11 Ways To A Fun Pregnancy

  1. Take lots of pictures. Book a maternity photo-session. Pregnancy, especially a first one, is a very special time in one's life, when you stand at a doorstep to a completely different existence. It is an exciting period of life and is filled with wonder. It will also be gone before you know it, so best capture as many moments of it as possible. When you dig up your maternity photos years from now, it will seem surreal that you ever had another life, one without your precious little ones. Photos will be great reminders of the time you thought you had everything figured out and life seemed simpler. If it isn't your first child, include your older kids into the maternity photos, you will all look back at them with great pleasure in years to come.

  2. Give in to your cravings! How about sweet and sour soup at, oh let's say, 1 am? Maybe that exotic fruit you tried that one time on a vacation, and that you've never been able to find again? Perhaps ice cream and with pickles is your latest favorite food. Well, your partner absolutely must find whatever it is and whenever it is. It is the baby, after all, and not you. And how can he say no to the baby? Take advantage of this, it might only work a couple more times in your lifetime!

  3. Get your 3D ultrasound. There is almost nothing more exciting than seeing your baby while they're still getting ready! In fact, have a couple: you can follow your baby's development from early pregnancy to fully developed stages. These memories will last a lifetime, and are a wonderful bonding experience even before your baby's birth. It is well worth the money to get a 4D ultrasound (where you get video images) as well.

  4. Get out of doing stuff. Why not? This is the time when you have to think of not only yourself, but the bun in the oven, too. No heavy lifting, no standing for too long, and no cleaning with chemicals etc. As a matter of fact, take the most advantage of your current situation and enjoy the benefits! Make sure you let everyone know you're expecting and you can say goodbye to standing in public transit, waiting in lines at restaurants or other facilities. Park in the expectant moms spot - you deserve it!

  5. Get away from work. As soon as your financial and work situation allows you, stop working! Baby doesn't need the negativity of workplace worries and yelling bosses. Even if you have to keep working till late pregnancy, try to do less and blame the baby for your decreased productivity. Nobody will say a thing - everyone's been there. Or will get there.

  6. Pick up a new hobby. You might find that, being off work towards the end of your pregnancy, you have some spare time on your hands. It might be a good time to learn something new, maybe try making something, knitting, or take on a project you've always put aside due to lack of time.

  7. Sleep! It might not be fun, but you will be wishing you have had a full lifetime worth of sleep once the baby arrives. So, sleep.

  8. Plan and decorate the baby's room. Use a professional or come up and execute your own design. Pick a theme: safari, ocean, jungle etc. Be creative and use baby-safe materials. Don't wait too long before you start decorating though, you will want to take your time and enjoy the process. Gender determination ultrasound can help you make a choice of colors and design.

  9. Reading/Movies. Remember that book you've always wanted to re-read? Or that movie that you never got to watch. Well, this is the time. A few months from now you will spend every moment, that is not taken up by the newly arrived baby, falling asleep in random places. So take this time for yourself and enjoy a few flicks!

  10. Be silly. No one will judge! Get a henna tattoo on your belly, or get a belly cast. It is fun for the moment and will be something to remember. After all, it'll pass by all to quickly so you might as well have fun while you have it.

  11. Enjoy yourself! Continue going to parties. Enjoy a cocktail or two, non-alcoholic of course. It is quite amazing how many delicious ways fruit juices can be mixed. Also, it is a whole different kind of fun when you're the only one not drinking, and you get to watch your drunk friends say and do silly stuff.
Start the fun by booking your 3D Ultrasound today with A Date With Baby 3D/4D Ultrasound Studio in Toronto. By visiting us you will also receive a FREE maternity mini photo session with one of the best family photographers in the GTA, Boy Girl Studio
Call us today 6477483007 or visit to book online: http://www.adatewithbaby.com/book-now

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