How to Naturally Cure Menopause Dryness

Menopause dryness is a problem for a lot of women who have reached the age between 45 and 55. Some women find that the eyes start to produce less fluid which brings about soreness and itchiness. It is also common to have overall bodily menopause dryness and a lot of women find that there once so soft skin now is dry and needing a lot of extra moisturizing on a daily basis.
Other ways to experience the menopause dryness is that the vaginal area becomes dryer and this means that sexual intercourse becomes uncomfortable and sometimes even painful.
Fortunately there are things you can do to ease the symptoms of menopause dryness that are completely natural.
One of the things that a lot of women find great to bring back the moisture and glow in their bodies is to take omega-3 fatty acids supplements. There are capsules with this which you can buy at a health food store, or you can simply begin to eat food that contains this wonderful oil. Oily fish, like salmon and mackerel contains a lot of omega-3. You also find omega-3 in walnuts, flaxseeds and hemp. A good idea is to use flaxseed or hempseed oil on your salads and when cooking. This can make wonders and you will most likely notice that your skin is becoming softer again if you increase the intake of omega-3 rich foods.
Another easy thing you can do to ease the menopause dryness is to make sure that you drink enough water. By drinking plenty of water (preferably around 2 liters a day) you will most likely bring back more moisture to your skin. Water is also great since it ensures that you flush away toxins and old cells that otherwise can be stuck in the body.
If you're a smoker, a great way to ease the symptoms of the menopause is to stop. It has been proven that smokers generally experience stronger menopause symptoms than women who don't. So if you're a smoker this is another good reason to quit (besides all the other health benefits this will bring with it of course, such as less risk of cancer, heart diseases, stronger physique in general etc.).
These are some of the things you can do yourself to lower the symptoms of menopause dryness. If you experience great problems you may have to contact your doctor to get better help. If the symptoms of menopause are too strong you might want to take some medication that gives you higher amounts of estrogen. There are also some natural herbal medicines found in health food stores or at the pharmacists that can be helpful to ease menopause dryness. Check with your doctor before you start using them and see if something else is recommended.
By taking extra care of your body and making sure it gets all the attention it needs, menopause need not be that bad, you may find that it instead is a natural process that brings with it good things in many different ways.

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How to Reverse Estrogen Dominance Naturally

Almost all of us suffer from estrogen dominance on some level. While perimenopausal women are most at risk, men and children are not immune. Constant exposure to xenohormone chemicals disrupts our delicate hormone balance. The result is high estrogen levels and depleted progesterone.
While conventional medicine offers drugs to regulate hormones, many women seek options on how to reverse estrogen dominance naturally.
It does take more time to treat your body using natural remedies. But the payoff is well worth it. Holistic treatments help the body heal itself so it can produce hormones all on its own. You enjoy more health, energy and vitality as a result.
How to Reverse Estrogen Dominance Naturally
To reverse the effects of estrogen dominance a holistic approach is needed. Take these 4 steps to alleviate symptoms:
Step #1: Eliminate the Source(s)
First and foremost, you want to reduce your exposure to the xenohormone chemicals making you sick. Purge any toxic cleaners, plastics, cookware and personal care products from your home. Consider purchasing a good quality water filter if you don't have one already. Besides possibly containing heavy metals, our water supply is often contaminated with endocrine disrupting chemicals.
But one of the biggest sources of xenohormones is the food we eat.
Conventionally raised dairy and meat are the worst offenders so steer clear of those. Fruits and veggies are sprayed with hormone disrupting toxins and a source of xenohormones as well. Eating organic is always your best bet. But some of our produce is far more toxic than others. Check the Environmental Workers Group website for their list of most contaminated produce.
Step #2: Detox
If you suffer from severe estrogen dominance symptoms, then doing a full liver detox is a good idea.
You can also help your body detox with some simple daily strategies.Epsom salt baths and drinking lemon water first thing in the morning and right before bed at night helps cleanse the body of toxins. Exercising and sweating on a regular basis is your body's own way to detoxify.
Step #3: Manage Your Stress
Xenohormone exposure is only one contributor to estrogen dominance. Stress also plays a huge role. Constant exposure to stress increases cortisol in the body, which in turn raises estrogen and decreases progesterone.
Find ways to effectively manage your stress. Meditation, yoga and other forms of exercise are great options. Sometimes just a good laugh or time out with friends can work wonders to lift your mood.
Step #4: Boost Progesterone Levels
One of the best ways to boost progesterone levels is by eating right.
Include plenty of fruits and veggies in your diet as well as organic, grass-fed meat. Good quality supplements like Vitamins A and B6 also help. Certain herbs like Chasteberry can work wonders to increase progesterone in the body as well.
In my eBook, "Feel Like YOU Again," I give natural remedies to reverse estrogen dominance and ease perimenopause symptoms. I also reveal the full list of foods, vitamins and herbs that boost progesterone levels so you can enjoy more health, energy and vitality.
Visit my website to get your free first chapter today:

Five of the Best Foods for Perimenopause

Food has the power to heal. With the right diet and exercise plan, you can overcome many of the ailments that plague our culture today.
Treating severe perimenopausal symptoms is no different. You'll find a number of foods that can help treat your body and balance your hormones without the help of synthetic drugs.
Below is my list of the top five best foods for perimenopause.
Top Five Best Foods for Perimenopause
#1. Salmon.
Salmon is rich in Omega 3 fats and protein, both of which are beneficial during your perimenopause years. Omega 3 not only helps manage those nasty hot flashes it also boosts your mood and supports brain health. The protein from fish and meat increases progesterone production in the body, balancing your hormones.
Try to avoid Atlantic farm-raised salmon as it contains PCB's and other chemicals. Wild Pacific or organic salmon is your best bet and provides the most benefits.
#2. Flax.
Also rich in omega 3 fats and protein as well as fiber and antioxidants, flax helps alleviate gut issues and fights estrogen dominance.
Flax also contains something called lignans. Lignans are a type of phytoestrogen that has the power to block the xenoestrogens found in our environment. These xenoestrogen toxins contribute to estrogen dominance and aggravate your perimenopause symptoms. Lignans also help balance overall estrogen levels in your body and are great for breast health.
Add flax seed oil as a dressing to your salad and sprinkle ground or whole flax seeds into your yogurt, smoothies, granola or salads.
#3. Broccoli.
Broccoli, and other cruciferous vegetables like kale, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts contain a phytonutrient called indole 3 carbinol-(or I3C). Studies are still being done on I3C but researchers think that it may help ward off cancer. I3C also promotes liver detoxification and assists the body in burning fat. Because it helps block toxic estrogen found in our environment, I3C can promote hormone balance in the body.
But there are still other benefits found in adding more broccoli to your diet. Broccoli, along with broccoli seeds, fenugreek, cauliflower and fresh parsley, help decrease the amount of aromatase in the body. Aromatase is an enzyme, if in excess, that can produce too much estrogen in the body. Eating aromatase inhibitors like broccoli can help reduce estrogen dominance and alleviate severe perimenopause symptoms.
Eat broccoli and other cruciferous veggies raw, lightly steamed or fermented. You can also find a good quality I3C supplement to take.
#4. Eggs.
Egg yolks specifically are rich in healthy fats and protein- everything you need to promote progesterone and DHEA production in the body.
Don't believe the notion that eating fat will make you fat. The opposite is actually true. Healthy fats boost your metabolism and help you to feel satiated for longer periods. Sugar, trans fats and hydrogenated oils are your real enemies in weight loss. If you're looking to shed a few pounds, avoid those foods at all cost.
The fats and saturated fats found in eggs help build cell membranes, reduce inflammation and assist the body in hormone production. Exactly what you need during your perimenopause years.
#5. Pomegranates.
A powerhouse when it comes to fighting estrogen dominance, pomegranate seeds can block toxic estrogen in the body by up to 80%. Also great for breast health, pomegranates can prevent certain types of breast cancer cells from multiplying. Add them to your yogurt and smoothies.
In my eBook, "Feel Like YOU Again," I reveal the best foods and vitamins that help ease perimenopause symptoms. I also tell you the best strategies to alleviate estrogen dominance so you can enjoy more health and vitality now and into your later years.
Go here to get your free first chapter today:

