How to Determine a Pregnancy Due Date

So, you have reason to believe you're expecting. Congratulations! It is really a wonderful thing. Of course, if this is your first time you're probably a little frightened. Don't worry about it. This is a normal part of the deal. Wait until the hormone changes start taking place, then you'll feel ups and downs like never before!
That's all right, too. We'll allow you to have emotional ups and downs. After all, you're being moody for two now. Anyway, let's take care of the business at hand, namely figuring out exactly when the stork is going to show up at your doorstep with the most beautiful package you've ever seen!
40 Weeks
First, exactly how long is a human pregnancy? The answer is 40 weeks from the first missed menstrual cycle. To put it another way, a pregnancy lasts 280 days. This is true simply because 7 days times 40 weeks equals 280 days.
What's so unique about the 280 day or 40 week thing is that if every month were like a non-leap year February, that is 28 days, we'd all be talking about the 10 month pregnancy instead of the ever popular wives tale version which says pregnancies last 9 months. On average, on a real calendar 280 days is 9 months and 10 days. Let's talk a little bit more about this 10 month thing.
Is It 9 Months or 10!
Even though it is becoming more and more accepted pregnancy begins at conception, the count down to delivery starts at the first missed menstrual cycle. This is because this is the way the human body works. At least, it is the way a female human body works.
In other words, it takes these no longer outwardly apparent menstrual cycles to help the baby grow inside until he or she is ready for birth. This usually happens at around the tenth 28-day period after the first missed cycle. In actuality, though the delivery can expect to happen 9 months and 10 days after the first missed menstrual cycle, conception could have happened 3 weeks before. So, there is your 10 months! So much for the long ballyhooed 9 month pregnancy!
The Middle of the Menstrual Cycle
Anyway, when calculating the due date, try to figure out when the middle of the first missed menstrual cycle would have been. This won't guarantee 100% accuracy but on average it will give you the best estimate which is the best any due date calculation can do.
Let's try an example. The middle of the first missed menstrual cycle is August 12, 2008. Adding 9 months and 10 days to this date gets us to May 22, 2009. Interestingly, referring to the top ranked due date calculator, the due date is said to to be May 18, 2009.
Why is there a difference? Well because all months aren't 30 days long and there are some months between August and May that are 31 days. So, to be more accurate, you have to take these things into consideration.
Still, predicting when babies, or trains or packages in the mail will arrive is not an exact science. The bottom line is, due date calculations are nothing more than educated guesses, but they are fun to make none the less.
Hilda Laine, or Your Hilda as she is called in her newspaper column has been helping women with love and family issues for over 10 years now. Her top recommended pregnancy due date calculator can be found at: Due Date Calculator Also, visit her site on getting back together at: Getting Your Ex Back

Pregnancy Due Date Calculator - Get the Week by Week Facts

When most women find out that they are pregnant, the first thing they want to figure out is when the baby is due. This is the most common use for a pregnancy due date calculator. However, there are also other uses for websites that provide these calendars.
While you can find out your estimated delivery date from your doctor, who will calculate 280 days from your last period to determine this, you can also use online pregnancy due date calculators. They use the same method, and also can give you week by week information on how the baby is growing and what the fetus is like at each stage of pregnancy. Some of these calculators can also tell you what symptoms you might be experiencing and what can be done to alleviate them a bit. Most of these websites aim to give you as much information as possible. You just register with the website and you can just log in to get all the information mentioned above.
Many times doctors use ultrasounds in order to confirm the accuracy of when a pregnancy is due. This is often done because women don't always accurately know when their last period started, or the date of conception. By using an ultrasound, the due date can be confirmed or altered depending on the state of development of the fetus. This can be a more accurate way of determining the due date than a calculator.
Just keep in mind that however your delivery date is determined, it is not likely to be the actual date when the baby arrives. Babies come on their own time, and this actually just gives you a good idea of when to expect the baby. Typically most babies arrive either in the two weeks before or the two weeks after the due date. Those arriving a couple weeks before the delivery date are still considered full term since anything after 37 weeks is considered full term. Once your expected conception date has passed you will have to have frequent doctor visits to monitor the baby and make sure that it is doing well. Usually once a baby is more than two weeks late a doctor will induce since it starts to get riskier after this time.
Get FREE stuff for your new baby, a Pregnancy Due Date Calculator [] tool and find out when your expected delivery due date will be today.

