Seven Easy Ways To Prevent Domestic Violence In Families

Domestic violence is also known as domestic abuse. It is an act of inflicting injuries of any type by one member against another partner in an intimate relationship such as marriage, family, or dating. It could be physical, mental, verbal, sexual or economical. Aside the financial losses caused by this awful scourge on nations and the victims, it also wreaks long-lasting pains, psychological trauma, and human degradation on the vulnerable group and posterity.
Most perpetrators of domestic abuse in families hide under the toga of ill-health, unemployment, stress, and alcohol to will lordship authority over the weak ones such as the women and the children. This ill goes on unabated because of the society's shoddy approach towards it and the get-along attitude of the victims because of fear of the unknown. The attempts of some government and private agencies to curb it have not yielded the desired results judging by its daily increase either because of inadequate commitment or wrong approach.
Domestic violence in families is a behavioral problem emanating from the inordinate wish for power and control over the vulnerable group by its abusers. It has nothing to do with race, color, or gender. It is abuse of power by those who are ignorant of the purpose of the power bestowed upon them.
Since domestic violence is a behavioral problem it can best be corrected by changing the perception of the person through re-orientation and education. Men are the primary culprits of abuse in the family. Therefore, we will address men specifically in this wise. Others can also learn from it. I will like to introduce us to God, the custodian of POWER. He says, ''Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loves the church and gave himself for it. That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word. That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle or any such thing: but that it should be holy and without blemish. So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loves his wife loves his himself.'' (Ephesians 5:26 - 28. )
It is clear from the above scriptures that God commands husbands to love their wives whether they are submissive or not. Husbands are to recognize that the power given them as heads of their families is to protect, promote, and provide for their families and not to abuse them. All that your wife desires in her marriage is security offered by her husband- provision of food, shelter, clothing, sex, etc, protection against assault from outsider and a husband who will showcase her as his jewel.
Husbands should always remember that absolute power belongs only to God Almighty. Always remember Nebuchadnezzar who tried to arrogate and abuse power how he was debased while Jesus Christ who used his for the right purpose how he was exalted and given a name above all names.
The seven tips below will help you control this power so that it does not control and misdirect you into abuse.
  1. See your wife, not as inferior, but as a capable partner. (Gen. 1:31. ) She is a help meet and not a house maid.
  2. Love her as your own body. (Ephesians 5: 28 -29. ) Nobody hates his own body. Ignore her errors and keep and sustain that first love you had for her. Work at earning self-respect by self - control. ( Proverbs 16: 36. ) Stop demanding it.
  3. Consciously develop hatred for violent behavior. (Psalms 11: 5. )It is acidic to progress in your family. No sane mind wants to drink acid no matter how well package it might look.
  4. Think about the adverse consequences of your action before undertaking it, What about if she dies what happens to you? If you divorce her what happens to the future of your kids?
  5. Cultivate the habit of self-restraint. (Proverbs 29: 11. )Be mature enough to walk away if you can no longer tolerate the actions. (Proverbs 17: 14. )
  6. Avoid use of abusive words on your wife. (Ephesians 4:29- 31. )Don't tell her what you won't tolerate from her. Observe and emulate blissful families to learn the joy in it. Read my article on effective communication in marriage for more information.
Finally, domestic violence does no man any good. Therefore, see and do all you have learned to do in this article to change your behavior so that you are not corrected the hard way before you learn your lesson.

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Women Are Not Who Men Think They Are

Some time ago, I was enlightened by a stark reality proposed by Dr. Alan Francis in her worldwide bestselling book titled "Everything A Man Knows About Women." Her book, by the way, was over a hundred and twenty-eight blank pages, symbolizing what men actually know about women, and I sincerely was no different. As a young man, I was trained and raised to perceive women from an extremely limited point-of-view. It is no wonder that we as men are the number one oppressors of women. Men have been oppressing women almost since the beginning of recorded time. No other group has been more inflicted throughout the journals of time more than women, and for such a long time I had no idea of any of this. I couldn't see it. I knew about the oppression of enslaved Africans, (my own ancestors), the Jewish people, the Irish and other groups, but for some reason I was unable see the most obviously oppressed group of them all... women. Because of how I had been taught to view women, I didn't have the prescribed lenses to see the stress imposed upon them. The painful experiences of women were invisible to me just as it is for most men.
Like so many other men, I was also thoroughly led to believe in a male-dominated philosophy, which completely limited my view of life itself. I was like a mythical Cyclops, going through life with only one eye. At the time, even on my best days, I struggled to see beyond a Woman's physical portrait; the hourglass shape of her body, her childbearing frame, and the idea that women are supposed to cook and clean and perform other domestic duties... essentially to be the caretakers of men. Yes, I do understand what I am now confessing is a portrayal of a former chauvinist. I was, at that time, an upright walking chauvinistic pig, and it sincerely troubles me to admit it honestly. However, I realize at some point, I have to admit this for there to be any chance of me evolving into that higher form of the human being I'm striving to manifest myself into. For countless years I struggled to see women as more than nicely packaged sex objects. I must admit that deep down I was seriously ashamed and embarrassed that as a so-called modernly civilized Man, I possessed thoughts of women that prevented me from seeing all the resources women bring to the table. And of course, I knew it all wasn't really my fault. After all, I had been taught to view women as being inferior to men almost since the day I journeyed from my Mother's safe womb. Ironically, in many cases, it was women who'd taught me to see women in this way.
This was how women occurred to me for the first half of my Life. But thank goodness the universe has a way of somehow balancing the scales to get you to see what you need to see to do what you've come into the world to do. I myself am a father of four adorably wonderful daughters; and, after the birth of my first daughter, I took one look into her eyes and I knew immediately that I had to make a quantum leap in my evolution, yet I wasn't just doing it for her. I was also doing it for myself and for women all over the world. I wanted to contribute something to the rise of women, because somehow I instinctively knew that not seeing women in the light of their greatness also meant that I wasn't seeing myself in that light as well. My limited view of women was my limited view of myself. Having such an underdeveloped perspective meant that I was unconsciously suppressing the feminine expression in myself; and yes, all men have a softer side. Most men suppress it, just as I did, because they don't understand it and are generally terrified of it, because our society views the softer side as weak. Even women have been socialized to view their feminine expression as weak and feeble and many suppress it for this reason. Like myself, they too don't understand that it is the softer side of nature, which gives to us beauty in all of her forms. And as we well know, in the end, it is beauty that subdues the beast. Nothing is more powerful and strong than beauty, and men have beauty within them, a quite drive to make the world a wonderful place for others to live. No matter how much men would like to deny it, we all have the X chromosome as well as the Y. It's because all human life starts off female, and then later transforms into male as a result of a slight chemical change. Technically speaking, since all human beings start off female, I guess you could say that biologically, women are the prototype.
"Humble Man Stumbles Upon The Extraordinary Secret To Living A Dynamic Life" Energized, Elevated, Explosive. Those are the words used to describe Mr. Davenport by his students, colleagues, organizations, corporations and audiences all around the country. Born to serve, Berwick Davenport, known by many as "The Ragivah" after enduring years of harsh ridicule and constant criticism as a child for his distinctive birthmark below his right eye, a sixteen-year battle with deep depression, much heartache, disappointment, near bankruptcy and a host of other challenges, his resilience and determination have revealed to him the Best Kept of All Secrets. How to identify that "one thing" inside of ourselves that means "everything" to us that once given immediately causes us to explode into our destiny.