The Rising Cases of PCOS - How and Why

The increasing rate of infertility in women has alarmed the scientists all over the world. The leading cause of this emerging problem is a serious endocrine disorder called polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. While PCOS is not a new disorder, the rise in its frequency is definitely a problem. Twenty years ago, PCOS was not so common but today every 1 in 15 women are affected by it. Characterized by irregularities in menstrual cycle, hair loss, acne, and hirsutism, the condition is now inflicting women of all ages especially the teenagers hitting puberty.
How and Why?
Various lifestyle and dietary changes, along with environmental factors are responsible for this tremendous increment. Here are some of the situations discussed in detail:
1. Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance is a persistent problem of modern age. Consumption of concentrated fructose in huge amounts along with chain smoking, trans fats, obesity, environmental pollutants, and ever increasing stress levels in people has caused insulin resistance. If untreated and unheeded, it can further give way to serious conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
Insulin resistance increases the levels of insulin, which in turn creates polycystic ovaries by impairing ovulation and causing the ovaries to replace estrogen production with that of testosterone. Since insulin resistance is now an epidemic, so is PCOS. However, not all PCOS patients suffer from insulin resistance, which means there could be other factors involved as well.
2. Birth Control Pills
Women using birth control pills often report irregularities in their periods once they stop using them. For some, their periods stop once they have discontinued the pill. Now in some cases, the women used to have irregularities even before the usage so the pill had only unveiled an issue that was already there. However, if the women had normal periods before the pill but now there are no periods, the pill is without any the doubt the main culprit.
The researchers have not yet found out the actual element in the pill that causes PCOS. They know that pill could cause insulin resistance, which might lead to PCOS. Moreover, the pills control birth by suppressing the communication between pituitary gland and ovaries. However, this suppression should be temporary and stopping the pill should resume normal functioning. Yet, women have been reported to contain higher levels of LH-Pituitary hormone in their blood for months after stopping the pill. That could be the reason behind pill induced PCOS.
3. An Unsound Ultrasound
Apart from the general symptoms associated with PCOS, an ultrasound is often conducted to diagnose PCOS. Neither the symptoms are enough to confirm that a certain woman is suffering from PCOS nor an ultrasound is the ultimate proof of the same. An ultrasound is not enough proof because 25% of normal women are affected by polycystic ovaries and so are those on the pill. Therefore, the number of diagnosed PCOS has been grossly overestimated due to inaccurate test. The more reliable method is to always check for the androgen levels in the blood before making the final diagnosis.

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Insulin

Recently, someone asked if I think eating to reverse PCOS will be as important in the next few years as it is today.
Unless some major changes happen, I think it will actually be more important.
Three main reasons for this are:
1. The obesity epidemic is likely to lead to more women who have insulin resistance. Insulin resistance underlies PCOS.
2. What we eat matters, too. Insulin resistance isn't just the result of overweight. Without major changes, the American diet is likely to lead to more women with insulin resistance.
3. Regarding insulin dysfunction, it doesn't matter which comes first - obesity, bad diet, bad genetics with respect to insulin or PCOS. The metabolic consequences are the same.
So PCOS is likely to become more common. Let's look at a few facts about it and a few tips that women with PCOS can use to reverse it.
A Few Facts About Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) is a hormonal abnormality in reproductive-age women. It affects about 7% of women in that age group.
Women with PCOS have higher testosterone levels than normal for women, along with disordered secretion of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone), both necessary for ovulation. The result is anovulation, menstrual irregularity, hirsutism, and infertility.
Metabolically, PCOS is associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. In the U.S., obesity or overweight is found in anywhere from 40% to 80% of women with PCOS.
Women with PCOS tend to have lower than normal levels of gut microbiota (gut flora).
PCOS appears to have a strong genetic link.
The good news is it's possible to prevent or reverse PCOS naturally.
Eating to Reverse Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Here are several tips that women with PCOS need to know so they can eat to reverse it.
• Do cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise.
Yes, these are supposed to be eating tips, but this one is extremely important, so it's first.
-- Do cardio 4 or more days a week for at least 30 minutes each day.
-- Make 1 or 2 of the workouts HIIT (high-intensity interval training).
-- If you can find a gym with a Krankcycle® - seriously, nag your gym to get a few!! - include Kranking training 2 times a week. A Krankcycle is NOT a UBE (upper body ergometer). It will help improve insulin sensitivity in the upper body muscles.
• Decrease your starches and sugars.
Starches are the foods most people call "carbs." But vegetables and fruits are also carbs, so I call starches what they are -- startches. Limit them and sugars.
• Eat vegetables with each meal.
The primary benefit is the increase in fiber, which can help to lower insulin resistance.
• Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.
Drink more if you've been sweating. It aids digestion and will help prevent bloating.
• Consume whole flaxseeds.
2.5 tablespoons a day have been shown to help with weight loss.
These tips will get you started, but there are so many more ways I can help you. I have decades of experience with it. Just visit and grab your free Last Resort Consult. Find out how easy it can be to make small changes that lead to big results in your health.

