What Causes Female Infertility and How to Reverse It

The condition of not being able to get pregnant after at least one year of trying to become pregnant is called infertility. There are several factors than can be the cause of a woman having trouble getting pregnant.
To identify the causes for infertility it is first important to understand how fertilization takes place. An egg must be released from one of the ovaries of the woman. The egg enters the fallopian tube and goes toward the uterus. The male sperm penetrates and fertilizes the egg. The egg that has been fertilized attaches to the uterus inside allowing for implantation.
Infertility is brought about by any interference in the fertilization process. Effects of infertility can be painful emotionally for women with feelings of anger, frustration, depression, guilt, anxiety and confusion on a daily basis. This makes the need to find the cause for infertility very important.
What Causes Female Infertility?
• Ovulation problems are the main cause for infertility in the female. Simple to understand once you understand the fertilization process. Without ovulation there is not an egg to fertilize.
• Age is a factor since fertility is at its peak for women and men in their mid-twenties. Over the age of 35 the chance of conceiving may be problematic.
• Weight can be a factor both being overweight or underweight. Being overweight or obese may create ovulation problems causing infertility. Low body weight or frequent dieting can cause amenorrhea which is loss of menstrual cycles making ovulation difficult.
• High stress can affect the ability to conceive by interfering with ovulation.
• Smoking can affect the ability to get pregnant. Smoking can lead to cervical and fallopian tube problems, irregular menstrual cycles, and an imbalance of hormones. As a general rule nonsmokers conceive quicker than smokers.
• Poor diet can cause infertility due to the fact hormone regulation is dependent upon good nutrition. Sugars and caffeine has been identified with infertility and large quantities of these foods should be avoided to increase fertility.
• Alcohol consumption on a regular basis can cause irregular menstrual cycles.
• Athletic training can lead to amenorrhea and eating disorders which can affect fertility.
• Sexually transmitted disease (STD's) or infection can cause infertility.
• Underlying health problems which can cause hormonal changes increase the risk of infertility.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4009080

Infertility Symptoms in Both Men and Women

The usual criteria for diagnosing infertility is when a couple has been unable to become pregnant after a year of unprotected sex. A couple can enjoy overall health, engage in sexual activity on a regular basis, and be free of other risk factors - and yet suffer from infertility.
There are some early warning signs, however, that can help you determine if you might have a fertility problem, without having to try for a year before discovering it.
For women the first of these signs are irregular menstrual cycles. Irregular menstrual cycles, or cycles that are very long or short can indicate ovulation issues.
Another problem associated with your menstrual cycle is flow and cramping. While bleeding is considered normal if it lasts between 3 to 7 days, there may be a problem if the flow is very heavy or very light.
Here irregularity is also a concern - if the amount or coloring of flow, or length of bleeding time varies from month to month, or if you suffer from debilitating menstrual cramps - you need to visit your doctor. These are also possible indications of a fertility issue.
You may also be already considered as infertile if you have experienced three successive miscarriages. While a single miscarriage is quite common - occurring in as many as 10% to 20% of pregnancies - three in a row indicate a more serious problem.
If you are older than 35, you are already at a higher risk for infertility. At age 30, a woman has a 20% chance of conceiving on any given menstrual cycle. But by age 40, she only has a 5% chance. If after six months of trying, you have not become pregnant, you should see a doctor.
Weight can also affect your fertility. If you are outside the BMI range for your age and height (either under or overweight), this can negatively impact your chances of becoming pregnant, as can poor diet and excessive exercise.
For men, infertility issues are not so obvious. Since male factor infertility is usually about sperm, which are microscopic, you cannot "see" low sperm counts, mobility, or abnormally-shaped sperm. However, if your partner experiences any type of sexual dysfunction, it could be symptomatic of a fertility issue.
If you and/or your partner have a chronic illness, this can also affect your ability to become pregnant. Thyroid disorders and diabetes in and of themselves can affect your fertility.
In addition, insulin, thyroid hormones, antidepressants, hypertension medications, and Tagamet (for peptic ulcers) can all affect fertility. Whether you or your partner suffer from a chronic illness, or are on a medication with fertility side effects, you should talk with your doctor about alternatives.
In addition, treatments for cancer (for either partner) can affect fertility, as can previous STDs. You should definitely seek guidance from your doctor in these cases.
Also, if either partner smokes or drinks alcohol, this can have a negative impact on fertility, affecting conception odds in women and impacting sperm in men.
It is important that evaluate your potential fertility risks before you hold yourself to the year-of-unprotected-sex standard, as you may be able to become pregnant more easily and quickly by dealing with these issues right away.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3730916

A Look At Why Women Experience Low Sex Drive

There are a number of reasons why many women experience low sex drive. Low sex drive can be brought on by many physical problems. The most severe medical issues related to low sex drive are disorders that affect the neural (nervous) system or cause nerve damage, such as Diabetes, Multiple Sclorosis, Parkinson's Disease, and stroke.
If you have poor circulation, blood won't flow properly to the genetalia, and will not only make arousal more difficult, but can inhibit your natural lubrication, making intercourse painful and unpleasant. This can also happen as a result of Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), STD's, and liver disorders. Alcohol can aggravate these conditions, increasing with age, as can smoking.
Hormones play an important part in sexual interest, and any type of hormonal imbalance will also affect sex drive. Women who are nearing or experiencing menopause, are pregnant or postnatal, or who have had a full or partial hysterectomy, may experience low sex drive, as a result of fluctuating levels of the hormones estrogen and prolactin.
Certain medications, including birth control pills, blood-pressure pills, and anti-depressants, can cause hormonal imbalance and low libido as well. Androgens, such as testosterone, decline in women with age, but there is still much debate about whether or not low levels of testosterone have anything to do with a decrease in libido and treating a woman who is experiencing low libido with testosterone can prove effective for some.
Excess weight and inactivity are other common causes of lessened sexual desire. Being overweight contributes to many physical and mental issues, including fatigue, depression, insecurity, and more importantly, high cholesterol, breathing difficulties, and heart strain.
Any of these, alone or combined, can have a major negative impact on sex drive. Exercising often, even if it's only a 20 minute walk every other day, can greatly improve your overall sense of well-being, and libido.
For some women, low sex drive stems from a psychological or emotional issue. The most common complaint is stress. Since women are emotional creatures, stressful situations can and often do affect every aspect of our lives. Marital or relationship problems, financial struggles, life crisis, anxiety, problems at work, excess weight, religious repression, guilt - there are endless factors that can cause stress and, in turn, a decline in sexual interest.
For a much more detailed explanation which takes you step by step into the causes of low sex drive in women and an in-depth look into some of the best vitamins and herbs for low sex drive in women, please see: http://www.womans-health.net/low_sex_drive.htm.
While there are several medical options that help improve low sex drive, you may only need to look as close as your personal habits and your kitchen.
Aside from frequent exercise, there are many foods and spices that will not only make you healthier, but will make you feel better, improve your mood, and raise libido. Remember: anything that is good for your overall health is good for your sex drive as well.
A low-fat, well balanced diet, including things like cold water fish, such as salmon, a lot of vegetables, and avoiding high-sugar, starchy foods, junk foods, and sodas, is a great place to start. Spices such as cumin, cayenne, and curry warm your body, and will also act as a kind of aphrodisiac. So, try putting a new spin on the term "romantic dinner," and see what you can cook up, both in - and out - of the kitchen.
For more articles like this see: Woman’s Health [http://www.womans-health.net/index.htm] and Woman’s Health Blog [http://www.womans-health.net/wordpress].

