How To Make A Daughter - Conception Tips For Having A Baby Girl

If you would like to know how to make a daughter, then although this might sound like an impossible dream, there is much you can do and many tips for having a baby girl. Although this can never be 100% guaranteed, you can dramatically increase the odds in your favor. Male and female sperm have different characteristics. The female sperm carries the X chromosome and are slower than the male sperm and you will need to ensure that they reach the egg first to make a daughter.
Your Diet
Female sperm need an acidic environment and eating certain foods, such as broccoli, apples, fish and dairy products will help ensure this is the case. Your focus should also be on foods which contain high levels of calcium and magnesium.
Timing Of Intercourse
For those wanting to know how to make a daughter, you need to have had intercourse so that by the time ovulation happens, the weaker Y sperm will have died off. Therefore, the best time to have intercourse is 2-3 days before ovulation.
Position Of Intercourse
Other tips for having a baby girl revolve around the positions you have intercourse in. Sexual intercourse which uses shallow positions favors female sperm. This means that the sperm has further to travel and the more robust female sperm are likely to outlast the male sperm.
To Orgasm Or Not?
If you have an orgasm, the chances of having a girl is slightly reduced. If you are looking for information on how to make a daughter, then it is recommended that the woman does not orgasm first. This is because the orgasm changes the vaginal secretions to alkaline, which favor the male sperm.
If you would like to see tried-and-tested, all-encompassing methods containing tips for having a baby girl, there is an excellent guide which is based on scientific rather than anecdotal principles. It includes all the information you need to successfully choose your baby's gender and has been proven to be 95% accurate.
To see this fully guaranteed, comprehensive risk-free method please visit Choose Baby's Gender.
This method includes comprehensive information on how to have a daughter naturally.

How to Conceive a Baby Boy

If you have dreams of little league, a blue nursery, or a son to pal around with, you probably already know that there are a few things you can do at home that will greatly influence and help your odds of achieving this goal. This article will discuss the steps which (if followed diligently and correctly) will make a baby boy much more likely.
Why The Plan You Have When You Try To Conceive May Not Be The Best Way To Get A Baby Boy: Most couples try to conceive in the same way. They pinpoint what they think is the woman's "fertility window," and begin having intercourse as often as possible before and after the window, hoping that one of the attempts "sticks" and results in a pregnancy.
While this method can be very effective in getting pregnant quickly, it's not the best way if your heart is dead set on a baby boy. Why? Because the sperm that produces a son is very weak and can not live in the reproductive tract for very long. (To counter this, the boy sperm are faster moving than the girl sperm.)
So, if you try to conceive during the early part of the fertility window, you are basically giving time for the boy sperm to die off and allowing the hardier girl sperm more access to the vaginal tract.
Predict Your Ovulation Correctly And Conceive Close To Or After The Egg Is Available: Since the girl sperm can thrive for days and the boy sperm can not, conceiving too early before the egg is available greatly favors having a baby girl. If you want a boy, you should conceive on the day of (or slightly after) your ovulation.
Obviously, it's very important that you know exactly when you are going to or have ovulated. Although some will encourage you to use basal body temperature or cervical mucus to predict ovulation, I feel these methods are too subjective, leave too much to chance, and have a large room for error. Instead, I recommend saliva ovulation predictors because they are extremely accurate, reliable, inexpensive, and reusable. They also show even slight chances that can give you a heads up.
Create A Highly Alkaline Vaginal Environment With A Low PH: Hopefully, I've already established that the boy sperm can not survive in the vaginal tract for long. They survive for an even shorter period of time if the vaginal environment is hostile (which means acidic, with a high PH). If you are trying to conceive a boy, you'll need an alkaline environment with a low PH. Some women are naturally acidic (which is sometimes why girls can run in families). This doesn't make having a son impossible for a naturally acidic woman, it just means you will have more work to do if this is your case.
There are two ways to create an alkaline environment with a low PH. One way is by avoiding acidic foods and consuming alkaline ones. The other way is by douching with specialty solutions with ingredients that depend on your PH. Of course, gender selection clinics can sell you these douches and food lists for quite a bit of money, but there are recipes and resources that allow you to do everything you need at home.
I highly recommend testing your PH with vaginal testing strips so that you know where you naturally fall and how much you need to alter to be "in the boy zone." Using the foods and douching combination will result in faster results, but you can change your PH with only foods if you're opposed to douching (it may take a bit longer though.)
Use The Correct Intercourse / Sexual Positions That Allow The Boy Sperm A Short, Successful Easy Trip To Fertilize The Egg: For a boy, you want to use positions that place the sperm as close to the cervix as possible (deep penetration). It makes no sense to time your ovulation / conception properly and create an alkaline PH, only to blow all of this hard work by using shallow penetration which favors a girl baby.
I've put together a website that takes a lot of the guess work out of conceiving a boy. You'll find resources for the food lists, specialty douche recipes, saliva ovulation predictors, and PH testing strips discussed in this article. Have a look if you like at

Pay Attention to These Important Things If You Want to Get Pregnant

There are so many the so-called foods to increase the possibility of pregnancy, such as oysters and champagne, ginseng, garlic, kelp, and yams. But, the information regarding pregnancy foods are not true at all. The true fertility foods are whole grains, excellent protein package, healthy fats, and even the occasional bowl of ice cream. This has been proven by Nurses' Health Study, it comes from the first comprehensive examination of fertility and diet, an eighty-year study of more than 18,000 women that uncovered ten evidence-base suggestions for improving fertility.
Not only foods, you need to pay attention for these things below if you are trying to conceive. Here are some things you should take notice if you are trying to conceive.
1. Avoid trans fats
These artery-clogging fats threaten fertility as well harm the blood vessels and the heart. Go trans free.
2. Consume more unsaturated vegetable oils. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are good for improving the body's sensitivity to insulin and cool inflammation, which are good for fertility. Consume more vegetable oils, seeds, nuts, and cold water fish (sardines and salmon).
3. Instead of consuming no crabs, choose slow crabs. It is better to consume slowly digested carbohydrates that are rich in fiber. Whole grains, whole fruits, vegetables, and beans are examples of good slow crabs food for those who are trying to conceive because it can improve fertility by controlling blood sugar and insulin levels.
4. Consume more whole milk rather than skim milk. Skim milk seems to promote infertility, therefore you should consume whole milk while trying to conceive or you can have a small dish of ice cream or full-fat yoghurt everyday.
5. Take a multi-vitamin. You can take a multi-vitamin such as folic acid (400 micrograms per day) before getting pregnant can be helpful for your pregnancy program.
6. Get plenty of iron from plants. If you are trying to conceive, you are suggested to consume extra iron from plants. For instance whole grains, spinach, beans, pumpkin, tomatoes, and beets.
7. Drinking for health. By drinking means drink healthy beverage such as fruit juice and mineral water. Coffee, tea, and alcohol are good in moderation. But always remember, you should avoid drinking sugared sodas because it can cause infertility.
8. Head toward the fertility zone of weight. The best body-mass index (BMI) for fertility is in the range of 20 to 24. Working to move your BMI by gaining and losing some weight are good. Don't do heavy activity too much or too little because it can affect on your normal menstrual cycle, throw off ovulation or stop it altogether.
9. Move to the fertility zone for activity. But don't overdo it because too much exercise, especially if you are quite lean, can interfere with ovulation.
Visit to get further information and tips about pregnancy.

