Hair Loss Solutions Women and Men Can Use for Fast Natural Hair Growth

Thinning hair is a common problem for most adults. Women will typically experience a gradual loss of stands throughout the head. Men will often have a receding hairline which can lead to the eventual loss of all hair on top of the head. This can be extremely frustrating, especially for people who are not sure how to stop their hair from shedding so fast. You can use natural hair loss solutions to get your strands to grow back.
Olive Oil
Olive oil is one of the best hair loss solutions because it improves the health of both the hair and scalp. It will moisturize the scalp to prevent dandruff, which can cause the loss of hair. Olive oil also strengthens the strands by nourishing them with protein.
Massage olive oil into your scalp regularly. This will help stimulate the flow of blood to your head. This ensures the strands the strands are properly fed because the blood carries vitamins and minerals with it as it travels to the scalp.
Hair Growth Vitamins
Vitamins are also effective hair loss solutions. Vitamin B helps the body produce the right amount of protein to help the strands grow. It also helps the strands maintain their cellular structure, prevents breakage, and gives the hair a healthy shine.
The hair also needs vitamins A, C, and E.
Herbal Hair Loss Solutions
Some herbs can be very effective as hair loss solutions. Gotu Kola stimulates the natural growth of hair and nails. It strengthens the follicles and helps eliminate scar tissue, which can prevent new hair from growing.
Saw palmetto and green tea can help regrow hair for people who have male or female pattern baldness. These herbs inhibit the production of the hormone which causes this condition. Green tea works best when it is applied directly to the scalp.
It is very important for you to begin treatment for your thinning hair as soon as you notice that your strands are thinning. This will significantly increase your chances of getting your strands to grow back. If the follicles sit there for too long without strands, the follicles will lose their ability to function and the hair loss will become permanent.
Learn more about choosing an effective hair loss remedy [] and preventing baldness.
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Will Exercise Improve Your Hair Growth Rate?

When a lot of people think of exercise, the most common things that come to mind include exertion, sweating and general body pains. Let's face it, who wants that much hassle for more hair? However, it doesn't have to be a scary prospect and can even turn out to be a lot of fun along the way.
There is a sound explanation behind exercise helping to improve your hair growth rate. When we exercise, our heart rate increases and improved blood flow occurs. This blood flow also takes place around your scalp area, which helps draw essential nutrients to your scalp and leading to longer and stronger hair.
Additionally, exercise increases serotonin levels in the body. Serotonin is aka the happiness hormone. When the levels are increased, it helps lower stress in your body. A stressed out body affects overall body function including the hair follicles, which can lead to stalled growth and hair fall.
What Kind of Exercises Can Improve Hair Growth Rate?
It doesn't have to be all about the treadmill. There are many other exercises you can do. Weight training, yoga, power walking, martial arts, sailing, cycling and dance are some of the more popular ones. However, you can go with anything you enjoy as long as it's something that gets your heart rate pumping.
How Much Exercise is Effective for Hair Growth Rate?
You don't have to exercise for hours to get the benefits. In fact, too much exercise can prove counterproductive in the long run and cause injury. Daily exercise for 30 - 45 minutes is more than enough. If you can't exercise every day, try to make at least 3 - 4 times a week your target.
It is important to note that exercise alone cannot improve hair growth rate. You still need to eat the right food and engage in healthy hair care practices to maximize the benefits of exercise. If you're doing everything else right, expect to see a change in your hair within 6 - 8 weeks.
If you have an underlying condition causing stalled hair growth, they should be addressed and resolved before anything else otherwise whatever you do, exercise or otherwise, won't make a difference and might even make your hair loss worse.
Keep in mind you're not used to heavy exercise or haven't exercised for a long time, go in for an overall body check to make sure everything's functioning great before you engage in physically challenging activities.
For more ways to recover from hair loss issues and help overcome these problems, and achieve the kind of results you want, have a look at The Ultimate Hair Growth Guide. Abi Faniran also provides personal hair growth coaching services.

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5 Treatments To Fight Thinning Hair

