How to Protect Women and Girls From HIV/Aids

HIV and AIDS remain a persistent problem faced by almost all over the world, especially by the United States. In many countries, women have been worst affected by this disease since the beginning of the global HIV epidemic. Since March 10 is National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, it is right time to make people know the basic facts about HIV/AIDS.
Know about the Disease:
HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus that attacks our immune system and destroys the T cells, a type of white blood cells, completely. This will develop into AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) due to which the immune system is too weak, thus by making people susceptible to infections and diseases. Is this disease a curable one? Even though there is currently no permanent cure, with early diagnosis and the right treatments like antiretroviral, people with HIV can live long and healthy lives. If left untreated, this will lead to death. How is HIV transmitted? This virus is found in semen, blood, rectal, vaginal fluids. Transmitted through sexual behaviors, sharing of needles and syringes, breastfeeding if the mother is living with HIV, and also blood transfusion. Why are women and girls particularly at higher risk? Mainly because of lack of access to health care services, gender inequality, cultural, social and economic status and violence faced by women and adolescent girls in the society. Poverty is also one of the reasons for trafficking and sexual exploitation of young women and adolescent girls who may be less educated and no knowledge about the risks of HIV.
Ways to Protect Women and Girls:
  • Firstly, learn about HIV/AIDS and share your knowledge with family, friends and the community;
  • If you are planning to have a baby, it is better to get an HIV test done before pregnancy for both you and your partner. This will help you to give birth an HIV-free and a healthy baby;
  • Always use condoms during sex - best way to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections;
  • Before having sex, discuss with your partner about HIV testing and get it done to avoid risk;
  • Limit your number of sexual partners;
  • Never share equipment like the syringe, needles. Always use clean, fresh needles to inject;
  • If you are an HIV affected mother, do not breastfeed your baby;
Increase Awareness:It is all the more important to create awareness about the impact of HIV/AIDS to prevent and protect women and young girls. There are many ways you can do this.
  • In this awareness day of March 10, organize an awareness campaign in your community in coordination with the healthcare professionals to make the public aware of HIV/AIDS, its impact, prevention methods and ways to protect young girls and women to save their lives from this disease. Distributing giveaway gifts, like customized wristbands in your awareness campaign is the best choice to create awareness. People love to wear this fashion accessory not only because of its attractive colors and stylish nature, but also the reach they have among people.
  • In many regions, girls are denied education due to poverty and many more reasons. Educating them is the added advantage to increase their earning ability and to prevent an early marriage that can reduce their vulnerability to HIV. Educated women have the knowledge to access health care services for themselves and their family.
  • Most of the women face gender violence like sexual abuse, trafficking, beaten by partners and otherwise abused in their lifetime. Creating awareness among them can prevent and end this gender violence once and for all.
  • It is important to educate young boys and men to respect women and to make them involve in family activities to avoid negative attitudes such as gender violence.

Knowing Your Body: The Common Signs and STD Symptoms

STD symptoms are plentiful and numerous. They can range in severity from the virtually unnoticeable, extremely distinctive, or they may even be invisible to the naked eye. With so many different STD symptoms that can arise, knowing the signs are important in order to protect yourself and your body. The following are some of the most common signs associated with a sexual transmitted disease and what you should discuss with your doctor immediately.
Pain During Urination
Due to the structure of the reproductive organs in both men and women and their use in the process of fluid elimination, one of the most common STD symptoms that individuals complain of is pain during urination. From mild discomfort to an extreme pain, be it pulsating or intermittent, pain could be a sign that a sexual disease is present in the body. Both bacterial and viral infections can present this way. Of course, not all pain during urination is related to a sexually transmitted disease. Other causes could be the reason why discomfort is occurring. Yet, as this is one of the most common of STD symptoms, it should be taken as a potential warning and needs examination immediately.
Discharge from the vagina is a common, even healthy, occurrence in women on occasion. If discharge continues or is thick and consistent, this is one of the STD symptoms associated with many different sexual diseases and should be examined. Men, too, that have a discharge from the penis should consider getting checked immediately as well. The severity increases greatly if blood is present in the discharge. A constant discharge could be a sign that something more severe is occurring and catching it early could be mean stopping progression of a sexual disease.
Physical Changes
STD symptoms may be discomfort related or involve unnecessary fluid release. But, the changes that can present after an infection may not be painful at all. Rather, they may involve actual physical changes in the sexual organs. Checking the genitals is important to make note of any alterations that have occurred, including masses, bumps, warts, or lesions. Truly examining for any changes should be considered a part of personal health care and necessary to protecting the body. If there is a physical change, this should be taken as a concern and a doctor should be consulted immediately.
Other Concerns
The aforementioned are just a few of the common STD symptoms that arise in the body of an infected individual. Again, though, many times there are no noticeable or painful symptoms associated with these infections. From internal changes not seen by the eye to more severe menstrual cramping and mild discomfort, if you are showing any of the aforementioned STD symptoms, or have an instinctual concern, be sure to go to a health clinic, doctors office, or other healthcare provider in order to be assessed for sexual health evaluations.

