The Rising Cases of PCOS - How and Why

The increasing rate of infertility in women has alarmed the scientists all over the world. The leading cause of this emerging problem is a serious endocrine disorder called polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. While PCOS is not a new disorder, the rise in its frequency is definitely a problem. Twenty years ago, PCOS was not so common but today every 1 in 15 women are affected by it. Characterized by irregularities in menstrual cycle, hair loss, acne, and hirsutism, the condition is now inflicting women of all ages especially the teenagers hitting puberty.
How and Why?
Various lifestyle and dietary changes, along with environmental factors are responsible for this tremendous increment. Here are some of the situations discussed in detail:
1. Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance is a persistent problem of modern age. Consumption of concentrated fructose in huge amounts along with chain smoking, trans fats, obesity, environmental pollutants, and ever increasing stress levels in people has caused insulin resistance. If untreated and unheeded, it can further give way to serious conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
Insulin resistance increases the levels of insulin, which in turn creates polycystic ovaries by impairing ovulation and causing the ovaries to replace estrogen production with that of testosterone. Since insulin resistance is now an epidemic, so is PCOS. However, not all PCOS patients suffer from insulin resistance, which means there could be other factors involved as well.
2. Birth Control Pills
Women using birth control pills often report irregularities in their periods once they stop using them. For some, their periods stop once they have discontinued the pill. Now in some cases, the women used to have irregularities even before the usage so the pill had only unveiled an issue that was already there. However, if the women had normal periods before the pill but now there are no periods, the pill is without any the doubt the main culprit.
The researchers have not yet found out the actual element in the pill that causes PCOS. They know that pill could cause insulin resistance, which might lead to PCOS. Moreover, the pills control birth by suppressing the communication between pituitary gland and ovaries. However, this suppression should be temporary and stopping the pill should resume normal functioning. Yet, women have been reported to contain higher levels of LH-Pituitary hormone in their blood for months after stopping the pill. That could be the reason behind pill induced PCOS.
3. An Unsound Ultrasound
Apart from the general symptoms associated with PCOS, an ultrasound is often conducted to diagnose PCOS. Neither the symptoms are enough to confirm that a certain woman is suffering from PCOS nor an ultrasound is the ultimate proof of the same. An ultrasound is not enough proof because 25% of normal women are affected by polycystic ovaries and so are those on the pill. Therefore, the number of diagnosed PCOS has been grossly overestimated due to inaccurate test. The more reliable method is to always check for the androgen levels in the blood before making the final diagnosis.

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Understanding Vaginal Yeast Infections

Yeast infections are uncomfortable and itchy and many people don't like talking about them. They are quite common among women. Around 75 percent of the women will have a yeast infection once in their life. A smaller percentage may get recurring or multiple cases.
Yeast infections can occur at any time and to anyone. There are some things that may make one more prone to getting them. Such infections can be cleared easily and quickly.
How it happens
In the vagina, there is a lot of yeast and bacteria that has to be kept at very healthy levels. Due to the presence of estrogen, lactobacilli bacteria can grow. This is a bacterium that may end up killing organisms that are meant to help the vagina and keep it in a healthy balance. If this balance is ripped, Candida, the fungus grows way out of control, leading to the development of yeast infection.
What are the causes of such infections?
There are very many reasons why someone can get this kind of infection. They include:
Hormones: when you are pregnant, hormonal changes can cause the problem. Menopause, breastfeeding and the use of birth control pills can also change your vaginal balance.
Diabetes: this is another cause of the yeast infections. If diabetes is not controlled as it should, then the mucus membranes get more sugar and this creates a great environment for yeast to thrive.
Antibiotics: these drugs tend to kill lots of bacteria that live within the vaginal and therefore may throw you off balance and lead to the development of the infection.
Vaginal sprays and douching: using these kinds of products, especially when they are scented is not recommended. The vagina maintains its own balance and rarely needs such things. The products can cause a change in the balance, leading to infections that could have been avoided.
Weak immune system: for people who are HIV positive or people with any other kind of immune disorder, suffering from yeast infection can be very common. This is why it is important to get further testing, especially when the yeast infection keeps on recurring or doesn't respond to medication.
Sex: in most cases, yeast infection is not listed as an STI. However, it is important to note that it can be transmitted to other people when you make sexual contact. It is therefore important to be open about your condition and receive treatment as soon as possible.
The main symptoms of the infection are discomfort and itching. There are however some more signs that you can get in case you have it. They include:
• Redness, swelling, or burning of the vulva and vagina. The vulva is the outer part of the genitals of a woman.
• A discharge that is white and thick, very similar to cottage cheese
• Painful sexual intercourse
• Burning or pain as you pee
If you suspect that you could have an infection, it is always recommended that you see a doctor as soon as possible. Refrain from treating yourself. It is important to note that the above symptoms are not limited to yeast infections. There are many others that can present themselves in this way and only a test can give the real picture. When you get a proper diagnosis, you will get better treatment.
There are many ways you can pursue so as to get rid of an irritating yeast infection. Yeast infection treatment is a natural way in which you can handle the condition and have it clear within a very short time period.

