healthy pregnancy? Everything that you think, say, and do during your pregnancy has a profound effect on your unborn child for life. Every time you think a positive thought, your baby is going to pick up that information from you and end up been a very positive person. Worrying and complaining during your pregnancy will feed your baby negative thoughts, and you might have a healthy pregnancy but with an emotionally scarred baby.
It is very important for your babies sake to be mindful of what you say, do, and think during your pregnancy. Learn how to connect and communicate with the emotions of your unborn child to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Generally, the more you are informed and educated about all the dynamics of pregnancy, the likelihood is that you will have a healthier pregnancy outcome and a healthier baby.

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The Unmistakable Signs Of Pregnancy And Its Causes

During early pregnancy, you will encounter pregnancy symptoms that give you a hint that there's a new life growing inside you. Signs of pregnancy may not always appear on the first week because the body's physical and mental health is still undergoing certain changes to make way for pregnancy. But other women experience pregnancy symptoms as early as the first week of pregnancy. It is best if you take precaution by reading articles around the web about the early signs of pregnancy before you take a pregnancy test.

Signs Of Pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy vary from women to women. Some symptoms appear even before you notice that you're missing a period. Early pregnancy symptoms take place because of the implantation of the fetus in your uterus and the gradual growth of it. Hormonal changes is evident during this phase to support the growth of the baby and the signs of pregnancy are just your body's reaction to these changes.

Here are some of the signs of pregnancy that you may encounter:

Exhaustion - As your pregnancy progresses, you will notice that you feel easily exhausted, tired, and lacks energy in things that you do. Sometimes this feeling happens even if you're not doing anything. This symptom is caused by the hormonal changes within your body to support the growth of your baby and makes your body adapt as well.

Breast Tenderness - Your breast may show significant changes such as tenderness, swelling, and becomes more sensitive. Many women ignore this symptom because they think that it is cause by PMS.

Light Spotting - This symptom occurs early in your pregnancy. This is mainly caused by implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus. This may show as mild spotting or light bleeding. However, not all women experiences this symptom.

Other pregnancy signs also include a missed period, morning sickness, headache, abdominal cramping, etc.

Always keep in mind that the pregnancy symptoms mentioned above are just indicators. It is probable that you will encounter few to none of these signs, and still be pregnant. Use a pregnancy test or make an arrangement with your doctor to confirm pregnancy. So if you want to learn more, don't hesitate to ask your doctor.

While you are experiencing the signs of pregnancy, it is best if you keep a record of it. A pregnancy journal records your pregnancy symptoms, thoughts, feelings, and other experiences. This can be shared through your blog for your family and friends to know; or for just keep it as a remembrance of your unforgettable pregnancy experiences.

Once you confirmed that you're pregnant, you can start using a pregnancy calendar. This is made to record the progress and advancements of your pregnancy. This also helps you in remembering your pregnancy due date; week that you are in and pregnancy health tips starting from the day you discover that you are pregnant.

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