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Keeping a Healthy Vagina - What Women Should Know

Women are usually concerned with their outer physical beauty which is not a bad thing but they should also be concerned with their vagina's health. Unhealthy vagina could not only harm you physically but it can also affect your sex life with your partner. The vaginal area is a sensitive part of a woman's body that is prone to infections. Keeping a healthy vagina will save you from the uncomfortable symptoms of vaginal infection.
So how to keep your vagina healthy?
Keep your vaginal bacteria balanced. Bacteria normally resides in the vagina but they are there for a reason. The presence of bacteria in the vagina is not harmful but keeps the vagina healthy and protects it from infections if they are kept in check. The vagina's pH balance must be kept in good condition to keep the balance of bacteria in the vagina. It is important to maintain the balance of bacteria in the vagina because any imbalance could lead to infections. If the good bacteria is outnumbered by bad bacteria, infections may likely to happen. Common vaginal infections include bacterial vaginosis and thrush or yeast infection. The bacterial balance can be disturbed by many factors like the use of scented feminine hygiene products, taking antibiotics, taking contraceptive pills, pregnancy and wearing tight underwear. While factors like pregnancy is sometimes inevitable, for other contributing factors, there are ways to maintain the vaginal bacterial balance. If you are taking antibiotics or contraceptive pills and experiencing vaginal infection, talk to your doctor. Avoid using perfumed feminine hygiene products and go for unscented products. Avoid tight-fitting clothes and underwear made from synthetic. Prevent sweating and let your vagina breathe by wearing cotton underwear and loose pants or skirts. Keeping a healthy vagina is not that hard if the bacterial balance is always kept in check.
Properly wash your vagina. Keeping a healthy vagina includes practicing vaginal hygiene. Although the vagina has the ability to clean itself through its natural secretion or discharge it is also important to wash your vagina once a day or more than once if you have your monthly period. It is best to use unscented mild soap because perfumed feminine hygiene products can disrupt the natural pH of the vagina that may result to overgrowth of bacteria or infections. Gently wash the vagina and its surrounding area including the vulva and perineal area with mild unscented soap and warm water. After using the toilet, it best to wash from vagina to the anus or from front to back to avoid the fecal bacteria from transferring to the vagina. Avoid vaginal douches to clean the vagina because it can disrupt the normal balance of the vaginal bacteria.
Make it a conscious effort to be more hygienic during your monthly period. Women are more prone to vaginal infections when they have their monthly period. Keeping a healthy vagina means exerting more effort to take care of your vagina during monthly period. Change sanitary pads or tampons more frequently. It is better to use unscented sanitary pads. If it is possible, avoid using tampon as it is more likely to cause vaginal irritation.
Practice healthy habits. Keeping a healthy vagina requires living a healthy lifestyle. Sweating promotes the growth of unhealthy bacteria in the vagina so go for underwear made from organic cotton fabrics. Wear underwear made from cotton and not made from synthetic materials. Cotton fabrics prevent sweating and allows air to flow freely giving your vagina the opportunity to breathe. Avoid wearing tight-fitting pants and skinny jeans because the moisture can be trapped and this will encourage fungus growth. Wear loose pants made from breathable fabrics. Do not let wet clothing rest in your body for hours, make sure to immediately change into clean dry clothes. Fungus or unhealthy bacteria thrives in moist and warm environment so do not give them that breeding environment. Pubic hair can also promote sweating and can be a breeding spot for bacteria so it is best to have them trimmed or waxed.
Safe sex. Keeping a healthy vagina includes practicing safe sex. The vagina can get infected from sexual activities so it is best to practice safe sex. It is best to have only one sex partner. The use of condom can protect you from getting bacteria or viruses from an infected partner. It is also a good idea to ask your partner to practice not only good body hygiene but also genital hygiene especially before sex. Wash your vagina with warm water after sex to wash away dirt. Urinate after sex to flush out whatever bacteria you have captured during sexual activities.
Keeping a healthy vagina is a part of a woman's overall health. Vaginal health is important to keep you away from vaginal infections and diseases. Practicing proper vaginal hygiene can save you from the uncomfortable symptoms of vaginal infections. But if you are already infected by yeast infection visit Natural Yeast Infection Cure

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Requires Infertility Treatment