Four Most Common Early Pregnancy Signs & Symptoms

There can be a wide array of early pregnancy signs symptoms, but it must be noted that none of these symptoms is a definite indicator of pregnancy. If a woman is pregnant, she is very much likely to experience the following symptoms. But, just because some of these symptoms are there, it does not mean that she is pregnant - she might or she might not be. Home pregnancy tests or lab tests at a medical clinic are the only way to confirm if a woman is pregnant or not. Still, it is strongly recommended to be well aware of the bodily changes that may occur during pregnancy. It will make the journey of those special nine months much easier for the would-be mom.
Missed Period
A missed period is one of the most obvious early pregnancy signs symptoms. If a woman is planning to conceive and has missed her monthly cycle, the next step is to do a home pregnancy test to confirm if the missed period is because you are pregnant.
Many women when they are planning pregnancy tend to develop this intuition. Interestingly, such intuitions often turn out to be correct. They feel this intuition when they feel differently, such as when they have lightheadedness, queasiness, mood changes, and fatigue. Some women may also experience constipation, heartburn, lower back pain, or frequent trips to the restroom. They just don't feel like their usual self. For example, they may feel that their breasts have become overly sensitive or unusually sore.
Breast Tenderness
Breast tenderness is also one of the most common early pregnancy signs symptoms. Women usually notice such things when getting dressed, showering, exercising, or when trying to get comfortable at bedtime. Pregnancy causes significant increases in hormones. The body starts preparing itself to accommodate the baby. The symptoms keep changing with the growth of the baby during the entire nine months. The moment conception takes place, along with other bodily changes; the breasts also begin preparing themselves for breastfeeding, which results in breasts being sore, swollen, tender, and extra sensitive.
Feeling Tired
There can be several reasons for fatigue, but if a woman is trying to conceive, it must be considered as one of the possible early pregnancy signs symptoms. This usually also happens because of the significant hormonal changes in the body. Even simple activity like walking or shopping may result in lightheadedness. Exercising seems like you are trying to shift a mountain from one place to another. Working women may start feeling exhausted by noon, needing to lie down and take a rest.
All of these early pregnancy signs symptoms indicate a possible pregnancy and none of them are definite indicators. Therefore, it is always wise to consult a doctor to confirm if the symptoms are because of pregnancy.

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Types Of Birth Control

Barrier types of birth control places a physical impediment to the movement of sperm into the female reproductive tract. The most popular barrier method is the male condom, a latex or polyurethane sheath placed over the penis. The condom is also available in a female version, which is made of polyurethane. The female condom has a flexible ring at each end - one secures behind the pubic bone to hold the condom in place, while the other ring stays outside the vagina. Read how to use a female condom here.
Cervical barriers are devices that are contained completely within the vagina. The contraceptive sponge has a depression to hold it in place over the cervix. The cervical cap is the smallest cervical barrier. Depending on the type of cap, it stays in place by suction to the cervix or to the vaginal walls. The diaphragm fits into place behind the woman's pubic bone and has a firm but flexible ring, which helps it press against the vaginal walls.
Spermicide may be placed in the vagina before intercourse and creates a chemical barrier. Spermicide may be used alone, or in combination with a physical barrier. Condoms are the most common types of birth control using barrier.
Hormonal methods
Hormonal types of birth control include all contraceptives that use synthetic female hormones as birth control. The oldest of these is the pill, which includes combined oral contraceptive pills and the newer estrogen-free mini-pill. These same hormones used to create the pill are also used in the OrthoEvra patch and the Nova vaginal ring. Lunelle, a monthly injectable form, is another type of hormonal birth control.
The different hormonal types of birth control are comparable in that they are all highly effective and all are reversible. However, none of the hormonal methods of birth control protect a woman against sexually transmitted infections.
Long Term Birth Control
Long term types of birth control, including the intrauterine device (IUD), contraceptive implant, and sterilization.
IUDs are inserted by a doctor or nurse through the vagina and cervix, into the uterus. Most are made of molded plastic and have a string that you can feel in the vagina.
An IUD is an ideal method if you do not plan to become pregnant for at least one year (or longer) or you want a method that is highly effective and does not require daily or weekly attention. IUDs are also appropriate for women who do not want to or cannot use estrogen.
IUDs have relatively few side effects, and are reversible. If you decide you want to become pregnant, you can do so by having the IUD removed. IUDs do not affect your chance of becoming pregnant after the IUD is removed.
A single-rod progestin implant, is available in the US and elsewhere. A doctor or nurse inserts a small device under the skin in the upper inner arm. It is effective for up to three years, and can be removed sooner if you want to become pregnant.
The implant protects you from pregnancy within 24 hours of insertion. Irregular bleeding is the most bothersome side effect. You can become pregnant quickly after the implant is removed.
Sterilization is a types of birth control that permanently prevents a person from becoming pregnant or able to have children. Tubal ligation (for women) and vasectomy (for men) are the two most common sterilization procedures. Sterilization should be considered permanent, and should only be considered after a careful discussion of all available options with a healthcare provider.
Behavioral methods
Behavioral types of birth control involve regulating the timing or methods of intercourse to prevent the introduction of sperm into the female reproductive tract, either altogether or when an egg may be present. The methods include withdrawal, fertility awareness (also known as the Rhythm Method), outercourse, and continuous breastfeeding.
Withdrawal (also known as pulling out) is the behavioral action where a man pulls his penis out of the vagina before he ejaculates. Withdrawal is not as reliable a method because a male ejects pre-ejaculate fluid while he is aroused and still inside the vagina - this fluid can contain at least 300,000 sperm (and it only takes 1 to fertilize an egg)! Plus, the withdrawal method relies on complete self-control. Finally, even if the man ejaculates outside of the vagina, sperm can swim, so semen anywhere near the vagina can still lead to pregnancy (this also means that you can still get pregnant even without penile penetration if a male ejaculates on or near the vagina).
Fertility awareness involve a woman's observation and charting of her body's fertility signs, to determine the fertile and infertile phases of her cycle. Charting may be done by hand or with the assistance of software. Most methods track one or more of the three primary fertility signs: changes in basal body temperature, in cervical mucus, and in cervical position. If a woman tracks both basal body temperature and another primary sign, the method is referred to as symptothermal. Other bodily cues such as mittelschmerz are considered secondary indicators.
Outercourse is any type of sexual play without vaginal intercourse. This includes kissing, erotic massage, manual stimulation (with one's hands), masturbation, frottage (rubbing against each other), oral sex, fantasy, anal sex, and/or using sex toys (like vibrators). Although this method is usually 100% effective, pregnancy can occur if semen or pre-ejaculate fluid gets into the vagina (by the man ejaculating too close to the vagina or the woman rolling onto it). Plus, this method may not fully protect against STD's due to there being skin-to-skin contact or the exchange of bodily fluids during oral and/or anal sex.
Continuous breastfeeding is a method of avoiding pregnancies which is based on the natural postnatal infertility that occurs when a woman is amenorrheic and fully breastfeeding.

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Natural Birth Control

Natural birth control is one of the most widely used methods of fertility regulation. Some religions and cultural beliefs do not permit artificial birth control devices or drugs. The natural birth control method is more acceptable to these people. This method includes a periodic abstinence, with couples avoiding sexual intercourse during the woman's fertile period.
The rhythm method or calendar method, standard days method, sympto-thermal method, and withdrawal method are some of the natural birth control methods.
In the rhythm method, sexual intercourse takes place based on three assumptions. The first is that ovulation occurs fourteen days before the beginning of menstruation. This method also relies upon the fact that the sperm will remain viable for three days and that the ovum survives for twenty-four hours. With these theories in mind, women can decide on the days of abstinence. The standard day method replaced the rhythm method over a period of time. In the standard day method, the first day of a period is considered as day one. Women can have unprotected sex from day one to day seven. From days eight to nineteen, they should avoid sex. From day twenty to the next period, they can again have unprotected intercourse.
Withdrawal is a method of natural birth control in which the man withdraws his penis from the woman's vagina before ejaculation. This method does not always work because the man must have enough control to withdraw in time. The Sympto-thermal method is also an effective natural birth control method. Women using this method should keep track of their cervical mucus signs, their waking or basal body temperatures, and their menstrual cycle histories. In this method, the mucus detected date is noted first. The end of the fertile period is determined based on the basal body temperature. Intercourse can be resumed as the temperature rises. The temperature begins to rise one to two days after ovulation and corresponds to the rising level of progesterone.
Natural birth control methods allow a woman to have an understanding of her body. These methods have no side effects. Natural birth control methods do not require the use of drugs or chemicals. Compared with other birth control methods, a natural birth control method is inexpensive. Such methods can also be used to achieve pregnancy. Natural birth control methods require discipline and systematic charting. This is most suitable for women with regular and predictable menstrual cycles.

