Vaginal Yeast Infections - The Facts

Vaginal yeast infections send more women to the doctor than just about any other cause. Unfortunately, many women have to keep going back to the doctor because the infection returns. If you're one of those women, you know that a yeast infection is no fun at all, and you're ready to do whatever it takes to keep from having another one.
According to recent research, the incidence of vaginal yeast infections has doubled over the last 20 years, possibly because of changes in lifestyle, environmental changes, or mutations in the yeast organism itself. No one really knows for sure why the incidence of infections is increasing so rapidly.
Since most of us are only aware of yeast when we get a vaginal infection, many people don't realize that over 10,000 people in the United States die each year from fungal infections caused by the same organism that makes our crotches itch and burn.
The yeast that is responsible for vaginal infections and oral thrush is a tiny fungus called Candida albicans. Occasionally, a yeast infection is caused by a form of Candida yeast other than the common C. albicans. These yeasts include C. dubliniensi and C. stellatoidea. Tests can be done to determine what type of yeast is causing an infection, but infections by yeasts other than Candida albicans are rare.
Candida is the most common type of fungal infection in humans, and it can lead to serious health problems for some people. A yeast infection can even be deadly in people with compromised immune systems. For this reason, any woman who gets the symptoms of a yeast infection while receiving chemotherapy treatment for cancer should seek medical attention as soon as possible.
There are four common causes of yeast infections:
1. The balance of power between bacteria and yeast is disturbed. Bacteria help us by keeping the yeast in check, so if the bacteria are killed, a yeast population can explode out of control.
This can happen when antibiotics are used during an illness. A diet high in refined sugars and other carbohydrates can also upset the balance by favoring the growth of yeast and inhibiting the growth of bacteria. This imbalance can lead to a yeast infection in the mouth or vagina.
2. Changing hormone balances, (due to pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy during menopause, and oral contraceptives), can create the right conditions for a yeast infection.
3. Yeast infections can also occur when the patient's immune system is compromised by an HIV infection, chemotherapy or radiation treatment, Lyme disease or organ transplant. Steroids can also slow the immune response and allow a yeast infection to take hold.
4. And finally, chronic yeast infections can be a symptom of a more serious underlying illness, such as diabetes, thyroid disorder, leukemia or AIDS. If your yeast infection keeps coming back, ask your doctor for a complete exam to rule out any underlying cause.
Unfortunately, the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections are very similar to other conditions that are caused by bacteria and parasites. While yeast infections are not usually dangerous in women with intact immune systems, a bacterial infection can cause permanent damage to your reproductive organs, and must be treated promptly.
This is why it is so important to get a medical diagnosis, even if you've had a yeast infection before. It's also the reason why you should be very careful before treating an infection on your own - up to two-thirds of the women who purchase over-the counter medications for yeast infections actually have a bacterial infection instead, and the anti-fungal medication won't do any good. In fact, using anti-fungal medications when you don't need to can make future yeast infections more difficult to treat.
To make matters even more complicated, some "natural" cures for yeast infections that you find on the Internet can actually push a bacterial infection up into your uterus and fallopian tubes, where it can cause permanent damage. For this reason, it's important to learn as much as you can about vaginal yeast infections, and the other types of conditions that look just the same, but need to be treated differently.
Vaginal infections aren’t the most exciting subject in the world, but it’s important to be informed so you can make good decisions about your health. To learn more about Candida albicans yeast infections – what causes a vaginal yeast infection, how to get rid of it, and how to keep it from coming back – visit