Fibroid Tumour - Powerful Natural Remedies Revealed!

Among the most painful and dangerous of female disorders is the fibroid tumour of the uterus. In part, the danger is psychological rather than physical. The increased incidence of cancer together with a wide publicity campaign has made the public highly cancer-conscious. For this reason, the discovery of almost any tumour on the body will generally strike terror into the heart of the strongest person. Thus the relatively common fibroid tumour which attacks the uterus is often mistaken for a malignant tumour (cancer), and the resultant shock is almost as destructive as the growth itself.
Since the possibility of cancer always exists where an unnatural growth is discovered, it is important that the patient be immediately examined. Time is essential, since medical science has made great strides in the treatment of cancers which have been detected in an early stage. Learn these signs of possible cancer by heart:
  1. Constant bleeding despite efforts to staunch the flow.
  2. Repeated and severe attacks of indigestion.
  3. Sudden growth or change in shape of a mole, birthmark, etc.
  4. Discolouration of stool (bowel movement).
  5. Painful or sore lump or spot on or beneath the skin which refuses to heal.
As for the- fibroid tumour of the uterus, this may be the size of a pea or smaller and may grow to the size of a lemon or larger. Though it originates in the uterus, the tumour may grow into the uterine cavity during its maturation.As the tumour develops the uterus becomes knobby and enlarged. Pressure of the growth upon the bladder may bring pain and increased urination. Conversely, fibroid tumours often induce constipation through pressure upon the rectum. Haemorrhage is a frequent tumour warning. The existence of a fibroid tumour within the uterus is often a cause of natural abortion (miscarriage).
Such growths were treated through natural baths, diet, wet wraps and therapeutic gymnastics. A daily lukewarm (77° to 82°) bath was prescribed with cold compresses to be applied to the vagina at bedtime. Sexual intercourse and other activities which might aggravate the condition were strictly forbidden. As in most instances, my regimen for fibroid tumours also involved the Return to Nature Diet. A half pack (abdomen to feet) was applied for one hour each day and thigh and spinal douches (pressure baths) were prescribed three times weekly.
Exercises (therapeutic gymnastics) were provided for the patient, though sports which provided entertainment and a lift to the morale were always preferred to ordinary exercise.
Thus, while the bicycle exercise (in which the patient lies upon her back and lifts the body from the waist, propelling the legs as though bicycling) proved effective in treating tumours of the uterus, actual bicycling was encouraged. In like manner, if the patient acknowledged a fondness for rowing, this sport was prescribed rather than a similar exercise such as sit-ups (in which the patient lies flat, hands locked behind head, and lifts and lowers the body from waist to head without shifting the feet).
Other exercises recommended were trunk turning (from an upright position, hands behind head, the body is twisted from extreme right to extreme left and back again without moving the feet); full knee bending, toe touching and the scissors exercise (from prone position raise legs and then move slowly apart and together as though a scissors).
Since fibroid tumours may exist for many years without making themselves known to the patient, and since tumours of the uterus are particularly common among women at the menopause (change of life), it would seem a wise precaution if every woman adopted much of this programme from the age of forty onwards.
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Also, stay informed about genuine reviews of the trendy products like Lean Belly Breakthrough, Grow Taller 4 Idiots, bioptimizers masszymes and many more to nourish and transform your everyday self.