Strange Signs of Pregnancy - Very Early Pregnancy Signs

Most women are aware of the common pregnancy symptoms. Most women while planning their pregnancy are prepared to face these earliest signs of pregnancy. But majority women are unaware and not prepared to face these unusual pregnancy symptoms. Only some women are aware that signs of pregnancy are extremely unpredictable.
These signs of pregnancy increase the anxiety and confusion linked with pregnancy. Sometimes it becomes very difficult for the women to detect or confirm their pregnancy specifically if it is the first one. Most pregnant women start to worry if these unusual signs of pregnancy are the alarming bells of any pregnancy related complications.
Some mom-to-be makes the most major blunder of not informing these pregnancy symptoms to their doctors, which is not healthy for the health of the mother as well as the growing fetus.
The comprehensive knowledge of unusual signs of pregnancy is important to know for all women planning pregnancy.
Spider Veins: A most unusual sign of pregnancy is the veins that surround the chest and upper arms suddenly become more prominent. This sign of pregnancy worry a lot to those women who hates spider veins. Their confusion can be relieved I they know that it is only because of an increased blood flow towards the chest.
Nasal Congestion: Sometimes the nose of the pregnant women becomes clog repeatedly. The proper knowledge helps the woman to understand that it is mainly because of nasal congestion which is an unusual sign of pregnancy. Nasal congestion contributes in giving even more uncomfortable and sleepless nights as is generally the case during seasonal flu. It sometimes results in the bleeding of nose as well. This nasal congestion is not accompanied by any other sign of seasonal cold. So whenever the woman who is expecting or planning pregnancy faces a repeated nasal congestion in the perfect weather then it is good to consult doctor.
Metallic Taste: A strange metallic taste in the early pregnancy is also an unusual or strange sign of pregnancy. This metallic taste is because of the drastic changes in the level of hormones in early pregnancy.
Flatulence: Flatulence and gases are also an embarrassing and uncomfortable early pregnancy signs. If pregnancy is confirmed this unusual pregnancy signs can be better handled by slight modification in diet plan.
Increase in Production of Saliva: Sometimes pregnant moms start to experience increased saliva in the mouth. Increased saliva results in the most usual and uncomfortable pregnancy sign "Nausea". Sometimes mom- to be has to experience drooling of their mouth in early pregnancy during sleep.
Leg Cramps: Whenever you wake up in the middle of the night because of leg cramps or because of the pain in legs it is good to contact doctor. These leg cramps are because of calcium deficiency. This deficiency becomes more obvious in early pregnancy and results in leg cramps. Doctor can prescribe some calcium tablet to reduce the pain and relieve this unusual pregnancy symptom.
Facial Hair: No matter how much a woman had paid for the removal of facial hair till there is an increase in pigmentation as well as facial hair during pregnancy. It is recommended to go to the doctor's clinic instead of visiting a parlor of such hair growth is seen in early pregnancy.
It is good to contact doctor if any of the above early pregnancy symptom is seen.
Do you want to know a 100% natural and effective system with a 99% accuracy rate to confirm pregnancy? If yes then check Early Signs of Pregnancy [] and find the answer right now.
If the test says that you are not pregnant; even then do not get disappointed as Stages of Pregnancy will give you some wonderful tips and soon you will be knitting the baby booties.

Natural Birth Control - Family Planning

Family planning is the most efficient way to ensure a bright future for your child and your family. As most social surveys reflect, people who are in a smaller family are happier than those who belong to bigger ones. The over all well being of a small family is also better than that of a bigger one. When you have the size of the family that you want, life will be better and easier for you. Whereas, we know that sexual intercourse is part of a healthy marital relationship. If you want to have sex without complications, then it is advised that you take some precautions. But if you want to use natural birth control techniques, read on and find out more.
Natural methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies are almost ninety nine percent effective and one hundred percent safe. The most common method is abstinence. Abstinence means that couples must not engage in a sexual intercourse anymore. This is the same as celibacy. When you do not have sex, there is absolutely no chance that you will get pregnant. If you feel that you are not ready to take this method, then you can try the techniques below.
Another natural method of family planning is the withdrawal. Here, the man takes out his penis before ejaculation to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg to fertilize it. However, this may not be so effective as some men emits pre-ejaculation fluids that contain sperm. Another downside is that sex may not be as satisfying anymore and might bring about frustration in for the woman as she may not reach her climax.
Fertility awareness can also be of great help. This method requires you to note your monthly cycle. This is also called the calendar method. If you are menstruating regularly, then this one is very effective. Just take note of the date that you are likely to have your next menstruation period and count ten days before the date and ten days after, mark these dates (they dates that you can safely have sexual intercourse). These are the days that your chances of conceiving a child are at its lowest so you can have sex these days without taking any other precautions. However, this method is not advisable for those who do not menstruate regularly.
Sympto-thermal method on the other hand, teaches the woman to understand her cervical mucus and waking body temperature and interpret these signs if she is fertile or not. This is also applicable for women who menstruate regularly. Some signs that she can see if she is fertile is the mucus that accumulates in her vulva. She may also feel a wet and slippery sensation in her vagina if she is fertile. If a woman is not fertile, however, the vagina does not secret any fluid and at some days, it may feel 'dry'.
These are just some natural methods that you can try. Just remember that you must use whatever you are comfortable with and discuss it with your partner first before you give it a try.

Natural Family Planning: Calendar Method

It is a form of contraceptive methods that don't use chemical or foreign material or devices to prevent pregnancy. The religious beliefs may prevent some individuals from using hormonal or internal contraceptive devices. Others just prefer a more natural method of planning or preventing pregnancy. For most natural family planning methods, the individual's fertile days must be calculated so that she can abstain from intercourse on those days.
Various methods are used to determine the individual's fertile period.
·The effectiveness of these methods depends on the person's and person's willingness to refrain from sex on the individual's fertile days.
Failure rates vary from 10% to 20%.
Natural family planning methods include the rhythm, or calendar method.
Rhythm Method
It is also known as the calendar method;
Requires that the couple refrain from intercourse on these days the individual is most likely to conceive based on her menstrual cycle; and
This fertile period usually lasts from 3 to 4 days before until 3 to 4 days after ovulation.
1. No drugs or devices needed;
2. It is free;
3. It may be acceptable to members of religious groups that oppose birth control;
4. It encourages couples to learn more about how the female body functions;
5. It encourage communication between partners; and
6. It can also be used to plan a pregnancy.
1. It requires meticulous record keeping as well as ability and willingness for the individual to monitor her body changes;
2. It restricts sexual spontaneity during the person's fertile period;
3. It requires extended periods of abstinence from intercourse;
4. It is reliable for individual with regular menstrual cycle; and
5. It may be unreliable during periods of illness, infection, or stress.
1. Teach the person to keep a diary of her menstrual cycle (for six consecutive cycles) to determine when ovulation is most likely to occur;

2. To calculate her safe periods, tell her to subtract 18 from the shortest cycle and 11 from the longest cycle that she has documented;
3. For instance, if she had 6 menstrual cycles that lasted 26 to 30 days, her fertile period would be from the 8th day (26 minus 18) to the 19th day (30 minus 11);
4. To ensure that pregnancy does not occur, she and her partner should abstain from intercourse during days 8 to 19 days of her menstrual cycle; and
5. During those fertile days, she and her partner may also choose to use contraceptive foam.

