How to Prevent and Overcome Prenatal Alcohol and Drug Exposure

Drug and alcohol abuse is one among the major challenges of an expecting mother. This usually has a lot of negative effects on the fetus during birth and can lead to other bigger problems in life.
To light up the issue associated with the use of drug and alcohol during pregnancy, a week has been launched to create awareness about this growing problem. Alcohol, drug, and pregnancy should not go together are the main scope of this event. Every year the Alcohol & Drug-Related Birth Defects awareness week starts on the 13th of May and will continue until the 19th. This awareness week targets mainly on the childbearing women whose age ranges from 15 years to 45 years.
It is not fair for an innocent soul to be punished because of its mother's poor decision. More babies could be prevented if their mothers are not indulged in drug and alcohol abuse. When mothers take proper care during their pregnancy, some problems, namely: low birth weight, the improper diameter of the head, age-related developments, epilepsy can be avoided.
Only some women will intake alcohol even after knowing about their pregnancy, whereas many are unaware that they are pregnant until their 4th to 6th week and consumption of these during that time might have already done enough damage to the fetus. Since all the women want to have a baby at some point in life, it is advice for mothers to quit using them if they are trying to get pregnant. Using any amount of drugs and alcohol is considered unsafe during pregnancy.
How to overcome prenatal alcohol and drug exposure
It is a must for everyone to attend the events related to this week to educate yourself and your family members know about the seriousness of it. Listed below are some ways to overcome the prenatal and drug exposure:
Join hands with your community members, nearby hospitals to create an awareness event. Seek attention from the wide range of audience by choosing the most attractive giveaway items. Some of them include caps, pocket pins, finger rings, wristbands. The interesting thing about choosing them is, they can be customized with personalized messages about the event.
Design posters, banners, templates related to the event and distribute it for free. Make use of the social media websites and popularize the events. Ideas include creating chat groups on Facebook, hashtags in Twitter and posting pictures related to the event on Instagram.
To be precise avoid drugs if you are wanting to get pregnant, that's the only way you can protect your child from the havoc caused by the usage of drugs. Since, it is easier for others to comment about the use of alcohol, for the sufferer, it is not really easy to come out of it. Speak with your healthcare professional and look after the ways to refrain yourself from using it. Also, you can find many counseling centers in and around your community to help people deal with such problems. Ideas discussed here are not based on the opinions or suggestions from a medical practitioner. Please check with your healthcare provider to get more information about this serious issue.

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10 Tips For A Healthy And Happy Pregnancy