Mild hair loss is not uncommon and is most noticeable after washing, combing and brush it out. The average person loses several strands a day but when it becomes excessive, there may be cause for concern. For many, thinning hair is embarrassing and results in a lack of self-confidence.
Contributions to hair loss may be due to a disease or illness, such as lupus and thyroid disease because of hormonal imbalance. Alopecia is due to a compromised immune system. Some conditions can cause your hair to fall out on a temporary basis while those with a long-term illness or disease will continue to lose hair. Additionally, some medications prescribed for gout, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart conditions and acne can trigger a temporary loss of hair.
Other causes include an inappropriate diet and exercise program that causes malnutrition. Stress, both physically and mentally can result in hair loss as well as multiple products used on your hair, causing damage to the hair follicles. This most often is a temporary problem but can be permanent, dependent on the frequent use of damaging dyes, bleaches and perms. There are several ways to treat thinning hair with the following methods -
1. Shampoos and Massage - Health for your hair and scalp should begin with the products you use. Avoid shampoos with chemicals that can be harsh and lead to hair loss. To prevent or treat this, consider a shampoo with pure and natural ingredients. The purest of shampoos can rejuvenate your scalp and follicles while restoring essential nutrients and unblock follicles to encourage new growth. A special proven shampoo to remedy thinning hair is Nizoral. It is an anti-fungal shampoo with androgen blocking properties to treat inflammation associated with hair loss. An androgen blocker inhibits the process of thinning hair and loss caused by hormone activity while treating discomfort of itching, irritation, tingling and pain on your scalp. Such symptoms can move quickly and need immediate treatment with Nizoral. It has been proven as well that massaging your scalp on a daily basis for a few minutes can stimulate the blood flow to your hair follicles.
2. Diet and Exercise - Eating a healthy, nutritional diet with a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables can help to keep your hair in good shape and intact. Eat a well-balanced diet with a supplementation of B6 vitamins along with folic acid to provide proper nutrients for hair growth. Exercise helps in the improvement of blood flow and circulation, a necessary process to aid in the health of your hair follicles.
3. Medications and Medical Treatments - Some people choose to undergo hair transplant surgery to relieve the hair loss and embarrassment they feel. This only works if you have thinning hair with some sections of hair still on your scalp, usually at the nape of the neck.
Tiny plugs of these hairs are surgically transplanted to give you are more natural look. However, if you cannot or do not want to choose this process, there are some medication choices, with and without prescription to remedy your hair loss.
Speak with your doctor about your options. Some of the medications are Rogaine, which is not a prescription product and used twice daily. Finasteride or Propecia is a prescription medication which is a pill to be taken once a day for baldness. However, this product seems to be more effective for men than women. Corticosteroids can be injected into the scalp to stimulate hair growth over a four to six week period. Other options are corticosteroid creams and ointments that are massaged into the scalp or corticosteroids taken orally as prescribed by your doctor. You can also opt for a light PUVA therapy where the medication Psoralen is taken prior to an ultraviolet light to stimulate new hair growth.
4. Laser Combs - Laser combs have been developed in the 1980s and approved by the 1990s by the FDA for the improvement of hair growth. This low-level laser device emits a gentle red beam of light through the process of combing your hair. The laser comb can work in conjunction with any other hair loss treatment, showing positive results within the first 5 - 10 weeks. Typical consequences are dramatically noted at the six month mark and the process should be continued to maintain and keep healthy, strong hair.
5. Herbal Remedies - In this day and age of natural remedies, there are herbal treatments available to treat the loss and thinning of hair. Such remedies include the use of coconut milk, alfalfa, aloe vera, Indian gooseberry oil, rosemary and sage. Coconut milk is applied to the scalp and massaged in to nourish the hair while stimulating hair growth. Alfalfa is a nutritional juice, taken daily for healthy hair growth. Aloe vera is a natural healer while it balances the ph of your scalp and cleanses the pores. Indian Gooseberry oil is useful in preventing hair loss as it stimulates growth. Both Sage and rosemary are herbs found in many healthy shampoos. You can make your own remedy by boiling these together along with peach leaves, nettle and burdock. Strain the herbs, cool the liquid and wash your hair daily for new hair growth.
Losing your hair does not have to be a permanent problem and can be improved with proper health, nutrition and supplements. Your doctor can work with you if you do have concerns so that you can find the best option to meet your needs.
Want to find out more about how to restore your thinning hair? Find out about natural treatments like hair regrowth shampoo and using vitamins to restore hair at [].