Enhancing Fertility - A Medical Intuitive and Nutrient Approach

For many couples, the inability to conceive a child is one of the most stressful and heartbreaking times in their relationship. In the early 21st century we are faced with issues of exposure to environmental estrogens, low sperm counts, and a wide group of other factors that affect fertility.
There are many causes of infertility for couples. Some are from the physical body and others are from the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It is beyond the scope of this article to cover all of them. As many infertility treatments are costly and time consuming, I would recommend consulting a Medical Intuitive or other healing practitioner before starting standard infertility treatments such as fertility drugs or IVF.
Infertility occurs almost equally in men and women. 30 % of infertility is attributable to women and 30% to men. An additional 30% is attributable to both partners and remaining 10% is unknown. A recent study published by the CDC stated that one out of every 132 men in the U.S. is infertile.
What are the Causes of Female Infertility?
There are many physical body reasons for infertility in women. Some of these are anovulatory cycles (a menstrual cycle that has varying degrees of menstrual intervals and the absence of ovulation and a luteal phase). amenorrhea (suppression or absence of menstruation), luteal phase defects, premature ovarian failure, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and prolactin levels that are too high.
Sometimes anatomical problems in women's fallopian tubes from a previous surgery or past pelvic inflammations will prevent the eggs from traveling through the tubes.
Other factors such as uterine growths fibroids and endometriosis are common causes of infertility in women. Thyroid conditions, diabetes, celiac and inflammatory bowel disease may also cause infertility.
Additionally alcohol and certain hormones, antibiotics, antidepressants, and pain medications will impair conception.
What can a woman do generally to enhance her fertility?
Have a hair analysis test. This test will show what exposure you have to toxic metals and/or other chemicals that will lower fertility.
Limit exposure to second hand smoke, as cigarette smoke contains toxic metals known to have negative effects on fertility.
Avoid caffeine.
Taking an organic acid metabolic profile test will also show your exposure environmental toxins and pollutants.
Nutritional supplementation to enhance female fertility
Note: Unless otherwise stated all dosages described in this article may be divided and taken with meals. Folic Acid: increases cervix health and also interferes with HPV Infections, 800-1200 mcg per day. B Vitamins: A full spectrum B complex that includes 100mg of each of the B vitamins and 100mcg of B-12 (Methylcobalamin). Iron: As part of your normal blood tests have your doctor order a test for ferritin and a complete blood count (CBC) which will show how much iron you would need. The best form of iron is carbonyl iron. Take iron with vitamin C. Vitamin C : 1000mg per day of Vitamin C will help to increase ovulation. Chasteberry (Vitex agnus castus) 500-750mg per day. Reduces prolactin release and lengthens luteal phases and improves progesterone production in the body. Natural progesterone cream : rub into soft skin areas. Massage well into skin. Use in morning and evening. Works well with Chasteberry to enhance female fertility. Tribulus terrestris fruit extract (standardized to 40% total saponins) 500 mg 3x per day. Tribulus terrestris increases incidence of productive ovarian cycles. Prenatal vitamins : Prenatal vitamins are excellent to use while a woman is trying to become pregnant. Many studies have shown that woman who used prenatal vitamins had a significant increased number of conceptions.
What are the causes of Male Infertility?
Male infertility is caused by problems with sperm production and delivery. Sometimes a man may have some anatomical problem such as one or more testes that do not descend, or a ductal obstruction from infection, or inflammation. Hormonal dysfunction is also a common cause of male infertility.
As discussed above just as with women certain drugs may also cause infertility in men. Common high blood pressure, arthritis, and digestive drugs effect sperm production and mobility. STDs also will affect male fertility.
What can a man do generally to enhance his fertility?
Note: Unless otherwise stated all dosages described in this article may be divided and taken with meals. Zinc (zinc monomethionine): 30 mg per day. Multiple studies have shown that low Zinc levels have a very negative effect on sperm production. Antioxidants (selenium, Vitamins A, C, and D) Selenium (selenomethionine): 200 mcg per day, Vitamin A (natural beta carotene) , 1500 IU per day, Vitamin C 1000mg per day, Vitamin D 1000 IU per day and Vitamin E 1000 IU per day. Antioxidants are needed by the male body for sperm function, viability and to increase sperm count. Glutathione: 500mg per day on an empty stomach. Glutathione is a molecule synthesized in the body from the three amino acids L-glutamic acid, L-cysteine, and glycine. Glutathione is one of the body's most powerful and important antioxidants. Both Glutathione and selenium are needed by the male body for a protein that enables sperm mobility. Coenzyme CoQ10: 200mg per day. CoQ10 increases sperm count fertilization rates and mobility. Arginine: 3000mg per day on an empty stomach. Arginine significantly increases sperm mobility.
Caution: Do not use Arginine if you are diabetic, have cancer or have had ocular or brain herpes. In some people, a high level of Arginine will cause reactivation of herpes viruses in the body such as cold sores or genital herpes. Also persons with phenylketonuria (PKU) should not use Arginine. Korean Ginseng (Panax Ginseng) 900mg per day. Multiple studies have shown that use of Panax Ginseng will increase sperm count and mobility. Pygeum africanum: 100mg per day. Pygeum africanum affects male fertility by helping the survival of sperm outside the male body. It also helps with the pH balance of prostatic fluid.
** Disclaimer** The material in this presentation is provided for information only and does not contain or convey medical advice or instruction. Always consult with your Doctor or other medical professionals before making any changes in medication, diet, or exercise.
The word "infertility" itself initiates despair, hopeless and a sense of finality. Fortunately, "not conceiving" may often be resolved by orchestrating a myriad of elements at the right time with the right ingredients along with positive intent and clear vision.
According to Medical Intuitive Christopher Stewart, women need to feel fully in charge of the fertility co-creation process and medical intuition offers that power as it "reads" your body authentically and clearly.
There are many reasons why a woman may not get pregnant. Some reasons are from the physical body, others are from the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It is beyond the scope of this article to cover them all. Many fertility treatments are costly and time consuming. I would recommend consulting a Medical Intuitive and/or other healing practitioner before starting standard procedures like fertility drugs or IVF. This helps integrate the best options for treatment from the very beginning.
Medical intuition is a safe, gentle, caring and monitored way to explore fertility potential, as well as obstacles to fertility and various concerns of each partner. Medical intuition provides a treatment of hope for women and their partners that may lead to conception and a healthy baby.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1030604

Bacterial Vaginosis, the Most Common Vaginal Infection That Affects Women

Many more women suffer with Bacterial Vaginosis or BV than other vaginal infections. It occurs when there is a growth in the vagina's bad bacteria. Every woman's vagina contains bacteria, BV flourishes when harmful bacteria grows more quickly than good bacteria. The bacteria thought to be triggers for a bout of bacterial vaginosis are Gardneralla and Mobiluncus both present in most women and normal.

How BV is Caught?

There is no one cause understood to lead to BV. No section of female society is free from the risk of bacterial vaginal infections but there are ways to help lower the chances of becoming infected.

Avoid the use of vaginal douches. Douches can kill off healthy bacteria found in the vagina allowing bad strains to multiply.

Have sex with less people

Make new partners wear a condom.

What are the symptoms for bacterial vaginosis?

Occasionally women don't experience any symptoms for bacterial vaginosis infections and a number of symptoms are signs of other infections of the vagina so if you have any concerns or are worried about symptoms you should consult a physician. If your vagina produces a strong fishy smell then you may well have caught an infection, the smell can often be worse after intercourse. If you have an itchy vagina or have a burning sensation when going to the toilet these could also be signs of a BV infection. You may have a discharge from the vagina when infected. Most women experience a discharge from the vagina at some time but, a sudden increase in the frequency or amount should be investigated.

Best Cures for BV

Often a breaking of old habits is the best option, especially if you get attacks continually. Antibiotics are often prescribed for bacterial vaginosis and normally very effective. Nowadays however, prescribing antibiotics without having an infection or patients not completing the full course of treatments has led to "Super Bacteria." These bacteria are resistant to normal antibiotics and require much more powerful antibiotics. Prescribed drugs kill off all strains of bacteria, not just the harmful ones, steps must be taken after treatment. The use of probiotics and reducing the number of sexual partners can both be beneficial.

Could BV lead to other conditions?

I'm afraid so. Without help BV increases the likelihood of becoming infected with STDs including HIV it also increases the possibility of you transferring disease to others. You a greater vulnerability of contracting Pelvic Inflammatory Disease which can be disastrous for your ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus.

What Should I Do?

Start a treatment program right away. Follow a scientifically proven program designed to cure bacterial vaginosis [http://www.itchy-vagina.com/bacterial-vaginosis/] permanently.

Causes And Cures For Menstrual Pain

Menstrual pain refers to abdominal pain which precedes or occurs during a woman's menstrual period. It is sometimes referred to as menstrual cramps and usually occurs anytime from just after ovulation to the end of menstruation. Menstrual pain is mostly located in the region of the lower abdomen either centrally (suprapubic or umbilical) or on the sides and may radiate to the thighs or lower back. The pain, however, tends to subside as the menstrual flow gradually comes to an end.

In the early part of the menstrual cycle a woman's body gradually prepares itself for hosting a pregnancy by causing a thickening of the inner lining of the womb. After ovulation, if conception does not occur, this built-up inner lining of the womb is shed and removed from the body through menstruation. During this process the broken-down tissue of the inner lining release several chemical compounds, including prostaglandins, which cause the muscular wall of the womb to contract and this contraction helps to expel the shed tissue from the womb through the vagina in form of menstrual flow. However, this contraction also tends to constrict the blood vessels of the womb, hence reducing the oxygen supply to the womb, and this results in the cramp-like pain felt during menstruation. This process happens in every woman who menstruates, hence many women usually experience some degree of pain during their menstrual periods and this is not necessarily abnormal. The good news is that menstrual pain tends to reduce with increasing age and also with increasing number of children, i.e. the older you get and the more children you have, the less the menstrual pain becomes. However, when menstrual pain becomes excessive and incapacitating, or interferes with a woman's daily activities, then it becomes abnormal and is medically referred to as dysmenorrhea. Other symptoms which could be associated with dysmenorrhea include nausea, vomiting, change in bowel habit (diarrhea or constipation), headache, dizziness, disorientation, fainting, fatigue, and hypersensitivity to sound, light, smell and touch.

