Common Causes of Ovary Pain

The ovaries are two small organs located one on either side of the uterus, which is in the lower abdomen and part of the female reproductive system. They play vital roles in the reproductive system because they release an egg for possible fertilization every menstrual cycle and they also produce estrogen, the hormone that triggers menstruation.
Due to the location of the ovaries, when you have ovary pain the pain will normally be below the belly button. The cause or causes can vary from endometriosis to cysts or other disease. Since the cause varies, it's important that a woman that suffers ovary pain seeks medical attention as soon the pain is experienced.
Common Causes of Ovary Pain
Various conditions that could cause ovary pain include: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), ovarian cysts, endometriosis and ovarian tumor.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) - PID is one of the most common causes of ovary pain. It is an infection of the fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries, caused by sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia. Some other symptoms of PID are difficulty urinating, pain during intercourse (Dyspareunia) and fatigue.
Endometriosis - The lining of the uterus thickens every month in preparation for pregnancy. At times, this lining is transferred to other organs in the pelvis and because it responds to hormonal signals, it also thickens as if it were in the uterus. When pregnancy does not take place, the uterine lining is shed and discharged out of the body as menstrual blood through the vagina. However, when the lining is transferred elsewhere outside the uterus and sheds, there is no outlet for it so it bleeds into the abdominal cavity, and at times onto organs like the womb and the fallopian tubes causing these organs to adhere together resulting in pain. This condition is called endometriosis. Other symptoms of endometriosis are painful intercourse and painful periods.
Ovarian Tumors - Ovarian tumors are growths in the ovaries. They may be benign (harmless) or malignant (cancerous) and could cause ovary pain. Other symptoms of ovarian tumors are abdominal bloating, constipation and difficulty in urinating.
Ovarian Cysts - These cysts are fluid filled sacs that develop in the ovaries. They are more common in women in their reproductive years but could also be found in post-menopausal women. They mostly form in the course of ovulation. Ovarian cysts are usually painless but could cause pain when they grow large and rupture, or when they twist and cut off blood supply to the cyst. They rarely produce symptoms but when they do pain is the most prominent. Other symptoms include abdominal fullness, irregular menstrual periods, pain during intercourse and difficulty or pain during bowel movement.
The cause of the ovary pain determines the treatment plan that will be prescribed, so the first step would be to make an appointment with your gynecologist at the first presentation of ovary pain.
If you discover you are experiencing ovary pain, by all means make an appointment with your gynecologist to determine the cause of the pain. He will likely recommend, depending on the cause, one of the following: wait and watch, hormone therapy or surgery. What he probably will not tell you is that there are natural, less invasive methods of treating ovary pain and steps you can take to prevent future problems from occurring. You deserve to know all the facts. Find those facts at

Menstrual Cramps - The Pain of Women

Women would often complain about menstrual cramps during their menstrual period. The medical term for menstrual cramps is dysmenorrhea. This is also referred to as period pains because as mentioned, this occurs during the menstrual period of the woman.
Menstrual cramps are usually painful and can be felt on the lower abdomen. This is a contracting pain which can be dull or extreme, depending on the severity. Usually, this pain is felt when the egg cell is released by the ovaries and it travels down to the fallopian tube. This process is called as ovulation.
Actually, there are two kinds of period pains. These two kinds would be primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea. The primary type is the most common and oftentimes, there is no known reason behind the pain. This begins usually one day or two days before the period and would usually last for a maximum of four days.
On the other hand, the secondary type of dysmenorrhea is caused by an underlying medical problem like uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and even pelvic inflammatory disease. This pain is characterized by cramping pain related to the mentioned conditions.
Generally speaking, menstrual cramping is caused by the release of a substance called prostaglandin which is greatly associated with inflammation and pain. Aside from that, the uterus contracts, that is why pain is felt.
As mentioned earlier, cramping can also be caused by underlying medical conditions such as pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids.
Period pains have varying symptoms aside from the fact that it causes pain. Symptoms of this condition would include pain in the lower back that also radiates to the thighs, dull and throbbing pain located on the lower portion of the abdomen, lightheadedness, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal bloating.
Although menstrual cramping is expected as long as the woman will have her monthly menstruation, having these pains can still be prevented. Some of the recommended preventive measures would be eating a well balanced diet by limiting intake of fatty or greasy foods, caffeine, salty foods, sweet foods, and alcohol consumption. Aside from that, having a regular exercise will also greatly help in preventing cramps. One way is to exercise through the use of a Swiss ball.

