When Is A Cesarean Section Advisable Over A Vaginal Birth?

If it seems like more women are giving birth by cesarean section instead of a vaginal birth, they are. Today almost 30% of babies are delivered via cesarean section and that's up from even 10 years ago. Why is that? Is it based on need, convenience or something else? Let's take a look..
It used to be that all babies were born by vaginally, even when it was questionable as to how safe it was. For example, if a baby was breech, the doctor did his/her best to reach inside and turn the child, sometimes that worked and sometimes it didn't. There were even times when the child was too large, or the mother didn't dilate enough, or the pelvis didn't soften for delivery. Both the mother and child suffered during a birth like this.
Today things have changed and Cesarean Sections are a common practice when it is not safe for the baby to be delivered vaginally.
But why are c-sections chosen over vaginal births? Well, one reason is fetal distress. If the baby's heart rate drops during a contraction, that is a sign that the baby is experiencing fetal distress, the baby could be turned wrong or the umbilical cord could be wrapped around the neck cutting off blood supply and oxygen.
Another indication for a cesarean section is the baby may be too large to fit through the birth canal. A woman with a small bone structure, narrow pelvis or a pelvis that doesn't soften or expand, may have trouble delivering a large baby. Another concern is if the head is in the birth canal too long exposing the baby to brain damage or limited oxygen supply.
Vaginal Birth
Unless the doctor determines that a cesarean is medically necessary, most babies are delivered vaginally, which for both mother and baby is less risky but also offers a few more benefits such as:
* Less chance of infection
* Shorter hospital stay
* Shorter recuperation time
* Less blood loss
Of course the birth canal is the way that babies are naturally designed to be delivered and because of this there are natural benefits to both mom and baby.
The down side to a vaginal birth is the possibility of urinary or bowel incontinence. Not all women experience this side effect of giving birth but it is a possibility.
Cesarean Birth
Because a cesarean birth involves abdominal surgery you have the possibility of complications and risks, which is really a part of having any surgery. For a cesarean section complications can include:
* Bleeding (hemorrhage)
* Infection
* Scar tissue on the abdominal wall
* Longer hospital stay and c-section recovery time
* Possible bowel issues
A mom giving birth for the first time doesn't usually elect to have a c-section, in this case a c-section will usually be unexpected and comes about because of the reasons discussed above, however for women who have had a c-section birth at least once they may elect to have another c-section simply because it can put mother and baby at risk.
There is the option however to have a vaginal birth after a c-section (VBAC) and more and more women are attempting VBAC's, however the option is not without controversy. Many doctors and hospitals, even today won't allow VBAC's because of the dangers to mother and baby, even though the risk is small, most medical professionals are not comfortable with it.
Choosing a cesarean section because it seems more convenient, when there are no other indications for a c-section, is normally not recommended by health care professionals. If you believe a c-section is more convenient than a vaginal birth, make a thorough study of the possible complications before you decide which birthing method is right for you and your baby.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5134411

When Is A Cesarean Section Advisable Over A Vaginal Birth?

