Causes of Sexual Problems in Women and Natural Remedies

The sexual response cycle has four phases known as excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. If there is a problem during any one of the phases that stops either partner or both the partners from experiencing sexual satisfaction, it is known as a sexual problem. Sexual problems in women are common and most of the sexual dysfunctions are treatable. Therefore it is important to open up and talk about the problems with your partner and the doctor.
Sexual problems in women may due to causes that are physical or psychological in nature. The physical causes may be menopause, hormonal imbalances in the body, diseases like liver or kidney failure, heart diseases, alcoholism, diabetes or drug abuse. The psychological reasons may be stress, anxiety, trauma, depression, relationship issues, guilt or sexual performance concern. Any of these above factors can result in sexual problems in women by inhibiting their sexual desire, causing lack of orgasm, painful lovemaking or causing inability to become aroused.
Inhibited sexual desire means a lack or loss of interest in sexual lovemaking which can be caused by various factors like medical treatments, hormonal changes, pregnancy, fatigue, stress and depression. Lifestyle factors may also contribute to this condition. Lack or orgasm can be due to stress and anxiety. Some medications and insufficient stimulation can cause this condition too. Painful lovemaking can be a result of cyst, poor lubrication, surgery, vaginitis or STD.
Pelvic examinations and Pap smear tests may be conducted to check the health of the cervix. Other fears and phobias like anxiety, past experiences, alcohol or drug abuse should be discussed so as to take appropriate steps for the treatment of the sexual problems in women. Treating this condition does not only involve the woman, but also support from her partner. This condition can be dealt with by focusing on the causes involved. The steps taken for solving the sexual problems in women can be as follows:
1. Stimulation: Enhancing the stimulation by bringing about changes in the usual sexual routine, trying different foreplay techniques, masturbation or by using stimulating material may help treat sexual problems.
2. Education: A woman can overcome her fears and phobias about the sexual processes and performances by educating herself regarding the human anatomy and sexual behaviors.
3. Communication: Communication between the partners is extremely important to bond better. Massages, baths and romantic outings together should help improve the bonding and communication between the two partners.
4. Minimize pain: Vaginal lubricants or warm baths before the lovemaking may help in reducing the pain while having sex.
Sexual problems in women may also be a result of hormonal imbalances which lead to vaginal dryness, reduced genital sensation, decreased sexual arousal, low libido and decline in orgasm. Conditions like hysterectomy and menopause may also cause sexual problems in women. Since this condition can affect other aspects of life too, it is important to treat it. One should stop smoking, intake of alcohol and should follow a healthy diet and lifestyle. Include seeds like pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds in your diet. Drinking of ginger tea, leafy vegetables, fruits are helpful in such conditions.

How Do Sexually Transmitted Diseases Affect Pregnant Women and Their Babies?

Sexually transmitted diseases or STD's is an infection or a virus that is passed through a sexual contact between two individuals. A sexual contact can be either through anal sex, oral or vaginal sex. This disease may be present in one individual and can be passed on to others through sexual contact, or can be acquired through the usage of an infected needle, through breastfeeding or even during childbirth.
Pregnant women also can be infected with the STD as any other women may be victim to it. Pregnant women who are infected with the disease may put themselves and their babies at the risk of losing their lives. Thus every woman must take extra care before and during pregnancy. Women must refrain from having sexual contact with different men, and rather be committed to having sexual relations with a single man who has been checked for STD's and known to be clear of the infection. Men should also make sure that they use proper latex condoms, and is used in the right manner to avoid any kind of infections.
Bacterial Vaginosis, Trichomoniasis, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, HIV, Syphilis, Herpes simplex virus 2 and Chlamydia are the different kinds of STD's seen occurring in pregnant women. Bacterial Vaginosis is the most common type of STD seen in pregnant women. It is characterized by symptoms such as vaginal itching, discharge with a fishy odour and experiencing pain when passing urine. Trichomoniasis is a kind of infection that can be even acquired through damp cloth, toilet seats or any wet cloth that the genital areas come in contact with .Bacterial Vaginosis and Genital herpes is the most common STD among pregnant women in the US. Genital herpes has clear symptom which are-sores in vagina or penis, fever, headaches, pain in leg, when passing urine and itching, burning or swelling of genitals among other symptoms.
It has been researched that STD infections usually occur without any prominent symptoms and are said to be a silent disease. Many pregnant women wouldn't know if they are suffering from STD's till the onset of serious complications.STD's can be a cause of cervical cancer, infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease among other complications and onsets in pregnant women. The disease can also cause an early labour to pregnant women and may also cause a uterine infection after the baby has been delivered. This is due to the rupturing of the membrane surrounding the baby in the uterus. The STD infection breaks the membrane around the baby thus causing the infection to the uterus.
Sexually transmitted diseases may be transferred to the baby while it is in the womb or while it is being born. The infection will affect the baby's weight, making him very weak to almost below 5 pounds. The disease can also cause an infection to the baby's blood; damage the brain, deafness, eye infections, acute hepatitis or blindness. These diseases may be visible at birth or may be detected only after months or years.
The STD's of the mother can be so harmful and serious to the baby that it may also cause a still birth delivery. Thus STD affects both the pregnant women and her baby in various drastic ways and means.