Fibroids: What Every Woman Should Know

Around 75 percent of women experience fibroids at some point in their life, which leaves many asking 'are there natural treatments for fibroids?' Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that are found within the uterine walls ranging in size from about the size of a pea, to as large as a grapefruit. Fibroids often result in a change in the shape or size of the uterus and cause several unpleasant symptoms, including painful and/or very heavy periods, and every year more than 200,000 hysterectomies are performed due to severe cases... but they can also be completely symptomless. For this reason it may not always be obvious that you have fibroids, so it's a great best practice for all women to take steps to naturally prevent these common uterine growths.
While many of the risk factors for fibroids are beyond your control, there are some that you can manage. These include things such as preventing or treating high blood pressure to help reduce the risk of developing fibroids, drinking less alcohol, eating more detoxifying foods such as leafy green vegetables, and selecting higher-quality meats. There are also steps you can take to help naturally balance your hormones, which is a key part of natural fibroid treatment and prevention.
Fibroids: Natural Treatment
First up is one we all dread: dietary changes. Processed meats with high-fat content can increase inflammation levels and are some of the worst food choices when it comes to fibroids. Non-organic dairy can have high amounts of hormones, steroids, and other chemicals that can alter your hormones levels, which encourages the growth and development of fibroids. Refined sugar can promote inflammation which may increase pain and reduce your body's immune functions. Refined carbohydrates, such as white flour and breads, can result in insulin levels spiking and hormones to become unbalanced. Alcohol can contribute to increased inflammation as well as promote hormonal imbalances and over-consumption of caffeine can also have a nasty hand in keeping your hormones off-balance. Supplementing your diet with organic foods, more vegetables (especially green-leafy, beta carotene-rich, & cruciferous vegetables), flaxseeds, foods with high iron content, and whole grains can result in positive results in the natural treatment of fibroids.
There are also several supplements that can aid in this quest but you should always check with your physician before starting any regimen. B-complex can help the liver's metabolic processes and regulation of estrogen levels. Flaxseed oil and fish oil can help reduce inflammation, which may play a part in the growth of fibroids. You can also use vitex or chasteberry to promote the production of progesterone and reduce estrogen levels. Herbal teas may help decrease inflammation and rebalance certain hormones. Teas made with milk thistle, chasteberry, red raspberry, yellow dock, nettle, and dandelion root all have systemic benefits for the reproductive system and uterus.
Besides the Diet: 4 Natural Treatments For Fibroids
Let's get the ugly one out of the way first: exercise. Exercise has many anti-inflammatory effects and is not only helpful with weight management, regular exercise can help control blood pressure, improve insulin sensitivity, contribute to hormonal balance, and regular exercise can help prevent fibroids before they actually even start.
Improving your hormonal health, as well as your general health, is another key in the fight against fibroids. You should do your best to avoid contact with pesticides, herbicides, bleach, synthetic fertilizers, food preservatives and food dyes. You should also select natural, unbleached feminine care products and organic makeup and body care products.
Essential oils are another natural fibroid treatment that you can take advantage of. Clary sage, thyme, and frankincense can help balance hormones naturally. Just combine 2 drops of each oil with some coconut oil and rub into your lower abdomen twice daily.
And lastly, applying a castor oil pack to your lower abdomen can increase circulation in the circulatory and lymphatic systems. A castor oil pack can also increase white blood cells that eliminate disease-causing toxins from your body.
Risk factors such as heredity, age, race and hypothyroidism may be beyond your control, but you can still help your body to naturally battle, and sometimes even prevent, fibroids. Speak with your doctor before making any drastic change to your diet or exercise routine but the natural tips above can assist you with this, unfortunately, common ailment.
Get a possible cure and treatment to prevent new development of fibroids. Reduce fibroids to have a normal pregnancy. Surgery helps with heavy menstrual bleed. If you suffer from fibroid pregnancy, undertake the uterine embolisation procedure and have a normal painless childbirth.

