6 Health and Beauty Tips For Women on the Go

Life seems to get faster and busier with every passing day! If it's not one thing, it's another and it feels like there's probably a surprise just around the corner. So who has a lot of time spend on health and beauty any more? And yet, in a strange self-fulfilling prophecy, when we look younger and feel better about ourselves, we tend to look younger and feel better about ourselves. It's a positive cycle and the first step is to proactively take care of yourself. Here are 10 health and beauty tips to help you do just that.
  1. Find a few minutes in the day to do various exercises. You might take the stairs at work; you might do facial exercises in the office when no one else is around; you might do upper body exercises in the evening in front of the TV.
  2. Pack your lunch instead of eating a restaurant. You can make healthier choices at a lower cost by doing this. Don't forget the vegetables! Although the restaurant seems like a faster and more convenient choice, in the long run it isn't. You won't look or feel as good compared to eating a balanced lunch regularly.
  3. Take regular moments to de-stress. Tension builds up and tightens the muscles in our face and neck. When that happens, you tend to grimace and, in the long run, get wrinkles. Periodic "de-stressing", which may include a brief self-massage of the face and neck with your fingertips, can help.
  4. Stretching. You don't hear much about this but you WILL feel great if you regularly stretch. Make it a point to stretch as many muscles as you can. Start with your feet and work your way up. You may not always have time for a nap but a quick and vigorous stretch can do amazing things.
  5. Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is an underrated but critical way to stay healthy. You will feel better, think clearer, eat less, and have younger skin as a result. The doctors say eight glasses a day as a minimum. Incorporate water-drinking into your regular activities to make sure you get it all.
  6. Multivitamins. Even eating balanced meals doesn't always give women the calcium or iron they need. Multivitamins can help correct this. Consider multivitamins to be an investment into your long term health.
These tips will improve your health and beauty and they take only moments of your day. Make sure you follow them every day and you will feel better and look younger.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3275836

8 Things Every Woman Needs To Keep In Mind To Lead A Healthy Life

Women these days are so caught up in their life that they hardly get time to keep a check on their health. It has been observed that many women prioritize their family and work over anything else and also tend to ignore their health problems. Some of the health problems might be non-serious at the time of onset and hence are not taken care of. These health problems then continue and aggravate with time to become a serious health issue. So it's imperative for all women to prioritize their health above anything and should know about latest fitness trends so as to take better care of their families later. Remember, your families need you at all times, so you got to take care of yourself.
Here are some of the everyday health and beauty tips that every women must include in her daily regimen.
1) Morning walk - No matter how late you slept or how difficult for you it is to walk or how cold it is outside, a 30-45 minute activity is very important for all women. Going out in the morning will not only keep you fresh for the rest of your day but it will let you breath in fresh air which is extremely important for your lungs.
2) Stretching - While walking everyday might become a little monotonous and you might be running out of time for the rest of your daily chores, go for rigorous walk for 10 minutes till your body is warmed up and then do some stretching for another 10 minutes. Doing it every day will definitely keep your body in shape.
3) Yoga - And in case the weather outside is just unavoidable then go for some yoga. Yoga is a complete exercise. It calms your mind, relaxes your body without giving you any sort of muscle strain which otherwise exercise would have done.
4) Meditation - With womanhood, comes a lot of stress. Family, work, daily chores and what not. Stress at times takes its toll which may definitely harm your health so calm yourself down with meditation. Meditation relaxes your mind, body and soul. Practice meditation everyday and you will definitely see a change in your stress levels.
5) Lemon Juice - You might have read it almost everywhere that drinking lemon juice first thing in the morning really helps your digestive system. But it actually does. Well there's a science to it. Our body releases a lot of acids while we are in the sleep because of dinner getting digest and later in the morning our stomach lining is acidic and hence having an alkaline beverage will neutralize the stomach. So every morning make it a habit of drinking lemon juice in lukewarm water.
6) Fruits - Instead of gorging on the sweets after meals or going for refined sugar options with your tea, have fruits. Fruits are natural sugar which are just not packed with lot of nutrition but will also help you curb your sugar cravings. Stay away from refined sugar at all cost by eating lots of fruits
7) Supplements - Your food might not be packed with all the nutrition. It might be deficient of certain essential nutrients which may be very important for our body. Women above 30 years are generally complaining of joint pains which is due to deficiency of calcium and vitamin D. So get your medical checkups regularly and add good quality supplements to your daily routine but only after your physician's advice.
8) Medical checkups - It is very important for all women to get the important medical tests such as "Pap Smear" for breast cancer, "blood glucose" for diabetes, thyroid levels, calcium and vitamin levels at regular intervals so as to keep a check and prevent any sort of disorder from the very beginning. Also consult your gynaecologist for regular checkups to keep any sort of disease at bay.
By following above all daily health tips, every women can remain healthy and fit in their busy life and they can take care of themselves and their family easily.
These tips can easily followed by everybody in their everyday life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9478478

