What Causes Female Infertility and How to Reverse It

The condition of not being able to get pregnant after at least one year of trying to become pregnant is called infertility. There are several factors than can be the cause of a woman having trouble getting pregnant.
To identify the causes for infertility it is first important to understand how fertilization takes place. An egg must be released from one of the ovaries of the woman. The egg enters the fallopian tube and goes toward the uterus. The male sperm penetrates and fertilizes the egg. The egg that has been fertilized attaches to the uterus inside allowing for implantation.
Infertility is brought about by any interference in the fertilization process. Effects of infertility can be painful emotionally for women with feelings of anger, frustration, depression, guilt, anxiety and confusion on a daily basis. This makes the need to find the cause for infertility very important.
What Causes Female Infertility?
• Ovulation problems are the main cause for infertility in the female. Simple to understand once you understand the fertilization process. Without ovulation there is not an egg to fertilize.
• Age is a factor since fertility is at its peak for women and men in their mid-twenties. Over the age of 35 the chance of conceiving may be problematic.
• Weight can be a factor both being overweight or underweight. Being overweight or obese may create ovulation problems causing infertility. Low body weight or frequent dieting can cause amenorrhea which is loss of menstrual cycles making ovulation difficult.
• High stress can affect the ability to conceive by interfering with ovulation.
• Smoking can affect the ability to get pregnant. Smoking can lead to cervical and fallopian tube problems, irregular menstrual cycles, and an imbalance of hormones. As a general rule nonsmokers conceive quicker than smokers.
• Poor diet can cause infertility due to the fact hormone regulation is dependent upon good nutrition. Sugars and caffeine has been identified with infertility and large quantities of these foods should be avoided to increase fertility.
• Alcohol consumption on a regular basis can cause irregular menstrual cycles.
• Athletic training can lead to amenorrhea and eating disorders which can affect fertility.
• Sexually transmitted disease (STD's) or infection can cause infertility.
• Underlying health problems which can cause hormonal changes increase the risk of infertility.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4009080

Infertility Symptoms in Both Men and Women

The usual criteria for diagnosing infertility is when a couple has been unable to become pregnant after a year of unprotected sex. A couple can enjoy overall health, engage in sexual activity on a regular basis, and be free of other risk factors - and yet suffer from infertility.
There are some early warning signs, however, that can help you determine if you might have a fertility problem, without having to try for a year before discovering it.
For women the first of these signs are irregular menstrual cycles. Irregular menstrual cycles, or cycles that are very long or short can indicate ovulation issues.
Another problem associated with your menstrual cycle is flow and cramping. While bleeding is considered normal if it lasts between 3 to 7 days, there may be a problem if the flow is very heavy or very light.
Here irregularity is also a concern - if the amount or coloring of flow, or length of bleeding time varies from month to month, or if you suffer from debilitating menstrual cramps - you need to visit your doctor. These are also possible indications of a fertility issue.
You may also be already considered as infertile if you have experienced three successive miscarriages. While a single miscarriage is quite common - occurring in as many as 10% to 20% of pregnancies - three in a row indicate a more serious problem.
If you are older than 35, you are already at a higher risk for infertility. At age 30, a woman has a 20% chance of conceiving on any given menstrual cycle. But by age 40, she only has a 5% chance. If after six months of trying, you have not become pregnant, you should see a doctor.
Weight can also affect your fertility. If you are outside the BMI range for your age and height (either under or overweight), this can negatively impact your chances of becoming pregnant, as can poor diet and excessive exercise.
For men, infertility issues are not so obvious. Since male factor infertility is usually about sperm, which are microscopic, you cannot "see" low sperm counts, mobility, or abnormally-shaped sperm. However, if your partner experiences any type of sexual dysfunction, it could be symptomatic of a fertility issue.
If you and/or your partner have a chronic illness, this can also affect your ability to become pregnant. Thyroid disorders and diabetes in and of themselves can affect your fertility.
In addition, insulin, thyroid hormones, antidepressants, hypertension medications, and Tagamet (for peptic ulcers) can all affect fertility. Whether you or your partner suffer from a chronic illness, or are on a medication with fertility side effects, you should talk with your doctor about alternatives.
In addition, treatments for cancer (for either partner) can affect fertility, as can previous STDs. You should definitely seek guidance from your doctor in these cases.
Also, if either partner smokes or drinks alcohol, this can have a negative impact on fertility, affecting conception odds in women and impacting sperm in men.
It is important that evaluate your potential fertility risks before you hold yourself to the year-of-unprotected-sex standard, as you may be able to become pregnant more easily and quickly by dealing with these issues right away.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3730916

