Major Causes of Infertility in Women

Over six million women in the United States are suffering from infertility. This condition has plagued couples for generations. It has been the cause of many marital woes and breakups. The number of causes of infertility in women has increased along with the staggering number of cases recorded.
Infertility is referred to as being unable to conceive or carry a child to its full term. A woman who has undergone an episode of miscarriage may be infertile. When this has happened more than once, it is a serious case that needs to be checked by a doctor and put you thorough a fertility test.
While infertility is depressing, there are treatments available to correct the condition and these have brought renewed hope to millions of women around the world who are suffering from it in one form or another.
Before you employ any treatment procedure, it is important that you know the several causes of infertility in women. Once you are able to recognize and identify them, it will help you and your doctor decide on the proper treatments to apply.
An important cause of infertility in women that should not be taken lightly is called the PCOS or the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It affects one in every 40 women in the United States. This condition is distinguished by the development of cysts in the ovaries. No identifiable cause for PCOS has been reported. However, if left untreated, it can cause your ovary to become unable to function and thereby causing infertility.
Endometriosis is also one of the causes of infertility in women that you should look out for. This condition starts by the growth of tissues outside the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. This minimizes your chances of getting pregnant by affecting their reproductive function. These cysts can either be benign or malignant.
An ovulation disorder is one of the most identifiable causes of infertility in women. Ovulation occurs every month when the ovary releases a matured egg to travel down to the fallopian tube and into the uterus and wait for fertilization to happen. However, there are instances when a certain kind of hormone that is responsible for this process to occur is not triggered for release by the brain. When this happens, the ovary is prevented from releasing the egg.
The last important cause of infertility in women is called uterine fibroids. These are benign tumors that grow and develop in the uterine lining and block your fallopian tubes. This blockage will prevent the journey of the egg from the ovary to the uterus, hence, no pregnancy can occur.
Your age is a significant factor to determine your fertility. Get the proper medical assessment of your fertility status. Keep your body in its best shape and try to get pregnant in your reproductive years to ensure a healthy and bouncing baby.
Pay Close Attention Here
There are more causes of infertility that you need know about to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Read about them in full details and learn how you can resolve your own infertility issues.

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What Causes Infertility?

Infertility is the state where you are unable to conceive due to natural or unnatural factors and there are many people who have problems in this area. There are quite a few causes of infertility as well as means to prevent it, in certain cases.
There are a number of factors that can cause infertility.
Physical abnormalities play a role in the efficiency of the reproduction system. Endometriosis is a disease that is defined by the presence of an endometrial tissue which is outside of the uterus. This causes pain in the pelvic area and infertility. Another physical abnormality could be block fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes are the link between the uterus and the ovaries, if this is blocked then it's impossible for fertilisation to take place naturally.
Hormonal imbalances can cause infertility as well. When a woman produces too much or too little of a particular hormone it can have an effect on her fertility. The primary glands, namely the hypothalamus, thyroid and the pituitary glands are the ones that product the reproductive hormones. The hypothalamus can be affected by stress, certain medications and diseases. If the thyroid is underactive it can interfere with ovulation. When microscopic tumours on the pituitary gland secrete a hormone called prolactin, then it can interfere with ovulation also.
Ovulatory disorders are another cause of infertility in women. Certain women find that they either ovulate irregularly or not at all. This could be a result of hormonal imbalances. An example of an ovulatory disorder includes Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome which is a condition where the adrenal glands and ovaries produce too much male hormone. This leads to the ovary filling with cysts of immature follicles that are not able to generate eggs.
The immune system that is supposed to be a friend to your body can also be a foe when it comes to reproduction. The woman's immune system may detect the sperm as a foreign body and attempt to destroy it. This makes it very difficult for fertilisation to commence.
Infertility is caused in many ways and it is different in every case. The first step to consult with a fertility doctor in order to determine what the cause of infertility is in your case. Every case is unique because, of course, two people are involved. Once the fertility doctor is able to diagnose your case, you can move on to a possible solution based on the treatment options made available to you.