If it seems like more women are giving birth by cesarean section instead of a vaginal birth, they are. Today almost 30% of babies are delivered via cesarean section and that's up from even 10 years ago. Why is that? Is it based on need, convenience or something else? Let's take a look..
It used to be that all babies were born by vaginally, even when it was questionable as to how safe it was. For example, if a baby was breech, the doctor did his/her best to reach inside and turn the child, sometimes that worked and sometimes it didn't. There were even times when the child was too large, or the mother didn't dilate enough, or the pelvis didn't soften for delivery. Both the mother and child suffered during a birth like this.
Today things have changed and Cesarean Sections are a common practice when it is not safe for the baby to be delivered vaginally.
But why are c-sections chosen over vaginal births? Well, one reason is fetal distress. If the baby's heart rate drops during a contraction, that is a sign that the baby is experiencing fetal distress, the baby could be turned wrong or the umbilical cord could be wrapped around the neck cutting off blood supply and oxygen.
Another indication for a cesarean section is the baby may be too large to fit through the birth canal. A woman with a small bone structure, narrow pelvis or a pelvis that doesn't soften or expand, may have trouble delivering a large baby. Another concern is if the head is in the birth canal too long exposing the baby to brain damage or limited oxygen supply.
Vaginal Birth
Unless the doctor determines that a cesarean is medically necessary, most babies are delivered vaginally, which for both mother and baby is less risky but also offers a few more benefits such as:
* Less chance of infection
* Shorter hospital stay
* Shorter recuperation time
* Less blood loss
Of course the birth canal is the way that babies are naturally designed to be delivered and because of this there are natural benefits to both mom and baby.
The down side to a vaginal birth is the possibility of urinary or bowel incontinence. Not all women experience this side effect of giving birth but it is a possibility.
Cesarean Birth
Because a cesarean birth involves abdominal surgery you have the possibility of complications and risks, which is really a part of having any surgery. For a cesarean section complications can include:
* Bleeding (hemorrhage)
* Infection
* Scar tissue on the abdominal wall
* Longer hospital stay and c-section recovery time
* Possible bowel issues
A mom giving birth for the first time doesn't usually elect to have a c-section, in this case a c-section will usually be unexpected and comes about because of the reasons discussed above, however for women who have had a c-section birth at least once they may elect to have another c-section simply because it can put mother and baby at risk.
There is the option however to have a vaginal birth after a c-section (VBAC) and more and more women are attempting VBAC's, however the option is not without controversy. Many doctors and hospitals, even today won't allow VBAC's because of the dangers to mother and baby, even though the risk is small, most medical professionals are not comfortable with it.
Choosing a cesarean section because it seems more convenient, when there are no other indications for a c-section, is normally not recommended by health care professionals. If you believe a c-section is more convenient than a vaginal birth, make a thorough study of the possible complications before you decide which birthing method is right for you and your baby.

How to Eliminate Foul Vagina Odor Naturally

If you want to know how to eliminate foul vagina odor naturally, rest assured that you do not need to suffer any longer. Even if this is a condition you have carried around on and off for years, there are steps you can take which can really help. Over half of all women will have this type of problem during their adult lives. For some, it is a fleeting, one off problem which disappears quickly. For others though, it can become a part of their everyday lives-a constant worry and embarrassment.
Very often it can be the simplest of things which can cause foul vagina odor-a change in washing habits, the type of panties you wear, a change of sexual partner, douching, smoking, your diet...in fact it's an almost endless list.
Below are a few tips to get you started back on the road to freshness:-
* Wear only cotton panties. Synthetic materials can trap in heat and moisture-the perfect conditions for the growth
* Don't be tempted to wash too much. Wash just twice a day, using unperfumed products to avoid stripping the vagina of the protective lubricants which keep it healthy
* If you've recently got a new partner, consider avoiding intercourse until the problem settles down or at the very least, use a condom
* Remember to change your sanitary protection regularly, even when your period is light
* Try to boost your immune system by eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and consider taking a good, all-round supplement
* Wearing simple thin panty pads is a good tip for ladies wanting to know how to eliminate foul vagina odor naturally. They can absorb a surprisingly large amount of odor and can be changed throughout the day
Of course, the best thing you can do is to completely eradicate this problem so it is no longer part of your life ever again. By far the most common cause of foul vagina odor is bacterial vaginosis and it is always best to seek proper treatment if you suffer from this recurrently as left untreated, it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease and even infertility.
Fortunately, there is a fast way to treat the underlying cause of bacterial vagnosis which will give immediate relief and completely eradicate the problem in just 3 days. By treating BV naturally, you can quickly restore balance in the vagina and get back to normal within no time, even if you are a long term sufferer.
Are you ready to learn how to eliminate foul vagina odor naturally right now?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4745011

