Ovulation and Lower Back Pain

Though less discussed than painful periods, painful ovulation is a fairly common occurrence. Painful ovulation is medically termed "Mittelschmerz," which is German for "middle pain." Ovulation, or the release of a mature egg from the ovary, occurs about halfway between menstrual periods. For many women, Mittelschmerz is experienced as a sharp twinge of pain in one side of the abdomen, pelvis and/or lower back.
Despite the fact that women have been menstruating for all of history, the medical community has yet to learn the exact mechanisms of the pain associated with the menstrual cycle. Though an exact cause has not been pinpointed, there are a number of probable causes of pain during ovulation. The predominant theory is that fluid and blood released from the ovary along with the egg may irritate the lining of the abdomen and cause pain.
Another potential source of pain is simply the release of the egg itself. The ovary doesn't have an opening through which the egg can gently pass, so the egg must burst through the ovary wall.
Ovulation pain is generally one-sided, since an egg is only released by one ovary each cycle. However, double-sided ovulation pain may be explained by the fact that the follicles - the structures in which eggs develop - of each ovary swell just before ovulation. Reproductive organs are nestled between the abdominal and lower back muscles. Inflammation in the reproductive organs can easily relate pain to surrounding body parts.
Treatment for Mittelschmerz is limited to over-the-counter medications and home remedies. Back pain can be diminished by using a heating pad or hot water bottle. A warm bath may also help to ease pain. If ovulation causes a significant amount of pain, a woman may choose to use birth control methods that stop ovulation.
Generally, Mittelschmerz is a harmless and natural part of the menstrual cycle. If pain is severe, persist longer than 24 hours or is accompanied by bleeding, fever, painful urination or vomiting, medical attention should be sought as there could be another, more serious cause of your symptoms.
One possible cause of abnormal ovulation pain is endometriosis. This condition is caused by the growth of uterine tissue around other bodily structures, including the ovaries. As the ovaries swell around the time of ovulation, the tissue is stretched and causes pain.
Back pain during ovulation is usually not a health concern. Being informed about your body will help to ease your mind and manage pain effectively.
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Common Gynecological Causes of Pelvic Pain In Women

For women, pelvic pain and back pain can indicate a gynecological disorder. It is important to identify symptoms of reproductive conditions, as they can cause chronic pain, decrease the quality of your life and interfere with your ability to get pregnant if you so choose.
This is one of the most common pelvic disorders that affect women, and, according to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development's website, one of the top three causes of female infertility.
Endometriosis is characterized by the growth of tissue that surrounds the uterus beyond this organ. The tissue may grow in a number of places, but it most often found on or around other organs and structures within the pelvis, such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes.
As estrogen is released within the body to thicken the uterine lining in preparation for implantation, the tissues that have grown beyond the uterus also thicken and grow. When implantation does not occur and it is time to release the uterine lining in the menstrual flow, the tissues that have grown outside the uterus have no way to exit the body. The tissue that sheds may cause inflammation and scar tissue throughout the pelvis. The growing endometrial tissues can grow into the ovaries and cut off their connection to the fallopian tubes, interfering with fertility.
Common symptoms of endometriosis include:
Very painful menstrual cramps
Chronic pain in the pelvis and lower back
Pain during or after intercourse
It is also possible, in some cases, to experience intestinal pain if the tissue growth or inflammation affects the intestines.
Endometriosis can be diagnosed by pelvic examination and ultrasound imaging. In some cases, a minor surgical procedure called laparoscopy may be needed to find endometrial tissue. The condition's cause is unknown, but could be related to genetics and hormone imbalance. The most prevalent treatment for the condition is hormone therapy. Lowering levels of estrogen in your body can reduce the growth and spread of endometrial tissue. You can help this process naturally by maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly and avoiding excess alcohol and caffeine intake.
Uterine Fibroids
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that can grow from uterine tissue. The size and growth rate of fibroids vary from one woman to another. The Mayo Clinic estimates that 75% of women have fibroids at some point in their lives, but most don't know it as they can be asymptomatic. For some women, however, uterine fibroids can cause pelvic and back pain, bladder and bowel problems and infertility.
The most common symptoms of uterine fibroids are:
Heavy and/or prolonged menstrual bleeding
Pelvic pressure and pain, a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen
Frequent or difficult urination
Painful intercourse
Your symptoms largely depend on the position of the tumor. Women with fibroids that grow into the uterus likely have menstrual and fertility problems; fibroids that stick out of the uterus may press on the nearby bladder or on the rectum and spinal nerves behind the uterus.
As with endometriosis, an exact cause of fibroids is not known. Theories indicate that genetic alterations could be responsible for the multiplication of cells that compose uterine fibroids. These cells also contain more estrogen and progesterone receptors than healthy uterine cells, indicating that these hormones contribute to fibroid growth. Uterine fibroids are diagnosed by imagining tests, like ultrasound, the injection of dye in conjunction with X-rays or the use of a telescope inserted through the cervix. Hormone therapy is the most common treatment, but in severe cases surgery may be required to remove fibroids.
The above two causes of pelvic and back pain in women are usually not serious medical conditions and can be treated effectively with early detection. In Part 2 of this article, you can learn about two more causes of pelvic pain in women: adenomyosis and pelvic inflammatory disease.
Industrialized nations suffer from a plague of back pain health problems. The solution is learning as much as possible starting with Back Pain Solutions Online. Repetitive use injuries may lead to improper diagnosis of your back pain problem. Read more about how to use 7 strategies to reduce back pain in your life, right now.