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Infertility and STDs - Two Important Factors Affecting a Woman

The growing concern about infertility and STDs are fast becoming major issues among women. Although infertility can be associated with various factors such as unhealthy lifestyle, weight problems, smoking, unsafe sex and sexual practices and alcohol, there is one ground deemed to generate the most risk of all - sexually transmitted diseases.
Gonorrhea also known as the pus discharge is one of the most common STD that affects women to become sterile. As the bacterium present in this infection multiplies and develops in moist areas of sensitive parts of a woman's body, the chances of the cervix, fallopian tubes, uterus and the urine canal to get affected is high. The bacterium can spread in the uterus area that might result to a disease known as the pelvic inflammatory disease. When this happens, infertility can be a typical outcome.
Be aware of the symptoms of this sexually transmitted disease through the following signs that can greatly affect you being unproductive and childless.
o If you experience intense bleeding even during your menstrual period then you have significant probability of having STD that lowers your chances of bearing a child.
o Thick discharge can also be a major symptom.
o Soreness, inflammation and genital itching are other factors to be alarmed about.
Infertility and STDs are two aspects that affect a woman's likelihood of being heavy with a child. It is important therefore, that you lead a healthy lifestyle away from vices, always practice safe sex and most importantly have yourself protected through vaccinations.
However, if you already infected with std, does it mean that you will never have children? Find out the truth from other people with STDs.

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Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs and STDs)

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are not fun or easy to talk about. It can be embarrassing to talk about STIs or STDs, but they are more common than you might realize. And, when it comes to pregnancy and STIs and STDs, it is best to learn about how to protect yourself from and treat STIs and STDs.
STIs and STDs are infections that are spread by having sex with someone that has a sexually transmitted infection. This could include oral, vaginal or anal intercourse. While STIs are common among men and women who are sexually active, many people do not know they have been infected. Some women may not find out that they have an STI until their first prenatal appointment when pregnant. Prenatal STI screening is standard because it is best to find out about an STI early in your pregnancy.
How do I know if I have an STI or STD?
At the first prenatal appointment, many women are tested (screened) for STIs including: chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, syphilis, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. Testing may be done through blood tests, vaginal swabs and urine tests. If you suspect you might have an STI/STD, you should ask for testing. Testing is routinely done on pregnant women who are less than 25 years of age as well as those women that have new or multiple sexual partners, have a sexual partner that has other partners, past or current needle drug users, not in a monogamous relationship, no or sporadic condom use, a sexual partner that has an STI, sex workers, exchanging sex for drugs or money, and/or those living in high risk areas.
What happens if I have an STI or STD?
If you test positive, you will be notified by your healthcare professional in several days or about a week. Usually, immediate treatment with antibiotics can clear up an STI. A follow-up test in the third trimester may be performed, depending on your age or risk factors. In the case of HIV, on-going treatment for you and your baby will be required. With all STIs, the sooner treatment is started, the sooner the infection can be treated and reduce the incidence of passing the STI on to your baby.
Will my pregnancy be affected?
Early testing during the first trimester and follow-up testing during the third trimester, as well as treatment if an STI has been detected, will have a major impact on the chance of you and your baby being affected. In most cases, early detection and treatment will resolve any potential complications.
If untested and/or untreated, sexually transmitted infections in pregnant women could cause problems during pregnancy such as: pre-term labor, premature rupture of membranes, and low birth weight. The infant could contract the STI during the pregnancy, during vaginal delivery, or after birth through breastfeeding, such in the case of HIV. Some STIs could have lifelong implications for your child. For these reasons, we strongly encourage women to have STI testing early in their pregnancy and to follow recommended treatment protocol(s).

