Reasons for a Cesarean Section

There are many reasons for having a Cesarean Section. Most are performed out of a real medical need, however some are not. Many women today even choose to have a c-section and the reasons for this also vary.
Whatever the reason, my intent is to help you understand why c-sections occur and why you might need one. I hope to help you prepare, accept and recover in the most positive, comfortable way possible.
How do you make a c-section birth a memorable, non-regretful experience?
It starts with taking control. Your doctor may say you need a c-section and you may very well need one, but it's really up to you to help yourself accept the idea. If you have time, get a second opinion or talk to others who have been in the same situation. Of course, in an emergency you won't have much time to debate the issue, which is why you should at least understand why c-sections are necessary and when they may not be.
Statistics show that women suffer a lesser degree of emotional stress and depression from having a c-section if they are prepared for the process, fully understand why it is needed and take part in the decisions being made.
If it has been determined you will need a c-section, the next step is to actively plan for it. This will help you create a c-section birth experience that is according to YOUR plan, not someone else's.
Of course, c-sections are not always planned; in fact many first time moms have a c-section without it ever crossing their minds that it could be necessary.
So how do you prepare for something you don't expect will happen.
"Expect the unexpected", have a plan that includes the possibility of a c-section.
My first born was an unexpected c-section. I was healthy, maintained good weight, had no physical complications, felt good during pregnancy but I had a c-section anyway. It caught me completely off guard. Needless to say my recovery, nursing and bonding with my baby were difficult for me. I managed ok, as we all do, but things were a lot harder and more stressful than they should have been.
When I became pregnant with my second child I had another c-section. The difference this time was that I was determined to make it a better experience. Of course, having already had one c-section I was better prepared to cope with recovery, breastfeeding, bonding at home, etc., but what a difference it makes when you can plan and foresee how to make things better. Yes, my second c-section was better but my first one could have been better too if I had worked the possibility into my plan.
The most important thing I want you to take from this is to be prepared. Fully understand and accept why a c-section may be necessary for you. Be ready should it happen and have a plan in place for the surgery, recovery, breastfeeding, bonding, handling fatigue and all the other elements that make your baby's birth the most enjoyable it can be.
Let's get started by looking at some of the common reasons for a planned and unplanned c-section:
Common reasons for a planned c-section:
- You have already had a c-section and your doctor recommends a repeat c-section.
Most medical professionals will recommend a repeat c-section if your last birth was a c-section. Doctors make this recommendation as a precaution because having a VBAC or vaginal birth after a c-section presents risk of uterine rupture. Having a VBAC is not as risky if you wait at least 18 months between births, however most doctors and many hospitals will advise against a VBAC. If you want to have a VBAC, find a doctor that will work with you.
- You have a large baby and she may be too big to pass through the birth canal.
Determining if a baby is too big to pass through the birth canal is not an exact science. There are moms who have delivered ten pound babies that delivered vaginally just fine, however the larger the baby the more towards a c-section the doctor will lean.
- Your baby is breech or in an abnormal position.
If your baby is not able to turn in the head down position a c-section will be required.
- The mother has HIV or active Herpes.
Passing through the birth canal puts your baby at risk of catching HIV or herpes. This is a clear indication a c-section will be needed.
- You have multiple babies.
If you have twins it's not guaranteed a c-section will be required but it is possible. If can depend largely on how the first baby to be born is positioned. If it is head down then a vaginal birth is more of a possibility. If the baby is in the breech position it's a much tougher call.
- The mother or baby have medical concerns that makes a vaginal delivery dangerous.
Any concerns that affect the life or health of the mother or baby will indicate a c-section. These concerns should be discussed in depth with your doctor.
Reasons for an unplanned c-section:
- Labor is too slow or stops.
Slow or stopped labor in itself is not a reason for a c-section, however if close monitoring shows fetal distress, slow heartbeat or other problems for baby, a c-section will be needed.
- The placenta may separate from the uterine wall.
This is known as Placental Abruption. If you are near your due date, you'll need to deliver your baby right away and most of the time a c-section is required.
- Your cervix stops dilating or your baby stops moving down the birth canal.
The baby stops moving down the birth canal and essentially gets 'stuck'. If attempts fail to get movement going again this can cause the baby's heart rate to drop. A c-section will be needed if things don't improve.
- The Placenta covering the cervix.
Called Placenta Previa, it's where Placenta blocks the ability for the baby to pass through the birth canal. It occurs in about 1 in every 250 pregnancies.
If you will need a c-section or suspect that you may need one, be sure to prepare yourself in advance. Having a c-section can be more difficult with regards to recovery but with careful planning and a good attitude you're birth experience can be a positive one.

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