12 Secrets to Make Your Boobs Look Bigger

For every woman, appearance is key when out-and-about, and boobs come in consideration for that ultimate look. Here are tips to help you enhance the appearance of your boobs by making them look bigger.
1. How to choose a bra
Wearing a bra that fits perfectly is paramount at enhancing your bust size. Choosing a quality bra is equally important as it helps a lot in the breast shaping. Push up bras lift the breasts making them look instantly bigger and a water bra adds volume to your breast with a natural feel.
2. How to DIY your bra
You can transform your old bra into something better using a simple DIY technique. At the back of the bra, cut the bottom of the straps, leaving the front straps intact. Tie the straps behind the neck into a halter style. This style creates an illusion of bigger boobs by pulling up more on the boobs and it is an easy and cheap way to create a cleavage.
3. How to wear clothes to accelerate your boobs
You can wear special wraps, or girdles, underneath your clothes, making the waist smaller which makes the chest appear bigger. A slimmer waist brings about a bigger cleavage area and a more appealing boob look. Wearing flattering clothes and the correct bra size makes your boobs look their very best. Wearing clothes with ruffles, or a sparkly neckline embellishment and silhouettes, clinch your waist also highlight your boobs.
4. How to exercise and enhance the chest area
By focusing on working out on the upper pecs can help increase the size of your boobs. You need to be careful with these exercises because they can also contribute to the reduction of the breast. Therefore, use dumbbell chest pressers and pushups when working out the pec deck. A great exercise is to put your arms out at a 90 degree angle and then move your arms together and spread them back out again.
Alternating chest presses, around the worlds, pushing up with alternating shoulder taps, dumbbell chest presses with wrist rotation, dumbbell cross punches, shoulder rounding, plank reaches, chair dips, butterflies and plank walks are some of the workouts you can adopt at enhancing the size of your boobs.
5. How to color your chest area
Wearing light colored and wide stripped tops make your boobs appear bigger. The stripes enhance the curvature of your boobs making them to appear to pop well. Horizontal stripes are known to make your bust look fuller.
6. Other Accessories
You can buy cutlets made of silicone. They add up to one full cup size making your boobs look bigger. The boobs look lifted and they are available in different sexy looks. It is also easy to make your own cutlets if you cannot afford the ready-made ones. You only need tape, a squishy substance like pudding or lotion and two small Ziploc bags. Put the squishy substance into the corner of the Ziploc bag, cut a slit in your bra where the regular padding is located and insert the baggie there as an extra cushion.
You can also try using a sock to enhance the boob size. You can use any sock size, fold them down to about the size of your hand and tuck them on the sides of the boobs, pushing the breast upwards and this will create a more defined cleavage. Accessories with short necklaces with a bigger pendant, like a chained necklace, or pendant, highlight the boobs more and create an illusion of bigger boobs.
7. How to adjust your posture
Having a good posture contributes to a more enhanced boob appearance. It also helps make the boobs look perky, as the boobs rest more naturally and attractively as the chest is lifted. It is important to always stand tall with the shoulders back and stomach in, this ensures that the boobs are facing to the front.
8. Brushing on some bronzer
Brushing on some bronzer is a common technique to make your boobs look bigger. This is using a contouring brush and brushing the bronzer along the natural curves of the breasts. Start with brushing with the cream blended bronzer then the powder bronzer for the ultimate look. The bronzer helps by darkening the area between the boobs and along he curves making them look rounder and bigger.
Cleavage facial helps tighten the skin making it smooth and appealing. It is also available as a home breast kit called the 24-karat gold collagen breast mask. It helps boost the cellular metabolism making the boobs feel firmer and smoother.
9. Using two bras
Layering a couple of bras on top of each other is an easy fix to your boobs looking bigger. The extra bra pushes the boobs further up than the first one.
10. Diet
Eating the right food can help naturally increase the boob size. Choose a diet rich in proteins and estrogen - like peas, chicken, blue berries, fish, eggs and chicken, as these are ideal for increasing boob size. Avoid carbonated drinks, salty foods, junk food and coffee as they affect the growth and appearance of boobs negatively. Avoid smoking as it causes wrinkles.
11. Sleeping style
Women tend to develop wrinkles on their chest when they sleep on their stomach therefore, it is important to always sleep on your back whenever possible. Wearing moisturizers and sunscreen on the chest areas preventing unwanted wrinkles and a sleeping bra is necessary to prevent your breasts from sagging, which is better known as ptosis. Enough sleep is also important as it makes the skin healthy and firm, which will make the boobs perky and youthful.
12. Pinning the bra back
You can pin your bra back with a safety pin or paper clip. Clip both straps together at the back and adjust the straps by sliding the paper clip up or down. With a safety, simply pin the two straps at a desired position, which will enhance your cup size, making your boobs look bigger.

