Discover 10 Pregnancy Myths That You Never Knew

Once pregnant, women have generally advised a list of a specific set of dos and don'ts by everyone. Interestingly, many of these are simply pregnancy myths.

Here are 10 myths that you never knew and enjoy happy pregnancy:

Myth 1: Really Sick? You may have Twins

Debunked - If you are feeling sick more than usual, it does NOT indicate the possibility of having twins. Sometimes it may be due to higher levels of hormone HCG.

Myth 2: Pregnant Women should not have Seafood

Debunked - Eating fish in good quantity is very good for pregnant women. Seafood is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Having fish low in mercury levels during pregnancy will produce smarter babies. Studies reveal that mothers who ate at least 12 ounces of seafood in a week while expecting had babies with higher verbal IQ. These babies also showed superior social, better motor skills, and communication skills.

Myth 3: Belly Position Determines Baby's Gender:

Debunked - The old wives' tale is not true. Baby's gender has nothing to do with belly positions. Each woman is different and carries her baby differently. Gender of the baby has nothing to do with it.

Myth 4: You are Moodier than Normal for a Reason

Debunked - If you are moodier than normal, it is not because you are pregnant with a girl. This might be excess stress or hormones playing crazy. Meditate and let your doctor know about it.

Myth 5 - It is OK to Have a drink

Debunked - Abstaining from alcohol is a personal choice. However, studies state that drinking during pregnancy increases the risk of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). Hence, it is advised that pregnant woman should completely abstain from alcohol.

Myth 6: Low Heartbeat indicates it is a Boy!

Debunked - NO! All claims that a baby's heartbeat lower than 140 beats per minute makes it a boy are false. The doctor will let you know the real reason.

Myth 7: You are eating for two!

Debunked - The excess cravings and trips to refrigerators at night are not because you need to eat for two. Pregnant women only need 300 extra calories in a day. So make sure you do not gain more than 25 to 35 pounds.

Myth 8: Heartburn Means the Baby has MORE Hair on Scalp!

Debunked - The hair growth of a newborn baby depends a lot on the genetic make-up of the child, and not related in any way, to heartburn the mother suffers during pregnancy. The growing weight of the fetus often leads to pushing the digestive apparatus upwards towards the cardiac sphincter, leading to acid formation. This is the reason for hyper-acidity and not baby hair. Suffice it to say, many women with terrific heart-burns have given birth to hairless babies, and many women with nay heartburn have had children with heavy hairs on their heads.

Myth 9 - certain types of Foods affect Baby's complexion

Debunked - This is NOT true. There is no science to support this baseless claim. The older and 'wiser' women around you will push you to drink a lot of coconut water or milk dipped in saffron overnight to have a fair baby. However, only the genes play a vital role in determining the baby's complexion. Some may even warn you against having iron supplements as they may make baby's skin dark. However, food or medications do not have any effect on the complexion of the baby.

Myth 10 - Stress is bad for the Fetus

Debunked - Latest research has revealed that a moderate level of stress does not do any harm to the baby. In fact, it is actually good for the fetus! It will tone the nervous system of the feature and speed up its development. Women who have experienced moderate stress during pregnancy have been reported of having 2 weeks old infants with their brains working at a faster speed than those whose mothers did not take any stress. In another study, the 2-year old toddlers born from mothers who took moderate stress were found to have a higher motor and mental development scores.

End Note - It is very common for moms-to-be to fall prey to these silly myths. These should not be paid heed to. Expectant mothers are advised not to give in to temptations of tackling pregnancy myths and consult their doc for right guidance.

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Top 10 Signs of Early Pregnancy

Early signs of pregnancy vary from woman to woman and even pregnancy to pregnancy. If you're particularly tuned in to your body's rhythms, you may begin to suspect you're pregnant soon after conception.
Are You Pregnant?
Most women won't experience any early signs of pregnancy until the fertilized egg implants into the uterine wall, on average six to twelve days after ovulation. Other women may notice no signs of pregnancy until a delayed or missed menstrual cycle, one of the most pronounced and significant symptoms of pregnancy.
Whether you're trying to get pregnant, or trying not to, it's important to understand indicators of pregnancy because each symptom may be related to something other than pregnancy.
Below is a list of some of the most common first signs of pregnancy - some of which may occur before a home pregnancy test can be used - letting you know that you may be on your way to becoming a mother. You may experience all, some, or none of these signs that you could be prego:
Food Cravings
Admittedly it's a cliché, but food cravings sometimes can be early signs of pregnancy. Don't rely on a hankering for pickles and ice cream as a sure symptom of pregnancy - it may be all in your head, or even a sign that your body is deficient in certain nutrients - however, if cravings are accompanied by some of the other symptoms on this list, it could mean that you might be eating for two.
What else it could mean: Poor diet, nutritional deficiency, stress, depression, or impending menstruation.
Darkening of Your Areolas
If the skin around your nipples darkens, you may be pregnant, though this may also mark a hormonal imbalance unrelated to pregnancy or be a leftover effect from a previous pregnancy.
What else it could mean: Hormonal imbalance unrelated to pregnancy or may be a leftover effect from a previous pregnancy.
Light Bleeding or Cramping
Implantation bleeding can be one of the earliest signs of pregnancy when, about six to twelve days after conception, the embryo burrows into the uterine wall. As a result of this, some women will experience implantation spotting - a slight staining of a pink or brown color - as well as some cramping.
You might mistake implantation bleeding for a very light period, as spotting can occur around the time you expect your period.
What else it could mean: Actual menstruation, altered menstruation, changes in birth control pill, infection, or abrasion from intercourse.
Frequent Urination
Once the embryo implants and begins producing the pregnancy-sustaining hormone secreted by the embryo soon after conception (usually around six to eight weeks after conception) you may find yourself running to the bathroom more often.
What else it could mean: Urinary tract infection, diabetes, increasing liquid intake, or taking excessive diuretics.
Feeling drowsy? No, make that absolutely wiped. High levels of the hormone progesterone experienced during pregnancy can make you feel as if you've run a marathon when all you've done is put in a normal day's work. This hallmark of early pregnancy can appear as soon as the first week after conception (before a positive pregnancy test can be performed), but don't necessarily assume you're pregnant just because you're feeling exhausted.
What else it could mean: Stress, exhaustion, depression, common cold or flu, or other illnesses can also leave you feeling drained.
Tender, Swollen Breasts
If you're pregnant, your breasts will probably become fuller and increasingly tender to the touch, similar to the way they may feel before your period, but more pronounced. These changes may begin as early as one to two weeks after conception.
What else it could mean: Hormonal imbalance, birth control pills, impending menstruation (PMS) can also cause your breasts to swell and become more sensitive.
As early as a couple of days following conception, you may begin feeling nauseated and queasy; it will often show up between two to eight weeks after conception. Despite the common name of this well-known sign of pregnancy (morning sickness) it doesn't only kick in during the morning hours: pregnancy-related nausea can be present any time of day or night.
If you're lucky, morning sickness won't hit you until a few weeks after conception, and some women are lucky enough to escape it altogether.
What else it could mean: Food poisoning, stress, or other stomach disorders can also cause you to feel queasy.
Backaches and Headaches
Lower backaches and headaches may appear as early signs of pregnancy as a result of the sudden rise of hormones.
What else it could mean: Impending menstruation, stress, back problems, and physical or mental strains, dehydration, caffeine withdrawal, eye strain.
A Missed or Different Period
When you become pregnant, your next period should be missed, and a missing period is often one of the first signs of pregnancy experienced by women. Many women experience bleeding while they are pregnant, but usually the bleeding will be shorter or lighter than a normal period. If you have been sexually active, are late and usually experience clockwork visits from Aunt Flo, it's worth trying a pregnancy test.
What else it could mean: Excessive weight gain/loss, fatigue, hormonal imbalance, tension, stress, stopping birth control pill, or breast-feeding.
A Positive Pregnancy Test
A positive pregnancy test is the most definitive sign that you're in the family way. Home (urine) pregnancy tests are available at most drug stores; there are early home pregnancy tests such as E.P.T Digital Early Pregnancy Tests, which can give results as early as five days before a missed period, as well as traditional home pregnancy tests which recommend waiting to test until at least the first date of a missed period to ensure that adequate amounts of pregnancy hormone.