To have a good pregnancy we not only have to look at physical health. Being healthy is fundamental in these moments, but also be mentally calm, prepared and happy. That is why we are going to give ten keys to a healthy and happy pregnancy, in which the mind and body combine in harmony to welcome a new member into our lives.
Eat and drink healthy during pregnancy
The diet has to be varied and balanced. The important thing is to take foods rich in nutrients and vitamins such as folic acid, iron, calcium, and iodine, but not in fats. The diet must be varied based on vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products, and legumes, without forgetting the daily contribution of meat and fish proteins.
A healthy diet includes maintaining correct hydration. Drinking enough water and milk to give us calcium is essential. We can also take juices, better natural and not sugary. Of course, let's forget about alcoholic beverages and coffee.
Take the recommended vitamin supplements
To complement a healthy diet the doctor will recommend certain vitamin supplements that include folic acid, along with other vitamin and mineral supplements also beneficial for pregnancy care, such as iron, iodine, calcium... In this way we help the fetus to develop properly, avoiding deficiencies that they could cause complications for both the baby and the mother.
Perform exercise during pregnancy
For our well-being and an ideal weight gain, it is fundamental to perform physical exercise appropriate to our state. Whether swimming, yoga, walking, the Pilates method...
By performing a moderate and constant exercise we will improve our cardiovascular and muscular condition and favor postural correction. All this will provide the pregnant woman with a better general physical condition and will allow her to face the work of pregnancy and childbirth with fewer risks.
Go to medical visits
Regularly visit the gynecologist to do the corresponding tests and obtain adequate prenatal care. This way we will monitor both the health of the baby and ours, having the possibility of consulting the specialist all our doubts and fears, as well as talking about our delivery plan. The prenatal tests will give us peace of mind, they will help us to "get closer" to the baby and with the ultrasound, we will have their first images for the memory.
Wear appropriate clothes
We must wear comfortable clothing (including shoes), appropriate to the increase in weight and volume we experience. This will help the blood circulate better, our movements are correct and not forced and the skin stays healthy. It's not about being dressed like bags of potatoes, since fortunately being pregnant is no longer at odds with going fashion, and many stores sell beautiful pre-mama clothes. The heels can wait but feel comfortable and beautiful with a nice "wrap" favors a psychic well-being important at this time.
Pampering our mind during pregnancy
If we dedicate time to take care of our body, we must also save time for our relaxation and the care of our mind. Not only is the body more vulnerable during pregnancy. Finding our tranquility and doing relaxation exercises at home will help us feel better. We do not have to park the activities that we like going to the movies, reading, going out to the country, crafts...
Take care of our skin
During pregnancy, it is essential to apply sunscreen creams to prevent skin spots and burns. Due to the action of hormones, the skin of the pregnant woman suffers alterations such as hyperpigmentation. Also, antistrictive creams are important, which prevent the appearance of these scars with the stretching of our skin, with special attention during the final months, when the skin stretches at a very fast rate.
Hydrating the whole body after a bath or shower gives us a moment of relaxation. Gentle massage after exercise helps us feel better. Of course, external hydration must be complemented with internal hydration, drinking plenty of fluids, as we have already mentioned in the section on nutrition. Everything combined will increase our well-being by feeling more careful and beautiful.
A good rest during pregnancy
Sleeping and resting what the body asks of us is very important. Fatigue and sleep can accompany us from the first moment as one of the first symptoms of pregnancy and hopefully will disappear. But it is more than likely that we will feel very tired and sleepy again in the final phase of pregnancy. It is what the body needs, and we must listen to it, resting as much as possible, without forgetting that moderate exercise will make us rest and sleep better.
Childbirth classes
Attending childbirth classes can be very beneficial for both our physical and mental health. Relating to other pregnant women and sharing experiences opens our mind to discover that we are not the only ones who have doubts or fears.
They also help us to acquire knowledge and awareness about the changes in our body, knowing concepts about the phases of childbirth, baby hygiene or breastfeeding will help us feel more prepared for the changes that lie ahead. Through knowledge, an important self-confidence is generated thanks to security, and being a father begins to live already. As much as possible, it is good to share these classes accompanied by the couple.
Communicate with the baby
Talking to the baby, communicating with him, playing music, will make him feel closer, preparing us for the moment in which he really reaches our arms. Know how your evolution is going on month by month, how it is growing in our womb, write a letter, keep a diary of our pregnancy, respond to your kicks...
All these simple activities will achieve that the life that is gestated in our womb will fill more life to us. The possible discomforts of our pregnancy are forgotten in these moments of communication.
Do not forget, to have a healthy pregnancy requires a happy pregnancy. We have to take care of mind and body in this delicate stage of our life, full of emotions and sometimes contradictory sensations. I hope that these tips to achieve a healthy and happy pregnancy encourage you to face this stage of your lives with an optimistic and full of vitality.

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Enjoy Your Sleep While Pregnant

Knowing that you are carrying your own little person is the best feeling ever. During pregnancy, the quality and quantity of sleep are changing. Well, this is the perfect time to invest in the best mattress for you.
Being pregnant is a wonderful feeling. Especially if it's your first one. Maybe no one has told you sleep will become harder and harder each day. The frequent need to go to the bathroom, no finding a suitable sleep position, having insomnia and much more are difficulties that future mothers are facing with. Nowadays, complete guidebooks for future moms are written. Generally, there are some tips that should be followed.
The most important thing is to invest in a quality mattress. A high-quality mattress means giving a support and comfort to your body during sleep. Choose between pocket spring mattress, memory foam or latex mattress. They are considered as best among pregnant women because they offer the greatest comfort. Don't forget, you will be using the mattress as a busy mom too.
Many future mothers complain of having a back pain. In the first trimester, you will be able to sleep on your stomach. Later it won't be possible because of the growing belly. Forget sleeping on your back too. Your weight presses the spine, causing back pain and other problems. After the 16th week, doctors recommend sleeping on the side, especially on your left side. This will improve the blood flow to the hearts, uterus and kidneys, allowing the baby to grow. Finding a suitable sleep position is no less important than finding the right mattress.
Get comfortable with pillows for an extra belly and back support. You can find special pregnancy pillows on the market these days. But ordinary pillows will do the job too. Put a pillow under your belly or between the knees for relieving some pressure. If you are having heartburn - prop a pillow under your head. If you are facing with shortness of breath - put a pillow under your chest.
Exercise and proper nutrition during pregnancy are important for both, the mother and the unborn child. Walking, swimming, yoga and pilates will help you to sleep better. Do what make you happy. This affects positively on your mind and mood too. Avoid food that is spicy and greasy; eat more vegetables and fruits. Replace caffeine with plenty of water. Your body will be grateful.