Painful Menstrual Cramps - Essential Oils For Dysmenorrhea

Aromatherapy can be very helpful in relieving the pain and distress of menstrual cramps. Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) can also include symptoms such as headache, fatigue, bloating, and even nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea.
Dysmenorrhea can be treated with a variety of drugs, including pain relievers, sedatives, antispasmodics, prostaglandin inhibitors, and oral contraceptives. However, these drugs can and do produce many unacceptable side effects. Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of essential oils obtained from plants. When properly used, essential oils are very safe therapy for menstrual cramps without harmful side effects.
In a randomized, placebo-controlled research conducted in Korea and reported by Han, Hur, Buckle, Choi , and Lee in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 67 female college students were eligible for the study if they reported a menstrual pain score of 6 or higher on a 10-point scale, had no systemic or reproductive diseases, and were not taking oral contraceptives. The women were randomly assigned to an experimental group, a placebo group, or a control group.
The experimental group received aromatherapy containing essential oils of lavender (Lavandula officinalis), clary sage (Salvia sclarea,), and rose (Rosa centifolia,) daily beginning 1 week before the start of menstruation and ending the first day of menstruation. The aromatherapy consisted of 2 drops of lavender oil, 1 drop of clary sage oil, and 1 drop of rose oil mixed with 5 ml of a carrier of sweet almond oil.
Subjects in the experimental group received 15 minutes of aromatherapy provided in the form of abdominal massage in a quiet room. The placebo group received 15 minutes of abdominal massage using only almond oil in the same setting and for the same duration as the experimental group. The control group received no therapy. All subjects continued their usual routine and reported the menstrual cramp intensity and dysmenorrhea severity assessments on the first and second days of menstruation. None of the subjects reported adverse side effects during the trial.
The intensity of menstrual cramps on both the first and second days of menstruation was significantly lower by a little more that 50% in the aromatherapy group than in the placebo group or the control group.
The authors concluded that aromatherapy with topically applied lavender, clary sage, and rose oils is effective in reducing the severity of menstrual cramps and dysmenorrhea. They recommend that aromatherapy be offered as a safe, cost-effective, and viable part of care for women experiencing dysmenorrhea.
There are other essential oils also known to be excellent for relieving the pain associated with menstrual cramps, but what a lovely combination selected for this research study. Should you decide to try this combination, or any other, be certain that the oils you select are only therapeutic-grade essential oils of the highest quality.
This article is written for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat medical problems. The advice and care of a physician is recommended for your health concerns. Aromatherapy is intended as complementary care with health care providers, not as an alternative to care.
A registered aromatherapist, Judy has a special interest in using essential oils in health care and prevention. For information about Judy and for ways to obtain her favorite essential oils, visit her Web page at: http://home.comcast.net/~judy922/site