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Protect Yourself: Yeast infection and STDs

Often when we think of sexually transmitted diseases, we rarely put a yeast infection and STDs side by side as coconspirators. In fact, yeast infections are the most common type of vaginal infection in women. Up to 75 percent of women suffer from yeast infection, also known as candida infection.
Yeast grows like a weed. As fungi, it will procreate spontaneously if given the right conditions, which often causes the infection. It needs warm, moist place to live and grow, and thus the vagina makes a perfect home.
Women will know that they have a yeast infection by three obvious signs: itching, burning, and a thick, cottage cheese like discharge. If they even suspect a yeast infection, they should see a doctor immediately. Over the counter medications exist, but doctors recommend a physician's visit because the infection could be more than just a yeast infection, and an over the counter treatment will not cover everything. Doctors will end up often prescribing an antibiotic cream that patients must apply directly to the affected area. This will kill the yeast and treat the infection effectively.
Often when we think of a yeast, we do not immediately think of a disgusting infection passed from one careless person to another, but we picture grandma's homemade bread, rising and then baking in her oven. Maybe we even think of a beer commercial where the producer will boast of the type of yeast used to create the best brew. This yeast is different. It is the saccharomyces cerevisiae type, much different than the candida which has people screaming in pain and running to the bathroom.
As an STD, yeast infection can be passed from person to person through direct, sexual contact. Women can pass it to men, and men can pass it to women. Additionally, those who engage in oral sex run the risk of an oral yeast infection, also known as thrush.
Individuals can put themselves at risk for such an infection. Sexually active people are especially prone to this infection. Furthermore, women on antibiotics even for common illnesses are prone to infection as the antibiotics can cause the yeast to multiply. We can prevent yeast infections by obviously abstaining from casual sex, but on another level, we can prevent them with just a daily dose of yogurt. The bacteria in consumed yogurt will prevent infections.
Thus while a yeast infection is not a life threatening illness like herpes or gonorrhea, it causes unnecessary pain and discomfort. So protect yourself, and pick up some Yoplait today.
Cures abound for the burning, itching and irritation of yeast infections! Visit us for information on natural, holistic and traditional remedies: []

What Are the Symptoms, Diagnostic Methods and Treatment Options for STDs?