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Foods to Eat and Avoid To Improve Fertility

It can get frustrating when there are no signs of a baby even when you have been trying your best for a while. Fertility issues are very real and unfortunately they cut across the board, affecting both men and women. Advice on fertility can go a long way in giving relief to couples. There is also the option of natural fertility treatment that uses solutions such as fertility calculators and food to improve the chance of conceiving.
Healthy meals can boost conception, especially when you are able to strike a balance between essential minerals and vitamins. Apart from looking for fertility boosting foods, is also helps to avoid foods that decrease pregnancy prospects. Sometimes making dietary changes could be all you need to experience the joys of parenthood.
What to avoid
Refined sugar is top in the list of what you need to avoid to improve your fertility. This is because the refined sugar causes insulin resistance leading to a condition affecting ovulation.
Red meat should also be reduced because it increases ammonia amounts in the body, interfering with egg implantation in the uterus. In men, it increases acidity which in turn impacts sperm activity negatively. This is considering that alkaline conditions are best for sperm performance.
Alcohol is another thing that should be avoided by those who seem to have fertility issues. Both men and women should avoid too much alcohol because it has significant effects on conception and fertility.
What to eat
Fish with selenium and B12 are best when it comes to boosting fertility. Salmon is rich in selenium and the mineral releases antioxidants, which protect eggs as well as sperms from damaging free radicals. Chromosome breakage is also reduced and fertile sperm production is enhanced. Shellfish on the other hand has B12, which helps in strengthening endometrial lining during egg fertilization hence lowering miscarriage risks. Mackerel has essential fatty acids that strengthen the female reproductive system and improve sperm health.
Bananas are also very good for boosting conception. This is because they have vitamin B6, which regulates hormones aiding conception in the process. A deficiency leads to poor sperm and egg development and irregular menstruation. Citrus fruit is another good fruit that you can consider when trying for a baby especially for men. It has vitamin C that improves sperm motility and count. The vitamin improves hormonal balance in women making it beneficial for conception.
Asparagus has folic acid as the magic nutrient that helps in improving fertility. The acid reduces ovulatory failure risks. Supplement for the same can be used by women trying to conceive to increase the chances. Zinc is another important nutrient and you can get it from peas. It boosts sperm levels and at the same time improves formation, quality and function of the sperms decreasing male infertility. In women it balances progesterone and estrogen.
Eggs have vitamin D as a good nutrient to improve fertility while almonds have vitamin E which improves sperm health. They are good foods to include in your diet to improve conception rates.
Infertility issues are dreaded but with the right advice on conception, you can finally make your baby dreams a reality. A fertility calculator can be used to evaluate fertile days, so conception is increased.

Can Infertility Be Avoided?

Having babies and infertility are usually the last thing that people think about when they are young adults. Their thoughts are usually consumed with studying further, building a career, or travelling the world. Finding a life partner and having babies is not at the top of the list. However, that is the best time to take care of your body and to not harm it internally. If you take care of your body, infertility could be avoided or minimised.
If that is so, how can infertility be avoided?
There are a certain lifestyle changes that you can incorporate into your daily routine that will keep your body healthy. These are the lifestyle changes you can make.
Stop Smoking. Yes, it is obvious. Smoking is harmful to your body in so many ways. It can affect almost every organ in your body with harmful toxins. Smoking causes the deterioration of your body internally which decreases their function, so your organs won't function optimally in the future. This includes your reproductive system.
Reduce Alcohol. Drinking alcohol occasionally is not a big deal but binge drinking regularly can have harmful results on your body and your reproductive system. Alcohol is toxic to sperm, it disrupts the hormones, and increases the risk of miscarriage.
Eat Healthy. Incorporate well-balanced eating habits that include carbohydrates, protein and fibre. Eat enough fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of water. Cut down on processed foods and junk foods that have no nutritional value. When your body is healthy on the inside it functions brilliantly.
Manage Your Weight. If you are overweight, reduce your weight with good eating habits and regular exercise. A good average weight will ensure that you don't develop any weight related illnesses, thus your organs will be able to function optimally.
Regular Cervical Smears. Women should visit a gynaecologist regularly for a cervical smear. This screening process can lower the incidence of cancer.
Wear Loose Underwear. Men should avoid wearing tight underwear as this can lower the sperm count. It is advisable to wear loose fitting underwear such as boxer shorts. Also avoid added heat around the testicles such as taking hot baths, as this can impair sperm production.
A healthy lifestyle can minimise your chances of infertility. So take care of your body at an early age to ensure the proper functioning of your reproductive system. Then when you decide to have a baby, it will be much easier.
BioART Fertility Centre offers a unique experience in fertility treatment. We have a long history of state of the ART fertility care delivered with a personal touch. Each and every patient is treated as a unique couple with individual problems and needs. We combine a dignified and compassionate approach with state-of-the-art, advanced reproductive technologies.
Contact Us: +27 11 484 5119

Natural Family Planning Tips

Natural family planning depends on methods that can determine when intercourse does not result in pregnancy. A woman can keep track of the changes that take place in her body during the menstrual cycle, and thus the couple can plan when to have or not have intercourse to avoid pregnancy. The same methods are used by families who are trying to conceive and need to identify the most fertile period. Natural family planning thus goes two ways.
The ovulation method
This type of natural family planning determines the fertile and infertile days by checking the cervical mucus. When the mucus is stretchy, slick and clear, chances are that the woman can get pregnant. The mucus looks like uncooked egg white during the fertile period.
The Symptothermal method
It involves taking the basal temperature every day. The temperature is written down in a chart. During ovulation, the woman's temperature will rise slightly with about 9 degrees Fahrenheit. The woman should also check the consistency of the cervical mucus. Other possible symptoms that accompany ovulation include breast tenderness, low backache, bloating and slight discomfort in the abdomen.
The period when you are most likely to get pregnant is right before and after the ovulation. This interval usually expands between the 9th and the 21st day of the menstrual cycle, for a woman with a 28-day period. Such information is relevant for natural family planning, yet it is not enough to make the above methods 100% reliable for the prevention of pregnancy.
There are natural family planning instructors who teach couples the most efficient ways to make the best out of the above methods. Talk to your family doctor to refer you to one such professional. However, in practice, this kind of birth control has proved less reliable than in theory. Most specialists recommend the use of a second means for birth control such as barrier methods. Condoms, for instance may successfully support natural family planning.
Keeping communication open with the life partner is of vital importance for the success of natural family planning. Unless your spouse is willing to cooperate and not have sex during the 12 days of the fertile period, you need to find other birth control means to prevent pregnancy. Natural family planning therefore requires mutual agreement and lots of support and understanding in the couple. It does not work for every family, because it cannot be considered a unilateral decision that only a member agrees to.
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Getting Pregnant Using Natural Family Planning

