Can Hormone Imbalance Cause Digestive Problems?

Hormone imbalance due to perimenopause comes with a long list of physical and emotional ailments. Some more embarrassing than others.
If you're dealing with constipation, diarrhea, bloating and excessive belching, you may be wondering: "Can hormone imbalance cause digestive problems?"
The answer is, yes. Fluctuating hormones due to perimenopause can absolutely cause digestive issues.
Take belching, for example.
Many perimenopausal women experience increased discomfort after eating. They may even experience an allergic reaction to certain foods and have difficulty breathing after. Other times, eating comes with excessive amounts of gas and belching.
And I when I say belching, I mean lots.
So much so that it can be hard to control. All that belching can make dinners out with friends embarrassing to say the least...
So what do you do?
Well, one option is to stop going out to dinner with friends all together. Just avoid the situation entirely and save yourself the embarrassment.
But that's not what I would recommend. We need our friends and community to stay healthy and sane after all. Many functional medicine practitioners actually prescribe social contact to their ailing patients because they understand the benefits it provides. This need for family and friends becomes more crucial than ever during a woman's perimenopause years.
A better solution to your digestive woes would be to get your diet and your hormones back on track. You may even want to do an elimination diet to see if you have any food sensitivities contributing to your digestive issues.
You would be surprised by how small changes to your diet can create lasting transformation in your health. The same quality foods that you put in your body will work double time to not only aid your digestion but to also to help stabilize fluctuating hormones during your perimenopause years.
So what kinds of food are good for your hormones and your stomach?
A good hormone boosting diet is not as complicated as you might think. A whole food, plant-based diet, rich in nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables is a good start.
But you don't have to settle for eating salads all day long. Healthy fats like butter, eggs, ghee, coconut, avocado, olive and flax seed oils are all great for your health. You can even indulge in rich, yummy nuts and nut butters.
Meats and fish are also OK as long as they are organic and not filled with antibiotics and synthetic hormones. Try to eat some protein, plant-based or otherwise, at every meal.
So what foods should you avoid?
Almost anything packaged in a box. Sugar is your enemy, as is processed foods in general. Cheap refined carbs wreak havoc on your hormones so steer clear of those as well.
Sure, convenience foods make life easier but you pay a price with your health.
Eating a whole food diet may feel like more work in the beginning, but you quickly get used to it. And the pay off of lasting, vibrant health and reduced digestive problems make the little bit of effort, well worth it.

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The Effects of Isolation and Loneliness During Your Perimenopause Years

Do you have a community or support system to depend on? Friends who visit and check in on you? Family to rely on?
If not, then that isolation and loneliness could be the cause of your health problems, especially if you suffer from severe perimenopausal symptoms.
The link between poor health and lack of community has become clearer to scientists in recent years. More and more studies have come out linking mortality to social isolation. In fact, many functional medicine practitioners address this issue when treating a patient with chronic disease.
How Social Isolation and Loneliness Deteriorate Your Health
When a person suffers from loneliness, it elevates stress hormone production and causes inflammation in the body. That inflammation increases the risk of developing heart disease, arthritis, Type 2 diabetes and dementia.
Loneliness can also play a big role in your health as you enter your perimenopause years. Why? Because it has a direct impact on hormone levels.
Social isolation causes the stress hormone, cortisol, to become elevated. High cortisol disrupts the other hormones in the body, namely estrogen and progesterone. And those two sex hormones have a big impact on how we feel, especially during perimenopause. The elevated cortisol causes the estrogen in the body to increase. High estrogen, in turn, pushes down progesterone levels.
That imbalance is a condition doctors refer to as estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance can lead to severe perimenopause symptoms in women as young as 30. For some it can even start in their 20's.
The Importance of Friends and Family
If you suffer from social isolation and loneliness, then it creates an enormous amount of stress in your body- especially if you're a parent or single parent. You need other adults in your life for connection and support.
Think about it. We are a tribal people after all. Humans have evolved living in tight-knit communities. We were meant to work together, depend on each other when the going gets tough and celebrate together when things go well. Living in a pack helps us to feel protected, safe and accepted. If we lack community in our lives, then it could have a direct impact on our physical and emotional health.
So developing a community, or at least having a few close friends to rely on, is incredibly important in helping you get your health back on track.
When healing your body, you also need to heal your heart and mind. Spending just a few hours a week with loved ones can do wonders in creating a happier, healthier you.