Sexually transmitted diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or venereal diseases (VD) occur due to transfer of infectious organism during a sexual contact. STDs occur due to harmful bacteria, parasites, yeast, and viruses. Sometimes, STDs occur due to spreading of the organisms from a mother to infant during childbirth or during breast-feeding by the use of unsterilized drug needles, and during blood transfusions.
Some specific types of STDs are:
Bacteria-related STDs
  • Chlamydia (Chlamydia trachomatis)
  • Gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhea)
  • Syphilis (Treponema pallidum)
  • Chancroid (Haemophilus ducreyi)
Viruses-related STDs
  • Crabs, also known as pubic lice
  • Hepatitis B and D, and infrequently, A*, C*, E* (hepatitis viruses, types A-E)
  • Genital herpes (herpes simplex virus)
  • Genital warts (human papillomavirus virus [HPV])
  • HIV/AIDS (human immunodeficiency virus [HIV virus])
  • Molluscum contagiosum* (poxvirus)
Protozoan-related STDs
  • Trichomoniasis (Trichomonas vaginalis)
Parasites-related STDs
  • Pubic lice or crabs (Pediculosis pubis)
Fungi-related STDs
  • Yeast infections (Candida albicans)
Genital areas are generally moist and warm and are ideal environments for the growth of yeasts, viruses, and bacteria etc.
Symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
  • Painful ulcers on the genitals
  • Rashes, fever, headache and cough, achy joints
  • Recurring outbreaks of blister-like sores on the genitals
  • Fatigue, night sweats, chills
  • Sore throats, swollen lymph nodes
  • Weight loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Strong vaginal odor
  • Vaginal itching or irritation and painful urination
  • Serious complications of AIDS including unusual infections or cancers, weight loss, intellectual deterioration (dementia), and death
During transmission, the chances of disease transfer depend on the donor carrying the infection and on the carrier. For example, in case of herpes, HSV 2 transmission probability is:
  • Herpes male to non herpes female = 10%
  • Herpes female to non herpes male = 4%.
Some STDs, such as genital herpes and HIV, that cause AIDS cannot be cured but can only be controlled with medication.
For the treatment of STDs,
  • antibiotics are more commonly preferred in case of bacterial infection
  • for viruses, antiviral medications or anti-retroviral therapy is given
Diagnosis methods
  • Blood tests: Blood tests help to confirm the diagnosis of HIV and AIDS or sometimes the later stage of syphilis.
  • Urine samples: Sometimes, STDs can be confirmed with a urine sample.
  • Fluid samples: In case of active genital sores, fluid and samples from the sores are collected to be tested to diagnose the type of infection. In some cases, laboratory tests of samples from a genital sore or discharge are used to diagnose some STIs (sexually transmitted infections).
  • Pregnant women are screened to avoid the infection transfer to the baby
Treatment and prevention for STDs
  • Antibiotics: Antibiotics can cure many sexually transmitted bacterial and parasitic infections, including gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia and trichomoniasis. But, there is always a possibility that the infection might reoccur.
  • Antiviral drugs: Antiviral drugs reduce the risk of infection, but there is still a possibility that the infection can occur again. Antiviral drugs can keep HIV infection in check for many years, but the virus persists and can still be transmitted, though the risk is lower.
  • As early a treatment is given, the more effective it is.
  • Healthcare professionals refer to safer sex to reduce the risk of STDs, such as the use of condoms during a sexual activity. But safer sex methods cannot always provide complete protection from an STI.
  • Avoid contact during transfer of and exposure to bodily fluids, such as blood transfusions and other blood products, sharing injection needles, sharing tattoo needles, etc.
  • Abstinence is avoiding or stopping from any sexual act with an affected person and is the most effective way to avoid an STI.
  • Monogamy to one uninfected partner: A long-term, monogamous relationship with one person lowers the risk of contracting an STI.

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The Impact and Consequences of AIDS/HIV in India