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4 Vagina Tightening Exercises For Better Sex!

Vagina tightening exercises are the absolute main way that you can increase your physical sexual pleasure as a woman. It also does some extremely good things for your lover too! While there is more to sex than just the physical of course - having this part of the sensual puzzle in good shape means you can set your mind at easy knowing you are giving great pleasure to your partner and yourself so you can concentrate on being, and feeling sexy!

Oh what is that? You are shy? No place for it here darling! If you have come this far, take off the shy act and start looking for a solution because there is nothing to be ashamed about keeping your body healthy, functional and beautiful!

So lets take a look and see what exercises for a tight vagina you can do!
  • Squats- This is an excellent exercise for all SORT of stuff. Great for your bum, legs, core, and your vagina! It is good for weight loss too as your leg muscles and others activated in this activity are very large and so consume a lot of calories when doing them. Be careful to follow the best technique for these though and you will tighten up your entire pelvic region.

  • Leg Raises - This begins as you lie on your back, then you raise each leg one after the other into the air while straight (not bending at the knee). Good for warming up, but helps exercises all the muscles around the vagina. Easy to do - and tightens up your bum too!

  • Yoga - Yoga is a great thing to do for overall health, but probably better if you do some of the more intense workouts like ashtanga, or bikram yoga. Promotes strength and flexibility all over the body including your lady parts.

  • Kegel Exercises - If you do NOTHING else on this list, please do these as they directly target your vagina muscles. A Kegel is where you squeeze the pelvic floor muscles together which tightens your vagina temporarily, but exercises those muscles so the tightness will become more permanent the more you do it. It is hard explain, but doing this is best explained by the muscles you squeeze if you are going to pee and you force yourself to stop. The muscles you are suing thee are the pelvic floor and you are doing a kegel exercise. Practice and then try while lying down, sitting, and in other positions for different angles and muscle contractions.

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Best Way to Tighten Loose Vagina - Tighten Your Love Muscle and Keep Your Man For Good

What causes a loose vagina? The primary reasons are giving birth and excessive sex. When giving birth, the vagina will expand to several times more than its original size. A woman who engages in a lot of sex is likely to develop a loose vagina. In rare cases, it is also possible for a woman to be born with a loose vagina. If you feel that having a loose vagina is interrupting your sex life, there are ways to tighten it safely and permanently.

Before you attempt to do some vagina-tightening remedies yourself, it is always advisable to consult with your doctor on the best way to tighten loose vagina. Your doctor can choose from any of the therapies like vaginal cones, Kegel exercises, electric stimulation, and Neocontrol therapy. If none of these therapies work for you, then your doctor would likely suggest a vaginoplasty, which is a type of surgery that reinstates the muscles around the vagina in order to make them tight.

The best way to tighten loose vagina depends on the woman. A woman might find Kegel exercises effective. Another woman would also say that vaginal cones work for her. Whatever the methods, the important thing is that, at the end of the day, the woman would find her vagina tighter and she may never feel insecure whenever she engages in sexual activity.

The Kegel exercise was originated by Dr. Arnold Kegel. The Kegel exercise helps strengthen the muscles, which are positioned near the woman's pelvic region. Kegel exercises boost one's sexual drive by allowing the surrounding muscles to be more flexible and firmer. Lie down and squeeze the muscles that you use to quit the process of urination. The muscles must be contracted for a few seconds and be relaxed for a few seconds. If you feel that your butt or belly muscles are tightening, then you are not performing Kegel exercises properly.

Other ways to tighten a loose vagina are using creams, vaginal sprays, or vaginal cones. Vaginal cones are weighted devices that are inserted in your vagina to tighten it. Vaginal sprays or creams are liquids or emulsions that are applied to your vagina to tighten it. If no safe therapies work, then there is always the vaginoplasty. However, it is an expensive and harmful method that can create complications if not done properly. One complication of this method is the inability to feel pleasure as the vaginal muscles and walls are damaged.

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Tighten Your Vagina With Instant Vagina Tightening Creams And Please Your Partner!

One major factor of a loose vagina is childbirth. There are also other factors such as sedentary lifestyle, aging and insertion of large objects. Knowing these factors will be helpful in curbing the problem to some extent. This is because a happy and long lasting relationship is based on a good sex life. So long a woman manages to maintain the firmness of her vagina, her interest on sex would be heightened but once she loses the tightness she will begin to suffer from low sexual desire. This might lead to differences between the couple and can wreak a loving relationship.
This is because a loose vagina does not give that feeling of penetration which is important for both the partners. In a situation such as this, the enjoyment of having sex is no longer there which drifts the couple apart. And this is one main reason why most of the men are attracted to younger girls. So why lose hold on your guy when you can give the pleasure like any other women. And to help you tighten your vagina, there are basically three types of treatments. Surgery, application of vagina treatment creams and vagina tightening sprays. All three forms of treatments have been found to be effective in tightening your vagina.
Of these three forms of treatment, vagina tightening creams and vagina tightening sprays are a better option. This is because surgery is a costly procedure and you will again have to go through the surgery after every child birth. Whereas using vagina tightening creams and spray are natural forms of treatment which will be helpful in not only making your vagina tighter but will also spice up your sex life.