Are These 10 Healthy Foods Really Healthy?

You are taking care to only eat healthy foods that are not going to add inches to your waistline. Or eating healthy to take care of your heart. This is of course very wise.
But you may be doing yourself more harm than good.
Why do I say this?
Let's take a look at the 10 so called healthy foods below:
o Brown Bread o Olive Oil o Wine o Fish o Chicken o Juice o Cheese o Honey o Milk o Low Fat
Brown Bread
Of course brown bread is better for you than white bread. That's a fallacy. Unless you are eating Wholemeal or Wholegrain bread, you are doing yourself no favours. What happens is, while being processed all the fibre and other nutrients are lost, so telling yourself brown bread is good for you, means you are just kidding yourself.
Olive Oil
Now olive oil is an essential part of the Mediterranean Diet because it is better for you than margarine or butter. Due to it containing monounsaturated fats it is great for your heart. But too much is not going to look after your waistline.
Wine and other alcohol is often recommended as having health benefits, especially for the more mature person. Yet unless women stick to one glass and men to two glasses a day, it will be counter productive. Meaning any health benefits will be wiped out.
Fish is good for you, even considered 'Brain Food'. As it is low in saturated fat and being full of protein, fantastic ...... hmmm is there a problem?
Unfortunately, it can often be contaminated due to pollution. Eg fish like tuna, mackerel etc while full of Omega 3 fatty acids, that the heart needs to stay healthy, may also contain high amounts of mercury. And mercury is a poison.
Your better choices would be wild salmon, sole and bass. Another good choice is shellfish and canned sardines.
A piece of chicken is considered a lean meat. But if you eat it with the skin still on it, then you are not eating healthily.
Also do not eat fried chicken. If your choice of meal is some KFC with Chips, yes it's delicious especially when you eat the skin, that's where all the flavour is. But bang goes your diet. Maybe that kind of meal should be regarded as a treat, just for once in a while eating.
Which is healthier?
A crispy chicken sandwich or a plain hamburger?
The hamburger has less calories and less fat.
Apple, cranberry or orange juice contains so many calories per serving that you can almost see your waistline expanding.
Cheese may be full of protein, but it is also full of saturated fat. Only if you eat low or half fat cheese and that in moderation can you hope to win the battle of the bulge. Instead of eating cheese, make a healthier choice and eat some turkey breast.
As honey is considered a natural sugar, it is thought not to count in the calories stakes. But even if it is natural, it is still a sugar. So not having much by way of nutrients in it, you would be better to leave it alone.
Milk is said to be good for us. After all babies have nothing but milk for the first few weeks of their life and look at how they thrive on it.
But as we are weaned off milk, we then find there are different kinds of milk.
(a) Semi-skimmed (b) Skimmed (c) Whole Milk
So whole milk should be avoided if you want to stay true to your slimming diet.
Low Fat
A certain delicious biscuit, is advertised as having only one gram of fat, sounds good doesn't it? But the manufacturers needed to increase the sugar in them in order to keep them delicious. More sugar means more calories. If you have the will power to only have one biscuit then you should be fine.
How Can You Eat Healthily?
If you want to eat healthily, be sure to read the labels to see just what you are putting into your mouth. And also take into consideration, how you cook / prepare your food.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/240558

