1. Wipe From the Front Towards the Back.
When wiping yourself after going to the toilet, wipe your vaginal area from the front to the back, not vice versa. The anus often harbours pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria which can be spread to the vagina if you wipe from the anus frontwards. Many urinary tract infections are caused by this common hygiene error.
2. Don't Wash your Vagina - Especially With Soap.
Your vagina cleans itself - so there is no need to "wash" or to douche your vagina. The vagina normally has a healthy balanced ecosystem inside it, where "good" bacteria keep the potentially "bad" microbes under control. Using soap, washes or perfumes can change the pH (acidity) of the vagina and upset the natural balance that helps to keep the vagina healthy.
3. Do Not Leave Tampons in Your Vagina for More Than 4 Hours.
Leaving tampons in place for longer than 4 hours or forgetting to change them can allow bacteria or other disease-causing microbes to breed. This can lead to infection, including the potentially fatal "toxic shock syndrome".
4. Change Sanitary Napkins and Panty Shields Regularly.
Sanitary napkins become smelly if they are left in place for too long. The unpleasant smell is caused by bacteria beginning to "rot" the napkin. When the rotting napkin rubs against the delicate skin inside your panties, it may cause sores or rashes.
5. Eat a Healthy Diet with Lots of Fresh, Unprocessed Foods.
Eating healthy foods such as vegetables and natural fats, and cutting down on refined foods and sugars in the diet is essential for a healthy body and a healthy vagina. The "good" bacteria in your vagina will help keep your vaginal flora in balance but you do need to "feed" them the right nutrients by eating fresh foods yourself.
6. Consider Hair Removal.
Removing hair from around the vagina and asking your partner to remove any hair from around or even on his penis, may help to prevent chafing. Chafing that occurs during sexual intercourse is one way that "bad" microbes can get through the skin barrier and cause an infection. You will notice areas that are red and irritated after sex, if chafing is occurring.
7. Use Sexual Lubricants.
Even if you have removed hair prior to sexual intercourse, you may still encounter irritation due to chafing. The chafing may be caused by shaving stubble, ingrown hairs after waxing, dry skin or a dry vagina. Lubricants made especially for reducing friction during sexual intercourse can be purchased from supermarkets, pharmacies and chemists, sex shops or online. A good sexual lubricant can help you to avoid a lot of post-coital discomfort!
8. Wear Cotton Panties and Allow Your Vaginal Area to "Breathe".
Enveloping your panty area with tight or synthetic clothing can allow a build up of moisture and perspiration that can't escape. This hot, moist environment is a breeding ground for bacteria and other potentially unpleasant microbes.
9. Regularly Check Your Vaginal Discharge.
Unusual or smelly vaginal secretions can indicate that you have a vaginal infection. Tell - tale signs are bad odour, an unusual colour or discomfort such as vaginal itching. Your doctor can diagnose and advise you on a course of treatment if it turns out that you require one.
10.See Your Doctor for Regular Pap Smears.
Pap smears are designed to pick up the early stages of cervical cancer. The current recommendation is to have a pap smear once every two years or once per year if you have previously had abnormal cells detected. While they may be somewhat unpleasant, pap smears do save lives!
Bonus Tip
Use a Cream Such as "LadySoothe" as Required to Cleanse and Freshen Your Vagina.
Sometimes we all need a little help to soothe an irritated, itchy, dry or smelly vagina. LadySoothe cream is not designed to treat vaginal infections, but can help to soothe and heal the delicate vaginal areas. This 99% natural, white cream contains tea tree as well as other naturally antifungal and antibacterial essential oils, which can help to restore the natural balance of flora in the vagina.
Use a Cream Such as "LadySoothe" as Required to Cleanse and Freshen Your Vagina.
Sometimes we all need a little help to soothe an irritated, itchy, dry or smelly vagina. LadySoothe cream is not designed to treat vaginal infections, but can help to soothe and heal the delicate vaginal areas. This 99% natural, white cream contains tea tree as well as other naturally antifungal and antibacterial essential oils, which can help to restore the natural balance of flora in the vagina.
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