When you are getting ready to start trying to get pregnant, there is a lot you will need to learn about your own body in regards to fertility. This way you will be able to more accurately predict the days of the month where you are most likely to get pregnant. Learning to track your cycle is called Natural Family Planning (NFP). It can also be referred to as the Sympto-Thermal Method, the Ovulation Method or Billings Method.
Using the body's natural indicators like body temperature and cervical mucus in combination with the calendar/rhythm method you decide on times of highest fertility, and get pregnant more quickly.
How Does it Work?
Each of the indicators (temperature, mucus, rhythm) gives you an indication of when your body will be the most fertile. During the times when your fertility is at its highest you can choose to try to get pregnant, or use contraception to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.
How to Use it
Using Natural Fertility Planning means charting out your menstrual cycle in order to get an idea of your fertility pattern. Although most women have a cycle between 28 to 32 days each women is different. The average cycle will look something like this:
Day 1: This is the first day of your menstrual flow and the first day of your calendar.
Day 7: On this day your egg is ready to be fertilized.
Days 11-21: (if a 28 day cycle): Hormones trigger the release of the egg from the ovary, also known as ovulation. The egg begins its journey toward the uterus along the fallopian tube. If fertilization occurs the egg will attach itself to the uterus, otherwise it will break apart.
Day 28: If fertilization does not occur then dropping hormone levels will cause the lining of the uterus to shed and start your menstrual flow.
Every woman's cycle is slightly different, and for the most part it is the first portion of the cycle, prior to ovulation that will differ the most. The first part can vary from 13 to 20 days long, while the last half is usually the same, about 14 days from ovulation to the start of the menstrual flow.
Calendar Tracking
Once you have a few months of tracking your menstrual cycle you will have a pretty good idea of when your fertile times of each month are. Here is how to get started:
o Step One: Get ready to track your menstrual cycle for about 8 to 12 months.
o Step Two: The first day of your menstrual flow will be Day 1 in your calendar.
o Step Three: After tracking your menstrual cycle for several months, start planning out your cycles by choosing the one longest and one shortest cycle.
o Step Four: Determine the first day that you are fertile within your calendar by taking your shortest cycle and subtracting 18 days. For example, if your shortest cycle was 27 days then day 9 of your cycle will be your first fertile day.
o Step Five: Determine the last day you are likely fertile by taking eleven days off your longest cycle. So, if your longest cycle is 31 days then your last fertile day will be day 20.
o Now you have a window to work with. In the above example you would start your period on day one, and you would be fertile somewhere in between day 9 and day 20. Keep in mind that this is a general guide and you are likely to ovulate and be able to become pregnant somewhere within this window.
Basal Body Temperature
After you ovulate your body temperature will be slightly higher until your period begins. This is a good way to get a better idea of when your fertility window starts, so that you can more accurate plan when you are likely to get pregnant. Here is how to track and measure your basal body temperature.
o Step One: Buy a basal thermometer, which will more accurately be able to ready the 0.4 to 1 degree Fahrenheit rise in body temperature after you ovulate.
o Step Two: Record your temperature daily on your fertility calendar.
o As you go through your cycle you will notice that your temperature remains pretty steady prior to ovulation, then just prior to ovulation there may be a slight decline. After ovulation there will be a measurable increase.
o Once you have gone through a few cycles you will be able to determine pretty accurately when ovulation occurs. Keep in mind that certain factors can interfere with your temperature such as illness, alcohol or drug use or lack of sleep.
Cervical Mucus
The third fertility tracking tool involves taking stock of the chances of your cervical mucus throughout your cycle. On average you will have 3 or 4 dry days after your menstrual flow. Then your mucus will increase daily for about 9 days. At this point your cervical mucus should resemble egg whites and be slippery, clear and stretchy. It is on the peak day of mucus, or within two days that you will ovulate.
Here are the steps to measuring your cervical mucus:
o Step One: Gather the mucus from your vaginal opening by wiping with your fingers from front to back.
o Step Two: Make the following notes on your fertility calendar each day - color, consistency and feel. Use terms like yellow, white, clear, cloudy, thick, sticky, stretchy or slippery.
o Step Three: The day your mucus is the most clear, slippery and stretchy should be noted as the day you ovulate.
o It is important that you do not use douche or spermicide while you are tracking your cervical mucus as it will interfere with the results and increase the risk of infection.
Effectiveness of Natural Family Planning
It is extremely important that anyone intending on using this method be very vigilant about tracking their temperature, menstrual cycle and cervical mucus. When used properly this method is 90% effective when used as a birth control guideline as long as protection is used during the fertility window.
Average use indicates that the failure rate (meaning pregnancy) is 25%. For those who are using Natural Family Planning to get pregnant will find that this method gives them a good indication of their fertile days.
Cost of Natural Family Planning
The tools you will need to keep track of your cycle are relatively inexpensive and include a basal thermometer ($10-$15) and a calendar. The thermometers are available at drugstores and grocery stores, and you can use your own calendar or buy a fertility chart for about $8. If you want more help learning about fertility planning you can attend free classes through health centers or pregnancy services in your area.
Health Effects of Natural Family Planning
There are no health effects or side effects associated with Natural Family Planning, and it does not affect the male or female reproduction system. If you are using NFP as a birth control method you can easily get pregnant by simply not using protection during your fertility window.
NOTE: Natural Family Planning DOES NOT protect against Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Other Signs of Ovulation
There are other bodily signs that you are ovulating, and you may notice all or some of them if you are tracking your fertility:
o Tenderness in the breasts
o Change or softening of the cervix
o Slight pain around one ovary
Pros of Natural Family Planning
o Is effective when used properly and consistently
o No side effects or health effects
o No wait from using NFD as a contraceptive method to trying to get pregnant
o Inexpensive
o No need for prescriptions, devices or doctor's visits
o Does not make use of any type of drug
o Can be used by religious couples who are opposed to contraception
o Very effective for those who are trying to get pregnant
Cons of Natural Family Planning
o Needs to be supported by both partners
o Will require abstinence or contraception for 10 days per month
o Needs to be tracked daily
o Can be challenging if you have irregular cycles
If you are trying to get pregnant, Natural Family Planning is the cheapest and simplest way to get an idea of when you can get pregnant. Before you head to a fertility doctor you may want to give NFD a try to see if you can get pregnant without medical intervention.
See more about pregnancy and fertility at the resource section of The site offers a free ovulation calendar to help conceive a child or for use in natural birth control.

When Is the Right Time to Try to Conceive?

Generally, your period arriving is a pretty solid indication you aren't pregnant, but generally is not always.
Can you get your period while you're pregnant? No, you can't have your menstrual period while you're pregnant. Some women report intermittent bleeding that seems like a regular period to them. But vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is not the same thing as menstruation.
Pregnant women can have some light irregular bleeding during pregnancy, but it should not be like a "normal" period.
Bleeding occurs during pregnancy for various reasons:
1 - Implantation bleeding or spotting:
Happens when the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. As the egg burrows into the lining, it sometimes causes some of the lining to shed.
Implantation bleeding is usually light brown, pink, or red spotting but can be as heavy as a light period.
2 - Bleeding after birth control:
Some birth control methods help deal with irregular periods, making cycles more regular or making periods lighter or non-existent. But some birth control can cause unpredictable spotting or bleeding.
If you have recently stopped taking the pill and are pregnant, you may have some spotting off and on due to hormonal changes. You may be unclear when your last period was or you could be pregnant and continue to have some irregular bleeding.
3 - Ectopic pregnancy:
Ectopic pregnancy happens within the first few weeks of pregnancy. You might not even know you're pregnant yet, so it can be a big shock. The baby probably can't survive. So it's a loss that may take some time to get over.
An ectopic pregnancy may cause vaginal bleeding that is similar to a period.
4 - Miscarriage:
Is a term used for a pregnancy that ends on its own, within the first 20 weeks of gestation. The reason for miscarriage is varied, and most often the cause cannot be identified. During the first trimester, the most common cause of miscarriage is chromosomal abnormality.
Bleeding or spotting can be an early sign of miscarriage. Bleeding or spotting during pregnancy does not always mean that the woman will not go on to have a healthy pregnancy but it is reason for concern.
Finally, numerous other causes can result in bleeding during pregnancy.
It's important to understand that bleeding doesn't guarantee that you aren't pregnant, but then it's usually a pretty good indication that you aren't. Pay attention to your body, trust your instinct, and when in doubt, act pregnant until you're sure you aren't.
If you wish to get pregnant fast and naturally, or if you want a healthy pregnancy:

Family Planning - How Many Kids Should We Have?