Hair Growth Treatment to Reverse Hair Loss Fast

Nearly everyone can appreciate a full head of hair. This is why men and women dig deep into their pockets and spend a lot of money to make sure their hair is looking just right. It can be very distressing when the hair starts to fall out. Unfortunately, most women and men will eventually experience some degree of hair loss. You can use a natural hair growth treatment to slow down the progression of thinning hair.
Reasons for Thinning Hair
Find out why you hair is thinning before you decide on which hair growth treatment to use. You should make a decision on a treatment based on your type of hair loss.
Illnesses can negatively affect the hair. Make an appointment with a physician to find out if an underlying medical condition may be slowing down the growth cycle of your strands. Thinning hair can be a symptom of conditions such as diabetes, lupus, thyroid disorders, stress, or vitamin deficiencies.
The number one cause of thinning hair is a condition known as androgenic alopecia. It is an inherited condition which is often called male or female pattern baldness. This type of loss of hair occurs when there is too much of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body.
DHT weakens and shrinks the follicles. This causes the hair to fall out. New hair cannot grow in since the follicles are now non-functional.
Olive Oil
Olive oil is an effective hair growth treatment which keeps both the hair and scalp healthy. It moisturizes the strands, making them stronger. It also cleanses the scalp by penetrating deep into the pores to lift dirt.
Herbal Hair Growth Treatment
Green tea can stimulate regrowth in women and men who are losing their hair due to male or female pattern baldness. The tea contains compounds which prevent enzymes in the body from converting testosterone into DHT. This hair growth treatment works best if it is applied directly to the scalp.
It is very important for you to begin treatment for your thinning hair as soon as you notice that your strands are thinning. This will significantly increase your chances of getting your strands to grow back. If the follicles sit there for too long without strands, the follicles will lose their ability to function and the hair loss will become permanent. Learn more about choosing effective hair loss treatments [] and preventing baldness.
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Hair Loss - Cause, Prevention and Treatment

