How to Stay Happy and Healthy During Menopause.

The process of menopause is so hectic if you are not prepared early enough. It comes with additional diseases and more complications destroying your joy if you do not put it to control. There is no illness where can be happy due to early prescription and happiness, but as for menopause you will really need some treatment before it starts. Symptoms such as moods swings need someone who is patient and can handle small children with care. Hot flashes, headaches and increase in joint pains requires someone who is fast and financially stable but you have a lot of grace to handle with them. A doctor's prescription can handle even hot flashes, moods and joint pains.
The following are ways in which you can stay happy and healthy during menopause
  • Early treatment
Let your personal doctor know of anybody changes for him to give you advice on how to sail easily during menopause. The doctor will administer proper medication that will fight off any other form of menopause symptoms. Early treatment is an advantage since it also helps you cut down excess costs incurred treating so many menopause symptoms.
  • Proper diet
It involves balanced diets which improve body immunity and fight any illness coming on the way. Human body does not operate without food hence require to be full always prevent hunger. 'A hungry man is an angry man'' bringing in the issue of mood swings due to hunger hence maintain a full stomach and enhance a happy mood. Let the diet have menopause supplements as an addition which will help in improving appetite and slowing down symptoms such as hot flashes.
  • Exercise
It helps to reduce anxiety ensuring proper blood circulation and a fresh mind. You can deal with mood changes especially by maintaining happy mood. In combination with some of the best menopause supplements exercise will improve your body immunity. No symptom will let you down since your white blood cells are strong enough to safeguard your body from any disease attack. You will be able to shed any excess weight that comes along as a symptom of menopause triggering joint pain. Due to old age you can complain that exercise is vigorous but there are those that can suit you well such as jogging, walking, biking and swimming. They help you from having physical signs of old age such as wrinkles and frequent joint pains due to arthritis.
  • Limit caffeine
It is very addictive components that increase menopause signs as you continue taking it. It makes insomnia a difficult problem to deal with once consumed at night. Let fresh juice replaces these teas and coffee to give body enough time to relax and sleep. Menopause supplements fight insomnia instantly allowing you to sleep as much as you can with a peaceful mind. This is because you are deemed to have less menopause symptoms in presence the menopause supplements.
  • Limit alcohol and smoking
The human body responds so negative health wise once you come into contact with alcohol and smoking. Avoid them and add menopause supplements during menopause and you will guarantee peaceful menopause process. To be able to avoid alcohol and smoking you need determination and discipline, whereby you have to keep off from your friends wisely and replace your free time with another constructive activity.
  • Treat stress and depression
Visit your doctor and let stress/ depression treated properly. Follow you doctor's advice and take the drugs as prescribed. You will be guaranteed a fresh mind without any life issue left out unsolved. Menopause supplements have the ability to reduce the level of stress and depression in a human body.
  • Have enough sleep
Sleep helps to relax the brain and the whole body in general. You are guaranteed good health once you take enough sleep. Also, there are the menopause supplements which can silence most of the menopause symptoms making the body to be less tired once you get to sleeping mode.
Love your body more than your hobby, enabling you to have enough time based on good health. Peace of mind is generated from a sound and satisfied body. Aging is a process involving specific process that has to happen such as menopause. It comes along with complications such as joint pain. Diabetes, arthritis, blood pressure, mood swings, low immunity poor daily routine performance among many others. It will be difficult for you to maintain a happy mood during menopause without medication of a kind. Notify your doctor once you notice that menopause has begun, let him / her study the symptoms and decide on how to treat them. Follow the doctor's prescriptions to the latter and you will be able to have an easy time.

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5 Signs of Early Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause is a transitional period during a woman's life and there are about 34 or more symptoms of menopause which can be experienced and observed by a woman. The list of these symptoms and their intensity varies from woman to woman but often the symptoms which are reported by women remain the same.
A woman cannot experience all the symptoms of menopause and a woman may report different frequency and intensity of these symptoms. The frequency and intensity might vary even for the same woman.
The following are the commonly reported first five symptoms experienced by most of the women. They are:
Irregular Periods
Decrease in Sex Drive
Hot Flashes
Night Sweats
Vaginal Dryness
Night sweats are basically hot flashes if it occurs at night
Physiological Symptoms
There are many menopausal symptoms which are physiological. It includes weight gain, loss of hair, thinning of hair, change in body odor and dizziness. Women might also develop allergies or existing allergies might also get worse. Many a times a change in fingernails is also noticed and often they become more brittle. Some women also complain of leaking their urine during coughing and laughing.
Other symptoms which are physiological in nature include headaches or migraines, breast tenderness, problems with indigestion, muscle tension, dizziness and joint aches. The heart may also race at times. Gum related problems and a burning sensation in the tongue are also commonly reported. Many menopausal women also report experiences of a crashing fatigue. Osteoporosis might also develop during post-menopausal period.
Some women notice an itching and crawling on their skin. Some often report a tingling sensation on their skin as well as extremities. Complains of a feeling of shock beneath the skin is also not uncommon.
Mental and Emotional Symptoms
Women might also be affected mentally and emotionally due to menopausal symptoms. Some might experience fluctuations in moods, increased anger or irritability, and unexpected crying spells. Women have reported that they feel unusually anxious at this time. Some have even reported feeling of dread or panic attacks. Difficulties in memorizing, concentration and sleep are also not unusual. Some women might also go into depression during menopause.
It might also happen that existing conditions before menopause may become worse during menopause.
The symptoms of menopause may look like a very lengthy and daunting list but one should remember that experiences of might differ from woman to woman. A woman may not necessarily experience the same symptoms as experienced by other women during menopause.
You should consult with your physician if you have any concerns or questions about menopausal symptoms. It is always a good idea to develop a plan of action when you are going through or approaching menopause.

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Symptoms Of Menopause - How Can You Tell?