Easy Vagina Tightening Option

You must be wondering more than half the time, if you have a loose vagina, whether or not you can easily tighten your vagina. My honest answer is "yes" you can tighten your loose vagina. Most people refuse to believe that tightening the vagina effectively and easily is impossible which is very sad for them. By thinking so, they are missing out on the possibility of achieving a tighter vagina with proper method. This article is entirely dedicated to method for tightening loose vagina which has been approved by experts in the field. The experts come to this conclusion as a result of so many satisfied customers who have testified for the method. Opting for vagina tightening is very normal in today's date. Women are willing to go that extra step to make their sex live exciting and full of fun.
There are options such as online guides for vagina tightening exercise. These guides could enable you to tighten your vagina without spending a bomb. If you look at the expense related to vagina tightening surgery then these guides are really cheap and affordable. There are creams and sprays available in the markets that are highly sought after by women since they are really good. The exercises could be teamed with these products to give you the desired results within a short span of time.
Many women feel lazy to do anything about their loose vagina; they do not understand that their partners don't enjoy sex with them due to this particular reason. By applying the methods mentioned above, women can very conveniently take care of a loose vagina. These methods can help control the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles contract at the time of orgasm and so, vagina tightening creams and sprays help in controlling those muscles. This way you can enjoy explosive orgasms whenever you have sex with your partner.
Other than having amazing sex with your partner, you can also prevent sudden fluid discharge caused when you get excited. You can say goodbye to those annoying pads which you have to keep on wearing for such problems. There are so many problems associated with a loose vagina and delaying the solution to this problem means sticking with the problems for longer period.
There is no need to be scared when thinking about curing a loose vagina. Women usually just think about surgeries when it comes to tightening vaginas. There are definitely other methods which are very easy and painless. For example, you can start doing exercises specifically for the pelvic bones, it is known as kegel exercises. You need to be consistent in order to achieve the best results. Once you can do that there is nothing that could stop you from attaining a tighter vagina.

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Online Pregnancy Test - Are Online Pregnancy Test Accurate?

What exactly a pregnancy test on the internet does is a question that many women ask. How handy would it be to find out online if you're pregnant? This means no trips to the store to purchase pregnancy tests, no expensive tests to purchase repeatedly until the day you find out that you are expecting, and no hassle. There's no urinating in a cup or on a stick and waiting for the results to pop up if you can just go online and take a pregnancy test. However, most women don't know what an online pregnancy test even is.
An online pregnancy test is one you can take on the internet, whether you use your home computer, laptop, tablet, or even your smart phone. These tests are available everywhere on the internet. To find thousands of them to try free of charge, all you have to do is perform a quick internet search using the terms, "Online Pregnancy Test" to receive hundreds of thousands of results.
These tests ask you questions. You provide the most accurate answer to the test to get the most accurate possible results. For example, an online test might ask you if you are feeling more tired than usual, if you have to use the bathroom more frequently than usual, or if you feel nauseous or turned off by the sight of certain foods. Each is a typical early pregnancy symptom. By calculating your answers to its questions, online tests can help you determine whether or not you are pregnant.
Are Online Pregnancy Tests Real?
The existence of an online pregnancy test is very real. Website owners use some of the most common early pregnancy symptoms to help determine whether or not you could be expecting a child. Typically, these tests ask you about all the possible early pregnancy symptoms there are, calculating your answers to determine pregnancy. However, that doesn't mean this is the test for everyone.
Early pregnancy symptoms are often very similar to premenstrual symptoms. This means that what you are currently experiencing might not be anything more than just a sign your period is near. For example, tender breasts, bloating, food cravings or aversions, nausea, moodiness, fatigue, and excessive exhaustion are all common signs that your period is quickly approaching. They are also signs of pregnancy. The biggest tell-tale symptom of pregnancy this early on is the absence of your period on the day it is expected to arrive. If you haven't missed your period yet, you might take an online pregnancy test that tells you that you are expecting a child simply because you have all or many of the early pregnancy symptoms that are also associated with your oncoming period.
For this reason, it's best to wait until after your period fails to arrive to take a pregnancy test. This is a more concrete piece of evidence than a little bloating and fatigue, which are common for many reasons. Online tests are very real, but that doesn't make them very accurate or reliable.
Are Online Pregnancy Tests Accurate?
You have about a 50 percent chance of accuracy using an online pregnancy test. This is not a very high accuracy rating considering you are either pregnant or you are not pregnant. Unfortunately, the internet simply cannot tell you whether or not you are pregnant. That would be highly convenient and welcome by most women, but it's not possible this day and age.
If you choose to take an online pregnancy test, you might be careful with your results. It's only 50 percent accurate and at best, a good guess. However, you can use these tests for fun or to answer any questions you might have. For example, an online pregnancy test might give you an idea whether or not you are pregnant by asking certain questions. If you typically don't suffer from premenstrual cramps or symptoms but suddenly you are, you might validate your suspicions that you are pregnant.
The only want to know for sure whether or not you are pregnant is to visit your doctor and have a blood test performed. You can also take a home pregnancy test. These are 99 percent accurate when used beginning the day that you expect your period to make its monthly appearance. Some work a little early depending on the sensitivity of your test, which might mean you can find out a little bit earlier whether or not you are expecting a baby.
Are Online Pregnancy Tests Reliable?
In short, the answer is no. Online pregnancy tests are not reliable. They do not do anything except use your answers to certain questions to determine whether or not there is a chance you might be pregnant. The only way to tell you are pregnant with complete reliability is with testing. You can test at home using an at-home pregnancy test designed to measure the amount of hCG, or the pregnancy hormone, present in your blood. You can also receive a blood test at your doctor's office that will determine whether or not you are pregnant. These are the only reliable ways to tell whether or not you are pregnant.
Even a missed period can mean something other than pregnancy, making it less than reliable. While it is the most common symptom of a pregnancy, it's not always a reliable method. For this reason, it's pretty obvious why an online test is not particularly accurate.
There's nothing wrong with taking an online test to see what it has to say if you can remember that the result is not reliable. In fact, you might take one test on one website only to find out that a pregnancy test on another site says something completely different. Don't take these tests seriously. Take them for fun and take them lightly. If you want a reliable answer as to whether or not you are pregnant, take an at-home test and see your doctor for a blood test. These are the most reliable, most accurate methods of determining pregnancy.