If you are a sexually active woman who has begun menstruating then you should know about pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Educating yourself about this disease can help in prevent it or detect it in its early stages. This is a serious disease that can lead to life threatening illness if left untreated. It is estimated that 1 in 10 women will have PID, and 75% of the cases will occur in women under 25 years of age.
Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of the female reproductive organs. The infection is typically caused by harmful bacteria introduced to the vagina through unprotected sex with a person carrying STDs, such as Gonorrhoea or Chlamydia. Other causes of the infection may include an imbalance in the vagina's normal bacteria or introduction into the uterus of harmful bacteria during medical procedures such as vaginal delivery, abortion, or dilation and curettage. Inflammation can occur in the uterus, fallopian tubes and in some cases the ovaries. If untreated, the infection can become quite severe and causing irreversible damage to the reproductive organs.
Inflammation from PID in the fallopian tubes often leads to infertility. It is the most common cause of ectopic pregnancy. This is when the fertilized egg is unable to make its way to the uterus and becomes lodged in the fallopian tubes. Ectopic pregnancy may be hard to detect as the symptoms experienced are similar to a normal pregnancy. Once the damage has been done, couples attempting to conceive will require infertility treatment, such as in vitro fertilization.
While actual symptoms vary among women, typical signs of PID are abdominal pain, pain during intercourse, and pain throughout the month similar to endometriosis symptoms. Other signs include malodorous (bad smelling) or unusual discharge from the vagina, burning pain while urinating, and unusual bleeding from the vagina. Some women will run periods of chills or high fever throughout the month combined with nausea and vomiting. Diagnosis of PID is usually determined when a patient suffers from the symptoms listed above and is confirmed by laboratory tests.
Typical treatment for pelvic inflammatory disease is a course of antibiotics taken by mouth, as well as medication for fever and pain. In severe and high risk cases, such as women who are pregnant, hospitalization is required for administration of intravenous antibiotics. It is recommended to abstain from sexual activity while completing the course of antibiotics. Although the bacteria that cause PID may be killed with antibiotics, there is no cure for this disease and it can be contracted again. Yearly pap smears can help with early detection. Prevention is best accomplished through monogamy, sex with only one partner as well as using condoms when sexually active. It is also critical to discuss sexual history, including STD's, with your partner or partners.
If you are experiencing symptoms of PID, have had sex with someone you suspect may be carrying a sexually transmitted disease, or if you or your partner have multiple sexual relationships you should see your doctor immediately. Your life could depend on it.

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When is a Bloody Vagina a Problem?

A bloody vagina during your period is normal, but what happens when it occurs when you aren't menstruating? Irregular bleeding can be a serious problem, so it's important to find out what's causing it as soon as possible.
During pregnancy
A bloody vagina can be the biggest problem during pregnancy, since bleeding can indicate a complication. Spotting may be normal, but larger amounts of blood may be cause for concern. Heavy bleeding during the first trimester can be a sign of a miscarriage. After 12 weeks, it can indicate other problems, like placenta previa. If you're experiencing bleeding during pregnancy, it's important to see a doctor immediately so he can evaluate any medical concerns.
Birth control
After starting a new birth control regimen, many teens and women experience a bloody vagina between periods for the first month or so. As long as the amounts are small, this isn't cause for alarm. You can also experience bleeding on oral contraceptives if you don't take the pills at a regular time. Taking the pills on a schedule will eliminate the problem. Some forms of birth control are called intrauterine devices, or IUDs. These are places directly in the uterus, and can also cause spotting or particularly heavy periods. After time, most birth controls will regulate your periods and make them lighter.
Hormonal causes and infections
Ovulation can sometimes cause a bloody vagina, but this is just spotting and is normal. Certain hormonal imbalances that affect ovulation make this spotting more likely to occur. Infections are also a potential reason for vaginal bleeding. If infection is the cause, intercourse or douching will usually make the bleeding more severe. Sexually transmitted diseases are often the cause for infection, so always practice safe sex to make problems like this less likely.
Other causes
There are a few less common explanations for a bloody vagina. Extreme stress can cause spotting, as can rigorous exercise; however, large amounts of exercise more often results in a lack of menstruation. An object in the vagina can certainly cause bleeding as well. Cancer of the uterus, cervix, vagina, or ovaries may have vaginal bleeding as a symptom. Other diseases like diabetes or hypothyroidism are potential causes too.
Spotting can be treated by wearing a pad or pantyliner and waiting for the problem to stop. An abnormally bloody vagina needs medical attention especially when it results from an infected vagina.