A Look At Why Women Experience Low Sex Drive

There are a number of reasons why many women experience low sex drive. Low sex drive can be brought on by many physical problems. The most severe medical issues related to low sex drive are disorders that affect the neural (nervous) system or cause nerve damage, such as Diabetes, Multiple Sclorosis, Parkinson's Disease, and stroke.
If you have poor circulation, blood won't flow properly to the genetalia, and will not only make arousal more difficult, but can inhibit your natural lubrication, making intercourse painful and unpleasant. This can also happen as a result of Urinary Tract Infections (UTI), STD's, and liver disorders. Alcohol can aggravate these conditions, increasing with age, as can smoking.
Hormones play an important part in sexual interest, and any type of hormonal imbalance will also affect sex drive. Women who are nearing or experiencing menopause, are pregnant or postnatal, or who have had a full or partial hysterectomy, may experience low sex drive, as a result of fluctuating levels of the hormones estrogen and prolactin.
Certain medications, including birth control pills, blood-pressure pills, and anti-depressants, can cause hormonal imbalance and low libido as well. Androgens, such as testosterone, decline in women with age, but there is still much debate about whether or not low levels of testosterone have anything to do with a decrease in libido and treating a woman who is experiencing low libido with testosterone can prove effective for some.
Excess weight and inactivity are other common causes of lessened sexual desire. Being overweight contributes to many physical and mental issues, including fatigue, depression, insecurity, and more importantly, high cholesterol, breathing difficulties, and heart strain.
Any of these, alone or combined, can have a major negative impact on sex drive. Exercising often, even if it's only a 20 minute walk every other day, can greatly improve your overall sense of well-being, and libido.
For some women, low sex drive stems from a psychological or emotional issue. The most common complaint is stress. Since women are emotional creatures, stressful situations can and often do affect every aspect of our lives. Marital or relationship problems, financial struggles, life crisis, anxiety, problems at work, excess weight, religious repression, guilt - there are endless factors that can cause stress and, in turn, a decline in sexual interest.
For a much more detailed explanation which takes you step by step into the causes of low sex drive in women and an in-depth look into some of the best vitamins and herbs for low sex drive in women, please see: http://www.womans-health.net/low_sex_drive.htm.
While there are several medical options that help improve low sex drive, you may only need to look as close as your personal habits and your kitchen.
Aside from frequent exercise, there are many foods and spices that will not only make you healthier, but will make you feel better, improve your mood, and raise libido. Remember: anything that is good for your overall health is good for your sex drive as well.
A low-fat, well balanced diet, including things like cold water fish, such as salmon, a lot of vegetables, and avoiding high-sugar, starchy foods, junk foods, and sodas, is a great place to start. Spices such as cumin, cayenne, and curry warm your body, and will also act as a kind of aphrodisiac. So, try putting a new spin on the term "romantic dinner," and see what you can cook up, both in - and out - of the kitchen.
For more articles like this see: Woman’s Health [http://www.womans-health.net/index.htm] and Woman’s Health Blog [http://www.womans-health.net/wordpress].