Care and Precautions During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the development of one or more offspring, known as an embryo or fetus, in a woman's uterus. It is the common name for gestation in humans. A multiple pregnancy involves more than one embryo or fetus in a single pregnancy, such as with twins. Childbirth usually occurs about 38 weeks after conception, from the start of the last normal menstrual period (LNMP). Conception can be achieved when a male sperm penetrates into a women's egg and fertilizes it. This usually happens in the woman's fallopian tube after ovulation (the matured egg was released from one of her ovaries). In the cases of infertile couples pregnancy is achieved with the help of assisted reproductive technology.
Most pregnancies last from 37 to about 42 weeks. Health care professionals calculate the delivery date 40 weeks from the date of conception (the date the sperm and egg fused). According to the National Health Service, UK, only about 1 in every 20 births actually takes place on the due date. A baby who is born before 37 weeks after conception is considered pre-term (premature) and babies born after the 43 week mark are considered post-mature.
Symptoms of pregnancy
Every woman is different. So are her experiences of pregnancy. Pregnancy symptoms differ from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy; however, one of the most significant pregnancy symptoms is a delayed or missed period. Understanding the signs and symptoms of pregnancy is important because each symptom may be related to something other than pregnancy. You may experience signs or symptoms of pregnancy within a week of conception. However, it is possible you may not experience any symptoms for a few weeks. Most common signs of pregnancy are:
Missed period
Nausea with or without vomiting
Breast changes
Breast tenderness
Frequent urination
Headaches and back pain
Mood Swings
Nausea generally affects pregnant women during the first three to four months of the pregnancy. Tiredness tends to be more acute during the first and last three months. You can be pregnant without experiencing any of these signs and symptoms.
Pregnancy Test
All pregnancy tests work by detecting a certain hormone in the urine or blood that is only there when a woman is pregnant. This hormone is called hCG. It is also called the pregnancy hormone.There are two common types of pregnancy tests - the urine test and the blood test. Urine tests can be performed at home through an over the counter test. They are also sometimes done at a doctor's office. Blood tests, on the other hand, are always performed at doctor's offices.
The Three Trimesters of Pregnancy
The development of pregnancy is counted from the first day of the woman's last normal period, even though the development of the fetus does not begin until conception. Development of fetus may vary due to the mother's health or a miscalculation of ovulation. Pregnancy is divided into trimesters which last about 12 - 14 weeks each. These three trimesters have different emotional and physical happenings that make them unique. Similar to development, these can be calculated from different dates so not all trimester calculations will equal the same. The pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. Each of the three trimesters is divided into a little over 3 completed months each. The first trimester is week 1 through the end of week 13. The second trimester usually ends around the 26th week and consists of the 4th, 5th and 6th completed months. The third trimester can end anywhere between the 38th - 42nd week and is the 7th, 8th and 9th completed months of pregnancy.

The pregnancy due date calculator can help you work out when you might expect your baby to arrive. This will give you a rough idea to prepare for the arrival of baby, programming your maternity leave and keep few of the clothes and babies things ready required during stay in hospital. As part of your antenatal care, your midwife will also offer you a dating scan that will give you a more accurate date for the birth of your baby.

Complications during pregnancy

There are several things that may cause a complication in your pregnancy. However, some are more common than others. Mother's body has a great deal to do during pregnancy. Sometimes the changes taking place will cause irritation or discomfort, and on occasions they may seem quite alarming. There is rarely any need for alarm but you should mention anything that is worrying you to your maternity team. Most pregnancies are uncomplicated. That said, it's helpful to know which serious medical issues are most likely to affect expecting moms. Here's a quick guide to the most common pregnancy complications. The complications that require immediate attention and care includes:
Premature labor and birth
Low amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios)
Gestational diabetes
Ectopic pregnancy
Placenta previa
Other complications like Anemia, Constipation, Genital infections, Cramps, Hemorrhoids, Hypertension (high blood pressure), Hypotension (low blood pressure), Gum disease, Swollen ankles, feet, fingers, Nausea and vomiting, Urinary tract infections, Heartburn and Moodiness are also the complications that should be discussed with the OB-GYN when the appointment is due. Your doctor or midwife will watch for these pregnancy complications (and others) throughout your pregnancy, using physical exams, lab tests, and ultrasounds. Meanwhile, you can help your caregiver by attending all your prenatal appointments and reporting any troubling symptoms.

Pregnancy is a memorable part of a women's life and it has to be free of stress and unnecessary doubts. It is important for pregnant women to remain happy and active through the pregnancy month by month so that healthy development of fetus takes place. It is also important to interact, move out and meet new people so that it keeps you happy and occupied, keeping in mind the rest and care.

Having a baby is an exciting time for all expectant mothers. Whether you are a first time mother or adding to your family, your experience is personal and unique. With successful and busy practice in Gynecology and Obstetrics, the team of doctors have been successful in helping women's to deliver more than 50,000 babies under their care and supervision. From pre-conception, to antenatal care, to the actual process of delivery and following it up with post-natal care, the medical staff and doctors are always ready to help you and stand by your side for the entire way. Our vision is to be a leading women and child health care provider, offering memorable birthing experience with a commitment to providing women with the highest quality and most advanced healthcare throughout all stages of their lives, from adolescence through menopause. At the end of the pregnancy journey you will be holding your precious baby in your hands and the discomforts of the past nine months will be a memory.

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A Teen Pregnancy Can be a Crisis