So, you think you might be showing symptoms of menopause?
How can you be 100% sure? This article will go through some of the tell-tale signs to help you better understand it and work towards feeling better about yourself.
Common Menopausal Symptoms
Believe it or not, sometimes women can demonstrate all the early signs and signals. This is quite common in ladies who are under 40 years of age. But, if you ask any healthy 20 year old female if she is in her pre-menopause stage, most will deny it. The misconception out there is that only women in their 40s can be at risk. This simply is not true.
Anyone at any age can begin to show these signs. What can you expect? Often, mood swings are an early sign that something isn't right. However, the evidence here is inconclusive. In other words, it can be common for anyone to be on an emotional roller coaster ride. This is part of everyday life.
Do changes in your mood indicate that you may have a hormonal imbalance or estrogen level issue? Once again, this is not always the case. Quite often, a lack of sleep or hypotension can cause relates issues that are not directly caused by anything remotely menopausal related.
Are You Premenopausal?
Have you gained an excessive amount of weight recently? This could mimic the triggers associated with premenopause. For example, some females who are overweight have infrequent menstrual symptoms and bleeding patterns that are irregular. Before jumping to conclusions, if you notice any of the conditions mentioned above, you should consult your health practitioner.
What About Relief, A Treatment, Or Cure?
As you have probably noticed, a ton of remedies have flooded the market recently. With the Baby Boomers in their 50s and 60s, it's no surprise that smart companies are trying to offer products that best suit their needs. As a result, everything from pills to magic sprays have hit the market offering instant relief.
Do they work? Unfortunately, these products are designed to help mask the problem, but there is no cure. As an aging female, you must be in touch with your body. Embrace change and rejoice as you transition through this new stage in your life.
If you are able bodied, happy and full of energy, the inconvenience of wild moods and night sweats are really insignificant compared to other health ailments that many of us experience while reaching the age of retirement.
Don't get yourself down if you experience the triggers often associated with "the big M". After all, like many things in life, this too will pass. Unlike serious health issues, this is not something that will last for years or cause you to be uncomfortable for the rest of your life.
And at the end of it all, if you can say goodbye to your menstrual cycle and hello to your newfound freedom, this alone is a good reason to celebrate!
To get more facts, tips, and read dozens of articles, visit our website now: symptoms of menopause []

How Can You Become Infertile? 4 Signs of Infertility in Women

What is Infertility and How Can You Become Infertile?
Infertility is merely considered as the inability to get pregnant or conceive after several months of continuous and repeated sexual intercourse without using any birth control. It's a reproductive system condition in which it impairs the body's ability for reproduction. Infertility impacts about 12 percent of people of childbearing age ( The Ohio State University ).
Most of the afflicted of the disease are women. However, as outlined by Centers for Disease Control, one-third of the case is because of male infertility. Another one-third is from the female and the rest is due to a mixture of conditions.
How Can You Become Infertile?
You become infertile if you are suffering from the lists below:
1. Ovulatory Problem - the failure to ovulate
2. Hormonal Disturbance - your ovary releases immature eggs
3. Polycystic Ovaries - contributes to ovulatory disorder
4. Fallopian Tube Obstruction - harmful bacteria or viral strain infections may stretch to other reproductive organs that can lead to infertility.
5. Drug Use or Abuse - smoking cigarettes, alcohol consumption and taking drugs that is destructive for the body can reduce the likelihood of conceiving.
6. Creation of Antisperm Antibodies - problem in the autoimmune system puts a stop to sperm from fertilizing the female eggs.
What are the Signs that Indicates Infertility?
Most people go through life without any clear signs of infertility. However, the indicator signs in women who has reproductive disease is much more simpler to identify.
Here are Some Signs of Infertility in Women:
1. Obesity - or too much weight is a notable indicator of hormonal imbalance inside the body, which can have an effect on the reproductive system. Hence, getting pregnant is unattainable.
2. Irregular Menstruation Cycle - can also be premenstrual spotting and or menopausal symptoms. This could be a common pattern for other women, except for some this is usually a sign of infertility issue.
3. Tumor in the cervix - or shortening of the cervix might cause fertility difficulties.
4. Fibroid - a non cancerous uterine growth that can undermine fertility.
Most of the factors outlined above can tremendously influence the reproductive gland. However, in many instances, failure to get pregnant may only due to unsuitable diet, unnecessary emotional stress, environmental factors such as exposure to harmful doses of pesticide sprays or insecticides.
There are numerous medical solutions to determine signs of infertility in women. Professional medical experts generally asked for series of test to make an appropriate diagnosis.
Infertility is a problem which could be resolved using a multi-dimensional way of treatment. Getting regular health check ups, taking supplements, regular exercise and stress reduction methods are simply just a portion of the holistic solution to infertility. The holistic method is not merely a reliable technique to boost your odds of conceiving it also ensures a safe and healthy pregnancy.
The information above is inspired by the book, Pregnancy Miracle by Lisa Olson. Lisa is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who created the ultimate solution to infertility.
Yes, you can be treated. Yes, it is possible. And yes, you can get pregnant quickly and have a healthy kids of your own.
No drugs, no medications and no surgical procedures.
Stop the pain of not having your own healthy child. Learn the shocking truth by visiting

What Causes Infertility in Women?

Planning a family is a huge step for any couple. There are a number of factors that have to be considered before taking the big leap. One factor to keep in mind is that 10 percent of couples in the United States have problems when they are trying to conceive. 30 percent of cases, where couples have had difficulty conceiving, lie with problems with the women, while a further 30 per cent is due to factors or problems in the male partner. The left over 40 per cent is scattered between unexplained issues and problems between both the male and the female in the equation. Problems that can arise in female reproduction are:
• Ovulation problems
• Endometriosis
• Poor egg quality
• Blocked fallopian tubes
• Polycystic ovarian syndrome
• Unexplained fertility problems
• Sperm allergy
• Combination fertility problems
Ovulation Problems
The main issue that arises, which makes up about 25 per cent of cases of infertile women, is a problem with ovulation. Ovulation issues mainly come down to hormone production and include:
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS affects changes in the ovaries, pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, whereby the female body produces too much male hormone, directly affecting regular ovulation.
Abnormal FSH and LH secretion
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Luteinizing Hormone) are the two hormones that bring about your regular monthly period. Abnormalities in these hormones can be brought on by the patient being overweight or underweight, having gained too much weight too quickly or having lost too much weight too quickly and by being under constant immense stress (physical or emotional stress)
Premature ovarian failure
Premature ovarian failure is brought on by an autoimmune response whereby the body actively attacks the ovarian tissue. The mistaken attacks may lead to complete loss of the ovaries and the decreased production of estrogen.
Luteal phase defect
Luteal phase defect is brought on when the ovaries do not produce enough progesterone. Progesterone is vital in the preparation of the uterine wall lining of a fertilized egg.
Blocked or Damaged Fallopian Tubes
A blocked fallopian tube is caused by inflammation that is caused by either gonorrhea or chlamydia, where damaged tubes are caused by a previous ectopic pregnancy or previous failed pregnancy or surgery.
Blockage of the Cervix or Cervical Narrowing
Cervical Stenosis is caused by damage to the cervix, or an inherited malformation passed down from generation to generation, and results in the cervix's failure to produce good quality mucus for sperm transportation and proper fertilization.
Problems in the Uterus
Tumors or polyps in the uterus may lead to either the disruption of implantation or the blockage of the fallopian tubes. This problem is common is women in their thirties.
Endometrioses is caused by the abnormal growth of tissues that should occur in the uterus. These tissues are known to dislodge and implant in other locations, which causes weakness in fertilization.
While these are the main causes for infertility in women, there are some cases where a cause is never found until the couple actually finds that they cannot conceive. In any case, it is vital to speak to your health care professional about these problems and get tested for them in the early stages of your family planning.
To read encouraging stories about women overcoming infertility quickly, naturally and safely, visit: [].