The impact and consequences of AIDS/HIV in India
"Whenever AIDS has won, stigma, shame, distrust, discrimination and apathy was on its side. Every time AIDS has been defeated, it has been because of trust, openness, dialogue between individuals and communities, family support, human solidarity, and the human perseverance to find new paths and solutions." - Michel Sidibé, Executive Director, UNAIDS
What are AIDS and HIV?
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is caused by a virus called HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The disease changes the immune system, making people very vulnerable to infections and diseases. This vulnerability gets worse as the syndrome progresses, sometimes with fatal results.
HIV is a virus: Specifically, HIV is the virus, which attacks the T-cells (CD-4 cells) in the immune system.
AIDS is a medical condition: AIDS is the syndrome, which appears at an advanced stage of the HIV infection.
The HIV infection can cause AIDS to develop but it is possible to be infected with HIV without developing AIDS. However, without treatment, the HIV infection can progress and, eventually, develop into AIDS in most cases. Once an AIDS diagnosis is made, it will always be a part of a patient's medical history.
What causes HIV and AIDS?
A retrovirus that infects the vital organs and cells of the human immune system, HIV develops in the absence of antiretroviral therapy (ART) - a drug therapy that slows, and can prevent, the growth of new HIV viruses.
The rate of virus progression in various individuals differs widely, depending on many factors including:
  • Age
  • The body's ability to defend itself against HIV
  • Access to healthcare
  • Other infections the patient may have
  • The person's genetic inheritance
  • Resistance to certain strains of HIV
  • Other factors
How is HIV transmitted?Sexual transmission: Contact with infected sexual fluids (rectal, genital, or oral mucous membranes) while having unprotected sex with someone infected with HIV
Perinatal transmission: A mother can pass the infection on to her child during childbirth, pregnancy and breastfeeding
Blood transfusion: Transmission of HIV through blood transfusion is extremely low in developed countries, thanks to meticulous screening and precautions. This is often not the case in the developing world
Early symptoms of HIV infection
Many people with HIV have no symptoms for several months, or even years, after being infected. Others may develop symptoms similar to flu, usually two to six weeks after being infected by the virus. The symptoms of early HIV infection may include fever, chills, joint pains, muscle aches, sore throat, sweats (particularly at night), enlarged glands, red rash, tiredness, general weakness and weight loss.
Myths and facts about HIV and AIDS
There are many misconceptions about HIV and AIDS which are not based on scientific and medical facts. The virus CANNOT be transmitted by:
  • shaking hands
  • hugging
  • casual kissing
  • sneezing
  • touching unbroken skin
  • using the same toilet
  • sharing towels
  • sharing cutlery
  • mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or other forms of "casual contact"
Is there treatment for AIDS and HIV?Currently, there is no vaccine or cure for HIV, but certain treatments have evolved which are much more effective and better tolerated - improving the patients' general health and quality of life considerably - by just taking one pill a day.
Certain treatments can slow the course of the condition, allowing most infected people the opportunity to live long and relatively healthy lives. Starting HIV antiretroviral treatment early is crucial. According to the World Health Organization's guidelines, issued in June 2013, early treatment improves the quality of life, extends life expectancy and reduces the risk of transmission.
How can HIV be prevented?
To prevent being infected with HIV, medical professionals advise taking the following precautions:
Avoid the dangers of unprotected sex: Having sex without a condom can put a person at risk of being infected with HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Drug abuse and needle sharing: Intravenous drug use is an important factor in HIV transmission, especially in developed countries. Sharing needles can expose users to HIV and other viruses, such as hepatitis C.
Body fluid exposure: Exposure to HIV can be prevented by employing precautions to reduce the risk of exposure to contaminated blood. Healthcare workers should use barriers (gloves, masks, protective eyewear, shields and gowns).
Pregnancy: Some treatments can harm the unborn child. To protect the baby's health, delivery through caesarean section may be necessary. HIV-infected mothers should not breastfeed.
The importance of education: This is an important factor in reducing risky behaviour that results in HIV/AIDS.
Social stigma associated with AIDS
Fear surrounding the growing HIV epidemic in the 1980s persists even today. At the time, since very little was known about HIV and how it is transmitted, the disease scared people because of their fear of being infected.
This fear, to this day, means that lots of people still believe that HIV and AIDS:
  • Still ends in death
  • The syndromes' association with behaviours that large numbers of people still disapprove of - such as homosexuality, drug use, sex work or infidelity
  • That the syndrome is transmitted through sex, which is a taboo subject in some cultures
  • The infection is because of personal irresponsibility or moral flaws that deserve to be punished
  • False information about how the virus is transmitted, giving rise to irrational behaviour and misconceptions about personal risk
What is the level of awareness about AIDS in India?According to a comprehensive survey undertaken by UNDP post 2005, "HIV and AIDS are a serious challenge for the developing as well as the developed world. India, with an estimated 5.206 million people living with HIV in 2005, accounts for nearly 69 percent of the HIV infections in the South and South-East Asian region. This is despite it being a low prevalence country with an overall adult HIV prevalence rate of 0.91 percent."
"India has six high prevalence states: Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Manipur and Nagaland. Of these Andhra Pradesh has recorded the highest prevalence of two percent among the antenatal clinic attendees and 22.8 percent among STD clinic attendees in 2005. Given the overall low prevalence of HIV, focus so far has been on studying the AIDS/HIV impact at the level of the individual and households", the survey emphasises.
In conclusion, we quote studies carried out by the World Bank Group in 2012, "The Government of India estimates that about 2.40 million Indians are living with HIV (1.93-3.04 million) with an adult prevalence of 0.31% (2009). Children (<15 years) account for 3.5% of all infections, while 83% are the in age group 15-49 years. Of all HIV infections, 39% (930,000) are among women. India's highly heterogeneous epidemic is largely concentrated in only a few states - in the industrialized south and west, and in the north-east. The four high prevalence states of South India (Andhra Pradesh - 500,000, Maharashtra - 420,000, Karnataka - 250,000, Tamil Nadu - 150,000) account for 55% of all HIV infections in the country. West Bengal, Gujarat, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh are estimated to have more than 100,000 PLHA each and together account for another 22% of HIV infections in India."

