5 Tips To Reduce Menopause Hot Flashes

What can you do about menopause hot flashes? Although it's not the worst symptom you can suffer through menopause it's one which can cause plenty of anxiety and angst among sufferers.
So is there a sure-fire way to relieve the onset of hot flashes? In this article, we'll highlight five steps you can take to help free you, if only for brief periods, from the incidence of hot flashes.
Five Ways To Lessen The Onset Of Menopause Hot Flashes
We know hot flashes can strike at any time which makes it all the more frustrating and in certain situations, can cause a little embarrassment. Here are five ways you could use to lessen the incidence.
1. Undoubtedly the best and most reliable way of solving the problem is hormone replacement therapy. The only problem is, it's getting a bad rap because of the risk of heart disease and cancer. This is something you need to discuss with your doctor.
2. If you suffer regular bouts of hot flashes then start o log of when it occurs and the possible triggers which causes it. The trick then is to stay away from these triggers.
3. Try exercise. The most recommended form of exercise is walking and it has an uncanny ability ability to make women with menopausal symptoms feel a lot better. Recently, yoga has also surfaced as a way to reduce hot flash incidents.
4. Find ways to effectively cool the body. Setting room temperatures to a level below what's most comfortable is great but then you run the risk of alienating the other members in the home. Wearing light clothing both day and night and if you get chills, put on an extra layer of clothing. Using ice to cool areas such as the wrist and neckline can help as well as cold drinks.
5. Reducing stress is important. Deep breathing exercises are a great way to alleviate stress. By doing deep breathing exercises and reducing stress you also cut cut on the heat produced by the body. This can be an effective method for temporary relief from menopause hot flashes.
Want more great tips and advice on dealing with the symptoms of menopause [http://www.infomenopause.com/menopause_article_list.html]? Learn ways to alleviate menopause hot flashes [http://www.infomenopause.com] and other symptoms and reduce the stress of menopause.

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