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Natural Cure For Fibroids - Shrink Fibroids Naturally

If you have fibroids, you may have already considered your treatment options. If like many women, you feel that conventional treatment leaves rather a lot to be desired, you may have decided to try a natural cure for fibroids.
Conventional methods tend to focus on alleviating the symptoms. Neither surgery nor hormonal treatment do anything to eliminate the causes of fibroids which means that within months, the fibroids are highly likely to regrow. The only way towards a permanent solution is to get right to the root causes of what has triggered off fibroid growth.
Although you may have already picked of various hints and tips to help you deal with fibroids, in isolation, these will not be a complete solution as a comprehensive, systematic approach is required to ensure a good result.
Doctors can never be absolutely sure what has caused fibroids in an individual as they are always the result of a subtle combination of factors which have subtly interacted within a woman's body. There are various common factors, such as having high estrogen levels, being overweight or unknowingly carrying high levels of environmental toxins in the liver. However, not every woman who is overweight or who has higher estrogen levels will have fibroids and herein lies the problem.
As it is virtually impossible to tailor-make a precise treatment for individuals, a natural cure for fibroids will encompass a combination of strategies to ensure that your bodily environment simply could not support fibroids. A good strategy will include weight control (if appropriate), the control of estrogen through diet and exercise, detoxification of the liver and appropriate dietary supplements. It is also advisable to cut out certain foods, such as processed and red meats along with non-organic produce.
If you are the type of person who is happy to play an active part in your own treatment and healing, then a natural cure for fibroids is an excellent option for you. If, however, you quickly become demotivated, then you will have to consider symptomatic treatments.
Fibroids are a condition which respond very well to natural remedies and they are an ideal condition to treat because as they are so rarely life-threatening. It makes complete sense to try out a natural treatment for fibroids before resorting to surgery or any of the hormonal drugs which can cause their own side effects.
Overall, most women having surgery for fibroids report regrowth within a year whereas evidence suggests that the vast majority of women who treat their fibroids with natural methods tend to keep regrowth at bay.
If you want to achieve success, you will need to follow a comprehensive approach which systematically eliminates all causes and if you feel you are ready to go ahead, then visit my website, How To Shrink Fibroids Naturally. There you will find extensive information about fibroids and gain access to a system which gives full details of the natural cure for fibroids.

Most Common Causes Of An Irregular Period

Periods can sometimes be a real pain. Headache, stomachache and general fatigue can be possibly acquired when having your period. These periodic menstrual bleeding can cause major discomforts; and things can only get worse once it becomes an irregular cycle. Having an irregular period is one of the most common menstrual complaints heard from women all over the world. Women generally have 11 to 13 menstrual periods in a year. You may have observed a different pattern with the occurrence of more or fewer menstrual cycles; and it is possible that what you are experiencing is an irregular menstrual cycle. If you want to overcome repetitive episodes of irregular period, this article will be quite useful.
What Are The Most Common Causes Of An Irregular Period?
The most common stages for women to experience an irregular menstrual cycle is at the onset of puberty, during the teenage years, and at the initial phases of menopause. At these times, your body is adjusting to the changes in hormones that control your menstruation. The irregular period is simply considered the result of the body's transition reaction to the new hormone fluctuation.
Stress is another common cause of having an irregular period. When there is stress, whether physical, mental or emotional, the body's response would be to produce a hormone called cortisol. This hormone, in turn, may affect estrogen, progesterone and DHEA production, all of which play a role in preventing irregular menstrual cycle.
Other common causes of irregular period episodes are excessive exercise, eating disorders and illness. Though most causes are not harmful, eating disorders and illness are alarming causes of irregular menstrual cycle that require immediate medical attention. Two health issues associated with irregular period occurrences are polycystic ovarian syndrome and uterine abnormalities, such as endometriosis. Polycystic ovarian disorder is also a leading cause of infertility. Endometriosis can affect fertility; it can also cause very painful periods. You should track your cycles and let your doctor know when large variances of irregular menstrual cycle occur so you can be certain that an illness is not the main cause.
What Can You Do About An Irregular Period Or Irregular Menstruation Cycle?
Depending on the cause of your irregular period, there may or may not be much you can do about this. Irregular menstrual cycle can be normal to newly menstruating girls because their menstrual cycles still fluctuate. Over the first two years, periods tend to adjust and gradually become more regular each succeeding month. Also, menstrual cycles are expected to become abnormal again during the pre-menopausal stage, which may occur as early as the late thirties, until menopause.
However, if there is an underlying medical condition that is causing your irregular period, then receiving adequate treatment for the condition should help get your periods back on track. If you find your irregular menstruation cycle becoming more annoying, there are some helpful alternatives you can do to regulate your hormones, such as the following:
  • Reduce your stress levels. Take time to meditate, relax or just hang out. This may help change your period into a normal cycle.
  • Avoid excessive exercise. Although regular exercise can keep you fit, exercising too much can also pose a risk to your health. If you are an active athlete, try to lessen or cut back a little bit of your level of exercise.
There are also a few medical treatments that may be helpful in regulating your period. Here are some of those:
  • Hormonal Contraceptives: They are often used for managing irregular period episodes. These contraceptives are usually available by prescription and come in oral, patch, ring and injectable forms.
  • Hormonal Supplements: If you have specific hormonal problems that cause menstrual irregular period episodes, hormonal supplements is the right aid to regulate your periods.
Therefore, continuous episodes of a menstrual irregular period are conditions that need full attention. Although the following alternatives are helpful to regulate your hormones, asking help from your doctor is highly recommended.