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Global War on Women

The Global War on Women a reality that exists but men hate to speak about! This war is protracted events that seems to continue permeate the fabric of social economic religious and cultural life unabated, pervasive and staining the almost every venue of human kind without exception. It seems to have no boundaries but for hypocritical self righteous reasons is often hidden mislabeled and shrouded in secrecy. Reading the headlines every day woman are often caught up, trapped, or trust into horrendous murderous barbaric situations created by men and suffer the worst of the consequences simply because they are available present and are easy soft targets of minimal resistance.
Every day seems to be the same I read about or hear about women being beaten, raped, injured, shot, bombed, abducted, aborted, tortured, sold, used, starved, enslaved, neglected, discredited, imprisoned etc. The sadist thing of all is that women are often duped, cajoled, deceived and forced to be agents of their own sister's demise, and they don't seem to get it! "When war comes the first casualty is TRUTH."
Men have had countless wars "The War on Poverty", "The War on Drugs", "The War on Terrorism", and the list goes on and on and about the only thing they have in common consistently is they never seem to end. Unfortunately women have been constantly at the center of each storm of war and they all seem to be a "Perfect Storm" for women, inevitably always suffering the most. Developed countries often spout volumes of rhetoric about human rights and woman's rights while simultaneously covertly and openly allocating monies that directly and indirectly destroy and complicate women's lives safety and welfare. Right now there are conflicts all across the globe fomenting unbelievable violence and destruction, power struggles of massive portions, and oppression, which creeps into the very bones of societies.
All of this is covered by a thin venire of man-made propaganda called the media. The media is manipulated by men for women's consumption, she is told what to think how to think and when to think it. The majority of images she sees in the media representing her sex are all exactly what she is not, if they are telling her what she is and/or exactly what she is suppose to assume she is then are negative. For example a man can be fully clothed and covered and not only is it preferable it exudes his importance and independence. On the other hand the female is always in less clothing, tight clothing or very little at all, her body is the thing of importance. The older seasoned male actor gets the interesting dynamic roles and the female actor of like age and experience may have trouble just getting hired period. The man not being so beautiful anymore makes him interesting and the woman of age obsolete?
Women are taught in the west to rail against the oppression of women in many eastern societies because they are forced to cover their bodies, when in reality many eastern women cover because it is the difference between her being respected in public and not being respected. Women in western countries I challenge you, for one day dress like a Muslim woman or a nun and see how men react to you (women), then the next day dress in a mini skirt and a revealing blouse and see how men react and their behavior towards you. Sometimes you will find the results disturbing, uncomfortable or even shocking to say the least. Yet and still this is the image of the fairer sex in the media and on film, less clothes. In many eastern countries women wearing more it more often about comfort, respect, self esteem and in many circumstances personal safety a man that is less able to imprint on a woman's physical attributes is less likely to annoy or attack.
The locations where women are under attack is like a laundry list for male desperados, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Myanmar, Somalia, Kashmir, Chennai, India, China, France, Rwanda, Congo, Darfur, Mexico, Liberia, Algeria, Russia, UK, United States etc. sorry if I left anyone out (almost no country is exempt), the list is too long. In some places it is rape, others murder, domestic violence, robbery, corporal punishment, forced sterilizations, organ theft, ad hoc imprisonment, denial of food and water, and again the list is off the charts. What a spicy augmentation of male controlled deprivation and purposeful disinformation, that seems to work so well to separate women from their rights while instilling female to female alienation.
Women are not 50% of the world population, as is popularly assumed and media reinforced, but actually closer to 55- 60%. There are villages in Vietnam that are that are exclusively female with the odd male here and there. In major cities of the developed world women out number men with surprising disparity, and this imbalance seems to be growing not just because of man's propensity for violence toward man, but because women have superior longevity. One would think that this is a good thing, but it is not really because men dominate and control many aspects of women's lives. After WWII German women were left with a shortage of men and actually went so far as to ask the government powers to approve polygyny (the practice of men having more than one wife) but predictably it was flatly refused because the status quo was and is serving men better.
Excess women in society insure male convenience and recreational pleasure with minimal responsibly because women that are underpaid. under funded, under promoted, and under financial stress thereby ending up under men with less than honorable intent. This fact is not likely to change because women as a rule do not have cohesive broad encompassing political, social, financial and cultural power. Poor women are easy to compromise and most men prefer the availability of women for affairs, prostitution, mistresses, girlfriends, or disgusting, demeaning porn videos. The bottom line is "men" get what they want cheaply because they do not have to bear the true expenses of having to care for the women he enjoys, as marriage would require. Every woman has a right to marry and be taken care of, this is another right denied women.
Where in the Bible, Quran, Torah or any holy books for that matter does it say women must submit to female circumcision, be the subject of honor killing, submit to abortion to rid herself of a female fetus, kill or give away her female child, or be a sexual outlet for male relatives and neighbors of her family? The answer is clear "nowhere in these books", in fact quite the opposite in each one, yet and still these are the headlines and realities of the mistreatment of women, sad commentary to say the least. I am sure if the women of the Congo, Eastern Europe and the Caucuses, Kashmir, Liberia, India, Darfur and Rwanda to name a few, were given weapons and taught how to use them the rapes would stop.
Instead women are given rape counseling and prevention programs sometimes and I am sure these programs are not even available to women in places like Kashmir and Darfur, where the practice (of women and there relatives) is to tell no one and if a pregnancy is the result (force her to marry her cousin) or put the child with her other children and let her figure out how to survive without a husband. The women of Bosnia are seeking prosecution for perpetrators and restitution for their well documented time in "rape camps" but are encountering monumental apathy and resistance if seems they are all but forgotten. Everybody keeps talking talking talking and very little changes I for one am so burned out with this U.N. committee and that U.N. committee, and that organization on human rights and this organization on women rights, and the bottom line is no one arms or instructs these women for self defense, they are perpetual victims. In fact it seems all efforts to change their condition, so women can fight to protect their God given rights is deferred, delayed, decommissioned or denied!
Pretense is the hallmark of men's philosophy when it comes to female security and equality always saying the right things and then making sure they don't happen. Walking or riding along relatively deserted areas (sometimes only dirt roads) early in the morning or at dusk one will see women walking running or bicycling. Anyone in fact anything can see this is a potentially dangerous situation for them; lately mountain lions have attacked women under similar circumstances so why wouldn't a man be able to figure this out. I often wonder what these women are thinking, why do they put themselves in that situation needlessly? Please remember many male serial rapist and murders stake out locations like this and use their official positions (from policemen to dog catchers) as cover to remain unnoticed.
Now we have many men returning home from duty overseas (both military and contractors) that have done many things to women in distant lands that they themselves are ashamed to talk about, and then there are those that have developed a tastes for perverse violent acts on women. No one takes the complaints of the wives and sweethearts seriously in a cumulative way because the numerous domestic incidents are evaluated on an individual basis and no attempt is made to connect obvious correlations. Remember women on bases and outposts overseas as well as in country are routinely complaining of sexual assaults by there male counterparts to the point that many elect not to use toilet facilities outside their barracks during nighttime hours. Many women join the military or even become contractors to serve their country and (supposedly) fight for freedom, only to find themselves fighting off male molesters rapist and murders from their own ranks, and ultimately realizing they are fighting for something they don't really have. My God help the families of the murdered women to get the truth from the military and contractors and may the doers of this evil be punished.
Another disturbing trend is the rash of disappearance and assaults on women on cruise ships, where male predators feel safe to belay, molest, kidnap, and kill women almost at will. One would tend to think a cruise ship is a relatively safe place but it turns out just the opposite is true, the confines of the ship, the sea and the ports ashore lock women into a static situation with male predators. The ports of call often are not female friendly in fact they are often a source of indifference at best and a source extreme danger at worst, coupled with the tendency for women to relax into a false sense of security the cruise lines often artificially create. Women on vacation have disappeared recurrently from the cruise ships and even notoriously from the luxury ports of call like Aruba etc. The saddest correlation here is that of the guilty party or the "person of interest" in the subsequent investigation turns out to be the women's own male friends, acquaintances, fiancées and yes, even husbands.
In this Global War on Women, women are truly an endangered species destroyed, abused, neglected, and ignored on a massive scale caught up in a tsunami of male calculated aggression, indifference and cover up. The poorest of poor women in a (third world) refugee camps and the richest of rich women of western countries have something in common, they are both part of this Global War on Women like it or not. They are often forced to give up their unborn children, manipulated by the whims of men, never know if the men entrusted with their protection will turn on them, are relegated to a status of pleasure object, often live in a state of perpetual fear when alone at home, and know for sure it is not safe to go out at night.
Read more at the following websites:

Violence Against Women - How to Stop It

The decade that has gone by was indeed a decade of mixed fortunes. There have been good and bad news alike and there have also been many important improvements that are being heralded as the things for the future. There has been rapid industrial development and the world is looking forward to take a step into developing a better place to live.
Unnoticed under all this is the increase in the violence against women. There has been a rise in the number of cases registered in the courts of law against such abusers. The governments are taking steps to prevent this horrible crime but these steps are not being enough to curb it all together. The violence against women is a part of gender discrimination and the result of ego problems between the sexes. A man hates when he is dictated by a woman and thus any slight misunderstanding between a woman and her man leads to the violent response of the man and the suffering of the woman.
Violence against woman is also the consequence of poverty. Study has shown that the poverty stricken people are the ones that are mostly affected by this evil. In the families that are below the poverty line, there exists a problem of bringing up the family. The man will always get frustrated by his failure to provide a proper life to his family and them this frustration will add up to the frustration that he already has due to his unemployment. All the anger that is built up within the person is shown against his wife whenever they have a slight banter regarding any family issue.
The woman has to suffer all this silently and there is no one to help her. A few lucky women are helped by her relatives and some NGOs who work to prevent violence against women. To stop violence against women a great deal of cooperation is required by the common man and the governmental and Non-governmental organizations. The common man must report any signs of such violence against women and must ensure that the police or the Women rights wing of the government is informed. If one fears some consequence of his intervention, he must however try to inform the police in some way or the other.
The women also must know to stand up for their rights and should build up the courage to report violence against them. This violence against woman rarely occurs in the urban areas. This does not mean that it is absent, but it means that the occurrences are rare. The government also must punish the wrong doers in such a fashion that it sets an example to the people who think of committing violence against women.
All the friends and family members must strive to build a cordial relationship between each other so that there is no chance of any violence against women. The cause of violence against women is mostly due to unhappy marriages. One should try and solve the matter in a peaceful and nonviolent way. Please do your bit to ensure that violence against women is ended.

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How to Be Confident With Women