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Risks Involved In Cesarean Section

Cesarean Section or C-section is a surgery carried out to deliver a baby. When there are multiple babies or any other problems, the woman is unable to have normal vaginal delivery, then her abdomen is medically cut to take the baby out. Mostly C-section is operated when unexpected complications occur during delivery. These can be:
  • Health problems in mother that might be long-term
  • Abnormal position of the fetus
  • Congested room for the baby to go through vagina
  • Any defects in the baby
  • Carrying more than one baby
It is generally safe for both mother and baby but is a major surgery with many risks. Moreover, recovery takes a long time than in normal delivery.
Threats with C-Section
The incision made during surgery may leave a week spot in the wall of the uterus. This in turn can cause complications in vaginal delivery after next pregnancy. However, more than half of women who previously have been operated on for childbirth can have normal deliveries afterwards but with a few problems that can be well handled.
For mother:
C-section can pose these threats to mother:
  • Infection in uterus or neighboring pelvic organs such as the kidney or bladder is possible to occur.
  • Blood loss is double as compared to normal delivery. It is naturally increased as new blood cells are continuously being formed. There is rarely any necessity of blood transfusions
  • Reaction to anesthesia: Mother's health could be at a dangerous point due to anesthesia or the use of several medications during surgery. Blood pressure quickly drops sometimes that is hard to treat right at that moment.
  • Respiratory problems such as pneumonia can be cause by general anesthetic procedure.
  • Longer recovery duration is another risk that is certainly faced by every woman undergoing a C-section childbirth.
  • Additional surgeries: It is very likely to have the need for more surgeries as a consequence such as bladder repair, hysterectomy and others.
A few risks can be avoided but not all.
For baby:
There are certain risks to the baby as well during a surgical delivery. These are:
  • Premature birth: When due date is miscalculated, an early delivery can occur. The week baby then is kept in a special caring unit unless it attains normal weight and completes the normal term.
  • Breathing complications: Transient tachypnea, a disease characterized by abnormally fast breathing during first several days after birth can leave adverse affects on baby.
  • Injury:Fetal injury is rare but possible. The surgeon can mistakenly affect the baby while making a uterine incision.
Many other problems are also observed but these are either uncommon or mild to be easily cured.
It is better to avoid any complication before it attains a severe level to avoid C-section as much as possible. The chances of death are one in every 2,500 women as compared to one in every 10,000 in normal delivery. Risks are greater so is the death rate. Despite that one in every four pregnant women in US gets baby delivered through C-section. How strange!

4 Reasons Why Women Sweat at Night

When it concerns night sweating for women, they say that women have a body that is way different than a man. Things with their body change in a jiffy and not always do they know about what is happening to them.
While most women in their middle age complain about night sweats, it is not an issue that can be ignored. There are multiple reasons as to why women witness such problems and discomfort while they intend to sleep peacefully at night.
Here are a few reasons that can enlighten you to know about what it is and how it can be tackled.
When talking about nightmares, things can get worse when you dream about a misfortune or something bad happening to you or your loved ones. When you have acting out of the dream and take it to almost being real, that is when you receive nightmares. When such fearsome events take place, women tend to get afraid and that is when you start sweating at night. If you tend to witness frequent nightmares as such, you may require expert help where you may be suggested meditation before sleeping that could calm your subconscious mind from any aggressive instincts.
Hormonal issues
When it comes to night sweating, women may be undergoing hormonal changes. Fluctuating levels of estrogen triggers such problems. When they undergo menopause, receiving hot flashes results in night sweats. Some say it is normal while the rest opt for hormonal replacement therapy that brings about normalcy to the body temperature. Some women witness it during their periods as well as during their pregnancy.
When you suffer from depression
When you are continually depressed, it is likely that you are under medication and that you consume anti-depressants. There are times when these medicines have these side effects in the form of night sweats. Complimenting the medicines with meditation can help you calm down and there are chances that you wouldn't receive such night sweating issues.
You body has infections of some sort
If you are suffering from any kind of infection as that of tuberculosis or infection of the bones, it is likely that you would witness sweating at night. For those who are infected with the HIV can also witness such night sweating issues. There are times when the medicines that you take for all such infections trigger such issues.
While women have different body functions as that of men, it is necessary for them to take a lot of care when it comes to being healthy. Taking medicinal supplements and giving the body the right dose of nutrition as well as exercising adequately can help in bringing about normalcy and not letting them sweat profusely even when the room temperature is normal. Choosing the right doctors is what leads to a good life where no matter what your body undergoes; there is no possible discomfort as that of night sweats for women.

