Uterine Fibroids Symptoms and Finding Fibroids Treatment

Uterine fibroids affect many women and are considered to be the most common non cancerous or benign tumors found on a woman's uterus. Many of these fibroids do not cause any symptoms and may not require treatment and the women affected rarely know that they have fibroids. For some other women affected, fibroids can cause various problems. This article discusses fibroids symptoms and finding fibroids treatment.
Uterine fibroids affect many women who are mainly of childbearing age and almost never show any cancerous properties. Fibroid tumors are usually found in the smooth muscle found in the uterine wall and can form as a single fibroid tumor or as a cluster of fibroid tumors inside the uterine wall or attached to the uterine wall.
There are many causes of these tumors including never having given birth, being overweight or obese, if the menstrual cycle begins before the age of ten, etc. Fibroids are also known to affect more black women than women of other races. In addition, if a woman has a family history of these tumors, she may develop them at some point in life.
Fibroids Symptoms
As mentioned previously, some women with the tumors may not produce any fibroids symptoms at all. If fibroids symptoms are produced, the most common are;
a. having an irregular, prolonged or excessive menstrual cycle,
b. rectal pressure resulting from constipation,
c. pressure or pain in the pelvic area is another of the fibroids symptoms,
d. some women with fibroids can develop infertility, or if pregnant, be at risk of having a premature baby, separation of the placenta from the uterine wall and so forth,
e. increase in the size of the waist,
f. frequent urination due to the pressure on the bladder is another of the fibroids symptoms,
g. backache,
h. pain in the legs, etc.
Fibroids Treatment
The first step with fibroids treatment when using traditional medicine methods, is that the doctor will simply observe the fibroids over a period of time to ensure that they do not increase in size or develop cancerous properties.
Additional fibroids treatment options include being prescribed certain medications that may include birth control pills, anti-inflammatory medications, other pain medications, gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists and so forth, some of which may have side effects in addition to being expensive.
Another of the fibroids treatment options that may be recommended as a last resort include surgery. The most common one is a hysterectomy which represents the entire removal of a woman's reproductive organ, the uterus. Without a uterus, no uterine fibroids can develop. This surgery may lead to depression with many women who may ed up feeling less like women because they are without a uterus which will affect the ability to have children ever again or for the first time. This surgery can also lead to a woman becoming menopausal.
Other surgeries that form part of fibroids treatment include a myomectomy which is the surgical removal of the fibroids only. Only certain fibroids qualify for this surgery. Other medical procedures for fibroids treatment include uterine artery embolism which involves the clotting of the blood supply to the fibroid that may lead to the tumor shrinking if it is starved of blood.
These are only a few procedures for fibroids treatment. As mentioned, these medical procedures can lead to various side effects and can be very expensive options for fibroids treatment.
Natural Fibroids Treatment Options
The good news is that there are many alternative, natural approaches that are being used for fibroids treatment that have proven to be very successful and have none of the side effects associated with traditional medicine. Natural remedies for fibroids seek to treat the root cause of the fibroids and not merely treat the fibroids symptoms.
Holistic methods work with the body and not against it and are fairly inexpensive using methods and ingredients that are easily available at local health stores as well as available in your home.
Get rid of the pain and discomfort caused by uterine fibroids once and for all using natural methods without resorting to a hysterectomy or other expensive surgeries. Try the natural methods for fibroids treatment [http://naturalfibroidcures.info/] and improve the quality of your life. Visit [http://naturalfibroidcures.info/] today and discover a natural 3 step system to eliminate fibroids quickly. You have nothing to lose but the fibroids!

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