What Are The Causes Of Infertility In Both Men And Women

When you're hoping for a positive result on a home pregnancy test, it can be a difficult moment to receive a negative result. With television shows that highlight the lives of teens who became pregnant so easily without even trying and magazine covers highlighting the newest pregnancy for a mother who already has a dozen or more children, you might think getting pregnant is much easier than it actually is. While your negative pregnancy test might be nothing more than a sign you didn't plan your intercourse accordingly this month, it may be an indication that either you or your partner may be suffering from different causes of infertility.
Here are some causes of infertility in both men and women:
Male Infertility
Many people assume that infertility is a female problem. They might immediately wonder if the woman in the one to blame with a couple is not having any luck becoming pregnant. Traditionally, doctors believe that younger couples who have been trying for a year or more to get pregnant without any luck are infertile. For couples older than 35, doctors begin to strongly consider infertility after six months of trying to conceive with no luck. Still, most people believe that it's the woman's health problems causing infertility.
This is simply not true. In fact, approximately half of infertility problems in the U.S. are caused by the male partner in the relationship. Male infertility is caused by a number of factors. Essentially, men must be able to produce healthy sperm, enough sperm, and correctly shaped sperm to impregnate a woman. If he cannot do one or more of those things, he likely suffers from infertility. Health issues are the leading causes of infertility in men. Men who suffer from infection, varicocele, take certain medications, or have a hormone imbalance may suffer from infertility as these are all medical causes of the problem. Additionally, environmental factors can affect male fertility. Exposure to heavy metals, X-rays, radiation, chemicals, and the overexposure to heat can cause male infertility.
Men's lifestyle choices can also cause infertility. Drug and alcohol use, smoking, weight, stress, and even too much bicycling can cause males to suffer from fertility issues. Men who do suffer from infertility might not recognize any signs or symptoms right away. Aside from his partner's inability to become pregnant, other signs of male infertility include ejaculation issues, pain or swelling in the testicles, low sperm count, and a sudden inability to grow hair on the face or body are all signs or causes of infertility in men. However, a sign such as low sperm count is not one that a man will notice without medical assistance, which is one of the main reasons why men often do not realize that they might be the reason behind a woman's inability to get pregnant.
Female Infertility
Since the invention of IVF and other fertility treatments, women who suffer from infertility issues have more options than ever before when it comes to starting a family. Infertility on the part of a woman no longer has to mean that she cannot have a child of her own, even if she cannot carry that child. In order for you to become pregnant, you need to ovulate, have sex, and receive sperm to fertilize your eggs. Ovulation occurs when your body releases an egg into your fallopian tubes. When it is fertilized, it moves into your uterus and you become pregnant.
The causes of infertility can vary. Most commonly, women who are infertile suffer from ovulation disorders, damaged fallopian tubes, cervical blockage, and a number of other health issues that can lead to infertility. Women who are not fertile often do not realize they cannot conceive a child until they fail to become pregnant after trying repeatedly. Furthermore, some women who suffer from infertility have no medical explanation for their inability to conceive and will never know why they could not have a baby.
Much like male fertility issues, it's not until a woman repeatedly fails to become pregnant that she begins to consider she might have issues with infertility. Since it is not something you can see or that you even feel, it might take a while to find out that infertility is something you have to live with. While some women may now they are infertile after struggles with cancer, a specific surgery, or another condition, most simply do not know until they see their doctor regarding the inability to conceive.
The only other sign that a woman might suffer from infertility is her menstrual cycle. The typical menstrual cycle lasts 28 days from the first day of your period until the first day of your next period. However, it is not uncommon for many women to have a shorter or longer cycle. This does not indicate female infertility, but women whose cycles are shorter than three weeks or longer than five weeks could suffer from infertility. This is a sign that you should consult with your doctor for further testing.
Treating infertility issues in both men and women is possible with the help of a medical professional. While not all infertility issues are curable or even treatable, many couples who face infertility are able to go on and conceive a child of their own after one of the many forms of fertility treatment available today. For those who cannot conceive even after fertility treatments, other options are available.
For more information, please visit:

Natural Treatment of Fibroids in the Uterus

Natural treatment of fibroids in the uterus is an alternative to the conventional treatments which are available, such as surgery and drug therapy. Conventional treatment tends to focus of symptomatic relief and as it cannot address the root causes, this means that fibroids are likely to regrow-even following surgery.
The "positive" about fibroids (if there ever can be one!) is that they are rarely dangerous and providing you have received a diagnosis from your doctor that your fibroids are not harmful, then you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying out a natural treatment for your fibroids.
Fibroids grow over a period of time due to a combination of primary and secondary factors. They do not happen overnight and you cannot expect them to shrink overnight either. Successful treatment not only takes time, but effort too, and you need to decide if you have the motivation to see it through. You will need to take steps to eliminate each and every potential cause, as it is impossible to determine the factors in each individual.
For this to work, natural treatment of fibroids in the uterus requires you to make a number of significant lifestyle and dietary changes, as well as carrying out cleansing and detox protocols in a strict order. In many respects, only you will know how important it is for you to be free of your fibroids and how far you are prepared to go to eliminate them. If you are the type of woman who expects to take a pill and be cured, then this type of system is probably not for you. However, if you enjoy taking charge of you own healing, following a plan and are prepared to work at it for possibly weeks before you see significant changes, then you will probably enjoy using natural treatment.
The protocols you can follow are beneficial for good, overall health so not only will you be treating your fibroids in the uterus, but many women find that they are in better shape and overall health than before.
If you would like further information on my recommended treatment please visit my website, Shrink Fibroids Naturally.
Written by a nutritionalist, health writer and former fibroids sufferer herself, the system I recommend is groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will finally feel that you have found a natural treatment for fibroids in the uterus that can really work.
Fibroids Miracle [] also comes with 3 months free one-to-one counseling from an expert, to give you the best possible chance of success.