Now, dysmenorrhea (abnormally excessive menstrual pain) can be classified into 2 types, primary and secondary dysmenorrhea. The primary type refers to dysmenorrhea with no known cause (i.e. a physical or psychogenic cause cannot be found for the pain). The secondary type, however, can be caused by several medical conditions including, but not limited to, the following:
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STD's)
  • Fibroids
  • Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD) made of copper
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Endometriosis
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Stress and anxiety
Treatment of dysmenorrhea involves both pain management and specific therapies for any known cause.
Pain management includes:
  1. Drug therapy - the following types of drugs are known to be effective against menstrual pain
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's) like ibuprofen, piroxicam, diclofenac, etc.
  3. Other prescription pain relievers (including narcotic drugs), such as pentazocine, tramadol, codeine, etc.
  4. Hormonal contraceptives (birth control pills)
  5. Non-drug therapy - the following non-drug home remedies have been reported to relieve or at least reduce menstrual pain in some women:
  6. drinking warm beverages
  7. taking warm showers or baths
  8. applying a heating pad over the lower abdomen, below the belly button
  9. doing light circular massage with the finger tips over the lower abdomen
  10. avoiding heavy meals (eating light but frequent)
  11. increasing intake of dietary fibres (taking more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc) and reducing intake of salt, sugar, alcohol and caffeine (coffee).
  12. keeping the legs elevated while lying down or lying on ones side with the knees bent
  13. practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga
  14. doing regular exercises, including pelvic rocking exercises
  15. controlling ones weight (losing weight if overweight)
Cause-specific therapies include all treatments aimed at resolving any of the causes of secondary dysmenorrhea such as
  1. Antibiotics, for instance in treatment of PID and STD's
  2. Surgery, e.g. for fibroids, ovarian cysts, etc
  3. Hormonal therapy, e.g. in treating endometriosis
  4. Anti-depressants, e.g. in the management of PMS
  5. Nutritional supplements, e.g. thiamine (vitamin B1), magnesium, vitamin E, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, etc, have been shown to relieve or reduce menstrual pain, especially in primary dysmenorrhea. Thiamine, in particular, has been shown to provide a CURE, rather than mere pain suppression, in many women with primary dysmenorrhea.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6008227

About Bacterial Vaginosis and Pregnancy

Sometimes during the nine months of pregnancy you may exhibit symptoms of vaginal irritation, itching and burning that should be checked by your doctor or gynecologist.
There is a likelihood that you thought it's just another onset of yeast infection and you might have tried over-the-counter remedies (such as anti-fungal creams and suppositories). While this medication worked for you in the past, this time the remedy was not as effective as when you were diagnosed with Candida by your gynecologist.
Needless to say that such problems should be taken seriously, especially when you are carrying a child to give birth to because everything your body goes through could affect your unborn baby or affect your baby when it's born.
With Bacterial Vaginosis, cervical tenderness is likely as well as back and/or pelvic cramping. The condition is not so rare; one in five women will develop this bacterial infection during their pregnancy. BV can raise your risk for preterm labor and birth. There is also a higher risk of miscarriage as some studies have shown, as well as danger of a post delivery uterine infection or PPROM (preterm premature rupture of the amniotic membranes).
But there is no reason to panic: The majority of women who suffer from Bacterial Vaginosis have perfectly normal pregnancies. Women who are high risk are often screened for it. The problem with bacterial vaginosis is that it can only be treated with oral or topical antibiotics because it is a bacterial infection - unlike a Candida yeast infection.
Gynecologists will prescribe medication after the first trimester because it is best for the developing fetus.
There is a range of topic or oral drugs: Metronidazole like Vandazole, MetroGel-Vaginal, MetroGel Vaginal, Flagyl, Metro.
In some instances strep bacteria of the E-coli, staph or mycoplasma kind can beat the root of the problem. Vaginosis is contagious. However, men don't have any symptoms and aren't affected by it. When your vaginal pH grows to be 4.5 or above and your discharge is thin and yellow, white or gray, it can signal a Bacterial Vaginitis (BV) infection.
It can have a malodorous scent and the smell can be overpowering after sexual contact. Your gynecologist can take a sample and test it to determine what is wrong. Because bacterial vaginosis symptoms can often mimic the symptoms of other diseases and STDs it is important to be tested for a clear diagnosis.
Gonorrhea, Chlamydia or Trichomoniasis are sometimes present and the reason for your illness. There is an abundance of modern ways to treat and cure these issues and none of them are harmful to baby or to Mom.
Some women might not even show any symptoms and that is why it is advised to consult your doctor or physician if you are uncomfortable and feeling yucky.
Natural bacterial vaginosis remedies are good for soothing current symptoms and they can prevent it from recurring. However, pharmaceutical solutions are often necessary for a complete recovery. All in all, don't worry and stay healthy during your pregnancy!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5766596

HIV and Pregnancy

From the early days of the community learning about HIV, there have been a lot of questions and misconceptions about HIV. There have also been many advancements in the understanding of HIV and pregnancy. To understand how HIV affects pregnant women and their unborn child, it is important to understand what HIV is and how it can be contracted.
So, what is HIV? HIV stands for "Human Immunodeficiency Virus." Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that damages the immune system over time and is the virus that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Our immune systems work on our behalf to keep us healthy and fight off infections. Many people with HIV do not know that they have HIV because they feel and appear healthy. They can infect others without even knowing it. While there is no known cure for HIV or AIDS, there are many treatments and trials that provide a better quality of life and, in some cases, extend the lives of those diagnosed with either HIV or AIDS.
Let's talk about how you DON'T get HIV. You don't get HIV from touching, hugging, or being around a person with HIV. You can't get HIV from bug bites or mosquitos. You can't get HIV from kissing unless one of you has an open sore or cut in/outside the mouth. You can't get HIV from giving blood. HIV is not transmitted through saliva.
Now, how CAN you contract HIV? HIV is transmitted through blood and bodily fluids including semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk. Basically, there has to be a way for the HIV virus to exit the infected person and an entry for the HIV virus to enter your body. The three most common ways to contract HIV is through unprotected sexual intercourse, sharing needles, and from mother to infant.
How do I know if I have HIV? The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend that women who may become pregnant, or who are pregnant, have an HIV test as soon as possible. If you are already pregnant, you may request an HIV test at any time during your pregnancy, usually at the first prenatal appointment. The earlier, the better to reduce the chance of mother to baby transmission.
If you test HIV-negative and have unprotected sex or share needles, you should be tested again during the pregnancy. You should ask to be tested again in your third trimester as sometimes it takes time for the virus to be present in blood tests. It is a good idea to be tested because you could have been exposed to HIV through unprotected sex, without knowing it and even without your partner knowing it. If you share needles, you may also be at higher risk of contracting HIV so a repeat HIV test is recommended.
Will my baby have HIV if I am HIV positive? If you discover that you are HIV positive during pregnancy, meet with your healthcare provider to discuss treatment options. You should begin treatment immediately and MUST follow your recommended treatment protocol during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and breastfeeding (and beyond) to reduce the possibility of passing HIV on to the baby. It is possible to deliver a baby that is not HIV positive. The earlier you begin antiviral treatment, the better the chances that your baby will not be HIV positive. If you test HIV positive, your newborn MUST take an antiviral treatment protocol to reduce the baby's chances of becoming infected with HIV.
Most women that are HIV positive have their babies delivered through caesarean section (C-section). However, some women that are HIV positive can have vaginal deliveries if they have a low viral load (low-level or undetectable HIV in blood).
In resource-rich countries, such as the United States, women that are HIV positive are strongly advised to use baby formula to feed their infants. Baby formula is the safest feeding method for infants born to HIV positive mothers. However, if you do not have access to baby formula, sterile bottles and clean water daily, breastfeeding may be your only option. In this case, it is even more important for you to continue to take your treatment protocol daily and for your baby to take her treatment protocol as well. Even if the mother and baby are both on antiviral medications, there is still a chance of passing HIV on to the infant through breast milk.
Thanks to research, education, and improved treatments, many people with HIV live long, healthy lives. As with most illnesses, prevention, early detection and strict adherence to treatment protocols can lead to favorable outcomes.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9565309