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Ovulation Calculator - Determining the Best Time to Conceive

So you want to get pregnant, but you don't want it to take the 6-12 months it is supposed to take on average? Well, while there are never any guarantees in the game of fertility, you can improve your chances by learning to recognise the signs of ovulation and calculate your fertile window.
There are several different ways of monitoring and calculating ovulation. From the rhythm method to taking your basal body temperature each morning to using ovulation tests they all have their place, and in fact work better together than alone.
To begin with the basics, most women ovulate approximately 14 days before their next period. In a 'standard' 28 day cycle, this puts ovulation on day 14. However there are many variations to this rule.
The 'luteal phase' is the name of the phase of your menstrual cycle that runs from ovulation until the first day of menstruation. For most women this is about 14 days long, but it can be anything from 12 to 16 days without being considered unusual. Then again, the average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but it can be shorter or longer, and many women have irregular cycles, be they a day or two different each time, or weeks different.
Testing for ovulation
You can buy in stream ovulation predictor kits which test for a surge in luteinizing hormone in the urine. This surge usually comes shortly before ovulation. These can quite good for use for one or two months for one or more of the methods below to help assess the accuracy of your results, but over the long term they can get quite expensive as you have to test every day for seven days or longer each month.
However, if you use over the counter tests for one or two cycles in conjunction with other methods of fertility monitoring, they can give you a better idea of how to read the symptoms of ovulation your body is displaying.
How to calculate probably fertile periods using the rhythm method
The rhythm method is notoriously unreliable, because it depends on past cycles rather than observing symptoms in the current one, and it is also far less precise than other methods of determining ovulation. However, it does have its part to play especially while you are learning to recognise symptoms of ovulation.
This method works best for women with regular cycles without a wide variation in length. It depends on having a record of your recent menstruation cycles, preferably for the last twelve months.
To calculate the earliest day for probable ovulation, subtract 15 days from your shortest recorded cycle (16 days before the first day of menstruation). To calculate the latest probably day for ovulation, subtract 11 days from the longest cycle (12 days from the first day of menstruation). Your possible fertile period of course begins a few days before the earliest day of ovulation.
Please note that if you were trying to avoid conception, you would need to use other methods of birth control for a longer period than this method will indicate, as sperm has been known to survive for up to five days (though this is unusual). In fact, on its own the rhythm method is not a satisfactory birth control technique at all.
Other methods for determining ovulation
Used in conjunction with other natural methods, such as recording your basal body temperature and monitoring cervical mucus, the rhythm method becomes far more useful.
To calculate the best time for conception you should ideally use some combination of these three methods with or without the assistance of over the counter ovulation tests.
You can also take note of how your body reacts to ovulation in other ways, and learn to recognise the symptoms of ovulation. For more information on how to track your ovulation you can read about ovulation symptoms and fertility tests for women and about the 21 day progesterone test and desirable progesterone levels.

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How To Calculate A Sign Of Ovulation