A pregnancy web site is an excellent resource for women of all backgrounds and ages, especially in the case of teen pregnancy. A pregnancy web site can let a girl know the first month symptom of pregnancy and very early sign of pregnancy she may be experiencing so that she can early on get proper medical attention and advice.
For a pregnant teen the information on a pregnancy web site from first month symptom of pregnancy to very early sign of pregnancy can be invaluable in what most likely is an emotional and difficult time. Teen pregnancy statistics tell us that babies born in the United States to teenage mothers have a higher chance for school failure, poverty and physical or mental illness. While that is not good news for an expecting mother to hear, it will perhaps help influence the future decisions that young mother may have to make. Teen pregnancy can be a crisis for a young mom and it is very important that if a teenager finds out she is pregnant she immediately seek out assistance, through a visit with a medical doctor or counselor who can answer her questions and provide proper medical attention.
A pregnancy web site is also a confidential way for a teen to look up a first month symptom of pregnancy and a very early sign of pregnancy that she may be experiencing and have a chance to think about her current situation if she is indeed pregnant. There are also great message boards available on a pregnancy web site some of which may include; new moms, expectant moms, raising babies and single mothers. There are plenty of pregnancy web sites with information to include:
  • baby name finders,
  • due date calculators,
  • prenatal (morning sickness and prenatal care),
  • childbirth (birthing methods),
  • breast feeding (benefits of, techniques),
  • postpartum (postpartum depression and postpartum exercises)
  • and new trends in labor pain medications.
A pregnancy web site is so very helpful at letting a teenage girl know that she is not alone in what she is going through.
Some other information a pregnancy web site on teen pregnancy can include are facts such as how teen pregnancy rates are a lot higher in the United States compared to other developed countries. Each year approximately one million teenage women become pregnant with the majority of those pregnancies being unplanned and about one quarter of those teenage mothers having a second child within two years. While these pregnancy statistics teen seem somewhat overwhelming it can be noted that overall the teen pregnancy rates have declined in recent years.
A pregnancy web site can be an excellent tool when a girl may be experiencing a first month symptom of pregnancy or very early sign of pregnancy. It can be easy to confuse first month symptom of pregnancy as they can be similar to a woman's regular pre menstrual signs such as swollen tender breasts, fatigue, feeling bloated, cramping and implantation bleeding (which may be mistaken for a normal period). Some of the other earliest possible sign of pregnancy can include; increased saliva, headaches and a change in libido (increase or decrease).
A pregnancy web site may offer advice on first month symptom of pregnancy and very early sign of pregnancy and when a woman will start to experience these symptoms. A woman will usually start to notice symptoms a couple of weeks after conception (twelve to fourteen days) unless a woman is carrying twins, triplets or more as they will have higher levels of pregnancy hormones in the system. If a woman has already had children it is likely that her body will be more sensitive to the hormones and she'll feel the symptoms sooner.
A pregnancy web site can reveal first month symptom of pregnancy, earliest possible sign of pregnancy and very early sign of pregnancy with the top ten pregnancy signs being:
  1. basal body temperature remaining high,
  2. missed period,
  3. frequent urination,
  4. food aversions,
  5. sensitivity to odors,
  6. nausea (feeling like you don't want to eat or keep any food down) and vomiting,
  7. implantation bleeding (easily mistaken for a regular period) or cramping,
  8. tender swollen breasts,
  9. fatigue (waking up in morning feeling like you haven't slept)
  10. and of course the positive home pregnancy test.
While a pregnancy web site may be an invaluable tool to a teenage girl who is dealing with a pregnancy it cannot replace the advice, support and care that a proper medical doctor or counselor can provide. Once a teenage girl finds out that her first month symptom of pregnancy and very early sign of pregnancy are in fact pregnancy she should make sure that her nutritional, emotional and other needs be properly met. Teen pregnancy without a doubt can be a difficult and emotional time and at the earliest possible sign of pregnancy should be met with the right support and care of family, friends and physicians.

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Chronic Diseases and Pregnancy