Understanding Infertility and the Statistics

If you think you have a fertility problem, you may feel all alone. But your not. In fact, infertility affects more than 6 million American women and their partners. That's about 10 percent of Americans who are of reproductive age. Some estimates put the figure as high as 20 percent! Infertility affects men and women with almost equal frequency.
It's important to remember that many different conditions can affect your ability to conceive. Bur it's equally important to remember that recent advances in drug therapy, microsurgery, and assisted reproductive technologies are making it possible for half to three-quarters of the couples seeking treatment to conceive.
The longer a woman waits to conceive, the longer it will take her. The optimal time for a woman to conceive is between the ages of twenty-two and twenty-six. However, many women in their early twenties do not want to conceive-they may not be married, or they may be busy pursuing a education or careers, or they just may not feel ready to start their families.
Fertility starts declining after the age of thirty and more rapidly after thirty-five. A woman under thirty has about a 20 percent chance of conceiving each month. By the time she reaches forty, her chances of conceiving drop to only 5 percent each month.
Why is this? After age thirty, hormone levels start declining and eggs start deteriorating subtly. A woman is born with all her eggs-about 300,000. But as she approaches menopause, only a few thousand eggs-eggs that have been around for a lifetime-are left. And older eggs are not only not as fertilizable as young eggs, they're much more likely to carry chromosomal abnormalities such as Down Syndrome. But if you're older, don't despair-the majority of older women who carry a pregnancy to term give birth to healthy babies.
Fertility among men also decreases with age, although not as dramatically as for women. Older men tend to have lower levels of testosterone, and this in turn affects their sexual drive, as well as their ability to achieve and maintain an erection. Older men are also more likely to have medical conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, or diabetes, that can impair sexual ability.
In addition, older couples tend to have sex less often than younger couples. And the older you are, the greater the chances are that you have gotten illnesses that can interfere with your fertility, such as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), diabetes and thyroid disease.
While chance of conceiving decreases the older one gets, the chance of miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion, as it is called in the medical field, increases. Miscarriage is a relatively common occurrence. Ten to 12 percent of pregnancies in women under thirty-five years of age end in miscarriage; 18 percent of those between thirty-five and thirty-nine, and 34 percent of those between forty and forty-four, do as well. More than half the pregnant women forty-five or over miscarry.

About Women Fertility

Men & Women fertility is one of the most wide-spread problems in the world. Women who are not able to conceive after trying for a long time and women who have suffered multiple miscarriages may be suffering from fertility problem. More young couples have conception difficulties each year and definitely worst if couples in their 40's want to give birth to a child. Let's look at some of the factors that may be related to women fertility problem.
(1) Not ovulating regularly
Women should ovulate regularly each month. Irregularities in the hormone system can affect ovulation.
(2) Ectopic pregnancy
It is a major health problem for women of child bearing age. In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg implants in a location outside the uterus (usually in the fallopian tubes) and tries to develop there which ultimately ends in death of the foetus. Without timely diagnosis and treatment, ectopic pregnancy can become a life-threatening situation and thus requires immediate treatment. The earlier the condition is treated, the better the chance to preserve the fallopian tube intact for future normal pregnancies.
(3) Age
A woman of age 20 to 24 has their fertility at the peak. A woman of age 35 and above has difficulty in giving birth. Fertility is less than? of the maximum. A woman of age 40 to 45 has a 95 percent less chance than a woman in their 20s.
(4) Fallopian Tube blockages
The female fallopian tubes could be obstructed due to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), pelvic inflammatory disease, or certain surgeries.
(5) Overweight
Women who are overweight may have hormonal imbalances. Body fat levels that are 10 to 15 percent above normal can overload the body with estrogen, throwing off the reproductive cycle.
(6) Underweight
Body fat levels 10 to 15 percent below normal can completely shut down the reproductive process and thus not ovulating normally.
(7) Alcohol or Smoking
Smoking may increase the risk of infertility in women; and even moderate alcohol consumption (as few as five drinks a week) can impair conception.
(8) Medication
Taking medications like antidepressants, antibiotics, painkillers, and other drugs used to treat chronic disorders may cause temporary infertility. The above mentioned is for female fertility. However, you need to look at the male fertility too as it is the combination that can make you conceive. There may be cases that both the male and the female looks normal but still cannot conceive due to Unknown reasons.
The doctors may be giving you conventional women fertility treatments that may or may not correct the root causes of fertility. You may try a holistic approach that may give you a more healthy and practical way. For example, a taking herbs and vitamins, acupuncture and live a healthy lifestyle.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3470716

What Are The Different Birth Control Methods For Women?

From the moment they start their sexual life women should be aware that they can get pregnant. If this is not what they want for the moment, then birth control methods are necessary for them. Birth control methods are also used by women who have had one or more children and have decided that this is enough for them.
There are many birth control methods for women and they all have advantages and disadvantages. Choosing one depends on what you are actually expecting from it, on your personal preferences and also on whether you intend to have children in the future or not. The best birth control method needs to be established together with your doctor. All women must be aware of the fact that no method is 100% safe. A pregnancy can occur even if you had safe sex and only abstinence works all the time. There are also birth control methods that protect women against sexually transmitted diseases. They are a good option for women who don't have a stable partner or who do not know their partner well enough.
Condoms are one of the most known and widely used methods of birth control. Along with diaphragms, cervical caps and contraceptive sponges, they are called barrier birth control methods. There are condoms for both men and women, but those for men seem to be more efficient. They also offer protection against STDs. Diaphragms and cervical caps need to be inserted by a doctor and some women are more prone to urinary infections because of them.
There are also hormonal birth control methods for women. The most known one is the pill which needs to be taken daily. In some women it might have pretty serious side effects. If these outweigh the benefits, than another method should be used. There are also hormone patches and hormone shots that women can use. They have the same effect as the pill, but the administering method is different. Shots are taken periodically and patches are worn for three weeks monthly. The fourth week is reserved for the menstrual period. Vaginal contraceptive rings work exactly like patches, except for the fact that they need to be inserted in the vagina.
Some women decide to use IUD (intra uterine devices) that will keep them away of pregnancy for a long number of years. However, the subject of IUD is pretty controversial. There is also the radical method of sterilization.
Because of the side effects that many contraceptive methods have, many women consider natural birth control methods. This means that they know when they are ovulating each month and they don't have sex then. This works in women with a regulated period and in relationships where partners can trust each other. This method is not having such a high success rate as the other ones.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6002750

HIV and/or AIDS: Stages of HIV Symptoms

HIV symptoms

For the most part, the symptoms of HIV are the result of infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and/or parasites.

Stage 1: Symptoms of early HIV infection

Many people with HIV have no symptoms for several months to even years after becoming infected. Others may develop symptoms similar to flu, usually 2-6 weeks after catching the virus.

The symptoms of early HIV infection may include:

• fever
• chills
• joint pain
• muscle aches
• sore throat
• sweats (particularly at night)
• enlarged glands
• a red rash
• tiredness
• weakness
• unintentional weight loss

Stage 2: Asymptomatic HIV

In many cases, after the initial symptoms disappear, there will not be any further symptoms for many years.

During this time, the virus carries on developing and damaging the immune system and organs. Without being on medications to stop HIV's replication, this process can take up to 10 years on average. The infected person often experiences no symptoms, feels well, and appears healthy.

Stage 3: Late-stage HIV infection

If left untreated, HIV weakens the ability to fight infection. The person becomes vulnerable to serious illnesses. This stage of infection is known as AIDS.

Symptoms of late-stage HIV infection may include:

• blurred vision
• diarrhea, which is usually persistent or chronic
• dry cough
• fever of above 100 °F (37 °C) lasting for weeks
• night sweats
• permanent tiredness
• shortness of breath (dyspnea)
• swollen glands lasting for weeks
• unintentional weight loss
• white spots on the tongue or mouth

During late-stage HIV infection, the risk of developing a life-threatening illness is much greater. Life-threatening illnesses may be controlled, avoided, and/or treated with proper medications, often including HIV treatment.

HIV and AIDS myths and facts

There are many misconceptions about HIV and AIDS. The virus CANNOT be transmitted from:
• shaking hands
• hugging
• casual kissing
• sneezing
• touching the unbroken skin
• using the same toilet
• sharing towels
• sharing cutlery
• mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
• or other forms of "casual contact"
Diagnosis of HIV and AIDS

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) estimate that about 1 in every 8 HIV-positive Americans is unaware of their HIV-status.

HIV blood tests and results

Diagnosis is made through a blood test that screens specifically for the virus. If the HIV virus has been found, the test result is "positive." The blood is re-tested several times before a positive result is given to the patient.
If a person has been exposed to the virus, it is crucial that they get tested as soon as possible. The earlier HIV is detected, the more likely the treatment will be successful. A home testing kit can be used as well.