10 Effective Home Remedies for Menstrual Pain or Dysmenorrhea

Menstruation on monthly periods is a part of every woman's life. Menstruation starts at puberty, at the age of 13-14 in females and continues till menopause that occurs at the age of 45-50. The age cannot be specifically mentioned, for it varies from one female to the other. Menstruation is a trauma for many women, for it may be accompanied by severe pain or cramps. Little or tolerable pain occurs for all women but for some, periods are very painful and troublesome. The pain is much during adolescence, and continues, but usually disappears or lessens after child birth. The medical term for menstrual pain is 'dysmenorrhea'. It usually occurs in the lower abdomen and pelvic regions of females. Menstrual pain should not be confused with premenstrual syndrome.
However premenstrual syndrome may continue in to menstrual pain for some women. For some, the pain lasts for quite some time and may be so severe that it may interfere with the woman's day to day activities. Menstrual pain may be of two types-primary and secondary. The primary menses pain has no underlying gynecological complication causing pain. It is noticeable in adolescent girls, and begins after six months or year following the onset of menstruation. Secondary menses pain is related to some problem with the woman's reproductive system.
Every month the inner lining of uterus or endometrium prepares itself to welcome a pregnancy. However if the sperm does not fertilize the egg, pregnancy would not occur and the cushion of uterine lining is not required. So it becomes swollen and breaks off and is expelled through the vagina in the form of monthly periods. When the uterine lining sheds off, molecular compounds called prostaglandins are released. The uterine muscles contract in response to prostaglandins and constrict blood supply to the uterine lining. This contraction causes menstrual pain. In women with high levels of prostaglandins, the pain is quite severe and in those with low levels of prostaglandins, the pain is mild. Retroverted uterus, lack of exercise and emotional stress are other factors contributing to menstrual pain.
Symptoms Associated With Menses Pain
1. Dull or throbbing ache in lower abdomen and pelvis.
2. Nausea
3. Vomiting
4. Dizziness
5. Headache
6. Constipation
7. Diarrhea
8. Urge for frequent urination.
Home Remedies
1. Placing of hot water bottle or bag on lower stomach can ease the pain.
2. One may heat a moist kitchen towel in microwave and place on lower abdomen to get relief.
3. Drinking peppermint or wintergreen tea can ease painful conditions. Chewing mint candy can also help.
4. Drinking hot liquids can relax muscles and reduce menstrual cramps.
5. Drinking parsley juice is an effective home remedy for easing menstrual pain.
6. One may boil a piece of ginger in a cup of water, sweeten the infusion and drink it frequently to get menstrual pain relief.
7. One may add 15-20 coriander seeds in a glass of boiling water, allow the mixture to stand until evaporation is over, sweeten the mixture and drink it. This remedy is really effective in treating menstrual pain
8. Basil tea is very good for treating menstrual pain, for basil has a pain killing caffeic acid.
9. Sprinkling food with cinnamon powder can help, for cinnamon has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.
10. Calcium lessens menstrual pain. Taking a magnesium supplement can help the body absorb more calcium, thereby reducing pain.
Read about Irregular Menstruation Treatment. Also know effective Home Remedies for Stress.