Enhancing Fertility - A Medical Intuitive and Nutrient Approach

For many couples, the inability to conceive a child is one of the most stressful and heartbreaking times in their relationship. In the early 21st century we are faced with issues of exposure to environmental estrogens, low sperm counts, and a wide group of other factors that affect fertility.
There are many causes of infertility for couples. Some are from the physical body and others are from the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It is beyond the scope of this article to cover all of them. As many infertility treatments are costly and time consuming, I would recommend consulting a Medical Intuitive or other healing practitioner before starting standard infertility treatments such as fertility drugs or IVF.
Infertility occurs almost equally in men and women. 30 % of infertility is attributable to women and 30% to men. An additional 30% is attributable to both partners and remaining 10% is unknown. A recent study published by the CDC stated that one out of every 132 men in the U.S. is infertile.
What are the Causes of Female Infertility?
There are many physical body reasons for infertility in women. Some of these are anovulatory cycles (a menstrual cycle that has varying degrees of menstrual intervals and the absence of ovulation and a luteal phase). amenorrhea (suppression or absence of menstruation), luteal phase defects, premature ovarian failure, and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and prolactin levels that are too high.
Sometimes anatomical problems in women's fallopian tubes from a previous surgery or past pelvic inflammations will prevent the eggs from traveling through the tubes.
Other factors such as uterine growths fibroids and endometriosis are common causes of infertility in women. Thyroid conditions, diabetes, celiac and inflammatory bowel disease may also cause infertility.
Additionally alcohol and certain hormones, antibiotics, antidepressants, and pain medications will impair conception.
What can a woman do generally to enhance her fertility?
Have a hair analysis test. This test will show what exposure you have to toxic metals and/or other chemicals that will lower fertility.
Limit exposure to second hand smoke, as cigarette smoke contains toxic metals known to have negative effects on fertility.
Avoid caffeine.
Taking an organic acid metabolic profile test will also show your exposure environmental toxins and pollutants.
Nutritional supplementation to enhance female fertility
Note: Unless otherwise stated all dosages described in this article may be divided and taken with meals. Folic Acid: increases cervix health and also interferes with HPV Infections, 800-1200 mcg per day. B Vitamins: A full spectrum B complex that includes 100mg of each of the B vitamins and 100mcg of B-12 (Methylcobalamin). Iron: As part of your normal blood tests have your doctor order a test for ferritin and a complete blood count (CBC) which will show how much iron you would need. The best form of iron is carbonyl iron. Take iron with vitamin C. Vitamin C : 1000mg per day of Vitamin C will help to increase ovulation. Chasteberry (Vitex agnus castus) 500-750mg per day. Reduces prolactin release and lengthens luteal phases and improves progesterone production in the body. Natural progesterone cream : rub into soft skin areas. Massage well into skin. Use in morning and evening. Works well with Chasteberry to enhance female fertility. Tribulus terrestris fruit extract (standardized to 40% total saponins) 500 mg 3x per day. Tribulus terrestris increases incidence of productive ovarian cycles. Prenatal vitamins : Prenatal vitamins are excellent to use while a woman is trying to become pregnant. Many studies have shown that woman who used prenatal vitamins had a significant increased number of conceptions.
What are the causes of Male Infertility?
Male infertility is caused by problems with sperm production and delivery. Sometimes a man may have some anatomical problem such as one or more testes that do not descend, or a ductal obstruction from infection, or inflammation. Hormonal dysfunction is also a common cause of male infertility.
As discussed above just as with women certain drugs may also cause infertility in men. Common high blood pressure, arthritis, and digestive drugs effect sperm production and mobility. STDs also will affect male fertility.
What can a man do generally to enhance his fertility?
Note: Unless otherwise stated all dosages described in this article may be divided and taken with meals. Zinc (zinc monomethionine): 30 mg per day. Multiple studies have shown that low Zinc levels have a very negative effect on sperm production. Antioxidants (selenium, Vitamins A, C, and D) Selenium (selenomethionine): 200 mcg per day, Vitamin A (natural beta carotene) , 1500 IU per day, Vitamin C 1000mg per day, Vitamin D 1000 IU per day and Vitamin E 1000 IU per day. Antioxidants are needed by the male body for sperm function, viability and to increase sperm count. Glutathione: 500mg per day on an empty stomach. Glutathione is a molecule synthesized in the body from the three amino acids L-glutamic acid, L-cysteine, and glycine. Glutathione is one of the body's most powerful and important antioxidants. Both Glutathione and selenium are needed by the male body for a protein that enables sperm mobility. Coenzyme CoQ10: 200mg per day. CoQ10 increases sperm count fertilization rates and mobility. Arginine: 3000mg per day on an empty stomach. Arginine significantly increases sperm mobility.
Caution: Do not use Arginine if you are diabetic, have cancer or have had ocular or brain herpes. In some people, a high level of Arginine will cause reactivation of herpes viruses in the body such as cold sores or genital herpes. Also persons with phenylketonuria (PKU) should not use Arginine. Korean Ginseng (Panax Ginseng) 900mg per day. Multiple studies have shown that use of Panax Ginseng will increase sperm count and mobility. Pygeum africanum: 100mg per day. Pygeum africanum affects male fertility by helping the survival of sperm outside the male body. It also helps with the pH balance of prostatic fluid.
** Disclaimer** The material in this presentation is provided for information only and does not contain or convey medical advice or instruction. Always consult with your Doctor or other medical professionals before making any changes in medication, diet, or exercise.
The word "infertility" itself initiates despair, hopeless and a sense of finality. Fortunately, "not conceiving" may often be resolved by orchestrating a myriad of elements at the right time with the right ingredients along with positive intent and clear vision.
According to Medical Intuitive Christopher Stewart, women need to feel fully in charge of the fertility co-creation process and medical intuition offers that power as it "reads" your body authentically and clearly.
There are many reasons why a woman may not get pregnant. Some reasons are from the physical body, others are from the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It is beyond the scope of this article to cover them all. Many fertility treatments are costly and time consuming. I would recommend consulting a Medical Intuitive and/or other healing practitioner before starting standard procedures like fertility drugs or IVF. This helps integrate the best options for treatment from the very beginning.
Medical intuition is a safe, gentle, caring and monitored way to explore fertility potential, as well as obstacles to fertility and various concerns of each partner. Medical intuition provides a treatment of hope for women and their partners that may lead to conception and a healthy baby.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1030604