Ovulation is a period during your monthly cycle where an egg is released by a mature ovarian follicle in order to reproduce. If sperm does not meet the egg during ovulation, a new cycle will start and the egg will be cleansed out of the uterus along with the uterine lining.
Some women who are trying to get pregnant try to distinguish when their ovulation cycle is happening, since this short window of opportunity is when a woman can get pregnant.
Calculate Ovulation With Saliva
One-Way to calculate ovulation is through your saliva, and by using an Ovulation Saliva Test. Because women have hormone changes depending on the time of the month, your saliva also goes through these changes.
Just before ovulation occurs, levels of estrogen increase and actually change the appearance of your saliva. The pattern is referred to as ferning, and the dried saliva looks similar to frost on a windowpane.
There is Ovulation Saliva test kits available to help women to calculate when their most fertile period will be, and all you have to do is take a good look at your saliva.
Ovulation Cramps
Some women may also calculate when they are going to ovulate just by being in tune with their own body. Ovulation cramps occur in many women who are in the ovulation process, but it is a common and harmless condition.
Right as ovulation occurs, the developing follicle stretches the ovary, which then releases the egg along with a small amount of fluid into the abdomen. The egg travels through the fallopian tube, but the fluid is still left in the abdomen.
The remaining fluid can create ovulation cramps, because it can often irritate the lining of the pelvis. The stretching of the ovary can also cause some ovulation cramps, feeling like the ones you might have while you menstruate.
Cervical Mucus During Ovulation
Cervical mucus will also change when ovulation is near, and is primarily caused by hormonal shifts that women experience. Cervical mucus is a protective substance that shields bacteria from entering the uterine cavity in order to prevent infection. While estrogen increases before ovulation, the cervical mucus becomes watery, clear, and stretchy.
You may perform a cervical mucus ovulation test on yourself, since all that is required is to examine your cervical mucus. You must examine your cervical mucus on a daily basis, and toilet paper works best in order to determine color and consistency.
During the majority of your cycle, you should experience a dryness and lack of fluid, since hormonal changes are not common throughout the entire cycle. Once your body starts to prepare itself for ovulation, you will notice sticky mucus that will be slightly opaque in color.
When your cervical mucus starts to thin out and become clear, you can be certain that your body will be ovulating soon. It only takes a few minutes to perform a cervical mucus ovulation self-test, and you can keep track of your results on a calendar or in an ovulation notebook.
Ovulation Spotting
Spotting is another sign that signals ovulation is close, considering spotting commonly occurs when the egg is released into the abdomen. If you notice some spotting about two weeks before your normal cycle, you are most likely having ovulation spotting. The blood makes its way through the uterus and is discharged. Ovulation spotting is actually considered a great fertility sign. Some ovulation spotting may also occur when estrogen levels increase, which is also another sign that ovulation is just around the corner.
There are many different signs to determine when you are ovulating and some of them you can do on yourself without spending any money. It is very simple and inexpensive to calculate ovulation, which makes it possible to plan when you will get pregnant.
You are invited to discover more about Ovulation Tests [] and Fertility Monitors [] by visiting Fertility By Nature []

Ovulation Cycle

A woman's standard ovulation cycle is twenty nine days, but for some woman, this may be a longer or shorter period. Ovulation is when the egg which is now mature is released from the follicle. Day one of your ovulation cycle is the first day of your period. Woman usually ovulates in the middle of their menstrual cycle approximately day fourteen. The woman's body is all controlled by hormones which the body produces. Hormones tell the body when to produce mature eggs and causes changes in the cervical mucus to aid conception.
There is a set of ways to track when you are ovulating, some woman do this by charting the cervical mucus or there are ovulation test kits available. Home ovulation test kits are extremely easy to use, they look like a pregnancy test, but they measure your levels of the hormone LH (Luteinizing hormone). Checking your Basel body is another method for calculating ovulation, the temperature rises approximately four degrees which "indicates your are ovulating". Using a thermometer to check the temperature it should be then marked down on an ovulation chart it is best to do this over three months, so you can see a pattern forming. Cervical Mucus
A woman can monitor the cervical mucus making note of its texture, color and quantity. These are all indicators of ovulation. The changes can be broken down into four parts: Part one- there will be very little chance of conceiving as there is no cervical mucus present and your vulva will feel very dry
Part two- Mucus should be present but of white or cream color, the texture will be sticky and quite moist. In the following days the amount should increase, the color will change to more cloudy. The texture should also begin to become more stretchy, you can test this using your fingers and see how far it will stretch out. At this point in your ovulation cycle there is now a slight chance that you can become pregnant.
Part Three
Ovulation should now be approaching and over the next couple of days will be the highest chance of conceiving. The amount of mucus should steadily increase, the appearance should resemble that of the white of a runny egg. The mucus will be exceedingly stretchy rather than sticky and will help carry the sperm to the egg to be fertilized.
Three- You should now be approaching ovulation at this point the mucus will become greater in volume over the next couple of days. The mucus will now look like the white part of a raw egg, it should be clear and extremely stretchy. At this point in your cycle, you should have the best chance of conceiving. The mucus will help to carry the sperm to the egg whilst protecting and providing nourishment.
Part Four- The mucus will sticky again, and there is very little chance of conceiving at this point. If fertilization has not happened the hormone levels change this then causes the lining of the womb to shed. You are now at the start of your menstrual cycle this is the first day of your period.