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What Are The Main Reasons For Late Period

Wondering on the possible reasons for late period and why it has not arrived on your expected date? If you are trying to conceive a baby, then you would be looking at this positively. However, if you are not, then you should start exploring the probable causes why you missed your period. There are many reasons for a delayed period. By reading this article, you will be able to go over them one by one.
First and foremost, you might be pregnant! Use pregnancy test kits to determine the reasons for your late period. Try different brands to countercheck results. If you are pregnant, then take the necessary steps like consulting an obstetrician. If not, then you need to search for other reasons.
Stress and Anxiety
One of the most common reasons for late period is stress and anxiety. Emotional and psychological concerns can manifest physically and can potentially disrupt your normal menstrual cycle. Typical reasons for late period are situations when you are stressed out and in a high-anxiety mode for long periods of time. Your hormones can go out of control and could be one of the contributing reasons for your late menstruation. Take time out to relax. Get some rest and chill out in comfortable surroundings. You need to acquire the inner balance and to give your hormones a jumpstart to get the rhythm back.
Medication or treatments can also be reasons for late period. Some medication may actually cause delay in your cycle. If you are on the pill, this is usually one of the side effects. Certain types of contraception can also be one of the reasons for missed period. Carefully check out the medicines that you have been taking and see if they have any hormonally related side effects. Just remember not to self-medicate for this can be dangerous.
As stated above, the common reasons for a delayed period are conceiving a child, stress and medications. But when all these are not the cause, then you'd better get your doctor's opinion. Perhaps the cause for your late menstruation is related to hormonal or physical changes that have occurred. These can range from menopause to hormonal problems. Other possible reasons can also be brought about by age or triggered by some pathogens in your body. It is important to get checked for any physical or medical conditions in order to recognize the exact reasons for late period. Either way, it is best to get the opinion from your doctor.
Main Reasons For Late Period
Moreover, reasons for a delayed menstruation are quite diverse other than pregnancy. Missed periods can be observed when taking oral contraceptives, during climate changes, under stress, and having a poor diet. To establish the reasons for missed period, the woman's age (puberty, sexual maturity, pre-menopause) should be considered. Here are the main reasons:
  • Pregnancy: It is the first thing you should think of among all reasons for missed period, especially if you are sexually active. Such reasons for a dealyed period cannot be disregarded. There are cases when you become pregnant even if sexual intercourse was done during the time of menstruation. Pregnancy can also occur if you missed taking your pills regularly.

  • Abortion: This is one of the reasons for a delayed menstruation when hormonal imbalance happens after a miscarriage. The removal of internal tissues inside the uterus during miscarriage or instrumental curettage causes a temporary disruption on the reproductive organs and could potentially be one of the reasons for a delayed period. To restore these tissues, it will take some time, usually a month or 40 days after the abortion or miscarriage. Such situations call for medical supervision.
If none of the above mentioned are the reasons for late period and you still have not gotten your period for three months, it is time for you to see a health care professional. However, it is advisable to practice birth control measures if you are not planning on having a child.
Would you like to read more on subjects related to Reasons For Late Period?
I know it is hard to talk about subjects like this. Talking about your irregular period and related issues might make you feel insecure. To give your confidence a boost and show you that you are not the only having these issues, I have written some more articles on related subjects. The article about Spotting Between Periods [] for example might be very interesting to you. Just read through the articles and get some more background information so that you can decide whether you should consult a doctor or not.