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Dry Vagina

"You have been wet and fertile at the will and whim of your body for most of your years, great- granddaughter," murmurs Grandmother Growth. "But you have Changed. You grow moist with readiness for play now only when you truly desire it, not at reproduction's dictates. Have no fear that your springs have run dry. If you consciously call up your flood of pleasure, it will answer. This is one of my greatest gifts to you, young Crone. No longer will you be accessible to those who do not inspire love and trust in you. The great portals of life, your womb, your vagina, now serve only you, now open only at your bidding."
Step 1: Collect Information
We are given two contradictory pictures of post-menopausal sex. On one hand, we're to look forward to freedom from conception worries, resulting in more spontaneous, relaxed, joyful sex filled with multiple orgasms. On the other hand, we're to expect dried-up, atrophied vaginas and dyspareunia (painful intercourse).
Thinning and drying of the vaginal tissues in the post-menopausal years is often first noticed during sexual activity when the expected lubrication is slight or absent. Is this normal?
Yes; almost all post-menopausal women will experience a lessening of sexual lubrication. No, you don't have to give up your sexual self. Crones know there are many ways to ecstasy besides intercourse, and many ways to be slippery when we want to be.
Step 2: Engage the Energy
  • Homeopathic remedies include:
    • Bryonia: root chakra overheated and dry, dry vagina, dry stools/constipation
    • Lycopodium: lack of root stability, vagina very dry, self-confidence withered, skin dry
    • Belladonna: vagina painfully dry and too sensitive to tolerate touch
  • This yoga posture sounds simple, but requires concentration. Squeeze the anal/pelvic floor muscles firmly while inhaling; hold. Breathe out, holding the root lock and add a chin lock. Hold for two seconds. Visualize the nectar of the universe flowing down your spine and between your legs. Relax as you inhale.

  • Slowly, slowly. Give yourself plenty of time to warm up before inserting anything into your vagina.
Step 3: Nourish and Tonify
  • Eat more fat, especially foods rich in essential fatty acids, such as flax seeds. Most women find 2-3 tablespoonsful/30-45 mg of freshly ground flax seed daily enough to create a noticeable difference in a few weeks.
  • Comfrey root sitz bath (two quarts/liters of the infusion) is an old favorite for keeping vaginal tissues flexible, strong, and soft. Sitz for 5-10 minutes several times a week.
  • Drink more water, not more tea or coffee or juice or soda ... water. Or boil a small handful of rice in two cups/500 ml of water to make a thin broth regarded as an ideal internal moistener for women with dry vaginal tissues or dry mouths. Drink freely.
  • As part of your love play, chew on a small piece of dong quai root.
  • Pause for the soothing cooling touch of chickweed tincture, 25-40 drops in water, several times a day for 2-4 weeks, and see if your hot, dry vaginal tissues don't smile moistly.
  • Increase lubrication and the thickness of your vaginal walls by starting your day with: 25 drops of motherwort tincture or 1 tablespoon/15 ml freshly ground flax seeds. Look for results within a month.
  • Acidophilus capsules inserted vaginally help prevent yeast infections and create copious amounts of lubrication. Insert one (or two) about 4-6 hours before lovemaking.
  • Comfrey ointment is the ally of choice when skin needs flexible strength. Rub in the morning and night and use as a lubricant for love play. The vulva will be noticeably plumper and moister within three weeks.
  • If you have access to slippery elm, try this soothing vaginal gel. Slowly heat 2 tablespoons/30 ml slippery elm powder in a cup/250 ml of water, stirring until thick. Cool (you can even chill it) before spreading over and inside the vulva and vagina. This gel lubricates, heals, and nourishes.
  • Exercise, exercise. Every part of your body will age more gracefully if you work it out regularly. That goes for your vagina and vulva, too. Weekly orgasm is the recommended exercise, but daily pelvic floor exercises tonify the vaginal tissues.
Step 4: Stimulate/Sedate
  • Avoid the problem! Try sex without intercourse.
  • Ointment made from wild yam is said to restore youthful moistness and elasticity to post- menopausal vaginal tissues.
  • You are more likely to be troubled by vaginal dryness and the loss of lubrication if your adrenals have been exhausted by overuse of coffee, alcohol, and white sugar; severe stress, or steroid/cortisone drugs.
  • Herbalist Rina Nissim suggests applying the essential oil of Salvia sclarea to vaginal tissues that have lost their elasticity. Dilute with olive oil; pure essential oils can be fierce on sensitive mucous surfaces.
Step 5a: Use Supplements
  • Daily doses of 100-600 IU of vitamin E for 4-6 weeks can help you increase vaginal lubrication. You may need to continue with your daily dose for months to maintain your juiciness. Experiment to find the lowest effective dose for you.
  • Astroglide(TM) is favored by those who like to have slippery fun.
Step 5b: Use Drugs
  • Polycarbophil, the active ingredient in Replens(TM) pulls water into vaginal cells to restore and maintain healthy lubrication. It also increases alkalinity in the vagina, reducing vaginal infections.
  • Estrogen creams really do revitalize vaginal tissue. But may increase risk of endometrial cancer more than oral estrogen. Occasional, rather than regular, use minimizes risk.

