What's The Best Time To Get Pregnant?

Do you know that there is a specific time period when a woman has a higher possibility of getting pregnant?
These are the days when a woman is ovulating and there's a proper way to calculate when the right time to achieve pregnancy is.
To figure the possible dates of ovulation, you must a basic knowledge about your body and how it operates. The post ovulation time is the period between ovulation and the main day of the menstrual cycle, which comprises of 14 days and is the same for almost every woman.
So by being aware of the due date of the next menstrual cycle, by calculating back 12 to 16 days, you are probably going to figure out the times of ovulation.
Another way to check the ovulation date is by the BBT (Basal Body Temperature). This is done by checking and keeping an account of the vaginal temperature each morning utilising a BBT thermometer with a fine alignment. The thermometer shows a higher temperature upon the arrival of ovulation, compared to the temperature that was recorded on earlier days.
The cause for this ovulation period is that the egg begins growing from the last day of the menstrual cycle, achieving its greatest size between the eighth to twelfth days. It is recommended that engaging in sexual relations on the eighth, tenth and twelfth day, will give you the best chance of getting pregnant.
A fascinating truth to consider is that the life expectancy of the egg ranges from 12 to 24 hours, and this is the opinion of many renowned gynecologists. Fertility specialists say it is probably going to wither away inside 15 to 16 hours.
Achieving pregnancy is not only in the hands of women, and you must keep in mind that your partner needs to play an important role for you to conceive.
Many people think that they need to do a lot of intercourse during the ovulation period, but they need to keep in mind that a lot of intercourse may result in low sperm count and the sperms may lack the required power and capacity.
If intercourse is done multiple times every day, then sperm become old and stale, lacking the much needed energy. Fertility specialists suggest that for the best outcomes, intercourse must be done twice a week.
In comparison to female ovum that dies with a short time period, male sperm survive for 2 to 5 days within the vaginal canal. So, it's an excellent idea to engage in intercourse for a few days sooner than the date of ovulation, to give the sperm a lot of chances to connect with the egg.
These are just a few guidelines, which may not be sufficient to achieve pregnancy. Further help is surely required, so you need to visit the female gynecologists. The best gynec will help you in every way possible to achieve successful pregnancy.

Infertility: Why Is It So Difficult to Conceive a Baby?

For many people it doesn't take much effort but for others it may be difficult to conceive baby. It may take a few weeks to a few months for a normal couple to fall pregnant however other couples do not have any success. If you do not conceive after a period of 12 months, it is advisable to seek the advice of a fertility doctor. You may need to undergo a series of tests to determine the reason for infertility.
In many situations the cause of infertility may be with the female (about 40 per cent of the time) while the other 40 per cent may be with the male. In 10 per cent of cases, the cause of infertility is with both the male and female while in the remaining 10 per cent it is unknown. To determine where the problem lies, a fertility specialist conducts a number of tests with both the male and female to find clues that will lead to the cause. The fertility specialist will also look at the medical histories of both the male and female. When it comes to the woman's medical history the fertility specialist will consider any previous pregnancies, consistency of monthly periods, history of painful period pains, pelvic pain, history of infections and any surgeries. When it comes to the man's medical history the fertility specialist will look at whether he has fathered any children, history of testicular injury, developmental problems, history of infections, exposure to harmful environmental factors and history of surgeries. Once all the information has been compiled and assessed a possible cause can be identified, then a treatment plan can be discussed.
The tests that a fertility specialist may perform include the following. The first test is a blood test to check the hormonal balance in your body as well as to check for the blood group, rubella, sperm antibodies, STD's and HIV. An ultrasound examination will be performed to get information on what the ovaries and uterus looks like as well as the growth of eggs, thickness of the uterus lining, presence of fibroids or polyps on the uterus, ovarian cysts or endometriosis. Another test performed would be a semen analysis to check the number of sperm as well as how well they swim.
You may be unable to conceive due to a number of different reasons. If you're not sure why you haven't conceived a baby after a year, then it is recommended that you visit a fertility doctor.

