Foods to Eat and Avoid To Improve Fertility

It can get frustrating when there are no signs of a baby even when you have been trying your best for a while. Fertility issues are very real and unfortunately they cut across the board, affecting both men and women. Advice on fertility can go a long way in giving relief to couples. There is also the option of natural fertility treatment that uses solutions such as fertility calculators and food to improve the chance of conceiving.
Healthy meals can boost conception, especially when you are able to strike a balance between essential minerals and vitamins. Apart from looking for fertility boosting foods, is also helps to avoid foods that decrease pregnancy prospects. Sometimes making dietary changes could be all you need to experience the joys of parenthood.
What to avoid
Refined sugar is top in the list of what you need to avoid to improve your fertility. This is because the refined sugar causes insulin resistance leading to a condition affecting ovulation.
Red meat should also be reduced because it increases ammonia amounts in the body, interfering with egg implantation in the uterus. In men, it increases acidity which in turn impacts sperm activity negatively. This is considering that alkaline conditions are best for sperm performance.
Alcohol is another thing that should be avoided by those who seem to have fertility issues. Both men and women should avoid too much alcohol because it has significant effects on conception and fertility.
What to eat
Fish with selenium and B12 are best when it comes to boosting fertility. Salmon is rich in selenium and the mineral releases antioxidants, which protect eggs as well as sperms from damaging free radicals. Chromosome breakage is also reduced and fertile sperm production is enhanced. Shellfish on the other hand has B12, which helps in strengthening endometrial lining during egg fertilization hence lowering miscarriage risks. Mackerel has essential fatty acids that strengthen the female reproductive system and improve sperm health.
Bananas are also very good for boosting conception. This is because they have vitamin B6, which regulates hormones aiding conception in the process. A deficiency leads to poor sperm and egg development and irregular menstruation. Citrus fruit is another good fruit that you can consider when trying for a baby especially for men. It has vitamin C that improves sperm motility and count. The vitamin improves hormonal balance in women making it beneficial for conception.
Asparagus has folic acid as the magic nutrient that helps in improving fertility. The acid reduces ovulatory failure risks. Supplement for the same can be used by women trying to conceive to increase the chances. Zinc is another important nutrient and you can get it from peas. It boosts sperm levels and at the same time improves formation, quality and function of the sperms decreasing male infertility. In women it balances progesterone and estrogen.
Eggs have vitamin D as a good nutrient to improve fertility while almonds have vitamin E which improves sperm health. They are good foods to include in your diet to improve conception rates.
Infertility issues are dreaded but with the right advice on conception, you can finally make your baby dreams a reality. A fertility calculator can be used to evaluate fertile days, so conception is increased.

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