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Vagina Fishy Smell - What Is The Cause?

It is often said that a foul smell is an indication of something bad or rotten. Even burning plastic can give off a very unpleasant odor, not to mention smoke that's harmful to the health of both the individual and the environment. Sometimes, the scent is an indication of an infection such as in the case of vagina fishy smell. If you have a bad odor from your vaginal area, this is an indication that you could have bacterial vaginosis or a similar infection.
What Is The Cause?
There's no definite cause that can explain why women are infected with BV although several experts are looking into some contributing factors. You see, bacterial vaginosis is the result of the disturbed balance of bacteria that are normally residing in a woman's vagina. There's a healthy mixture of bacteria living in the vagina and those bacteria may be grouped into two - the bad and the good. In order for a healthy balance to occur, the majority of the bacteria (which are the good ones) keep watch on the minor strains of bad bacteria, preventing them from multiplying. This means that the problem starts when bad bacteria takes over the vagina.
One of the factors that contribute to this occurrence is sex but is not really the definite cause since women who don't even have sex can also be infected with bacterial vaginosis. If you are having that vagina fishy smell, more often than not, you got bacterial vaginosis in your system. While other ladies who are having the same vaginal infection don't experience any symptoms, there are those who have discharge, pain, itching and burning aside from the horrible, fish-like stink.
What Is The Treatment?
Treatment for bacterial vaginosis is, of course, necessary if you have an unpleasant vagina fishy smell. The foul smell can affect self-esteem and perhaps other aspects of your life. There are several treatment options but the most common are the antibiotics prescribed by health care professionals. Your doctor may recommend to you one of these antibiotics: Metronidazole, Ceftriaxone and Clindamycin. Make sure that you use any of those antibiotics appropriately. Ask your doctor for help if you have any concern or question. Antibiotics are not always the best option though as they do not address the root cause. Many women successfully use natural remedies to address a vagina fishy smell.
What Else Is The Cause?
Other issues can cause a foul smelling vagina, with rare causes including trichomoniasis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), chlamydial infection and endometritis can cause vaginal odor symptoms as well? Even certain types of cancer such as cervix cancer and uterine cancer can cause symptoms including a vagina fishy smell.
Although not initially harmful, if left untreated certain conditions which cause a foul odor can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and can even render some women infertile.

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Vaginal Dryness & Healthy Genital Tips - Stop Dry Vagina Pain During Sex