5 Things You Can Do to Stay Healthy and Look Good in 2017

If you want this year to be different, you have to do something different.
New Years resolutions, most of us make them, and most of us break them, but we start with good intentions. One reason we fail to keep those resolutions is because they are just too extreme. I want to lose 20 pounds, but even with all the good intentions I may lose 10 pounds and then fall off the wagon, I get discouraged easily because I expect too much. We all want something and most of us want it NOW and we get discouraged or frustrated if we don't reach our goals right away. We are a "want it now" generation, because we have been so accustomed to getting what we want when we want it and that is not such a bad thing, but when it comes to setting goals it is bad to think that way. The number of people that resolve to lose weight for the new year is astounding, but if we change the way we think it makes it a little easier. First of all, don't think of "losing weight" just think healthy! We all want to be healthy and live longer and feel good and look good so that is a better long term goal. Now here are some short term goals to help you reach that "healthy goal".
1. Eat more!
Whoa, you did not see that coming or maybe you did if you have been reading up on all the latest health trends. You should eat a minimum of 5 or 6 meals a day. Now that doesn't mean BIG meals, it means healthy foods like veggies or fish or chicken, preferably a high protein diet. Modern medicine is finally waking up to the health benefits of this approach. Diabetes experts just this year found that high-protein dieting really does lead to lower fat stores and more lean muscle. They are looking at it as a way to prevent or even reverse the effects of diabetes.
2. Always eat breakfast! I know we have heard all our lives "you need to eat a healthy breakfast". Yes Mom, you were right. Oatmeal, unsweetened cereal or eggs are best for a good breakfast, but I know we never have much time in the mornings so even some fruit, whole grain toast or bagel is better than nothing and always eat within an hour of waking. Now we have started a great day. Now about mid-morning have a snack, preferably some nice crisp veggies, fruit or nuts. For lunch have a healthy sandwich, such as chicken or tuna salad, etc. Another snack mid-afternoon, same choices as mid-morning and a healthy dinner and you may have another "healthy" snack before bedtime. Now once a week reward yourself with something you really like, some dark chocolate or ice cream, etc. but just eat less than you normally would and eat it slow, savoring every bite.
3. Exercise Less! Wow, yes you heard that right. The reason is simple: your body was not designed for long, repetitive exercise. What your physiology really evolved to handle is short, intense periods of exertion, followed by rest. So what you want to do is ride a bike, dance or walk for 2 minutes at a face pace, then slow down for 2 minutes, fast 2, slow 2, follow that for 4 or 5 reps for a total of 15 to 25 minutes, at least 3 days a week. Let's say you pedal as fast as you can on a bike for 15 seconds. When you stop, you continue to pant. This is the kind of high-output challenge I'm talking about. The most up-to-date research on high-intensity, low-duration workouts also supports my point about exercise. In a matter of weeks you can: · Lose pounds of belly fat · Build functional new muscle· Reverse heart disease · Build energy reserves available on demand · Strengthen your immune system · Reverse many of the changes of aging.
4. Stress Less! Millions of American's are dealing with unusually high levels of stress that threaten not just their emotional health, but their over all health and well being too. The effects of stress on the body are well documented and stress management can reduce the risk of a number of diseases, including heart-related problems. Stress is also a huge aspect of emotional health problems. Breathing exercises, relaxation exercises and meditation exercises can all be useful in managing stress. Find new techniques that can help you manage stress in your life. Breathing exercises are easy and you can do them anywhere. First breathe deep into your stomach with a count of 10, hold for a second and think about the headache or neck ache you have and concentrating on the part of your body that is feeling the stress most, slowly breathe out on a count of 10. You can do this several times or several times a day, in your car while waiting in traffic, at work or at home. It is always good to do this at bedtime to release the stress of the day. It will help you sleep better and get to sleep sooner.
5. Looking Good!
OK now we are on our way to getting healthy now lets go a step farther and work on looking good. First I cannot stress this enough, just because something is in style doesn't mean it will look good on you and that goes for make up as well as fashions. If you are short, wear clothes that make you look taller, skinny jeans and skirts and heels. If you have a short neck wear low neck or v-neck shirts (never turtlenecks). If you are tall with a long neck be thankful. Also wear your hair to match your face shape. If you have a round baby face do not wear a short bob wear your hair longer and straight around your face. If you have a long forehead or chin wear your hair shorter around the face. We all have our imperfections, we just need to learn how to make them less noticeable and love ourselves. Loving yourself is so important. If you feel good about yourself it shows, you look confident and happy and people want to be around you. We all want youthful, flawless skin, but it takes work. You need to care for your skin regularly and use good products, preferably natural, botanical products, such as, Colose' or Great Skin and one of my favorites for anti-aging is Frownies. These 3 companies all have great skin care products.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1882771

