Why Is 40 Weeks of Pregnancy So Important?

Every movement and every small activity seems uncomfortable and painful - what with a bulging belly weighing you down like a huge boulder. If only there was a way to fast forward the weeks to get to your due date.
While it's natural for most pregnant women to go through these feelings, going the full course and staying patient can prove to be healthy and beneficial in the long run.
Why is it important to wait till 40 weeks of your pregnancy?
Even though your baby is considered full term at 37 weeks, staying pregnant until 39-40 weeks has tremendous benefits for both, you and your baby. Research shows that every week of pregnancy is important for the baby's development. If you've tracked your pregnancy week by week, you'll see the rapid progress your baby makes during each week. The last few weeks of pregnancy are as important as any other week - as many vital organs are still developing at this stage. Consider this, at 35 weeks gestation, your baby's brain is only about 2/3 the size that it would be at 39-40 weeks. This is also the period when the folds of the brain - which help co-ordinate the sucking and swallowing action - are developing. Studies show that full term babies are able to suck and swallow more effectively than babies born earlier.
So if you've had a healthy pregnancy so far, you'll be doing more good than harm by waiting for another few weeks to allow your baby to grow into a healthy full term baby.
A baby born before 37 weeks is considered pre-mature. Unless there is a complication or a medical reason, don't push to have the baby earlier. Because full term babies are healthier. They have fewer complications, and need fewer medical interventions. They also spend less time in the ICU so they are sent home faster.
Here's more reason why you should give your baby 40 weeks of pregnancy
  • The last few weeks are crucial for the development of baby's brain, lungs and liver - which are growing at accelerated rates

  • Babies born at 40 weeks are able to suck and swallow better, because of advanced muscle development

  • Premature babies are at an increased risk of having vision and hearing problems later in life

  • During the last six weeks or pregnancy the connections needed for balance, coordination, learning, and social functioning is added in the brain. It is also during this time that the baby's brain size doubles in size.

  • A premature baby's lungs are not fully developed at birth, so it's likely to suffer from respiratory problems.

  • Extra fat accumulated during the last few weeks of pregnancy allows baby to prepare for birth

  • Babies born before 38 weeks have an increased risk of learning and behavioral problems

  • Compared to babies born early, full term born babies perform better at school due to better developed brains

  • A premature baby's liver is underdeveloped and hence not able to perform its function of removing bilirubin from the body. Excess of bilirubin can cause jaundice in early babies.
A quick look at pregnancy symptoms at 40 weeks
You're in the final weeks of pregnancy almost reached the end of the journey. With the big day just around the corner, it's a good idea to keep your hospital bag ready - because the baby may pop out any time. Meanwhile, here are some symptoms that are typical during 40 weeks of pregnancy
  • You may run out of patience due to sheer tiredness

  • Getting a good night's sleep may be difficult

  • Your body is preparing for labour, so watch out for those early signs of labour - like abdominal cramps, bleeding/spotting

  • A lot of women experience the 'nesting instinct' - an obsession to clean the house and prepare for baby's homecoming.

  • Your baby drops further down into the pelvis. As a result you could have some discomfort in the lower abdomen.

  • Since the baby has been pushed down, it exerts extra pressure on your bladed, increasing the frequency of your visits to the toilet

  • Sometimes, even before the onset of labour, the water bag may break (rupture of the amniotic sac). It's normally a sign that labour will begin in the next 24 hours.

  • This is also the time when you may experience the Braxton Hicks Contractions. These are irregular, false contractions which may be hard to be distinguished from the real labour.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9449925

Are You Pregnant?