The adult scalp contains about 100,000 hair follicles. Everyday the scalp loses about 100 hairs and they will grow back in 5-6 weeks. Starting at age 40, the levels of by-product prolactin of testosterone of men increases, stimulating the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that causes the conversion of testosterone to gihydro-testosterones DHT causing our hair to grow back thinner or not grown back at all. This causes an androgenic alopecia hair loss problem, since DHT shrinks the follicles causing hair thins and hair receding at the forehead, crown and temple for men and thins over the entire scalp for women. What causes hair loss.
1. The Causes of Hair Loss
a) Aging
Human aging is the biological process that is unavoidable but controllable with healthy diet with complex carbohydrates, green foods, garlic, onion, water and juices that will help to decrease the aging process in some degree. It also helps to reduce the amount of DHT produced in our body, result in postponing hair loss to our scalp.
b) Mineral deficiency
Minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, chromium, iodine, zinc, and magnesium are necessary to maintain healthy hair growth. Mineral deficiency will reduce the chance to regulate the blood circulation that promotes healthy hair growth and thyroid hormones that prevent dry hair and hair loss as well as defects in hair color. Too much iron is toxic to your body. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking any mineral supplement.
c) Oxygen deficiency
Oxygen deficiency in your blood weakens the hair follicles, leading to dryness of the scalp and hair loss. Uncontrolled diet that is high in saturated fat causes cholesterol building up in your arteries resulting in less oxygen in your blood stream. Also cigarette smoking and second hand smoke reduces the blood flow and increases the blood clotting activity of cells which would clog the blood flow and damage arteries causing oxygen deficiency and results in weaken of the hair follicles.
d) Side affects of medication taken
Some medications contains elements that might cause hair loss such as lithium, warfarin, heparin, and amphetamines. When hair loss is a side effect of a medication, hair growth usually returns to normal once the drug is stopped.
e) Genetic hair loss
Hair loss is due to heredity. It is passed down from generation to generation. Genetic hair loss appears predominately in men, but may also appear in a few select women.
2. Food to Avoid
Foods that can cause hair loss and diminish hair growth.
a) Saturated and Trans fat
Foods such as meat, poultry, and fried foods contain high saturated fat. Foods such as margarine, cheese, and butter contain high amounts of trans fat. These foods cause cholesterol to build up in your arteries and small veins in your scalp resulting in less oxygen being delivered to the cell in your body, including the cells on the follicles.
b) Foods that contain Aspartame and Monosodium Glutamate
Monosodium Glutamate contain chemicals that causes weight gain, increased appetite and also causes various kinds of health problems such as hair loss.
Aspartame contains toxic chemicals that make you gain weight, increases hunger and causes medical problems like migraines and poor blood circulation.
c) Smoking
As we mentioned in the previous article, smoking can reduce blood flow to the scalp causing hardening in the arteries, limit blood flow and make hair loss worse.
d) Artificial Color
Artifiicial color contains chemical compounds that take their toll on the body's natural balance.
Specific foods to avoid include colored drinks, color-coated candies, gummy and chewy candies, and many colored cereals.
e) Preservatives
These are potentially toxic to the liver and kidneys that cause hair loss and prevent hair growth as we mentioned in the article "Hair loss part IV--regrow hair with Chinese herbs".
f) Food Packaging
Polyvinyl chloride is a known carcinogen, and it's often used as plastic food wrap. It is toxic with high amounts causing damage to the kidney and liver resulting in hair loss.
g) Salt
Eating too much salt can lead to fluid retention and increased blood pressure that cause less oxygen to be delivered to the body's cells including cells in your scalp in result of losing hair.
3. Hair Loss Prevention and Treatment
I. Here are some important minerals that may help to prevent hair loss and promote hair re-growth:
a) Iron
Iron is involved in the oxygenation of your body's red blood cells. It is essential for normal hair growth and maintaining healthy hair. If the amount of iron can not be replaced with food intake, iron deficiency will cause hair loss because of oxygen deficiency.
b) Zinc
It helps to secrete the scalp with much needed oil and avoid dandruff that may cause hair loss.
c) Copper
Study shows that these tripeptide complexes may actually be able to regrow hair, even in patients with total hair loss due to alopecia. Healthy tissue concentrations of copper lie between 1. 7 and 3. 5 milligrams. Everything else will cause hair loss.
d) B vitamins
The deficiency of B vitamins (especially B6, B3, B5 and folic acid) in your diet may lead to hair loss.
e) Biotin
Biotin works as an anti aging agent and helps to produce keratin in preventing gray hair and hair loss.
Sources of biotin are: whole grains, egg yolks, liver, rice and milk.
f) Vitamin A
Vitamin A is important for over-all good health. It's also beneficial to hair follicles, as it keeps the hair root lubricated. Too much vitamin A might result in hair loss.
g) Vitamin E
Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant that aids effective circulation in the scalp due to increased oxygen uptake in blood, therefore it plays an important role in promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss.
h) CQ-10
Coenzyme Q10 (CQ-10) is an essential vitamin that provides our body with the nutrients needed to grow healthy hair. They also promote overall vitality, and contribute to beautiful skin and strong nails.
II. Here are some daily foods that might help to prevent hair loss and promote hair re-growth
1. Yogurt and soy
Yogurt and soy contain high amounts of protein that is needed to maintain hair growth. Study shows that soy protein reinforces hair and stimulates its growth.
2. Dark green vegetable
Dark green vegetable contains high amounts of iron that are needed to restore oxygen levels in the blood stream as well as nurturing the body's cells.
3. Whole grain products
Whole grain contains zinc which is needed to maintain healthy hair. Zinc deficiency can lead to dry hair and oily skin.
4. Essential fatty acid
Essential fatty acid can be found abundant in cold water fish. It helps to maintain healthy cholesterol and reduce triglyceride in result of increasing circulation of blood flow in our body.
6. Nut and seed
Nuts and seeds are fatty foods which are typically the best sources of vitamin E, an immune enhancing antioxidant and nerve protector. Deficiency of vitamin E can lead to skin disorders, dry hair and loss of hair.
7. Carrots
Carrots contain high amounts of vitamin A. It is an antioxidant that helps produce healthy sebum in the scalp. Having too much vitamin A can lead to hair loss.