Best Method to Tighten a Vagina

Having a tight vagina is not only beneficial for having a good sex life but there are whole lot of other health concerns associated with it both physically and mentally. It has been observed that women with a tight vagina tend to have a higher confidence level as compared to women with loose vaginas this is mainly because women are well aware that men love having sex with women having tight vagina so they tend to carry that extra self confidence with them. Women with loose vagina tend to have more chances of getting urinary incontinence as well as problem of bad vaginal odor as well as their partner's slowly loose interest in having sex with them. So in this article let us find out some of the ways through which vagina can be tightened so that such women can enjoy sex all over again as well as stay from any vaginal diseases.
Vagina Tightening Surgery
This is the most effective way of tightening a vagina till your next pregnancy occurs. The problem with this surgery is that its cost runs into thousands of dollars so not everyone can afford to go for it and there are always complications involved when you go under the knife.
Herbal Vaginal Tightening Creams
Women in Asia have been reaping the rich benefits of natural herbs to enhance their sexual life. In recent past with the advent of globalization people in the west have also come to know of the rich healing properties of herbs that is why more and more people are switching to usage of herbal medicines. In case of loose vagina there are some herbs like aloe and manjikani which are quite effective in tightening the vagina. They are made into creams and sprays and applied to the vagina area making the vagina tighter up to 40% in just 15 minutes of application.
More Benefits Of These Creams
Not only does these creams make the vagina tighter but they also help get rid of bad vagina odor and act as natural lubricants. It has also been found that their regular usage for 2 to 3 months helps in permanent tightening of the vagina.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3586252

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) That You Ought to Know

As the world is getting more open to sex and as people are changing their sexual values and behavior, the cases of sexually transmitted diseases, STDs, are also increasing rapidly. Despite the warnings and teachings about the dangers of unprotected sex and of exceeding the normal limits in sensual activities, there is a boost in sexually transmitted diseases. The incidence is not limited to just some parts of the world, but no nation is considered safe from this trend.
This article briefly lists the common sexually transmitted diseases, STDs, just to raise people's awareness towards such a deadly issue. We must know how to prevent and treat them. We should be aware of the fact that such diseases are transmitted during sexual contacts with an infected person. Whatever kind of sexual activity is involved, vaginal, anal, or oral, the diseases can transmit easily to another person.
Gonorrhea: A bacterial STD that remains unnoticed for long, except for some cases when men can notice some kind of discharge from their organ.
Genital Warts or HPV/Human Papilloma Virus: A most common STD, which is not curable so far, and just the symptoms can be controlled only.
AIDS/HIV: It is one of the most deadly STDs. It can be transmitted through semen, vaginal secretion, blood, and breast milk. It involves no risk of being transmitted by casual contact. AID is not curable. However, its progress can be controlled that makes the infected people to live longer.
Chlamydia: It is one of the most common but curable STDs. Its symptoms include pain during lovemaking, discharge from woman and man sexual organ, etc. Its symptoms remain unnoticed for long.
Syphilis: This STD can lead to serious complications if not treated in time. Syphilis sores can appear on the external genitals, mouth, rectum or vagina.
Mycoplasma Genitalium: This STD has surpassed gonorrhea in prevalence. Its symptoms are not easy to identify. Studies are underway to know more about this disease. It is known to cause cervicitic in women and nongonococcal urethritis in men.
HSV/Herpes: A viral STD; it is recognized as HSV1 and HSV2. HSV1 is related to cold sores, whereas HSV2 is associated with genital sores. It can be transmitted through the genitals to the mouth or vice versa. It usually spreads through skin-to-skin contact.
Hepatitis/HBV: There are many types of hepatitis but the one that is considered a STD is hepatitis B, HBV. It affects the liver. Its long-term complications can be very serious.
BV/Bacterial Vaginosis: It infects when the healthy bacteria in vagina disappear and different organisms inhabit the area. Women will suffer from itching around the vagina, burning, gray or white discharge and some strong smell will become noticeable after lovemaking. BV has recurring trend, and it increases the risks of pelvic inflammatory disease, HIV, etc.
The sexually transmitted diseases can lead to many severe complications if not controlled on time. Moreover, it is highly advisable to ensure all the preventive measures that protect us from such diseases, since some are not curable, while symptoms of some STDs appear much later.