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Causes Of Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness is a very common problem found amongst a large majority of women. It usually happens when the fluids present in the vaginal area for lubrication begin to dry up especially during menopause. The problem of vaginal dryness can have many implications on a woman's health the most important one being painful sexual intercourse which can even lead to bleeding. In this article we are going to discuss about some of the common causes of vagina dryness and some herbal remedies available which can help you in overcoming this condition and lead a normal sexual life even during menopause.
Causes Of Vaginal Dryness
There could be a lot of reasons which could lead to vaginal dryness but the primary one is the beginning of menopause during which the hormonal balance in the body gets completely disturbed and there is lack of estrogen in the body which is responsible for production of fluids which work to keep the vagina moist. Women have reported that during menopause they felt like getting completely dry coupled with burning in the vagina. It is not only during menopause that women will suffer from vaginal dryness but it can also occur due to use of harsh chemical soaps which can disturb the Ph level, sedentary lifestyle, dehydrated body and side effect of some medication specially birth control pills.
Remedial Measures
Women suffering from vaginal dryness can take help of a number of natural remedies most of them at home to get relief from this embarrassing condition. Let us lay out some of the vital things you should to keep your vagina moist.
1. Drink Water
We all know how important water is for our body but still most of us do not drink the required amount our body needs. A woman shall drink at least 8 glasses of water daily to keep her body hydrated and help her vagina keep itself moist.
2. Sexual Stimulation
Women who regularly indulge in sexual activities generally do not suffer from this problem because regular sexual activity keeps up the production of vaginal fluids.
3. Lubricants
There are natural lubricants available which can be applied before sexual intercourse to avoid painful sex associated with vaginal dryness.
4. Herbal Remedies
There are herbal remedies like femalube available in the market which provide lubrication to the vagina and keep up its normal health. Herbal remedies have become immensely popular these days as they produce results similar to modern medicine but are free from any type of side effects.

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Vaginal Dryness: When It Comes to Mature Women - Easy Methods To Take Care of It

Throughout and also right after the change of life some women discover that they are afflicted with a difficulty which isn't serious but which is quite irritating and unpleasant. Vaginal dryness has an effect on in excess of 75 % of mature females in varying levels. It can be normally worse following menopause however it is a continuous process and can start to cause problems early on in the menopause as well. Vaginal dryness can be brought on by the decrease in estrogen which often takes place at this moment in the woman's situation.
This substance is in charge of increasing the creation of the mucus which lubricates the vagina so that as it slowly and gradually goes away completely while in menopause it leads to numerous extremely troubling and awkward signs and symptoms. For some ladies, vaginal dryness is definitely such a predicament that it begins to affect day to day life therefore it may trigger substantial problems in a partnership particularly surrounding sexual intercourse and intimacy. A lot of women find that despite the fact that their sexual libido still continues to be high while in menopause, the prolonged itch and irritation simply puts them off intercourse and except in cases where they're able to discuss this with their spouse and enable him to see the issue, the relationship could become resentful and challenging.
The treatment of vaginal dryness is just not hard although there is no cure. It may be treated using conventional medical care and this is usually by means of some form of bodily hormone replacement therapy. HRT is most often applied in patches attached to the skin however there can be sizeable dangers associated with Hrt and it also must only be utilized in strict consultation with a doctor. A lot of women will not be perfect prospects for hormonal replacement therapy and it is imperative that you be as complete as possible with your health-related history whenever discussing this approach with your health practitioner. Vaginal dryness is usually addressed with an estrogen ointment or pessary.
These are generally put into the vaginal canal or perhaps the lotion is applied around the genital region routinely, but again this type of treatment solution needs complete checking by a medical doctor or specialist menopause nurse. Furthermore, as soon as the lady quits using the cream or pessary the dryness will probably return and the discomfort will probably be just as bad as ever before so it's not really an ideal long lasting answer
These days, a lot of ladies decide to handle their menopausal symptoms in a holistic manner, using eating and working out alongside herbal medicines and feminine ointments. An eating plan full of plant oestrogens or phyto estrogen carries a major effect on the seriousness of a number of menopause signs or symptoms and it is extremely effective specially in getting rid of nighttime sweats and vaginal dryness. Furthermore, by maintaining a healthy diet, rich in fresh fruit and veggies and also by drinking lots of water, nearly all women find that the other horrible menopausal indicator, putting on weight, continues to be in check and this is even more true if the lady takes some type of general exercise. Yet again, extra weight in the course of menopause is a result of fluctuating human hormones and a lot ladies refer to it as being a 'thickening' round the middle portion of the body as opposed to a true rise in bodyweight.
However you choose to address your menopause it's important that this feels best for your needs. These days, women do not need to go through this tremendous change in life alone and in ignorance. At this time there is a large amount of knowledge out there and it is wise to do some research first. Then you can ensure that you genuinely have picked out what is most effective for you.

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