7 Secrets on How to Stay Healthy - Follow These Tips For a Longer Life

All of us want to live longer and be with our loved ones. Here are our 7 secrets on how to stay healthy to help you live a longer life.
1. You need to increase your soy consumption. Scientific findings reveal that soy products can lower cholesterol level at the same time reducing the risk of acquiring cardiovascular diseases. For women, these products may help them control hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. Soy comes from soy nuts, soybeans, tofu, and soy milk.
2. You must also increase fiber intake. Fiber is one of the most important nutrients that you must have as you age. It helps increase good cholesterol while lowering the bad cholesterol. It also helps regulate bowel movements, as it improves digestion. You can get fiber from fruits such as Acai berries, grapes, and apples; green leafy vegetables; whole-wheat cereals; and oatmeal. There are available fiber supplements if you want it to be handy all the time.

3. The third among our 7 secrets on how to stay healthy is through powerful antioxidants. If we have them on our daily diet, we can be sure that we get more protection against different kinds of cancer because these antioxidants fight cancer cells. They are present in red tomatoes, carrots, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and spinach, and acai berries and blueberries.
4. Calcium helps a lot in keeping bones stronger and healthier. You can get calcium from milk and low-fat cheese and yogurts. There are also calcium supplements available in your local health store. It also keeps your teeth stronger.
5. The fifth tip in our 7 secrets on how to stay healthy is drinking enough water every day.It cleanses the body by flushing out toxins that causes you to age faster.
6. Exercising regularly is always part of a healthy lifestyle. Go for high intensity but quick exercises because they are better than low intensity yet longer exercise routines.
7. Maintain a positive disposition in life. Smile often and worry less.
Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2308787

Health Tips Every Woman Should Use

There are so many things that revolve around health. Some women tend to think that they are healthy just because they are not overweight. However, health goes beyond the weight and there are things that every woman needs to do to remain healthy and fit. Health can play a huge role on how energetic and joyous you feel and it can also make a huge difference to how you look and feel about yourself.
1. Give more attention to your well-being. Women generally have plenty of responsibilities, but it is important to remember your health and take care of it as well. You should ensure that you exercise, eat right and enjoy enough sleep. Time might seem too precious to have time for this, but when you have a schedule in place, you can manage to do it all.
2. Fight off the stereotypes. If there is one thing that can bring a woman down and promote bad habits that can ruin health, then it is dealing with stereotypes and going through abuse, violence, discrimination and inequality. If you are facing any of these damaging issues at your workplace or home, make a point to stand your ground and defend your rights. You can actually make a bold move to move away or cut your connections with such people who do not give you peace.
3. Keep your physical and mental health in check. Alcoholism, anxiety, depression and stress are some of the issues that can get real serious in women. Get help as soon as any of them start disturbing you to keep off the greater risks they come with. A health care provider can guide you through such issues and make recommendations that will help bounce you back to good health.
4. Find out about all health issues that common in females. They include things such as UTIs, incontinence, overactive bladder, joint pains and others. Ensure that you know everything about health as far as family history goes and make a point of having regular checks just to get assurance that all is well. Such checks can help manage underlying issues before they come out in full force. It also helps to know your risks for stroke and heart disease because women tend to be at higher risks.
5. Keep your weight healthy. Maintaining a healthy weight is very important in keeping your health and general well-being in check. Remember that women have less muscle but more fats compared to men, hence you should keep your calories in check. Keep your BMI within the right healthy range, engage in physical activities and exercise and always eat a balanced diet. There are so many healthy foods low in calorie that you can still enjoy and maintain a healthy weight.
6. Remember your reproductive health. Sexual health is usually neglected yet it plays an important role in your overall health. Taking care of it is one of the best ways of how to stay healthy. Talk to your healthcare provider about prevention of STDs, safe sex and even screening procedures that can help you out. Reproduction covers female cancers, menstruation, contraception, pregnancy and breastfeeding, breast health, menopause and infertility.
There are so many ways of how to stay healthy as a woman and only you can take care of yourself the best. You can use plenty of health tips for women to boost your health and keep you feeling great.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9176597