You are probably wondering about what the most effective way in achieving success in women is, what the tricks to be use are, tactics and ways to get the woman you desire. Men believe that looks play the biggest role to win women but if this is the case, why are there men who are below and average looking and yet get the hottest women. That's because there's an effective way to win women.
The first thing you should do is to believe in yourself. This is very important in the world of dating much more in the world of love and romance. Believing in oneself is actually the key to have an edge over others towards the woman that you desire. Women hate men that have low self confidence or self esteem because self confidence and self esteem drive one's thoughts and the way one thinks. It's because what you strongly believes is what you achieve, it's just a matter of "it's all in the mind".
This means that if you want to win a woman's heart you should know how to control your mind. However, this is easier said than done. Looks matter when the woman you are targeting hasn't spoken to you yet. She might consider your looks at the moment as long as she doesn't know what kind of personality you really have. This is what other average looking men do to get gorgeous women and can change women's mind because of their self confidence against the concept of their looks.
If you have a strong personality and attitude and you have a strong level of confidence, women usually tend to overlook the looks and you will end up winning the women. The higher level of self confidence you have, the better off you will be. So, if you have low level of self confidence when it comes to women, you should learn to level up your self confidence.
Here are some tips to increase self confidence in women:
You should learn to relax before approaching women, this is important because the more you are relaxed, the more you can concentrate and pay attention on your body and posture when approaching women. Keeping calm may result to a positive outcome. You should also lessen expectations; this will help you to be more relaxed.
You should also try meditating and exercise; there are certain activities such as meditation, tai-chi and yoga that will make you more relaxed. Through practicing this kind of exercise, you will be able to position yourself into a positive shape that you really need. This includes the times that you are trying to pick up women. So, if you are serious in increasing self confidence, you should try doing some of this exercise.
You should also use your strengths to build self-confidence, create listings of your personality that make you a great person. You can use your listings when there are times that you're feeling down, recite the affirmation about the positive qualities you have. Reviewing your mental strength may help you to ramp up and level up your self confidence. You should always be positive at all times. It is a common knowledge that men that smile and have a positive outlook in life usually attract more women. So, no matter what you feel, always make sure that you are upbeat and do your very best to be a real guy who women enjoy being around. You may start faking your confident personality but eventually, you will develop this personality trait.
Now that you know how to increase your self confidence, do you have any idea on how to gain self confidence and self esteem? Have you ever tried approaching woman at a party but you end up losing it? Are you still unsuccessful in winning woman's heart or do you ever experience shame because of your actions on approaching women? Well, here are some tips to gain back your confidence around women. Most people were born flirts and the truth is, it also takes time to learn getting acquainted to women, and then you should learn to take humiliation in positive spirit without the need to feel so conscious. Always remember that there are dos and dont's when it comes to approaching women even if it is your first time to do it.
It is very important that you pay attention on your looks; this doesn't mean you have to look like a geek or the boy next door, all you have to do is to look presentable. Remember the saying "first impression lasts". That's why dressing appropriately is important. Simple clothes will do, as long as you look clean and neat. You're lucky if you are good looking as this can add points for you but if don't have the right attitude, things will not work. Body language also plays a big role but overdoing it can backfire on you; too much attitude should be put off. All you have to do is be yourself with confidence of who you are. You don't have to pretend; good humor can help so as not to bore the woman you are with.
It is also important that you look into the eyes of the woman you want and if you are in a drinking party, avoid drinking too much alcohol as you might regret it later. Bragging on women is not a good idea, women hate men that keep talking about themselves, their cars and their money. It is important that you know more about the women and compliment them as well, but also remember that making too much sweet words will sound unoriginal. Sometimes, men that talk too much polite words can make women think that they are mistrustful. It is true, rejection is part ofevery one's life but men don't take negative response.
Do you know that there are still men that fail in winning women's heart because they do their usual mistakes in using their self confidence without noticing it? Sometimes, they don't even mind that they are driving away the women because of using too much self confidence. Here are some major mistakes in using self confidence:
Being Mr. Nice Guy
Most men thought that by being one of those Mr. Nice guys, they can win women and get them easily but the truth is women see men that are too nice as suspicious and some women don't want to be treated nicely, most women want a tough and with a high level of power with confidence, where woman can feel secured every time they are together.
Trying hard man to convince the women to like him
Women hate men that keep pushing themselves just to let them like him. Women know what they want from a man and you cannot change what they feel when it comes to attraction, why not wait for them to realize what are the traits that make you different from other men that are also seducing them. Let them see the unique sides you have that will attract them.
Buying the affection of woman by giving too much expensive gifts and foods.
There are lots of women that are not impressed in men who keep impressing them by buying them expensive gifts and by bringing them to restaurants that are expensive, this will give them a thinking that you were trying to buy their attention. Some women consider this action as a manipulation of forcing them to like you because you regularly buy them expensive gifts, flowers and dating them to an expensive restaurant.
Telling woman what you really feel about her in an early stage of relationship
This is considered as the biggest mistake men usually do. A woman loves hearing on how you really feel about her but she wanted to be approached in another way where she could actually feel that the feeling has been developed. Telling her what you really feel for her in an early stage of the relationship might let her think that you are just playing with her feelings. There are women that do not want to make things fast. It is a common fact that most women want a longer getting to know situation.
You might think that this is not what generations of the present want, but the truth is women still want a long courtship and not just a plain seduction.
The thinking of man that attraction is just a matter of looks and money
This kind of mistake are the usual impression of men in winning women's heart, in fact there are men that give up just before getting started because of the thinking that women depend in rating them with their looks and money but the truth is women get attracted to men not basing on his looks and wallet but through the personal traits that they have and the confidence they posses especially on how they treat women and make them special.
You might also think that today, most women become practical when it comes to men but practicality doesn't mean you have to be rich to let a women get attracted with you. Remember that the most effective way to make the woman attracted to you is to show them your personality traits.
Giving all your power to a woman
Women hate men who do not have enough power to decide, they hate men who keep agreeing with what they want and what they say. Don't forget that men are the deciding side. Don't make women get attracted to you just by giving them what they want.
Reserve your power and don't give all your power to a woman. Learn how to just be fair enough in making decisions.
Not knowing the exact situation with a woman
Women are usually attracted to men who know exactly what they want without showing that they are nervous especially when it comes to approaching them, asking them out, asking them their phone number and kissing them. It is very important that you show them that you are confident on what you are doing. So, if you really want to succeed in attracting women and step forward to the next level, you must avoid doing these mistakes because these may become a hindrance to your success. Consider the fallacy in stopping you to approach woman that you really want.
Men with funny ideas on treating women usually stop them from getting success in winning women. If you really want to win women's heart, you should develop the confidence you gain. You should always put in mind that women love testing men to make sure that you have the traits that they see on your confidence and if whether what they see on you is real or not. So as the man, you can fake the huff when it comes to confidence level, but if you don't take steps to build up your confidence, the risk of rejection is possible because the higher quality of woman you attract, the more challenging it will be to fake your huff.
The easiest way to fake your huff is to get involved in activities that interest you and that will also add value to your life. This can help you to develop self confidence because shyness will not help you to meet and approach the woman you want. For men, shyness is most likely the single common problem when dating women. Because if your problem is shyness in approaching woman, your other best qualities will end up wasted, you can be the men of finest conversationalist or great listener and have a big heart but no one will know this if the woman you want will never meet you.
Gaining confidence is easy, this is not something that you have to be born with and this is not something that you can buy. You have to learn on how to gain confidence in approaching woman. Men that are shy usually hesitate on first step picking up all the courage to approach women across the room. Learning to converse with women is very important, you should learn on how to start conversation and make the topic interesting. Here are some of effective tips that will help you to overcome shyness and gain confidence quickly.
You should deal with fears through your intellectual level. You should recognize that what you will do is not impossible, always think positive in all you do. What you are going to do is not the problem; it is how you see it. Overcoming shyness is about understanding the problem that lies between your ears. Try imagining your worst case scenario. Most men feel stupid when women yell at them in front of other people and most especially in front of rest rooms. Now try realizing that this is not going to happen unless you approach women at the wrong time and at the wrong place, you must avoid these things. Letting go of these fears will stop you from hesitating to approach women.
You must start accepting NO because no doesn't mean a bad thing. This is somehow the most important step of all, despite the fact that the worst case scenario is not likely to take place. Once you have started approaching women you might hear NO, there are many ways to lessen negative responses that you can get from women, and one of these is overcoming shyness forever. When you have overcome shyness, this doesn't mean that you will never get NO answers from women. This still depends on the quality of women.
Overcoming shyness is very important but you should also have to learn rapport skills in order to attract women. Gaining rapport skills to win women is something that can't be taught. However, the success of gaining rapport skills depends on you, on how you use your skills. Using rapport skills can benefit you from attracting women. Here are some benefits that you may get if you have rapport sills:
Get along well with beautiful women.
Be aware when you are losing rapport with good-looking women and take the essential steps to regain it ahead before you lose it all.
Boost your probability of success with women at the start of the conversation
Good-looking women will increase a stronger good judgment of how much you care.
Increase confidence in your own capabilities to catch the attention of women
Some people say that you can use your rapport skills in getting women, but the truth is you cannot influence women. Most men that succeeded in women achieved this through consciously, systematically and reliably using the skills they possess with good-looking women. Here are some of the costs of not using their skill to get good looking women.
· Considerably lessening your probability of winning women's heart as a whole
· You can only bond at some degree of variety of women
· Having long lasting conversation with women even when there is no connection and all the chances are lost
· Many women will never trust you
· Confidence in your capability to catch the attention of women will lessen
Men can do an effective situation of maintaining and establishing rapport with women, with average women and in circumstances they are recognizable and at ease with. By deliberately learning rapport skills, the skills will also be uses to attract good-looking women. When you have already mastered the ways on building and gaining your self-confidence, you may now use these skills on flirting with women that you want, flirting is not what most people think.
When you flirt someone, this doesn't mean that you just want some fun, flirting is part of attracting women that is divided into two types, flirting with intent and flirting for fun. Flirting with intent is a signal that you are interested in a certain woman and letting the woman you like to flirt back to you. Flirting for fun is the most common type of attraction especially to young man. Flirting for fun is a way of exchanging playful glances to women, that can also make you feel energetic but if you intend to seduce women and flirt for fun, you should also demonstrate a high value to attract women in liking you. Here are some tips on how to flirt and attract women to like you no matter if it's with intention or just for fun:
Flatter the woman that you want but make sure that you don't show traits of being a suitor.
Be an Alpha man, make a direct eye contact with the woman you are flirting with
Do some question games that will answer the questions you want to know about the woman you desire to flirt with.
You should also speak with confidence, don't let them see that you are nervous speaking with them.
You may also share your experience in life to make a good and smooth conversation.
Whisper sweet thoughts to the ears of the woman.
Push and pull, let her feel that you are interested with her but leave her hanging. That will leave her wanting more of you and will make her want to talk to you more.
When flirting, you need to communicate well and make sure that you come up with very interesting topics and if possible, it is recommended that you use some pick up lines to impress women. Though this might sound boring or mushy, this may help you to win the woman that you want because there are women who love hearing words that will flatter them. You should also remember failing to reach the objective of your date will turn into humiliation and could end up turning your date off.
Taking it slow is fine but do not overdo it or someone might beat you to the finish line. You must give your date pleasure that will give you pleasure as well. Attracting women may also refer to a game of body language. It is also important that you know how to control your body because no matter if you want to tell something or not, your body will absolutely tell your date that you like her. You should check on your feeling and emotions in order to control your body language. Here are the safe ways that you can try when seducing woman, without really showing interest at all:
When meeting women for the first time, don't show her your full you. Show your bodies at an angle that will let her think that you are unsure about the motives you have for her. She should put herself at rest to prove and win your confidence just as you have her confidence that will put you into a commanding position than her. You should be the one to control the situation. Remember, most women want men to control and radiate power. If you have started a conversation, change the position of your body while switching to her face completely allowing her to be drawn to you also, at this point she will come to think of whether you have interest with her or not.
She will scan you continuously and look at your subtle body language signs, which tell her that you trust her implicitly. Still at this point, focus should still be on her with your complete attention while maintaining eye contact with her throughout the time. So, if you really want to succeed in attracting women and step forward for the next level you must avoid doing common mistakes because these may become hindrance to your success, consider the tips and suggestions that were mentioned on how to maintain, gain and build your confidence.
If you are unsure of whether you are doing the right thing, you may search the Internet. There are lots of advices and tips that you can find online. There are even e-books available to help you to gain and build self confidence. However, you have to practice these skills. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Anyway, self confidence is attainable depending on how you bring out the best in you in order to level up your self confidence. Just remember what you should do and what you should not do to avoid losing the woman you really want. Be brave and forget all your fears when it comes to women and you will see good results.