How to Get Relief From Menstrual Cramps

When a woman has a menstrual periods, the uterus contracts in attempt to push out the lining. These uterine contractions are caused by hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. High levels of prostaglandins are responsible for menstrual cramps and menstrual pain. A little pain at the onset of the menstrual cycle is normal, but generally a woman should not experience any pain during menstruation. Many women are so used to feeling this kind of pain that they have come to accept menstrual cramps as an unavoidable occurrence of the menstrual cycle. In reality there is so much any woman can do in order to have a pain-free period.
The following is a simple list of natural things any woman suffering from menstrual cramps can do in order to improve her situation:
1. Reduce the amount of coffee consumed every day. Even decaffeinated coffee beverages should be avoided, especially before your period arrives.
2. Eliminated daily alcohol intake and limit alcohol consumption only to special occasions.
3. Increase the amount of water. Avoid drinking tap water or water contained in water bottles as they contain high levels of xenoestrogen, which mimics the action of estrogen and cause hormonal imbalance leading to irregular cycles, painful menses, infertility, etc.
3. Eat lots of fresh vegetables, whole grains, and fruits.
4. Eat only organically raised meat, and limit the amount of red meat to once a week.
5. Eat cold water fish that have been wild caught and not farmed.
6. Avoid or limit dairy foods as they increase prostaglandins production.
7. Do not smoke.
8. Reduce salty food intake before your period.
9. Increase circulation of blood flow to the reproductive organs by exercising, aerobic, walking or doing yoga.
10. Take a daily multivitamins specific for women. Take additional magnesium, calcium and B vitamins, especially B3 and B6.
There are a number of other important things that women who suffer can do in order to decrease the severity of menstrual cramps. For example, it is often necessary to avoid using intra-uterine devices (IUD) to prevent pregnancy because they can increase menstrual cramping and bleeding, often leading to inflammation and even pelvic inflammatory disease. Many women, should also consider using tampons only when necessary and use sanitary tampons most of the time, instead.
There are specific vitamins that are helpful in decreasing menstrual cramps related to poor nutrition and mineral deficiency. These are omega 3 & 9 fatty acids, DHA, EPA and GLA.
Homeopathic Remedies for Menstrual Cramps
Homeopathic medicine is very safe and effective in treating menstrual cramps and can be used by young girls, as well as by women who are trying to conceive because homeopathic medicine is non-toxic and 100% natural with no reported side effects. In homeopathic medicine the symptoms experienced by the patient should match the indication of the homeopathic remedy. The following is a list of the most commonly used homeopathic remedies and how they can help a women who is suffering from menstrual cramps.
This remedy helps soothe violent menstrual cramps worse on the right side. This remedy is indicated in cases of sudden onset of pain and cramps accompanied with bright red, and heavy bleeding, often with clotted and hot blood flow. The uterus feels very congested and the woman is better by drinking cold water with lemon. She is very thirsty and prefers to rest. As the intensity of the cramps increases, she may become angry and irritable. This remedy is often indicated in cases of heavy bleeding and cramping caused by a miscarriage.
This is one of the most commonly prescribed remedies for the mental and emotional symptoms that accompany painful periods due to menstrual cramps. The woman is very sensitive to the pain and cannot tolerate and becomes extremely irritable, almost childish. The pain is very intense and from the uterus moves down the inner thighs. The blood flow may present clots large in size and dark in color mixed with bright red blood.
This remedy helps the woman who feels the pain more in the ovaries and less in the uterus. She wants to bend double because this position ameliorates her situation. She prefers hard pressure on the lower abdomen and warm applications. She can be easily angered, which make her pain worse.
This remedy helps those women who feel pain all over their body with sore perineum with as if bruised. The blood flow is heavy and the woman feels weak.
This remedy is used more in the pre-menstrual period as with this remedy the woman feels better when the flow arrives. Before the flow she is irritable, she has headaches with flushes of heat. The cramps are sever and begin before the flow. They are worse from pressure and the woman wants to wear loose clothing. The flow is scanty with little blood, often very dark in color with intense cramping. Once the flow sets in, the cramps go away. She feels hot and wants cold drinks and cool air.
Magnesia Phosphorica
This is the main remedy for menstrual cramps as it will work in pretty much every case. If you are not sure what remedy to take, this is the one to start from. The main symptoms is that warm applications and warm food and drinks ameliorate the menstrual pain. The pain is felt in the uterus and the woman wants to lay down better on the right side.
Nux Vomica
This remedy has a marked symptom of menstrual cramps associated with lower back pain with a feeling of need to pass a stool. She may feel irritable, easily angered and cold. During her periods is has an increased desire for fatty (unhealthy foods), smoking and desire for alcohol. This remedy is also indicated in women whose flow lasts too long.
This remedy is for woman who become very emotional and weepy before and during their periods. They change their mood easily and also their menstrual pain changes frequently with no easily identifiable pattern. She is shy, needy and wants constant attention and support. She does not want to drink and she craves cold creamy dishes that give her nausea. She feels warm and prefer open, fresh air. She constantly wants to open the window and change the air in the room when too stuffy.
Sepia helps those who, during their period, have mental and physical weakness with bearing down pain as if all the organs would fall out. The period can be late and profuse or early and scanty. The pain is felt as stitching pains that travel in the vagina. She becomes cold, irritable, depressed and averse to physical and mental work. She often desires sour foods and chocolate. She is better by warm applications and by movement. This remedy is indicated for women who develop menstrual problems after birth control pill or pregnancy.
Anyone who is suffering from very strong menstrual cramps accompanied by heavy bleeding during menses should consult her doctor in order to exclude gynecological conditions like fibroids, polycystic ovaries or endometriosis.