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HIV and/or AIDS: Stages of HIV Symptoms

HIV symptoms
For the most part, the symptoms of HIV are the result of infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and/or parasites.
Stage 1: Symptoms of early HIV infection
Many people with HIV have no symptoms for several months to even years after becoming infected. Others may develop symptoms similar to flu, usually 2-6 weeks after catching the virus.
The symptoms of early HIV infection may include:
• fever
• chills
• joint pain
• muscle aches
• sore throat
• sweats (particularly at night)
• enlarged glands
• a red rash
• tiredness
• weakness
• unintentional weight loss
Stage 2: Asymptomatic HIV
In many cases, after the initial symptoms disappear, there will not be any further symptoms for many years.
During this time, the virus carries on developing and damaging the immune system and organs. Without being on medications to stop HIV's replication, this process can take up to 10 years on average. The infected person often experiences no symptoms, feels well, and appears healthy.
Stage 3: Late-stage HIV infection
If left untreated, HIV weakens the ability to fight infection. The person becomes vulnerable to serious illnesses. This stage of infection is known as AIDS.
Symptoms of late-stage HIV infection may include:
• blurred vision
• diarrhea, which is usually persistent or chronic
• dry cough
• fever of above 100 °F (37 °C) lasting for weeks
• night sweats
• permanent tiredness
• shortness of breath (dyspnea)
• swollen glands lasting for weeks
• unintentional weight loss
• white spots on the tongue or mouth
During late-stage HIV infection, the risk of developing a life-threatening illness is much greater. Life-threatening illnesses may be controlled, avoided, and/or treated with proper medications, often including HIV treatment.
HIV and AIDS myths and facts
There are many misconceptions about HIV and AIDS. The virus CANNOT be transmitted from:
• shaking hands
• hugging
• casual kissing
• sneezing
• touching the unbroken skin
• using the same toilet
• sharing towels
• sharing cutlery
• mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
• or other forms of "casual contact"
Diagnosis of HIV and AIDS
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) estimate that about 1 in every 8 HIV-positive Americans is unaware of their HIV-status.
HIV blood tests and results
Diagnosis is made through a blood test that screens specifically for the virus. If the HIV virus has been found, the test result is "positive." The blood is re-tested several times before a positive result is given to the patient.
If a person has been exposed to the virus, it is crucial that they get tested as soon as possible. The earlier HIV is detected, the more likely the treatment will be successful. A home testing kit can be used as well.
After infection with HIV, it can take from 3 weeks to 6 months for the virus to show up in testing. Re-testing may be necessary. If the moment a patient was most at risk of infection was within the last 6 months, they can have the test immediately. However, the provider will urge that another test be carried out within a few weeks.
HIV infection can cause AIDS to develop. However, it is possible to be infected with HIV without developing AIDS. Without treatment, the HIV infection can progress and, eventually, it will develop into AIDS in the vast majority of cases. Once someone has received an AIDS diagnosis, it will always carry over with them in their medical history.

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Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Explained