Getting Pregnant - The Three of You Together

You may not find any of my suggestions on how to get pregnant in any medical texts. These are my opinions and observations based on experiences in my healing ministry over the past few decades, my metaphysical and spiritual research... and some are based on common sense.
There are three distinct phases to your journey in growing a family:
Phase 1. getting pregnant,
Phase 2. being pregnant, and
Phase 3. rearing the child.
Phase 3 takes years. Phase 2 takes months. Phase 1 takes minutes. Doing each part together, man and woman united in purpose, lessens the burdens and increases the joys for you both, for your child, and for the human family. For right now, let's focus on Phase 1: how to get pregnant, consciously and care-fully.
First, let's consider what is needed in Phase 1, how to grow a baby:
Part I: an egg
Part II: a sperm
Part III: the blessing of Life itself
Part III: The blessing of Life itself
We're not starting out of order. We're starting with the single most important thing for you both to realize and pay attention to. If you really get this section, you will understand why you absolutely need to do Parts I and II and how it helps you get pregnant... especially if 'it' hasn't been working for you.
This information may be new to some of you. It comes to me through my spiritual/metaphysical studies, which include the bible, the Edgar Cayce readings, and the Human Design material.
The Human Design System is channeled material about understanding our life on earth in a physical body. Regarding conception, it suggests that the egg opens itself to that sperm which "has the goods."
You may have seen videos of an ovum surrounded by sperms beating on the outside to get in. Microscopic examination shows us that at some point the egg itself opens to allow in a chosen sperm, the lucky one.
Human Design suggests that the chosen sperm has actually received an energetic impulse from the earth's life force, giving it that extra oomph or spark that sets it apart from all the other ones knocking on the door. So this system suggests that the blessing of Life itself comes from deep within the spirit of Gaia, the earth.
Compare this to the channeled information in the Edgar Cayce readings, which suggests that, while menstruation is a law of nature, conception is a law of God. It's not just a physiological union of sperm and egg. Something more is happening. Something miraculous.
Both of these sources refer to conception as an energetically enhanced dynamic, that is, a force or power or energy greater than ourselves with control over conception.
Doesn't this help us understand the uphill challenge of in vitro fertilization? A random sperm without that spark, forcibly injected into an egg, doesn't have a chance. It hasn't been "blessed," if you will, by a force or power greater than the physical components.
So now you decide - which one feels better to you? Whether you resonate to "the spirit of Life," "the blessing from the earth," or "a law of God," clearly we have to recognize that something extra is going on when the egg accepts a particular sperm, something quite beyond one sperm beating the door down before the other ones can get in.
My suggestion for you would be that you spiritualize your thoughts about having a baby. You are, of course, growing your own family, continuing your own ancestral lineage; at the same time you are contributing to the human family and taking your places on the Great Wheel of Life, as the Native Americans would say.
That's why I've placed this section on 'the blessing of Life itself' first: to let you know how special - holy, if you will - this attempt for you to get pregnant really is. It's more than you two, more than a woman and a man. It's co-creating on a very high level. And I wish more than anything that you take this to heart and appreciate what a blessing making a new life really is. It's both of you, plus Something Else, call it what you will. "Miracle" would be appropriate.
Now, however you two choose to pray/worship/meditate/harmonize your hearts and minds, I feel you can maximize your chances of successful conception by linking to the heart and mind of Life/God/Allah/Buddha/Spirit/Love/the Force. Choose to live on a higher level, a more spiritual or enlightened level from now on.
This is the key to how to get pregnant - raising your own vibrations to attract that special Life spark for conception. Practice this together while you are doing the suggestions in Part I for the woman and Part II for the man.
Part I: The egg or ovum, the woman's contribution to conception
It makes sense that the egg - and the environment in which it will thrive as a fetus - needs to be healthy for you to get pregnant and to be pregnant. For the next few months in preparation for getting pregnant, you might want to consider adjusting your food intake to more
--organically grown, raw foods, when possible
--a good mineral/vitamin supplement,
--digestive enzymes to maximize nutritional intake and
--sufficient hydration (aka, water) to keep tissues healthy and wastes flushed out.
Also avoiding or limiting the damaging elements in the diet - like processed foods, fast foods, alcohol, drugs, caffeine, and high-fructose corn syrup - strengthens and enlivens your reproductive system and your whole body.
Speaking of strength, you'll feel a lot better while pregnant if you go into it feeling stronger. Consider a combination of daily movements - like walking, swimming, yoga, light weights - to put your body into an even better shape than it already is.
Let's also consider the amount of chemical toxins we already have consumed from much of our processed foods, in our water, and in our environment. Because of the accumulation of stresses and toxins already in our systems, it may be a good idea to give yourself a series of abdominal castor oil packs to cleanse the tummy tissues and purify the new baby's first home environment - your belly. You might also want to check out some colon cleansing programs to help this along.
You can find a really excellent source for castor oil packs and an intestinal cleansing powder at Get two, one for each of you. A pack is good for all ten sessions, which will give you great cleansing results.
Doing a series of 10 packs over five (5) weeks, doing two packs a week, will improve your reproductive system's health, as well as your eliminations and immune system function.
Packs take less than an hour. They're a bit on the messy side but so is pregnancy and so is birth and so is rearing a child and living a life. So just do it.
And do the packs together with your mate, prayerfully, with intention... just like life is supposed to be lived.
Taking all these steps, consciously, can raise your vibrational levels and increase the physical vitality of your reproductive system and your entire body. I encourage you to take a couple of self-nurturing months to prepare and 'fertilize' your inner garden for growing a healthy, new beautiful baby.
Part II: The sperm, the man's contribution to conception
The same healthful guidelines will be helpful for increasing your vitality levels, too, men, as well as doing the series of castor oil packs - and why not do them together with your mate? How precious it would be for the two of you to be taking all the steps to consciously co-create a new life!
Also for you, ease up on tight pants and underwear. Try wearing boxer shorts or underwear with legs for the months you are preparing to get pregnant. Give your blood circulation the freedom to move through your reproductive cells and deliver that life-giving nutrition and cleansing where it's most needed.
Phase 3 Getting Pregnant only takes minutes and Phase 2 Being Pregnant takes months. So isn't it worth a little preparation now for you both to be really ready and healthy? We are, after all, talking about a miracle.
Do whatever you can to elevate your own energy to attract that special blessing of Life's impulse. Take a few months of cleansing, good diet, raising your vibrations. And when you decide that you're ready to try to get pregnant, then try this simple suggestion:
Timing and Position
Of course you will be wanting to know what is the peak time for ovulation, whether by checking a calendar, taking your temperature, or just sensing when the body is ready.
Before sexual union, place a pillow under the woman's hips. This elevation while lying on her back helps gravity to allow more sperms get up to the cervix and into the uterus than most other positions.
The purpose now is to fill the vagina with sperms first, with the man's orgasm, and after that, create the woman's orgasm. This way, most of the available sperms can be sucked up into the uterus as it spasms.
For the man, it's best for him to rotate his hips in a circular motion. Moving in and out causes the penis to relax fairly soon after orgasm and this is not what you want. You want to be able to have the man's orgasm first, but still be able to create the woman's orgasm later, to pull the sperms up into the uterus. Circular rotation will allow you to have the orgasm without losing much of the erection. (If the erection does not last long enough for the woman's orgasm to happen, you know other ways to give her what she needs. Hopefully.)
For a while afterwards, the woman should stay with the pillow under her hips while the sperms travel up into the uterus. At this time, you two can relax together in peace and love, praying that you've received "the goods" enough get pregnant. Talk about this together. Visualize it happening. Look forward with joy and excitement to Phase 2: Being Pregnant.
One last thing... if the timing of ovulation is right, conception can occur in the fallopian tubes. Then the newly formed zygote takes about five days to travel into the uterus and attach to the walls for the next phase of development. So for the woman, it's probably best not to do much kick-boxing or BMX or high diving in the next week, right?
May Life bless you both, now and always.
It is my deepest wish that the information in this article does inspire you and your mate to have a successful pregnancy, a beautiful baby, and a glorious life. Vaya con Dios.