Bacterial Vaginosis, the Most Common Vaginal Infection That Affects Women

Many more women suffer with Bacterial Vaginosis or BV than other vaginal infections. It occurs when there is a growth in the vagina's bad bacteria. Every woman's vagina contains bacteria, BV flourishes when harmful bacteria grows more quickly than good bacteria. The bacteria thought to be triggers for a bout of bacterial vaginosis are Gardneralla and Mobiluncus both present in most women and normal.

How BV is Caught?

There is no one cause understood to lead to BV. No section of female society is free from the risk of bacterial vaginal infections but there are ways to help lower the chances of becoming infected.

Avoid the use of vaginal douches. Douches can kill off healthy bacteria found in the vagina allowing bad strains to multiply.

Have sex with less people

Make new partners wear a condom.

What are the symptoms for bacterial vaginosis?

Occasionally women don't experience any symptoms for bacterial vaginosis infections and a number of symptoms are signs of other infections of the vagina so if you have any concerns or are worried about symptoms you should consult a physician. If your vagina produces a strong fishy smell then you may well have caught an infection, the smell can often be worse after intercourse. If you have an itchy vagina or have a burning sensation when going to the toilet these could also be signs of a BV infection. You may have a discharge from the vagina when infected. Most women experience a discharge from the vagina at some time but, a sudden increase in the frequency or amount should be investigated.