How To Achieve A Healthy Pregnancy

For most women, pregnancy is a time of great joy, excitement and anticipation. Pregnancy is a time of physical and emotional change when lots of changes occur naturally within your body. If you are a smoker, then use your pregnancy, or the time when you are planning pregnancy to quit smoking and stay quit after the baby is born. Maternal smoking during pregnancy is associated with a higher risk of non-syndromic orofacial clefts in infants. Smoking during pregnancy is a very bad choice. Pregnancy is a time to "listen'' to your body - it is not a time to be dieting, and trying to lose weight.
How can I Achieve a Healthy Pregnancy
The key to a healthy pregnancy is planning it in the first place. Eating well can help you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy newborn - Healthy mum, healthy pregnancy. If you try to stay as healthy as you can during your pregnancy this will give you the best chance of delivering a healthy baby at full term.
As an expectant mother, your top priority should be healthy eating. Eating well should begin before you become pregnant so your body will be stocked up with the nutrients you need for a healthy pregnancy. Shortly after finding out that you have conceived you should see a doctor, as your doctor can explain to you about healthy pregnancy weight gain. Staying healthy is doubly important when you're pregnant.
Exercise is also an important part of a healthy pregnancy, exercise can help you return to your pre-pregnancy weight faster and also have a faster, easier birth.
Adequate sleep is essential to promote a healthy pregnancy. Talking with a health care provider is one of the most important things women and families can do to prepare for a healthy pregnancy. Even before conception, it is absolutely essential to plan for a healthy pregnancy. A healthy lifestyle, even before you become pregnant is the best way to give your baby a healthy start. If you're planning to become pregnant, prepare for a healthy pregnancy by taking care of medical and dental concerns beforehand. Pregnancy is NOT the time to be on a weight loss program.
What Are The First Symptoms Of Pregnancy?
In my experience, very early symptoms of pregnancy are not always text book. There are many different signs and symptoms of pregnancy, and although most women expect certain symptoms to come with pregnancy, these do vary according to individual women and to their individual pregnancies. The earliest symptoms of pregnancy are generally nausea, fatigue, and breast tenderness, but not everybody experiences these. Nausea is actually a good sign as it tells the doctor that the pregnancy is likely to be going on well in terms of hormones. The most commonly looked for early sign of pregnancy is missing a menstrual period. Although you may find you have a lot of the symptoms, the only way to truly tell if you are pregnant is to obtain a positive pregnancy test. Blood tests can confirm a pregnancy within days of conception if pregnancy is suspected and you really can't wait to find out. Women should always report worrying signs or symptoms to their doctor during pregnancy.
Pregnancy is an amazing phenomenon of nature that is the core of our existence. One of the easiest and best ways to avoid problems and complications during pregnancy is to get regular medical exams from your doctor or midwife. Pregnancy is an exciting time in a woman's life, and you should take care of yourself and your unborn baby. During pregnancy women are offered a range of tests which are designed to check whether the baby is developing normally and if the pregnancy is going well.
Pregnancy is a very exciting time in most women's lives, but for others an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy is not such welcome news. If the pregnancy is unexpected, you may be feeling scared or confused. This is a usual reaction to an unplanned pregnancy. There are many organizations that can and will assist, and it is always good to be able to talk to the father, friends and family to help get your feelings into perspective.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/365130

Symptoms Of Early IVF pregnancy - Signs Of An In Vitro Pregnancy

Most of the women under in vitro pregnancy feel confused what would be their symptoms of early IVF pregnancy. Women, who do not conceive naturally, can conceive artificially through in vitro process. Therefore, they often feel whether IVF pregnancy symptoms resemble symptoms of natural pregnancies or not. Following an IVF pregnancy, the egg is taken outside in a Petri dish to fertilize. After fertilization, the egg is again implanted in the body. However, this is an artificial process of being pregnant, the course of the pregnancy advances as the normal period of pregnancy advances. However, after much discussion on IVF pregnancy symptoms, confusions related to this topic has prevailed. Let us talk about the procedures of IVF pregnancy and the symptoms of early IVF pregnancy.
What Is IVF Pregnancy?
This IVF pregnancy has brought ray of hopes to many women who have not been able to become pregnant naturally. Fortunately, this IVF pregnancy also consists of painless procedures. As the egg is fertilized in a Petri dish, it is planted in the womb of by the help of a catheter. The symptoms of early IVF pregnancy come to surface as the fertilized egg is implanted at the walls of uterus. Once the egg is implanted, mother's body starts generating hormones to support advancement of pregnancy. As the pregnancy symptoms start showing up, take note of each of the signs and prepare a pregnancy journal. However, one must know the date when the egg was fertilized in the womb, otherwise, it is pretty challenging to make a pregnancy journal in case of an IVF pregnancy. So, start with recording the date of the implantation of the fertilized egg in your uterus.
What Are The Symptoms Of IVF Pregnancy?
After the egg is implanted in the uterus, and as your pregnancy is determined through an ultrasound, your body commence showing up symptoms of early IVF pregnancy. These symptoms are usually the symptoms of normal pregnancy. Following is a list of probable signs you can expect in an IVF pregnancy -
  • Enhanced level of basal body temperature

  • An overdue periods or amenorrhea

  • Tender and sore breasts

  • Cramping sensation in lower abdominal area

  • Discomforts of nausea and queasiness throughout the day

  • Increased aversion and fondness to certain foods and fragrances.

