Top 7 Tips To Treat And Prevent Intercourse Pain

Sudden, intense pain has brought an abrupt end to your romantic interlude. Your partner is baffled and hurt. You are embarrassed and anxious. And you are both left to wonder. It is a question that confronts many women, far more women than men. And it is not easy to answer. Because painful intercourse could have physical or psychological roots, you must look at your symptoms honestly before you can treat them effectively. The physical causes of intercourse pain fall into two general categories. If it hurts when the penis is inserted, the vaginal opening is probably inflamed, too dry, or too narrow. If the pain occurs after insertion, it could indicate a bladder or pelvic infection. Here are some tips that you can consider to adopt for fast relief.
1. Be Honest
Talking about a sexual position with your partner is seldom easy. But if you let your partner know what hurts, you open the door to a frank and honest discussion and the two of you may come up with a solution together.
2. Explore Your Options
Of one sexual position seems to cause you pain, then you and your partner should experiment to find something more comfortable. For example, if you have problem with deep penetration. It is recommended trying a position that lengthens the vagina somewhat. Lying on your back with your legs straight out rather than up may help.
3. Maximize Moisture
If your pain results from vaginal dryness, it is recommended using a lubricating product such as K-Y Jelly or Replens. But steer clear of petroleum jelly. It is too sticky and gooey.
4. Ease The Way With Vitamin E
Applying vitamin E to the vagina can help dry, irritated tissue. It is recommended either pricking a vitamin E capsule and squeezing out the oil or using the vitamin in liquid form, which is available in health food stores and drugstores. Repeat the treatment several times a week. Bear in mind that vitamin E is not a lubricant and should not be used during intercourse.
5. Wait Until You Are Ready
A woman should be highly stimulated before penetration occurs. This has two benefits. It ensures that the vagina is sufficiently lubricated, and it lengthens the vagina to accommodate deep thrusting.
6. Get A New Prescription
Taking low-dose birth control pills for a long period of time may cause the vaginal tissue to become thinner, setting the stage for intercourse pain. You may want to talk to your doctor about changing your prescription.
7. Put The Squeeze On Pain
Consciously working the pubococcygeal (PC) muscle, located at the bottom of the pelvis between the anus and the genitals, can teach you to relax the muscle during intercourse. This helps the penetration less painful. You hold in urine by contracting the PC muscle. So practice squeezing the muscle three times wherever you urinate. You should squeeze hard enough to stop the flow of urine. It is recommended exercising the muscle before you go to sleep. Squeeze it as tight as you can, hold for a count of 5 to 10, then relax. Repeat for a total of three times.

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