Best Cures for BV

Often a breaking of old habits is the best option, especially if you get attacks continually. Antibiotics are often prescribed for bacterial vaginosis and normally very effective. Nowadays however, prescribing antibiotics without having an infection or patients not completing the full course of treatments has led to "Super Bacteria." These bacteria are resistant to normal antibiotics and require much more powerful antibiotics. Prescribed drugs kill off all strains of bacteria, not just the harmful ones, steps must be taken after treatment. The use of probiotics and reducing the number of sexual partners can both be beneficial.

Could BV lead to other conditions?

I'm afraid so. Without help BV increases the likelihood of becoming infected with STDs including HIV it also increases the possibility of you transferring disease to others. You a greater vulnerability of contracting Pelvic Inflammatory Disease which can be disastrous for your ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus.

What Should I Do?

Start a treatment program right away. Follow a scientifically proven program designed to cure bacterial vaginosis [http://www.itchy-vagina.com/bacterial-vaginosis/] permanently.

Causes And Cures For Menstrual Pain

Menstrual pain refers to abdominal pain which precedes or occurs during a woman's menstrual period. It is sometimes referred to as menstrual cramps and usually occurs anytime from just after ovulation to the end of menstruation. Menstrual pain is mostly located in the region of the lower abdomen either centrally (suprapubic or umbilical) or on the sides and may radiate to the thighs or lower back. The pain, however, tends to subside as the menstrual flow gradually comes to an end.

In the early part of the menstrual cycle a woman's body gradually prepares itself for hosting a pregnancy by causing a thickening of the inner lining of the womb. After ovulation, if conception does not occur, this built-up inner lining of the womb is shed and removed from the body through menstruation. During this process the broken-down tissue of the inner lining release several chemical compounds, including prostaglandins, which cause the muscular wall of the womb to contract and this contraction helps to expel the shed tissue from the womb through the vagina in form of menstrual flow. However, this contraction also tends to constrict the blood vessels of the womb, hence reducing the oxygen supply to the womb, and this results in the cramp-like pain felt during menstruation. This process happens in every woman who menstruates, hence many women usually experience some degree of pain during their menstrual periods and this is not necessarily abnormal. The good news is that menstrual pain tends to reduce with increasing age and also with increasing number of children, i.e. the older you get and the more children you have, the less the menstrual pain becomes. However, when menstrual pain becomes excessive and incapacitating, or interferes with a woman's daily activities, then it becomes abnormal and is medically referred to as dysmenorrhea. Other symptoms which could be associated with dysmenorrhea include nausea, vomiting, change in bowel habit (diarrhea or constipation), headache, dizziness, disorientation, fainting, fatigue, and hypersensitivity to sound, light, smell and touch.

Now, dysmenorrhea (abnormally excessive menstrual pain) can be classified into 2 types, primary and secondary dysmenorrhea. The primary type refers to dysmenorrhea with no known cause (i.e. a physical or psychogenic cause cannot be found for the pain). The secondary type, however, can be caused by several medical conditions including, but not limited to, the following:
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STD's)
  • Fibroids
  • Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD) made of copper
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Endometriosis
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Stress and anxiety
Treatment of dysmenorrhea involves both pain management and specific therapies for any known cause.
Pain management includes:
  1. Drug therapy - the following types of drugs are known to be effective against menstrual pain
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's) like ibuprofen, piroxicam, diclofenac, etc.
  3. Other prescription pain relievers (including narcotic drugs), such as pentazocine, tramadol, codeine, etc.
  4. Hormonal contraceptives (birth control pills)
  5. Non-drug therapy - the following non-drug home remedies have been reported to relieve or at least reduce menstrual pain in some women:
  6. drinking warm beverages
  7. taking warm showers or baths
  8. applying a heating pad over the lower abdomen, below the belly button
  9. doing light circular massage with the finger tips over the lower abdomen
  10. avoiding heavy meals (eating light but frequent)
  11. increasing intake of dietary fibres (taking more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc) and reducing intake of salt, sugar, alcohol and caffeine (coffee).
  12. keeping the legs elevated while lying down or lying on ones side with the knees bent
  13. practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation and yoga
  14. doing regular exercises, including pelvic rocking exercises
  15. controlling ones weight (losing weight if overweight)
Cause-specific therapies include all treatments aimed at resolving any of the causes of secondary dysmenorrhea such as
  1. Antibiotics, for instance in treatment of PID and STD's
  2. Surgery, e.g. for fibroids, ovarian cysts, etc
  3. Hormonal therapy, e.g. in treating endometriosis
  4. Anti-depressants, e.g. in the management of PMS
  5. Nutritional supplements, e.g. thiamine (vitamin B1), magnesium, vitamin E, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, etc, have been shown to relieve or reduce menstrual pain, especially in primary dysmenorrhea. Thiamine, in particular, has been shown to provide a CURE, rather than mere pain suppression, in many women with primary dysmenorrhea.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6008227