Speaking about health before pregnancy, we mean way of life, nutrition, physical activity, habits, and also possible chronic diseases, such as heightened blood pressure or diabetes. If you have such diseases, then you just have to visit a doctor beforehand. You know, this may complicate pregnancy, bring harm to an unborn baby. Tell your doctor which medicinal preparations and in which doses you take. Doctor will recommend you tests and observations you should pass, for example, X-ray photography. Try to discuss all questions you have for the moment.
It is much simpler to think over a strategy of treatment before pregnancy and then worrying about complications.
Diabetes - it is a disease, appearing as a result of lack of insulin in organism, this hormone is produced by pancreas. If you have diabetes, it will be more difficult for you to become pregnant. Moreover, diabetes can influence passing of pregnancy seriously. First of all, it can become a reason of miscarriage or giving birth to a dead baby. Secondly, women suffering from diabetes can give birth to babies with inborn defects.
You can reduce risk of such complications due to constant control of sugar content in blood during pregnancy. If you don't care of your state, then diabetes while pregnancy may turn out to be dangerous both for you and your future baby. Majority of complications, connected with diabetes, are displayed during first trimester, i.e. during first 13 weeks of pregnancy.
Pregnancy may cause complications of state while diabetes, what will require increase of insulin doses. This can be easily determined with help of test on sugar content in blood. Majority of doctors recommend taking a special care of this disease development during at least 2-3 months before conception. This will help to reduce probability of risk of miscarriage or other problems. Probably, you will have to pass tests on sugar content in blood several times per day, to control disease completely and avoid possible complications. Past experience shows that women, suffering from diabetes, had serious problems with conception and passing of pregnancy. But die to complete and constant control even women-diabetics can count on successful result of pregnancy and delivery.
If in your family there were cases of diabetes or you have slightest suspicions as for your own health, pass tests before pregnancy surely.
About 1% of pregnant women suffer from asthma. It is impossible to predict influence of pregnancy on asthma. Half of women, suffering from this disease, notice no changes during pregnancy, about 25% feel even slight improvement, and the rest (25%) observe worsening of state.
Majority of anti-asthma remedies are safe for pregnant, but it is still better to consult a doctor as for preparation to take. Almost all who suffer from asthma know what may become a reason of fit, so avoid contact with allergens before getting pregnant and during whole pregnancy. Try to control your state yet before pregnancy.
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can cause complication both of mother's and unborn baby's health. For women it is connected with risk of refusal of kidneys work, probability of hypertensic crisis or headache. Increase of a future mother's blood pressure may become a reason for decrease of blood inflow to placenta, what will lead to delays of fetus development, i.e. a baby will weigh less, than normal while birth.
If you had high blood pressure before pregnancy, then you just have to take care of it during all 9 months. Probably, gynaecologist will send you to therapeutist's or family doctor's observation with this purpose.
Before making a decision to become pregnant, women, suffering from hypertension, should consult a doctor. Some remedies against high blood pressure are safe for pregnant, some are not. On no account quit taking pills and reduce dose without a doctor's prescription! This can be dangerous. If you plan giving birth to a baby, ask you doctor about remedies you are taking against high blood pressure, and about safety of taking these medicines during pregnancy.
Heart diseases
During pregnancy load on heart increases about 50%. If you have sick heart, it is necessary for your doctor to know about it before you become pregnant.
Some heart diseases, such as mitral valve prolapse, can seriously complicate passing of pregnancy. Probably, you will even have to take antibiotics before delivery. Other heart diseases, such as inborn heart disease, may seriously influence state of health. In this case pregnancy and delivery are sometimes contra-indicated.
Consult your doctor as for heart diseases before you become pregnant.
Kidneys and urinary bladder diseases
Infections of urinary system, in particular urinary bladder, often appear during pregnancy. If you don't cure disease in time, infection may pass to kidneys, causing pyelonephritis.
Infections of urinary bladder and pyelonephritis may lead to premature birth. If you ever suffered from pyelonephritis or repeating infections of urinary system, this should be determined before pregnancy.
Stones in kidneys also may complicate passing of pregnancy. This disease is accompanied by severe pains in lower part of belly, so it is quite difficult to diagnose it during pregnancy. Moreover, stones in kidneys may become a reason of appearance of infections of urinary system and pyelonephritis.
If you ever had some only infection of urinary bladder, you should not worry a lot. But you still should inform your doctor about it. He will decide whether you need to pass more careful observation before pregnancy.
Thyroid gland diseases
Thyroid gland diseases may appear both because of excess or lack of thyroid hormone. Excess of hormone is called thyrotoxicosis. In this case metabolism in human organism is speeded up. This may be caused by Graves' disease. Thyrotoxicosis is usually cured with help of operation of medicinal remedies, reducing content of thyroid hormone in organism. If you don't cure this disease, there's rather high level of risk premature birth and giving birth to a baby with low weight.
You can carry our treatment during pregnancy too: there're quite safe preparations, which pregnant women may take.
Lack of thyroid hormone - hypothyroidism - is usually caused by disease of autoimmune origin. In this case thyroid gland is damaged by anti-bodies, which are produced by your organism. While hypothyroidism taking of thyroid hormones is prescribed. Not cured hypothyroidism threatens with sterility or habitual noncarrying of pregnancy.
If you have thyrotoxicosis or hypothyroidism, you need to pass through observation before pregnancy, to determine doses of medicinal remedies, necessary for treatment. In the process of pregnancy your necessity in preparations may change, and then you will have to pass another observation.
Anemia means that there's lack of haemoglobin in your organism. There're several reasons and in connection with this several kinds of anemia. Symptoms of anemia are weakness, giddiness, lack of air and pale skin.
During pregnancy necessity of organism in iron and iron-containing substances increases. If in the beginning of pregnancy you suffer from lack of iron in blood, anemia increases this lack. So you need to take vitamins and preparations, containing full choice of microelements, necessary for organism.
One of specific types of anemia - sicle-cell disease, which is passed genetically: it is mainly spread among black population. If you suffer from sicle-cell disease, your organism is deprived of oxygen. Passing of this kind of anemia can be very painful, and it also may serve as a reason for other diseases and complications during pregnancy. Sicle-cell disease cannot be cured and may be passed to your baby. Women, suffering from sicle-cell disease, have very high percent of miscarriages and infections of urinary system. They also may suffer from high blood pressure and painful hypertension strokes.
Another kind of anemia - thalassanemia is also passed genetically. If some of your relatives suffers from thalassanemia or you suppose you can have it, check it before pregnancy.
Lupus is a vascular disease of autoimmune origin. This means your organism produces anti-bodies that may destroy your organs or influence functions of these organs negatively. Lupus can affect different organs, including joints, kidneys, lungs and heart.
This disease is hard to diagnose. One woman of 700 in the age from 15 to 64 years suffers from lupus. Among black women it is met more often, in one case of 254. As a rule, lupus more often strikes women, than men, especially women of genital age, i.e. from 20 to 40 years.
Lupus treatment is highly individual and usually means taking if steroids. It is better not to become pregnant during fit of this disease, as miscarriages are extremely often among women suffering from lupus. Risk of giving birth to a dead baby also increases.
Babies, born from mothers, suffering from lupus, can have rash. They also can have different heart diseases. Premature birth and delay of pre-natal development of fetus are also quite possible.
If you suffer from lupus, consult your doctor before pregnancy definitely.
Epilepsy and epileptic seizures
Epilepsy - is a chronic disease, characterized by different kinds of seizures (fits). Most often epilepsy is displayed by big and small epileptic seizures. Chance of giving birth to a baby with epileptic disease can be 1 of 30 for women, suffering from epilepsy. Such babies have risk of in-born diseases, probably, connected with medicines, which a future mother took during pregnancy.
If you take medicines against epilepsy, it is very important to consult your doctor before pregnancy. Discuss doses and type of medicines, which you take, as many preparations, relieving seizures of epilepsy, cause in-born diseases in babies. However, there are safe remedies for fetus, for example, Phenobarbital.
Seizures can be dangerous both for mother and fetus. So it is especially important to take remedies precisely according to a doctor's prescription during pregnancy. On no account reduce dose or quit taking medicine yourself, without a doctor!
About 15-20% of all pregnant women suffer from migraine. Many women notice improvement of health during pregnancy. If you are going to take pills against headache during pregnancy, check with your doctor how much they are safe for you and future baby.
Cancerous growths
A question of probability of cancer's influence on pregnancy depends on the fact which organ it stroke and how wide is growth. Breast cancer is most often form of cancer, met among women. If you had breast cancer, this will not influence pregnancy anyway, and pregnancy, in its turn, will not cause breast cancer.
Many doctors advice to wait 2-3 years with childbirth after breast cancer treatment. It is very important to discuss case history and method of treatment with your doctor yet before pregnancy. Situation may become quite complicated, if you are pregnant and pass treatment at the same time. Many medicines and remedies against cancer are not safe for future mother and baby.
Other diseases
We examined only some chronic diseases. However, any disease can be dangerous for future baby. So if you suffer from some chronic disease or have to take medicines constantly, discuss it with your doctor.
General rule is following: it is better not to take medicines or pass any medical treatment at the moment of conception and on early stages of pregnancy. Laying of all organs and tissues of a baby takes place during 1st trimester of pregnancy, and during this period you need to protect a future baby from harmful influences of medicines or observations. You will feel better and calmer, if you solve all these problems before pregnancy.