Is your vagina dry and you do not know what has caused the vaginal dryness? First, let us make it clear that it is not a life threatening condition. However, I cannot say it will not cause discomfort and depending on different times, painful too.
The condition is treatable, but only if you seek treatment. Because of the area affected women tend to shy away due to embarrassment. Whether your vagina is dry or too wet, it is not something to blush over. If dryness becomes an issue causing friction or pain for you or your partner then you need help. Being a woman I understand how embarrassing it is having a doctor fiddle with your bits, but without help then your relationship can suffer considerably. Do not be selfish to yourself, or man, all because your cheeks redden easily, whatever the problem get it sorted.
When it comes to looking after the vagina take a leaf out of a mans' book. The vagina is sacred so treat it as such, MEN DO" why not you?
Dry Vagina
Although dryness is known in lots of cases for causing vaginal itch and burning/stinging around the vaginal opening and in the lower third of the vagina, it is the pain that might occur during sexual intercourse that women find most stressful.
Causes of vaginal dryness may include:
Douches -Tampons - Condoms
Dryness is a direct result of lower estrogen levels that is a common occurrence during and after menopause. When estrogen levels reduce, vaginal tissue thins becoming less elastic, drier and weaker. Nonetheless, inadequate vaginal lubrication can occur in women at any age. It is also a characteristic sign of vaginal atrophy (atrophic vaginitis) - thinning and inflammation of the vaginal walls due to a reduction in estrogen.
For women who deny their man sex to avoid painful intercourse did you know there are vaginal lubricants that help make sex happen without discomfort (Certain lubricants consist of clear fluid that seeps through the walls of the blood vessels surrounding the vagina).
When a woman is sexually aroused, more blood flows to the pelvic organs producing more fluid. But the hormonal changes of menopause, having a baby and breast-feeding can hamper the process and prevent the action.
A decrease in estrogen levels can be the outcome of:
Sudden effort - Exertion
Menstruation changes
Hormonal contraceptives
Stress, tiredness
Infertility drugs
How can I help prevent my vagina from becoming to dry? Easy, stop using products that is likely to increase dryness or irritate vaginal tissue. Specific soaps, washing powders, douches, scented gels and allergens that contain harsh ingredients you need stay clear of if they contain dodgy ingredients.
Another favoured option is Kegel exercises. They help increase circulation to the pelvic area which in return strengthens vaginal tissue. While lubricants are useful now and again for sex, specially formulated moisturizing creams will better the health of vaginal tissues. Particular formulas containing phytoestrogens are known for their ability to naturally replenish waning estrogen levels
Flaxseeds are high phytoestrogens and known to minimize hot flushes and ease discomfort of sore breasts. Omega-3 fatty acids is good for fighting heart disease, arthritis and balancing hormones and the outcome normally less severe
You cannot beat supplements for helping to fight different conditions. This applies to the case of a dry vagina. Consider B-vitamins and vitamin E. Vitamin A helps keep suppleness. Should you decide to take vitamins consult your doctor.
Another option is Evening Primrose Oil.
Healthy Vagina
Avoid vagina dryness and infections by maintaining a healthy vagina. If you have been fortunate and not had a problem with your bits "YET" then be ready for when you do.
A healthy vagina is moist and produces a reasonable amount of vaginal discharge. Over time discharge due to hormonal cycles and aging can alter vagina behaviours. Typical vaginal fluid would look a clear/white, pasty or of a slippery consistency, and odourless.
The body depends on the hormone estrogen and progesterone to create ample lubricating secretions for the vagina. While going through the perimenopause stage and menopause when hormones are changing, it is common for dryness to happen as less secretion is produced.
Various reasons for dryness
Be wary of soaps advertised as gentle, namely Dove and Ivory because they can dry genital tissue because they are not pH-balanced.
What you eat. Estrogen is needed to help lubricate the vagina. Since estrogen is created from cholesterol, the bodies' ability to efficiently produce and metabolize estrogen depends strongly on the fat we consume in our diet. But while there is a connection between fat in our diet and estrogen levels, it is essential to consume fats that produce health and hormonal balance instead of those that encourage disease.
Hydration is important to keep mucous membranes moist. Go easy on drinks that contain caffeine and avoid alcohol.
Medicine - Specific drugs, like allergy/cold medications, even some antidepressants tend to dry out mucous membranes including vaginal tissues. Ask your GP about birth control pills as they are noted for causing this problem because the hormones it contains are not natural to the human body.
While most people link dryness to the time of perimenopause/menopause, hormonal imbalance can happen to women who have premature ovarian failure, polycystic ovarian syndrome, anorexia, or pituitary and hypothalamus concerns; and also in those who have lately given birth, breastfeeding, have imbalanced diets and undergone cancer therapy or smoke tobacco products.
Stress has an influential impact on the system, and yet women tend to overlook the signs. By taxing the adrenals chronic stress forces down androgens which interferes with the normal female sexual response cycle. At this point it affects the stages of arousal and lessens natural lubrication.
Natural solutions for vaginal dryness
Sadly, a great deal of women who suffer with vaginal dryness continue to suffer because conventional medicines do not work for them.
Suggestions below are to help, however they may work for some whereas for others useless solutions
Add soy isoflavones to your diet. Whole soy foods are high in isoflavones and lignans and known to help.
Give your body the highest level of nutritional support. The body will always struggle to function properly without essential ingredients. For example, omega-3 essential fatty acids support healthy cell membranes and hormonal balance.
Be vigilant towards your vagina. Check it regularly with a mirror. Keeping track of any changes will help identify if dietary habits is the cause of particular issues.
Swap K-Y Jelly for a quality lubricant which contains methylparaben. Go for natural lubricant like Sylk or paraben and glycerin-free Astroglide.
Natural oil like sweet almond or grape seed after a bath is affective.
Control the condition using vitamin E suppositories. Vitamin E applied locally can help restore thin vaginal tissue.