About Bacterial Vaginosis and Pregnancy

Sometimes during the nine months of pregnancy you may exhibit symptoms of vaginal irritation, itching and burning that should be checked by your doctor or gynecologist.
There is a likelihood that you thought it's just another onset of yeast infection and you might have tried over-the-counter remedies (such as anti-fungal creams and suppositories). While this medication worked for you in the past, this time the remedy was not as effective as when you were diagnosed with Candida by your gynecologist.
Needless to say that such problems should be taken seriously, especially when you are carrying a child to give birth to because everything your body goes through could affect your unborn baby or affect your baby when it's born.
With Bacterial Vaginosis, cervical tenderness is likely as well as back and/or pelvic cramping. The condition is not so rare; one in five women will develop this bacterial infection during their pregnancy. BV can raise your risk for preterm labor and birth. There is also a higher risk of miscarriage as some studies have shown, as well as danger of a post delivery uterine infection or PPROM (preterm premature rupture of the amniotic membranes).
But there is no reason to panic: The majority of women who suffer from Bacterial Vaginosis have perfectly normal pregnancies. Women who are high risk are often screened for it. The problem with bacterial vaginosis is that it can only be treated with oral or topical antibiotics because it is a bacterial infection - unlike a Candida yeast infection.
Gynecologists will prescribe medication after the first trimester because it is best for the developing fetus.
There is a range of topic or oral drugs: Metronidazole like Vandazole, MetroGel-Vaginal, MetroGel Vaginal, Flagyl, Metro.
In some instances strep bacteria of the E-coli, staph or mycoplasma kind can beat the root of the problem. Vaginosis is contagious. However, men don't have any symptoms and aren't affected by it. When your vaginal pH grows to be 4.5 or above and your discharge is thin and yellow, white or gray, it can signal a Bacterial Vaginitis (BV) infection.
It can have a malodorous scent and the smell can be overpowering after sexual contact. Your gynecologist can take a sample and test it to determine what is wrong. Because bacterial vaginosis symptoms can often mimic the symptoms of other diseases and STDs it is important to be tested for a clear diagnosis.
Gonorrhea, Chlamydia or Trichomoniasis are sometimes present and the reason for your illness. There is an abundance of modern ways to treat and cure these issues and none of them are harmful to baby or to Mom.
Some women might not even show any symptoms and that is why it is advised to consult your doctor or physician if you are uncomfortable and feeling yucky.
Natural bacterial vaginosis remedies are good for soothing current symptoms and they can prevent it from recurring. However, pharmaceutical solutions are often necessary for a complete recovery. All in all, don't worry and stay healthy during your pregnancy!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5766596