There are many other foods that help promote hair growth and prevent hair loss, such as fruits, egg, spinach, and broccoli.
Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking large amounts of the above foods. There may be side effects, such as overdoses of vitamin A in carrot might result in hair loss.
III. Traditionally, herbs have been around for over thousands of years and offer much success to prevent or cure diseases well before the discovery of western medicine. Here are some herbs thathave been proven in treating hair loss and promoting hair growth
a) Shikakai
Acacia Concinna is a small shrub-like tree that grows in India. It's pod-like fruit is collected, dried and then grounded into a fine powder. It is used to cleanse hair, and is known to promote hair growth and get rid of dandruff. Due to these benefits, this powder was named shikakai which means "fruit for the hair".
b) Grape seed extract
Grape seed extract is a very strong antioxidant that some use as a supplement or remedy to various conditions. It contains high levels of vitamin E and essential fatty acids that are essential for maintaining hair growth and preventing hair loss.
c) Kirin Brewery new discovery
Japanese cosmetics company Shiseido working with Kirin Brewery has discovered a unique property of an extract of hops that can help to activate the melanocyte cells that generate hair pigment.
d) Saw palmetto
As we mentioned in another article, Saw palmetto is the number one choice for men. Saw palmetto helps to block the formation of 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme that causes the conversion of testosterone to DHT that causes hair loss.
e) Basil extract
Basil Extract from the natural flowers of the basil plant, works to quickly soothe and calm skin of the scalp.
f) Pumpkin Seed
Pumpkin seeds help to block DHT, which is responsible for genetic hair loss. This common seed is loaded with zinc and magnesium that have the ability to block enzymes which yield DHT causing damage to follicles and resulting in hair loss.
g) Buddleja Davidii Extract
Buddleja Davidii extract contain active ingredients protecting the skin against toxic radicals. It can also help reduce skin aging and protect the skin against the damage caused from stresses and toxins.
h) Green Tea
Green tea contains the chemical globulin that helps to reduce levels of free testosterone, so that it cannot be converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the hair follicle.
Be sure to talk to your doctor or dermatologist before taking any herb supplement.
IV. Traditionally Chinese herbs have been around for over 4000 years and have offered much success to prevent or cure diseases well before the discovery of western medicine. Hair loss is directly linked to kidney deficiency syndrome in Chinese traditional medicine. People with hair loss problems especially in their early life may have a weak Kidney. Here are some Chinese herbs that have been proven in treating hair loss and promoting hair growth
a) Dong Quai
Traditionally, Chinese woman used Dong Quai to restore blood cells and increase the circulation of oxygen in the bloodstream to cells after period. Dong Quai contains phytoestrogen that helps to block the androgen receptor site in result of blocking the conversion of testerone to DHT, therefore reducing the chance of hair loss due to aging.
b) Ginseng
Ginseng is said to have the power of rejuvenating and energizing the body. It also helps to stimulate circulation of oxygen in our bloodstream to the cells of our body as well as the cells in our scalp.
c) Shou wu (polygonum)
Shou Wu is a polygonum multiflorum plant. It is now being used in conjuncture with other herbals, as an active ingredient in shampoos and orally administered to prevent hair loss as well as aiding the restoration of roots and production of new hair.
d) Psoralea seeds
Study shows that psoralea extract and exposure to ultra violet light will help to restore hair loss and promote hair regrowth with a 33% success rate.
e) Mulberry
Chinese herbalists believe that mulberry is an excellent tonic for the kidney, liver and blood that provides more oxygen in the bloodstream as well as small blood vessels in the scalp.
f) Chinese Yam
Numerous successful studies have been performed in examining the benefits of the Chinese yam. Chinese yam can help to nourish the liver, kidney and blood in result of preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth.
g) Green tea
Green tea containing catechins inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into hair-unfriendly DHT. So drinking great tea everyday is an effective treatment for male pattern baldness.
h) Chinese foxblove root
Chinese foxblove root contains cornus, the chemical that help to nurture the kidney, liver and blood in result of promoting hair growth.
i) Wolf berry
One of the natural superfoods has been used in traditional Chinese cooking. Wolf berry helps to eliminate toxins in the body in result of better function of the kidney, liver and blood that help to promote hair growth.
Chinese medicine believes that the benefit of nourishing the kidney and blood tonic helps for healthy hair growth and preventing hair loss.
V. Here are some prescription and over the counter drugs that might help prevent further hair loss and promote hair growth.
1. Minoxidil
Minoxidil is an over the counter drug and is a spray or lotion that you put directly on your scalp twice a day. It is available without a prescription. It is believed to work by affecting potassium- regulating mechanisms in the hair follicle. Study shows that it helps to slow and stop hair loss and regrow new hair with over 60 % success rate. Be sure talk to your doctor or dermatologist before taking minoxidil. It might cause rash to some patients.
2. Finasteride
Finastteride is an oral prescription medication. Finasteride is a synthetic hormone that halts hair loss and stimulates new hair growth. It is a medication that selectively inhibits the activity of an enzyme that converts the "male hormone" testosterone into a form that is active in hair follicles.
3. Rogaine
Rogaine is a clear alcohol-based solution and should be applied to a person's thinning area with it's supplied dropper or spray twice a day. It helps about 25 percent of men and 20 percent of women to grow back moderate amounts of hair very gradually, mostly on the very top of the head. They must keep using Rogaine indefinitely to keep the new hair.
4. Retin-A
Retin-A is only available by prescription in the US. In the right doses and when combined with Minoxidil it can be a hair growth stimulator. Studies shows that Retin- A can result in moderate hair growth in some patients.
5. Proscar
Proscar contains the same active ingredient finasteride. Proscar has the effect of lowering the hormone DHT, which interacts with bald vulnerable hair follicles and causes hair loss. By reducing the DHT in the patient's body the finasteride in the Proscar proved to slow and even stop or reverse hair loss in many men.
Before taking any hair loss medication over the counter, please consult first with your doctor or dermatologist.