Factors Affecting Fertility

So many times couples looking to have a baby are puzzled when their pregnancy test comes negative. While we've made things easier by teaching women how to use the pregnancy test kit at home or by providing an ovulation calculator, the reason you might not be able to conceive might be because of a few factors. That is why we've come up with a list of factors that might be why you're finding it hard to become a mother.
General Health Factors
Overweight: If you're overweight, your body can be overloaded with estrogen, which will disrupt the reproductive cycle.
Underweight: Many women do not realize that being healthy doesn't mean being underweight. Being under the healthy weight required can cause a problem when you're trying to conceive.
Hormonal imbalance: Do you have irregular menstrual cycles, short or long and heavy periods? These can be symptoms of the hormone system. It can cause a lot of problem during ovulation.
Autoimmune disorder: Autoimmune disorder is when the body's immune system turns against itself and starts attacking healthy cells. Various autoimmune diseases can hinder fertility.
Medication: Prescribed or un-prescribed, many drugs can cause infertility. Take medicines only after talking to your doctor.
Smoking and drinking: Studies show that smoking and drinking (even moderately) decreases your chances of conceiving drastically.
Occupational and/or environmental hazards: Research has shown that long exposure to microwave emissions; radiation, high stress, high temperature and chemicals can reduce fertility.
Fallopian Tube Disease
About 20 percent of women with infertility cases suffer from fallopian tube disease. You should talk to a doctor if you have suffered from:
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) like chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis etc.
Unusual vaginal discharge, pelvic pain and/or bleeding
Pelvic surgery for a ruptured appendix, ovarian cysts, or an ectopic pregnancy
Studies have shown that endometriosis accounts for almost 30 percent of female infertility. This is a condition where tissue from the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, on the bladder, the fallopian tubes, the ovaries and sometimes even the bowel. It can cause -
Cysts: Endometrial cysts can grow inside ovaries and prevent the release of the egg or the collection by the fallopian tube.
Poor egg implantation: The condition can stop the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall.
Scar tissue: Webs of scar tissue can form between the fallopian tubes, ovaries and the uterus thus hindering the transfer of egg.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Many women suffer from asymptomatic STDs (studies have shown that almost 70 percent of women with chlamydia do not seek treatment because it shows no symptoms). STDs can cause scaring in the tube, ectopic pregnancy and other reproductive problems. This eventually leads to infertility. A few things you can do to avoid STDs are -
Infertility issues can also be faced by men. Here are a few factors that may cause a man to be infertile.
Tobacco: Smoking reduces the ability of the sperm to move.
Alcohol: Drinking, even moderately, causes erectile dysfunction, lowers testosterone levels and hampers the quantity and quality of the sperm.
Drugs: Both illegal and prescribed drugs can impact sperm.
Exposed to toxic substances: Long exposure to elements like cadmium, hydrocarbons, lead, mercury, pesticides, radioactivity and X-rays can hamper sperm quality and count.
Exposing genitals to heat: Frequent use of hot baths, saunas, steam rooms and whirlpools can disrupt sperm production.
Illness or conditions: Men with history of genital infection, mumps, prostatitis and surgery on hernia, undescended testicles or varicocele can experience problems with fertility.
For more pregnancy tips ranging from finding the perfect pregnancy kit and learning how to use the pregnancy kit at home to some amazing recipes for your pregnancy diet check