3 Top Tips to Cure Vaginal Thrush Naturally

Vaginal thrush is mostly caused by a naturally occurring fungus called Candida albicans. These reside in the human body, especially those areas which most meet the fungus' needs, i.e. dark, warm and moist areas, such as the vagina, anus, under the foreskin, mouth, etc.
They don't normally cause any problems because our bodies' good bacteria helps to keep their numbers down. So they reside in us usually without causing any drama's.
But (and there's always a 'but' isn't there?) under certain conditions, the Candida fungus is left unchecked and can 'overgrow' into a vaginal thrush (also known as Candida, Candidiasis and vaginal yeast infection).
The five main underlying conditions that can trigger this situation are; a lowered immune system, depleted good bacteria in your body, high blood sugar levels, hormonal imbalance, and certain drugs.
This is why, for many women (and men), normal drug-based medications can sometimes not work. These drugs really only target the local symptoms of vaginal thrush, not the root cause(s). And the Candida fungus can eventually build-up a resistance to the drugs, rendering them less than useless.
So this is why so many women nowadays turn to natural ways to help them eliminate vaginal yeast infection. There are just too many to list here, but here are 3 of the most popular and effective in use today...
1. Raw Garlic
This is recognized as a powerful agent in the fight against vaginal thrush because of it's natural antifungal properties. By consuming raw garlic or high-quality garlic capsules everyday, you are helping to defeat the fungi in your gut, which is important.
You can also press a raw peeled garlic clove into a paste and apply over the affected area to kill-off the Candida fungi in and around the vagina. Also, make a tampon of a peeled whole clove by wrapping it in muslin or similar and leave in overnight to take care of the fungi there.
2. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
This is a very old home remedy that works by rebalancing the pH in the body (e.g. gut and vagina). This helps to prevent fungal growth from developing.
Drink 3 teaspoons in a large glass of water 3 times per day. Douche the area using 2 tablespoons of vinegar to 2 quarts of warm water. Or, simply add 2 cups to a warm low bath and bathe for about 20 minutes or so. But it has to be un-distilled raw apple cider with no additives.
3. Natural Yogurt
The power of this remedy is that natural yogurt contains active cultures which are beneficial bacteria that can kill-off the Candida fungus. But it needs to be unsweetened natural yogurt with no coloring or fruit.
Eat a tub every day to help build-up your good bacteria in the gut. Spread the yogurt over the affected area to help attack the fungus around the vagina. Coat a tampon in the yogurt and leave in overnight to do battle in your vagina.
Now, whilst these 3 natural remedies are effective, to cure vaginal thrush naturally and permanently you'll need to consider other things such as diet (e.g. fungus feeds on sugar) and lifestyle (e.g. stress, obesity, sex, etc. are all vaginal thrush triggers), etc. Only in this way can you present yourself with the very best chance of a cure for vaginal thrush that actually lasts.
There's no need to search for all this information yourself though: To get the facts on how to cure vaginal thrush naturally and for good, please now go to Some folks have reported relief in as little as 12 hours?

Causes of Vaginal Dryness and How to Cure It

Vaginal dryness is a highly common sexual problem in women and it is known that almost 80% of women in America experienceit during menopause.
The most important cause of vaginal dryness in women is related to hormonal imbalance that takes place during menopause and it is obvious that most of the remedies and cures for vaginal dryness are aimed at correcting this hormonal imbalance.
Menopause and vaginal dryness go hand in hand. Reduced estrogen levels is one of the most important factors of this sexual problem in women.
Low estrogen levels makes walls of the vagina thin and dry. This makes intercourse extremely painful. It is also accompanied with a constant burning sensation. Not only this, most women also experience bleeding during intercourse. Moreover, it also makes women more prone to urinary tract infection.
How to Cure Vaginal Dryness
There are some natural remedies that can help cure this problem in women. However, the first step is to take care of your diet. You must make sure that you take a proper diet and also drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.
Moreover, there are lubricants and natural supplements that can be a big help.
Natural or herbal supplements are a mix of various herbs and other nutrients that not only increase blood flow to the genitals but also help increase the production of sex hormones so as to encourage natural lubrication.
Some of the ingredients in such natural pills include ginkgo, tribulus terrestris, epimedium sagittatum, hops extract, niacin, DHEA etc.,
These supplements increase blood flow to the genitals and ensure engorgement of the clitoris. They help increase response to sexual stimuli so that you can climax soon after foreplay. Not only this, they help increase the production of nitric oxide as well so that blood flow can be increased.
Over and above, such supplements boost the production of estrogen naturally and without any side effects. This is one of the major advantages of such supplements. No wonder, an ever increasing number of women are now buying such supplements not just to help them overcome problems such as vaginal dryness but also to help them boost their libido or sex drive. Here it is important to note that most women lose their sexual appetite as they advance towards middle age.
In addition to this, such supplements also help boost fertility in women.
If you are wondering how such supplements react with other medications like birth control pills etc., let me tell you that top quality supplements do not interfere with any other medications.
High quality supplements are backed with clinical approvals and are also recommended by doctors. Moreover, they do not have any side effects.
If you are experiencing vaginal dryness or low libido, its time you check out the Most Powerful and Highly Acclaimed Female Libido Boosters that not only enhance libido but also cure vaginal dryness safely and naturally.