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Pregnancy Loss - A Short Note On A Few Eventualities

40 weeks of week-by-week, pregnancy information is necessary to enlighten women who are pregnant. The privilege of giving birth to a new life cannot perhaps be equaled by any other feeling or event. However, there are some undesired circumstances like false pregnancy or miscarriage pregnancy, which cast a pall on the divine happiness of giving birth. This article sheds light on a few of such specific cases related to pregnancy, which could result in not-so-perfect situations.
1.False Pregnancy - This is a case where there is actually no pregnancy. False pregnancy is in fact a scenario where women facing family troubles, undergoing intense conflict, or experiencing a sharp desire to conceive or any other psychologically disturbing situation, tend to believe that they are pregnant. All apparent symptoms of a true pregnancy for the initial few weeks of false weekly pregnancy are displayed. Yet there is no pregnancy. This actually cannot be really considered as a termination of pregnancy, because in medical sense there is no pregnancy.
2.Miscarriage Pregnancy - Also referred to as spontaneous abortion, this is technically a situation, in which the pregnancy ends on its own within the first 20 weeks. Practically however, miscarriage pregnancy is a turmoil, which leaves the affected in a state of distress and in weak physical health. One of the most common types of pregnancy loss, miscarriage pregnancy can result from a number of reasons including, hormonal changes, maternal trauma, and improper implantation of the egg in the uterus lining and adverse lifestyles.
3.Lupus Pregnancy - Lupus patients have been told since ages that they cannot give birth to healthy children. Advances in medical science have however, proved this assertion a myth. Lupus pregnancies though are high-risk situations. All that is required is close monitoring of both mother's and child's health all through the 40 weeks of week by week pregnancy.
4.Termination of Pregnancy - Another situation that leads to pregnancy loss is deliberate termination of pregnancy. It is a course opted for due to various reasons. In a few instances, expected complications in pregnancies lead even the experts to suggest that the pregnancy should be deliberately terminated.
5.Ectopic Pregnancy - It is a medical situation wherein the pregnancy is terminated because the fertilized ovum is implanted anywhere other than the uterine wall. Most of the times, this incorrect implantation occurs in the Fallopian tube, which is why Ectopic pregnancy is also referred to as tubal pregnancy.
The above-mentioned situations, most of which have been well researched by medical sciences, lead to pregnancy loss during the conception period. Only apt medical guidance & extreme caution during the 40 weeks of week-by-week pregnancy can help avoid these pregnancy complications.

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Pregnancy Spotting - What Causes Vaginal Spotting During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy spotting during the first trimester of pregnancy is the most normal sign of pregnancy. Though women tend to worry about the spotting found in vaginal areas, medical professionals advise them not to worry about the condition. Chances of vaginal spotting to appear vary from seven weeks of pregnancy to nine weeks. This vaginal spotting results from the implantation of the embryo in the lining of the uterus. This type of bleeding, which is also an early sign of pregnancy is termed as implantation bleeding. Mild spotting or bleeding from the vagina is not something to be worried about and you need not seek the help of doctors. However, when the bleeding seems to be heavy and accompanies cramping abdominal pain, please your doctor immediately.
What Does Vaginal Spotting Signal In Pregnancy?
Although to an extent, pregnancy spotting is completely normal and harmless in early pregnancy. However, bleeding beyond a level it may signal certain serious problems happening inside the pregnant woman's body. In such cases, the expectant mothers should consider a few pregnancy tests to ascertain that both their and their babies' health is fine and devoid of any possible pregnancy risk. Mainly on observing heavy vaginal bleeding, pregnant women are suggested a screening of their condition through examinations. If you experience heavy bleeding, rush to an emergency clinic or hospital if you cannot contact your gynecologist.
What Causes Vaginal Spotting?
There can be diverse reasons that lead to pregnancy spotting in the early months of pregnancy. This spotting is somewhat different from how normal menstruation appears. Spotting is usually experienced as a light form of vaginal bleeding before the start and end of your menstruation cycle. The main reason why this bleeding occurs is the increase in the supply of blood to the cervix and pelvis area. Spotting differs from the color of normal menstruation. The color of pregnancy spotting can be pink, dark red to brown or resembling the color of dried blood.
So what are the causes of pregnancy spotting in the early stage of pregnancy? Medical experts answers this question taking into account the following factors -

  • First, is bleeding due to implantation in the uterus. As the embryo is attached to the walls of uterus at about 6 to 7 days after fertilization, bleeding is secreted from the vagina. The fertilized egg by itself is attached to the uterus wall, so slight spotting results from this process of implantation.

  • Ectopic pregnancy can also be a reason why some women experience pregnancy spotting. Implantation and thereafter, development of the baby outside the uterus can cause vaginal bleeding. Outside the uterus, the embryo mainly begins to develop in the fallopian tube, which is why this ectopic pregnancy is also termed as tubal pregnancy or molar pregnancy. Molar pregnancy marks a diminished chance for the fetus to survive and marks an early termination of pregnancy.There are other causes of pregnancy spotting too, such as certain infections like vaginal or yeast infections or bacterial infections, sexually transmitted infections like gonorrhea, Chlamydia, herpes etc. Stay alert to vaginal spotting and take the right precautions when it occurs.

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    The First Week Sign Of Pregnancy - Time To Get Alerted Of Your Pregnancy

    The first week sign of pregnancy ticks the alarm that you have started blooming a new life inside you. The pregnancy symptoms are not so visible in the first week of pregnancy. Both your physical and mental health undergoes certain changes after you become pregnant. Make a note of all these changes that start surfacing as early pregnancy symptoms within a couple days from conceiving. Onset of these symptoms at the first week of pregnancy marks implantation of fetus in the uterus and gradual development of it in your body. Drastic hormonal changes take place during this phase to support growth of the baby and the symptoms are just your body's reaction to these changes. Hence, take care of your body and monitor each first week sign of pregnancy and add to your pregnancy journal to create a week by week pregnancy calendar till the end of nine months course of pregnancy. Pregnancy journals or calendars help women to observe if they are making healthy progress towards childbirth.
    How To Determine First Week Of Pregnancy
    Now many women wonder how to calculate their pregnancy. Which is the first day of their nine months course of pregnancy? Usually, the first day of the last menstrual period commences the nine months duration of pregnancy. That means the day on which the last normal menstrual period ends is the day when you have become pregnant.
    Usually, the ovulation is a thirty-day period and during this time, egg from ovary travels gets into fallopian tube where it is fertilized by a sperm and then descends to uterus for getting developed. The period when the fertilized egg gets into the inner lining of the uterus is considered the first week of pregnancy. Implantation of the fertilized egg at the inner lining of the uterus can be perceivable by slight bleeding and other symptoms. Take care to notice each first week sign of pregnancy for the right calculation of the pregnancy period and to be prepared for the childbirth, gradually.
    First Week Pregnancy Symptoms
    Following are the most probable changes pregnant women are supposed to undergo at the first week of pregnancy -

  • When you are suddenly experiencing a degree of enhanced exhaustion even If you are a full-fledged healthy, active workingwoman, you should take it seriously. Women many tend to feel a heightened level of exhaustion and may even faint due to low blood pressure.

