The condition of not being able to get pregnant after at least one
year of trying to become pregnant is called infertility. There are
several factors than can be the cause of a woman having trouble getting
To identify the causes for infertility it is first
important to understand how fertilization takes place. An egg must be
released from one of the ovaries of the woman. The egg enters the
fallopian tube and goes toward the uterus. The male sperm penetrates and
fertilizes the egg. The egg that has been fertilized attaches to the
uterus inside allowing for implantation.
Infertility is brought about by any interference in the
fertilization process. Effects of infertility can be painful emotionally
for women with feelings of anger, frustration, depression, guilt,
anxiety and confusion on a daily basis. This makes the need to find the
cause for infertility very important.
What Causes Female Infertility?
Ovulation problems are the main cause for infertility in the female.
Simple to understand once you understand the fertilization process.
Without ovulation there is not an egg to fertilize.
• Age is a
factor since fertility is at its peak for women and men in their
mid-twenties. Over the age of 35 the chance of conceiving may be
• Weight can be a factor both being overweight or
underweight. Being overweight or obese may create ovulation problems
causing infertility. Low body weight or frequent dieting can cause
amenorrhea which is loss of menstrual cycles making ovulation difficult.
• High stress can affect the ability to conceive by interfering with ovulation.
Smoking can affect the ability to get pregnant. Smoking can lead to
cervical and fallopian tube problems, irregular menstrual cycles, and an
imbalance of hormones. As a general rule nonsmokers conceive quicker
than smokers.
• Poor diet can cause infertility due to the fact
hormone regulation is dependent upon good nutrition. Sugars and caffeine
has been identified with infertility and large quantities of these
foods should be avoided to increase fertility.
• Alcohol consumption on a regular basis can cause irregular menstrual cycles.
• Athletic training can lead to amenorrhea and eating disorders which can affect fertility.
• Sexually transmitted disease (STD's) or infection can cause infertility.
• Underlying health problems which can cause hormonal changes increase the risk of infertility.