5 Male Infertility Causes You Need to Know

A lot of men often find it hard to believe that they could be infertile. Male infertility cause was not a popular subject centuries ago. This is because old beliefs point a female as the main culprit when a couple is unable to bear children.
Present studies reveal that men and women both take responsibility when it comes to issues with infertility. Men can be a likely suspect of infertility as women. Male infertility cause affects 10 million men in the United States.
A lot of men are not aware that they are infertile. The reason is because they do not know nor understand the different male infertility cause.
Here are five male infertility causes that you should learn about:
1. Varicocele - This is a male infertility cause wherein the vein in the scrotum is swollen and enlarged. This condition can have radical effect to the quality of the sperm. The sperm may decrease in number and its motility may decline.
2. Low Sperm Count - A male's low sperm count is the most common male infertility cause. According to the World Health Organization, you must have a normal sperm count of 20 million sperms per one milliliter of semen. If test results indicate that you only have 10 million sperms or lower, you have a greater chance of being infertile.
3. Abnormal Shape and Motility of Sperm - Motility is characterized by the sperm's unique ability to move and swim towards the awaiting egg. There are males born with abnormal shape and motility of the sperm. Motility is important because this gives the sperm its needed potency to survive the long and difficult journey towards the woman's uterus. When these two are not in their best conditions, infertility is highly probable.
4. Abnormal Testicular Development - Another male infertility cause is when one is born with an abnormality of the testicles. This condition causes the normal X and Y chromosomes to become two X and one Y. This reason of infertility is one that has been present since the day you were born and no other reason of its occurrence expect that it probably runs in the family. An abnormal development in the testicles may result to low sperm production as well as low testosterone. Testosterones are hormones secreted in the testes.
5. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) - Certain STDs can become male infertility cause. They often cause scarring and may block the pathway of the sperm. When this happens, you are not able to release enough sperm into the woman's uterus and a conception may not happen. Some examples of STDs that can cause infertility in men are Chlamydia and gonorrhea. There also certain infections such as mumps that have damaging effect on fertility. It is best to avoid this condition especially that it is common among children and may affect even at a young age.
Male infertility cause is best prevented when you know how to identify them. Talk with your doctor and visit reliable websites dedicated to infertility issues. Knowing the problem will help you and your partner determine its solution.
Pay Close Attention Here:
There are more male infertility causes that you need know about. Read about them in full details and learn how you can resolve your own infertility issues.

Tips for Using Herbal Medicine for Female Infertility

Using herbal medicine for female infertility has not been given the prominence that it deserves when it comes to the treatment of infertility. Orthodox medicine as a mainstream method sometimes might not be the preferred perfect technique if natural means like herbal medicine has been made popular. For more effective results when using herbal medicine, the following tips should not be skipped.
Regular and consistent adherence to usage:
Most often herbal medicine is taken without the strict adherence to the given instruction. Because it is a natural means of treatment, the results occur gradually but once established is everlasting. This is because the outcome is as a result of repairing naturally the cells which were deficient in undertaken the fertility function.
Completing dosage within the required time:
For want of effective results one need to go through the required dosage prescribed by the herbal doctor. There should not be a break in the use of the herbs. This is because the period given have been tried and tested to work well given the underlining circumstances that one finds him or herself. A break in the taking of your prepared stuff will not make the required impact. Sometimes you will need to start all over again if possible.
Back it with the faith that all shall be well:
The power of the mind in making things manifest must be given prominence here. Having faith in what you are doing is enough to make things happen as required. This involves going within oneself and having the conviction that it shall be well with the prescribed medication. In short back it up with prayers. Be careful here not to go for pray-for-me pastors and evangelists.
Tuning your mind to fertility objects:
In order to attract fertility to yourself, you must within this period set your mind on fertile objects and events. Toys play a great role here. By carrying baby toys with the mind set to having one works very well like magic. Treat the toy as real by attending to it with the utmost attention that is required in your circumstance. Mounting fertility pictures around your environment is possible to influence the situation. Another way to do this is visit friends and relatives who have new babies. Ceremonies of newly born babies must be attended to the full.
Female fertility can be treated by so many ways. But when one goes for herbal medicine, there is the need to go the extra mile by going by the tips mentioned above.
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6 Effective Herbal Treatments For Infertility - Infertility Solutions