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Clearing Up Vagina Pimples

Vagina pimples can be embarrassing and intimidating, especially if you don't know what the cause is. Many women fear they have an STD when they notice these. Although this is sometimes the case, more often it's a simpler explanation.
Sexually transmitted disease
Even though vagina pimples aren't usually an STD, you should eliminate the possibility as soon as you can. Human papilloma virus and genital herpes are the STDs that most frequently result in bumps on the vagina. HPV is also known as genital warts. Pain isn't usually associated with these warts, so the only symptom you have to go by is the appearance of the warts themselves. Genital herpes, in contrast, produces painful, blister-like lesions. Since the bumps caused by these diseases can resemble vagina pimples, it's best to visit a doctor if you notice any kind of bump on the vagina. They'll be able to make a definite diagnosis.
Common reasons for pimples on the vagina
It may seem strange for pimples to form in or around the vagina, but there are pores all over the body and pimples can form wherever there are pores. Specifically, bacteria growing in the pores and blocking them is what causes a pimple. Vagina pimples are usually a result of an infected blocked sebaceous gland, or an ingrown hair. Other causes are stress and hormones related to puberty and menstruation. Pimples on the vagina are more common during the teenage years, when facial acne is prevalent as well, but can happen to women of any age.
Mild cases of vagina pimples are treated like pimples on any other part of the body. Keep the area clean and dry, and cool if possible. The bacteria that form pimples thrive in warm, wet environments, so creating the opposite of these conditions will lessen new growth. You shouldn't pop the pimples because they can become infected. Instead, expose the blemishes to hot steam. This will speed up the natural course of healing by opening the pore. A severe case of vagina pimples may require medication. Treatment is usually oral, but there are topical creams that can be applied.
Prevention is easy. Wear loose clothing and once again, keep the area dry. Cotton panties are best in terms of undergarment choice because air can circulate through them better.
Also, make sure you aren't using feminine hygiene products with fragrances or dyes, because these can irritate the vagina and encourage blocked pores.
As you can see, pimples on the vagina aren't a big issue. You should get a doctor to rule out STDs, but other than that, you can take care of vagina pimples yourself.

A Healthy Vagina - Top Ten Tips

1. Wipe From the Front Towards the Back.
When wiping yourself after going to the toilet, wipe your vaginal area from the front to the back, not vice versa. The anus often harbours pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria which can be spread to the vagina if you wipe from the anus frontwards. Many urinary tract infections are caused by this common hygiene error.
2. Don't Wash your Vagina - Especially With Soap.
Your vagina cleans itself - so there is no need to "wash" or to douche your vagina. The vagina normally has a healthy balanced ecosystem inside it, where "good" bacteria keep the potentially "bad" microbes under control. Using soap, washes or perfumes can change the pH (acidity) of the vagina and upset the natural balance that helps to keep the vagina healthy.
3. Do Not Leave Tampons in Your Vagina for More Than 4 Hours.
Leaving tampons in place for longer than 4 hours or forgetting to change them can allow bacteria or other disease-causing microbes to breed. This can lead to infection, including the potentially fatal "toxic shock syndrome".
4. Change Sanitary Napkins and Panty Shields Regularly.
Sanitary napkins become smelly if they are left in place for too long. The unpleasant smell is caused by bacteria beginning to "rot" the napkin. When the rotting napkin rubs against the delicate skin inside your panties, it may cause sores or rashes.
5. Eat a Healthy Diet with Lots of Fresh, Unprocessed Foods.
Eating healthy foods such as vegetables and natural fats, and cutting down on refined foods and sugars in the diet is essential for a healthy body and a healthy vagina. The "good" bacteria in your vagina will help keep your vaginal flora in balance but you do need to "feed" them the right nutrients by eating fresh foods yourself.
6. Consider Hair Removal.
Removing hair from around the vagina and asking your partner to remove any hair from around or even on his penis, may help to prevent chafing. Chafing that occurs during sexual intercourse is one way that "bad" microbes can get through the skin barrier and cause an infection. You will notice areas that are red and irritated after sex, if chafing is occurring.
7. Use Sexual Lubricants.
Even if you have removed hair prior to sexual intercourse, you may still encounter irritation due to chafing. The chafing may be caused by shaving stubble, ingrown hairs after waxing, dry skin or a dry vagina. Lubricants made especially for reducing friction during sexual intercourse can be purchased from supermarkets, pharmacies and chemists, sex shops or online. A good sexual lubricant can help you to avoid a lot of post-coital discomfort!
8. Wear Cotton Panties and Allow Your Vaginal Area to "Breathe".
Enveloping your panty area with tight or synthetic clothing can allow a build up of moisture and perspiration that can't escape. This hot, moist environment is a breeding ground for bacteria and other potentially unpleasant microbes.
9. Regularly Check Your Vaginal Discharge.
Unusual or smelly vaginal secretions can indicate that you have a vaginal infection. Tell - tale signs are bad odour, an unusual colour or discomfort such as vaginal itching. Your doctor can diagnose and advise you on a course of treatment if it turns out that you require one.
10.See Your Doctor for Regular Pap Smears.
Pap smears are designed to pick up the early stages of cervical cancer. The current recommendation is to have a pap smear once every two years or once per year if you have previously had abnormal cells detected. While they may be somewhat unpleasant, pap smears do save lives!