  • Dizziness and increased level of exhaustion and fainting.

  • Sudden onset of mood swings

  • Lower back pain

  • Urinating frequently
  • Role of HCG in IVF Pregnancy
    HCG hormone is known as the pregnancy hormone and is produced after the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus. In an interval of few days, this hormone is secreted in the blood and lead to arousal of symptoms of early pregnancy. However, during an IVF pregnancy, this hormone gets released a bit later in comparison to the normal pregnancy. This is the reason, the IVF pregnancy symptoms take a bit longer to arrive. If you are at this stage of IVF pregnancy, you should better consult a doctor or medical process to get your pregnancy confirmed, than to wait for its symptoms. Using an urine test, doctors detect IVF pregnancy. Undergo an HPT or positive urine test or ultrasound to be confirmed of your pregnancy if the symptoms of early IVF pregnancy are yet to show up.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/628338

    Pregnancy and Lower Back Pain, What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know

    Back pain and pregnancy, tips on what you can do to make your pregnancy and lower back pain a little easier to deal with.
    Normal weight gain in pregnancy is about 35 pounds, but lots of women I have met over my twenty-year midwifery career gained 35 pounds to 70 pounds during pregnancy. The stress of sudden weight gain during the short cycle of pregnancy can cause back pain and pregnancy misery.
    Pregnancy posture change:
    Pregnancy and lower back pain happens because of pregnancy weight gain and the automatic adjustments your body makes in posture to accommodate the growing womb. This change in posture is called pregnancy lordosis. Upper and lower back pain and pregnancy lordosis go hand in hand because your spine becomes super curved, elongated, and your breast and buttocks stick out pulling and stretching your back muscles.
    Pregnancy hormones:
    On top of this, back pain and pregnancy go hand in hand because of the higher levels of pregnancy hormones you produce. Pregnancy hormones have a relaxing effect on many of the muscles in your body to accommodate the muscle stretching that is required during pregnancy. Relaxed muscles are not as supportive to the spine and abdominal muscles, therefore many women complain of back pain and pregnancy shoulder stress.
    Pregnancy pelvic changes:
    The female pelvis is made up of many different bones. When you get towards the end of your pregnancy, a baby cannot fit to a normal-sized woman's pelvis without the pelvis opening and expanding. The pelvis has two major joints; one towards the right and one towards the left of your lower back along with a hinge joint at the very tail end of your spine.
    Back pain and pregnancy ligament pulling and stretching is a direct result of your pelvis opening, which will allow your baby's head to engage or enter into the cavity of your pelvis. Pregnancy and lower back pain is also caused by the excess pressure felt deep within your pelvis as your baby sits and waits for labor to commence.
    All of these factors taken together, it is not unusual for pregnant women to get backache. So if you get a backache straight away start doing things to prevent your backache from getting worse or getting out of control.
    How to help minimize symptoms associated with pregnancy and lower back pain:
    I definitely recommend having nice warm bath soaks, putting nice warm compresses on your back, or even better still having back massages to help with your pregnancy and lower back pain.
    I would absolutely recommend that every pregnant woman go to see a chiropractor during pregnancy. A lot of traditional obstetrician, gynecologist and midwives are a little afraid of sending the women to a chiropractor because they are just not informed as to what chiropractors actually do. A chiropractor can help your spine accommodate easier to all the posture changes that happens during your pregnancy and relieve pain associated to pulled and stressed muscles associated to pregnancy and lower back pain
    Apart from that, let us look at what things can you do to your own body to help minimize back pain and pregnancy. Wearing a good supporting bra during your pregnancy will support the increased breast weight and uplift your breasts so they do not feel so heavy. This will alleviate a lot of the upper back stress associated with pregnancy and lower back pain.
    There are also a lot of pregnancy stomach binders that have been created to help support the weight of your growing womb which can help relieve back pain and pregnancy ligament discomfort.
    Many women are focused on fashionable shoes and wear ridiculous footwear during pregnancies that do not support their posture and feet. I cannot believe how many pregnant women out there are wearing ridiculously high shoes or low shoes. Remember, as you become more and more pregnant all the bones and muscles within your feet are stressed.
    Take a good look at the shoes you are wearing during your pregnancy and ask yourself these questions to evaluate the importance of your feet:
    Do your shoes have a good supportive arch in them?
    Are your shoes nice and wide to accommodate the increasing growth and widening of my foot associated to extra blood volume and swelling that occurs during pregnancy?
    Can your foot easily slip out of your shoe? If so you could trip and fall and injure yourself or your baby.
    The more informed you are about pregnancy the better choices you will make. Better choices mean a happier healthier mom and baby. Pregnancy can be an extraordinary experience for a woman. It is far more than growing a baby and understanding pregnancy and lower back pain.
    Pregnancy has a huge emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic side to it. The more you understand these aspects, the easier and less symptomatic your pregnancy will be. Learning how to connect with the emotions of your unborn child will allow you to enhance your pregnancy experience and surrender to its normal physiological process of pregnancy and lower back pain.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5945140