There are many types of tips to boost fertility out there. The one that is important is the one that can lead you to a better chance to get pregnant. Thus, you are more likely to find the one that can give you faster result and cut cost. Most importantly, after you adopting all these tips you will need to use it every single time. Applying all those tips that you will learn is the one that will ensure you to get pregnant in natural way.
Usually, when you're not performing the right method, this is because you are not applying the fundamental principle. Of course it will also difficult to detect your own mistake. So here are the herbal treatments for infertility that you have to follow:
1. The long history of usage as woman's herb is called Wild Yam. It has many benefits on health especially for who are infertile. Commonly it used during menopause-relieving regimen and pre-menstrual syndrome. This herb is a good tonic because it can help balance out hormones for the female system and increase the fertility of women.
2. There is a herb that widely used by Muslims called Black Seed. This is one of the most favourites of Muhammad. It is the panacea that heals all harms except for death. It can heal the infertility problems such as PCOS, Endometriosis, blocked tubes, and uterine fibroids. While that, black seed also have an ability to increase the male sperm count, stimulates menstrual periods, increases the flow of breast milk, and calms the nervous system.
3. The third herb that is the safest and commonly used is Raspberry Leaf. This herb is used for female wanting to get pregnant or who are already pregnant. It is good to the uterine and pelvic muscles. It contains full of minerals, calcium, vitamins and alkaloid. The benefit of this alkaloid is to lend tone to the uterus. This herb is better when you drink 2 - 3 cups per day.
4. The fourth herbal which is noted as Chinese herb is Dong Quai. It is used as a blood tonic. In this herb, it has Iron, vitamin B12 and vitamin E for their blood building properties such as regulate the menstrual cycle, balances estrogens and improves the chances of embryo implantation. This herb helps the uterus to tone effectively and increase the hormone regulator.
5. The fifth herbal treatment is Black Cohosh. The beneficial of this herb is that it ripens and prepare cervix for labor. This herb has many other usage such as treat human's mood swings, relieves hot flashes in menopausal women and especially for vaginal dryness which it can avoid from getting pregnant.
6. Lastly, the most useful herb is Red Clover Blossoms. This herb can boost fertility because it contains many valuable nutrients including of high protein, high vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and many more. It has been used medicinally for many years through history to treat conditions especially related to menopause.
Above all those tips will help you to get pregnant naturally and of course it will take time. People who are already boost their fertility aware about the causes of infertility. With proper guidance, you can be sure to achieve the exact same result as the successful ones.
Unless you want to plan to get pregnant in 2 months time? Research has shown that there's actually a system which is designed to cure infertility [http://thepregnancyhelper.com] problem. It basically will teach you step-by-step program that can cure infertility in 8 weeks called the Pregnancy Miracles. The founder personally had gone through the same experience years ago and finally found a cure and become a proud mother of two beautiful healthy children. For more information on the pregnancy miracles, simply visit [http://the-pregnancy-miracles.info]. Take a look at the site and see what they have to say about what you should do to cure infertility. It's definitely an eye-opener.

Top Causes of Infertility Issues

What are the factors of infertility?
Generally women under 35 aren't encouraged to seek fertility testing until they have been trying to get pregnant for at least a year. Medical experts feel there is no reason for concern if it can take up to a year to conceive. It's advisable to learn fertility charting during this time, to keep good charts, charting the cervical mucus, cervical position and basal body temperature. If after a year pregnancy hasn't been achieved, having those charts will be very helpful in coming to a diagnosis. If you are over 35, you should see your physician and start off armed with their suggestions on how long you should try before seeking help.
Men can have infertility issues too. So if pregnancy hasn't been achieved within the year he should be tested as well. In fact testing for male factor is far more easier and less expensive than testing the woman. If he is ruled out as healthy, then testing can begin on her.
Statistics show that 1 in 10 couples are infertile. But the good news is that "once infertile always infertile" isn't true. With today's advances in medical science, successful reproduction treatments bring that statistic down by 50% for those labeled infertile within that first year of trying. Some can have children with very little help, while others may require more help.
Below are risk factors that may result in infertility issues for men and women:
Men's Risk Factors
* Bicyclist
* Cancer (now or in the past)
* Diabetes
* Frequent hot tub user
* Mumps after puberty
* Smoker
* Testicle problems such as growths (cysts or tumors) or varicoceles
* Thyroid dysfunction
Women's Risk Factors
* Cancer
* DES exposure while in-utero
* Diabetes
* Endometriosis
* Excessive body or facial hair (sign of PCOS)
* Fallopian tube issues (blocked or scarred)
* Irregular menstrual cycles
* PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
* PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)
* Smoker
* STD (sexually transmitted diseases)
* Surgery in the pelvic area
* Thyroid Dysfunction
* Uterine Fibroids
* Weight issues - over or under weight
Knowing the facts helps you to be armed if you start out on the road to conception and have any of the above risk factors. If you do you may want to go ahead and make an appointment with your OB/GYN and ask for their direction. They may have a shorter time table for you to conceive than outlined here. It's good to give yourself the most optimum chances at conception right from the beginning if you suspect you may have infertility issues due to any of the risk factors. At the very least start off with proper charting of your fertility signs, just in case you may need them later on.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4127809

What is Infertility and Symptoms?