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How to Get Super Shiny Hair Without the Salon

Going to the salon for treatment can give you the desired results, but there is a downside - you end up paying hundreds of dollars. If you can afford the fees, then do go ahead with the treatment. Otherwise, you may wish to seek out alternatives. Here are 5 steps on how to get super shiny hair without the salon.
Step 1: Shampoo your hair.
Step 2: Assess your current condition.
Step 3: Use appropriate hair tonics.
Step 4: Eat plenty of fruits and protein.
Step 5: Get plenty of rest!
Step 1: Shampoo your hair.
First, quickly shampoo your head to get rid of all the dirt and grime. Use a mild shampoo. If your hair feels really dirty or oily, you may need to wash it multiple times. The goal here is to clean the hair as much as possible for inspection.
Step 2: Assess your current condition.
Next, do an inspection of your hair and assess the condition of the existing strands. Look out for damage signs such as split ends. Run your fingers through your hair. Clean and healthy strands should feel smooth. If the strands give a rough and coarse feel, chances are they are already damaged.
Step 3: Use appropriate hair tonics.
You can't start to apply the appropriate treatment if you don't understand the condition of your hair. Once you have a good understanding on where you stand, it's time to apply some hair tonics on the hair.
There are many different types of tonics in today's market. It has to be so because different people have different needs. For instance, if you have dry hair, you need a hair tonic that will moisturize the strands. If you have very oil strands (usually cause by an oily scalp), then you need a hair tonic that is not as oily.
For healthy hair, use a mild hair tonic and apply to the head every night. That will help to nourish the strands and keep them healthy and shiny.
Step 4: Eat plenty of fruits and protein.
If hair is already damaged, then you have little choice but to seek remedies. However, there is a better way out, and that is to try and prevent the damage from occurring. You can do that by eating plenty of fruits and protein.
Protein helps to sustain the growth rate of the hair. Vitamins help to keep the strands moist, supple and shiny. You will start to notice that the hair doesn't break as easily due to its suppleness.
Step 5: Get plenty of rest!
One of hair's greatest enemy is stress. Stress can lead to inactive follicles, which affects the growth rate. New hair that grows on the hair tends to be thinner and breaks easily.
For healthy shiny hair, be sure to get plenty of rest!
Hair Loss Regrowth - Find out which are the top rated hair tonics for hair regrowth.

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How To Get Waterproof Mascara Off Without Makeup Remover

What fun-loving gals and beauty conscious women don't love waterproof mascara? It's one of the best cosmetic advances ever that make beach and pool days pretty despite the splash. Heat doesn't even beat your well-paid for mascara, right? But as much as waterproof mascara is an essential beauty enhancer, it can also be a nightmare to remove. It's awful on your clean-up time at home when you have got to remove your mascara especially when you lose half of your eyelashes as well. It is difficult to remove waterproof mascara, but you can get away with that. What you should do is to follow the right set of tips. Here's how to get waterproof mascara off without makeup remover, and without suffering:
  • The first thing you have to know about waterproof mascara, although it is an important beauty tool is not to abuse it. That is, don't use it too much. Touching up with your waterproof mascara several times a day makes its removal more complicated. Being waterproof, the product contains adhesive. That's why it sticks to your eyelashes better. It typically doesn't run when splashed with water. Don't use your waterproof mascara too much so that it won't be that difficult to take off. Then again, there is an alternative to using mascara if you want to get a bit persnickety. In lieu of mascara, you can use Vaseline or petroleum jelly. Aren't these two of the most common things you keep in your bathroom cabinet? Vaseline, when used in place of your mascara makes your lashes look more glossy and darker. It looks as if you've applied mascara in the same way. Vaseline or petroleum jelly, when often used on your lashes takes good care of them, too. Your lashes will grow softer and longer when regularly applied with Vaseline. The product will delay the falling off of your precious eyelashes.

  • Use a commercial mascara remover. It's the easier alternative. In a small amount of warm water, dip a special cotton remover. Apply it to your eyes so that it softens the mascara. Get another cotton ball that's been wet with the commercial mascara remover and gently wipe it across your lashes. Be careful not to use force when doing that. Other than the commercial mascara remover, you can use special cleansing wipes. It is a good alternative as well. When using either, always remember not to rub hard.

  • Use olive oil, it's an excellent natural option to remove waterproof mascara. Olive oil, when applied on your eyes does not dry or damage your skin. Get a cotton ball and soak it with olive oil and gently wipe along your eyelashes. You actually don't need to use much of it to take out all traces of your eye makeup.

  • When it comes to the best home remedies to remove waterproof mascara, you can count on petroleum jelly or Vaseline. These products have an oily composition, making them a good alternative for removing your eye makeup. They easily take off traces of waterproof mascara on your eyelashes even without rubbing. No damage done as well.

  • Another ideal choice for a natural product to easily take away waterproof mascara on your eyelashes is coconut oil. Get a cotton ball and soak it in a little amount of coconut oil. Gently dab your lashes with the solution. Coconut oil to easily remove waterproof mascara is used in the same way as olive oil. Both work effectively in cleaning your lashes.

  • A useful alternative in removing mascara on your lashes is cold cream. Other than taking off waterproof mascara, cold cream in general is also a good alternative as a makeup remover.