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Womens Health - 3 Important Aspects to Fitness Motivation for Women

When it comes to any fitness program, the two areas that concern women are the physical aspect and the motivation. For most, the hardest part is overcoming the inertia of doing nothing to actually get started. Sure, you most certainly do need a high level of motivation to take charge and do something. If you want to shed a few pounds, there is nothing saying you have to accept your current appearance or health. Once started though, you know that staying motivated presents a new set of challenges. Here are three effective strategies for fitness motivation for women.

We each have our own personal reasons for reclaiming our great shapes and health, or working to maintain them. There may be similarities between the various reasons, but there are differences as well. You and I have reasons that we understand in our own unique way. When you keep in mind why you are exercising, you'll find that your motivation takes care of itself. Why exactly do you jog, lift weights or take exercise classes? This provides you with an excellent way to keep your focus and stay motivated. Another way to look at it is to always keep your goals in sight. The more you can do this, the higher your level of motivation will be.

Remember to remain sensitive and aware of your feelings and pay attention to any intuitions you might have. It's a good idea to be open to messages from your mind, as well as your body, so you know if anything needs attention. If you're feeling down, or unfocused on a particular day, there's probably a reason for it. Stay on top of your feelings and emotions and never let yourself fall into the trap of getting bogged down. Have you ever woken up feeling sleep deprived, yet what really happened is you got too much sleep? Don't get into the habit of skipping exercise sessions, and if possible don't miss more than one every so often, certainly not more than two. Each time you miss one you are building momentum in the wrong direction.

Burning out, feeling stressed out or plateauing is something that affects everyone sooner or later, and this inevitably makes it hard to stay motivated. While much of the cause of those effects can be prevented to a degree, that is not always the case. So many times we just keep working toward our goals, time flies, and before you know it something is wrong. If you've come up against this kind of circumstance, it might be best to briefly take a break from your fitness activities. Step back and take just a little time to thoroughly look at what you have been doing. Very often, a short break of this kind is all you need to regroup and take the next step.

You will be confronted with motivation issues that are peculiar to women as you continue with your work outs. You can help yourself by doing some research and learning what you can about this issue. There is a lot you can do to retain overall control on the situation and effectively deal with it.You can also take a proactive approach by putting measures in place to help minimize motivation issues from occurring in the first place.

Top 5 Exercises For Pregnant Women

Hello everyone! I am writing this article to all of the women out there that are pregnant. A lot of women when they are pregnant are worried about exercise. Pregnant women worry about the extra weight the are adding. Often times though, pregnant woman also just don't like to sit around and want to get up and get moving. I often find that these women ask which type of exercises are best when it comes to pregnancy. Well not to worry! With this list, I am going to present the top 5 exercises that can be done during a pregnancy. I hope these tips will help you. With that let's get right to the list.

1. Swimming

This is the best exercise in my opinion that can be performed while you are pregnant. When you swim, you are really working your muscles and getting a workout. However, you are just in a pool of water, and face little chance of injury to your body. You also get to feel weightless, which is a feeling pregnant women really appreciate!

2. Dancing

This is another great exercise for when you are pregnant. Dancing is a great way to exercise. You can get a great work-out and it's fun to dance to your favorite tunes! You can even do this by yourself if you are all alone. Just make sure not to breakdance or anything where you might risk injury!

3. Walking

Walking is very simple, but is still one of the most popular ways to exercise. By taking a simple walk around the neighborhood you can get fresh air, experience the sights and smells of the neighborhood, and of course, get a good work-out. It usually works best if you are walking with another person. If you don't have someone to walk with, try bringing an MP3 player or radio to listen to. Without anything to keep you company during your walk, you will quickly get bored.

4. Exercise Bike

Not as many people own exercise bikes as they used to, but for those that do, this is another great way to exercise while your pregnant. It can really give you a good workout, and you pretty much stay in the same spot. Just make sure to listen to some music or watch a TV show. This makes it a lot easier! If you don't have an exercise bike, a regular bicycle is an option, however you should be very careful.

5. Yoga Class

Have you ever tried Yoga? If not, how come? Yoga is a great way to relax and exercise. In fact, many places offer specific yoga classes for those that are pregnant. In addition to exercising, this is also a great way to meet other pregnant moms and make new friends.

I hope you enjoyed my list of the top 5 pregnancy exercises. These exercises are all great for your body, and can work well at limiting the weight gain. In addition, by getting yourself in better shape, you are also getting yourself in better shape for the delivery of your baby. Good luck!

Financial Advice For Women

Many women are in a position where they are responsible for everything and it is because of this that they are going to want to look for quality financial advice for women.With this responsibility, for anyone really, is a lot of pressure. This pressure can be eased if you simply know what it is that you need to do in order to improve your current situation and to protect your future. So many people will say that women have a lot of trouble saving because they simply like to shop. While that may be true in some cases, the majority of the time the problem is because they are responsible for purchasing and paying for everything. And when the income is a reflection of only one person working, it can be very difficult to save a thing, especially if there are children in the house.

The great thing is though that there is a lot of money advice out there. You will find that there are some people and some places that are able to give financial advice for women , that is geared towards their personal struggles. You can't get advice like this just anywhere. Since you are dealing with your financial future, you will want to make sure that you are carefully selecting who you take advice from or at least what action you take on the money advice you receive.One of the most important things to learn is that of budgeting. Budgets will go a long way if you know how to properly use them. With the right budget, on just about any size of income, you can do a lot of good. You might actually be able to finally start saving money for the first time in a long time. And the more you save, the easier things will be for you later down the road. After you have the budget down, make sure that you are looking over it closely. Is there anything left behind that you could remove !

or alter in order to create a better financial situation for yourself? Also, even though it might seem counter productive, you are going to want to see what you can do about allowing yourself a little "fun money". Maybe this would be to go to the movies or out to dinner once a month. You do not want to completely restrict yourself of any extras because you will eventually break the budget when you've "had enough" and then you will be worse off. You will want to make sure that you are allowing yourself a little fun and that you keep it within reason. Just about any legit financial advice for women would tell you that. So, in order to start living a better life, paying all of your bills and saving for your future, you are going to want to see who out there can give you the best possible money advice. Look for the people or companies that have been successful at giving financial advice for women in the past.

Yoga To Help Yeast Infections

Practicing Yoga can, maybe surprisingly, be of great help to people suffering from yeast infection, as well as helping with general health. You might wonder, how can Yoga help a yeast infection? Well, the methods practiced in Yoga have been shown many times over to improve the health in this respect.

First, the relaxation from physical stress and the conditioning to reduce mental stress is a key part of Yoga and helps promote a strong immune system. The health of your body is holistically promoted through the postures involved in the practice of Hatha Yoga. Your risk of developing a yeast infection is certainly less when your immune system is strong.

Furthermore, levels of sugar in the blood are controlled more effectively in a person who practices Yoga. Reducing stress lowers high levels of sugar in the blood, which contribute to Candida overgrowth. High levels of sugar will act as a source of nutrition for the yeast and help it take over.

Also, the levels of toxins in the blood are brought down by a session of Yoga, which is very helpful if you are suffering with yeast infection. Your liver will be too busy if there are many toxins to be cleaned out the blood and will not be able to manage the yeast infection. Therefore, your body is better equipped to deal with a yeast infection while you are putting the methods of Yoga into practice.

Finally, changing levels of progesterone and estrogen can cause a woman to become prone to yeast infection but the practice of Yoga works to balance these hormones and bring a heightened sense of peace. These hormonal changes may be due to menopause or other factors.