What Are the Symptoms of Menopause - Dry Skin

What are the symptoms of menopause is a series of articles dealing with the symptoms of menopause. One of the more common menopause symptoms is dry skin.
Dry skin affects everyone at one time or another, but it is especially troublesome during menopause and perimenopause. Dry skin is an indication that your body is lacking in the necessary hormones to maintain healthy skin. The good news is that there are some rather simple, common sense techniques you can do on your own to get some menopause relief.
What do hormones have to do with dry skin?
Many people might think that the best solution for dry skin is to use an expensive skin cream. In reality, healthy skin is made from the inside. It may help temporarily to apply moisturizers and such, but to effectively treat dry skin you must give your body what it needs to heal itself.
As the reproductive hormones slow down in production, there are fewer oils available for the skin to keep it's elasticity and youthfulness. This can cause the skin to become dry, itchy and flaky
The essential fatty acids found in a healthy diet are also responsible for maintaining healthy skin. All too often though, modern diets are big on the wrong foods and short on the foods that promote health and well being.
Dry skin, wrinkles and aging skin
By the mid thirties, most women begin to notice more wrinkles, aging skin and dryness. Many times, a habit of eating junk food, processed foods, and too few fruits and vegetables, is the cause of poor skin. Because the skin is actually an organ, it is a good indicator of your overall health.
Many women in developing countries who eat diets rich in fresh fruits and vegetables also have radiant skin. Their diets are rich in natural vitamins and minerals, thus providing their bodies with the necessary tools to promote healthy skin.
It is as important what you do not eat as what you do eat! Medications, artificial sweeteners, additives, etc. all can have a damaging effect on health, and the skin is often the first to show it.
It is possible to reverse the aging of skin
This might sound like a hyped up claim, but it is true. By using some very simple techniques, you can help your body to heal itself. When the necessary ingredients are there for you body, a great deal of progress can happen quickly.
The body naturally wants to heal itself. All to often, however, we mistreat and neglect the body, with devastating results.
Here are some tips to help
  • Get enough rest
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Use a high quality vitamin/mineral supplement
  • Drink plenty of clean, fresh water
  • Get adequate exercise. This works wonders for dry skin.
  • Eliminate processed foods as much as possible.
  • Avoid additives, colorants, preservatives, etc.
  • Take cold showers! This is an observation I have noticed repeatedly from various women around the world.

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What Are the Symptoms of Menopause - Irregular Periods

What are the symptoms of menopause is a series of articles dealing with the symptoms of menopause. This article is about one of the most commons menopause symptoms: irregular periods.
One of the most common symptoms of menopause is irregular periods, which for many women, is one of the first symptoms. It is generally considered normal to miss two periods in a one year period. More than that and you should consult your physician.
During and before menopause irregular periods can vary wildly. Sometimes  it means heavy periods, followed by light periods. Other times it means the periods suddenly become very regular, then suddenly there are several missed months.
Experiencing irregular periods can be quite unnerving because of the constant changes taking place. Often there are accompanying menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, and insomnia.
What causes irregular periods?
Irregular periods are a result of the function of the ovaries. Before menopause, the ovaries send out an egg in the process of ovulation. In the event that the egg is fertilized, the hormones estrogen and progesterone are produced. If the egg is not fertilized and implanted, the hormones are excreted and you have a period.
How can you tell when menopause begins?
Technically, menopause if usually considered to begin if you miss your period for one year. Many women might stop having a period for six or eight months, then suddenly it returns. This is normal and gradually the time between periods increases until it finally ceases. Each woman is unique and there are really no hard and fast rules.
What about heavy bleeding?
There are many causes for heavy bleeding. Often it is due to stress, poor nutrition, and emotional turmoil. There are also unknown causes for heavy bleeding. In this case the ovaries do not produce an egg and the hormones are excreted at very high levels. Normally progesterone is secreted to counteract the estrogen, but when this does not happen there can be heavy bleeding from the uterus.
What can be done about irregular periods?
It is recommended that you first consult your physician. A Pap smear and an annual pelvic examination is a good idea. Some doctors  find success using birth control pills to regulate periods.
Many women do not want to take contraception and want to understand the physiological causes for their irregular periods.
It is always a good idea to eat healthy food, get adequate exercise, reduce stress and get plenty of rest. Using a high quality vitamin/mineral supplement is also advisable.