  • When cleaning your eyelashes using any of the above-mentioned products, always remember that you don't need to apply too much pressure. Don't scrub your eyes excessively when removing waterproof mascara on your eyelashes. Otherwise, you'll be unnecessarily losing your precious eyelashes. Keep your cotton ball or wipe soft and smooth prior to using. Soak it in warm water before wiping on your lashes. Any product that you use on your eyes (including cotton wipes or cotton balls) should not be harsh.
Your eyelashes, other than keeping you looking young and beautiful, also protect your eyes. So take good care of them. Enhance your beauty with makeup, but always remember to take good care of your eyes and lashes along with your skin in your beauty routine.
Be hale, hearty and cheery. Most of all, lose weight and be happy!

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10 Beauty Hacks For Beautiful Skin

If you have always dreamt of flawless, acne and blemish free beautiful skin, it can be yours now. Try these 10 simple beauty hacks to tackle your skin woes and give your skin that radiant natural look you have always wished for.
  1. Do not forget to follow the golden rule of removing all traces of makeup before you go to bed. With makeup on, your skin is not free to breathe. It clogs the skin overnight, thus leading to blemishes, blackheads, and whiteheads. Always remove your makeup with a mild oil such as olive oil with a cotton ball dipped in it. This will get you rid of dirt and makeup. It is also essential to exfoliate your skin every once or twice a week. This will remove any dead cells accumulation from the skin surface and clean the pores, thus leaving you with blemish free clear skin. A paste of walnuts with yogurt is great for exfoliating the skin natural way.

  2. Long-time sun exposure can lead to age spots, wrinkles, and other skin woes early in life. It is essential to apply a sunblock of at least SPF 15 to block UVA and UVB rays. Make sure that the sunblock is non-comedogenic and non-acnegenic. Do not skip the sunscreen if there is no visible sun. Reflective surfaces such as beach, snow or ice can harm the skin with hidden sun rays.

  3. Regular exercise is as essential as any other activity. Be it running, jogging, cycling or yoga, any form of exercise that increases the blood circulation and accelerates the cleaning process of the body is important. However, do not forget your skincare regime after or before a workout. Before heading out for exercise, apply toner to minimize oil production. Similarly, after a workout, exfoliate and apply a mild moisturizer such as shea butter or olive oil.

  4. Eat fresh and seasonal foods. Avoid heavy carb-laden and oil food such as fries, colas, or any other junk food. Remember, you are what you eat. Include a lot of fresh produce such as raw vegetables, fruits, and nuts. A diet rich in minerals, vitamins and low in fats and sugar will give you radiant skin.

  5. Sleep is an important factor that any do not consider worth remembering. Get at least 7-8 hours of sound sleep. The body needs its share of rest to rejuvenate and regenerate. Not getting ample sleep will show on your skin making it look dull, sagging and with dark circles. It is essential to apply a good moisturizing cream before you retire to bed. While you are sleeping, your body uses this moisturizer to heal and repair the skin.

  6. Hydrate yourself. 60% of our bodies are made up of water. When the water level goes down, your skin feels dull, lifeless and lacks any elasticity. Drink at least 8 glasses of water. Have fruits and vegetables high in water content such as oranges, lemons, cucumber, watermelon etc. To treat puffy eyes, use rose water all over your skin as a cotton ball dipped in it or as a spritz. It maintains the pH balance of the skin and restores its hydration.

  7. Follow a skincare regime that is as close to nature as possible. Masks and packs made up of fuller's earth, turmeric, camphor, sandalwood etc. have great benefits. Pamper yourself occasionally to a face massage or a spa. Oils such as coconut, oil, almond or even mustard impart a nourishing glow to your skin. Massage for 20 minutes and wash off.

  8. Wash your face with lukewarm water instead of hot water. Hot water tends to strip the skin of its natural oils. Choose a cleanser that contains alpha hydroxyl acid or beta hydroxyl acid. After a gentle face wash, apply a lotion containing benzoyl peroxide to combat acne. Do not touch your face frequently or pop pimples. These will leave behind scars and acne marks. Clean with rose water and place a cooled bag of green tea for 10 mins.

  9. It is always a better idea to connect to nature and to your roots. Ayurveda is known to be an Indian mantra for all diseases and health wellbeing. It has a lot of beauty secrets hidden within it. A simple breathing technique can help you get rid of toxins and give you radiant skin. When your body is in harmony with your mind and soul, you feel energized and it shows on your face.

  10. Follow healthy habits such as yoga, meditation, a brisk walk etc. Minimize stress by practicing stress management. Exercise your way to good health and radiant skin.
These simple beauty hacks will get you beautiful skin in no time.