How to Get a Strong Sex Drive and Cure Vaginal Dryness

Low libido and vaginal dryness are some of the most common sexual problems that a vast majority of women experience post menopause. Though libido or or sex drive can be affected by a series of factors and issues, vaginal dryness is largely a result of a drop in the production of estrogen in your body.
Reduced estrogen secretion makes walls of the vagina thin and dry which is also accompanied with a burning sensation. This makes penetrative sex extremely painful and quite often women experience bleeding during intercourse.
How to Get a Strong Sex Drive and Cure Vaginal Dryness
One of the best ways to get over low libido and cure vaginal dryness is natural or herbal supplements that are made with some of the finest herbal and organic ingredients.
Such supplements not only increase blood flow to the clitoris but also helps to enhance and achieve a balance between your sex hormones.
Some of the best supplements include ingredients such as:
  • red raspberry
  • ginseng
  • ginkgo biloba
  • black cohosh
  • ginger root
  • licorice root
  • damiana
  • epimedium sagittatum etc.,
Such supplements increase blood flow to the genitals and ensure engorgement of the clitoris. Not only this, they increase clitoral sensitivity and increase level of excitement during foreplay.They are highly effective in increasing response to sexual stimulation so that you can climax soon after foreplay. One of the most effective features of such supplements is that they can increase the production of estrogen naturally. Red raspberry and hops extract are some of the herbal ingredients that are highly effective in doing so.
This provides relief not just from vaginal dryness but also from other menopause symptoms.
Such supplements are absolutely safe and do not have any side effects. They can be taken along with birth control pills as well.
Besides such supplements, there are some gels or lubricants that can also be a great help. There are a lot of women who do not prefer taking pills. Such lubricants are a perfect choice for these women. These gels and lubricants are made with some of the finest butters like shea and cocoa, pure aloe, l-arginine etc., and work instantly on application.
They not only increase lubrication but also boost blood flow to the genitals and enhance libido effectively.
No wonder, women are buying such supplements and gels in huge numbers to enjoy physical side of love.
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How to Cure Painful Intercourse and Enjoy Your Sex Life

Women can experience painful intercourse for many different reasons. The medical term for this is dyspareunia and it is estimated that at least 10%, and up to 50% of women experience it. If you are one of these women, you need to know why this is happening and what you can do about it.
Emotional problems can cause painful intercourse, but not in the way that you might think. Someone who experiences this problem because of her emotions is not a frigid person or someone who doesn't like sex. Quite the opposite is often true. There are physical problems that can be triggered by the emotions that would make intercourse very painful. Some other triggers for painful sex are post natal problems, vaginal disease, sexually transmitted diseases, and even constipation.
One very common problem that causes this is if you are too dry. Your hormones cause the natural secretions to the vagina during sexual excitement, and if your hormones are low then these secretions will slow down or cease completely. You may be more than able to get aroused, but then once the penetration begins you are in agony because it hurts so badly. Hormone therapy can help but many doctors won't see dyspareunia as single reason to start hormone therapy.
So are you out of luck and doomed to a lifetime of painful intercourse? Of course you aren't. There are supplements that you can take to increase your hormones naturally, which are completely safe to use and will actually help to increase your libido, too. These all-natural libido enhancing pills can help with your intercourse at a price much more reasonable than your doctor visits and hormone therapy shots. Can you really come up with a reason not to try the all-natural libido enhancing pills?