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The Habit of Masturbation in Girls

Masturbation is a term applied to a bad habit which consists in handling and rubbing the genitals. It is a bad habit because it is apt to injure the health and future development of the girl. The more frequently it is practiced, the more injurious it is. It is more injurious than when practiced by boys, because the effects are usually more permanent. Girls who indulge in the habit of masturbation to excess not only weaken themselves, become anemic and get a dingy, pimply complexion, but they lose their desire for normal sexual relations when they grow up, and are unable to derive any pleasure from the sexual act when they get married. Many girls who masturbated excessively get a strong aversion to the normal sexual act, and their married life is an unhappy one.
The habit is much less widespread among girls than it is among boys. The girl who value her health, her beauty and proper growth and mental development, should not indulge in it.
The behavior of parents - The behavior of some parents when they discover that their child is fondling its genitals or indulging in masturbation, they feel as if a great calamity had befallen them. Imbued with the medieval idea of the sinfulness of the habit, as well as its injuriousness, they begin to scold the child, to frighten it, to make it believe that it is doing something terrible, that it has disgraced them and itself, and they try to persuade it that, unless it stops immediately, the most direful consequences are awaiting for her. The result of this mode of procedure is disastrous, much more so than is the masturbation itself.
The parents and physicians should learn that the injuriousness of the habit has been greatly and grossly exaggerated. It is time that they know that the vast majority of boys and girls get over the habit without being much or any, the worse for it. If the matter is look at in a sensible and common sense way, to tell the child caught in the practice that it has done something disgracefully vicious and criminal, but speak to the child kindly and tell him or her that what he or she is doing may secure serious injury, that it may interfere with his or her future mental and physical health and development, then they shall have far greater success in their endeavors to break the boy or girl of the habit.
Denouncing even the most moderate indulgence in masturbation as a vice has an injurious effect upon the person who so indulge and makes it harder for her to break off the habit. The victims of the habit consider themselves degraded, irretrievably lost. They lose their self-respect, and on the account of that, makes it harder for them to break themselves from the habit.
The prevention of the habit - One of the major ways of preventing the habits is to carefully watch the child from its earliest infancy. Although, oftentimes, the vicious or stupid nursemaids, governesses, ignorantly or maybe deliberately, induce the habit in children under their charge and this of course must be prevented. The children from the age of nine, ten and eleven years old should not always be left alone, but always being under supervision. And also too close friendship between boys and girls, especially of different ages, should be looked upon with suspicion.
The sleeping together of two in the same bed, whether it be two children or a older person and a child, should not be permitted under any circumstances. The child, either boy or girl should sleep alone, on a rather hard mattress, and the covering should be light. A decorative bedspread maybe put over the feet. The child should always sleep with the arms out upon the cover and never under. If this practice is started in a child from childhood, it will be very easy to get used to the way of sleeping, and many case of masturbation will be rid-off.
If any attempt is made to watch the child, he should be so carefully surrounded by vigilance that he cannot possibly transgress without detection. If he is only partially watched, he will soon learns to elude observation, and thus the effect is only to make him cunning in his vice.
Hot baths are also very injurious for young children in their influence in the case of masturbation. Even on adults, a hot bath has a stimulating effect upon their sexual desire. Every factor which is liable to give rise to the habit of masturbation should be removed. Some people will abstain from handling themselves with their hands, but will practice what is known as mental masturbation. Which is, they will concentrate their minds on the opposite sex, and will picture to themselves various lascivious scenes, until they feel satisfied. This method is extremely injurious and exhausting and is very likely to lead to neurasthenia and a nervous breakdown. This habit is even more injurious than the regular habit.
In adults or youths, a different plan must be pursued. Moral considerations, and the inevitable consequences to health of body and mind, are the chief influences by which a reform is to be effected. The considerations may be urged with all possible eloquence and earnestness, but should not be exaggerated. If there are any special influences which may be brought to bear upon a particular individual, these should be promptly employed and applied in such a manner as to secure for them their full bearing. But although, the most to be done, must be by the individual himself. All that others can do for him is to surround him with favoring circumstances and arouse him to a proper sense of his real condition and danger. If this can be thoroughly accomplished, there is much reason to hope, but if the individual has become so lost to all sense of purity, all aspirations toward good and noble objects, that he cannot be made to feel the need of reformation, then his case has become hopeless.
Work is also an excellent remedy, work that will really make the victim very tired, so that when he goes to bed he will have no disposition to defile himself.
How a person can help himself.
I. Begin the work of reform by purging the mind. If a lewd thought enters the mind, dispel it at once. Cultivate a loathing for concupiscence. Never harbor such ideas for an instant, for they will surely lead to overact. If peradventure, the physical sin should not be committed, the thought itself is sin, and it leaves a physical as well as a moral scar almost as deep and hideous as that inflicted by the grosser crime.
II. Avoid solitude, for then is when temptation comes, and you are most likely to fail. Avoid equally all other causes which may lead to the act.
III. As a help to purity of mind, whenever impure thoughts enter, immediately direct the mind upon the purest object with which you are acquainted. Flee from the special exciting cause, if there is one, and engage in some active labor or other exercise that will divert the mind into another channel.
IV. Strictly comply with all the rules laid down for the cultivation of chastity and the maintenance of continence.
V. And above all, seek for grace and help from the source of all spiritual strength in every time of temptation, relying upon the promise, "seek, and ye shall find."
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How Does Infertility Affect You?