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Natural Remedies for Painful Menstruation, Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps or pains are also known as dysmenorrhea. Person that suffers from this condition experience pain in the abdominal part as well as in the pelvic area, hence, with a few cramps being relatively gentle to others that are extremely severe. Mild menstrual cramp is often noticeable and normally last for hours. In such instances, one of the main symptoms is normally bloating or heaviness in the abdominal part. Severe menstrual cramp on the other hand results to significant throbbing pain experience in the lower abdomen and rarely in the lower back that can interfere with woman's everyday activities. In a few cases, cramping can normally last for two or more days.
What are the remedies that can help you cure this pain naturally? Gynecure capsule is highly effective herbal remedy against painful menstruation, irregular periods and heavy bleeding. Below are some more alternatives that you can consider.
Heating Pads
Most women found that heating pad in the lower back or the abdomen helps ease the pain and inconvenience.
This is one of the widely used to treat menstrual cramps. You can add 2 teaspoon of some dried chamomile flowers in the cup of boiling water then steep it in five minutes. Sugar and honey can be added as well.
Vitamins and Minerals
You can try some food supplements that are enrich in vitamin B, calcium, and zinc which have been found to lessen the pain and other symptoms of this condition.
In some cases, calcium is very known to help sustain muscle tones and to prevent cramps as well as pain. For some women, a daily intake of about 800 milligrams is needed that can found in three cups of milk. Magnesium is as well recommended, because it helps absorb calcium in your body. You can find magnesium in wheat, beans, salmon, tofu, nuts, shrimps and vegetables.
Having a regular exercise is considered one of the natural ways to lessen muscle tension and then elevate a person's mood. As a result, if you maintain a regular exercise everyday with includes simple walking and jogging for about twenty minutes can help you lessen the severity of menstrual cramp.
Ginger Roots
Roots from gingers plant can help relieve the pain of menstrual cramps. Therefore, with simple soothing herbal ginger tea can help cure symptoms. You can slice handful of ginger root then let its pieces simmer in boiling water for about fifteen minutes. With the use of a strainer, pour it in a drinking cup or a mug. You can add some honey as sweetener if you like.

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4 Tips To Avoid A Chronic Vaginal Yeast Infection