    Why Does My Vagina Smell?

    My Vagina Smells: Symptoms, Causes and Prevention
    One of the worst problems a woman can face is a smelly vagina. Each woman has a scent or odor, but the odor of a healthy vagina is not as noticeable as that which indicates a problem, leading to a smelly vagina. Please continue reading to find if your vagina smell is a problem or not, and what to do if so.
    Why Does My Vagina Smell?
    An odor or fishy smell from the vagina can be caused by a bacterial infection. Some causes of these bacterial infections include: yeast infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Symptoms of these infections may include: itching, burning, discharge; these symptoms could be caused by a serious problem, which immediate treatment should be sought. On the other hand, there are less serious causes of a smelly vagina such as: constricting clothing, product containing harsh chemicals, and poor hygiene, which all can cause a smelly vagina.
    Allow Ventilation
    If your vagina smells and the cause is not that of an infection, adjustments to your wardrobe may eliminate the odor. First, you will not be surprised to find that tight fitting under garments made of materials such as vinyl, leather and spandex are a poor choice to wear on one of the most sensitive spots on your body. In order to allow your vagina to breath and avoid a smelly vagina, wearing underwear such as cotton that are a more relaxed fit will be your best choice.
    Avoid Products with Harsh Chemicals
    There are several products that come in contact with your vagina daily. Some of these products may contain chemicals that are too harsh for that sensitive area on your body. The most common can be the most surprising those created and used in order to mask an unpleasant odor. Some of these products include scented pads, pantyliners, tampons, and toilet paper. Although these products are designed to make you feel "fresher", they however, irritate your vagina. Thus, your vagina smells more intensely and more foul odor. The best way to avoid irritation, increasing your vagina smell is to use regular, unscented, white feminine and hygiene products.
    Practice Good Hygiene
    Through the use of good hygiene you can neutralize, if not eliminate the foul odor. A good practice is to simply wash daily with an additive-free, gentle soap. Also, one thought to remember is that using a douche can cause an imbalance in the pH levels of your vagina, so use with caution to avoid a smelly vagina.
    Techniques for Prevention
    The maintenance of your vaginal health is as simple as that of maintaining your overall physical health. Maintaining a healthy diet, along with exercise will keep your body and vagina feeling healthy. As well as, practicing safe sex, like using a condom will significantly reduce your chances of getting a sexually transmitted infection. By following these simple guidelines you will avoid issues causing a smelly vagina.