In the very early stage of pregnancy you may feel like vomiting in every hour of the day. Many women experience illness in the morning (morning sickness), some in the afternoon or evening, others feel vomiting throughout the entire day. There is no explanation as to why pregnant women feel this or even a solution as to how to prevent it - however, eating small frequent meals, and snacking on saltine crackers seems to give some kind of relief. Eating a protein/carbo-hydrate at bedtime (try an apple and a glass of milk) tends to lessen the queasiness that occurs in the morning.
Shortness of Breath
As you might be pregnant, you may get breathless going up the terrace or on stairs all of a sudden. The growing fetus needs oxygen, leaving you a little short. This one may continue throughout your pregnancy period, especially as your growing baby starts to put pressure on your lungs.
During pregnancy your body creates extra fluids, which has your bladder working overtime-and you taking a lot of loo break. Pregnancy causes the uterus to swell and it will start to enlarge for the growing fetus. The uterus puts pressure on your bladder making you feel the need for more frequent urination. Many pregnant women start to feel this symptom within a week or two after pregnancy has occurred.
Is your back is a little painful? If you don't normally have back pain, it could mean your muscles are loosening. This might continue through your pregnancy as your weight gain and shifting center of gravity throw your posture out of whack.
Food Craving
Now if you have a craving for a lot of different food. If you notice food issues that weren't there earlier, it could be your body telling you you're pregnant. Food cravings can be a sign of pregnancy. You're more likely go off certain flavors at first, though, possibly even before you've missed a period. You may notice a metallic taste in your mouth, or find that you can't face your morning coffee or a food you usually like, such as mutton, dal, dalia etc.
Periods Missed
Light spot of blood may occur approximately 10-15 days from ovulation. It usually happens around the same time you would have gotten your period. Some women assume they have started their period when in fact they are pregnant. The spotting is caused from implantation which is when the fertilized egg burrows into the endometrial lining.
When standing in one place you may feel dizzy or even faint at sometimes. The growing uterus compresses major arteries in your legs which causes your blood pressure to drop making you extremely light headed. When not eating frequently enough it causes low blood sugar. Blood sugar is the primary source of food for your baby so it will be exhausted much more quickly. Skipping meals may cause you to feel faint.
Swollen Breast
Once you are about six - seven weeks pregnant, your breasts may become increasingly sensitive. It's similar to how they feel before you have a period. You may notice that your breasts are larger and swollen, with blue veins visible just below the skin. Tenderness tends to be most common in the first trimester, easing as pregnancy progresses. Breasts may be very warm, swollen and start to enlarge. Many times the veins within the breast will become more visible. Your nipples may start to darken in color, become more sensitive. These symptoms are due to increasing amount of HCG hormone that begins at implantation. Tender and heavy-feeling breasts, darkening of the areolas and even more pronounced veins on your chest can be a first sign that you're pregnant. Wear your most supportive bra-to bed if you need it-to help ease discomfort. This Swollen Breast generates milk which in future helps in breastfeeding.
If you're suddenly exhausted, it might be a response to the increasing hormones in your body. For many women, tiredness continues through the first trimester period. This is pretty obvious that you fall asleep or feel exhausted within five minutes after lying on the bed. When pregnant your body is going through some major hormonal changes. Your temperature is also higher due to the amount progesterone circulating through your body which will also make you feel a little sluggish.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9462056