Family planning is essential when it comes to budgeting and reducing the poverty level in any country. The reduction of families is very important when it comes to cutting down the population size in countries that are developing. These skills can simply be obtained from ones doctor or medical centers. Today there are family planning organizations that help people to plan their families. There are many reasons why people should opt for family planning and in most cases it may depend on the population reference of the countries as shown by the census records. After a census you may find out that families are either encouraged to have more children or rather to cut down on the number of children.
What is family planning?
Family planning is the basic principle that is used by families in determining how many children they are going to have and how the family is going to be spaced in terms of age. Family planning is influenced by quite a number of factors and these factors include; finance, health, population reference, and some other factors as stated by the world body (United Nations). In order for one to have children you need to first look at your budget and determine how many children can you support with your money.
Financial aspect of family planning
The financial aspect of family planning is very much important in the world we live in today. The cost of raising a family has increased over the years. We have seen many people fail to support their large families financially and need to control family sizes. Family planning can only be done when a couple is about to have their first child and not in a situation that the family has already got five or more children. If a family has already had more than five children then the effects of planning can already be noted. Lack of planning may lead to poverty in ones household as it is not easy to support a large family in the world we live in today. Health and finance are interlinked as these children need money in order to get a good health insurance in times when they get ill. It was noted to produce positive results in lowering down poverty in Bangladesh through the programs and surveys carried out.
Population reference
The population reference is very much important and is one factor that influences planning in the developed countries. Developed countries are highly populated and have a limit on the number of children a family is supposed to have. In China the limit is each family should have no more than one child. Any family that has more than one child is heavily taxed to avoid any violators of the legalisation.
Before you decide on how many kids you should have, you must first consider these family planning factors and go on to make the right choice.

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Breast Feeding - The Best Start in Life

To many women this is the most obvious thing to do and they wouldn't consider any alternative. Others may be undecided, particularly if they are expecting their first child.
This article is a summary of the known advantages of breast feeding, and has been written to offer women clear, factual information to enable them to make an informed choice as to whether to breast feed their baby or not.
With very few exceptions, every woman who bears a baby throughout pregnancy is physically capable of feeding it after the birth. Breast feeding is one of the most natural things in the world and has many advantages for both the baby and for the mother.
Let's look at each of the key areas in a little more detail...
What is in breast milk that makes it so nutritious?
There is no doubt that the nutritional content of human breast milk is ideally suited to babies. It has evolved over tens of thousands of years and contains well over 300 known ingredients to ensure that every nutrient necessary for babies is present and in the right proportions and quantities. But it is not as straightforward as that - not only are these nutrients present in the right proportions and quantities, but those proportions change depending on the age of the baby.
The First Stage of Milk Production.
Immediately after the baby is born, the mother's milk is rather thin-looking and contains very high concentrations of Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) needed for the growth, brain development and bile-salt production of the new-born baby. This first milk is called 'colostrum' and it plays a vital role in establishing a healthy digestive system in the baby. Colostrum is only produced for the first few days and normally by the end of the first week mothers are producing transitional milk.
The Second Stage of Milk Production.
Transitional milk is still rich in EFA's, but has less than are found in colostrum. Overall fat content is also slightly down, with corresponding increases in lactose and protein. This milk is generally produced for the first six months of the baby's life, although this can be longer if the infant was born prematurely. This milk provides everything that the growing baby needs during the first six months of life - there is no need to supplement with anything else during this period.
The Third Stage of Milk Production.
The third stage of milk production is called mature milk and this is generally produced from six months onwards. It is during this stage that mothers should start to introduce other foods to start the process of weaning. Most authorities agree that infants should be breast-fed until at least the age of 12 months, and up to 24 months if possible. During this period, the range and frequency of other foods should be gradually increased so that the weaning process is carried out smoothly and without trauma. Each of these three stages ensures that the exact needs of the developing infant are met and that nutritional health is optimised.
The benefits of breast feeding for your baby
* Provides Essential Fatty Acids, Proteins and many other nutrient
* Offers strong baby immunity - Macrophages (cells that destroy bacteria, viruses and fungi) can help with common diseases like pneumonia, botulism, bronchitis, staphylococcal infections, influenza, urinary tract infections and ear infections
* Breast Milk is always sterile and never contains the bacteria that may cause diarrhoea in bottle-fed infants.
* Protects against allergies. The antibodies in breast milk work to form a protective coating on the inside of a baby's intestines, protecting them from potential allergens. Babies are never allergic to their own mother's milk. They may react to some of the foods that she eats - common examples are cow's milk and Brussels sprouts - but if the mother eliminates the problem food from her diet, the symptoms in the baby soon go away
* Creates strong physical growth through the act of suckling by exercising the baby's jaws and facial muscles and encouraging the growth of straight, healthy teeth
* Establishes a close bond between mother and baby. This is further developed when there is skin to skin contact during feeding. This, together with the feelings of warmth and security that come from being cuddled help to establish an early psychological balance in the infant, usually resulting in a more placid temperament. Interestingly, at birth a baby can only focus on things between 12 and 18 inches away - precisely the distance between the mother's face and the infant's eyes during breast feeding.
The benefits of breast feeding for mum
* Convenient and economical. No bottles to sterilise, no kettles to boil, no formula to buy, measure and mix. Breast milk is always at the right temperature and sterile.
* Helps regain your pre-pregnancy weight and figure. In order to produce milk the body uses a lot of calories and fat and this can speed up the loss of any excess accumulated during pregnancy. Also, the action of the baby suckling stimulates contractions of the uterus, helping it to return to its normal size.
* Breast feeding forces you to relax. It really isn't practical to feed whilst on the move. Sitting down and resting every few hours will speed up your recovery from childbirth. Even in the middle of the night, it is so much easier to breast feed than to give a bottle - you can even doze off during feeding if you are lying down.
Article written by Alexandra Gubbins of Organic Babies, a company specialising in ultra-gentle, organic baby products to keep your little one's skin safe and healthy.
See the original article, along with many more about bringing up baby naturally, at Organic Babies

Common STDs

Common STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) include chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis, herpes, HIV, HPV, and syphilis. Also called STI's (sexually transmitted infections), they are bacteria and viruses that are spread from person to person during sexual contact. If left untreated, they can cause serious health complications or even death. Everyone who is sexually active is at risk. It is important that people get an STD test in order to get the proper diagnosis and treatment.
Common STDs in More Detail:
Chlamydia is an infection caused by bacteria. It can cause cause a burning or stinging sensation during urination. It can also cause genital pain and discharge. It affects both men and women. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it's one of the most common STDs in the United States. Sexually active people ages 15 to 24 have the highest rates of this infection. It is easily cured with antibiotics that must be prescribed by a doctor. A lab must diagnose the chlamydia infection. A small urine sample is all that is needed for a chlamydia test. Often, people who test positive for chlamydia also test positive for gonorrhea. Doctors recommend testing for both at the same time. If one partner tests positive, both partners need to be tested and treated. This reduces the risk of re-infection if they remain sexually active with each other.
Gonorrhea, also in the class of common STDs, is a bacterial infection that can be easily treated and cured with antibiotics. Often referred to as "the drip" or "the clap", it thrives in the penis or the vagina. It can also live in the anus or the throat. The CDC reports that people age 15-24 who are sexually active have the highest rate of new cases each year. A lab-based test is the only thing that can diagnose gonorrhea. A small sample of urine is needed. People that have gonorrhea often have chlamydia as well. Doctors recommend getting a full STD test that will screen for both of them. Doctors also recommend that both sexual partners get tested and treated or they could quickly re-infect one another.
Hepatitis is a virus that affects the liver. If it isn't treated, hepatitis can cause serious liver damage, liver cancer, and even liver failure. There are three types of hepatitis - A, B, & C. Antibiotics will not cure hepatitis. Antiviral medication must be prescribed to suppress this virus instead. Antiviral treatment allows infected people to live an active lifestyle. Research is underway to find a cure for hepatitis. It's considered one of the common STDs because it can easily be transmitted during sexual contact. A blood test must be completed in order to diagnose hepatitis
Herpes (also called Herpes Simplex Virus or HSV) is a viral infection. It can be treated with antiviral medication. There are two types of herpes - Type I and Type II. Both of these common STDs cause blisters and open sores. Type I creates blisters and/or sores in and/or around the mouth and lips. (People call them cold sores.) They can be treated with over the counter medication. Type II causes sores in and around the genital or anal region. Antiviral medication is available with a doctors' prescription. When the herpes virus is active, the blisters and sores it causes are called "outbreaks". The antiviral medication that is available can suppress these outbreaks. However, herpes can be spread even when outbreaks are suppressed. Without treatment, herpes can make a pregnant women have a miscarriage or deliver early. It can also be passed from the mother to her unborn child during delivery. That's why a caesarean section is recommended for mothers with herpes. A simple blood test can diagnose common STDs like herpes.
HIV (the human immunodeficiency virus) is the virus that causes AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). If not treated quickly, it can be fatal. Many times it is the most stigmatized of all of the common STDs. Many people do not know they have been infected with HIV because they do not have any symptoms. However, if indications do occur, people may experience flu like symptoms within a few weeks of infection. These symptoms can include fever, rash, headache, sore throat, swollen neck glands, and open sores or ulcers in the mouth. Generally they go away without treatment within a few weeks. If left untreated, HIV can live in the body for about 10 years. During this time the body's immune system is weakened. If the HIV is still not treated, a person will develop AIDS. AIDS is the final stage of HIV. This is when the body loses all of its ability to fight off infections. This is when it becomes fatal. A blood test is needed to diagnose HIV. Once diagnosed, it can be treated. When detected early, people that are properly treated for HIV are able to live long, active lives.
HPV (human papilloma virus) is a viral infection. There are approximately 100 types of HPV. When it comes to common STDs, it is definitely one of the most common STDs in the U.S. The CDC estimates that about 75% of people between ages 15 and 49 who are sexually active get some form of HPV at some point. In many cases, the body is able to fight the virus and any symptoms will clear up on their own. However if symptoms continue, they can cause genital warts as well as cervical, anal, and/or oral cancer. A lab test must be completed to diagnose the different types of HPV. Generally women will get a Pap test to determine their HPV status.
Genital warts are common STDs caused by certain types of HPV. These warts can be big or small. They can be located anywhere on or near the genital region. This includes the cervix, penis, scrotum, anus, groin, or thigh. They may take weeks or even months to show up after having sexual contact with an infected person. A doctor must do a visual inspection to diagnose and treat genital warts. The HPV types that cause warts are often associated with cervical cancer, not oral or anal cancer.
Syphilis is a bacterial infection. This sexually transmitted infection is one of the most common STDs that can be easily and quickly treated with antibiotics. But without treatment, it will develop in stages. The symptoms vary with each stage.
  • Stage 1 (also called the primary stage), a sore will develop. The sore (or sores) develop at the place where the infection entered the body. It is often painless and is often unnoticed. It lasts 3-6 weeks and heals with or without treatment. However, treatment is necessary in order to kill the bacteria so that symptoms will not progress.