Top 3 Vaginal Dryness Treatments

Vaginal dryness is a significant problem after menopause. Vaginal dryness is caused by vaginal atrophy which is a thinning and drying of the vaginal walls. This is, in turn, causes inflammation and often results in painful or difficult sexual relations. The dryness is created by a lack of estrogen.
How do we treat vaginal dryness?
1. Try any lubricant you may have at home, be creative! You can use KY jelly, coconut water, vegetable oil, hand lotion etc. If these are unsuccessful then the next option is medical intervention.
2. Medical options can be divided into hormonal and non-hormonal options.
Hormonal options for vaginal dryness treatment include estrogen. If there are not any symptoms of hot flashes then vaginal estrogen is the preferred hormonal choice for management of vaginal dryness. Vaginal estrogen can be inserted as a cream, a tablet or a ring. There are 2 vaginal creams on the market Estrace and Premarin. Both of these are used 1-2 times weekly. Vaginal tablets are available as Vagifem and are inserted twice weekly. Estring is a small ring inserted into the vagina and it remains there for 3 months and then it is changed by the user.
Vaginal estrogen is only minimally absorbed into the systemic circulation. However, there are many patients who cannot or do not want to use any form of estrogen due to their concern of cancer or blood clots. If that is the preference then there or non-hormonal treatments.
Non-hormonal vaginal dryness treatment is available.
There are 2 options for the patient who prefers not to use hormones: a pill and a laser.
Oshima is a daily pill. It is a SERM, serum estrogen receptor modulator. This means in some tissue it mimics estrogen and in other tissues, it antagonizes estrogen. In the vagina and the bones, it mimics estrogen and increases vaginal lubrication and improves bone health. In the breast, it inhibits breast proliferation and reduces breast cancer. However, in the vascular circulation, it increases thrombosis and blood clots.
3. There is now an exciting new option for vaginal dryness treatment. It is a vaginal laser. This laser requires 3 treatments, all of which are painless. This is a 100% hormone free treatment. After use of the laser, the vagina is rejuvenated and lubrication is restored making sexual relations more comfortable. Each treatment takes less than 5 minutes. The treatment lasts for 12-24 months and then requires a quick annual touchup. To date there have been no major complications and there is in excess of an 85% success rate.
Sex does not have to end because of menopause. It should still be fun. Investigate your options and learn about all the different ways to manage vaginal dryness treatment.

Pain During Sexual Intercourse

Pain during intercourse is medically known as dyspareunia. It is defined as pain or discomfort a woman experiences in her vagina, pelvis or labia during sexual intercourse. Painful intercourse can occur due to many reasons. Some of them are endometriosis, adhesions, and ovarian cysts. Even vaginal infections, uterine prolapsed or bladder prolapsed can lead to painful sex.
Here are five leading reasons for pain during sexual intercourse:
1. Hormones: Hormonal changes, either occurring natural or due to surgical menopause, can lead to painful intercourse. Usually as a woman ages, the amount of estrogen in the body decreases and this leads to vaginal dryness. Lubricants can provide temporary relief. A more permanent relief is using estrogen cream or getting Hormone Replacement Therapy.
2. Vulvodynia: This is condition wherein the vulva is permanently inflamed causing a burning sensation at the opening of the vagina. This condition makes sexual intercourse impossible because women suffer from very severe pain. The inflamed skin can be surgically removed but this should be the last option after every type of treatment has failed.
3. Interstitial Cystitis: This is chronic inflammation of the bladder and it causes severe pain in the pelvic region. The pain tends to worsen with sexual activity and deep penetration can cause more discomfort. There are many types of treatments available and it has been seen that no single treatment works for everyone.
4. Endometriosis: This is also a very painful condition where the lining of the uterus grows into the vagina or the pelvis. Nearly half the women with this condition experience pain during sex. Treatment involves taking birth control pills, drugs that suppress estrogen temporarily or having surgery to remove the excess tissue. However, many women find that not having intercourse for a week or two after their menstrual period helps with the pain.
5. Infection: One of the first signs of infection in the vagina is having pain during sex. The natural vaginal lubrication is reduced when a woman has bacterial or yeast infection. This type of infection is usually accompanied by irritation at the opening of the vagina, itching and discharge that may have an odor. The other infection that can cause pain during sex is urinary tract infection because of the pressure being exerted on the inflamed bladder. Infections can be treated with antibiotics or anti-fungal creams.

What Causes Back Pain and Cramping During the Monthly Cycle?