After infection with HIV, it can take from 3 weeks to 6 months for the virus to show up in testing. Re-testing may be necessary. If the moment a patient was most at risk of infection was within the last 6 months, they can have the test immediately. However, the provider will urge that another test be carried out within a few weeks.


HIV infection can cause AIDS to develop. However, it is possible to be infected with HIV without developing AIDS. Without treatment, the HIV infection can progress and, eventually, it will develop into AIDS in the vast majority of cases. Once someone has received an AIDS diagnosis, it will always carry over with them in their medical history.

 Need a little extra help? For a tool that it allows you to "test yourself quickly" to know if you have HIV infection at home (uses a mouth swab and gives results in 20 to 40 minutes, and test accurate 99.98 percent of the time ). Don't delay your HIV infection that it will develop into AIDS. Get or equip your Quick HIV Test now to test yourself quick as possible.

I Tested HIV Positive, What Does This Mean? Do I Have AIDS?

A positive HIV test result means that you are infected with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), the virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Being infected with HIV does not mean that you have AIDS right now. However, if left untreated, HIV infection damages a person's immune system and can progress to AIDS.
What is AIDS?

AIDS is the most serious stage of HIV infection. It results from the destruction of the infected person's immune system. Your immune system is your body's defense system. Cells of your immune system fight off infection and other diseases. If your immune system does not work well, you are at risk for serious and life-threatening infections and cancers. HIV attacks and destroys the disease-fighting cells of the immune system, leaving the body with a weakened defense against infections and cancer.

Which disease fighting cells does HIV attack?

CD4 cells are a type of white blood cell that fights infections. HIV kills these cells. They are also called CD4+ T cells or CD4 T lymphocytes. A CD4 count is the number of CD4 cells in a sample of blood. The CD4 count tells us how well your immune system is functioning. When HIV enters a person's CD4 cells, it uses the cells to make copies of itself. This process destroys the CD4 cells and the CD4 count decreases. As you lose CD4 cells, your immune system becomes weak. A weakened immune system makes it harder for your body to fight infections and cancer. The more CD4 cells you have the better. Even people without HIV might get this blood test ordered. I have lupus myself and we include this blood test periodically to see how well or poorly my immune system is functioning. A normal range for CD4 cells is about 500-1,500.

How will I know if I have AIDS?

AIDS is not a diagnosis you can make yourself; it is diagnosed when the immune system is severely weakened. If you are infected with HIV and your CD4 count drops below 200 cells/mm3, or if you develop an AIDS-defining condition (an illness that is very unusual in someone who is not infected with HIV), you have AIDS.

What are the AIDS-defining conditions?

In December 2002, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published the most current list of AIDS-defining conditions. It may now include other diseases, but these are still the most common. The AIDS-defining conditions are:
- Candidiasis
- Cervical cancer (invasive)
- Coccidioidomycosis, Cryptococcosis, Cryptosporidiosis
- Cytomegalovirus disease
- Encephalopathy (HIV-related)
- Herpes simplex (severe infection)
- Histoplasmosis
- Kaposi's sarcoma
- Lymphoma (certain types)
- Mycobacterium avium complex
- Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP)
- Pneumonia (recurrent)
- Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
- Salmonella septicemia (recurrent)
- Toxoplasmosis of the brain
- Tuberculosis
- Wasting syndrome

People who are not infected with HIV can also develop these diseases; this does not mean they have AIDS. To be diagnosed with AIDS, a person must be infected with HIV.

What is HIV treatment?

HIV treatment is the use of medications to keep an HIV infected person healthy. Treatment can help people at all stages of HIV disease. Although anti-HIV medications can treat HIV infection, they cannot cure HIV infection. HIV treatment is complicated and must be tailored to you and your needs. Your meditation "cocktail" might be very different than that of a friend who is also HIV positive.

The information in this article provides some information about HIV treatment. When to start medication, which medications are used, how to know if treatment is working, and what can be done if your treatment is not working is a done on a very individual basis. Talk to your health care provider or infectious disease specialist about your own personal situation. Your meditation combination may or may not need to be altered.

There are support groups (local and online) your infectious disease specialist can refer you to. Many people find them useful and comforting.

Keep in mind new drugs are being invented all the time so many people can live long, full lives with HIV.

Early Symptoms of HIV & AIDS

Based on just symptoms, you can't tell if you really have HIV. You can find this out if you get tested for HIV. Once you know your status, making healthy decisions will be easier for you. Different people show different symptoms of the disease. Moreover, the symptoms also vary based on the stage of the HIV. Given below is a description of some common symptoms of this disease.
Early Stage of HIV
Typically, 9 out of 10 people with this disease show flu-like symptoms within a few weeks of infection. Some people don't feel sick at this stage. They have acute HIV infection. Common symptoms include fatigue, mouth ulcers, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, muscle aches, night sweats, chills, rash and fever, just to name a few. If you have these symptoms, chances are that you have HIV. For confirmation, however, we suggest that you contact a good doctor.
Clinical Latency Stage
If left untreated, the patient may move onto the next stage known as the clinical latency stage or chronic HIV infection. At this stage, the disease is active but the reproduction level is very low. The symptoms are also mild.

If you don't take medicine to treat the disease at this stage, you may move onto the next stage within 10 years or so. In some people, the disease gets worse a lot faster. However, if you get treatment, this stage may last longer since the drugs can control the growth of the virus giving you more time.

Here, it's important to keep in mind that you can still transmit the disease to people around you at this stage even if you show no symptoms. However, if you are on ART, you are not as likely to get the disease transmitted to others. So, you have to be careful and get the required treatment as soon as possible.
Progression to AIDS
If you don't take meds for HIV, the virus will make your immune system a lot weaker. As a result, you will get AIDS, which is the last stage of this disease. Below are some symptoms of the disease:
  • Weight loss
  • Night seats or fever
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Inflammation of the lymph glands
  • Prolonged diarrhea
  • Pneumonia
  • Sores of the genitals, anus or mouth
  • Depression, memory loss or neurologic disorders
However, keep in mind that the symptoms listed above are not necessarily the indicators of HIV. They may also be related to other common diseases. Therefore, we suggest that you run some tests in order to find out which disease you have. The tests won't cost you much and help you know the disease you have.

Most of the severe symptoms of the disease appear because of the opportunistic infection, which is the result of weakened immune system.

So, if you have been experiencing the symptoms listed in this article, we suggest that you get in touch with a doctor for your medical checkup. The doctor will prescribe some tests that can confirm whether you have HIV or not.

Gender and HIV-AIDS - Impact on Education System

HIV/AIDS is as the bubonic plague of our time. Though HIV/AIDS is a talking point on street corners, many people still are not informed scrupulously what HIV/AIDS absolutely means. They are not informed how to keep safe themselves as well. In this regard gender literacy may play an important role to make aware of HIV/AIDS.

Mainstreaming gender touches on the statute, norms, customs and practices thoroughly as the stepping stone to sustainable development. Gender equality defines equality of treatment under the rule and neutrality of opportunity for females and males. An essential fact is that women are always struggling against both a virus and structured discrimination in trying to conquer the threat of HIV/AIDS especially in the developing country.

Women should be made campaign for their fundamental rights. Women living with HIV/AIDS have to be able to develop their inner beings and life skills that they may raise their voices in the face of a huge number of impediments. It results in that they have the courage to face a number of situations which raise the danger of HIV infectivity by way of existing gender discrimination.

HIV/AIDS increases acute threats to the education system over the years. It affects the education programs and projects comprehensively. The principle of present national curriculum has to highlight the learning need issues linked to the HIV/AIDS epidemic prevention, such as general health awareness, safe sex practices, coping with illness and death in the family, lessening discrimination towards people living with HIV/AIDS and enhancing life skills. Consequently it has an integrated impact on ministries, departments, agencies, and policy makers liable for proper scheduling and allocation of education resources and services.

The Ministry of Education has to have a great inclination to take a number of initiatives to prevent HIV/AIDS from spreading with the help of NGOs to ensure community people's participation. In this case some NGOs are already conducting various programs to achieve 'goal number 6' of MDG which includes one target related to HIV/AIDS, namely to have halted the epidemic by 2015 and begun to reverse its spread. For example Rainbow Nari O Shishu Kallyan Foundation is a non government organization conducting some HIV/AIDS related program. Rainbow Nari O Shishu Kallyan Foundation has identified its various advocacy issues through participatory procedure giving main concern to RTI/STD management (including prevention of HIV/AIDS), training, sex education and connected adolescent reproductive health initiatives, qualitative health and related behavioral research, gender-based violence as well as male participation in reproductive rights and gender equity. The aim of these activities is to achieve a HIV/AIDS free Bangladesh.