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How To Shrink Fibroids In The Uterus Naturally

Fibroids are an extremely common problem for women of reproductive age. Indeed, I say, "problem" but most women will never really be aware of their presence. For a small minority of women, fibroids can cause terrible problems which affect their day to day lives and sadly, conventional treatments do little other than mask the symptoms.
However, if you would like to know how to shrink fibroids in the uterus naturally, there are a number of steps you can take which can make a real difference and bring about an actual reduction in their size, rather than simply giving you a little temporary relief.
Before you immediately think how good this sounds, there is a downside. Although not difficult, natural treatment does require a degree of self-motivation and tenacity. It will require you to make a number of lifestyle and dietary changes which some women simply cannot maintain for long enough to see a real difference. In some respects, I guess it depends how much you "want" this to happen. If your fibroids are not too bad and your symptoms are manageable, then the decision to follow a stringent diet and change matters is perhaps not such an easy decision as it is for someone whose fibroids are, quite frankly, making their lives a misery!
To shrink fibroids in the uterus naturally, the key is to follow a multifaceted set of protocols. It is by eliminating each and every possible cause of fibroids that the best results will be seen. The recommended protocols include:-
* Dietary modification and optimizing digestion
* Enhancing immunity
* Fibroid supplementation
* Colon/liver cleanse
* Elimination of environmental toxins
Whilst you are carrying out these steps, it is also essential that you take steps to manage and control stress, take the right kinds of exercise, ensure you get enough sleep and lastly, the proper kind of ongoing symptomatic relief. When looking at how to shrink fibroids in the uterus naturally, another important element which can make the difference between success and failure is support. It can really help if you can contact someone who has gone through the process themselves who can help motivate you at times when you are finding it difficult.
If you would like further information on my recommended natural treatment for fibroids, please visit my website, Shrink Fibroids Naturally.
Fibroids Miracle is written by a nutritionalist who is a former fibroid sufferer and comes with 3 months free one-to-one expert counseling, to teach you exactly how to shrink fibroids in the uterus naturally.

Infertility: How To Cope

Finding out that you may have infertility issues is a hard cross to bear. You may feel despondent or alone and it could be difficult to speak about it. If you know that there may be a problem with your fertility, then you most likely have a partner who is aware of it. This means that you don't have to face it alone. So how do you cope?
It's not easy and the first thing to do is to be calm. If your partner is with you when you found out, then don't say anything when you leave the doctor's office. At this point you first need to deal with the reality of the situation and it is best not to say much because you could speak negativity into your situation. Allow your partner to console you and just be there for you. Take the time to be together and enjoy the fellowship that the two of you have.
Once you're ready to speak about it, then you can go for counselling to assist you with your circumstances. You can attend specialised counselling groups that focus only on infertility in couples. They are there to assist you and to show you that you are not alone in this battle.
Take on a healthy lifestyle that avoids smoking and alcohol. Find a hobby that involves physical exercise to alleviate the stress of your situation and allow you to break away from your situation. A healthy lifestyle will clear your mind of unnecessary clutter; it can reduce your stress, thus leading to a healthy mind and body. A healthy lifestyle and reduced stressed levels could lead to fertility treatments being more successful and your chances of becoming pregnant a bit better.
You can also go to a fertility doctor who will give you the various options available in terms of fertility treatments. Many people with infertility issues find that there are solutions to their situation, albeit abstract sometimes. Fertility treatments include Ovulation Induction, IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation), ICSI (Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection), IUI (Intra Uterine Inseminisation), and Blastocyst Culture. Depending on your diagnosis, there may be a solution for you.
If these treatments are not options for you, there are other avenues that you could consider such as surrogacy or adoption. Finding out that you, or your partner, are infertile does not have to mean the end of the road for your dreams of parenthood.
BioART Fertility Centre offers a unique experience in fertility treatment. We have a long history of state of the ART fertility care delivered with a personal touch. Each and every patient is treated as a unique couple with individual problems and needs. We combine a dignified and compassionate approach with state-of-the-art, advanced reproductive technologies.

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2 Potent Herbs Used in Natural Fibroid Treatment

Natural fibroid treatment methods aim to eliminate the root cause of the tumors making it impossible for the fibroids to grow or survive. As compared to this conventional methods of fibroid cure merely provide symptomatic relief. Since the root cause of the tumors is not addressed normally fibroids reappear after the treatment is discontinued.
Nature cure makes use of a number of strategies like diet changes, liver detox, herbs and supplements for strengthening the natural immune system of our body, exercise, stress reducing practices like meditation and visualization. Combined with other forms of alternative treatment like acupuncture, nature cure is one of the best ways to get rid of fibroids and make them shrink naturally.
Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors which develop in the muscle layer of the womb. Many women the world over have been successful in shrinking their fibroids with the help of natural fibroid treatment methods. Use of herbs is an integral part of nature cure for fibroids.
One of the known, probable cause of fibroid tumors is excess estrogen in the body. Herbs which are known to restore the normal hormonal balance therefore work very well for fibroid cure. Following are two herbal remedies for fibroid treatment which are popularly used by naturopaths.
Agnus Castus
Agnus Castus, also known and Chaste Tree is very effective in restoring the normal hormonal balance of the body by reducing estrogen levels and at the same time increasing progesterone. It has potent anti inflammatory effect which is useful to shrink fibroids naturally.
Red Clover
Red Clover is another blood purifying herbal cure which helps in eliminating the excess estrogen in the system through liver detoxification. It is rich in phytoestrogen which helps balance the body's natural estrogen levels and regulate the menstrual cycle. Two phytoestrogens daidzein and genistein present in this herb have anti-tumor properties. Red Clover has antispasmodic and sedative qualities which also calms the womb and relieves pain and discomfort caused by the fibroid tumors.
Herbal fibroid treatment works best in combination with healthy diet and reducing exposure to environmental estrogens. In case you decide to give natural fibroid treatment a try it is best to consult a qualified herbalist who will prescribe the exact herbs required to alleviate your fibroid symptoms and make the fibroids shrink naturally.
Do you want to get rid of Uterine Fibroids permanently? There is a proven fibroids treatment that will produce results in the next few weeks.This may seem impossible, but is 100% true. If you are serious about getting rid of this problem, discover the excellent insider secrets by clicking - Uterine Finroid Treatment