Preventative Measures Taken During 8 Months Pregnancy

Women are prestigious in our society. She is the only person who has got the honour to give birth to a baby. There is a requirement of due care during pregnancy as a lady is holding another life within her body. Now we will talk about preventive measures which are taken during the 8 months pregnancy under the following heads.
Avoid To Stand For a Long Time
Pelvic pressure increases with the increase in the size of the baby within the stomach due to this pressure, lower back experiences pain and thus lady at this moment is not supposed to stand for a long time and bed rest should be provided to her.
During this period, a woman experiences pain and aches and these aches and pains are relieved by mean of prenatal aerobics and yoga exercises.
A Proper diet should be taken at this moment. Oily, spicy, junk and acid containing food should be avoided at this moment. Food causing constipation should also be avoided. The woman should eat fibrous food like fish, tofu, leafy greens, nuts, bread, kiwi and whole grains. Intake of alcohol and drugs are strictly prohibited in this period.
Guardians are especially required at this moment to take care of the pregnant lady and for providing moral support to her. When she has got tired she should take a rest and if she is hungry then she should eat food without any delay.
Sound Sleep
Proper amount of sleep should be taken in this period. She should sleep at night for 8 hours and 45 minutes sleep should be taken in the afternoon.
Stress and tension
Stress should be avoided in this period. A peaceful and happy environment should be provided to her. She is not supposed to be indulged in any type of worry or tension. Even she is also not supposed to be in an angry mood.
She should take care of the fact that her posture is correct at the time of sitting, standing and sleeping. Improper posture leads to complications at the time of delivery and it also disturbs the position of the baby.
Some ladies prefer to wear tight clothes for looking slim, but in this period woman should wear loose clothes. As tight clothes affect the movement of the baby, which can create a great problem.
Staying Hydrated
She should drink the proper amount of water and fruit-juices which ensure fitness in all the respect.
Routine Check-up
A routine visit to the doctor is essential so as to watch and observe each and every activity. Doctor provides essential guidelines to deal with the situation in a genuine manner. A gynaecologist should be consulted for such a purpose. The best gynaecologist in India is Dr. (Mrs) Umesh N. Jindal. Lilavati Hospital (Mumbai) is the best gynaecology hospital in India. Among the hospitals in India, Columbia Asia Hospital is one of the hospitals which has gynaecology department.
Columbia Asia Hospital is one of the hospitals which has gynaecology department and is sited in Kolkata.

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What Every Woman Ought to Know About Menopausal Weight Gain

Menopausal weight gain can have consequences more serious than outgrowing your favorite pair of jeans. Find out how middle age spread affects your body and what you can do about it.
Facts about Menopausal Weight Gain
1. Understand estrogen. As estrogen levels drop during menopause, your metabolism slows down. Your body burns fewer calories and stores more fat.
2. Watch your waistline. Extra pounds you gain after menopause are likely to turn into abdominal fat, which increases your risk for diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions. Talk with your doctor if your waistline is 35 inches or more.
3. Check your thyroid. Menopause and thyroid conditions can cause similar symptoms including increased weight, as well as depression and fatigue. Your doctor can advise you about whether you would benefit from testing.
4. Expect changes. If you've been thin your whole life, you may be surprised to see the scale edging up. It's natural if you to need to eat less and move more to maintain your dress size.
Using Your Diet to Fight Menopausal Weight Gain
Putting on extra pounds later in life is common, but not inevitable. A University of Pittsburgh study found that women who made two simple changes in the way they eat lost dramatically more weight.
Take a look at their secret:
1. Skip desserts and soda. Women who consumed fewer desserts and sugary drinks lost almost eight times more weight than their peers in that Pittsburgh study. Switch to fruit and water instead.
2. Reduce calories. You can also eat less by controlling your portion sizes and choosing nutrient-dense foods. That way you can keep up your energy while you stay trim.
3. Dine at home. Cooking your own meals gives you more control. Restaurants tend to use more fat and sodium than you would.
4. Eat soy. Some experts believe that plants have isoflavones that function like human estrogen. You may want to try tofu or soy milk to relieve night sweats and help you sleep.
5. Consider supplements. Most women can get all the nutrients they need from a balanced diet. However, your doctor may recommend supplements, including iron and calcium, based on your individual needs.
Using Exercise to Fight Menopausal Weight Gain
Almost 80% of adults don't exercise enough according to the CDC, and older adults are even more likely to be inactive. Once you start working out, you'll burn more calories and experience other benefits like strengthening your bones and relieving stress.
1. Train in intervals. Structure your workouts so that you alternate between brief bursts of high intensity movements and gentler exercises. You'll burn more calories and fat, condition your heart, and increase your metabolism while spending less time at the gym.
2. Build muscles. You lose muscle mass as you age, but you can slow down the process. Lift dumbbells or do body weight exercises like dips and pushups.
3. Work on balance. Enhancing your balance can protect you from falls, correct your posture, and sharpen your thinking. Sign up for yoga classes or train at home. Try doing squats while standing on your toes or sit on a stability ball when you're watching TV.
4. Move more. In addition to formal exercise, you can incorporate more activity into your daily routine. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car a few blocks away from the office so you can walk the remaining distance.
Women gain an average of 10 pounds around menopause, but diet and exercise can minimize the effects. Slimming down will help you to stay healthy and enjoy your golden years.

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