Factors Affecting Fertility

So many times couples looking to have a baby are puzzled when their pregnancy test comes negative. While we've made things easier by teaching women how to use the pregnancy test kit at home or by providing an ovulation calculator, the reason you might not be able to conceive might be because of a few factors. That is why we've come up with a list of factors that might be why you're finding it hard to become a mother.
General Health Factors
Overweight: If you're overweight, your body can be overloaded with estrogen, which will disrupt the reproductive cycle.
Underweight: Many women do not realize that being healthy doesn't mean being underweight. Being under the healthy weight required can cause a problem when you're trying to conceive.
Hormonal imbalance: Do you have irregular menstrual cycles, short or long and heavy periods? These can be symptoms of the hormone system. It can cause a lot of problem during ovulation.
Autoimmune disorder: Autoimmune disorder is when the body's immune system turns against itself and starts attacking healthy cells. Various autoimmune diseases can hinder fertility.
Medication: Prescribed or un-prescribed, many drugs can cause infertility. Take medicines only after talking to your doctor.
Smoking and drinking: Studies show that smoking and drinking (even moderately) decreases your chances of conceiving drastically.
Occupational and/or environmental hazards: Research has shown that long exposure to microwave emissions; radiation, high stress, high temperature and chemicals can reduce fertility.
Fallopian Tube Disease
About 20 percent of women with infertility cases suffer from fallopian tube disease. You should talk to a doctor if you have suffered from:
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) like chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis etc.
Unusual vaginal discharge, pelvic pain and/or bleeding
Pelvic surgery for a ruptured appendix, ovarian cysts, or an ectopic pregnancy
Studies have shown that endometriosis accounts for almost 30 percent of female infertility. This is a condition where tissue from the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, on the bladder, the fallopian tubes, the ovaries and sometimes even the bowel. It can cause -
Cysts: Endometrial cysts can grow inside ovaries and prevent the release of the egg or the collection by the fallopian tube.
Poor egg implantation: The condition can stop the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall.
Scar tissue: Webs of scar tissue can form between the fallopian tubes, ovaries and the uterus thus hindering the transfer of egg.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Many women suffer from asymptomatic STDs (studies have shown that almost 70 percent of women with chlamydia do not seek treatment because it shows no symptoms). STDs can cause scaring in the tube, ectopic pregnancy and other reproductive problems. This eventually leads to infertility. A few things you can do to avoid STDs are -
Infertility issues can also be faced by men. Here are a few factors that may cause a man to be infertile.
Tobacco: Smoking reduces the ability of the sperm to move.
Alcohol: Drinking, even moderately, causes erectile dysfunction, lowers testosterone levels and hampers the quantity and quality of the sperm.
Drugs: Both illegal and prescribed drugs can impact sperm.
Exposed to toxic substances: Long exposure to elements like cadmium, hydrocarbons, lead, mercury, pesticides, radioactivity and X-rays can hamper sperm quality and count.
Exposing genitals to heat: Frequent use of hot baths, saunas, steam rooms and whirlpools can disrupt sperm production.
Illness or conditions: Men with history of genital infection, mumps, prostatitis and surgery on hernia, undescended testicles or varicocele can experience problems with fertility.
For more pregnancy tips ranging from finding the perfect pregnancy kit and learning how to use the pregnancy kit at home to some amazing recipes for your pregnancy diet check https://preganews.com.

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