Mom & Baby at 29 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect?

This is the first week of your final trimester. Your baby has to grow some more to reach the required birth weight. He has his organs maturing now which demands more nutrients each day. So it is important that you have your daily intake of calcium, folic acid, iron etc. It has now become a time pass for you to track his movements because he is doing a lot of it in there. Read on to find out more about 29 weeks of pregnancy.
How your life changing in this 29th Week:
Your baby is now doing all sorts of movements and keeping your time ticking. You would have already been advised to keep a check on your active baby by counting the kicks every hour. Do let the doctor know if you feel he is less active.
You may develop varicose veins as the blood volume has increased in pregnancy. As a result, the blood vessels are swollen. This can happen in your rectum also, called hemorrhoids. But, it is nothing to worry as they become normal after delivery.
The hormone progesterone relaxes a number of muscles in your body which results in slow digestion. This causes constipation and heartburn in many of you. It is a good idea to have a diet rich in fiber so that you don't get constipation. You could also drink plenty of water and do regular exercises.
Most of you may not be able to see you legs anymore when you stand all because of your expanding belly. With the increasing weight, you may feel dizzy when you lie on your back or suddenly stand up. You could sleep on your side and change your positions slowly so that these spins don't bother you.
Baby's growth on 29th weeks Pregnant:
By week 29, your baby has a weight of about three pounds. In the coming weeks, he doubles or triples his weight. His wrinkled skin becomes smoother with the white fat deposited under his skin. This fat acts as a source of energy for him to do all the movements.
As already mentioned, your baby is active more than ever. You may keep counting his kicks every day. You feel these jabs more intense because of the bigger baby and lesser space in your uterus. He responds to everything like light, sound and your movements.
His organs like lungs are on the way to being mature and his head grows bigger to accommodate the brain. His bones require a lot of calcium now that they are strengthening. You may continue drinking your daily glass of milk or replace it with calcium rich orange juice or yogurt.
There are more developments happening this week. He starts forming teeth-buds for permanent teeth in his gums. Let's say he has built the foundation for those sparkling white teeth!
More info about this 29th week:
You are likely to have urinary infections in this month. Make sure that you talk to your doctor if you feel a burning sensation down there when you pee.
Now, here is a way to do the kick count. While your baby is active, keep your feet raised in a comfortable position. Start counting the kicks. If you get less than 10 movements in an hour, speak to your doctor about it.
It is common to feel your legs swelled up or numb during this period. Ensure that you move about enough during the day and include iron in your food. You may have noticed your breasts leaking colostrums, the first milk for the baby. Take precautions like keeping breast pads to ease the discomfort.
Some of you may start having migraines in the third trimester. You may lie down quietly in a dark room for relief as taking medicines is not much recommended at this time. You may notice that your nails are dry and brittle these days and growing at a very fast rate. Trim them regularly to keep them healthy.
To learn more about Pregnancy week by week, visit Healthy future's website:

7 Reasons Your Fertility Can't Do Without Essential Fatty Acids

Rare thinking people like you already know that you should consume your daily recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals to achieve optimum health and fertility, but did you know that you should also ensure that your body gets enough essential fatty acids (EFA's), as well?
The body relies on these nutrients for many functions that can affect, or even enhance fertility in women and men. You may know these EFA's by one of their other names. They are polyunsaturated fats, and are also known as Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9.
Only Omega-9 is produced by the body, so we need to eat food high in fatty acids, or take supplements to get the full effects of these essential fatty acids on our health and fertility.
So why are fatty acids so beneficial to your health and fertility?
Here are seven reasons...
  1. Helps You Lose Weight- Often couples find that losing weight can lead to them becoming more fertile. Essential fatty acids help to process cholesterol, regulate the blood sugar levels and assists in the functioning of the thyroid, which in turn influences weight. Udo Erasmus, a nutrition expert, claims that Omega 3 helps to burn more calories, as it increases your metabolic rate.
  2. Develops Healthy Cell Membranes- Every last one of your body's cells has a blueprint, known as DNA, and to perform at their optimum, they need to be constructed according to that plan. Sometimes our bodies do not receive enough EFA's to complete this process properly, as if we do not consume enough, all the nutrients are sent to the essential organs to keep us alive. To become more fertile, all your cells need to be in good working order, so you have to ensure you get enough EFA's.
  3. Improves Blood Flow- Not only do EFA's mean improved blood flow all over the body, but also to the reproductive organs. For women, it will increase uterine blood flow, which is often a cause of infertility; and for men, it lowers the risk of erectile dysfunction.
  4. Hormone Regulation- Omega 3 essential fatty acids are precursors of eciosanoids, which are hormones that assist in the prevention and treatment of a whole range of diseases that can cause infertility, or trouble getting pregnant.
  5. Good Treatment for Conditions Like Endometriosis- Because of the hormone regulatory properties of EFAs and the fact that they aid the proper functioning of organs, means that it can be an effective treatment for conditions like endometriosis, depression and dysmenorrheal.
  6. Supports Healthy Prostate- These last two reasons are for the man in your life! Prostate problems can often have serious fertility repercussions. However, taking Omega 3 fatty acids helps to keep the prostate functioning properly and healthily, due to its natural anti-inflammatory abilities.
  7. Encourages more Healthy Sperm- We have already mentioned how important essential fatty acids are when it comes to the development of cells. Well fatty acids make up over 60% of sperm membranes; and research has shown that lower levels of fatty acids in sperm can significantly affect the mobility and viability of sperm. So it's very important for your man to be getting enough EFA's.
Unfortunately many Western diets do not include enough essential fatty acids, especially if you eat a lot of canned and processed food. To get the full benefits of these key nutrients, you need to eat fresh and unprocessed foods like fish, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, broccoli and spinach. Of course, Omega 3 supplements are also an option.Obviously you can see how using these tips will clearly make you more fertile, whichever way you intake your essential fatty acids, remember to include them as a vital part of your diet, as they really can make you more fertile. It is also an important nutrient to ensure you get enough throughout your pregnancy.
Get our Free You: Getting Pregnant [] 7-part eCourse filled with more tips and practical hints on holistic and natural ways you can get pregnant at [].

Infertility Options - Trouble Getting Pregnant at 40

No one needs to remind us that there's a 'clock ticking' that our fertility options (or more accurately infertility options) get smaller as the years go by and lead to trouble getting pregnant at 40. In fact some sources put 35 years as the age most women start to experience trouble getting pregnant.
It's painful, stressful and unpleasant - wondering if 'it' will happen. When it will happen and whether you'll ever get to hold your new born, see him grow up, take his first step and meet his first girlfriend. The mental images and joy that you've passed on nature's biggest gift and created the strongest bond imaginable.
As time goes by, as you age and go about your day to day life your body changes, dietary deficiencies accumulate and the stresses of the modern world take their toll on the body.
Your hormone levels change as you age, which leads to fewer healthy eggs as well as a decrease in the quality of your eggs. With the additional risk of complications including miscarriage, still-birth and deliver by cesarean section (C section).
Fortunately help is at hand.
On the medical front you'll have your doctor and who may refer you for assisted fertility treatment. IVF or surrogate mothers being two of the better know options and can help women raise their own children.
The downside to medical help is of course the cost, the expense and stress of finding out what's wrong (if there is anything wrong). Finding a sympathetic doctor who doesn't think "It just wasn't meant to be" or "You left it too late". Finding a doctor who puts his (or her) heart and soul into helping you have the child you deserve.
Your birth right.
Before jumping feet first into action and visiting your doctor and it's important to listen to fertility tips that help you get pregnant faster.
Fertility Tips - Do's and Don'ts
The stress and strain of medical appointments means it is important that you take a step back and exam your lifestyle first and follow this fertility tips. Smoking, alcohol, stress and diet are all known to cause trouble getting pregnant at 40 (or any age for that matter).
Something as simple as a vitamin deficiency, if you or your partner are over-weight, too much caffeine or a lack of exercise can all affect your health (and your mans sperm quality).
Even something as simple as having enough sexual intercourse at the right time can help solve your trouble getting pregnant.
One last fertility tip - try not to obsess over your worries and problems. Getting pregnant at 40 and finally having the child you've dreamed of is possible. It might take some time, some difficult lifestyle changes and research on your behalf.
But remember - it's all worth it when you see that first smile, take their first step and grab your leg and the funny conversations only a toddler can think of.
If you're having trouble getting pregnant, maybe your trying to get pregnant at 40 or just looking for some healthy, natural fertility tips then visit []
You'll even see a real life story of how one woman spent 14 years trying to get pregnant, who the doctors wouldn't help and gave birth to two healthy children in her 40s without IVF and other expensive treatments. Visit Trouble Getting Pregnant [].