7 Things Pregnant Women Need to Care for Before Delivery

There are a lot of times when you are confused about planning the future and pregnancy is one of those times. Women need to think about a lot of choices they have in terms of childbirth. Here are some tips that'll help you make a decision in these matters.
1. Pick your hospital: Where you will deliver is the biggest question that pregnant moms have to deal with. Choose a hospital which is nearest to you and that is comfortable for you since you'll be spending quite an important part of your pregnant time there. Also keep in mind that certain places are cheaper than the rest, so make sure to find out about any discounts before you jump in. Check with your insurance provider about the availability of your insurance and the coverage particularly.
2. Antenatal classes: These are talks held by experts and doctors who teach about pregnancy, how you should prepare for labor & delivery, about parenting and lactation. Make sure to attend at least one of these. Most hospitals offer it as a part of the course or a package. It helps you clear your doubts and develop a better relation with your spouse in understanding what you are going through.
3. Breastfeeding consultation: Lactation experts often are provided at the time of delivery, but I suggest getting an opinion early on, so that you know what to expect and what are things you can eat and avoid before your baby suffers. Also it is a great change mentally to have a newborn latch on, and this consultation helps you understand the process better.
4. Scans (Ultrasound): One great expense that will be whirling around your pocket during the entire pregnancy will be getting those scans done. This is usually not a part of the insurance coverage and you might not need all of them. Speak to your doctor in advance, because most doctors after years of experience just go by the regular protocol where they have a set of rules to go by, without checking whether you really need it or not, so ask for customization.
5. Choose your healthcare provider & your child's: Your doctor or care provider is the most important part of your pregnancy planning because he/she then has the steering wheel of your pregnancy and can drive it in the right direction. Choice of options these days includes doctors(general), midwives (doulas), Obstetricians (Gynaecologists), or experienced friends and family. Along with this comes the responsibility of your child, so find a good doctor who can answer your questions. If possible, schedule a visit to get to know each other in the third trimester and see if he can help you in any decisions you might need help with.
6. Vitamins in pregnancy: A lot of pregnancies get noticed later on when mothers miss that important time of development of the baby when he needs prenatal vitamins and supplements most. So take care not to lose time with it and start taking supportive nutrition before planning a baby. If you were not aware of the pregnancy, then make sure you get a doctor to speak and prescribe the necessary supplements. Usually folic acid is prescribed to most women in the first trimester, calcium & iron supplements in the second trimester and any medications personally required for your body in the third trimester.
7. Exercise or yoga sessions: Not all pregnant women can perform the same exercises as others. Some women are prohibited from exercise, depending on their case and condition. But if your doctor has allowed you to exercise, it is best to do so. Those who have been working out prior to pregnancy can continue the same but at a lighter pace, but be sure you don't burn yourself out. Also lifting weights is strictly not permitted and certain other positions. Yoga and breathing exercises are specialized for pregnant ladies and you can join classes for the same that will help you develop a stamina for the labor & delivery process.
Hope you found these tips useful and if you did, make sure to share it with others who also might. Again thanks for reading and mention your thoughts in the comments section below.
You can also consult with a doctor online from the comfort of your home right here: http://www.justdoc.com where a specialist is available at all times of the day to guide you through motherhood and pregnancy as well as to help with your child's problems

Pregnancy Signs to Watch Out For

You and your partner have been planning for a baby for some time now - and suddenly, you think the big day has arrived. You've been feeling nauseous in the morning, your skin is glowing and you just feel as though you have a baby growing inside of yourself. However, if you want to know surefire pregnancy signs to look out for, then here's a definitive checklist to determine if you're about to become a happy new mommy. Remember, the more symptoms you have, the more likely it is that you're pregnant; so add up the pregnancy signs and schedule a visit with your doctor straightaway!
Early Pregnancy Signs. While experiencing each of these signs on their own can be symptomatic of other health conditions, if you've experienced three or more of these symptoms a few weeks after having intercourse - experts determine it takes about two weeks from intercourse in order to "become" pregnant - there's a very likely chance that you could be pregnant with a future baby boy or girl. Go out and get a pregnancy test right away if you've encountered any of these surefire pregnancy signs:
·         A missed menstrual period. This is an especially important pregnancy sign if your cycle is typically regular. Even if you have an irregular cycle, you should take a pregnancy test each month you miss your period in order to determine whether or not you're pregnant. You can typically take a pregnancy test once you've missed your period, or up to three days before your period is scheduled to start for accurate results. 
·         Nausea. While this pregnancy sign is often called "morning sickness", this doesn't mean that those nauseous feelings are restricted to your AM schedule. Nausea associated with pregnancy can occur at anytime, so if you've been inexplicably ill at certain times during the day, make an appointment with your doctor to get a pregnancy test or to schedule an ultrasound.
·         Extreme fatigue or feeling faint. If you've been overtired lately for no reason at all - you're getting your recommended eight hours a night, you're not overweight and you've been otherwise active and alert - then this might be a sign that you're about to become a mother. This pregnancy sign typically occurs with other symptoms, so if fatigue is the only symptom you've been experiencing, it might be indicative of an entirely different health condition.
·         Tender or enlarged breasts are often key early pregnancy signs, since the hormonal changes that occur during early pregnancy will often affect the size of your breasts. If you're experiencing this symptom - and you're not expecting your period for another couple of weeks - buy an early detection pregnancy test or make an appointment with your doctor to determine if you're about to become a mother to a happy and beautiful new baby.
·         Frequent headaches and heartburn will typically occur during the early pregnancy stage, and will often go hand in hand with extreme fatigue and nausea. For many unknowing expectant mothers, early pregnancy signs can often feel like they're coming down with an illness; however, if these symptoms are intermittent, they're most likely indicative of early pregnancy. Again, get a test to be sure, or schedule an ultrasound with your doctor to see if you've been blessed with your future bundle of joy.
·         Spotting can also be an early - and confusing! - sign of pregnancy. For many women, the spotting can often be as heavy as a period, so it's no wonder that many women don't know that they're pregnant until the second or third month. If you've been experiencing any spotting -whether light or heavy - in conjunction with other pregnancy signs, you should immediately take a test to determine if you're pregnant or not. In fact, even if it's the only symptom you've experienced, it's always best to go for a check-up at your doctor's if you experience any unusual bleeding, as you might be the happy recipient of some rather unexpected news!
If you're experiencing two or more of these early pregnancy signs, then it's vitally important to take a pregnancy test as soon as you experience these symptoms. That way, if you are pregnant, you can immediately cease any activities that could harm the fetus, like smoking and drinking. Additionally, the sooner you discover that you're pregnant, the sooner you can start taking prenatal vitamins to ensure that you have a healthy and active baby boy or girl.
Most important of all, once you've used your pregnancy signs to determine whether or not you're pregnant, you can share the wonderful news with family members and friends - you and your loved ones will be so over the moon about the prospect of a new bundle of joy that the nine months will just fly right by!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2637630