HIV and Pregnancy

From the early days of the community learning about HIV, there have been a lot of questions and misconceptions about HIV. There have also been many advancements in the understanding of HIV and pregnancy. To understand how HIV affects pregnant women and their unborn child, it is important to understand what HIV is and how it can be contracted.
So, what is HIV? HIV stands for "Human Immunodeficiency Virus." Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that damages the immune system over time and is the virus that causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Our immune systems work on our behalf to keep us healthy and fight off infections. Many people with HIV do not know that they have HIV because they feel and appear healthy. They can infect others without even knowing it. While there is no known cure for HIV or AIDS, there are many treatments and trials that provide a better quality of life and, in some cases, extend the lives of those diagnosed with either HIV or AIDS.
Let's talk about how you DON'T get HIV. You don't get HIV from touching, hugging, or being around a person with HIV. You can't get HIV from bug bites or mosquitos. You can't get HIV from kissing unless one of you has an open sore or cut in/outside the mouth. You can't get HIV from giving blood. HIV is not transmitted through saliva.
Now, how CAN you contract HIV? HIV is transmitted through blood and bodily fluids including semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk. Basically, there has to be a way for the HIV virus to exit the infected person and an entry for the HIV virus to enter your body. The three most common ways to contract HIV is through unprotected sexual intercourse, sharing needles, and from mother to infant.
How do I know if I have HIV? The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend that women who may become pregnant, or who are pregnant, have an HIV test as soon as possible. If you are already pregnant, you may request an HIV test at any time during your pregnancy, usually at the first prenatal appointment. The earlier, the better to reduce the chance of mother to baby transmission.
If you test HIV-negative and have unprotected sex or share needles, you should be tested again during the pregnancy. You should ask to be tested again in your third trimester as sometimes it takes time for the virus to be present in blood tests. It is a good idea to be tested because you could have been exposed to HIV through unprotected sex, without knowing it and even without your partner knowing it. If you share needles, you may also be at higher risk of contracting HIV so a repeat HIV test is recommended.
Will my baby have HIV if I am HIV positive? If you discover that you are HIV positive during pregnancy, meet with your healthcare provider to discuss treatment options. You should begin treatment immediately and MUST follow your recommended treatment protocol during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and breastfeeding (and beyond) to reduce the possibility of passing HIV on to the baby. It is possible to deliver a baby that is not HIV positive. The earlier you begin antiviral treatment, the better the chances that your baby will not be HIV positive. If you test HIV positive, your newborn MUST take an antiviral treatment protocol to reduce the baby's chances of becoming infected with HIV.
Most women that are HIV positive have their babies delivered through caesarean section (C-section). However, some women that are HIV positive can have vaginal deliveries if they have a low viral load (low-level or undetectable HIV in blood).
In resource-rich countries, such as the United States, women that are HIV positive are strongly advised to use baby formula to feed their infants. Baby formula is the safest feeding method for infants born to HIV positive mothers. However, if you do not have access to baby formula, sterile bottles and clean water daily, breastfeeding may be your only option. In this case, it is even more important for you to continue to take your treatment protocol daily and for your baby to take her treatment protocol as well. Even if the mother and baby are both on antiviral medications, there is still a chance of passing HIV on to the infant through breast milk.
Thanks to research, education, and improved treatments, many people with HIV live long, healthy lives. As with most illnesses, prevention, early detection and strict adherence to treatment protocols can lead to favorable outcomes.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9565309