  • Stage 2 (the secondary stage) is when multiple sores or rashes can develop in various parts of the body. These sores or rashes occur when the primary sore(s) is healing. They can also occur several weeks after the primary sore has healed. They generally do not itch and can be so faint that they go unnoticed. Other symptoms can mimic flu like symptoms and include fever, fatigue, sore throat, headaches, muscle aches, and weight loss. These symptoms usually go away whether they are treated or not. However, getting the right medication is important or the infection will progress to stage three.

  • Stage 3 syphilis is also called the latent or late stage. This stage begins when the untreated symptoms from the first two stages disappear. The bacteria continue to live in the body for decades during this stage. Then when symptoms arise they are serious. They can include paralysis, numbness, blindness, and dementia. They can also damage your internal organs and cause death.
Common STDs in Conclusion:
Common STDs are easy to get and easy to spread. The only way to know if you have one is with a lab-based, FDA approved STD test. Doctors recommend that anyone who is sexually active be screened for all common STDs at least once every year. They also recommend that you get an STD test with every new partner or if your partner has other partners.
Common STDs need to be treated fast. Visit now for $10 off an affordable 10-panel STD test. Get tested for most common STDs including: Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Hep A, Hep B, Hep C, Herpes Type I, Herpes Type II, HIV, and Syphilis. Just order your test online now and stop in a participating lab today. All they need is a quick a urine or blood sample. No appointment is needed. Get your confidential results by email in just 24-48 hours. Talk to a doctor for fast treatment.

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When Is the Right Time to Try to Conceive?

The male and female bodies are complex in nature. It takes many factors and parts to work together in order for another human being to be created. It truly is miraculous how life is created. It does take a serendipitous series of events to occur in order to conceive. So how do you know when is the right time in order to increase the possibility of success?
In the female body, the best chance of success occurs during the ovulation phase of the menstrual cycle. Each woman is born with millions of immature eggs. In normal cases one egg is released each time ovulation occurs and the egg lives for 12 to 24 hours after leaving the ovary. That means you have a one day window to fertilize the egg before it expires. It may sound a bit daunting that you have only one day in the month to conceive, but the reality is that you could conceive at any point during the month. It is just less likely that the egg will be fertilized, but the possibility is still there. It is interesting to note that the implantation of the fertilized egg would normally take place 6 to 12 days after ovulation. If the egg is not fertilized, it will disintegrate and be absorbed into the uterine lining.
On any given day the human body does so much work on the inside, such as digestion, breathing, fighting bacteria and viruses, and much more. Plus the female body has the menstrual cycle to deal with also. With all of these processes happening in your body, how do you know when you're ovulating? Well, you can take a test.
There are a few options available to you; some you can do yourself, but for other tests you may have to go to the fertility clinic.
The Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Chart is useful to check when ovulation has occurred in your body so that you can plan conception for the following month's cycle.
Urine Test Kits can indicate when there is a rise in the luteinizing hormone (LH) level. This usually occurs 13 to 44 hours later so it is best to use this time for intercourse to increase your chances of conception. It also shows you when no ovulation is detected.
A Vaginal Ultrasound indicates when the follicle is ready for fertilization and is useful to plan for intercourse.
An Endometrial Biopsy indicates if ovulation took place. This procedure, where a sample of the uterine lining is swabbed and checked, is conducted in a fertility clinic.
Finally, you can also take a blood test to check the hormone levels which are associated with ovulation.
BioART Fertility Centre offers a unique experience in fertility treatment. We have a long history of state of the ART fertility care delivered with a personal touch. Each and every patient is treated as a unique couple with individual problems and needs. We combine a dignified and compassionate approach with state-of-the-art, advanced reproductive technologies.
Contact Us: +27 11 484 5119

Breast Feeding For Baby Health

Breast feeding is an essential element for proper and smooth growth of baby. Breast milk should be given to newly born baby as soon as possible after birth. The colostrum of breast milk is highly nutritious for new born baby. It contains all types and necessary nutritive elements like protein, carbohydrate, fate, vitamins, minerals and water for development baby.
Colostrum is available in breast milk for only seven days after delivery of new baby. The colostrum is of yellowish color and semi-solid liquid form. The colostrum helps to develop anti body against various types of diseases. It also helps in increasing IQ of the baby. The exclusive breast feeding is another form of breast feeding in which newly borne baby will take only mother's milk up to 6 months. S/he can not take any thing without breast milk up to 6 months. The quantity of mother's milk is adequate and quite sufficient for normal growth of the baby. The breast feed babies are intelligence and strong. As they acquire anti body through breast milk, there is very less chance of suffering from any disease.
There are many advantages of mother's milk such as no economical implication, it is available in normal temperature, it is easily digestible, and it does not require extra time or hazards. It also helps in developing internal bondage between mother and child. On the other hand, there is no disadvantage of mother's milk. So if you come across any family who are not breast feeding their babies, please inspire them, aware them to breast feed their babies. Help the humankind on this beautiful planet.
Learn more about newborn baby care and related topics like lactation without pregnancy.