11 Ways To A Fun Pregnancy

  1. Take lots of pictures. Book a maternity photo-session. Pregnancy, especially a first one, is a very special time in one's life, when you stand at a doorstep to a completely different existence. It is an exciting period of life and is filled with wonder. It will also be gone before you know it, so best capture as many moments of it as possible. When you dig up your maternity photos years from now, it will seem surreal that you ever had another life, one without your precious little ones. Photos will be great reminders of the time you thought you had everything figured out and life seemed simpler. If it isn't your first child, include your older kids into the maternity photos, you will all look back at them with great pleasure in years to come.

  2. Give in to your cravings! How about sweet and sour soup at, oh let's say, 1 am? Maybe that exotic fruit you tried that one time on a vacation, and that you've never been able to find again? Perhaps ice cream and with pickles is your latest favorite food. Well, your partner absolutely must find whatever it is and whenever it is. It is the baby, after all, and not you. And how can he say no to the baby? Take advantage of this, it might only work a couple more times in your lifetime!

  3. Get your 3D ultrasound. There is almost nothing more exciting than seeing your baby while they're still getting ready! In fact, have a couple: you can follow your baby's development from early pregnancy to fully developed stages. These memories will last a lifetime, and are a wonderful bonding experience even before your baby's birth. It is well worth the money to get a 4D ultrasound (where you get video images) as well.

  4. Get out of doing stuff. Why not? This is the time when you have to think of not only yourself, but the bun in the oven, too. No heavy lifting, no standing for too long, and no cleaning with chemicals etc. As a matter of fact, take the most advantage of your current situation and enjoy the benefits! Make sure you let everyone know you're expecting and you can say goodbye to standing in public transit, waiting in lines at restaurants or other facilities. Park in the expectant moms spot - you deserve it!

  5. Get away from work. As soon as your financial and work situation allows you, stop working! Baby doesn't need the negativity of workplace worries and yelling bosses. Even if you have to keep working till late pregnancy, try to do less and blame the baby for your decreased productivity. Nobody will say a thing - everyone's been there. Or will get there.

  6. Pick up a new hobby. You might find that, being off work towards the end of your pregnancy, you have some spare time on your hands. It might be a good time to learn something new, maybe try making something, knitting, or take on a project you've always put aside due to lack of time.

  7. Sleep! It might not be fun, but you will be wishing you have had a full lifetime worth of sleep once the baby arrives. So, sleep.

  8. Plan and decorate the baby's room. Use a professional or come up and execute your own design. Pick a theme: safari, ocean, jungle etc. Be creative and use baby-safe materials. Don't wait too long before you start decorating though, you will want to take your time and enjoy the process. Gender determination ultrasound can help you make a choice of colors and design.

  9. Reading/Movies. Remember that book you've always wanted to re-read? Or that movie that you never got to watch. Well, this is the time. A few months from now you will spend every moment, that is not taken up by the newly arrived baby, falling asleep in random places. So take this time for yourself and enjoy a few flicks!

  10. Be silly. No one will judge! Get a henna tattoo on your belly, or get a belly cast. It is fun for the moment and will be something to remember. After all, it'll pass by all to quickly so you might as well have fun while you have it.