Understanding Infertility and the Statistics

If you think you have a fertility problem, you may feel all alone. But your not. In fact, infertility affects more than 6 million American women and their partners. That's about 10 percent of Americans who are of reproductive age. Some estimates put the figure as high as 20 percent! Infertility affects men and women with almost equal frequency.
It's important to remember that many different conditions can affect your ability to conceive. Bur it's equally important to remember that recent advances in drug therapy, microsurgery, and assisted reproductive technologies are making it possible for half to three-quarters of the couples seeking treatment to conceive.
The longer a woman waits to conceive, the longer it will take her. The optimal time for a woman to conceive is between the ages of twenty-two and twenty-six. However, many women in their early twenties do not want to conceive-they may not be married, or they may be busy pursuing a education or careers, or they just may not feel ready to start their families.
Fertility starts declining after the age of thirty and more rapidly after thirty-five. A woman under thirty has about a 20 percent chance of conceiving each month. By the time she reaches forty, her chances of conceiving drop to only 5 percent each month.
Why is this? After age thirty, hormone levels start declining and eggs start deteriorating subtly. A woman is born with all her eggs-about 300,000. But as she approaches menopause, only a few thousand eggs-eggs that have been around for a lifetime-are left. And older eggs are not only not as fertilizable as young eggs, they're much more likely to carry chromosomal abnormalities such as Down Syndrome. But if you're older, don't despair-the majority of older women who carry a pregnancy to term give birth to healthy babies.
Fertility among men also decreases with age, although not as dramatically as for women. Older men tend to have lower levels of testosterone, and this in turn affects their sexual drive, as well as their ability to achieve and maintain an erection. Older men are also more likely to have medical conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, or diabetes, that can impair sexual ability.
In addition, older couples tend to have sex less often than younger couples. And the older you are, the greater the chances are that you have gotten illnesses that can interfere with your fertility, such as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), diabetes and thyroid disease.
While chance of conceiving decreases the older one gets, the chance of miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion, as it is called in the medical field, increases. Miscarriage is a relatively common occurrence. Ten to 12 percent of pregnancies in women under thirty-five years of age end in miscarriage; 18 percent of those between thirty-five and thirty-nine, and 34 percent of those between forty and forty-four, do as well. More than half the pregnant women forty-five or over miscarry.

About Women Fertility

Men & Women fertility is one of the most wide-spread problems in the world. Women who are not able to conceive after trying for a long time and women who have suffered multiple miscarriages may be suffering from fertility problem. More young couples have conception difficulties each year and definitely worst if couples in their 40's want to give birth to a child. Let's look at some of the factors that may be related to women fertility problem.
(1) Not ovulating regularly
Women should ovulate regularly each month. Irregularities in the hormone system can affect ovulation.
(2) Ectopic pregnancy
It is a major health problem for women of child bearing age. In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg implants in a location outside the uterus (usually in the fallopian tubes) and tries to develop there which ultimately ends in death of the foetus. Without timely diagnosis and treatment, ectopic pregnancy can become a life-threatening situation and thus requires immediate treatment. The earlier the condition is treated, the better the chance to preserve the fallopian tube intact for future normal pregnancies.
(3) Age
A woman of age 20 to 24 has their fertility at the peak. A woman of age 35 and above has difficulty in giving birth. Fertility is less than? of the maximum. A woman of age 40 to 45 has a 95 percent less chance than a woman in their 20s.
(4) Fallopian Tube blockages
The female fallopian tubes could be obstructed due to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), pelvic inflammatory disease, or certain surgeries.
(5) Overweight
Women who are overweight may have hormonal imbalances. Body fat levels that are 10 to 15 percent above normal can overload the body with estrogen, throwing off the reproductive cycle.
(6) Underweight
Body fat levels 10 to 15 percent below normal can completely shut down the reproductive process and thus not ovulating normally.
(7) Alcohol or Smoking
Smoking may increase the risk of infertility in women; and even moderate alcohol consumption (as few as five drinks a week) can impair conception.
(8) Medication
Taking medications like antidepressants, antibiotics, painkillers, and other drugs used to treat chronic disorders may cause temporary infertility. The above mentioned is for female fertility. However, you need to look at the male fertility too as it is the combination that can make you conceive. There may be cases that both the male and the female looks normal but still cannot conceive due to Unknown reasons.
The doctors may be giving you conventional women fertility treatments that may or may not correct the root causes of fertility. You may try a holistic approach that may give you a more healthy and practical way. For example, a taking herbs and vitamins, acupuncture and live a healthy lifestyle.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3470716