Viral Hepatitis: This is the inflammation and necrosis of the liver caused by a virus or group of viruses.
There are other types of hepatitis including hepatotoxic and drugs related hepatitis and alcoholic hepatitis.
Types of Viral Hepatitis
There are many types of viral hepatitis
Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E and G e.t.c
HEPATITIS B: It is caused by the Hepatitis B virus. A DNA hepadna virus with a partially double-stranded DNA genome.
HEPATITIS C: This is a serious and often-silent liver infection caused by the Hepatitis C virus - a single stranded RNA virus.At least six major genotypes have been identified.
Hepatitis B and C viruses are transmitted by contacts with infected blood or blood products
For example, via contaminated needles (including unsterilized tattoo needles), accidental needle-sticks in healthcare workers, and unprotected sex, sharing nailclippers, razors, or toothbrushes
-Unscreened Blood Transfusions.
It can also be present in saliva, semen and vaginal secretions and through HbsAg positive mothers to child (maternal-neonatal transmission). Hepatitis B is prevalent in homosexuals and intravenous drug users but most cases result from heterosexual transmission. The incubation period of hepatitis B is 6 weeks to 6 months (average of 12 - 14 weeks). That of Hepatitis C is between 6-7 weeks and clinical illness is often mild, usually asymptomatic.
Signs and Symptoms
Hepatitis C has been called "the silent killer" because the virus often hides in the body for years, escaping detection as it attacks the liver. Since most people don't have warning signs of hepatitis C (or don't know how or when they were infected).
They don't seek treatment until many years later. By the time hepatitis C symptoms appear or a diagnosis is made, the damage often is well underway.
If symptoms do appear, they may be mild or severe. Among the most common complaints are:
Muscle or joint pain
Poor appetite
Pain in the upper right part of the abdomen
Dark yellow urine
Yellowish skin or eyes (jaundice)
Itchy skin
Pale stools, easy bleeding, easy bruising.
Yellow Eyes: A Symptom
Acute and Chronic Hepatitis
ACUTE HEPATITIS as the name implies means the illness is sudden and short-lived, occurring within the first two weeks to six months of infection.
In up to 25% of cases, the virus clears from the body on its own without treatment.
For hepatitis to change from an Acute state to Chronic, there should be persistent infection after six months and often much longer.
An estimated 75% to 85% of people with acute hepatitis go on to develop chronic infection.
Diagnosis of Hepatitis
Unless symptoms arise, people with hepatitis C usually don't know they have the infection until it's discovered during routine blood testing.
Simple blood test can tell if one is infected or not.
The routine tests include:
Tests for HbsAg
Tests for Anti-HCV.
Further tests and assays are proceeded for individuals who test positive to the above tests.
As many as one in four people with chronic hepatitis C go on to develop cirrhosis, or severe scarring of the liver.
These people may have additional symptoms, including swelling of the legs and abdomen, spider-like blood vessels, and a buildup of toxins in the bloodstream that can lead to brain damage.
Persons with chronic hepatitis B, particularly when HBV infection is acquired early in life and viral replication persists, are at substantial risk of having cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.
Chronic hepatitis C is also one of the leading causes of liver cancer.
Treatments have vastly improved over the years. Today's medications are more effective at ridding the body of the virus, and they have fewer side effects.
The type of treatment you receive will depend on the genotype, or strain, of your hepatitis, as well as how much damage the liver has sustained.
The goal of treating chronic hepatitis B is to control the virus and keep it from damaging the liver. This begins with regular monitoring for signs of liver disease.
Antiviral medications may help, but not everyone can take them.
Some of the newest medicines for hepatitis C genotypes 1, 2, and 3 include: Daclatasvir (Daklinza); Elbasvir/grazoprevir (Zepatier); Ledipasvir (Harvoni); Ombitasvir, paritaprevir, and ritonavir with dasabuvir tablets (Viekira Pak); Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir (Epclusa); Sofosbuvir (Sovaldi); Daclatasvir (Daklinza) with sofosbuvir (Sovaldi); and Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir (Epclusa).
The hepatitis B vaccine is recommended for all infants at birth and for adults
Currently, there is no vaccine for Hepatitis C.
Avoid any contacts with body fluids by protecting yourself using protective measures.
Chlamydia:This is a common STD that can lead to infertility if left untreated. It clears up quickly with antibiotics. But it often goes unnoticed because symptoms are vague or absent.
Women with symptoms may notice
- An abnormal vaginal discharge;
- A painful urinating.
Symptoms in men can include:
A discharge from their
A burning sensation when
urinating; (dysuria)
Pain and swelling in one
or both testicles
Can chlamydia be cured?
Yes, chlamydia can be cured with the right treatment. When taken properly it will stop the infection and could decrease your chances of having complications later on.
Gonorrhea spreads easily and can lead to infertility in both men and women.
Antibiotics can stop the infection.
- Burning during urination and discharge.
- Later, the infection may cause skin rashes or spread to the joints and blood.
In Men: Discharge from the penis, swollen testicles.
In Women: Vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, spotting. Symptoms may be mild and are easily confused with a urinary tract or vaginal infection.
Most people don't notice the early symptoms of syphilis. Without treatment, it can lead to paralysis, blindness, and death.
Syphilis can be cured with antibiotics.
Signs and Symptoms: The first sign is usually a firm, round, painless sore on the genitals or anus. The disease spreads through direct contact with this sore.
Later, there may be a rash on the soles, palms, or other parts of the body, as well as swollen glands, fever, hair loss, or fatigue. In the late stage, damage to organs such as the heart, brain, liver, nerves, and eyes occurs.
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2
Most cases of genital herpes are caused by a virus called HSV-2. It's highly contagious and can spread through intercourse or direct contact with a herpes sore.
There is no cure. But antiviral drugs can make outbreaks less frequent and help clear up symptoms more quickly.
Symptoms: Fluid-filled blisters that form painful, crusted sores on the genitals, anus, thighs, or buttocks. Can spread to the lips through oral contact.
The HIV virus weakens the body's defense against infections. HIV spreads through unprotected sex, needle sharing, or being born to an infected mother. It may cause no symptoms for years, so a blood test is the best way to learn your status.
Timely treatment is important to help prevent serious illnesses. Many have no symptoms, but some people get temporary flu-like symptoms one to two months after infection: swollen glands (seen here), a fever, headaches, and fatigue. Canker sores in the mouth can occur, too.
While there is no cure for HIV, there are medications that can suppress the amount of virus multiplying inside the body. People take a combination of antiviral drugs in hopes of preventing the infection from advancing to AIDS.
Trichomoniasis is caused by a parasite that spreads during sexual contact. It can be cured with prescription drugs.
Signs and Symptoms in Men: Most men have no obvious symptoms. Some develop a mild discharge or slight burning during urination.
Signs and Symptoms in Women: Women may develop a yellow-green discharge with a strong odor, vaginal itching, or pain during sex or urination. Symptoms usually begin five to 28 days after acquiring the parasite.
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a serious complication of untreated STDs, especially chlamydia and gonorrhea.
It happens when bacteria spread to infect the uterus and other female reproductive organs. Prompt treatment is essential to prevent damage to a woman's fertility.
Signs and Symptoms: Lower abdominal pain, fever, unusual discharge, painful intercourse, painful urination, and spotting. However, there are often no warning signs.
Who's at Risk for STDs?
Anyone who is sexually active is at risk for an STD, regardless of gender, race, social class, or sexual orientation.
That said, teenagers and young adults acquire STDs more easily than older people.
Can Virgins Get STDs?
Yes, they can. Many STDs spread through any type of sexual activity, including skin-to-skin contact and oral sex. This is especially true of STDs that produce genital lesions or sores.
Preventing STDs
The best ways to avoid getting an STD are to abstain from any sexual contact.
Do not share sharps and needles.
Avoid the use of unsterilised objects.
Make hyiene a priority.