Have you and your spouse attempted unprotected sex for over a year and have not been able to get pregnant? If so, then you are one of over 5 million individuals who is experiencing infertility. Some women may be able to get pregnant but are unable to carry the child full term may also be considered infertile.
Approximately 10 percent of women (6.1 million) in the United States ranging in age from 15-44 have difficulty getting pregnant or staying pregnant. Infertility is rarely just a woman's problem. Both women and men may have problems that cause infertility. Women's issues cause about one-third of infertility cases, one third are due to the man and the other cases are caused by a mixture of both or by unknown issues.
The following most often causes infertility in men:
o Varicocele: (VAIR-ih-koh-seel). the veins on a man's testicle(s) are too large and this raises the core temperature in the testicles which can affect the number or shape of the sperm or may cause a man to make too few sperm or none at all.
o Sperm movement is irregular: shape of the sperm may cause this irregularity and an injury may also lead to the reproductive track being blocked and not allowing proper sperm movement.
o Birth defect: a man may be born with issues that affect his sperm.
o Illness & Over-all health: illness such as cystic fibrosis often causes infertility in men. Sperm may be altered by a man's overall health & lifestyle.
Things that may reduce the health or number of sperm include:
1. Heavy alcohol use
2. Drugs
3. Smoking cigarettes
4. Age
5. Environmental toxins including pesticides & lead
6. Health problems such as mumps, kidney disease, or hormone problems
7. Medicines
8. Radiation treatment & chemotherapy
The most common cases of infertility in women are problems with ovulation. Simply put ovulation is the process of delivering the egg to the uterus to be fertilized. Irregular and/or absent menstrual periods are usually the first and most common signs of an ovulation issue.
PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome is a primary cause of ovulation issues and female infertility. This is a hormone imbalance that may create an issue with a normal ovulation cycle.
Another cause of ovulation issue can be related to Primary ovarian insufficiency or (POI). This occurs when the ovaries are not working properly. POI is generally an issue up to the age of 40 and is not the same as early menopause or peri-menopause.
Other know but less frequent infertility issues in women include:
o Blocked fallopian tubes due to pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, or surgery for an entopic pregnancy
o Physical problems with the uterus
o Uterine fibroids: non-cancerous clumps of tissue and muscle on the walls of the uterus.
Lifestyle issues may also change a woman's ability to have a baby. They include:
1. Age
2. Smoking
3. Excess alcohol use
4. Stress
5. Poor diet
6. Athletic training
7. Being overweight or underweight
8. Sexually transmitted infections
9. Health problems that cause hormonal changes, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome and primary ovarian insufficiency
The most encouraging thing there is about infertility is the results that we are seeing here in the United State. Over 80% of individuals to be diagnosed with some form of infertility are able to over come the issues and are able to conceive a child. There are so many natural options available that IVF should be the last option attempted for many reasons but mainly due to the risk of multiple births and the expense associated with this form of treatment.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3451191

What Irregularities in Menstrual Cycle Could Mean for Fertility

A woman going through an irregular menstrual cycle is nothing new. It is in fact quite common and with changing lifestyles, more women are faced with an irregular menstrual cycle on a regular basis. However, when it comes to fertility and having the ability to conceive a child, this same irregularity can take the shape of a more serious health condition and come in the way of conception. Some of the dangers or sources of irregular menstrual cycle that can also cause infertility are as follows:
1) PCOS - Also known as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, PCOS is a condition where a woman develops a number of cysts in their ovaries. As a result of these cysts, there is hormonal imbalance in the woman's body leading to problems in the menstrual cycle. While having Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is not much of a worry for women not trying to conceive a child, PCOS does become a problem for pregnancy. The very fact that it makes your menstrual cycle irregular means that you will have difficulties for conception. The reproductive system is not able to achieve an optimum ovulation that is required during intercourse for pregnancy. It is recommended that women trying to get pregnant get a test done to check if they are affected by Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and then get appropriate treatment done as soon as possible.
2) Uterine Fibroids - Sometimes, instead of facing irregularities in terms of the dates of the month for menstrual cycles, some women end up facing other kind of abnormalities such as extremely heavy bleeding or having a longer than usual periods. If your periods end up lasting for a week or more, then there are possibilities of uterine fibroids in your body. Basically sometimes there are growths in fibroids in the uterus that can create problems for the reproductive system and irregular menstrual cycle is one of the symptoms of this condition. Again just like PCOS, this condition can be common and not harmful for most women. However, if the fibroids present in the uterus start to grow, then they end up altering the shape of the organs around them leading to infertility. Uterine fibroids that have grown bigger than their usual size need to be shrunk as soon as possible. In very rare occasions, these fibroids start growing so large that they become the size of a ball or even larger. Needless to say when this happens, you are not only faced with infertility but other serious health conditions as well.
3) Blocked fallopian tubes - It is possible for a woman to have blocked fallopian tubes but not experience any irregularities in their menstrual cycle. It is only in some rare forms of this health condition that women may face irregular periods. However, of all the conditions mentioned so far, blocked fallopian tubes are the most concerning for women trying to get pregnant. Fallopian tubes are very thin tubes on either end of the uterus and have the important function of carrying eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. The same tubes are also required for sperm to travel during intercourse for mating with the egg. Any kind of blockage or damage to this tube will directly affect a woman's ability to conceive a child. Blocked fallopian tubes should be treated with a lot of care and must be taken care of as soon as possible to enable conception.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9240107