Vaginal Infections - What Makes Your Vagina so Different

There are several types of vaginal infections that affect women. If after you notice any abnormal function or sighting in or around the vagina then it is vitally important that you have your doctor examine you so the problem can be determined. Regardless of the type of vaginal infection present it will need treating. Are you the woman that shies away from addressing a health concern of this matter through embarrassment, if so, then you have to get a grip of yourself for fear your problem may need immediate medical attention. What you have to bear in mind is, your doctor or gynaecologist examine women`s vaginas every hour of the day, so save your blushes because "Once you have seen one you have seen them all" - so why would yours be any different.
Itchiness, soreness and a difference in your vaginal discharge can be signs of infection. An abnormal discharge is normally described as a thick white curd texture, it can be green and smell, if specks of blood are visible then this can suggest a possible infection. Because we have several types of vaginal infections then this means there are several different causes. Thrush, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and gonorrhoea are the most common causes of vaginal infection. Genital herpes and genital warts are also other types of infection that will need treatment.
What is Candida albicans, well it is normally known as being a harmless fungus associated with women - where it grows on or in their bodies. However, when it grows excessively, it causes thrush (vaginal candidiasis). Discomfort from this is usually irritation and soreness of the vulva. Some women may notice a change in their vaginal discharge but not in all cases of thrush patients. Infections need to be treated with medication. Most infections relating to the vagina if left untreated can only add to your problem (worsen). Symptoms (irritation soreness) can spread to the buttocks. Vaginal infections can cause severe discomfort when passing urine and can make intercourse painful. It is not healthy to engage in coupling if you have an infection in case of passing the infection on.
Different types of medication are sold over the chemist counter to treat most thrush infections, however you have to be very careful because what you believe may be thrush may well not be, therefore having you treat a condition with the wrong remedy which can be very dangerous indeed.
Most thrush infections respond to one of the antifungal treatments such as clotrimazole cream or pessaries (e.g. Canesten), or fluconazole (Diflucan) tablets. Some women have even admitted to applying plain yoghurt to the infected area for relief. If you find the infection is still present after you initiated your own personal curing process then go and see your doctor. Antifungal drugs or a longer course of fluconazole tablets may be prescribed.
To help prevent thrush occurring wear cotton pants, change underwear regular. Avoid harsh soaps, bubble baths and deodorants. Poor hygiene can cause vaginal odours; smells from the vagina can be repulsive if caused by an infection. Bacterial Vaginosis is more associated with the strong fishy smell. Vaginal douches are not recommended to treat or prevent vaginal infections because they disturb the natural, and protective, acidity of the vagina. Suffering in silence is not the cure.
Any health matter that gives you reason for concern should also be the concern of your doctor.
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Vaginismus - Ways to Tell If Your Vagina is Big and Loose Or Small and Tight