Every woman has experienced cramping and pain around the abdomen during or before their periods. It might happen before your periods, as an unwelcome forewarning, or during your periods, leaving you tired and cranky until it's over.
Young girls usually experience cramping during the first few years after the onset of periods. As you grow older, these pains generally decrease in intensity and may disappear completely after the birth of your first child.
The cramps can be a monthly accompaniment to your periods or may occur rarely, and the pain from these cramps can be mild or severe. Emotional stress can increase the chances of you having cramps during your subsequent menstrual cycle.
The medical term for menstrual cramps is dysmenorrhea. Incidentally, dysmenorrhea is the most common reason of absence from school among adolescents.
Dysmenorrhea is of two types - one where the pain is only due to cyclical changes in your uterus as a part of your periods, or it may be due to disorders of your pelvic area. The pelvis is the part of your lower abdomen that houses your uterus, ovaries, cervix and vagina.
Why do they happen?
Every month, your uterus builds up a new lining of tissue, ready for lodgement of the fertilized egg. If the egg isn't fertilized, the lining is shed along with the unfertilized egg. When this occurs, certain molecules are released that may cause painful, intermittent contractions of the uterine muscles.
Current research proposes that menstrual cramps are a result of an increase in certain prostaglandins during your monthly cycles.
Prostaglandins are small compounds that may act to increase or decrease the size of blood vessels, and stimulate muscles to contract. In this case, these molecules cause blood vessels in the uterus to constrict, thereby decreasing blood flow to the uterus while causing prolonged muscular contractions in the uterus.
To supplement this, hormones produced by the pituitary gland (a small gland seated directly under the brain) causes the uterus to become more sensitive to prostaglandins during your periods.
Thus, some women whose reproductive organs are more sensitive to prostaglandins suffer from cramps that are much more painful than women whose organs are relatively insensitive to prostaglandins.
Certain factors may increase your risk of having painful cramps during periods:
- Early age at menarche (first period), usually if less than 12 years
- Long menstrual cycles
- Heavy flow
- Smoking
In some cases, family history, obesity and even alcohol consumption have been linked to increased likelihood of suffering from menstrual cramps.
Diagnosis of dysmenorrhea usually relies on an explanation of symptoms by the woman herself. There are no tests routinely conducted to measure the contractions or pain.
Dysmenorrhea caused by other diseases of your reproductive organs may be due to a variety of conditions, including:
- Endometriosis
- Ovarian cysts and tumours
- Fibroids
- Polyps
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
- Intra-uterine devices (IUD)
- Anatomical abnormalities of the uterus (for example, your uterus may tilt backwards instead of lying forward)
It is essential to consult your doctor if the pain is not relieved by over the counter medications, progressively worsens or leaves you unable to get around with your routine activities. Initially, the clinician may perform an ultrasonography if a pelvic disease is suspected.
You may already know how it feels, but commonly, most women experience the following:
- Aching or gripping pain in your lower abdomen, which may radiate to your inner thighs, back
- Fullness, pressure or bloating of the belly
- If severe, vomiting and nausea
- Loose stools or constipation
Managing dysmenorrhea
Over the counter drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofens or other painkillers can relieve mild dysmenorrhea.
Placing a hot water bag or bottle can also help in relieving the intensity of the pain.
Regular exercise releases endorphins, and may help in alleviating painful menstrual cramps in the long run.
Additionally, you can do the following to decrease the severity of the cramps:
- Avoid caffeine, alcohol or smoking
- Massage you lower back and abdomen
- Rest as and when needed
If these measures do not relieve the pain and the cramps are unusual or severe, you can consult the doctor who can advise additional drugs such as oral contraceptive pills or prescription-grade painkillers. He or she may also advise a thorough pelvic exam to check the condition of your vagina, cervix and uterus to ensure there are no abnormalities. A small sample of your vaginal fluid may also be taken if necessary.
If the cramps aren't due to your periods, proper treatment must be taken because most causes of dysmenorrhea are treatable by medical therapy.
If you need any healthcare assistance you can reach here at https://www.caremotto.com

What Are Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms, Causes and Treatment?

Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS is a combination of various symptoms that is experienced by women. These symptoms can include tenderness in the breast, mood swings, depression, anger, increase in appetite, bloating and many others. PMS is common in women and it tends to be more in women who are in their late 20s and early 30s. The symptoms which can be physical or psychological tend to show around the time of ovulation and remain till the menstruation begins. The intensity and duration of these symptoms can vary every month and can be different in every woman.
The symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are as follows:
Physical Symptoms:
1. Abdominal bloating
2. Acne flare ups
3. Constipation or diarrhea
4. Fatigue
5. Weight Gain
6. Breast Tenderness
7. Headaches
8. Joint pains
Emotional Symptoms:
1. Mood swings
2. Over sensitivity
3. Tension
4. Anxiety
5. Appetite changes
6. Change in sleep pattern
7. Depression
8. Lack of concentration
9. Crying
These are some of the common premenstrual syndrome symptoms felt by most of the women. For many, these signs disappear as the menstruation begins and they feel better. In some cases these symptoms are very severe causing them to affect their daily functioning.
Causes - Some of the causes of PMS are as follows:
1. Hormonal changes: Premenstrual syndrome is mainly associated with hormonal changes in the body. These imbalances or changes are responsible for the mood swings and related variations in the woman. Once the balance is maintained again, the symptoms start disappearing.
2. Depression: Depression alone cannot result in all the symptoms, but sometimes depression is responsible for causing severe PMS symptoms.
3. Diet: Dietary habits like intake of poor nutrition food and food with low levels of minerals and vitamins have been linked to PMS. Eating of high salty foods can cause fluid retention and bloating. Drinking of caffeinated beverages and alcohol may cause low energy.
4. Chemical changes: Changes in neurotransmitter could trigger premenstrual syndrome symptoms. Fewer amounts of brain chemicals secreted may cause depression and depression.
5. Stress: Stress can definitely aggravate the PMS condition.
It is best to keep a record of the symptoms every month so as to recognize these as PMS symptoms. Since the range of premenstrual syndrome symptoms is very wide, it is difficult to diagnose these symptoms. However, maintain a track of the symptoms around the ovulation till the onset of periods. The treatment of this condition is possible with medications and some lifestyle changes.
Treatment - The medications available for this condition are as follows:
1. Anti inflammatory: These pills can be taken before or when the period starts to get relief from discomfort and pain.
2. Anti depressants: These drugs help reduce fatigue and disturbances in sleep pattern.
3. Oral Contraceptive Pills: These pills cease ovulation and are effective in reducing the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
4. Diuretics: Diuretics aid in shedding the excess water by urination and thereby reduce swelling and bloating in the body.
Lifestyle changes and home remedies that can help in this condition are:
1. Diet: Eat a healthy and nutritious diet rich in minerals and vitamins.
2. Exercise: Regular moderate exercising can help improve your overall health.
3. Limit salt intake.
4. Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
5. Get plenty of rest and sleep.
6. Practice yoga for relaxation and meditation regularly.
Understanding what premenstrual syndrome is beneficial for women in order to recognize the symptoms and overcome the discomfort.

What is Battered Woman's Syndrome?

Battered Women's Syndrome can generally be termed as a form of post-traumatic stress and is primarily accepted as the emotional state. Perhaps it is a state that can be described as a situation when any woman has been the sufferer of harsh domestic violence for some period. In fact, it is one of its own kinds of syndrome that majorly affects women health and can be easily classified into various stages. However, the battered syndrome stages can be classified as:
First Stage - Denial - This is the first and important stage when one of battered women's syndrome occurs when any woman actually rejects to others about her problem. Usually, the woman always tend to make different sort of justifications for different abusive occurrences. In fact, the key belief during this stage is that the ill-treatment will never be repeated again.
Second Stage - Guilt - A woman can be considered in the stage two of battered woman syndrome when she finally starts accepting the fact and acknowledges that there is definitely a trouble in her relation. In this battered woman stage, she agrees that she has received mental set of problems from her partner. Perhaps in this second stage she majorly starts asking the questions on her own characters and keep on trying to live up to her partner's expectations.
Third Stage - Enlightenment - This is the third stage of battered women's syndrome. The key highlight of this stage is the battered woman finally begins to realize her importance and even understand that she certainly deserves to live a good life. She starts understanding the fact that she doesn't deserves to keep on sustaining the harsh reaction or beaten-up by her partner. A battered woman identify that her partner has some sort of psychological problem that keep on provoking him to beat her. Though, she still prefers to stay with her partner just as an attempt to makes things better between herself and her partner. She attempts to keep the relation in tact with one major hope of change that may occur in the nature and behavior of her partner.
Fourth Stage - Responsibility - Finally in the fourth stage of battered women's syndrome a battered woman starts feeling that her partner has a problem that can be only fixed by him. She feels that it is only her partner who can fix and solve it of his own. In this stage, the battered woman comes to recognize that there is not anything that she can actually do about her partner. In fact, the major outcome of this stage is that the battered woman in this stage may take the essential step to leave her partner and perhaps look for option to begin a whole new life once again.
A battered woman syndrome can happen to any woman and so it is very important to understand its complications very seriously. It may affect woman health and so it becomes very essential for a woman suffering from a battered woman syndrome take proper steps depending upon the stage she is going through.
Learn more about battered woman's syndrome at Peoples-Health.com. Peoples-health is a leading online health information portal which offers online health care information, diseases like allergies, cancer, digestive disorders etc and their symptoms and treatment.

Motherhood Survival Tips

No matter what stage in a child's life you are dealing with, it comes with its own adventures:
Babies with all their new challenges-How DOES that food you fed baby mysteriously "reappear" at the most inopportune times?