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How To Put On Makeup: 8 Essential Tips

Are you confused about how to put on makeup? Do you struggle when trying to look your best? Well if you are having these problems perhaps you need some tips? In this article we will share 8 helpful tips so that you can look your very best each and every time.
Put On Makeup Tip #1: Cleanliness Is Vital
Before you even start to apply any makeup, it is vital to ensure that your hands are clean. Unclean hands will contaminate your face with bacteria, oil dirt or other debris. This often will lead to acne, especially in teenagers. Another benefit of having clean hands is that it will help to ensure your makeup goes on without any problems.
Put On Makeup Tip #2: Start With A Primer
After ensuring that your hands are clean, the first step is to start with what is known as a primer. Since there are so many different types of primers, it is important to select one the will enhance the natural beauty of your skin. Some types of primer can be used to tone down skin colors. While other kinds of primers can be used to treat your skin if it is dirty, oily, or prone to acne. Which ever type of primer you decide to use, it will be the first thing that you apply to your skin. Along with helping to correct minor skin problems, a good primer will also help your foundation stay on better.
Put On Makeup Tip #3: Brush Quality Counts
When applying makeup it is important that you use a good quality brush. While there are many cheap brands of makeup brushes, many do not apply makeup as well as a brush of good quality. It is also essential that you clean your makeup brushes regularly. Don't be fooled into buying some expensive cleaning solution since shampoo or a mild hand soap works just as well and is much cheaper. Signs that your brush needs cleaning is when you notice that is does not appear to be working as well as when you first bought it.
Put On Makeup Tip #4: Use Natural Light
The best type of lighting for applying makeup is natural light. The advantage of natural light is that is shows you what your makeup really looks like on your skin. Different types of lighting can distort the look of your makeup. So to attain the actual look of your makeup, make sure that you apply it under natural light so that you can see what it really looks like.
Put On Makeup Tip #5: Skin Care
It is fundamentally important to take good care of your skin. When your bare skin is looking great, so will the makeup that is being applied over the skin. Effective skin care can be as simply as ensuring that you wash it well at least twice per day, apply a moisturizer and if you are going outdoors for any length of time, always apply a good quality sunscreen. The key point here is that the better your face appears before applying makeup, the better it is going to look with the makeup on.
Put On Makeup Tip #6: Lip Balm
Prior to applying any lip stick or lip gloss it is important to prepare your lips first by using a lip balm. The purpose of the lip balm is to protect your lips from chapping or pealing. A secondary role of the lip balm is to behave like a primer for your lip stick or lip gloss and to keep it looking fresher.
Put On Makeup Tip #7: Eye Shadow Colors
When you are deciding on a color of eye shadow to use it is important to remember that you want colors that will highlight your eyes, not match your natural eye color. For example if your eyes are green, then do not select a green eye shadow, but instead go with a brown or black eye shadow color.
Put On Makeup Tip #8: Keep It Real
Many young girls and even some women make the mistake of thinking the more makeup you can apply the better you will look. In actual fact, when it comes to makeup, less is more. What this means is that putting on too much makeup may make you appear even less attractive, or to put in another way, using less makeup can give you better results than over doing it. So when in doubt, always decide on using the bare minimum amount of makeup that you need to look attractive.
By applying these simple, but effective tips on how to put on makeup you will find it much easier to get the results you want with much less effort and frustration.
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The Significance Of A Good Bridal Makeup Artist

On your wedding day for most women, a good makeup artist should be number one on their list. Really good artist of makeup will set the mood for the event as being one of the first people the guest sees, and a really really good artist has the skill to transform there clients.The brides makeup artist has to understand the wants of the bride while taking advice from others, like the brides maid of honor and mother. More often than not the bride likes one look and the mom likes another. They have to stand their ground and fulfill the wants of the bride. Sometimes the maids of honor will want their makeup done as well, but the makeup artist must remember the bride is the one getting married not the maids of honor.
A makeup artist should provide a certain look for the bridal party. Pictures are important as memories of that special day. They will be with you forever, so you want to make sure you look good in them. There are many great makeup lines out there, but a lot of them use oils that will reflect light which can ruin or distort many pictures. Makeup, like Bare escentuals, are not heavy because they are a powder. They are so natural on your skin you can sleep in it, but they are not good for weddings. Bare escentuals use a reflective mineral in their makeup.
Photographers should hook up with the makeup artist because it makes the job easier. A good artist can do the job in 40 min what it will take a photographer two hours to do in Photoshop. If the bridal party plans on looking good in the pictures, they also have a good makeup job or else, they won't be looking good in the pictures.
Always check references and do research to get the best work for your money. Any one can pick up a brush and claim to be a artist, many will charge loads of money for there work. Look for a wedding portfolio on their website or by any other means. Ask where they learned to do makeup. Just because they can do it on themselves doesn't mean they can do it for you You have to make sure they are an artist. A makeup artist is someone who is going to enhance your beauty. A person with a passion for makeup and beauty is the perfect bridal makeup artist.
For More Information about Bridal Makeup Visit: Toronto Makeup Artist

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