Does size really matter, well this would depend on what we refer too. If we talk of a young child in a fight, then yes, because no toddler is able for the teen, or if you're hungry, then a small size food portion will not fill your belly. What on earth has this got to do with vaginas you may well ask; "satisfaction" that's what. Both instances are "unsatisfying" situations for the toddler and the tummy rumbler due to size restricting them from achieving, so this can apply to the size of the vagina also? If a person can get satisfaction from being well fed - or from beating their opponent, then why would not a person want satisfaction from their love making. Does the size of the vagina matter; yes it does if it interferes with, or stops you pleasuring in sex. If you or your partner gets no enjoyment while having sex because of looseness, then of course it matters. If you're sure the problem is in your department and not about your partner having a small willy, then you need to look for a way to tighten your vagina.
Is there a way of telling whether the vagina is either big or small, and of a natural size? Vaginal size is not a topical subject, so chances of finding out anything from friends and family through girlie gossip, is zero. The vaginal wall is elasticity so exact size can never really be ascertained. If the vagina is relaxed the vaginal walls collapse into each other. The diameter is less than one inch and the length will be around 3 to 4 inches. Vagina size alters when ready for intercourse. At this time the diameter of the vagina is not the same throughout the vaginal tunnel.
The narrowest part of the vagina is the opening which widens as it goes in deeper. Normally the front part of vagina has a size of one and a half inches. The deeper into the vagina you go the bigger the diameter. The back end is usually a diameter of 2 1/2 inches. The front vagina wall has the length of 2 inches and the back end is 3 totaling approximately 6 inches.
Some pregnant women after giving birth find there vagina may have stretched through intense expansion. Most of these women turn to Kegel exercises to bring back vaginal tightness. Issues in relation to a loose vagina and vulva size are common, so no need to be embarrassed. Go along and speak with your GP if you`re worried over this. If you have never experienced giving birth, then it's highly unlikely that your vagina or vulva is too big. If you have been put off having sex because you have heard it stretches the vagina and makes it big, then you have heard wrong. What a load of codswollop, yes the vagina can stretch to accept the penis, but soon returns to normal size. Childbirth is a regular cause for vaginal looseness because it can affect dimensions, meaning, damaged muscles and other supporting tissues of the vaginal walls. Don't be put off having children thinking this is a natural happening for women having baby's, because it`s not, just ask the millions of moms the whole world over. There are things you can do to help prevent widening of the vagina by doing postnatal exercises that physiotherapists teach.
If the vaginal 'barrel' gives a feeling of largeness it can lead to the following effects:
- Unsatisfactory sexual intercourse.
- Likelihood of air getting into the vagina - known as 'fanny farting'.
- Lax muscles and ligaments can lead to a prolapsed womb
If you want to tighten a loose vagina start by doing pelvic floor muscle exercises. Practice includes you tense the muscles at the front of the lower part of your body - as if preventing yourself from weeing, hold this contraction for 10 seconds then relax and repeat and keep up for 5 minutes. If possible do this 4 times a day. You can speak to a gynecologist to discuss the possibility of a 'repair' operation. This draws the weakened pelvic tissues together and firms everything up resulting in a tight vagina.
Some women on a huge scale tend "not" to worry over size as much as they do of appearance. These same women believe they have an abnormal vagina because their vulva is either too large or the labia too long, or that bits of it protrude unevenly. If you are one of these women it does not mean you have an abnormal vagina, what it means is, is you have one slightly different from others. Getting back to vagina size, we have women who think their vagina too small. Statistically this is most unlikely. Symptoms that show smallness: is
- Sexual intercourse pain
- Not able to have sex
- Discomfort inserting a tampon
Many women who feel vaginal tightness find it hard to accept that their vagina is normal-size after seeking medical advice. Vaginismus is a condition and the primary reason why women get mixed up for the smallness. It causes the vaginal muscles to contract when intent on making genital contact. An internal examination is normal procedure carried out to clarify that this is the problem. Unfortunately women sufferers can do nothing to prevent the condition from happening because symptoms are entirely involuntary. Vaginismus can have a woman experience burning, pain, penetration problems, or complete inability to have intercourse.
The tightness is actually caused by involuntary contractions of the pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina. The tightness can be so restrictive that the opening to the vagina shuts altogether making penetration near to impossible for the man. As like with most conditions there can be several specific types, and this applies to vaginismus also. If a woman has always experienced pain while having intercourse due to this muscle spasm it is called "primary vaginismus." Recognized suffering from this type is not able to wear tampons. Another type is the "secondary vaginismus" more known more for developing later in life. Women can have this after years of uncomplicated sexual intercourse. It is normally hurried along by a medical condition, traumatic event, childbirth, or menopause.
The condition is curable and not a problem to be ashamed of. Your doctor is the person with all the answers if you need to know more. It is not a concern to deeply worry over, as treatment is pretty much straight forward. Vaginismus treatment does not require drugs, surgery, or any other complex persistent methods, so no need to hold back on seeking treatment and suffering any longer.
Symptoms can include:
- Unintentional uncontrolled spasms of the muscles in the vagina
- Dread of pain
- Fear of penetration
- Loss of sexual yearning near to penetration
- Difficulty and pain, inserting a tampon, or penis
The quicker you address the issue about your tight vagina, then the quicker it will give you back the confidence to enjoy and have a wonderful sex life again.
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Top 7 Tips To Treat And Prevent Intercourse Pain