You never think that you will be the one to be an infertility statistic. This only happens to other people, not to you. But what happens when it does happen to you? How do you handle it?
Infertility can be a tough pill to swallow, metaphorically. Finding out that it is you that is unable to have children can have a deeply emotional effect on you. Although, it affects different people in different ways, you don't have to be ashamed about it. There are many people going through the same thing you are going through. Think about it... if it was not that common how can there be fertility clinics that specialise in infertility. If there is a clinic and a doctor that is dedicated to infertility full time then there must be many people that have this issue. Therefore, you are not alone.
That being said, it doesn't make the reality go away. It's still a difficult situation to be in. You might feel sad, depressed or anxious. You could pity your situation and not want to talk to anyone about it because it feels like a low point for you. It is not a low point. There are alternative options to consider so you should talk to someone about your situation in order to find a solution.
You could feel indifferent and distant. Many people try to distance themselves from the reality and don't want to think about the bad news. They go on living their lives and suppress all these emotions. It is healthier to deal with your emotions otherwise it can grow into deep rooted problems in the future. Find a confidant that you can speak to. Speak to someone who won't judge you and will be able to guide you and your emotions.
Infertility affects many people in different ways. However, there are medical advancements that can help you. There are various fertility treatments available. Visit a fertility clinic to find out what is the cause of the infertility. Once all the tests have been run and the fertility doctor knows what the cause is, a course of treatment can be recommended. You will be given a plan and a schedule. The fertility doctor may recommend possible lifestyle changes in favour of your fertility. You may need to cut out certain bad habits or include specific foods in order to improve your chances. If you want to have a baby then you will need to make the necessary changes in order to improve your fertility.
Remember that finding out about infertility does not have to be the end. There are other options available if you want to have a child.