Reasons for a Cesarean Section

There are many reasons for having a Cesarean Section. Most are performed out of a real medical need, however some are not. Many women today even choose to have a c-section and the reasons for this also vary.
Whatever the reason, my intent is to help you understand why c-sections occur and why you might need one. I hope to help you prepare, accept and recover in the most positive, comfortable way possible.
How do you make a c-section birth a memorable, non-regretful experience?
It starts with taking control. Your doctor may say you need a c-section and you may very well need one, but it's really up to you to help yourself accept the idea. If you have time, get a second opinion or talk to others who have been in the same situation. Of course, in an emergency you won't have much time to debate the issue, which is why you should at least understand why c-sections are necessary and when they may not be.
Statistics show that women suffer a lesser degree of emotional stress and depression from having a c-section if they are prepared for the process, fully understand why it is needed and take part in the decisions being made.
If it has been determined you will need a c-section, the next step is to actively plan for it. This will help you create a c-section birth experience that is according to YOUR plan, not someone else's.
Of course, c-sections are not always planned; in fact many first time moms have a c-section without it ever crossing their minds that it could be necessary.
So how do you prepare for something you don't expect will happen.
"Expect the unexpected", have a plan that includes the possibility of a c-section.
My first born was an unexpected c-section. I was healthy, maintained good weight, had no physical complications, felt good during pregnancy but I had a c-section anyway. It caught me completely off guard. Needless to say my recovery, nursing and bonding with my baby were difficult for me. I managed ok, as we all do, but things were a lot harder and more stressful than they should have been.
When I became pregnant with my second child I had another c-section. The difference this time was that I was determined to make it a better experience. Of course, having already had one c-section I was better prepared to cope with recovery, breastfeeding, bonding at home, etc., but what a difference it makes when you can plan and foresee how to make things better. Yes, my second c-section was better but my first one could have been better too if I had worked the possibility into my plan.
The most important thing I want you to take from this is to be prepared. Fully understand and accept why a c-section may be necessary for you. Be ready should it happen and have a plan in place for the surgery, recovery, breastfeeding, bonding, handling fatigue and all the other elements that make your baby's birth the most enjoyable it can be.
Let's get started by looking at some of the common reasons for a planned and unplanned c-section:
Common reasons for a planned c-section:
- You have already had a c-section and your doctor recommends a repeat c-section.
Most medical professionals will recommend a repeat c-section if your last birth was a c-section. Doctors make this recommendation as a precaution because having a VBAC or vaginal birth after a c-section presents risk of uterine rupture. Having a VBAC is not as risky if you wait at least 18 months between births, however most doctors and many hospitals will advise against a VBAC. If you want to have a VBAC, find a doctor that will work with you.
- You have a large baby and she may be too big to pass through the birth canal.
Determining if a baby is too big to pass through the birth canal is not an exact science. There are moms who have delivered ten pound babies that delivered vaginally just fine, however the larger the baby the more towards a c-section the doctor will lean.
- Your baby is breech or in an abnormal position.
If your baby is not able to turn in the head down position a c-section will be required.
- The mother has HIV or active Herpes.
Passing through the birth canal puts your baby at risk of catching HIV or herpes. This is a clear indication a c-section will be needed.
- You have multiple babies.
If you have twins it's not guaranteed a c-section will be required but it is possible. If can depend largely on how the first baby to be born is positioned. If it is head down then a vaginal birth is more of a possibility. If the baby is in the breech position it's a much tougher call.
- The mother or baby have medical concerns that makes a vaginal delivery dangerous.
Any concerns that affect the life or health of the mother or baby will indicate a c-section. These concerns should be discussed in depth with your doctor.
Reasons for an unplanned c-section:
- Labor is too slow or stops.
Slow or stopped labor in itself is not a reason for a c-section, however if close monitoring shows fetal distress, slow heartbeat or other problems for baby, a c-section will be needed.
- The placenta may separate from the uterine wall.
This is known as Placental Abruption. If you are near your due date, you'll need to deliver your baby right away and most of the time a c-section is required.
- Your cervix stops dilating or your baby stops moving down the birth canal.
The baby stops moving down the birth canal and essentially gets 'stuck'. If attempts fail to get movement going again this can cause the baby's heart rate to drop. A c-section will be needed if things don't improve.
- The Placenta covering the cervix.
Called Placenta Previa, it's where Placenta blocks the ability for the baby to pass through the birth canal. It occurs in about 1 in every 250 pregnancies.
If you will need a c-section or suspect that you may need one, be sure to prepare yourself in advance. Having a c-section can be more difficult with regards to recovery but with careful planning and a good attitude you're birth experience can be a positive one.