The practice of certain positions, postures, and breathing methods are typical in Yoga. Meditation may also be involved, using techniques for deep relaxation. Also, those practicing Yoga might fast occasionally. Only juice is consumed for a period of time to clear out toxins from the digestive tract and unclog the system. Yoga practitioners will often make sure they have a good balanced diet and eat plenty of food to help good digestion.

Lastly, a vigorous yoga workout is like any other in that it can cause a fair amount of sweat to build up. Do not let this build up of sweat around the body irritate the yeast condition. Wet conditions over time can lead to the spreading and growth of the yeast infection. After the session, simply be sure to avoid leaving on the same clothing. Be sure to shower and change promptly.

10 Uncovered Steps To Look More Younger

There are a few techniques which have been applied, however a very powerful issues for us to do are being constant in implementing wholesome way of life and eating habits.

We will’t cease the pure change, but we are in a position to nonetheless look youthful if we need to work hard to slow down the aging process.

Due to this fact, I’m going to assist you with 10 simple steps to make you look youthful:

Detox – It’s vital to begin detoxification, eliminating toxin from our body. Our body metabolism has finished that course of, but in everyday life we're uncovered to so many chemical hazards from air, meals and environment. Fasting or just consuming vegetables and fruit are methods to detoxify our body.

Sleep – Having enough sleep a minimum of 6-eight hours a day will make our skin healthier. Having an excellent sleep can be necessary because growth hormone is working throughout that time. It renews the old cell of our physique, include the skin cell. Our skin will look contemporary and young if we've got enough sleep.

Meals – Maintaining a healthy diet and safe food on an everyday basis will make our body match, slim and also look younger. Attempt to eat extra fish instead of pink meat. Fiber meals, vegetables, fruits, and supplements are necessary food to consume. Drink less coffee and other caffeine beverages.

Train – Via routine exercise, we'll really feel happier, energetic, and confident. It also will increase our bone density and muscle which may make our body look 15-20 years younger. Beside cardio, walking, and swimming, goes additionally to the health club to do lifting exercise.

Calm down – By making an attempt to be relaxed, our face will look younger. Stress and worries seem on our face. If we will handle our stress and feel at peace, our face will look younger and attractive.

Be Constructive – A positive mind and affirmation we said can bring positive life to us. Damaging thought tend to bring failure and make us look older and unattractive. Meditation is one solution to make positive thoughts.

Medical Examine-up - Identical to a car, our physique additionally wants consideration and care so it might actually work effectively everyday. Having routine medical checkups throughout our healthy time is vital to acknowledge ailments as soon as possible.

Lively Life – All the time try to be active throughout your life. Activities can enhance well being; and if you are in your elder age, your reminiscence will enhance too.

Social Life – Pleased social life can increases our spirit, carry peaceable thoughts, and make us feel and look younger. Communication with our pals, family, neighbors, colleagues, and others can deliver happiness to us.

Efficiency - Start to have a look at our performance. Is our physique weight superb for us? If not, try to fix that to the perfect preferrred weight. Also look to the pores and skin, hair, nail and teeth. These are vital as they are going to present our age. Appears good and feels good will improve our performance.

How to Determine a Pregnancy Due Date

So, you have reason to believe you're expecting. Congratulations! It is really a wonderful thing. Of course, if this is your first time you're probably a little frightened. Don't worry about it. This is a normal part of the deal. Wait until the hormone changes start taking place, then you'll feel ups and downs like never before!
That's all right, too. We'll allow you to have emotional ups and downs. After all, you're being moody for two now. Anyway, let's take care of the business at hand, namely figuring out exactly when the stork is going to show up at your doorstep with the most beautiful package you've ever seen!
40 Weeks
First, exactly how long is a human pregnancy? The answer is 40 weeks from the first missed menstrual cycle. To put it another way, a pregnancy lasts 280 days. This is true simply because 7 days times 40 weeks equals 280 days.
What's so unique about the 280 day or 40 week thing is that if every month were like a non-leap year February, that is 28 days, we'd all be talking about the 10 month pregnancy instead of the ever popular wives tale version which says pregnancies last 9 months. On average, on a real calendar 280 days is 9 months and 10 days. Let's talk a little bit more about this 10 month thing.
Is It 9 Months or 10!
Even though it is becoming more and more accepted pregnancy begins at conception, the count down to delivery starts at the first missed menstrual cycle. This is because this is the way the human body works. At least, it is the way a female human body works.
In other words, it takes these no longer outwardly apparent menstrual cycles to help the baby grow inside until he or she is ready for birth. This usually happens at around the tenth 28-day period after the first missed cycle. In actuality, though the delivery can expect to happen 9 months and 10 days after the first missed menstrual cycle, conception could have happened 3 weeks before. So, there is your 10 months! So much for the long ballyhooed 9 month pregnancy!
The Middle of the Menstrual Cycle
Anyway, when calculating the due date, try to figure out when the middle of the first missed menstrual cycle would have been. This won't guarantee 100% accuracy but on average it will give you the best estimate which is the best any due date calculation can do.
Let's try an example. The middle of the first missed menstrual cycle is August 12, 2008. Adding 9 months and 10 days to this date gets us to May 22, 2009. Interestingly, referring to the top ranked due date calculator, the due date is said to to be May 18, 2009.
Why is there a difference? Well because all months aren't 30 days long and there are some months between August and May that are 31 days. So, to be more accurate, you have to take these things into consideration.
Still, predicting when babies, or trains or packages in the mail will arrive is not an exact science. The bottom line is, due date calculations are nothing more than educated guesses, but they are fun to make none the less.
Hilda Laine, or Your Hilda as she is called in her newspaper column has been helping women with love and family issues for over 10 years now. Her top recommended pregnancy due date calculator can be found at: Due Date Calculator Also, visit her site on getting back together at: Getting Your Ex Back

Pregnancy Due Date Calculator - Get the Week by Week Facts

When most women find out that they are pregnant, the first thing they want to figure out is when the baby is due. This is the most common use for a pregnancy due date calculator. However, there are also other uses for websites that provide these calendars.
While you can find out your estimated delivery date from your doctor, who will calculate 280 days from your last period to determine this, you can also use online pregnancy due date calculators. They use the same method, and also can give you week by week information on how the baby is growing and what the fetus is like at each stage of pregnancy. Some of these calculators can also tell you what symptoms you might be experiencing and what can be done to alleviate them a bit. Most of these websites aim to give you as much information as possible. You just register with the website and you can just log in to get all the information mentioned above.
Many times doctors use ultrasounds in order to confirm the accuracy of when a pregnancy is due. This is often done because women don't always accurately know when their last period started, or the date of conception. By using an ultrasound, the due date can be confirmed or altered depending on the state of development of the fetus. This can be a more accurate way of determining the due date than a calculator.
Just keep in mind that however your delivery date is determined, it is not likely to be the actual date when the baby arrives. Babies come on their own time, and this actually just gives you a good idea of when to expect the baby. Typically most babies arrive either in the two weeks before or the two weeks after the due date. Those arriving a couple weeks before the delivery date are still considered full term since anything after 37 weeks is considered full term. Once your expected conception date has passed you will have to have frequent doctor visits to monitor the baby and make sure that it is doing well. Usually once a baby is more than two weeks late a doctor will induce since it starts to get riskier after this time.
Get FREE stuff for your new baby, a Pregnancy Due Date Calculator [] tool and find out when your expected delivery due date will be today.

Mom & Baby at 29 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect?