This is the time for Bangladesh to take strong initiatives to provide HIV/AIDS and sex related education in the school context. Because many people are still traditional, thinking sexuality is a private matter, they hesitate to talk about it and young people have not sufficient knowledge about HIV/AIDS.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/901757

Yogurt and Yeast Infections FAQs

Yeasts don't just exist in breads. But what precisely is this substance and what type of infection does it cause? It's crucial to realize that while the symptoms typically involve minor irritations, they can be deadly. Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about yogurt and yeast infections.
What are yeasts?
They're a type of fungi whose scientific name is "Candida." However, the exact type that typically results in sickness is "Candida albicans."
Are they always dangerous?
In fact, these fungi frequently exist on healthy human skin. Also, they also appear in regions of the body where there is moisture. These areas include inside the mouth and vagina. Scientists believe that up to 50% of all healthy women possess this fungus in or around the vaginal area.
What is vaginitis?
This illness linked to yeasts, or "vaginitis" is an inflammation of the vagina. It happens in up to three-out-of-four women sometime throughout their lives. Many causes can result in vaginitis. These include yeasts, different types of bacteria, and protozoans (microscopic organisms). The most frequent variety of vaginitis is yogurt and yeast infections.
What is vulvitis?
This inflammation occurs within a woman's exterior genital organs. Different types of illnesses can result due to this illness. Although sometimes this ailment occurs alone, it frequently occurs in tandem with vaginitis.
Are irritations of the vagina STDs?
They are not actually a sexually-transmitted disease (STD). That's due to the facts that celibate women can acquire them, and fungi can appear naturally within the vagina. However, it's important to note that a male can acquire a fungus inflammation after having sexual intercourse with a female who suffers from this condition.

If you're suffering from yogurt and y east infections then look for a safe, homeopathic treatment for women and men. This will provide welcome relief for the various symptoms that these illnesses create.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2871876

Top Ten Women's Health Tips

 Top Ten Health Tips For Women
As you may have noticed, there are lots of things that you need to consider when trying to stay fit and healthy. More often than not this mass of information becomes overwhelming and most people start off with good intentions but give up in the long run, slipping back to old ways and habits. To help you maintain that healthy lifestyle, below are the top ten things you should be doing to keep yourself healthy and happy.
1) When trying to keep to a healthy lifestyle, the first thing you need to consider is your diet. A good balanced diet is essential in maintaining a healthy body. Remember, 'rubbish in = rubbish out'. Eating junk food, fatty food and other convenience foods will result in a feeling of lethargy, tiredness, depression and bad complexion just to name a few. Simple changes to make would be avoiding too much red meat, high fat foods and high calorie foods instead substituting this with high fibre low fat food, mixed with a regular intake of fruit and vegetables. Fibre is great for digestion whilst fruit and vegetables will help keep vitamin and mineral levels up.
2) Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. One of the risks of not drinking enough water is the onset of kidney stones. If you know anybody who has had kidney stones, you'll know this is to be avoided! Drinking plenty of water will keep you hydrated which in the long run will help you cleanse your body of impurities. You will start to feel more alert and less tired, you may notice your skin improves with a new radiance. If you are lactating, it is vital that you keep well hydrated to ensure your milk is at its best. Most research suggests that eight glasses of water per day is a minimum.
3) Consider taking vitamin and mineral supplements, especially at the beginning of your new healthy schedule. Some of the more important ones specific to women are Calcium and Iron. Calcium is essential for women of all ages but especially menopausal women to ensure good bone strength and minimise problems from onset of Osteoporosis. Iron supplements are especially important for menstruating women and women who suffer heavier blood loss during that time of the month. Vitamin E400 is worth taking as this has been shown to reduce flushes and sweating at night. For the skin, consider Vitamin E as as a dietary supplement.
4) If you smoke, GIVE UP!! Yes, I know that is much easier said than done but any reduction in the amount that you smoke will be beneficial. If you find the idea of giving up a step too far why not try cutting down? A great way to cut down is to try and extend the time between your cigarettes. If you can maintain this, you will gradually start to smoke less without feeling the withdrawals as much. If you are pregnant, then smoking is a big 'NO-No'. The toxins in a cigarette can cross from the mothers bloodstream and into the baby. Also your chance of breast cancer is much higher if you are a smoker. Overall reducing alcohol and smoking less are great ways to a healthier happier life.
5) Try and introduce a regular exercise into your daily routine. There are simple ways to get exercise without really trying. You could try walking home from work if it's not too far, don't take the elevator all the time - try using the stairs. When your kids are outside playing, take a few minutes to go and play with them. Not only will you be getting fit but you'll be spending more time with your children. Everyone wins! Yoga is also a great way to stay toned and supple. This can be done in the home with a minimal investment in equipment. There is lots of free info. on the internet related to yoga. A simple cheap way to stay healthy.
6) Try and avoid sources of stress. Stressful situations whether at home or at work can leave you with excess amounts of adrenaline and other 'fight or flight' by-products. These can affect heart muscle, upset sleep patterns causing insomnia and much more. Exercise can help to burn off some of these stress by-products but any high stress situations should be avoided.
7) A lot of women are a sucker for a good suntan but there are hidden dangers. Recent research has indicated that over exposure to sunlight and sun tanning beds could increase your chances of skin cancer by up to 30%. A lot of the damage is done in younger life and may not show for years. Simple ways to avoid danger would be to use high factor sun creams, don't lie out in direct sunlight, consider using a tanning cream and avoid those nasty UV rays altogether.
8) Make sure you attend regular smear tests and ensure you visit your Gynaecologist on a regular basis. A lot of 'womens' problems' can be detected in the early stages and treated accordingly. Cervical cancer, chlamydia and Warts are just a few of them. Avoiding your Gynaecologist is akin to playing Russian roulette!!
9) Make sure you practice safe sex. STD's can be easily transmitted and even a long term partner could be harbouring some unknown stowaways. Sexually transmitted diseases can lie dormant for years. Until you are 100% sure you and you're partner are free from STD's practicing safe sex is the best way to stay healthy.
10) An often overlooked area of personal health is dental hygiene. Not looking after your oral hygiene may result in gum disease, tooth loss, halitosis to name but a few. Keep regular appointments with your dental hygienist and make sure you floss regularly to keep a beautiful bright smile.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2725392

The Most Common STD

Sexually transmitted diseases are not as unusual as people may think. Statistics show that about 50 million people all over the world acquire sexually transmitted diseases in just a single year. With that kind of number, one would be inclined to ask what the most common STD is. Let this article give you the answers to that question, and include some details on them as well.
The first and the most common STD is called Chlamydia. However, it is one that has a cure, and has had a very high cure rate all over the world. It infects the insides of the genital area, such as the cervix in women, and the urethra in men. The main reason by which Chlamydia has qualified to be the most common STD is because the symptoms that tells a person that he or she has Chlamydia do not appear for at least a few days, to usually up until several months after acquiring the disease. So the best thing to do with this is if there is any possibility or if there is any suspicion that one has made contact with someone who has that sexually transmitted disease, is to get checked by a healthcare professional in order to ensure the absence of this common STD. Condoms are anyone's best protection against STD, but then again, this would only protect a person in some sexual activities.
Another common STD on the list is gonorrhea, which was given the nickname "clap." The symptoms experienced in this STD caused by a specific strain of bacteria, is very similar to those seen with Chlamydia. Even the effects experienced by people who have had this STD for a lengthy period of time are similar to those with Chlamydia. The organs that are involved in the infection are also the same. The main symptoms that a person who has gonorrhea might experience would be excruciating pain similar to a burning sensation while urinating, and pus discharges for men, and unusual discharges from the vagina in women. One other extra thing that may distinguish gonorrhea from Chlamydia is that one can also get infected by way of one's throat through oral sex.
Syphilis is another common STD that may be difficult to manage. A person may acquire syphilis if he or she was able to come in direct contact with a sore, thus sexual activities are sure- fire ways to get this common STD. Sores will appear where the germs have come into contact with a newly infected person, such as the genital area and even the mouth area. Syphilis must be treated immediately in order to avoid further complications. Treatment of this disease and the absence of visible sores are not determinants that it has already been cured. In fact, there is a very high probability that the bacteria are still inside the body and spreading throughout. During the last stages of syphilis, though, the infected person may no longer be contagious. However, care must be taken by a woman carrying a child inside her womb, as the disease will be passed on to the unborn child.
In order to be extremely sure that you have not acquired any of these common STDs, you may want to contact your healthcare provider immediately, especially if you are sexually active.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2064700