Uninformed sufferers of chronic vaginal yeast infection symptoms continue to have depressing relapses despite receiving medical attention and a doctor's prescription for antifungal yeast infection treatment. This is because they are unaware that important lifestyle changes to restore the natural microbial balance in their bodies are just as necessary to cure the infection as the medical prescription. Failure to make these lifestyle adjustments and limit the conditions for recurrence will lead to costly and embarassingly frequent visits to a doctor's office.
a) Control weight and restrict sugars from the diet.
Avoid becoming overweight by paying special attention to diet and restrict consumption of carbohydrates and saturated fats. Increase intake of fruits and vegetables and ensure that sugars are minimized as yeast thrive on sugary diets. Ensure that cooked meals and fresh fruit are consumed at different times because eating both at the same time could lead to fermentation in the stomach and this encourages growth of yeast and fungi.
b) Avoid Tight Synthetic Clothing
Tight synthetic clothing especially fitted pants and jeans should be avoided as the tightness restricts air flow and creates an anaerobic space that yeast love. Spandex and Nylon materials are also to be avoided as these material do not allow the passage of air and create ideal conditions for yeast by retaining moisture, increasing temperature and restricting air movement all of which make for suitable conditions for yeast and fungi to thrive.
c) Increase physical activity (exercise)
An inactive lifestyle encourages the retention of toxic substances in the skin and body due to poor elimination of waste (excretion/ perspiration). It also reduces the bodie's defense against pathogens that are normally kept in check by the immune system. Most biological functions such as immunity, digestion, excretion, and circulation are depressed by a sedentary or physically inactive lifestyle and this encourages growth of pathogenic yeast infections.
d) Observe healthy hygene practices.
Women should keep their bodies clean and dry by bathing properly with the right products. Focus on keeping the genital area, and other pockets and crevices where yeast tend to thrive such as armpits and buttocks fresh and dry from moisture due to perspiration or damp clothing. Regular douching is not required and using a lot of cosmetic feminine fragranced products in the vaginal area such as soaps, tampons, napkins, creams and sprays can upset the natural bacterial flora in the vagina whose job it is to remove unwanted germs from this area. Mild and natural emollient cleansers e.g. unfragranced glycerine soaps are better to use when controlling overgrowth of Candida yeast because they clean without disturbing the helpful bacteria.

Chronic Vaginal Yeast Infections - You Can End the Suffering Today

Chronic vaginal yeast infections have no real reason why you can't prevent them from coming back. Once you discover what is causing them and you treat the infection from the cause then your infections will stop. This not only puts and end to your symptoms, but your health will be better as well because the fungus causing the infections will slowly destroy your health if you don't eliminate it from your body.
5% of women now suffer from chronic vaginal yeast infections for the simple reason they're only treating their infection from the symptoms they're suffering from. Conventional anti fungal drugs don't cure Candida overgrowth from the cause of the infection which is usually internal.
Everyone has the Candida yeast living in their body and on their skin. There isn't anything we can do about that, and this is why yeast infections are so common. They aren't caught from anything or any person. The infection has started naturally in your body because your natural defenses are no longer able to prevent the yeast from mutating into an aggressive fungus.
It's this fungus that is causing your symptoms, and the only way to prevent your infections from becoming chronic is to stop the yeast from mutating. You can only do this by strengthening your body's natural defenses, no drug in the world can do that for you which you've probably already discovered.
Antibiotics are the biggest cause of chronic yeast infections because they destroy your body's natural defenses Once these are destroyed the yeast will easily mutate and start causing you problems. The first is an itchy vagina, and that is the most common symptom of a yeast infection.
Recurrent vaginal yeast infections are a problem because the yeast is also mutating in your intestines as well. The first sign of this is more gas and bloating than you usually suffer from. So the real cause of your infections is coming from your intestines and this is where you need to start curing your infection from.
Starving the fungus is the first step because no matter how often you kill the fungus, if you keep feeding it, it will continue to breed in your body. Starving the fungus makes it easier to kill and eliminate from your body.
Your immune system needs to be strong as well, and this is given strength by eating a nutritious diet filled with vegetables, and the fruit when you can tolerate it. If you're suffering from severe Candida overgrowth then eating fruit can feed the fungus because of the sugar content.
So much needs to be taken care of to put an end to recurrent yeast infections that just one mistake can put your progress back weeks.
If you want to put an end to your chronic vaginal yeast infections [] visit Natural Chronic Yeast Infection Cure

Eight Ways to Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infection Easily

