Chronic Vaginal Yeast Infections - You Can End the Suffering Today

Chronic vaginal yeast infections have no real reason why you can't prevent them from coming back. Once you discover what is causing them and you treat the infection from the cause then your infections will stop. This not only puts and end to your symptoms, but your health will be better as well because the fungus causing the infections will slowly destroy your health if you don't eliminate it from your body.
5% of women now suffer from chronic vaginal yeast infections for the simple reason they're only treating their infection from the symptoms they're suffering from. Conventional anti fungal drugs don't cure Candida overgrowth from the cause of the infection which is usually internal.
Everyone has the Candida yeast living in their body and on their skin. There isn't anything we can do about that, and this is why yeast infections are so common. They aren't caught from anything or any person. The infection has started naturally in your body because your natural defenses are no longer able to prevent the yeast from mutating into an aggressive fungus.
It's this fungus that is causing your symptoms, and the only way to prevent your infections from becoming chronic is to stop the yeast from mutating. You can only do this by strengthening your body's natural defenses, no drug in the world can do that for you which you've probably already discovered.
Antibiotics are the biggest cause of chronic yeast infections because they destroy your body's natural defenses Once these are destroyed the yeast will easily mutate and start causing you problems. The first is an itchy vagina, and that is the most common symptom of a yeast infection.
Recurrent vaginal yeast infections are a problem because the yeast is also mutating in your intestines as well. The first sign of this is more gas and bloating than you usually suffer from. So the real cause of your infections is coming from your intestines and this is where you need to start curing your infection from.
Starving the fungus is the first step because no matter how often you kill the fungus, if you keep feeding it, it will continue to breed in your body. Starving the fungus makes it easier to kill and eliminate from your body.
Your immune system needs to be strong as well, and this is given strength by eating a nutritious diet filled with vegetables, and the fruit when you can tolerate it. If you're suffering from severe Candida overgrowth then eating fruit can feed the fungus because of the sugar content.
So much needs to be taken care of to put an end to recurrent yeast infections that just one mistake can put your progress back weeks.
If you want to put an end to your chronic vaginal yeast infections [] visit Natural Chronic Yeast Infection Cure

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