Expert: Top 5 Tips on How to Get Pregnant Fast

Women who are ready to start their families are usually concerned with one thing - how can I get pregnant fast? While the answer is a little different for each woman, there are some things you can do to help you get pregnant faster. The following is a list of tips that can help you become pregnant:
1. Take care of yourself. You need to make sure your body is in good condition to be prepared to handle the changes that come with pregnancy. Start by getting your body in shape- try to be at or just a little over your ideal body weight. Eat healthy foods, take prenatal vitamins, avoid smoking or alcohol, and try to exercise moderately. The more steps you take to make sure you are healthy, the more likely you are to have a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.
2. Reduce the stress in your life. Stress can lead to a lot of bad habits, like smoking, drinking alcohol, eating poorly, and other unhealthy habits. Stress has a lot of effects on the body that can make it more difficult to get pregnant.
3. See your doctor before you start trying to conceive. Let your doctor know that you want to begin trying to become pregnant, and ask your doctor if there are any medical conditions you have that may make becoming pregnant more difficult. You will also want to make sure you are in the best possible health to avoid complications. Ask your doctor about any birth control methods you have used recently to see if any of them mean you should be waiting a few months before trying to conceive.
4. Start having sex- often! It is difficult to get pregnant if you don't have sex on a regular basis, so lovemaking should be a priority! However, don't let it become a chore. Spend time finding ways to spice up your love life so that you both enjoy having sex and don't view it as something you "have" to do. Many researchers think that women who achieve orgasm during sex become pregnant more easily. Also, choose positions where sperm stays in the vagina longest. For example, missionary position works well, especially if you place a pillow under your hips to keep sperm inside after your partner climaxes. Also, don't get up right after sex- besides the pleasant feeling of lounging after sex, let gravity help you by keeping sperm near the cervix as long as possible.
5. Know when you ovulate. If you want to maximize your chances of becoming pregnant quickly, you may want to consider using an Ovulation Predictor Kit to determine the time of month that you are most fertile. Begin by tracking your cycle so that you know which days your period is likely to occur and how long your cycle is so that you can properly use the kit. Once you have determined what days are your most fertile, go back to tip #4! Make sure you are having sex as often as possible around the time you ovulate to help you become pregnant.
Most women become pregnant within a few months of trying to conceive. Even for those who don't become pregnant quickly, often, time is the only thing you need. Although it can be frustrating to wait, be confident that you will become pregnant. If you haven't become pregnant after several months of trying, you should consult an obGYN to begin figuring out why you are having difficulty.
Allison Rossdale, MD is Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Subspecialty Board Certified in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. She gives expert advise to women trying to conceive on the best ways to Get Pregnant Fast. You can also learn how you can receive 20 Free Pregnancy Tests.

Article Source:

Pay Attention to These Important Things If You Want to Get Pregnant

There are so many the so-called foods to increase the possibility of pregnancy, such as oysters and champagne, ginseng, garlic, kelp, and yams. But, the information regarding pregnancy foods are not true at all. The true fertility foods are whole grains, excellent protein package, healthy fats, and even the occasional bowl of ice cream. This has been proven by Nurses' Health Study, it comes from the first comprehensive examination of fertility and diet, an eighty-year study of more than 18,000 women that uncovered ten evidence-base suggestions for improving fertility.
Not only foods, you need to pay attention for these things below if you are trying to conceive. Here are some things you should take notice if you are trying to conceive.
1. Avoid trans fats
These artery-clogging fats threaten fertility as well harm the blood vessels and the heart. Go trans free.
2. Consume more unsaturated vegetable oils. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are good for improving the body's sensitivity to insulin and cool inflammation, which are good for fertility. Consume more vegetable oils, seeds, nuts, and cold water fish (sardines and salmon).
3. Instead of consuming no crabs, choose slow crabs. It is better to consume slowly digested carbohydrates that are rich in fiber. Whole grains, whole fruits, vegetables, and beans are examples of good slow crabs food for those who are trying to conceive because it can improve fertility by controlling blood sugar and insulin levels.
4. Consume more whole milk rather than skim milk. Skim milk seems to promote infertility, therefore you should consume whole milk while trying to conceive or you can have a small dish of ice cream or full-fat yoghurt everyday.
5. Take a multi-vitamin. You can take a multi-vitamin such as folic acid (400 micrograms per day) before getting pregnant can be helpful for your pregnancy program.
6. Get plenty of iron from plants. If you are trying to conceive, you are suggested to consume extra iron from plants. For instance whole grains, spinach, beans, pumpkin, tomatoes, and beets.
7. Drinking for health. By drinking means drink healthy beverage such as fruit juice and mineral water. Coffee, tea, and alcohol are good in moderation. But always remember, you should avoid drinking sugared sodas because it can cause infertility.
8. Head toward the fertility zone of weight. The best body-mass index (BMI) for fertility is in the range of 20 to 24. Working to move your BMI by gaining and losing some weight are good. Don't do heavy activity too much or too little because it can affect on your normal menstrual cycle, throw off ovulation or stop it altogether.
9. Move to the fertility zone for activity. But don't overdo it because too much exercise, especially if you are quite lean, can interfere with ovulation.
Visit to get further information and tips about pregnancy.

What Are The Health Risks Associated With The Morning-After Pill?

The Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP) is a pill that is used to prevent pregnancy after intercourse has been completed. These pills are not a replacement of regular contraception such as condoms etc as it does not help in protection from STDs.
People use this pill very often and end up abusing it more and end up with its adverse effects. An ECP delays ovulation, minimising the chances of fertilisation, but also disrupts the regular menstrual cycle. Any interference with a body's normal process will have its repercussions like heavier bleeding during and between periods, severe cramps, abdominal pains mild to severe, weight gain, depression/ mood swings, increase in blood pressure, and increased risk of ectopic pregnancies.
These-night-after-pills may cause irregular periods, hence are kept reserved for those "emergency" situations only since they have other long-term adverse effects as well. They are made for certain age groups only and if used incorrectly, might become ineffective or may even shut down your reproductive tract completely, hence are never recommended.
Multiple doses of ECP's if taken during the same cycle, are also shown to be ineffective in preventing ovulation, meaning a woman can get pregnant even after taking these pills.
Be free from stress that you can avoid.
Emergency contraceptive pills are recommended for occasional use only after unprotected intercourse. They are certainly not recommended for regular use as an ongoing contraceptive method because of the higher possibility of failure than oral contraceptive pills. Also, frequent use of these pills can result in more side-effects, like menstrual irregularities as mentioned, although their repeated use poses no known long term health risks.
Emergency contraceptive pills only prevent pregnancy. They are not helpful in terminating pregnancy at all. It is important to avoid giving this to a woman who already has a confirmed pregnancy for any reason. Yet if a woman still takes the pills after she becomes pregnant, however, research suggests that the drugs will not harm either her or her fetus. However, these 2 drugs are not used for termination of pregnancy.
Don't worry about all the options yourself. Speak to a Gynaecologist about your problems and help find a safer solution.
WHO recommends that a copper-bearing IUD to be used. Copper T as an emergency contraceptive must be inserted at most within 5 days of unprotected intercourse. This method is also best for a woman who wants to start using a highly effective, long-acting and reversible method of contraception.

During Which Week of Pregnancy Is Baby's Gender Determined?