How STDs Affect Your Fertility

This may be a touchy subject, but one that is extremely important for women looking to get pregnant. Chances are if you are trying to get pregnant you know if you have an STD, and if you don't you will soon find out. Sexually Transmitted Diseases can wreak havoc on your fertility and as the percentage of young adults affected with STDs continue to rise, it's more important than ever to get tested and take the necessary steps to prepare your body for pregnancy.
Some STDs are worse than others, and some can be treated more easily than others. Here is a list of common STDs:
Chlamydia is a disease caused by bacteria introduced from sex, oral and sexual. Chlamydia can be passed from mother to child during pregnancy. Currently over 1.9 million of us live with Chlamydia and this disease increases pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and a reduction in fertility. This disease shows no symptoms in over 70% of women, but can cause discomfort during urination, abdominal pain, and discharge among many. There are treatment options in the form of antibiotics that can be prescribed by your doctor.
Trichomanisis known as "trich" is a disease caused by a type of parasite. Currently this disease affects over 7 million people including 124,000 pregnant women at any given time. This disease affects women's fallopian tubes which can severely reduce your chances of getting pregnant. If you do happen to get pregnant Trichomanisis can be transferred to the baby through the delivery process. This trich produces awful discharge and smell and also causes discomfort in urination as well as intercourse. Trichomanisis also can be controlled through antibiotics prescribed by your gynecologist.
Gonorrhea is one of the more known STD's and is increasing by more than 700,000 new cases a year. Gonorrhea is introduced into the body through sexual intercourse from a person infected by the disease. This disease causes serious fertility issues for women as is can cause ectopic pregnancies, PIDs along with other reproductive downers. Gonorrhea is mostly passed to the baby through the process of conception. This is another disease that sometimes shows no symptoms at all, but can cause discharge and pelvic pain for both men and women. Again there are treatment options in the form of antibiotics prescribed by your gynecologist.
Syphilis is one of the more serious STDs as it could cause short and long term adverse health issues if not treated. Syphilis is caused by having unprotected sex and may infect an infant during childbirth. This disease has been increasing significantly since 2006 as well as the number of infants affected. This disease has some of the strongest effects on your body including in the first 3 weeks - 3 months chancre sores, followed by lesions on the palms, genital and mouth, as well as sores compared to warts on the inside of your genitals. It's extremely important to get treated using antibiotics prescribed by your doctor, not only for your safety, but to prevent your baby from fetal types of damages.
For men and women with STD's, it's not the end of the road. You can still give birth to healthy beautiful babies, but you must take the necessary steps to not only prepare your body for pregnancy, but to create a healthy body for yourself. After all, your future baby will need a healthy mom to nurse and nurture.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6441107

STD Risks During Pregnancy

As stated, women may suffer more health complications than men when it comes to being infected with sexually transmitted diseases. Women are also faced with more judgments if people find out that she is infected with STD. Double standards in the society is what makes it difficult for women to face and deal with STD better. It is doubly hard for a woman to face the situation she is in if she is pregnant.
Women, regardless of age, nationality or occupation will get infected if they do not protect themselves from STDs. However, the effects and complications may differ when a woman is pregnant. A pregnant woman's condition is more sensitive and it needs more attention because it is not only the mother that is to be protected but also the baby inside her womb. The fact is that STDs contracted during pregnancy can be life threatening. All women should be aware of the consequences and complications brought about by the sexually transmitted diseases. Pregnancy has no available protection against sexually transmitted diseases which makes pregnant women susceptible to the other STDs. This may cause complications not only to the pregnant woman but more danger to the unborn child.
Health complications for pregnant women may be early onset of labor, premature rupture of the membranes surrounding the baby in the uterus, and uterine infection after delivery. The disease may also cause the woman to have cervical and other cancers, chronic hepatitis and pelvic inflammatory disease.
On the other hand, the baby may also suffer different health problems. This is more critical because a helpless infant does not have that much strength to fight diseases and illnesses. This may put the baby's life at risk and in danger. Health complications to the baby may be stillbirth, low birth weight, conjunctivitis, pneumonia, neonatal sepsis, brain damage, motor function disorder, blindness, deafness, acute hepatitis, meningitis, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis.
Whether pregnant or not, women who are suspecting to be infected with STD should take the action to have an accurate and reliable STD and HIV testing. It may be conducted in hospitals, health clinics and STD testing clinics to be done by a doctor or a health specialist. STD testing clinics do not only offer testing and screening but also treatment and counseling. Treatment for pregnant women may differ since their condition is more sensitive than those who are not pregnant. Aside from the mother, the treatment should also be safe for the baby.
STD testing clinics are available to help those who would want to be tested in whatever condition they are into. If one needs to be tested in private, a private or confidential STD testing may be given. For fast results, quick or rapid STD testing is offered. The test is done just like how any ordinary lab test is done. Anybody, whether pregnant or not should make necessary prevention to protect their health and more importantly the baby, if they are pregnant. The best way to keep a baby safe is by taking care of a woman's health. Women should give top priority to their health because they are the ones who give life to little life through pregnancy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3040114

Women on the STD Issues - Symptoms and Awareness

Sexual awareness in today's generation of women starts early. Women's body is spectacularly different with a men's body, women's body develop much faster than that of men. In a women's body, her reproductive system can capacitate itself of bearing a child as early as she gets her first menstrual period, thus making her more exposed to sexual indulgence and making her exposed on STDs as well.
STD symptoms in women are hard to detect because her genitals are not as exposed as the male, thus making symptoms less likely to be seen and noticed. More than often, because of the common symptoms, the symptoms of STD in women is commonly mistaken to be another kind if disease; a Chlamydia infection can be mistaken for a yeast infection and a red pimple like could be mistaken as a bump wherein it could be a symptom of syphilis! This makes women more prone to untreated STD and leaving them to suffer more complicated effects of STD.
Every single sexually active women sis strongly advised to subject themselves to regular STD testing as symptoms are less likely to be noticed in women and the effects of STD especially when left untreated is considerably more devastating. Though STDs are commonly unnoticed, it can be helped with the right information and knowledge on its symptoms and signs upon infection.
Syphilis is a STD that appears as a Chancre around the vagina or the rectum. A chancre is a painless sore that is often mistaken to be a bump and commonly self-treated with over the counter remedies. In the 10th to the 90th day of infection, chancres will start to appear in the genital area and this can last for 3 to 6 weeks but it can also heal by itself. If syphilis is unnoticed and untreated on its first appearance it will now move on the second stage wherein after some time, it will re occur and attack again causing rashes all over the body of the infected. The palms of the hand and bottom of the feet will be filled with red spots and will be accompanied with fever, sore throat, swollen lymph glands, hair loss, weight loss, fatigue, and muscle pain. If the syphilis infection is still left untreated in this stage it will now develop into the latent stage and infest on internal organs causing irreversible damages that can lead to paralysis, loss of muscle coordination, blindness, and even death.
The number of infected women is greater than those of men and the effect of the disease had greater effects in women as well. Untreated and complicated situations of STD in women cam manifest as burning sensation while urinating, pain during sexual intercourse, and abnormal vaginal discharges but it can also cause damage in the reproductive system, causing inflammation in the fallopian tube and cervix and disowning infected women her chance to bear a child. It is best for sexually active women to have yourself tested regularly to avoid such complications.
STD Symptoms in women - know these symptoms, be vigilant, and get tested.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4935944

Womens Risk For STD's

Who is really at risk when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)? For many people, they believe that STDs only happen to "other people." They think that if they practice safe sex, they are completely safe and will likely not contract a sexually transmitted disease. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Anyone who is sexually active is at risk for STDs. But research has shown that womens risk for STD's is higher. Women not only get STDs more often but females are the gender that bears the long-term consequences of STDs. Once women become infected they seem to be more permanently damaged from certain sexually transmitted diseases than their male counterparts. This is because many of the STDs that women carry will somehow affect their reproductive organs, which can lead to women becoming sterile.
Not only is womens risk for STD's higher but they also tend to have a harder time detecting the presence of infection. Because the women's genitalia is internal, any physical symptoms that might appear in the area cannot easily be seen by the naked eye. Additionally, women are predisposed to general health conditions such as vaginal yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, or even urinary tract infections that can often mimic the symptoms of certain common STDs. As such, symptoms like vaginal itching and burning are not as likely to raise a red flag on the STD front and can often be put off with diagnosis. Men, on the other hand, are far more apt to take note of symptoms and get tested accordingly and then treated right away.
Something else that can make it hard for women is that once a woman finds herself infected with an STD, she is more likely to contract a second one. STDs can cause vaginal inflammation and injure blood vessels in the region. This leaves the area susceptible to a follow-up infection.
In addition to a womens risk for STD's being higher, women are also more likely than men to experience some of the harmful side effects associated with STDs. Chlamydia, for example, is known to produce few, if any, complications among men. But women with the disease can face problems along the lines of infertility, chronic pelvic pain, and potentially-fatal ectopic pregnancies if the condition goes untreated.
It is especially crucial that women make STD testing a priority. While it's important that all individuals at risk for STDs get themselves tested regularly, because of womens risk for STD's is higher it is something to be vigilant about.
If you're at risk for STD's don't gamble with your health, get tested. For more information please visit [http://getstdtestedfasttoday.com]