Fibroid Alternative Treatment

Fibroids are normally harmless tumors which grow on the inside or outside of the uterus. Only in very rare cases will one grow rapidly and become cancerous. If treatments for fibroids are required, these are normally surgery or drugs. As many women prefer not to use these methods for treating fibroids, many will look at their options. There is a fibroid alternative treatment which many women have used very successfully to completely cure the symptoms and this is worthy of consideration if fibroids are causing you problems.
A large proportion of women will have fibroids but most will never know it as they do not cause any problems. They are more common in Afro Caribbean women and in women who are overweight. Whether you have symptoms or not will depend largely on the size and location of the fibroids.
The problems which can be caused by fibroids include bloating, menstrual and fertility problems and bladder and bowel problems. As fibroids in themselves are very rarely life threatening, doctors are often reluctant to recommend surgery or medical intervention in all but the most serious of cases. Indeed women themselves are generally unwilling to undergo unnecessary surgery because of the inherent risks. However, many women become extremely frustrated by the symptoms and are desperate for a solution.
Although not the only cause of fibroids, one excellent fibroid alternative treatment is the diet, as this has an impact on estrogen levels, pesticides and environmental toxins-three key areas as far as fibroids are concerned. Eating less fat is always beneficial but is particularly so where fibroids are concerned, as estrogen is both stored in and manufactured by fat cells. Avoiding processed foods which contain additives is also recommended as these can be stored in the liver, fueling fibroid growth. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables which are organic can also be helpful as they help restore the body's equilibrium. Including foods which are known for their healing qualities, such as garlic, onions, dark green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli and kale will help.
Estrogen levels can be reduced
Given the choice, most women will opt for a fibroid alternative treatment providing that there is a good chance of success. This is one of the few conditions where delaying surgical treatment will normally not cause any problems and it is well worth trying a natural treatment before going ahead. (Having said this, it is always worth confirming with your doctor that not having surgery immediately would not cause a problem in your particular case). It is also worth noting that with all medical/surgical procedures (with the exception of hysterectomy) there is a high likelihood of the fibroids returning.
The fibroid alternative treatment which I recommend works extremely successfully in getting rid of the symptoms of fibroids. In addition, the fibroids rarely grow back as you will learn exactly what to do to prevent this happening. It comes with a full money back guarantee-you get a full 60 days to try out the treatment. This demonstrates how confident the author is that this will work.
You can get more useful information about treating fibroids and see details of the cure below.
Please visit Shrink fibroids for details.

Infertility: The Role of the Immune System

Your immune system can play a role in fertility. You could have an immune system that is quite hostile and attacks anything it might deem as foreign. Although it is supposed to guard our bodies, it can turn against us at the most untimely intervals.
The immune system is designed to take care of your body. Your Lymphatic system's job is to attack any foreign bodies such as viruses or bacteria. It has a multi-layer defence that fights invading microbes and foreign intruders. It can distinguish between normal cells and alien cells. It can trigger an inflammatory response and it can retain the memory of a foreign body and repel it again when it returns. The immune system can break down though, and this can leave us vulnerable to infection. Alternatively, it could turn against our own healthy tissue. This is evident in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.
The dysfunction of the defensive system of the body could result in infertility when it interferes with the normal reproductive process. An immune factor could be involved in about 20% of couples who have otherwise unexplained infertility. Although many of these associations with infertility are still unproven, there is evidence that the formation of antibodies against sperm is an important infertility factor.
In rare cases, the immune system might attack anything that does not occur in the body normally. A male's immune system could create antibodies for his own sperm. In this case, the sperm is mistaken for an invading pathogen so they are actively sought to be destroyed. This obviously has an effect on fertility. In some instances the anti-sperm antibodies could prevent the sperm from properly travelling through the woman's cervical mucus. This could impair the sperm from fusing to the egg. Plus it could inhibit the sperm's ability to penetrate the egg. Although this is rare, it is important to note that some men are more at risk of developing antibodies. This could happen after a vasectomy reversal or if surgery has taken place on the male genitals but it could also be related to previous infections or surgery.
The immune system has a big role to play in our lives and we don't expect it to inhibit our chances of becoming pregnant, however this could be a possibility. Go to a fertility clinic to find out if your immune system is hindering your fertility and what the options available to you are.
BioART Fertility Centre offers a unique experience in fertility treatment. We have a long history of state of the ART fertility care delivered with a personal touch. Each and every patient is treated as a unique couple with individual problems and needs. We combine a dignified and compassionate approach with state-of-the-art, advanced reproductive technologies.
Contact Us: +27 11 484 5119

Uterus Cancer: How Dangerous is It?