Back then, when medical science was not so advanced, there were plenty of old wives' tales to predict the gender of the baby. Even though there was no logic or scientific proof, it was blindly believed for several years, until medical technology was able to give us accurate information. In fact, these superstitions aren't dead yet! Many of them continue to exist in several parts of the world. If you're one of those who want to engage in some fun and guess the sex of your baby, you could try relating to some of these myths. But if you're really anxious to know your baby's gender, the best and most reliable way is to do it the scientific way.
Some of the common methods that doctors use to recommend the sex of the baby are:
This is one of the most accurate methods to find out the sex of the baby. The ultrasound scan is usually done in the first and second trimester. High frequency waves which are inaudible to the human ear produce images of the baby while it's inside the uterus. The ultrasound which is done in the second trimester - around 18-20 weeks, will be able to determine the baby's sex. But here again, it depends on the position of the baby. If the baby's legs are crossed over, the ultrasound technician may not be able to get a clear view.
This is a blood test which is carried out on pregnant women with a high-risk of carrying a baby with a genetic or chromosomal disorder. This test, done around 16 weeks of pregnancy, involves removing a small amount of the amniotic fluid through a needle inserted into the uterus. It is during the course of the chromosomal study, that the sex of the baby is revealed. A Y chromosome means it's a boy, and the absence of it means it's a girl. This test is known to be 100% fool proof and can be done as early as 12 weeks. 12 weeks is also time when you will experience pregnancy symptoms like pigmentation of the skin due to a spike in the hormone levels, movement of the uterus from the pelvic to the abdomen area, a slight easing in morning sickness and an increase in the vaginal discharge.
Other gender predictor methods
The Chinese gender predictor is a fun way of finding out your baby's sex, based on the ancient Chinese gender chart. This chart, believed to be more than 700 years old uses your age at the time of conception as a reference to predict your baby's sex. Though there is no scientific proof to this chart, Rumors have it that this method is 90% accurate. However, it is better not to rely on it and use it only for entertainment purposes.
Get More About Pregnancy week by week Tips on Week by week pregnancy

8 Weeks Pregnant - 5 Facts in Dealing With Discomfort

Many women struggle with discomfort throughout their pregnancy and are not sure what to do. But there are actually quite a few simple things women can be doing. When you are 8 weeks pregnant, you are likely to start having some discomforts. Here is a list of things you can do for different discomforts you may experience when you are 8 weeks pregnant.
1. If you are experiencing any kind of constipation, the easiest solution is to eat plenty of leafy greens. Anything from spinach to broccoli to kale will work perfectly. Eating greens rather than buying over the counter laxatives is much healthier and will be better for you and your baby in the long run. Not to mention the nutritional value of eating your greens!
2. It is important to get exercise while you are pregnant, but make sure that you are using correct form. One form of exercise that is always great is walking. It may not sound like much, but walking is a great way to get those endorphins going, get your heart rate up and get some fresh air. Even just a 15 or 20 minute walk will work wonders. If you are doing exercises at home, using correct form is a must. Many exercises that you would do from your back could be harmful to your baby by potentially cutting off oxygen flow. Crunches for instance can be harmful if done incorrectly. Just make sure to do your research or consult your doctor before doing any exercises you are unsure of.
3. Too much sodium can increase swelling during your pregnancy. Cut back on your sodium intake and it will help to reduce swelling in your body when you are 8 weeks pregnant and beyond.
4. When you are 8 weeks pregnant you may begin to feel like you have to urinate more often. This is completely natural during pregnancy and should not be ignored. If you have the urge to use the bathroom, it is best to do it. If you try to ignore the urge, this could lead to a case of UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), so listen to your body!
5. Your body is going to need more sleep now that you are growing a tiny body inside of you. You are likely to need more sleep now than you needed before you were pregnant. As a result, it is important to try to get more sleep so that you are not tired during the day. If you can do this, it will make a world of difference.
Well I hope that you enjoyed these 5 facts about being 8 weeks pregnant. The best thing you can do for you and your baby is to live a healthy lifestyle through healthy food, exercise, sleep and smart choices. Thanks for reading and to check out more informative articles about being 8 weeks pregnant, head over to: 8 weeks pregnant
8 Weeks Pregnant gives you all the premiere tips and advice you need for you and your baby to have the perfect pregnancy. When your pregnant friends are jealous of your easy, comfortable and enjoyable pregnancy, just tell them to check out 8 weeks pregnant []