Sudden, intense pain has brought an abrupt end to your romantic interlude. Your partner is baffled and hurt. You are embarrassed and anxious. And you are both left to wonder. It is a question that confronts many women, far more women than men. And it is not easy to answer. Because painful intercourse could have physical or psychological roots, you must look at your symptoms honestly before you can treat them effectively. The physical causes of intercourse pain fall into two general categories. If it hurts when the penis is inserted, the vaginal opening is probably inflamed, too dry, or too narrow. If the pain occurs after insertion, it could indicate a bladder or pelvic infection. Here are some tips that you can consider to adopt for fast relief.
1. Be Honest
Talking about a sexual position with your partner is seldom easy. But if you let your partner know what hurts, you open the door to a frank and honest discussion and the two of you may come up with a solution together.
2. Explore Your Options
Of one sexual position seems to cause you pain, then you and your partner should experiment to find something more comfortable. For example, if you have problem with deep penetration. It is recommended trying a position that lengthens the vagina somewhat. Lying on your back with your legs straight out rather than up may help.
3. Maximize Moisture
If your pain results from vaginal dryness, it is recommended using a lubricating product such as K-Y Jelly or Replens. But steer clear of petroleum jelly. It is too sticky and gooey.
4. Ease The Way With Vitamin E
Applying vitamin E to the vagina can help dry, irritated tissue. It is recommended either pricking a vitamin E capsule and squeezing out the oil or using the vitamin in liquid form, which is available in health food stores and drugstores. Repeat the treatment several times a week. Bear in mind that vitamin E is not a lubricant and should not be used during intercourse.
5. Wait Until You Are Ready
A woman should be highly stimulated before penetration occurs. This has two benefits. It ensures that the vagina is sufficiently lubricated, and it lengthens the vagina to accommodate deep thrusting.
6. Get A New Prescription
Taking low-dose birth control pills for a long period of time may cause the vaginal tissue to become thinner, setting the stage for intercourse pain. You may want to talk to your doctor about changing your prescription.
7. Put The Squeeze On Pain
Consciously working the pubococcygeal (PC) muscle, located at the bottom of the pelvis between the anus and the genitals, can teach you to relax the muscle during intercourse. This helps the penetration less painful. You hold in urine by contracting the PC muscle. So practice squeezing the muscle three times wherever you urinate. You should squeeze hard enough to stop the flow of urine. It is recommended exercising the muscle before you go to sleep. Squeeze it as tight as you can, hold for a count of 5 to 10, then relax. Repeat for a total of three times.

What Are The Causes Of Painful Urination In Women?