Fatigue Causes for Women

Women especially are most vulnerable to everyday stress and fatigue. This is mainly because of their balancing act between career and taking care of their husband and kids. The responsibility of doing such a difficult task often robs women the time to look after themselves, and the result is always fatigue and stress if not disease. Let's look at the main causes of fatigue for women.
Lack of sleep is number one in the list of fatigue causes for women. Sleep is designed for our body to get the rest it needs after a long day's work. There are many reasons for sleep deprivation for women such as anxiety or an illness, and the effects may vary depending on overall health. Nevertheless, lack of sleep always leads to fatigue. This is because the body wasn't able to replenish the energy it has lost. Aim for at least 8 hours of sleep every night to combat fatigue.
The second and also a common cause for fatigue is lack of proper nutrition and regular exercise. Physical activities like exercise are designed to boost up the mood and condition the body to adjust under heavy pressure. Proper nutrition also does the same thing. When a woman fails to benefit from both, the result is fatigue. Start practicing the lifestyle of eating healthy and exercising regularly.
Another direct cause of fatigue among women is stress. Although our body can easily handle physical stress, it is not designed for mental stress. Mental stress easily saps of energy leaving its victim extremely tired and weak. Too much pressure from work and family can cause physical and mental stress. Stress can also be a result of lack of sleep, exercise and proper nutrition.
Illness is a very obvious cause for fatigue among women. It is what you get from combining the first three mentioned above. Lack of rest, lack of exercise and proper nutrition can always lead to diseases that contribute to fatigue such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. Depression alone can cause a woman to feel tired all the time.
The worst thing that can cause fatigue is a condition called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS. Experts are yet to find out the main reason for this illness. This is a very serious condition that it can leave its victim feeling weak and tired for a period of three months or so. The best thing a woman can do to get rid of fatigue is to determine its root cause and cut it off immediately, whether it be lack of adequate rest, lack of exercise and proper nutrition or stress.
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Decreased Libido in Women - Causes and Cures

Decreased libido in women can be a result of various factors both psychological and physical.
Here are some of the causes of low libido in women:
  • Stress and Fatigue- Stress is one of the major issues that can rob you of your sexual appetite. Not only this, fatigue can also take a toll of your sex drive.
  • Diseases- Certain diseases can also affect your sex drive. Some of them include arthritis, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, neurological dysfunction etc.,
  • Medications- Certain medicines and drugs such as those used to treat high blood pressure, cancer, depression etc., are notorious libido killers
  • Alcohol and drugs- A glass of wine can help you get over your inhibitions but too much of it can be lethal for your sex drive, Same is true in case of recreational drugs. You must stay away from them.
  • Menopause- This is the time when your body undergoes a hormonal shit. Estrogen production in your body drops and this results in a double whammy- Decreased sex drive and dryer vaginal tissues which lead to painful and uncomfortable sex. Not only this, there is a drop in the production of testosterone as well which is responsible for maintaining sex drive in both men and women.
  • Pregnancy and Childbirth- Your hormone levels changes during pregnancy, just after child birth and during breast feeding. Though they can affect your libido they are not the only issue. Fatigue, changes in body image and caring for your new born can all prove to be a sex drive dampener.
  • Relationship Problems- Relationship problems can also affect your libido or the desire to have sex. Most women lose interest in sex after a breakup. Marital discord can also be a big problem.
HOW TO BOOST LIBIDO IN WOMENTaking care of certain emotional or psychological issues can be a big help. Not only this, reducing stress can also be a step in the right direction.
However, natural or herbal supplements provide the biggest benefit.
Such supplements do women what Viagra has done for men.
They are a blend of all natural ingredients that not only increase blood flow to the genitals but also help boost the production of sex hormones including estrogen and testosterone. Not only this, they help to achieve an equilibrium between the production of sex hormones which is very important to ensure proper sex drive and sexual function.
Such supplements increase clitoral sensitivity and boost response to sexual stimulation. They also speed up arousal. Not only this, they also help increase natural lubrication and provide relief from vaginal dryness and other menopause symptoms.
No wonder, such supplements have become a huge hit with women seeking sexual enhancement.
Besides such supplements, there are some lubricants that can also be a great help. They are the prefect choice for women who do not feel like popping pills.
So, If You Want to Boost Your Libido, Check out the Best Female Libido Enhancers that have featured on FOX NEWS and the Hit TV Show, The Doctors!
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Supercharge Your Sex Drive with the Best Female Libido Booster that come as a lubricant and can make you feel sensations you would have never imagined in your wildest dreams.