This is the first week of your final trimester. Your baby has to grow some more to reach the required birth weight. He has his organs maturing now which demands more nutrients each day. So it is important that you have your daily intake of calcium, folic acid, iron etc. It has now become a time pass for you to track his movements because he is doing a lot of it in there. Read on to find out more about 29 weeks of pregnancy.
How your life changing in this 29th Week:
Your baby is now doing all sorts of movements and keeping your time ticking. You would have already been advised to keep a check on your active baby by counting the kicks every hour. Do let the doctor know if you feel he is less active.
You may develop varicose veins as the blood volume has increased in pregnancy. As a result, the blood vessels are swollen. This can happen in your rectum also, called hemorrhoids. But, it is nothing to worry as they become normal after delivery.
The hormone progesterone relaxes a number of muscles in your body which results in slow digestion. This causes constipation and heartburn in many of you. It is a good idea to have a diet rich in fiber so that you don't get constipation. You could also drink plenty of water and do regular exercises.
Most of you may not be able to see you legs anymore when you stand all because of your expanding belly. With the increasing weight, you may feel dizzy when you lie on your back or suddenly stand up. You could sleep on your side and change your positions slowly so that these spins don't bother you.
Baby's growth on 29th weeks Pregnant:
By week 29, your baby has a weight of about three pounds. In the coming weeks, he doubles or triples his weight. His wrinkled skin becomes smoother with the white fat deposited under his skin. This fat acts as a source of energy for him to do all the movements.
As already mentioned, your baby is active more than ever. You may keep counting his kicks every day. You feel these jabs more intense because of the bigger baby and lesser space in your uterus. He responds to everything like light, sound and your movements.
His organs like lungs are on the way to being mature and his head grows bigger to accommodate the brain. His bones require a lot of calcium now that they are strengthening. You may continue drinking your daily glass of milk or replace it with calcium rich orange juice or yogurt.
There are more developments happening this week. He starts forming teeth-buds for permanent teeth in his gums. Let's say he has built the foundation for those sparkling white teeth!
More info about this 29th week:
You are likely to have urinary infections in this month. Make sure that you talk to your doctor if you feel a burning sensation down there when you pee.
Now, here is a way to do the kick count. While your baby is active, keep your feet raised in a comfortable position. Start counting the kicks. If you get less than 10 movements in an hour, speak to your doctor about it.
It is common to feel your legs swelled up or numb during this period. Ensure that you move about enough during the day and include iron in your food. You may have noticed your breasts leaking colostrums, the first milk for the baby. Take precautions like keeping breast pads to ease the discomfort.
Some of you may start having migraines in the third trimester. You may lie down quietly in a dark room for relief as taking medicines is not much recommended at this time. You may notice that your nails are dry and brittle these days and growing at a very fast rate. Trim them regularly to keep them healthy.
To learn more about Pregnancy week by week, visit Healthy future's website:

7 Reasons Your Fertility Can't Do Without Essential Fatty Acids

Rare thinking people like you already know that you should consume your daily recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals to achieve optimum health and fertility, but did you know that you should also ensure that your body gets enough essential fatty acids (EFA's), as well?
The body relies on these nutrients for many functions that can affect, or even enhance fertility in women and men. You may know these EFA's by one of their other names. They are polyunsaturated fats, and are also known as Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9.
Only Omega-9 is produced by the body, so we need to eat food high in fatty acids, or take supplements to get the full effects of these essential fatty acids on our health and fertility.
So why are fatty acids so beneficial to your health and fertility?
Here are seven reasons...
  1. Helps You Lose Weight- Often couples find that losing weight can lead to them becoming more fertile. Essential fatty acids help to process cholesterol, regulate the blood sugar levels and assists in the functioning of the thyroid, which in turn influences weight. Udo Erasmus, a nutrition expert, claims that Omega 3 helps to burn more calories, as it increases your metabolic rate.
  2. Develops Healthy Cell Membranes- Every last one of your body's cells has a blueprint, known as DNA, and to perform at their optimum, they need to be constructed according to that plan. Sometimes our bodies do not receive enough EFA's to complete this process properly, as if we do not consume enough, all the nutrients are sent to the essential organs to keep us alive. To become more fertile, all your cells need to be in good working order, so you have to ensure you get enough EFA's.
  3. Improves Blood Flow- Not only do EFA's mean improved blood flow all over the body, but also to the reproductive organs. For women, it will increase uterine blood flow, which is often a cause of infertility; and for men, it lowers the risk of erectile dysfunction.
  4. Hormone Regulation- Omega 3 essential fatty acids are precursors of eciosanoids, which are hormones that assist in the prevention and treatment of a whole range of diseases that can cause infertility, or trouble getting pregnant.
  5. Good Treatment for Conditions Like Endometriosis- Because of the hormone regulatory properties of EFAs and the fact that they aid the proper functioning of organs, means that it can be an effective treatment for conditions like endometriosis, depression and dysmenorrheal.
  6. Supports Healthy Prostate- These last two reasons are for the man in your life! Prostate problems can often have serious fertility repercussions. However, taking Omega 3 fatty acids helps to keep the prostate functioning properly and healthily, due to its natural anti-inflammatory abilities.
  7. Encourages more Healthy Sperm- We have already mentioned how important essential fatty acids are when it comes to the development of cells. Well fatty acids make up over 60% of sperm membranes; and research has shown that lower levels of fatty acids in sperm can significantly affect the mobility and viability of sperm. So it's very important for your man to be getting enough EFA's.
Unfortunately many Western diets do not include enough essential fatty acids, especially if you eat a lot of canned and processed food. To get the full benefits of these key nutrients, you need to eat fresh and unprocessed foods like fish, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, broccoli and spinach. Of course, Omega 3 supplements are also an option.Obviously you can see how using these tips will clearly make you more fertile, whichever way you intake your essential fatty acids, remember to include them as a vital part of your diet, as they really can make you more fertile. It is also an important nutrient to ensure you get enough throughout your pregnancy.
Get our Free You: Getting Pregnant [] 7-part eCourse filled with more tips and practical hints on holistic and natural ways you can get pregnant at [].

Infertility Options - Trouble Getting Pregnant at 40

No one needs to remind us that there's a 'clock ticking' that our fertility options (or more accurately infertility options) get smaller as the years go by and lead to trouble getting pregnant at 40. In fact some sources put 35 years as the age most women start to experience trouble getting pregnant.
It's painful, stressful and unpleasant - wondering if 'it' will happen. When it will happen and whether you'll ever get to hold your new born, see him grow up, take his first step and meet his first girlfriend. The mental images and joy that you've passed on nature's biggest gift and created the strongest bond imaginable.
As time goes by, as you age and go about your day to day life your body changes, dietary deficiencies accumulate and the stresses of the modern world take their toll on the body.
Your hormone levels change as you age, which leads to fewer healthy eggs as well as a decrease in the quality of your eggs. With the additional risk of complications including miscarriage, still-birth and deliver by cesarean section (C section).
Fortunately help is at hand.
On the medical front you'll have your doctor and who may refer you for assisted fertility treatment. IVF or surrogate mothers being two of the better know options and can help women raise their own children.
The downside to medical help is of course the cost, the expense and stress of finding out what's wrong (if there is anything wrong). Finding a sympathetic doctor who doesn't think "It just wasn't meant to be" or "You left it too late". Finding a doctor who puts his (or her) heart and soul into helping you have the child you deserve.
Your birth right.
Before jumping feet first into action and visiting your doctor and it's important to listen to fertility tips that help you get pregnant faster.
Fertility Tips - Do's and Don'ts
The stress and strain of medical appointments means it is important that you take a step back and exam your lifestyle first and follow this fertility tips. Smoking, alcohol, stress and diet are all known to cause trouble getting pregnant at 40 (or any age for that matter).
Something as simple as a vitamin deficiency, if you or your partner are over-weight, too much caffeine or a lack of exercise can all affect your health (and your mans sperm quality).
Even something as simple as having enough sexual intercourse at the right time can help solve your trouble getting pregnant.
One last fertility tip - try not to obsess over your worries and problems. Getting pregnant at 40 and finally having the child you've dreamed of is possible. It might take some time, some difficult lifestyle changes and research on your behalf.
But remember - it's all worth it when you see that first smile, take their first step and grab your leg and the funny conversations only a toddler can think of.
If you're having trouble getting pregnant, maybe your trying to get pregnant at 40 or just looking for some healthy, natural fertility tips then visit []
You'll even see a real life story of how one woman spent 14 years trying to get pregnant, who the doctors wouldn't help and gave birth to two healthy children in her 40s without IVF and other expensive treatments. Visit Trouble Getting Pregnant [].