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Reasons a Cesarean Section is Needed

A Cesarean section (C-section) is when a baby is delivered through an incision made in the stomach and uterus. There are several reasons why a pregnant woman may need a C-section instead of having a vaginally delivery. It is not recommended, though that this type of delivery be done unless one of these reasons is present, as there are more complications with this type of birth than with a vaginal birth.
There are types of C-sections: planned and emergency. A planned C-section may happen for quite a few reasons:
o The baby is in a breech or transverse position. If a baby has not turned by around head down by around 38 weeks, a doctor will schedule a surgery for anywhere from 39-40 weeks.
o Multiple births. Twins many times can't be delivered vaginally and therefore C-section is scheduled. Triplets and quadruplets always delivered in the surgical room.
o If you have had a previous Cesarean sections and your doctor doesn't feel comfortable allowing you to deliver vaginally.
o An infection like HIV or a sexually transmitted disease may cause a woman to have to have a surgical delivery to prevent transmission of the disease to the baby.
o Problems with the location of the placenta as in placenta prevail, which is when the placenta covers part of the cervix, making it dangerous for a vaginal delivery.
o The mother or the baby has a health condition that may make the stress of the vaginal birth a risky move.
The other type of a C-section is an unplanned or emergency one. This happens when a woman has no signs of needing surgical interference with the delivery until a problem arises during labor or late in the pregnancy. Here are some reasons why a woman might need an emergency C-section.
o The baby goes into distress during labor. If the baby's heart rate drops too low or is too fast, an emergency C-section will be done for the health of the baby.
o When labor stalls completely, many doctors will order an unplanned C-section. This is when the cervix stops dilating and the baby does not move down the birth canal anymore. Most doctors will give several hours if the baby does not show distress and if there is no change, they will order surgery.
o If the mother has a genital herpes outbreak when she goes into labor or when her water breaks, a C-section is necessary to prevent spreading the infection, which can be deadly, to the baby.
o If a prolapsed cord (the umbilical cord comes out of the cervix) happens, a C-section needs to be done immediately as that can cut off the supply of oxygen to the baby.
o Other health concerns that may warrant an emergency C-section are low amniotic fluid, placental abruption, and meconium in the amniotic fluid.
A Cesarean section is major surgery, which is why most doctors will not perform an elective one without having a major reason behind it. They take more time to recover from and also have more complications than a vaginally delivery. If you have any questions about Cesarean sections, ask your doctor.

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Sex After a Cesarean Section - When is it OK to Have Sex After a Cesarean Section?

Ahh, the age old question. When is it OK to have sex? Except in your case it is not about your age or maturity. There is so little information out there about what you can and can't do after a cesarean section that you are often left with way more questions than answers as you struggle to cope with the changes in your life right now. When to have sex is just one question that gets pushed to the background.
Unfortunately there is no hard and fast answer to this, and it also very much depends on who is asking the question and why?
Usually there are three sides to this coin.
1 - His Side - keen to get things back the way they were as quickly as possible.
2 - Her Side - cautious, apprehensive, tired and just maybe a tad uninterested.
3 - Very occasionally both of you want to get back in the saddle ASAP - but are not sure about your timing after the surgery.
In all cases of post c section sex there are a couple of things to consider;
  • It is better to wait until the full six weeks is up just to ensure that your body has healed enough to cope with the muscular strain.
  • Take it slowly. Even though you have not given birth naturally your uterus, intestines and other internal organs will still have moved and 'stretched' from both the surgery and the pregnancy. So you may have to 'feel your way' the first time.
  • Take it gently. Your abdominal muscles will not have re-joined and these support your back so becoming too over exited with your love-making will jeopardize your recovery.
Having said this, making love gently, using your pelvis and gently tensing the abs for the first few times will actually not only help to speed up your recovery, it will also help to create a more intimate relationship with your partner.