Vaginal yeast infection is a common problem among women that can be cured easily using home remedies or alternative medications. However, this medical condition causes discomfort that can get disturb your daily activities. The itching and burning sensations can be really torturing and they can get in your way. If you don't want to experience these annoying symptoms, then you had better prevent the infection from happening. Preventing vaginal yeast infection is very easy and you don't need to spend tons of money for that. Here are some easy ways to prevent this problem from occurring:
1. Wash your vagina frequently with water to prevent the growth of yeast. Yeast usually grows inside the folds of vagina and hence it is important to clean this area. Keeping the vagina clean will also keep you smelling fresh.
2. Avoid using vaginal douching since it will kill the good bacteria that can balance the population of Candida yeast. When the good bacteria are destroyed by the liquid, you will be more susceptible to yeast infection.
3. Try to avoid scented soaps and feminine sprays. Perfumes may irritate the inside of your vagina and eventually lead to yeast infection. You should also avoid scented pads, tampons and colored toilet paper.
4. After cleaning your vagina using water, make sure that you dry it thoroughly. The vaginal area is dark, warm, and moist, and yeast is likely to grow in there. By drying the vagina properly, you can eliminate excess moisture and avoid yeast overgrowth.
5. To prevent yeast infection, it is also essential for you to pay attention to the type of material your underwear is. Cotton and silk are the best materials since they can absorb moisture well. Meanwhile, synthetic fabric like nylon traps moisture and it can cause yeast overgrowth. You should also not wear tight clothing since it traps moisture and heat.
6. Change into dry clothes immediately after exercise. Your underwear should also be changed often to avoid dampness.
7. Avoid taking long, hot baths. As mentioned previously, yeast thrives in moist and warm environment.
8. Pay attention to the medications that you take. Antibiotics can increase the risk of infection since it kills both good and bad bacteria. If you experience yeast infection after taking certain medications, you should your doctor. He or she will prescribe you with alternative medications.
People often say that prevention is better than cure. You do not have to spend a lot of money on medications or expensive treatments. You can prevent vaginal yeast infection from occurring with the simple steps given above.
Vaginal yeast infection [] is very common but it can be very annoying. However, it can be easily prevented in some easy steps. For more information regarding this medical condition, please visit our []

Eliminate Vaginal Yeast Infection - Understand Your Vagina And Take Care Of It

Vaginal yeast infection will always be visited upon you unless you give your vagina some loving care. You've got to ease off the unfair criticism. Nature has provided protection for the vagina in ways that most people don't readily recognize. Women do things to the vagina which cause them health problems - all of it induced by commercial interests. Women need to wake up to this conspiracy. Big business spreads false perceptions about the vagina among women and society. To eliminate vaginal yeast infection you need to desist from stereotypical thinking suggesting the vagina is primarily dirty.
Protect Your Vagina From Recurring Yeast
You and everybody are brought up to believe that soap is the universal answer to cleaning our bodies. The truth is that the more you wash your vagina with scented soap especially, the more likely you'll suffer from yeast infection. Soap creates an imbalance of yeast cells and bacteria in your vagina. This imbalance results in the overgrowth of the yeast cells - these are also called Candida albicans.
Unless you learn to love and respect the vagina you're not likely to know enough to discard the myths about it. First you need to be aware that the vagina has its own fragrance. The sweet fragrances of roses and fruits do not belong to the vagina. Equally the foul smell of vaginitis does not belong to the organ. The natural smell of the vagina is somewhere in-between. It's a smell packed with pheromones designed to attract the opposite sex - unless misinformed, your partner will love it.
Shocking as this may sound, keep soap away from the vagina for it is quite capable of detoxifying itself without your interference. Of course you must play your part in keeping it clean. Wash it with water. Over and above that you need to live a clean and healthy lifestyle. Continued soap application to your vagina causes recurrent vaginal yeast infection by aiding and abetting the increase of Candida albicans to undesirable proportions.
Beware Of Commercial Conspiracy
Unfortunately doctors are perversely influenced by multinational pharmaceutical companies. In their own defense, big business will pull the conspiracy card. Yet the vested-interest tactics are all there to see once you begin to focus. It is clear that drugs to treat vaginal diseases do not permanently eliminate the diseases. They make the undesirable conditions go away temporarily only to be back after a while. Doctors prescribe these drugs indiscriminately and in abundance despite the recurrence.
Pharmaceutical companies have perfected their craft of duping women. They decided to escalate their scam. They realized doctors don't do enough to spread their poisonous drugs. They reduced the potency of these drugs in order to comply with drug and medicine laws. This resulted in the marketing of over-the-counter(OTC) vaginal yeast drugs. These have become so popular among women that the manufacturers are smiling to the bank.
If as a woman you could understand that this is a conspiracy you would wake up to the truth. The vulnerability of your vagina is being taken advantage of for gain by big drug moguls. It's high time you make a decision to educate yourself better. Take charge, stop consuming harmful drugs. We've been duped to believe that chronic disease is normal. Yet the chronic nature of disease is directly caused by the side effects of patent drugs. There in lies the commercial conspiracy.
Give Your Vagina Some Loving Care
The only way to focus correctly is to change your attitude towards your vagina. Embrace the vagina as an important part of the anatomy of a woman. Here is an organ that is so important to the perpetuation of the species yet so denigrated. Millions of women suffer from vaginal diseases recurrently because of inappropriate conventional drug treatment. Is it not high time women changed to holistic and natural treatment? Is it not the way to go to defeat vaginal yeast infection?

Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infection - Some Simple Guidelines

Seventy five percent of women around the world will come across yeast infection at least once in their lifetime. Every woman out there needs to learn exactly what will bring her help in the required time and also, what can prevent vaginal yeast infection. Some think that yeast infections cannot be avoided, but in reality there are several ways you can help yourself and avoid developing this condition.
Experts suggest that your clothing may play a huge part for the health of your vagina and it can prevent vaginal yeast infection. Trying cotton undergarments as your underwear can bring you a dry vaginal area as yeast loves to develop in the moist part of the human body. If your vaginal area is dry and properly ventilated, then there is a less chance for yeast to develop there in quantity. Keep your undergarments clean and dry and always change these items at least once during a day for better results.
Another important factor is your toilet paper. While selecting the toilet paper you need to become more cautious. Avoid those toilet papers that have all sorts of patterns on them. Purchase such toilet paper that will not shred and never use perfumed toilet paper.
Don't wear wet clothes for a long time after you take the shower. Don't move here and there around the pool after taking your bath and try to get rid of your wet cloth as soon as possible. Just go for a change and have some dry cloth on. After a swim you can take a small shower to prevent the growth of yeast.
If you love to wear full pantyhose, then ensure that you are wearing a cotton undergarment first. This will prevent vaginal yeast infection to a great extent.
There are several products that women prefer to use for the vagina. Try to get rid of such vaginal products that are based on petroleum. It would be wise to only use such products that are water based.
To get rid of a yeast infection [] in 12 hours using a proven natural method, here is my #1 recommendation [].

How to Prevent Vaginal Yeast Infection

Candidiasis or yeast infection is something that should be avoided because this infection could affect you not only physically but your sexual relationship will also suffer. The vagina is a very private and personal part of the body and it is very embarrassing and uncomfortable to deal with genital infections. There are measures that you need to know to prevent vaginal yeast infection.
Candida, the fungus responsible for yeast infection, naturally resides in the warm, moist parts of the body like the vagina, mouth and intestines. When the natural balance of the body is disturbed, Candida grows rapidly leading to infection. Yeast infection is commonly associated with women because the most common Candida infection is vaginal yeast infection. The symptoms are very disturbing that your sexual life will also suffer that is why it is important that you know how to prevent vaginal yeast infection. Symptoms include vaginal discharge, itching or burning sensation around your genitals, vulval soreness and painful sexual intercourse.
Here are some tips to prevent vaginal yeast infection:
Genital hygiene. Of course one way to prevent vaginal yeast infection is to put attention to the cleanliness of your vagina. Keep your vagina clean and dry. Avoid using soaps or vaginal sprays that irritates the vagina. Do not use any washing product that will disrupt the natural balance of your genitals. It is important to maintain the vaginal pH at the normal level to avoid any vaginal problem. If the vagina has low pH, yeast cells will continue to grow. However, high pH or acidity within the vagina discourages the growth of Candida fungus.
Avoid foods that feed Candida. Stay away from foods that encourage overgrowth of yeast cells or candida to prevent vaginal yeast infection. Avoid yeast foods like vinegar, wine, beer, mushrooms and bread. Sugar feeds yeast and you also must avoid honey, white sugar and other sweetened foods.
If you suspect that you already have yeast infection, it is recommended that you seek medical help at once to prevent vaginal yeast infection from becoming a chronic problem. There are cases that women are embarrassed to talk about their genital problems to other people and there are people who turn to natural remedies to cure yeast infection.
Natural remedies have been around for ages and some people find it effective as an alternative treatment for various diseases including yeast infection. To get rid of vaginal yeast infection naturally visit 12 Hour Cure For Yeast Infection.