A Guide to Avoid Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted illness, usually referred to as STDs, occurs as a result of having sex with any person who already has an STD. One can obtain a sexually transmitted disease from sexual activity that involves the anus, mouth, vagina, or penis. In accordance with the American Social Health Organization, 25 percent of teens in America will become infected with a sexually transmitted disease every year. Also the research shows that by the age of twenty five, half of the entire sexually on the go young or adults will be infected with an STD.
STDs can be severe diseases that need to be treated right away. A number of STDs, similar to HIV, cannot be treated and are fatal. By means of learning supplementary information, you may be able to find ways to keep yourself from a variety of STDs as follows:
  • Genital herpes
  • Gonorrhea
  • Human papilloma virus or Genital warts
  • Hepatitis B
  • Chlamydia
  • Syphilis
Symptoms of STDs
At times, there are no indications of STDs. In some instances, symptoms are visible, they possibly will consist of one or more of these signs and symptoms:
  • Discharge from the penis or vagina. (Vaginal discharge may have an odor.)
  • Yellowing of the skin (jaundice).
  • Sores, bumps, or warts close to the anus, mouth, penis, or vagina.
  • Bleeding from the vagina other than during a monthly period.
  • Inflammation or redness close to the penis or vagina.
  • Skin rash.
  • Dropping pounds, night sweats and loose stools.
  • Harsh itching of the vagina or the penis.
  • Painful urination.
  • Aches, pains, fever, and chills.
  • Painful sex.
How to protect yourself from an STD
  • Keep in mind that preventing from having sex is the only certain way to avoid STDs.
  • Make use of condoms each time you have sex.
  • Stick to one sexual partner.
  • Pick your sexual partners carefully. Do not have sex with somebody whom you think may have an STD.
  • Have regular check ups for STD.
  • Do not drink alcohol or use drugs prior to intercourse because you are more likely to have unprotected sex when high or drunk.
  • Be acquainted with the symptoms of STDs.
  • Educate yourself about the signs and symptoms of STDs.
How to keep from spreading STDs
  • Make certain your sex partners are cured as well.
  • Prevent having sex unless you see a medical doctor and are cured, if you have an STD.
  • Make use of condoms at any time you have sex.
  • Go back to your medical doctor for recheck up.
  • Always follow your general practitioner's directions to be cured rapidly.
  • Do not continue having sex except your medical doctor states it is all right.
Remember the best way to avoid STDs is to practice abstinence. If you suspect you have an STD, consult with a health care practitioner immediately.

How Do You Deal With Vagina Warts?

Obviously, women's warts are called vagina warts.  This can be somewhere in your anus, the upper-inner thighs or the cervix.  Vagina warts come in different shapes, size, number and nature.  These warts can be detected through a regular genitalia examination by your doctor.  Even you can see these bumps not unless they are inside the vulva.  If you think that you have it, consult a doctor immediately for a correct prognosis and so treatment can be done.
As mentioned above, you get what you deserve if you are not careful.  Engaging in sex especially with someone who you do not know too well can lead to a lot of diseases and one of these are vagina warts.  That is why it is advised to practice safe sex.  It always takes a year before the symptoms start to manifest.  This only means that you could get the virus from a previous sexual partner and the virus have stayed in your system for a year before it starts to show the signs and symptoms.  Therefore, you cannot say that you got it from your present partner.  Blame it for your being promiscuous.  It can also happen that you may have an existing wart and the virus had spread in your body, thus the vagina warts.
Up to this date, no cure has been discovered to totally eradicate or kill the virus in your body.  Nevertheless, treatments have been discovered through medical research to give relief and lessen the symptoms.  Prescription drugs, surgical procedures and laser treatment are some of the methods which are used to remove the warts.  But you should understand that these treatments do not guarantee that vaginal warts will no longer recur.  These treatments do not give you the assurance that you are completely HPV-free.
Abstinence cannot also give you the assurance that you can prevent the occurrence of vagina warts.  No one can ever say that you are safe from getting HPV.  The best thing to do is to make use of contraceptives like femidoms and latex condoms.  The more you engage yourself in different partners, the higher the percentage of you acquiring the warts and even other kinds of sexually-transmitted diseases and other diseases.
Parents must also take part in creating HPV awareness with their children.  The age of adolescence, especially for the boys, is a crucial year to any person.  This is the stage where they get to learn and at times, would try sex.  As a parent, you need to discuss these to them.  The more children are aware of these things, the more they will be careful in their dealings and to having a good future.
It is a fact that there are no proven methods to avoid vagina warts but there are ways where this can be lessened.  Sexual alertness on the human papilloma virus must be discussed while a person is in their teens.  In fact, everyone must be made aware of the spread of this virus through a lackadaisical attitude towards sex.   It is suggested that a regular check-up with a doctor be observed to detect genital warts while on its first stage.  It has actually been observed that no amount of media exposure on safe sex is being heard of.  It is much better to spread the information through mouth to your friends and family members.  Make each one properly informed of this infectious virus.

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