Motherhood Survival Tips

No matter what stage in a child's life you are dealing with, it comes with its own adventures:
Babies with all their new challenges-How DOES that food you fed baby mysteriously "reappear" at the most inopportune times?

Toddlers and the "terrible twos" that seem to go on forever-


School age,

And lest we forget-those teenage years! Gotta love 'em! (No, really, I think it's a law or something!) Anyway, that one word says it all!
My personal tips and ideas about motherhood to help survive child rearing, being a mom and just trusting that somehow, with all your best attempts, you'll one day have adult children that won't write a book about you, are as follows:
  1. The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Teach them to think about how the other person feels, and bring it up often to them. When you see a situation where someone has made someone feel hurt or left out, even if your child isn't involved, discuss the situation and how the person must feel.
  2. Make your "yes" mean yes and your "no" mean no. If you tell them to do something, follow up and make sure they do it. If you have said "no", don't just let it go if they do it anyway. There will be times when it is important that they follow your instruction immediately, so you don't want to be "wishy -washy".
  3. As a mother, don't shame them in front of everyone by yelling at them. No one else likes to listen to you yell either. Take them to the side, or if need be to a restroom or outside to scold them.
  4. As soon as possible after scolding or saying no, explaining "why" goes a long way in not having to tell them again. The action may not be repeated (notice I say "may" not) if the child has some understanding as to what they did wrong and what effect it might have on other people. Even some simple explanation at a young age starts sinking in quicker than you think.
  5. Most importantly, make sure that your children are raised with a higher authority to answer to. If they don't have that knowledge that they someday will have to answer for what they have done, they aren't worried about what they do.
No matter which stage you are dealing with, always remember:
"Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

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