Endometrial cancer is the most common type of uterus cancer. It is so termed as the cancerous cells abnormally develop in the endometrium lining. It is also known as the cancer of the uterus or uterine cancer.
To understand cancer, we must first know that this ailment begins in the human cells. The cells are the primary unit of life. Cells combine to form tissues. Tissues come together to form organs. Cancers are malignant tumors. Tumors are masses of extra tissues. Tumors are formed when unnecessary extra cells are formed in our body. Actually new cells (the basic unit of our life) are born as per the body requirement and after the old ones die. But the malignant or cancerous cells keep on forming and constitute tumors or growths. They also spread abnormally fast. Tumors can also be non-cancerous or benign.
Uterus cancer can spread (metastasize), to the surrounding nearby blood vessels or nerves. And, from one lymph node, uterus cancer can affect other lymph nodes. Even the bones, liver, and lungs can be affected. Doctors give the newly spread tumor the same name as the mother tumor has as their characteristics remain identical.
There is still no unanimity among the medical specialists as to the exact causes of uterus cancer or uterine cancer. Nonetheless, there is agreement among them that uterus cancer cannot spread from one person to another. In other words, uterus cancer is not contagious. Mentionably, though uterus cancer generally happens after menopause, yet it can take place as menopause starts.
There are different types of uterus cancer. You would be surprised to know that cancerous cells of the uterus at times spread to the lungs. This is not lung cancer but uterine cancer that has metastasized (spread). This 'distant' ailment is treated as uterus cancer. Another typical form of uterus cancer is uterine sarcoma. It develops in the myometrium (muscle). There is another uterine cancer that starts in the cervix region.
The most common symptom of uterus cancer is profuse bleeding from the vagina. Many have the misconception that such abnormal vaginal bleeding is symptom of menopause and do not pay adequate attention to it. This is wrong! Such vaginal bleeding can begin only as a watery flow having just a streak of blood. But slowly more and more blood flows along with it.
Immediately consult a gynecologist the moment you see any or some of the following symptoms: Pain in the pelvic portion; pain while urinating; pain during intercourse and/or abnormal vaginal discharge or bleeding. Of course, these signs can be due to factors other than those related to uterus cancer. Hence, seek expert's advice without delay.
The confusing fact is that many women having uterus cancer risk factors do not develop this ailment. On the other hand, there are umpteen cases of women not having the risk factors contracting uterus cancer. Nevertheless, the risk factors do help in the early diagnosing of uterus cancer. Here is an overview of the risk factors that may aggravate into uterus cancer.
Age factor: First, uterus cancer has been found to take place among women in the 50 plus age group.
Race: White-skinned women get uterus cancer more than, say the African-American women.
Endometrial hyperplasia: Second, many women after crossing 40 years suffer from endometrial hyperplasia. Though it is basically benign (not cancerous), yet it can sometimes develop into cancer. Endometrial hyperplasia happens due to the increase in cells uterus linings. The common signs of endometrial hyperplasia are bleeding in the post-menopause phase, bleeding after successive periods, and menstrual periods that are heavy. Physicians generally recommend progesterone (hormone treatment) or hysterectomy (uterus removal) to check endometrial hyperplasia from degenerating into cancer.
Colon cancer. Women suffering from colon or colorectal cancer that is inherited also may develop uterus cancer. Colon cancer affects the colon in the large intestine or/and the fag end portions of the rectum prior to the anus.
HRT: Third, women undergoing HRT (hormone replacement therapy) also have risk of contracting uterus cancer. HRT controls menopausal symptoms, prevents bone thinning (osteoporosis), and also reduces chances of stroke or heart ailments.
Prolonged use of hormone: Prolonged use of the female hormones estrogen sans progesterone can lead to uterus cancer. It is always advisable to combine the use of both primarily because progesterone acts as a potential uterus shield.
Over-exposure to estrogen: Women entering puberty early or reaching menopause late or those who have not borne any children remain exposed to estrogen for a long period. They too suffer a high risk.
Use of medicines having estrogen: One such commonly used medication is Tamoxifen. It is prescribed as a preventive measure against breast cancer. But long-time use of estrogen can lead to over-exposure to estrogen.
Obesity: The primary reason why obese women develop uterus cancer more than their thinner sisters is simple. Our body manufactures certain percentages of estrogen within the fatty tissues.
Diabetes BP: Since obesity is also linked with diabetes, the diabetic women may also have uterus cancer. Similar is the case with women having high blood pressure (BP).
The ideal diagnosis for uterus cancer can constitute one or a combination of the following tests. They are the biopsy, Transvaginal ultrasound, Pap test, and Pelvic exam.
Biopsy: In biopsy, a tissue sample is removed from the lining of the uterus. This is a simple process and is done in the doctor's clinic itself. However, in complex situations, the patient may have to undertake the D&C process. This D&C (dilation and curettage) operation is a day-long affair. The tissue is examined by a pathologist for the probable presence of various cancerous conditions like hyperplasia and cells. In the post-biopsy stage, the patient may experience cramps and also have bleeding from the vagina for some time.
For the patient's knowledge: The patient needs to clarify certain positions with the doctor prior to going in for biopsy. These are about (i) the biopsy type she may have to undertake and the reason(s) why she should go for the test; (ii) The approximate time biopsy would take; (iii) Would she have to be anaesthetized; (iv) Whether biopsy be painful? (v) The risks and after effects of biopsy; (vi) And, if in the event of cancer being detected what the steps she would have to take and from whom she would get the consultations.
Transvaginal ultrasound: In this test, sound waves of high frequency is aimed at the uterus via an instrument that is inserted within the vagina. The sound echo patterns make a picture. And, the doctor can have a clear idea of the actual state by examining this picture. But, transvaginal ultrasound becomes impossible if the endometrium is too thick. Then, the patient may have to go for a biopsy.
Pap test: In Pap test, cells are collected from the upper vagina and cervix portions. Pathological examination of the cells is done to find out if there are any cancerous or abnormal cells. The problem with Pap test is that it fails to identify abnormal cells within the uterus. Hence the doctors usually collect the cells via biopsy. Nonetheless, Pap test can readily detect the cervical cancerous cells.
Pelvic exam: The Pelvic exam checks the rectum, bladder, uterus, and vagina. The presence of any lumps or alterations in their sizes and shapes are clear indications of the likely presence of abnormal tumors or cancerous cells. The doctor checks the cervix and vagina via an instrument. This implement known as speculum is first inserted into the vagina.

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Female Infertility: Cervical Related Problems