Painful urination is also known by the medical term of dysuria. It can affect both men and women, but it's prevalent in women, especially at reproductive age. Some women even experience it frequently because of recurrent infections. There are multiple causes of painful urination in women and some of them are of infectious nature, while others aren't.
Urinary tract infections and especially bladder infections are among the most common infectious causes of painful urination in women. Sometimes there are also other symptoms like burning sensation when urinating, urgency to go to the bathroom, bladder pressure and blood in the urine. Laboratory tests are performed in order to find out what exactly caused the infection and antibiotics are often used to treat it. Pyelonephritis is also causing painful urination. This is an infection with bowel organisms that is highly possible to affect the kidneys. Its symptoms include pain in the lower abdominal area and in the kidneys area. This is a very serious infection that needs to be addressed immediately. Not only infections of the urinary tract are responsible for pain during urination, but also infections of the reproductive system.
Bacterial vaginitis and other types of vaginal infections have various symptoms including painful urination and creamy discharge. E. coli bacteria are often the cause of infections that lead to painful urination. This can be established with certainty only after a urine exam is performed. Yeast infection in women is very frequent and results in painful urination, among other bothering symptoms. Women who have contacted sexually transmitted diseases complain of the same problem and outbreaks of genital herpes might make urination almost impossible and very painful. When genital herpes blisters prevent urination, medical assistance is urgently required.
If the painful urination is believed to be provoked by genital infections, than the doctor might also decide to make a pelvic examination and other investigations to determine its exact nature and the adequate treatment. Sometimes, it has nothing to do with infections and has completely other causes. Using irritating products (cosmetics, toilet paper, etc) might have unexpected consequences like pain during urination. Traumas and injuries often have the same result, including urethral traumas. This can occur during physical activities such as cycling.
Some women also accuse pain when urinating after intercourse. Women reaching the menopause age might be confronted with dryness, because of low estrogen levels. The dryness does not affect only the vagina, but also the urethras and might cause painful urination. In rare cases the condition is caused by cancer or by other medical conditions, like cysts that apply pressure on the bladder. Certain drugs and prescribed pills might also increase the sensitivity of the urethra.
Read about Natural Bladder Control Supplement. Also know effective ways to Increase Female Libido.

Causes and Prevention of Painful Urination in Women

Painful urination in women is a condition when a burning and painful sensation occurs during urination. It is a sign of an infection in the urinary tract also called bladder infection. Vaginal infection or irritation in vagina can also be the cause discomfort, pain or burning sensation while passing urine. The pain can be experienced in the area where the urine passes out of the body, in the bladder or behind the pubic bone in the body. This is quite a common problem and is also termed as dysuria.
Causes - Painful urination in women is usually caused by an inflammation or an infection in the urinary tract and can be due to the following reasons:
1. Urinary Tract Infection: An infection in the urinary tract mostly involves the lower tract which is the urethra and the bladder. It is more common in women causing burning sensation while passing urine, frequent urination and persistent urge to urinate.
2. Kidney Infection: This is a specific type of urinary tract infection and can cause painful urination in women.
3. Bladder Stones: Bladder stones form in the bladder when the minerals in the urine crystallize. These stones can cause painful and frequent urination.
4. Kidney Stones: These stones are small deposits of crystallized minerals in the kidney. Passing of these stones can be extremely painful and causes discomfort and pain while urinating.
5. Vaginitis: This is an inflammation of the vagina which can result in painful urination in women along with other symptoms.
6. Cystitis: Inflammation of the bladder is called cystitis causing a strong urge to urinate, burning sensation and pain while passing urine.
7. Chlamydia: Infection of the genital tract is commonly spread by sexual contact and the symptoms of this condition include lower abdominal pain and pain while passing urine.
8. Vulvovaginitis: This yeast infection of the vulva or vagina can be another cause of pain.
9. Herpes Infection: Herpes infection in the genital area may result in painful urination in women.
10. Irritation: Irritation of the vaginal tissue caused by perfumes, soaps, baths, lotions and other irritants may cause discomfort and burning while urinating.
The doctor will have to do a urinalysis to determine the infection and cause of the pain. If the pain is due to inflammation in the vagina, the doctor may collect the mucus by swabbing the vagina lining to check for yeast or other micro organisms. If the pain is due to an infection in the urethra, it may be swabbed to check for bacteria. Some other tests may also be done to check for other causes. The treatment for painful urination in women may include taking antibiotics so as to avoid kidney infection.
Prevention will keep this painful condition from reoccurring. Increase the intake of water and other fluids. Cranberry juice is said to be effective in curing urinary tract infections. Avoid using vaginal douches, spermicides, perfumed talc or other fragrant products near or in your vagina. Maintaining personal hygiene can help prevent the condition of painful urination in women.