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Which is Better, Natural Birth Or Cesarean Section?

The vaginal delivery is the natural way of birth and birth through Cesarean Section is the surgical way. The doctors resort to birth through C-section when vaginal delivery became difficult or for some reason related to the mother or the fetus or both of them.
What are the causes of the increasing percentage of the Cesarean section?
The proportion of C-sections during the last three decades has increased significantly until it reached 25% in some hospitals and more than this percentage in a lot of hospitals.
These are some of the reasons:
The increased proportion of pregnancy among older women.
The spread of fetal monitoring electronic devices has revealed the suffering of the fetus in its early stages.
Repeated Cesarean section, the first surgery followed by C-section again.
Limited or Lack of awareness of the dangers of Cesarean section.
The atmosphere around the pregnant during her labor such as pressure of the parents and their eagerness, fear and anxiety, all these factors might drive the pregnant woman to the path of surgical termination of pregnancy.
The purpose of both natural delivery and C-section is to end pregnancy safely for both the mother and fetus. Please note that the contribution made by the spread of Cesarean section to reduce the mortality rate of the pregnant women and babies is significant.
Which is better for the health of the fetus?
The Cesarean section is a recent surgical procedure and its results are not the best for the fetus compared to natural birth.
In the normal cases, breathing difficulties are more common after C-section than after birth natural.
Whichever is easier for the physician to perform Cesarean section or natural birth?
-The expert physician can perform C-section in about 25-35 minutes, if things took place without any complications.
-Natural birth is unpredictable in terms of the timing and duration as well as it can be cumbersome, laborious and stressful for the doctor because it requires much longer time, in the other hand, natural birth can be quick and easy.
Which is easier for pregnant women?
We are not supposed to look for easier way for the pregnant women, but for the most correct and healthy way. It is true that the pregnant woman will not feel pain during surgery under general anesthesia, but the suffering after the end of a cesarean section may outweigh the pain of natural childbirth, besides natural childbirth is not always accompanied by severe pain which depends on the threshold of pain of the pregnant woman which varies from a woman to another, and with the same woman from pregnancy to another.

Infertility: The Art of Not Giving Up

So many things in life require endurance and time. Sometimes we let go of certain hopes or dreams because it's not realistic, whilst there are others that are worth holding on to. The want and need to keep going becomes a part of your personality but if you're not born with this, how do you train your brain to not give up.
As children, we just want the easy way or the quick way to be the only and better way. Some parents make things easier for their kids so they don't learn to wait for something they want which means they don't learn to be patient. Once they're grown up and find themselves in the real world, they find themselves bumping heads with people because patience is not their strong point.
As an adult you can train your brain to keep going in the face of adversity. It's not easy but it's possible. Firstly, you will have to make up your mind to do this. It has to be a priority to not give up on a particular dream. Every day say to yourself that you will not give up and that you will keep going no matter what happens.
Surround yourself with positive people who support you and avoid any one who tells you that it is impossible. These negative people can change your mind and what you need to do most is to have a clear focus on the goal.
Write your goal down or create a dream board with pictures to illustrate what you are hoping for. Look at it every day and remind yourself of why you are being patient.
Do your research and find out how you can achieve your dream. A dream is just a dream if it is not supported with a plan. Taking action is a big part of not giving up. Implement your plan by means of a step by step strategy. When you are able to tick off a step after it has been completed you will feel a sense of achievement. This will bring you one step closer to your goal.
If your goal is to have a baby and you find out that infertility is a reality, it doesn't mean that you should give up at that point. See a fertility doctor, find out what is causing the infertility and consider fertility treatment options. Write down the plan, the strategy and the goal. Then be patient. This is important. It will take time to reach your goal, but don't give up.