Toddlers and the "terrible twos" that seem to go on forever-


School age,

And lest we forget-those teenage years! Gotta love 'em! (No, really, I think it's a law or something!) Anyway, that one word says it all!
My personal tips and ideas about motherhood to help survive child rearing, being a mom and just trusting that somehow, with all your best attempts, you'll one day have adult children that won't write a book about you, are as follows:
  1. The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Teach them to think about how the other person feels, and bring it up often to them. When you see a situation where someone has made someone feel hurt or left out, even if your child isn't involved, discuss the situation and how the person must feel.
  2. Make your "yes" mean yes and your "no" mean no. If you tell them to do something, follow up and make sure they do it. If you have said "no", don't just let it go if they do it anyway. There will be times when it is important that they follow your instruction immediately, so you don't want to be "wishy -washy".
  3. As a mother, don't shame them in front of everyone by yelling at them. No one else likes to listen to you yell either. Take them to the side, or if need be to a restroom or outside to scold them.
  4. As soon as possible after scolding or saying no, explaining "why" goes a long way in not having to tell them again. The action may not be repeated (notice I say "may" not) if the child has some understanding as to what they did wrong and what effect it might have on other people. Even some simple explanation at a young age starts sinking in quicker than you think.
  5. Most importantly, make sure that your children are raised with a higher authority to answer to. If they don't have that knowledge that they someday will have to answer for what they have done, they aren't worried about what they do.
No matter which stage you are dealing with, always remember:
"Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Is Motherhood for You?

Child psychology was my major in college along with Early Childhood Education as my minor. However, I do not consider myself an expert in the field of psychology, but I had a strong desire to be a good teacher and a good mother. I enjoyed every minute of raising my two children, a boy and a girl. I read every recommended book on the best-seller list on raising children, child behavior from birth to teen years, and all the health information available on feeding and childhood illnesses. I did this reading prior to having children and felt I would be well prepared when my first child arrived and then would have that experience to help when my second child arrived. Reading books on child rearing is one thing but the actual task is another!

Now, as a grandmother and senior citizen, I am seeing a change in how women and men approach parenthood. They are finding it more stressful than they originally thought. Being generations away from new parents, I can see how their lack of knowledge prior to giving birth has left many a new parent doubting their ability to raise their child with as little stress as possible. Also, some who succumb to social pressure to be parents may tend to oversimplify the issues involved. Crying babies, sleepless nights, poop in their diapers and fussy eaters is nothing new in what all babies have done for ages. This can be very frustrating to many a new parent. However, I would like to ask women contemplating motherhood some questions and give them some things to think about before they embark on this life changing journey:

1. Ask yourself if you enjoy children, especially infants now and when you were growing up.

2. Did you babysit when you were young? Did you enjoy those times or was it only the money that interested you?

3. When you were a child did you enjoy playing with dolls, playing house, and always playing the mother role?

4. Prior to getting pregnant and during your pregnancy are you reading all the literature on child raising, care, and feeding?

5. Have you talked to other mothers to hear their everyday experiences in raising their children?

6. Is social pressure from friends, relatives, or co-workers on having a child affecting you?

7. Do you enjoy cooking, cleaning house, being organized, and planning your awake hours to the fullest?

8. Is your mate interested in having children? Will he be a help in parenting along side of you or would all the responsibility rest on your shoulders?

9. Did your mother do the entire child rearing when you were growing up or did your Father help? Are you pleased with how your parents raised you and would you emulate them?

10. Do you admire women who have children and work outside of the home? Do you think that is

something you could easily do or do you see it as being a handicap to have a job and support a family?
These are just a few questions to ask yourself and to realize how much of your upbringing, your knowledge of children, mainly babies, will play a big part in your enjoyment of starting your family. It's not easy to raise a baby just as it was not easy to give birth, but once the baby arrives all the pain is forgotten. My prayer to a new mother is to be patient, loving, and to remember those days when it seems the baby would not stop crying, or not sleep throughout the night, or eat the healthy food you prepared for it. They always outgrow it. I remember when I had my first child who would not give up his pacifier and it seemed like ages before he was potty trained and I anxiously mentioned this to our pediatrician and his answer was: "Believe me he will not be using a pacifier when he goes to kindergarten and rest assure he will not be carrying an attaché case and still not be potty trained". In time, all things pass!

For expectant mothers and those contemplating motherhood, I have some tips I will pass on in my next post. In the meantime, relax and enjoy this time to prepare.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6497779