  • Feeling nausea in the morning or throughout the day is a prevalent first week sign of pregnancy. Often your stomach may prone to feel queasy and feel aversion to foods.

  • Frequent urination is another first week sign of pregnancy. If you are expecting pregnancy, you may rush to bathroom more frequently than ever. Enlarging of your uterus to accommodate growth of the fetus inside it pushes your bladder and cause frequent urination.

  • Implantation bleeding is a significant first week sign of pregnancy. Because this bleeding results from implanting of egg in the uterus, it is termed as implantation bleeding. This light bleeding may accompany slight abdominal cramping.

  • Your breasts will show significant changes such as varicose veins, getting larger, more tender, sore and sensitive.

  • You will undergo dramatic mood swings and depression, anxiety, sudden onset of joy etc. This drastic transition of mood is an outcome of hormonal changes.

  • Gas is an embarrassing first week sign of pregnancy. However, you can reduce such discomforts by enriching your meals with adequate fibers and cutting down on spices. Constipation can accompany this gas symptom of pregnancy.
  • To reduce discomforts of first week sign of pregnancy, consume proper diet containing vitamin, mineral and folic acid as per charted by your doctor.

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    Early Pregnancy Symptom - How to Detect Pregnancy by Yourself

    Pregnancy calls for one of the most beautiful phase in a woman's life being accompanied by each early pregnancy symptom. These pregnancy symptoms have always been a source of joy as well as often anxieties. Many women are unaware of early pregnancy symptoms and what development each symptom indicates. Moreover, to start planning for a family with your new baby, you must be knowledgeable about pregnancy symptoms and to what extent they are normal. If you observe the signs of pregnancy to increase and decrease abnormally, you must consult with your physician.
    Therefore, pregnant women need to be familiar with all the probable early pregnancy symptoms. She also needs to know the difference between pregnancy and non-pregnancy symptoms. The period, intensity and the sequence of arrival of pregnancy symptoms largely vary from one woman to another. So, before you start fretting over absence of a particular symptom that your friend or sister might have undergone at your stage, get facts on each early pregnancy symptom from this article.
    How Your Body Tells That You Are Pregnant
    During pregnancy, women undergo many changes. Drastic hormonal changes in body are because of the physical and psychological changes a woman undergoes during pregnancy. This hormonal change takes place to support the development of the fetus inside. All women tend to experience some common symptoms in the early trimester of the pregnancy period. Each early pregnancy symptom appears in the same manner, but slight differences can be expected. Now let us discuss about pregnancy symptoms and how to identify them -
    Implantation Bleeding
    Implantation bleeding is also known as vaginal spotting. This is a very common early pregnancy symptom and takes place when the fertilized egg gets attached to uterus walls. In following ways you will get to differentiate implantation bleeding from common vaginal bleeding -

  • It appears approximately five days after fertilization

  • Color of this vaginal discharge appears to be light unlike dark bleeding of menstruation.

  • An increase in discharge will also signal you about pregnancy.

  • Many women also experience slight cramping pain during implantation bleeding.
    If you happen to experience similar symptoms within a week of conceiving, consider a home pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy.
  • Frequent Urination
    Increased frequency in urination is a significant early pregnancy symptom. Stretch in ligaments and hormonal changes may lead pregnant women rush to loo. As your uterus enlarges to accommodate development of the fetus, it starts occupying spaces of bladder and pushes it, which is why you may feel a surge of urine now and then.
    Tender, Sore Breasts
    Another very important early pregnancy symptom is tenderness and painful breasts. After conceiving, you will notice your breasts to enlarge accompanied by a feeling of tenderness due to the hormonal changes in body.
    High Temperature
    If you notice that your basal body temperature is increasing after conception, then you know you are pregnant. When your body temperature remains high for a number of days even if you are not having menstruation, it is an early pregnancy symptom.
    Missed Periods
    A missed period id considered one of the surest pregnancy symptoms to be felt at the earliest stage. However, it may arrive before or after any other early pregnancy symptom and extensively vary in women.
    Fatigue and Weakness
    Pregnancy brings enormous feeling of exhaustion. When you tend to feel fatigue and dizziness with any other symptom, you need to contact an expert. As per medical experts, fainting is a common early pregnancy symptom. Along with exhaustion, you might feel sickness in different time of the day with discomforts of nausea. Though pregnant women may feel at any time or throughout the day, this early pregnancy symptom is known as 'morning sickness'.
    Before you consult your gynecologist, you need to prepare a proper and detailed pregnancy journal mentioning each early pregnancy symptom to help him or her detect pregnancy accurately.

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    Vaginal Itching - Causes And Remedial Measures

    Being a woman is not easy as there a lot of uncomfortable and embarrassing health conditions they have to go through sometimes like vaginal itching, dryness, burning and a loose vagina. In this article we are going to discuss about an embarrassing medical condition called vaginal itching and find out its causes and some of the remedial measures women can take to experience relief.
    There are millions of women worldwide who suffer from vaginal dryness or pruritus vulvae. It is characterized by a feeling of irritation and tingling sensation in the vaginal area. Itching in the vagina is not limited to any age group and can affect a woman at any point in life.
    Causes of Vaginal Itching
    There are a whole lot of factors that can contribute to this condition but mainly it is caused due to use of jellies, chemical irritants, synthetic clothes, contraceptive foams and sometimes birth control pills. The vaginal area as is well-known is very delicate in nature and slight change in its chemical balance can cause a lot of problems through intrusion of bacteria leading to infections. A woman who is nearing her menopause or going through it has more chances of suffering from vaginal problems because during menopause phase the natural hormonal balance gets affected mainly reduction of estrogen in the body leads to problems like vaginal itching as it is the main hormone responsible for looking after the health of a vagina.
    If a woman is experiencing itching in the vagina it could also be a symptom of a yeast infection which are caused due to disturbance in the bacterial environment in the vaginal area. Conditions like diabetes, low immunity and STD and intake of antibiotics and birth control pills area a major cause of this condition.
    Remedial Measures
    There are a lot of measures that can be taken to experience relief from itching and burning in the vagina. Let us examine some of them and find out if they could be of any benefit to you.
    Visit Your Gynecologist
    If you suffer or experience any noticeable changes in your vaginal health you should visit your gynecologist who would thoroughly examine you and prescribe some medicines and creams.
    There is help available at home also in the form of alternative medicine. Natural tea tree oil, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar are some effective remedies for vaginal itching.
    In homeopathy there is a product called vagi-soothe which has a lot of positive customer testimonials and it is registered with the FDA. It has been deemed to be a very good remedy for getting rid of burning and itching in the vaginal area.