  11. Enjoy yourself! Continue going to parties. Enjoy a cocktail or two, non-alcoholic of course. It is quite amazing how many delicious ways fruit juices can be mixed. Also, it is a whole different kind of fun when you're the only one not drinking, and you get to watch your drunk friends say and do silly stuff.
Start the fun by booking your 3D Ultrasound today with A Date With Baby 3D/4D Ultrasound Studio in Toronto. By visiting us you will also receive a FREE maternity mini photo session with one of the best family photographers in the GTA, Boy Girl Studio
Call us today 6477483007 or visit to book online: http://www.adatewithbaby.com/book-now

Great Ways To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

Healthy diet and exercise aren't the only ways to lose around the middle. Belly fat plagues many an adult who is trying to get in shape and lose those love handles and spare tire around their midsection. Here are some steps to take to tame that area. Many also try stomach wraps as a great addition.
Manage Insulin.
Insulin can be one's worst enemy or their best friend. Managing insulin involves eating foods that are lower on the glycemic index, and mixing them with those that are lower to lessen the impact on the body. Many diets preach giving up the sweet and starchy foods and that's no good. A person just needs to know when to eat them to make fat loss.
The best time for this is after weight training, the insulin will send the sweets right to the muscles that are in need and not the fat cells. The rest of the day, focus on healthy fats, vegetable carbs, and protein. Don't forget to schedule a stomach wrap, too.
Exercise to tame hormones.
It's long proven that research shows cardio done over a long period is less efficient. This is because it down-regulates the activity of the thyroid. So let go of the old believe that cardio is the only way to lose stubborn fat. It's more important to burn more calories. This will cause a hormonal shift and that will decide the amount of calories burnt.
To do this, lift weights. This will stimulate GLUT4 which helps burn glycogen stores better, and allows muscles to absorb more carbs. The result is a firm and toned body instead of what many have likely seen happen to runners and other cardio worshippers, which is a soft look. Of course, the load being lifted has to be heavy. Women need not worry about looking too bulky, that only happens if male hormones are being taken; and just imagine the lovely effects of a body wrap with this lifting routine!
Eat micronutrient-rich foods.
As a very effective method to use for long-term weight loss, eating micronutrients is a crucial step to getting a toned belly. Many are surprised to learn that more food and nutrition make a huge difference, as they believe cutting calories is the answer.
Choose foods that have high amounts of micronutrients. These are phytonutrients, minerals, and enzymes. These nutrients will aid the hormonal signals within the body. They work directly on leptin sensitivity, detoxing, and thyroid function to name a few. Before long, there will be fewer calories being consumed but much more nutrition. Many actually find success employing this tactic along with a regular stomach wrap.
Clean the digestive tract.
Visceral fat is just one thing that creates a big belly. The other is waste built up in the digestive tract that's poorly processed and undigested. Be sure the tract is clear, efficient and clean. The colon may get backed up and it leads to further health problems.
If feeling bloated, heavy and extra big around the middle it's because there impacted waste in the digestive tract. Even if eliminating every day, this could still be the case. Skip any low quality foods that contain preservatives, fake ingredients and other similar items and change the diet after a smart cleans recommended by a physician.
These are just a few of the methods to get rid of stubborn belly fat. Stomach wraps are very successful when combined with these methods. Stomach wraps can work alone, but its best to have an overall health plan and also lower stress, and get enough sleep. Before one knows it they'll be enjoying that flat belly at the beach or pool with full control of their nutritional health.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9472318

Safe Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Losing weight after pregnancy is extremely essential and most women struggle to do so. A common complaint is that women struggle losing weight while pregnant and weight loss after pregnancy takes much more time than desired. Two quick facts to put some myths to rest - losing weight while pregnant is not essential or warranted and if it takes a while losing weight after pregnancy then you should not get anxious, it is only natural.
Now, here are some ways in which you can end up losing weight after pregnancy. In all likelihood, with these simple steps your weight loss after pregnancy goals will likely be pretty quick.

Do not Diet

Do not embark on a strict diet. Your body is not at a stage wherein you could starve yourself or deny yourself the necessary nutrients and calories. Post having a baby, many women suffer from medical problems owing to these efforts. Do not have any stringent diet and definitely don't starve. Dieting would lead the body to cling on to the fat owing to the dearth in consumption of calories and nutrients.