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Fertility Treatment Solutions To Solve Pregnancy Problems

Many couples plan to bear children when they are settled, but most of them are not lucky enough to do so due to health complications. It may result in miscarriages in the woman that further increases the chances of danger to life. For solving this problem, it is advisable to seek the best Gynecologist, who can provide suitable solutions. There are many treatments carried out by the doctors, which include IVF, Blastocyst, ICSI and Embryo Transfer. The couples may choose a suitable treatment for them with the advice of their doctor.
Fertility Treatments - An Answer to One's Infertility
The infertility problem can be related to both men and women. There are separate treatments done by the doctors in the fertility centers. Few treatments may pose a risk to the couples, but some other can prove successful for them. It solely depends on the doctor about which fertility treatments will bring 100% success. IVF treatment proves successful in most of the cases. However, there are few cases where Embryo Transfer retrieves the best results.
The patients must prefer reputed doctors after taking recommendations, searching online for good Gynecologists, best fertility centers in and around the town, etc. Here are few pointers that will help people to get an insight about the fertility treatment:
  • Look out for Varied Fertility Treatment Options: Before opting for a fertility treatment, the patients must watch out for versatile options. They can choose the best fertility treatment options after looking forward to the availability of a particular technique, cost involved, an experience of other patients, and advice from the renowned doctors, etc.
  • Use of Advanced Techniques: The fertility center that the patients are choosing must use the latest techniques for treating the patients. They must possess high-quality treatment tools, best infrastructure, one-of-its-kind IVF or ICSI technique, and embryo transfer by the experienced doctors using advanced tools.
  • Choose the Right Doctor: The couples must choose a right doctor for the fertility treatment. It would be good if people select the best fertility center that has experienced Embryologist, Gynecologist, Urologist, Surgeon and in most cases, a good psychologist. They will guide men and women to opt for a perfect treatment that will not put any ill effect on their health.
  • Evaluates the Status of Patients: The patients need to see the doctor who evaluates their general health. This will help the doctors in acknowledging any infection, prior diseases if any, miscarriages of the women, mental and physical health of the patients, etc. This vital information will help the specialists to administer a right kind of fertility treatment and medicines to their patients.
Lastly, it is necessary for both men and women to search thoroughly by keeping every parameter in mind in relation to the fertility treatment. These treatments are quite costly so one needs to look out for the hospitals or fertility centers that provide affordable treatment.

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