Causes of Infertility in Women and Men

Little girls dream of being daddy's princesses, meeting the boy of their dreams and playing house with them.
Women are not so different, just a little more... adult. They probably still love being daddy's girl, still have their hopes pinned on meeting the man of their fantasies and yes, certainly a step further than playing house - setting up their own home and family.
It is shattering to a man or a woman's self image to ever have to face that they are somehow a block in that dream to create a legacy. It can be destructive for a couple's relationship to go through wondering which one is 'to blame' although of course, no one really is. It seems the stats are broken up fairly in both halves courts in most cases - 35 - 40% chances the male is infertile and ditto for the woman.
The more general kinds of infertility causes in women are listed below:
• Ovulatory disorders
• Polycystic ovary syndrome
• Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases (PID)
• Hormonal imbalances
• Complications caused by surgeries, drugs or medication
• Stress
• Endometriosis
• Uterine Abnormalities
• Fibroids
• Menopause (premature)
• Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)
In men, the general kinds of infertility causes are:
• Low sperm count
• Poor sperm quality
• Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)
• Male autoimmunity
• Complications caused medication, drugs or surgery
• Under developed testes or undescended testes
• Stress
• Chronic prostate infections
• Tube blockages
In easily 20 -35% of the cases of infertility, there is unexplained infertility and/or combined infertility.
Unexplained infertility is when post all the medical tests and examinations, there is no concrete or specific diagnosis as to why a patient is infertile. Thus it is difficult to recommend or start any course of treatment. Patients or couples thus diagnosed usually try any and every method of propagating conception. They succeed about 15 - 30% of the time if it is within a five year span of when they were diagnosed. After that period, with age increasing, chances do decrease.
Combination infertility is when both partners have fertility issues or when one partner has more than one problem causing his or her infertility.
Apart from all these Infertility Causes, we are also providing you with the criteria for being considered infertile.
Doctors that specialize in infertile couples' condition and treatment consider the following as criteria to classify:
• If the woman is under the age of 34, then if the couple has been trying unsuccessfully while off contraceptives, for over 12 months
• If the woman is over 35 years old, then if the couple been having contraceptive -less sex for over 6 months
• The female is incapable of sustaining a full term pregnancy
For every couple trying to conceive it is mainly important to remember that sometimes, there is just is unexplained infertility. There are other options out there that you can explore. It is also extremely important to remember that age has an effect on sperm or egg quality, the hormones that generate and sustain fecundity. Environmental factors also play an extremely important role in affecting fertility - such as toxins and pollutants in chemical and organic solvents, dyes, pesticides, physical agents. Similarly, radiation, chemotherapy, even certain drugs taken during treatment for cancer can have effects on the reproductive capability of an individual.
There are always fertility treatments and clinics a couple can visit to make sure everything's on track, to try IVF etc. But alternative therapy is found to be effective 97% of the times especially when paired with infertility treatment.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4269133

Causes of Sexual Problems in Women and Natural Remedies

The sexual response cycle has four phases known as excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. If there is a problem during any one of the phases that stops either partner or both the partners from experiencing sexual satisfaction, it is known as a sexual problem. Sexual problems in women are common and most of the sexual dysfunctions are treatable. Therefore it is important to open up and talk about the problems with your partner and the doctor.
Sexual problems in women may due to causes that are physical or psychological in nature. The physical causes may be menopause, hormonal imbalances in the body, diseases like liver or kidney failure, heart diseases, alcoholism, diabetes or drug abuse. The psychological reasons may be stress, anxiety, trauma, depression, relationship issues, guilt or sexual performance concern. Any of these above factors can result in sexual problems in women by inhibiting their sexual desire, causing lack of orgasm, painful lovemaking or causing inability to become aroused.
Inhibited sexual desire means a lack or loss of interest in sexual lovemaking which can be caused by various factors like medical treatments, hormonal changes, pregnancy, fatigue, stress and depression. Lifestyle factors may also contribute to this condition. Lack or orgasm can be due to stress and anxiety. Some medications and insufficient stimulation can cause this condition too. Painful lovemaking can be a result of cyst, poor lubrication, surgery, vaginitis or STD.
Pelvic examinations and Pap smear tests may be conducted to check the health of the cervix. Other fears and phobias like anxiety, past experiences, alcohol or drug abuse should be discussed so as to take appropriate steps for the treatment of the sexual problems in women. Treating this condition does not only involve the woman, but also support from her partner. This condition can be dealt with by focusing on the causes involved. The steps taken for solving the sexual problems in women can be as follows:
1. Stimulation: Enhancing the stimulation by bringing about changes in the usual sexual routine, trying different foreplay techniques, masturbation or by using stimulating material may help treat sexual problems.
2. Education: A woman can overcome her fears and phobias about the sexual processes and performances by educating herself regarding the human anatomy and sexual behaviors.
3. Communication: Communication between the partners is extremely important to bond better. Massages, baths and romantic outings together should help improve the bonding and communication between the two partners.
4. Minimize pain: Vaginal lubricants or warm baths before the lovemaking may help in reducing the pain while having sex.
Sexual problems in women may also be a result of hormonal imbalances which lead to vaginal dryness, reduced genital sensation, decreased sexual arousal, low libido and decline in orgasm. Conditions like hysterectomy and menopause may also cause sexual problems in women. Since this condition can affect other aspects of life too, it is important to treat it. One should stop smoking, intake of alcohol and should follow a healthy diet and lifestyle. Include seeds like pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds in your diet. Drinking of ginger tea, leafy vegetables, fruits are helpful in such conditions.

How Do Sexually Transmitted Diseases Affect Pregnant Women and Their Babies?

Sexually transmitted diseases or STD's is an infection or a virus that is passed through a sexual contact between two individuals. A sexual contact can be either through anal sex, oral or vaginal sex. This disease may be present in one individual and can be passed on to others through sexual contact, or can be acquired through the usage of an infected needle, through breastfeeding or even during childbirth.
Pregnant women also can be infected with the STD as any other women may be victim to it. Pregnant women who are infected with the disease may put themselves and their babies at the risk of losing their lives. Thus every woman must take extra care before and during pregnancy. Women must refrain from having sexual contact with different men, and rather be committed to having sexual relations with a single man who has been checked for STD's and known to be clear of the infection. Men should also make sure that they use proper latex condoms, and is used in the right manner to avoid any kind of infections.
Bacterial Vaginosis, Trichomoniasis, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, HIV, Syphilis, Herpes simplex virus 2 and Chlamydia are the different kinds of STD's seen occurring in pregnant women. Bacterial Vaginosis is the most common type of STD seen in pregnant women. It is characterized by symptoms such as vaginal itching, discharge with a fishy odour and experiencing pain when passing urine. Trichomoniasis is a kind of infection that can be even acquired through damp cloth, toilet seats or any wet cloth that the genital areas come in contact with .Bacterial Vaginosis and Genital herpes is the most common STD among pregnant women in the US. Genital herpes has clear symptom which are-sores in vagina or penis, fever, headaches, pain in leg, when passing urine and itching, burning or swelling of genitals among other symptoms.
It has been researched that STD infections usually occur without any prominent symptoms and are said to be a silent disease. Many pregnant women wouldn't know if they are suffering from STD's till the onset of serious complications.STD's can be a cause of cervical cancer, infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease among other complications and onsets in pregnant women. The disease can also cause an early labour to pregnant women and may also cause a uterine infection after the baby has been delivered. This is due to the rupturing of the membrane surrounding the baby in the uterus. The STD infection breaks the membrane around the baby thus causing the infection to the uterus.
Sexually transmitted diseases may be transferred to the baby while it is in the womb or while it is being born. The infection will affect the baby's weight, making him very weak to almost below 5 pounds. The disease can also cause an infection to the baby's blood; damage the brain, deafness, eye infections, acute hepatitis or blindness. These diseases may be visible at birth or may be detected only after months or years.
The STD's of the mother can be so harmful and serious to the baby that it may also cause a still birth delivery. Thus STD affects both the pregnant women and her baby in various drastic ways and means.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1987930