Infertility Women Causes - Understanding Female Infertility

Infertility Women Causes - The Main Causes Of Fertility Problems In Women
A woman's ability to ovulate is a key component of successful conception. Simply put, if the female is unable to produce an egg, you can expect to have no baby. The primary signs of a problem with ovulation are intermittent or absent monthly menstrual periods.
Medical Conditions
Two of the more common medical conditions involving ovulation are PCOS and POI. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is defined as a hormonal problem that interferes with the normal ovulation mechanism. It is the highest reported cause of infertility among females.
On the other hand, primary ovarian insufficiency, is a condition wherein the female's ovaries cease to function properly before she turns 35 years old. POI is often mistaken to be early menopause, which is a different condition.
Other Related Causes
There are other uterine problems that also contribute to infertility.
- Fibroids in the uterus, which are non-cancerous clumps on the uterine walls
- Blocked Fallopian tubes due to ectopic pregnancy surgery, pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis
- Physical issue with the uterus
Factors That Increase Infertility Risks
Aside from health problems, lifestyle and genetic elements can also cause infertility in women. These would include:
- Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking
- Poor diet
- Age
- Too much physical activity
- Stress
- Being underweight or overweight
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Health issues that affect the body's hormone producing abilities
Infertility Women Causes - The Age Factor
Many American women nowadays do not have children until their 30s and 40s...and one third of all fertility issues involve the female being 35 years or older.
Why is Age a Key Factor to Fertility?
- Ovaries weaken over time, and this affects their egg-releasing capacity
- An older woman produces fewer eggs
- The eggs released as not as healthy as a those of a younger woman
- Health problems that may interfere with fertility creep up as the woman gets older
- There is a higher incidence of miscarriage in older women
Drugs To Stimulate Fertility
These drugs are often prescribed for women who have fertility problems.
- Clomiphene citrate: Often recommended for women with PCOS and hormonal related malfunctions. You might know it by the brand Clomid, which is taken orally.
- Human menopausal gonadotropin: hMG is an injection used to stimulate the ovaries directly so that egg formation occurs. Popular brands include Repronex and Pergonal.
- Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog: Gn-RH is a medication often prescribed for women who don't ovulate regularly. It acts on the pituitary gland to influence the timing of ovulation. It can be purchased either as a nasal spray or in injection form.
- Follicle stimulating hormone: The FSH is also an injectable and acts on the ovaries to encourage ovulation. Popular brands are Gonal-F and Follistim.
- Metformin: Metformin is prescribed for women with either insulin resistance or PCOS. This drug, often taken simultaneously with clomiphene or FSH, is designed to regulate male hormones levels in women and cause them to ovulate.
- Bromocriptine: Prolactin is a hormone that causes production of milk in the mammary glands. Prolactin in sufficient levels causes ovulation to stop. Bromocriptine slows down prolactin release so ovulation can take place.
Multiple Birth Risk
While fertility drugs can and often do succeed at helping women conceive, they can also result in the formation of multiple fetuses. Women carrying multiple fetuses experience more problems during pregnancy than their single fetus counterparts. Multiple fetuses are also more inclined to be born premature...and a baby born prematurely has a higher risk of health issues going forward.
Fertility drugs can also cause ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, a medical condition which has life threatening implications.
Because of these health risks & the high cost of assisted reproductive technology, alternative methods have become popular for overcoming infertility without adverse side effects. These remedies cover a range from natural treatments which are intended to assist the body in repairing itself. Some of the more popular alternative treatments include nutritional therapy, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3343942