Recognize Chlamydia Signs to Avoid Complications

Chlamydia is caused by a bacterium called Chlamydia trachomatis and is a treatable sexually transmitted disease (STD). Approximately three to four million people are infected with Chlamydia each year, but this is probably lower than the actual number of cases. This is because this disease is better known as the "silent epidemic," which means that three fourths of all the women and half of the men infected with Chlamydia do not manifest symptoms. Chlamydia infection is the most common STD in the U.S., infecting even young adults and teenagers.
Chlamydia infection can be transmitted or caught during vaginal, oral, or anal sex with a partner who has the disease. An infant can get Chlamydia from an infected mother during pregnancy and passage through the birth canal. Chlamydia signs are different in each case or individual. The bad thing is 75% of women and 50% of men who are infected show no symptoms. Some of the symptoms of Chlamydia that infected people may experience are: discharge coming from the vagina or penis, and pain or burning sensation during urination.
Women who are infected with Chlamydia may experience pain during sexual intercourse, lower abdominal pain, bleeding between menstrual periods, and even bleeding during intercourse. Males may experience swelling of the testicles and a burning sensation around the opening of the penis. The symptoms of Chlamydia may appear after one two three weeks after catching the infection.
Early detection and treatment is important because Chlamydia can lead to other complications and diseases when left untreated. That is why getting regular STD check-ups at various STD clinics can help remedy the situation. Furthermore, Chlamydia can be treated with antibiotics such as oxycycline or azithromycin. Chlamydia infections can progress to other serious health complications. When undetected or untreated, being infected increases the chance of acquiring HIV, and it affects women and men in different ways.
In women, Chlamydia can spread into the pelvic or reproductive system, and infect the fallopian tubes, uterus, and ovaries which can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease or PID. Chlamydia can bring permanent damage to the reproductive organs and can also lead to infertility, increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, and chronic pelvic pain.
Pregnant women who are infected have a higher risk of having a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. The child could also affect the child being carried by an infected mother. It can bring about early labor and delivery, and the disease can be transmitted from the mother to the baby during birth. Chlamydia can infect the eyes, ears, genitalia, and lungs of newborns. It can also cause pneumonia. If an infant is infected with Chlamydia and its eyes are also infected, medical treatment should be administered immediately, otherwise, the baby's eyes can be permanently damaged. In males, untreated Chlamydia can damage the testicles and cause infertility.
The only effective way to prevent getting a Chlamydia infection is abstinence from sex or having just one sexual partner who is not infected. Using barriers such as condoms could also decrease the risk of infection. If you suspect that you are infected, consult a doctor immediately so that you could be given proper medication.
Don't wait call our toll-free number today to speak to one of our caring counselors.
1(888) MAX-LABS or 1(888) 629-5227 or visit us at Local STD Testing Labs []

The Breast Is Best - Baby Stays Ahead When Breast Fed

Research has shown that one of the most critical times in the development for children is within their first year of life. During their first year is when the development process potentially results in a weight gain that can triple the weight of the child. (Stoppler, 2014) Where that weight comes from is one of the most significant contributing factors that determines how successfully healthy the child will be during the rest of their development. Therefore, it is up to the mothers to make that crucial decision on what will be used to supplement the nutritional needs of a child that determine the success of their well-being as they continue to develop. This decision can be difficult to make when looking at the variety of products offered for infant nutrition, especially for moms who are inexperienced at having children and do not know what products to use to promote success in different types of development. With this, instead of letting various companies who specialize in the manufacture and distribution of baby formula and nutrition decide what is good for the child, why not let something that specialized in the creation of the child decide what is best for the nutrition of that child during their critical time of development.
What is meant by this is that baby formula manufacturers produce products that go through a number of machines and tests that were created by people who know nothing about the needs of each particular child their product may serve. The one machine that actually knows what is best for each in individual child is that machine that created the child which is body of the child's mother. This is why of all the alternatives available for supplementing child nutrition during the first year of development the best alternative in most cases is achieved through breast feeding from the mother. Baby formula products are something that have been around for a few decades and continue to be tested and changed with the progression of time. Breastfeeding is something that has existed and been used ever since the beginning of man and has been tested and proven for success with man's continued existence. Although now in modern times it is used less because of the introduction of alternative methods that are perceived as more convenient with the use of formula, breastfeeding is still the one alternative that is preferred and supported by people who specialized in the care and development of children.
Most hospitals and facilities that accommodate child birthing have staff that actually encourage expecting and new moms to at least consider the use of breast feeding for providing the child's nutritional needs during that first year. The support of breast feeding is also seen in recent changes made in policies at hospitals that once supported the use of formula. "As of 2011, nearly half of about 2,600 hospitals in a survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had stopped giving formula samples to breast-feeding mothers". (Belluck, 2012) This is because more and more medical experts at hospitals are being awakened to the benefits offered through breastfeeding and do not want to use things, such as giving formula samples, that may potentially discourage new mothers from breastfeeding.
The potential benefits offered through breastfeeding are numerous. "The immunity factors in breast milk can help the baby to fight off infections. Breast milk contains vitamins, minerals, and enzymes which aid the baby's digestion." (Stoppler, 2014). The source of the majority of medical benefits offered with breastfeeding comes with the fact that mother's body is designed specifically by mother nature to provide for the well being of the child it produces. In other words the mother's breast milk is specifically tailored for the mother's baby. This is what plays a significant role in the creation of the immunity to infection and disease benefit that is offered with breastfeeding. When the mother's body responds to infections her body will create secretory IgA that is made to combat those infections and this is passed from the mother's body to the baby with breast milk and offers protection for the baby also. (BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board, 2014) It has also been shown that the protection against disease that comes from breast feeding extends well beyond the baby's initial stages of development.
A variety of medical research has shown that "breast-fed children are less likely to contract a number of diseases later in life, including juvenile diabetes, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and cancer before the age of 15"(National Resources Defense Council, 2014). The benefits of breastfeeding have also been found to be beneficial for the mother too. Research has shown that women who breastfeed have a reduced risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer. There have also been studies conducted that prove that breastfeeding may reduce the risk of conditions such as type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure and high cholesterol. (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2014). Breastfeeding is the choice that requires no research, test, or something manufactured with chemicals and machines with no design intended to see to the welfare of a child. With this, it seems it should the choice should be obvious. It only seems sensible that mothers should take full advantage the gift that nature has provided for the long term benefit of the child and her.

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Back Pain During Pregnancy? Find Out How Wearing A Back Brace Can Help

Are you pregnant and in pain? You are not alone, over half of all pregnant women experience back pain that affects their daily activities.

What causes the pain?

During pregnancy there is a softening of ligaments, stretching of the abdominal muscles, weight gain and postural changes , these combined put excessive strain though the spine and pelvis. There are three common areas where pain may be felt: the low back, the pelvis at the back or the pelvis at the front (or pubic symphysis). The pain can be achiness or so sharp that you are unable to walk.

The great news is that there is help!

As a Physiotherapist the first thing I do is recommend that pregnant women experiencing these pains wear a pregnancy brace. Which brace you choose depends on where you are feeling the pain.

If your pain is in your low back then a wide brace that helps to lift the weight of the abdomen is best, but if your pain is more pelvic in nature then wearing a pelvic belt which is narrower and sits lower is recommended – this works by holding your pelvic bones together (the job that the ligaments are supposed to do but can’t as they are softening to prepare for childbirth).

Wearing a pregnancy belt or brace gives immediate relief and can be worn as much as needed. Pregnancy belts are fastened with Velcro and can be adjusted as your pregnancy progresses.

The second thing I always do is teach some basic core stability and pelvic strengthening exercises or recommend a pregnancy exercise DVD designed by a Physiotherapist.

There are other things you can do to help alleviate back and pelvic pain associated with pregnancy. These include:

· Sleep with a pregnancy pillow

· Avoid excessive bending and lifting

· Use a correct lifting technique where you bend at your knees

· Correct your posture

· Try not to overdo it especially with housework or manual tasks

· Rest regularly

· Use a heat wheat pack

· Wear flat, supportive shoes

· Avoid excessive weight gain

· Move with your legs together to avoid shearing the pelvic bones, e.g.- when getting in and out of the bed or car

· Try to stand with your weight evenly distributed between both feet

If you have done all of these things and are still experiencing pain, then visiting a Physiotherapist for hands on treatment is required.

Following these tips, purchasing a pregnancy brace and strengthening your core muscles will allow you a happy, healthy pregnancy just as you imagined it.