Home Remedies for Acne - Acne Cures

Natural solutions are the best cure for acne because they don't have harmful chemicals and synthetic additives which actually makes skin problems worse. This is a compilation of the top 3 most effective and most readily available home remedies for acne that are twiddling their thumbs inside your kitchen cupboard.
For hundreds of years Basil has been a known natural cure for countless ailments. In skin care and acne treatment, its antibacterial and antiviral properties have been most effective. To apply this as your home remedy for acne, one way is to:
Place dried or fresh basil leaves in water and bring it to a mild boil, let it simmer for 12 minutes.
Carefully expose your face to the steam to refresh and unclog your pores.
When it cools strain out the leaves and store in a bottle.
Dip a cotton ball into the basil infused water and apply directly to acne.
Do this regularly to get clear healthy skin.
Fun fact: The term basil comes from the Greek word basileus which means king. This king of the herbs is a cultural heavyweight in many countries. For instance, in India, it is the principal herb in Ayurveda, a time-honored system of maintaining holistic health. In Greek Orthodox Churches, basil is used in the preparation of holy water.
Lemon has citric acid, an AHA (Apha Hydroxy Acid) which boosts skin elasticity and revitalizes pores. Lemon juice gently exfoliates dead skin and promotes the growth of new skin for a brighter and younger look.
It's also ideal to let the lemon juice work from the inside. It cleanses the blood, aids in digestion and gets rid of toxins from the body. People who want to lose weight take lemon juice regularly and get the awesome side effect of great skin. When life gives you lemons make lemonade, but make it without sugar. Squeeze out one lemon into 2 cups of water and drink this throughout the day.
Make this your everyday home remedy for acne. It is simple and easy.
Apple cider vinegar!
Every kitchen has this. It's a natural home remedy for acne that kills bacteria, mops up excessive oils and maintains the skin's natural PH level. These are the major causes of acne which is why its perfect for treating skin outbreaks.
Mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 2 ½ teaspoons of water, soak a cotton ball into it and apply the solution to your skin. Leave it on for 12 minutes then rinse it off with cold water. Try this 3 times a day. If your acne is particularly severe, dilute a teaspoon of apple cider with 4 teaspoons of water then leave it overnight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5830067

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