When is a Bloody Vagina a Problem?

A bloody vagina during your period is normal, but what happens when it occurs when you aren't menstruating? Irregular bleeding can be a serious problem, so it's important to find out what's causing it as soon as possible.
During pregnancy
A bloody vagina can be the biggest problem during pregnancy, since bleeding can indicate a complication. Spotting may be normal, but larger amounts of blood may be cause for concern. Heavy bleeding during the first trimester can be a sign of a miscarriage. After 12 weeks, it can indicate other problems, like placenta previa. If you're experiencing bleeding during pregnancy, it's important to see a doctor immediately so he can evaluate any medical concerns.
Birth control
After starting a new birth control regimen, many teens and women experience a bloody vagina between periods for the first month or so. As long as the amounts are small, this isn't cause for alarm. You can also experience bleeding on oral contraceptives if you don't take the pills at a regular time. Taking the pills on a schedule will eliminate the problem. Some forms of birth control are called intrauterine devices, or IUDs. These are places directly in the uterus, and can also cause spotting or particularly heavy periods. After time, most birth controls will regulate your periods and make them lighter.
Hormonal causes and infections
Ovulation can sometimes cause a bloody vagina, but this is just spotting and is normal. Certain hormonal imbalances that affect ovulation make this spotting more likely to occur. Infections are also a potential reason for vaginal bleeding. If infection is the cause, intercourse or douching will usually make the bleeding more severe. Sexually transmitted diseases are often the cause for infection, so always practice safe sex to make problems like this less likely.
Other causes
There are a few less common explanations for a bloody vagina. Extreme stress can cause spotting, as can rigorous exercise; however, large amounts of exercise more often results in a lack of menstruation. An object in the vagina can certainly cause bleeding as well. Cancer of the uterus, cervix, vagina, or ovaries may have vaginal bleeding as a symptom. Other diseases like diabetes or hypothyroidism are potential causes too.
Spotting can be treated by wearing a pad or pantyliner and waiting for the problem to stop. An abnormally bloody vagina needs medical attention especially when it results from an infected vagina.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4887205

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