The Causes and Treatment of Leucorrhea (the Whites) in Girls and Women

Leucorrhea is one of the banes of girls and women. It is very frequent, like 50 to 75 percent of all women suffer with it in a greater or lesser degree. In some cases it is only an annoyance, necessitating the frequent changing of diapers, but in others it causes a great deal of weakness, backache, erosion, itching and burning. It is very resistant to treatment particularly in girls.
The reason it is so resistant to treatment is because the discharge, while coming from the vagina, it originates in the neck of the womb, and the several amounts of injections that women took for their leucorrhea only reach the vagina, they cannot penetrate into the womb. And it is only by treating the cavity of the cervix, which can only be done by a physician, through a speculum, that the root of the disease can be reached. If any erosion or ulcer is noticed, it can be directly touched up with the necessary application. And it is for this reason that leucorrhea in girls is so much more difficult to treat.
For fear of having the hymen ruptured the girl objects to a thorough examination and to local treatment, and the leucorrhea is permitted to proceed until perhaps with a chronic inflammation of the womb and the Fallopian tubes is established. There is no doubt that many cases of sterility or childlessness in women are due to the long neglected leucorrhea in girlhood.
THE CAUSES: The cause of leucorrhea is catarrh in any part of the female genital tract. The causes of catarrh are many, but the most common cause is cold. Wetting the feet and getting chilled, particularly during the menses, may set up a catarrh in the cervix. Long standing on one's feet, lifting and carrying heavy bundles, dancing in over-heated rooms and then going out scantily clad in the chill night air, prolonged un-gratified sexual excitement, lack of cleanliness in the external genitals, all these are the factors in setting up a catarrh of the cervix with a resultant of leucorrhea.
A general rundown condition, worry, overwork, too hard study, lack of fresh air, and a general scrofulous condition also favor the development of catarrh of the womb and leucorrhea.
THE GENERAL TREATMENT: The general treatment consists in general hygienic measures and in common sense.
The patient should not be on her feet more than she can help, and she should not walk until exhausted or fatigued. It is better to take several short walks than long one.
The corset she wears, should be of the modern kind, not one that presses the womb and the other abdominal organs down, but one that supports the abdominal walls, and rather raises the abdominal organs up.
The lacing or buttoning must be from below up, and not from above down. That is, should not in any way interfere with the freedom of respiration.
Constipation if any, to be treated, and must be treated intelligently, by mild measures, and care must be taken that the bowels is move at regular hours.
Where the leucorrhea is due to or is aggravated by anemia and general weakness, a good iron preparation such as a tonic of iron, quinine and strychnine, will be good.
A daily cold bath or cold sponge, and followed by a brisk dry rubbing with a rough towel, will also be useful.
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Women's Matters - Handling Vaginal Odour

Our private parts are not something we talk about much. Especially in social media. However vaginal odour can be something that can occur for any number of reasons and when it does it can be very embarrassing. The fact that it's a bit of a taboo subject makes it hard to find advice when you need it. It's often easier to turn to the internet and become misinformed as to what is actually happening 'down there' so let's start out by saying if you can sense an odour or suspect something is wrong you should seek help from a doctor and more specifically a gynaecologist. Medical professionals are trained in these areas and will not judge or condemn you for something which they know a lot of people experience.
Let's begin by saying that there is meant to be a certain smell of being a woman. It becomes an issue when the smell increases more than normal or there is a big change in the way it smells. Menstrual cycle can be one thing that changes the type of odour as can perspiration and a change in diet. It could be that you have a yeast infection or an overgrowth of bacteria. These issues are more common that you may think.
One in three women experience these kind of problems so it's quite common. Over growth of bacteria happens when the PH level in your vagina isn't right and it then promotes bacterial growth. The smell isn't the only symptom you may experience when things are not what they should be. It may be accompanied by itching, burning, increased discharge or other irritation.
If the doctor says that you are all clear but you are still getting a strong smell during your menstrual cycle or after sexual intercourse there are some natural ways you can get rid of the smell. First watch what you are eating. Sugar isn't good for us and can also cause vaginal odour as it can feed the bacteria and increase your symptoms. You need to increase your probiotic intake which will help to increase the good bacteria and take an antibiotic to kill the bad bacterial. Probiotics may also help keep you PH levels.
Another way to help stop the odour is to take a bath in apple cider vinegar. Add about two cups to the bath and soak in it for 30 minutes. Remember to take a shower afterwards to remove the vinegar from your skin. You can also drink two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in water daily. The apple cider vinegar is antiseptic and antibacterial and it restores the acidity of your vaginal flora.
Tea tree oil is another good product to assist you as it has strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Studies show that tea tree oil can kill Trichomonas vaginalis cells which are sexually transmitted and caused by a one cell protozoa organism. Tea tree oil will also help you with yeast infection. You must dilute the oil with coconut oil and apply it to an organic tampon as it is too strong for the sensitive vaginal lining. Alternatively you can put 10 drops into a bath and soak for half an hour.
Either way it is important to stop the odour and make sure your organs are healthy. Candida and vaginal infections not only make us feel uncomfortable but affect our sex life and can infect your partner depending what type of issue you have. It is your responsibility to keep your partner safe from infections and if you don't you can set up a cyclic issue where you keep re-infecting each other. Some contagious sexual illnesses are also punishable by law if you infect someone else in some circumstances. So be responsible for your sexual health, your vaginal health and you will find vaginal odour will no longer be an issue

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