Mild exercises work wonders for weight loss after pregnancy. You may want to have a well planned routine but casual walking, jogging and some stretches with cardio exercises can be equally rewarding.


Breastfeeding contributes a lot to losing weight after pregnancy. Many women these days ponder over breastfeeding but it is the healthiest thing you can do for yourself and for your baby. Breastfeeding would not only help you with weight loss after pregnancy but also ensure you have a much healthier and fitter system post pregnancy.

Eat Small Meals

Hunger prangs are common even after child birth. Snacking cannot be avoided in its entirety but having small meals would be advisable. Rather than restricting yourself to three or four meals a day, it is wise to have seven or eight very small meals. This would trigger metabolism, counter hunger prangs and ensure you are steadily losing weight after pregnancy.

Eat Super Foods

Eating super foods is the best idea. Whole grains, fruits that are not rich in sugar or calories and super foods such as fish are the best and the safest bets.
A nice amalgamation of all these steps above can help you phenomenally with weight loss after pregnancy. Even if you have been overweight before pregnancy, these initiatives will go a long way.
For more articles on weight loss after pregnancy and reviews of a program that helps women lose weight through lifestyle changes NOT dieting please visit Weight Loss After Pregnancy [http://www.weight-loss-after-pregnancy.com].

Reasons to Exercise During Menopause

It is important for everyone to exercise, it makes them healthier. For women this becomes even more imperative with age. As menopause starts in on a woman, a lot of bodily changes can occur. Some of them can be warded off by exercise.
Women that are too sedentary especially during menopause can wind up with weight gain, high blood pressure, heart disease, and cause bone loss. Women when not active enough can also suffer from insomnia, back pain due to weak muscles, poor circulation, problems breathing, and even breathing problems.
As far as the bone loss goes, exercise helps the body produce calcium, which helps the bones get stronger. Weight bearing exercises are vital for this. This can actually result in new bone growth when needed.
Women who exercise regularly lower their blood pressure and regulate their overall health. It lowers stress of everyday life on top of lowering blood pressure, which helps the mood swings of menopause. The heart is made stronger through exercising and can help women have fewer problems with it. Also, certain endorphins (hormones that make you feel good) are released into the woman's system that improves the mood. Cardio workouts are what are needed for heart health.
Hot flashes can also be helped with exercise. Working up a sweat exercising can result in the whole body getting cooled off. Cool off the body and help regulate the body temperature at the same time.
A woman's metabolism can slow down as they age and go into menopause. Exercising can boost the metabolism rate. When the metabolism is high enough the body can burn calories more efficiently. This helps the body maintain and even lose weight. No weight loss diet is complete without exercise in fact. Women burn off fat at a much higher rate when they exercise regularly.
Women need to exercise to stay healthy and happy. No matter what their age exercise is vital to a woman's health. But during menopause, it becomes even more important to the health and well-being of the woman. It helps her maintain her weight and can even help her lose weight. It can lighten her moods, lower her blood pressure, and keep heart disease from happening.
So all you women menopause or not out there get up and start moving! Develop a regular exercise routine today. Women need to try to at least exercise 3 to 4 times a week when they can't do it every day. Of course an everyday routine is the best. Walking, jogging, swimming can be paired with some weight lifting workouts for a good routine.
As with all exercising women should consult a doctor first before starting, especially if the woman has not been exercising. She would not want to hurt herself by pushing herself too hard to quickly. The doctor can make suggestions on how to get started. So women need to look into all this today and start being healthier today.
We know that weight loss is not an easy task. And menopause doesn't make it easier. Do you want to know how to lose weight during menopause? Come and visit our website. You'll find a lot of useful articles and info to achieve your goal.