    Tips on How to Maintain a Healthy Vagina

    As a woman, your vagina speaks lot about you, and that is why you must always learn to keep your vagina healthy. These are sure tips on how to maintain a healthy vagina.
    NEAT UNDERWEAR: Always put on a neat underwear to help promote a healthy vagina. Your advised to wash your underwear every time you take your shower, so that you don't get infected with disease.
    SOAPS: Do not use soaps to wash your vagina, its better to use only clean water to wash your vagina each time you wash. Nature has a special of taking care of the vagina.
    CLEAN HANDS: Always wash your hands before touching on inserting your fingers into your vagina area, make sure your partners hands were clean before fore play, so as not to attract infection.
    COTTON underwear: Cotton underwear are very good for our skin as it helps to absolve sweat around the tips of the vagina walls. Due to its softness it makes you feel comfortable wearing it and also reduce the risk of the vagina getting infected.
    VAGINA WASH: You can use a vagina was to keep your vagina clean and smelling good, especially the herbal vagina wash, it also helps to tighten and refreshes the vagina for your maximum pleasure, thereby giving you a healthy vagina.
    REGULAR WASH: Washing the vagina regularly is another way of promoting a healthy vagina. When you wash your vagina regularly, it soothes and refreshes you and also help to promote personal hygiene, which brings about healthy vagina.
    PANT LINER: Pant liners are very good for the ladies, it helps in keeping their underwear clean and also promotes personal hygiene. It also protects the vagina from direct contact with the underwear which may be made with polyester. And polyester we know is not healthy for our skin how much more the vagina area, which is very sensitive.
    MEDICAL CHECK UP: This is the most important part of maintaining a healthy vagina. Make sure you go for regular checks. Regular checks does not mean that you are not clean or may be your sick, no it only helps you know your medical statues. And if any diagnosis was found treat yourself.
    PERSONAL HYGIENE: Its good to always maintain a personal hygiene, washing your clothes regularly, brushing your teeth after every meal, washing your hands after using the rest room and the rest of them, you may ask "how does this promote a healthy vagina" yes it really helps in promoting a healthy vagina. When you don't bath regularly there is a possibility that you may not wash your underwear regularly, and you may also mistakenly touch your vagina while your hands are still dirty.
    DON'T SLEEP WITH YOUR UNDERWEAR: It is not good to sleep with your underwear, The vagina needs fresh air and this will be obstructed if you sleep with your underwear on. And sometimes we may be putting on a very tight underwear, so when you sleep with this tight underwear, it will reduce the flow of blood to the vagina area, which may have side effect on your health.
    I believe that staying healthy and feeling healthy is one of the best thing that can happen to each and every one of us. So stay healthy and maintain a healthy vagina.

    How to Tell If Your Vagina is Perfect - The Ideal Vagina Has to Be This?

