Breast Feeding - The Best Start in Life

To many women this is the most obvious thing to do and they wouldn't consider any alternative. Others may be undecided, particularly if they are expecting their first child.
This article is a summary of the known advantages of breast feeding, and has been written to offer women clear, factual information to enable them to make an informed choice as to whether to breast feed their baby or not.
With very few exceptions, every woman who bears a baby throughout pregnancy is physically capable of feeding it after the birth. Breast feeding is one of the most natural things in the world and has many advantages for both the baby and for the mother.
Let's look at each of the key areas in a little more detail...
What is in breast milk that makes it so nutritious?
There is no doubt that the nutritional content of human breast milk is ideally suited to babies. It has evolved over tens of thousands of years and contains well over 300 known ingredients to ensure that every nutrient necessary for babies is present and in the right proportions and quantities. But it is not as straightforward as that - not only are these nutrients present in the right proportions and quantities, but those proportions change depending on the age of the baby.
The First Stage of Milk Production.
Immediately after the baby is born, the mother's milk is rather thin-looking and contains very high concentrations of Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) needed for the growth, brain development and bile-salt production of the new-born baby. This first milk is called 'colostrum' and it plays a vital role in establishing a healthy digestive system in the baby. Colostrum is only produced for the first few days and normally by the end of the first week mothers are producing transitional milk.
The Second Stage of Milk Production.
Transitional milk is still rich in EFA's, but has less than are found in colostrum. Overall fat content is also slightly down, with corresponding increases in lactose and protein. This milk is generally produced for the first six months of the baby's life, although this can be longer if the infant was born prematurely. This milk provides everything that the growing baby needs during the first six months of life - there is no need to supplement with anything else during this period.
The Third Stage of Milk Production.
The third stage of milk production is called mature milk and this is generally produced from six months onwards. It is during this stage that mothers should start to introduce other foods to start the process of weaning. Most authorities agree that infants should be breast-fed until at least the age of 12 months, and up to 24 months if possible. During this period, the range and frequency of other foods should be gradually increased so that the weaning process is carried out smoothly and without trauma. Each of these three stages ensures that the exact needs of the developing infant are met and that nutritional health is optimised.
The benefits of breast feeding for your baby
* Provides Essential Fatty Acids, Proteins and many other nutrient
* Offers strong baby immunity - Macrophages (cells that destroy bacteria, viruses and fungi) can help with common diseases like pneumonia, botulism, bronchitis, staphylococcal infections, influenza, urinary tract infections and ear infections
* Breast Milk is always sterile and never contains the bacteria that may cause diarrhoea in bottle-fed infants.
* Protects against allergies. The antibodies in breast milk work to form a protective coating on the inside of a baby's intestines, protecting them from potential allergens. Babies are never allergic to their own mother's milk. They may react to some of the foods that she eats - common examples are cow's milk and Brussels sprouts - but if the mother eliminates the problem food from her diet, the symptoms in the baby soon go away
* Creates strong physical growth through the act of suckling by exercising the baby's jaws and facial muscles and encouraging the growth of straight, healthy teeth
* Establishes a close bond between mother and baby. This is further developed when there is skin to skin contact during feeding. This, together with the feelings of warmth and security that come from being cuddled help to establish an early psychological balance in the infant, usually resulting in a more placid temperament. Interestingly, at birth a baby can only focus on things between 12 and 18 inches away - precisely the distance between the mother's face and the infant's eyes during breast feeding.
The benefits of breast feeding for mum
* Convenient and economical. No bottles to sterilise, no kettles to boil, no formula to buy, measure and mix. Breast milk is always at the right temperature and sterile.
* Helps regain your pre-pregnancy weight and figure. In order to produce milk the body uses a lot of calories and fat and this can speed up the loss of any excess accumulated during pregnancy. Also, the action of the baby suckling stimulates contractions of the uterus, helping it to return to its normal size.
* Breast feeding forces you to relax. It really isn't practical to feed whilst on the move. Sitting down and resting every few hours will speed up your recovery from childbirth. Even in the middle of the night, it is so much easier to breast feed than to give a bottle - you can even doze off during feeding if you are lying down.
Article written by Alexandra Gubbins of Organic Babies, a company specialising in ultra-gentle, organic baby products to keep your little one's skin safe and healthy.
See the original article, along with many more about bringing up baby naturally, at Organic Babies

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