Expert: Top 5 Tips on How to Get Pregnant Fast

Women who are ready to start their families are usually concerned with one thing - how can I get pregnant fast? While the answer is a little different for each woman, there are some things you can do to help you get pregnant faster. The following is a list of tips that can help you become pregnant:
1. Take care of yourself. You need to make sure your body is in good condition to be prepared to handle the changes that come with pregnancy. Start by getting your body in shape- try to be at or just a little over your ideal body weight. Eat healthy foods, take prenatal vitamins, avoid smoking or alcohol, and try to exercise moderately. The more steps you take to make sure you are healthy, the more likely you are to have a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.
2. Reduce the stress in your life. Stress can lead to a lot of bad habits, like smoking, drinking alcohol, eating poorly, and other unhealthy habits. Stress has a lot of effects on the body that can make it more difficult to get pregnant.
3. See your doctor before you start trying to conceive. Let your doctor know that you want to begin trying to become pregnant, and ask your doctor if there are any medical conditions you have that may make becoming pregnant more difficult. You will also want to make sure you are in the best possible health to avoid complications. Ask your doctor about any birth control methods you have used recently to see if any of them mean you should be waiting a few months before trying to conceive.
4. Start having sex- often! It is difficult to get pregnant if you don't have sex on a regular basis, so lovemaking should be a priority! However, don't let it become a chore. Spend time finding ways to spice up your love life so that you both enjoy having sex and don't view it as something you "have" to do. Many researchers think that women who achieve orgasm during sex become pregnant more easily. Also, choose positions where sperm stays in the vagina longest. For example, missionary position works well, especially if you place a pillow under your hips to keep sperm inside after your partner climaxes. Also, don't get up right after sex- besides the pleasant feeling of lounging after sex, let gravity help you by keeping sperm near the cervix as long as possible.
5. Know when you ovulate. If you want to maximize your chances of becoming pregnant quickly, you may want to consider using an Ovulation Predictor Kit to determine the time of month that you are most fertile. Begin by tracking your cycle so that you know which days your period is likely to occur and how long your cycle is so that you can properly use the kit. Once you have determined what days are your most fertile, go back to tip #4! Make sure you are having sex as often as possible around the time you ovulate to help you become pregnant.
Most women become pregnant within a few months of trying to conceive. Even for those who don't become pregnant quickly, often, time is the only thing you need. Although it can be frustrating to wait, be confident that you will become pregnant. If you haven't become pregnant after several months of trying, you should consult an obGYN to begin figuring out why you are having difficulty.
Allison Rossdale, MD is Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Subspecialty Board Certified in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. She gives expert advise to women trying to conceive on the best ways to Get Pregnant Fast. You can also learn how you can receive 20 Free Pregnancy Tests.

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Pay Attention to These Important Things If You Want to Get Pregnant

There are so many the so-called foods to increase the possibility of pregnancy, such as oysters and champagne, ginseng, garlic, kelp, and yams. But, the information regarding pregnancy foods are not true at all. The true fertility foods are whole grains, excellent protein package, healthy fats, and even the occasional bowl of ice cream. This has been proven by Nurses' Health Study, it comes from the first comprehensive examination of fertility and diet, an eighty-year study of more than 18,000 women that uncovered ten evidence-base suggestions for improving fertility.
Not only foods, you need to pay attention for these things below if you are trying to conceive. Here are some things you should take notice if you are trying to conceive.
1. Avoid trans fats
These artery-clogging fats threaten fertility as well harm the blood vessels and the heart. Go trans free.
2. Consume more unsaturated vegetable oils. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are good for improving the body's sensitivity to insulin and cool inflammation, which are good for fertility. Consume more vegetable oils, seeds, nuts, and cold water fish (sardines and salmon).
3. Instead of consuming no crabs, choose slow crabs. It is better to consume slowly digested carbohydrates that are rich in fiber. Whole grains, whole fruits, vegetables, and beans are examples of good slow crabs food for those who are trying to conceive because it can improve fertility by controlling blood sugar and insulin levels.
4. Consume more whole milk rather than skim milk. Skim milk seems to promote infertility, therefore you should consume whole milk while trying to conceive or you can have a small dish of ice cream or full-fat yoghurt everyday.
5. Take a multi-vitamin. You can take a multi-vitamin such as folic acid (400 micrograms per day) before getting pregnant can be helpful for your pregnancy program.
6. Get plenty of iron from plants. If you are trying to conceive, you are suggested to consume extra iron from plants. For instance whole grains, spinach, beans, pumpkin, tomatoes, and beets.
7. Drinking for health. By drinking means drink healthy beverage such as fruit juice and mineral water. Coffee, tea, and alcohol are good in moderation. But always remember, you should avoid drinking sugared sodas because it can cause infertility.
8. Head toward the fertility zone of weight. The best body-mass index (BMI) for fertility is in the range of 20 to 24. Working to move your BMI by gaining and losing some weight are good. Don't do heavy activity too much or too little because it can affect on your normal menstrual cycle, throw off ovulation or stop it altogether.
9. Move to the fertility zone for activity. But don't overdo it because too much exercise, especially if you are quite lean, can interfere with ovulation.
Visit to get further information and tips about pregnancy.

What Are The Health Risks Associated With The Morning-After Pill?

The Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP) is a pill that is used to prevent pregnancy after intercourse has been completed. These pills are not a replacement of regular contraception such as condoms etc as it does not help in protection from STDs.
People use this pill very often and end up abusing it more and end up with its adverse effects. An ECP delays ovulation, minimising the chances of fertilisation, but also disrupts the regular menstrual cycle. Any interference with a body's normal process will have its repercussions like heavier bleeding during and between periods, severe cramps, abdominal pains mild to severe, weight gain, depression/ mood swings, increase in blood pressure, and increased risk of ectopic pregnancies.
These-night-after-pills may cause irregular periods, hence are kept reserved for those "emergency" situations only since they have other long-term adverse effects as well. They are made for certain age groups only and if used incorrectly, might become ineffective or may even shut down your reproductive tract completely, hence are never recommended.
Multiple doses of ECP's if taken during the same cycle, are also shown to be ineffective in preventing ovulation, meaning a woman can get pregnant even after taking these pills.
Be free from stress that you can avoid.
Emergency contraceptive pills are recommended for occasional use only after unprotected intercourse. They are certainly not recommended for regular use as an ongoing contraceptive method because of the higher possibility of failure than oral contraceptive pills. Also, frequent use of these pills can result in more side-effects, like menstrual irregularities as mentioned, although their repeated use poses no known long term health risks.
Emergency contraceptive pills only prevent pregnancy. They are not helpful in terminating pregnancy at all. It is important to avoid giving this to a woman who already has a confirmed pregnancy for any reason. Yet if a woman still takes the pills after she becomes pregnant, however, research suggests that the drugs will not harm either her or her fetus. However, these 2 drugs are not used for termination of pregnancy.
Don't worry about all the options yourself. Speak to a Gynaecologist about your problems and help find a safer solution.
WHO recommends that a copper-bearing IUD to be used. Copper T as an emergency contraceptive must be inserted at most within 5 days of unprotected intercourse. This method is also best for a woman who wants to start using a highly effective, long-acting and reversible method of contraception.