How STDs Affect Your Fertility

This may be a touchy subject, but one that is extremely important for women looking to get pregnant. Chances are if you are trying to get pregnant you know if you have an STD, and if you don't you will soon find out. Sexually Transmitted Diseases can wreak havoc on your fertility and as the percentage of young adults affected with STDs continue to rise, it's more important than ever to get tested and take the necessary steps to prepare your body for pregnancy.
Some STDs are worse than others, and some can be treated more easily than others. Here is a list of common STDs:
Chlamydia is a disease caused by bacteria introduced from sex, oral and sexual. Chlamydia can be passed from mother to child during pregnancy. Currently over 1.9 million of us live with Chlamydia and this disease increases pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and a reduction in fertility. This disease shows no symptoms in over 70% of women, but can cause discomfort during urination, abdominal pain, and discharge among many. There are treatment options in the form of antibiotics that can be prescribed by your doctor.
Trichomanisis known as "trich" is a disease caused by a type of parasite. Currently this disease affects over 7 million people including 124,000 pregnant women at any given time. This disease affects women's fallopian tubes which can severely reduce your chances of getting pregnant. If you do happen to get pregnant Trichomanisis can be transferred to the baby through the delivery process. This trich produces awful discharge and smell and also causes discomfort in urination as well as intercourse. Trichomanisis also can be controlled through antibiotics prescribed by your gynecologist.
Gonorrhea is one of the more known STD's and is increasing by more than 700,000 new cases a year. Gonorrhea is introduced into the body through sexual intercourse from a person infected by the disease. This disease causes serious fertility issues for women as is can cause ectopic pregnancies, PIDs along with other reproductive downers. Gonorrhea is mostly passed to the baby through the process of conception. This is another disease that sometimes shows no symptoms at all, but can cause discharge and pelvic pain for both men and women. Again there are treatment options in the form of antibiotics prescribed by your gynecologist.
Syphilis is one of the more serious STDs as it could cause short and long term adverse health issues if not treated. Syphilis is caused by having unprotected sex and may infect an infant during childbirth. This disease has been increasing significantly since 2006 as well as the number of infants affected. This disease has some of the strongest effects on your body including in the first 3 weeks - 3 months chancre sores, followed by lesions on the palms, genital and mouth, as well as sores compared to warts on the inside of your genitals. It's extremely important to get treated using antibiotics prescribed by your doctor, not only for your safety, but to prevent your baby from fetal types of damages.
For men and women with STD's, it's not the end of the road. You can still give birth to healthy beautiful babies, but you must take the necessary steps to not only prepare your body for pregnancy, but to create a healthy body for yourself. After all, your future baby will need a healthy mom to nurse and nurture.

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