Vaginal Dryness During Menopause - Causes and Remedies

Vaginal dryness is one of the most common symptoms and also a side effect of menopause. Women may suffer from this in pre-menopause, menopause and post-menopause phase of their life. The hormonal imbalance in the body of a menopausal woman causes lack of estrogen, a vital hormone which maintains elasticity of vaginal lining by keeping it moist, to promote vaginal dryness or vaginal atrophy.
The problem of vaginal dryness may seem petty but it can be very harsh on relationship with male partner. Initially vaginal dryness causes some itching or pain during or after sex but this keeps on increasing to even cause scars and cuts in the vagina to make the sex very painful. Even if problem is not aggravated the reduced pleasure and fun in lovemaking act does not work well for healthy relationship. Some women are unable to perform in the bed completely. Lack of estrogen in the body of menopausal women also causes thinning of vagina which makes the walls of vagina weak and prone to yeast and bacterial infections. Women facing vaginal dryness during menopause may also start experiencing pain in pelvic region as the blood circulation decreases due to lack of estrogen in the body to promote further problems and discomfort.
Due to severe yeast or bacterial infection in the vagina women may have white vaginal discharge which is odorous and painful. Due to growing weakness in the muscles and walls of vagina due to vaginal dryness, problem of incontinence may also creep up and woman may not be able to control her urine and pass out few drops while laughing, coughing or sneezing. All of these problems can make any woman's life difficult and for working women such problems can be very depressing and debilitating.
However there are many treatments to overcome this problem. If a woman start feeling burning sensation in the vagina during penetration or after lovemaking in her pre-menopausal phase can start taking precautions to avoid further complications of vaginal dryness. Doctors suggest more frequent sex to avoid vaginal dryness during menopause, to stimulate mucous glands at the base of uterus to produce more mucous and keep vaginal walls moist and lubricated. Use of water based lubricants to avoid discomfort is also recommended which can help easy movement of male sex organ in the vagina without causing any damage to the vaginal walls. Ensuring sufficient amount of water intake will help greatly.
If level of estrogen hormone in the body keeps on decreasing and dryness is not alleviated by frequent sex and artificial lubricants then there are many herbs which can be of great help. Black cohosh, chaste berry, maca, damiana, licorice, gingko biloba are few herbs which are used as treatment to treat dryness during menopause. These herbs are available as supplements in the form of capsules and powders and can be used in organic form too, whichever way is convenient. However self medication shall be avoided as few of these herbs are very powerful and their dosage should be worked by an expert before use. Ensure sufficient rest and sleep during menopause to keep stress and anxiety at bay which also works well to alleviate vaginal dryness and other symptoms of menopause.
Read information about Vaginal Dryness Lubricant. Read how Vaginal Tightening Cream helps increase lovemaking pleasure.

Is It Normal to Experience Vaginal Discomfort During Menopause?