Pregnancy and Lower Back Pain-What To Do!

The decisions of picking a name... The anticipation and excitement... Painting the new room... Clothing, diapers and family celebrations. The joy of a pregnancy is one of life's greatest pleasures. Unfortunately however, for many women the later months of pregnancy can prove to be quite challenging. One common problem many women face is lower back pain.
Lower back pain can be a horrible interruption in day-to-day activities for a pregnant woman. More importantly, it interferes with their quality of life, not to mention the enjoyment of one of the most memorable times of their life.
The obvious cause of lower back pain is the biomechanical stress being placed on the mother by the added weight of baby. As the baby gains weight the mother is pulled forward. In order to compensate for this forward pull, the mother has to lean her upper body backward. This puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the low back and pelvis.
This explanation of low back pain sounds complete. It is a true explanation but is only a small part the problem. The "hidden" cause of lower back pain is actually muscle imbalances. In fact muscle imbalances are a common cause of lower back pain in pregnancy but it is also responsible for back pain in a majority of the population.
The strength and tone of the muscular system is an extremely important factor when assessing a patient with lower back pain. Unfortunately, muscle imbalances are not addressed properly by most health practitioners... but just because they are not trained in identifying and addressing muscle imbalances, it doesn't mean you have to continue to suffer...
But before I share with you the solution to this problem, let me first explain in more detail what a muscle imbalance is and how it causes back pain and sciatica...
In a nutshell, muscle imbalances work like this. Muscles work together with opposing muscles to allow movement at joints. One muscle stretches while the other shortens. Each side should be of equal tone and strength. When a pregnant woman walks, moves, bends, twists or sleeps she will typically do so in an unbalanced and awkward manner to accommodate for her increased weight. In addition, various everyday activities and positions we put our body in create imbalances in the muscle groups and during pregnancy it only worsens...
Muscle imbalances then pull the pelvis and low back out of alignment and this places uneven and excessive stress on the muscles, bones and joints.
The spine is comprised of 24 movable bones with a shock-absorbing disc in between each bone. This spinal column rests on three large bones called the pelvic girdle. When this spinal column is in proper alignment it will carry a majority of the weight and stress being placed on the body. When one or more of these 24 bones misaligns, especially the pelvis, the muscles work overtime so to speak. They now have to carry the weight that the spinal column is supposed to handle. At this point the muscles are unbalanced and are very prone to an injury. Lower back pain is the most common expression of this problem.
If the above scenario takes place then the stage has been set for lower back pain and dysfunction. Not only does the soon to be Mom have to deal with safely carrying the baby, she has to now do it with a painful lower back. Let's face it, the soon to be Mom is going to be in pain and she is not going to enjoy her most cherished time in life.
The Solution
The solution is based on a better understanding of muscle imbalances and how your body works... The first thing you have to do is fully understand what muscle imbalances are, how they are created and how they cause back pain and sciatica...
Once you understand muscle imbalances the next step is to identify the ones you have and understand how they are creating your pain... after you have identified the imbalances is when you can then begin addressing them with the right combination of corrective exercises, stretches and treatments...
Unfortunately, there are very few healthcare professionals that are trained and experienced in addressing muscle imbalances… the good news is you can find out what imbalances you have on your own by performing simple self assessments or tests. You can learn more about how to identify and address your muscle imbalances by visiting