What are the factors of infertility?
Generally women under 35 aren't encouraged to seek fertility testing until they have been trying to get pregnant for at least a year. Medical experts feel there is no reason for concern if it can take up to a year to conceive. It's advisable to learn fertility charting during this time, to keep good charts, charting the cervical mucus, cervical position and basal body temperature. If after a year pregnancy hasn't been achieved, having those charts will be very helpful in coming to a diagnosis. If you are over 35, you should see your physician and start off armed with their suggestions on how long you should try before seeking help.
Men can have infertility issues too. So if pregnancy hasn't been achieved within the year he should be tested as well. In fact testing for male factor is far more easier and less expensive than testing the woman. If he is ruled out as healthy, then testing can begin on her.
Statistics show that 1 in 10 couples are infertile. But the good news is that "once infertile always infertile" isn't true. With today's advances in medical science, successful reproduction treatments bring that statistic down by 50% for those labeled infertile within that first year of trying. Some can have children with very little help, while others may require more help.
Below are risk factors that may result in infertility issues for men and women:
Men's Risk Factors
* Bicyclist
* Cancer (now or in the past)
* Diabetes
* Frequent hot tub user
* Mumps after puberty
* Smoker
* Testicle problems such as growths (cysts or tumors) or varicoceles
* Thyroid dysfunction
Women's Risk Factors
* Cancer
* DES exposure while in-utero
* Diabetes
* Endometriosis
* Excessive body or facial hair (sign of PCOS)
* Fallopian tube issues (blocked or scarred)
* Irregular menstrual cycles
* PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
* PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)
* Smoker
* STD (sexually transmitted diseases)
* Surgery in the pelvic area
* Thyroid Dysfunction
* Uterine Fibroids
* Weight issues - over or under weight
Knowing the facts helps you to be armed if you start out on the road to conception and have any of the above risk factors. If you do you may want to go ahead and make an appointment with your OB/GYN and ask for their direction. They may have a shorter time table for you to conceive than outlined here. It's good to give yourself the most optimum chances at conception right from the beginning if you suspect you may have infertility issues due to any of the risk factors. At the very least start off with proper charting of your fertility signs, just in case you may need them later on.
Generally women under 35 aren't encouraged to seek fertility testing until they have been trying to get pregnant for at least a year. Medical experts feel there is no reason for concern if it can take up to a year to conceive. It's advisable to learn fertility charting during this time, to keep good charts, charting the cervical mucus, cervical position and basal body temperature. If after a year pregnancy hasn't been achieved, having those charts will be very helpful in coming to a diagnosis. If you are over 35, you should see your physician and start off armed with their suggestions on how long you should try before seeking help.
Men can have infertility issues too. So if pregnancy hasn't been achieved within the year he should be tested as well. In fact testing for male factor is far more easier and less expensive than testing the woman. If he is ruled out as healthy, then testing can begin on her.
Statistics show that 1 in 10 couples are infertile. But the good news is that "once infertile always infertile" isn't true. With today's advances in medical science, successful reproduction treatments bring that statistic down by 50% for those labeled infertile within that first year of trying. Some can have children with very little help, while others may require more help.
Below are risk factors that may result in infertility issues for men and women:
Men's Risk Factors
* Bicyclist
* Cancer (now or in the past)
* Diabetes
* Frequent hot tub user
* Mumps after puberty
* Smoker
* Testicle problems such as growths (cysts or tumors) or varicoceles
* Thyroid dysfunction
Women's Risk Factors
* Cancer
* DES exposure while in-utero
* Diabetes
* Endometriosis
* Excessive body or facial hair (sign of PCOS)
* Fallopian tube issues (blocked or scarred)
* Irregular menstrual cycles
* PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
* PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)
* Smoker
* STD (sexually transmitted diseases)
* Surgery in the pelvic area
* Thyroid Dysfunction
* Uterine Fibroids
* Weight issues - over or under weight
Knowing the facts helps you to be armed if you start out on the road to conception and have any of the above risk factors. If you do you may want to go ahead and make an appointment with your OB/GYN and ask for their direction. They may have a shorter time table for you to conceive than outlined here. It's good to give yourself the most optimum chances at conception right from the beginning if you suspect you may have infertility issues due to any of the risk factors. At the very least start off with proper charting of your fertility signs, just in case you may need them later on.
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