Very often you get to hear women talk of "good riddance", referring to the relief that comes with menopause, from the use of sanitary pads or towels whenever the monthly periods came visiting. And yes, it is nice to know that you will no longer have to worry about forgetting your pads while attending a public function or entertaining guests in the house, going to work or simply taking an evening walk. Indeed it can be scary to be caught unaware. Sadly though is the fact that while on one end it brings good tidings, menopause brings with it a lot of other symptomatic complications. These symptoms include hot flashes, mood swings, sweating, and loss of sleep, irritability, vaginal dryness and vaginal pains.
The medical term for vaginal dryness is "atrophic vaginitis", which basically refers to the lack of right amounts of moisture in the vaginal region. The vaginal discomfort is primarily experienced because with menopause a woman loses her natural lubrication, since the body ordinarily lubricates the walls of the vagina with a slight layer of moisture. The secretion of this moisture, call it fluids, is a direct product of being sexually aroused, and increased flow of blood in the blood vessels. Just as these unwelcome changes may draw the attention of women and cosmetic firms to wrinkles and generally visible skin, the unsaid story is that genital tissues are equally affected and are calling for necessary attention.
There is absolutely nothing unusual with experiencing vaginal discomfort during menopause. What happens is that female hormonal levels decline with menopause. As a result of reduced production of estrogen, the vaginal walls kind of start shrinking and they not only become thin but also loses elasticity. The vagina loses its lubrication, and with dryness comes great vaginal discomfort, resulting in bleeding and tearing down of tissues around the vagina. Unless appropriate treatments are sought and administered, the last thing a menopausal woman would want to hear at this juncture is a call to sexual intercourse, for then it is becomes very painful. The intensity of vaginal dryness may vary from one woman to another and no matter how annoying or severe they may be, life must not be impeded.
You might want to take refuge in knowing that you can never be alone with vaginal discomfort. More than 50% of menopausal women are confronted with this problem at different stages of menopause. It is estimated that more than 2 million women transit to menopause every year, putting the figure at more than 5,000 women on a daily basis. The reduced production of estrogen in the post-menopausal period, unless replaced through therapies and other menopause treatments, not only brings about painful sexual experience, but also results in vaginal burning. In other cases, it is common for women here to notice a form of discharge and experience general irritation of the vagina. Other common symptoms of vaginal dryness in women may include light bleeding during sex, some burning sensation, itchy feelings around the vagina, increased discomfort when wearing pants, and urinary frequency.
Itching during menopause may take two directions - may be either internal or external, with external itching resulting from the drying of vulva tissues, which brings about loss of the moisture that is both acidic and protective. The mentioned slight bleeding, having finished a moment of sexual intimacy, is indicative of ruptured tissues in the vagina, and your partner should take care to avoid forceful penetration which may unnecessarily further tear apart the delicate vaginal tissues. It is a question of force and increased friction with reduced lubrication.
While there are other physical, emotional and environmental causes of vaginal dryness, women who have undergone HRT (hormone replacement therapy) in the recent past, even for other causes other than menopause, may experience severe symptoms of vaginal dryness. Chronic stress levels, whether as a result of complications of other menopausal symptoms or out of failure to embrace the transition, may also play a central role in aggravating the levels of vaginal discomfort. No woman should have her quality of life very negatively affected by menopausal changes, including vaginal dryness and discomfort.
There are many preventative and curative measures one can consider, and still enjoy life as before, especially given that for the better part of menopause you would still be sexually active, and so would be your partner.
You need not be afraid of discussing these symptoms or changes with your spouse or doctor, no matter how 'personal' you consider them. Remember it is a natural transition. If your doctor does not take the initiative to be proactive in bringing up this subject, take up the matter provoke a discussion - after all, the pains or gains are yours, and so is the choice. It is normal.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9303792

Menopause Supplements - Herbal or Natural?

If you think, you may be going through early menopause you have likely considered menopause supplements for the symptoms. At some point in life all women will have to deal with the symptoms and consequences of menopause, but that does not mean endless suffering or hopelessness. It is difficult to say just when, at what age you will experience menopause, but each woman born has only a finite number of eggs and when the last egg is released the change of life as it is called is upon you.
Generally, a woman will not hit menopause before the age of 40, it is possible but not common. When the time does come however there will be significant changes in your body and emotions. The body can really respond wildly to lack of hormones and you could experience any of the following:
  • Mood swings
  • Hot flashes
  • Flushing
  • Irritability
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Lowered libido
  • Body aches, particularly in the muscles or joints
There are a multitude of ways you can address these issues, but many women find menopause supplements offer the most natural relief. Hormone replacement therapy is the most common medical answer to menopause symptoms but many do not like the side effects associated with this treatment.
Natural menopause supplements address each of your symptoms. This might sound a bit disheartening but the truth is many times you may not have all symptoms at one time. Hot flashes, mood swings and irritability are very common even in early menopause. Whether you have one or multiple symptoms here are a few supplements you can use to alleviate them:
  • Ginseng- mood stabilizer
  • Black Cohosh- hot flashes
  • Calcium- bone loss
  • Wild yam- estrogen or progesterone alternative
  • DHEA- natural hormone replacement
Menopause supplements can help alleviate symptoms but you can also utilize ancient Chinese medicine options such as acupressure. There are points on the body where you can apply pressure to alleviate most if not all menopause symptoms. Done correctly this type of treatment has been known to relieve all of these symptoms.
What To Do
Menopause may be an unavoidable part of a woman's life but that does not mean you should suffer in silence when there are so many options available. You can choose hormone replacement therapy from your medical professional or begin with more natural menopause supplements like the ones listed above. Do not feel like you have to buck up or take it like a woman! Hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats and unexplainable mood swings do not have to be merely tolerated when there are natural supplements and acupressure to relieve your symptoms.
There is a variety of menopause supplements [http://www.earlymenopausesymptoms.biz/menopause/menopause-supplements/] available in the market. However, since they regulate the hormonal balance of the body one must take them carefully and visit our site [http://earlymenopausesymptoms.biz] to have a full consideration of its side effects.