    What gives me the impression that your here because you are concerned you may have an abnormal vagina or you know someone that has (girlfriend.) Before going further let`s put you out of your misery. There is no such thing as an abnormal vagina. Abnormal is a word which refers to something that is not considered "usual", see the way I evaded the word "normal" and used usual because the same applies. What is meant here is the vagina may look different (not abnormal) that`s all. So no you don`t have an abnormal vagina but maybe one that is different.
    What should be your concern is having a healthy vagina. Think about it; look at the women with different shaped faces, body size and hair color, which of these are considered normal "none" because this is how we were all born with differences. Nevertheless if you`re not swayed by the facts and still worry then let us explain using the words normal and abnormal.
    Unless your vagina turns penis then this is not accepted as normal. What is normal anymore when you see some people changing their gender choosing the penis over the vagina? How can the vagina ever be perfect with foreskin.
    The odds of your vagina being different to that of the next woman`s is very slim. Differences only occur if the pubic hair is colored styled or shaved. Keep your vagina healthy to have peace of mind. Poor genital hygiene causes other vaginal issues. Overall health of the entire body will contribute greatly towards keeping the vagina in good shape. Bathing is important to tackle build up of sweat and greasy skin oils round the genitals which can lead to vaginal infections and odors. Some women find this advice somewhat misleading as to what is the best solution because, too much bathing is not good, and to less is not good either. Only you know when water and soap is needed. No need for harsh elbow grease because the vagina is a self cleaning organ and is also odorless. If your vagina smells then it is caused by something other than the vagina itself. More women think they are doing themselves a favor by douching, well you`re not. While a douche removes "little" bad bacteria, it at the same time takes more good bacteria away. Douching can cause inflammation (vaginitis).
    If you are sexually active then use condoms because these too help keep the vagina clean. Condom use is needed for preventing an unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease. If you have genital discomfort go commando if possible (knicker-less) if this suggestion unnerves you then avoid nylon material, no matter how sexy the thong or other, opt for cotton briefs. The vagina/anus needs room to breathe, so let it. Women experience vaginal odor at the time of menstruation, the solution is to remove sanitary protection regular (tampons and pads.)
    There is much debate over what is the "perfect vagina?" and the argument is normally fought among women themselves. In my opinion a perfect vagina is a healthy one. Every woman differentiates greatly i.e. shape and size and because of this the vagina is affected, meaning, if you `re fat then the vagina looks spaced out and wide too but this does not insinuate the vaginal entrance is big. In fact the big woman`s vagina may be tighter that the skinny woman`s.
    A healthy vagina is as clean and pure as a carton of yoghurt says Dr Hillier from the Magee-Woman`s hospital in Pittsburgh. The vagina is by no means dirty as some would have it. A healthy vagina is a self regulating system and would you believe is cleaner than the mouth and bum. The vaginal ecosystem is a jointly beneficial partnership between the vagina itself and the micro-organisms that exist here. The vagina is filled with bacteria, however all good and destroys the bad bacteria out of the reproductive system. The good bacteria known as lactobacilli are the same organisms contained in yoghurt. In a healthy vagina these lactobacilli maintain an acidic environment - around 3.8 - 4.5 pH.
    Vaginal mucus is not a very nice word but one used and appropriate to help with vaginal explanations. Vaginal mucus is "made up and akin to the things found in blood serum, the lucid, thin, sticky fluid that stays behind when the solid components of blood, like clot issues, are separated away. Vaginal discharge consists of water, albumin - the most copious protein in the human body - a few lost white blood cells, and mucin, the oily matter that gives the vagina and cervix their greasy sheen. Discharge is not a toxic waste product of the body in the sense of urine and faeces.
    Is the vagina abnormal because it smells, certainly not? A healthy vagina will however have a "slight" odor but nevertheless if "slight" turns strong (fishy odour) then this is usually a sign that the delicate balance has been upset and the Lactobacilli is not doing the job it should..
    If the balance in the vagina is upset it can cause the vaginal infection "bacterial vaginosis."
    Sufficient bathing for the vagina`s outer part "labia," should be done twice a day with cold water. Cold is best because the genitals is already moist and warm which is a problem for allowing bacteria to grow. Scented products can cause vaginal thrush. Pelvic Infections can lead to vaginosis. Candida is a condition where the vagina becomes too alkaline, primarily brought about by diet, oral contraceptives even stress. Pregnancy and the resultant change in your hormone levels can cause thrush. Antibiotics although given for curing and healing along with oral contraceptives and can lead to vaginosis. Low levels of lactobacilli leave particular women more susceptible to infections because they may have fewer robust lactobacilli. How to maintain a healthy Vagina
    Forget cleaning the inside of the vagina, it is not necessary. Your vagina will be no less healthy from not doing this. The vagina regularly flushes itself out. Avoid particular soaps because they can upset the natural balance of substances. You are at risk of developing a vaginal infection through specific product misuse. Do not douche. The only exception to this rule which may be acceptable for douching is if you`re trying to conceive or trying to alter your vaginas pH for a greater good. Do it as little as possible and increase the number of lactobacilli in your diet. Add yoghurt to your daily diet or take acidophilus tablets. Consult with your doctor over issues about pregnancy and suggested medicines.
    Use condoms to keep the vagina clean and healthy and for protecting against unwanted pregnancies or STDs.
    Wear cotton underwear - to allow good air flow.
    Avoid using perfumes/sprays round the genitals.
    The way to avoid excess bacteria developing round the vagina/urethra is change motion when cleaning after bowel movement Clean from the front towards the back. Clean the anus last as contamination can spread doing otherwise. Vaginal discharge is a necessary part of the body's regular function, however if it shows different have yourself checked over. Should the change in discharge be caused by infection then soap and water will not cure it, it will need antibiotics. Vaginal discharge is normally clear to white; changes in consistency and color are signs to say to call on your GP. Swap tissue to clean the vagina after urinating with a damp cloth. Using tissue has one tend to give a quick wipe, whereas with a cloth it urges the person to wash.
    Good cleansing will see less chance of urinary tract infections (UTI's) happening.