There are different reasons why a woman may become infertile, and cervical related problems is one of them. Cervical related problems are also considered cervical incompetence. There are a number of cervical related problems that could arise. Here are some of them.
One of these problems could be caused by the occurrence of a double uterus. This occurs when the uterus has two inner cavities, and each of the cavities could lead to its own cervix and vagina. In other words, the woman could, then, have two cervixes and two vaginas. Although this is a possibility, it is a very rare occurrence but it could lead to fertility issues.
Intrauterine adhesions such as Asherman's Syndrome also affect the cervix. This is an acquired uterine disease which is characterised by scar tissue in the uterus. The front and the back walls of the uterus tend to stick together. In a case where the patient has Asherman's Syndrome they may have intermittent or absent periods. Also some women may experience the pain associated with periods, but have no periods. The pain may indicate that menstruation is occurring but because the cervix is blocked the blood cannot exit the uterus. The cervix could be blocked by the adhesions. The symptoms of this disease could also include pregnancy loss and placenta accreta.
Chlamydia or gonorrhoea are infections of the cervix that is known to cause subfertility by ascending through the cervix. It affects the uterus and fallopian tubes in pelvic inflammatory disease.
Abnormal cervical mucus is another cervical related problem that is associated with infertility. For successful impregnation to transpire normal cervical secretions is essential. Cervical mucus tends to change in consistency during the menstrual cycle. It has a watery consistency during ovulation to allow the sperm to easily enter the uterus. It is rare to experience abnormal cervical mucus but there are cases where it can be too thick so the sperm won't be able to swim through it during ovulation. Other possibilities may be that the cervical glands don't produce enough mucus. Or in some cases, where surgery or infection has occurred, this could damage the glands that produce cervical secretions. This could cause cervical mucus abnormalities.
If you have noticed that there are any abnormal occurrences in your cervical mucus if you are trying to become pregnant, it is advisable to visit a fertility clinic to run certain tests and give you a more accurate diagnosis. There may be a variety of cervical problems but there could also be a way to resolve it or work around it in order to become pregnant.
BioART Fertility Centre offers a unique experience in fertility treatment. We have a long history of state of the ART fertility care delivered with a personal touch. Each and every patient is treated as a unique couple with individual problems and needs. We combine a dignified and compassionate approach with state-of-the-art, advanced reproductive technologies.
Contact Us: +27 11 484 5119

Good News For Women Putting Up With Vaginal Odor - 4 Natural Cures For Quick Relief

Are you suffering from an embarrassing smell around your vaginal area? You will be glad to know that you can eliminate this problem for good by using natural cures for vaginal odor. In this article I am going to give some simple tips which will put you on the road to recovery fast. You will once again smell good and fresh with the help of these cures.
Although there are a number of over the counter drugs and creams available in the market which promise to provide vaginal odor relief, in my opinion you should first try out the natural methods. Natural remedies are based on ideas which do not produce any side effects and are absolutely safe to use. They are much cheaper too compared to conventional treatment
At the first sign of vaginal smell you must note to
1. Avoid over washing
In case you wash your vagina more than couple of times a day, you will be stripping it of natural lubricants already present. These natural lubricants are essential to maintain a healthy vaginal flora. If an imbalance is created, harmful bacteria can grow and make the problem worse
2. Avoid using perfumed products
Do not use any perfumed soaps or lotions for vaginal application. These normally contain alcohol and chemicals which can worsen your condition rather than masking the vaginal smell.
3. Protected sex
Make use of condoms while having intercourse. If you have vaginal smell, the alkaline nature of semen can make the odor more pronounced. Therefore, it is a good idea to use condoms till the odor completely disappears.
4. Panty Liners
Use a thin panty pad when you are out. These absorb a surprisingly large amount of discharge and help to mask the odor. These can be easily carried for changing frequently during the day.
In most cases, simple natural cures for vaginal odor are all that is required for effective cure. However, if the odor has a fishy smell and is accompanied by a watery discharge which is gray or white in color, it is highly likely that you are suffering from bacterial vaginosis for which you must take formal treatment.
Want to get rid of bacterial vaginosis bv permanently? Make use of a proven all natural technique get rid of vaginoisis in a matter of under 3 days. This technique has effectively saved the sex life of thousands of women the world over including me. Trust me it will permanently relieve embarrassing vaginal odor in just 3 days. To Know more about this click - bacterial vaginosis bv

Simple Steps for Increasing Libido in Women

Life without sex can be dull and boring. Unfortunately, a whole lot of women lose their appetite for sex as they advance towards middle age. A drop in the production of sex hormones and a couple of other factors like stress, depression, relationship issues etc. can take a toll on your libido.
Here are some simple and effective ways to boost your sex drive, naturally and safely:
1. Spend Some Quality Time With Your Partner
Before you try some kind of a remedy to boost your libido, try to spend some quality time alone with your partner. Go out for walk and just hold each other's hands. Something as simple as this can sometimes be highly effective in increasing anticipation for sex among both of you. It can act as a trigger for enhancing your libido.
2. Try Some Libido Boosting Foods
Some foods can be extremely effective in enhancing libido in both women and men. Some of such foods include oysters, celery, bananas, avocados, dates, chocolate etc. Try to include these foods in your diet.
3. Try Some Coffee
Coffee can be great for putting you in the mood. It releases endorphins and increases energy so that you can enjoy a great sex session. Chocolate also ensures similar effects.
4. Reduce Some Weight
Excess body fat and high cholesterol levels can result in clogging of arteries leading to poor blood flow to the genitals. According to a study, women with high cholesterol levels report difficulty with arousal and orgasm.
One of the best ways to reduce fat and cholesterol is with the help of a regular workout. Something as simple as a brisk walk or jog can be a great help in cutting down on your body fat. If you stick to a fitness regime, you would be able to notice difference in your sex drive within a few days.
5. Try Natural Libido Enhancers
One of the best ways to enhance libido in women is with the help of natural libido pills that are formulated with a woman's needs in mind.
Such pills work by enhancing blood flow to the genitals. In addition to this, they also help increase secretion of sex hormones in the body. Apart from increasing libido and ensuring faster and full body arousal, such pills can also help you get rid of vaginal dryness by increasing natural lubrication.
Top of the line pills are free of side effects and are recommended by doctors too.
So, if you want to get a robust libido just the way you did in your younger years, check out the Best Female Enhancers that have helped thousands of women like you over the past decade.

Is Your Beauty Salon Dangerous?

Are you putting yourself in harms way when you visit your beautician? The answer is yes, quite possibly, unless you are aware of the risks involved with some types of treatment and what you can do to minimise these risks. Here is a quick guide to potentially harmful treatments.


By now everyone must know that the incorrect use of sunbeds can increase your chances of getting skin cancer, yet sunbeds are still incredibly popular. However, you might not be aware of the possibility of permanent eye damage. Corneal burning can occur and it is thought that sunbeds increase the risks of cataracts and macular degeneration developing. And last but not least, UV rays cause premature ageing and skin damage.

You can avoid these effects if you severely limit the frequency of your sunbed visits, wear the correct type of protective goggles and use an appropriate lotion.


Botox involves the injection of a toxin into the skin. This alone should make you stop and think. Less than 10% of patients experience side effects or complication or side effects. These include persistent headaches, nausea or flu-type symptoms lasting for several days following the procedure. Less frequently, muscle weakness or drooping can occur. Depending on the site of the injections, this can result in drooping eyelids or persistent drooling. These effects should wear off, but this can take several months.

Botox should only be administered by doctors, dentists and registered nurses who are licensed to carry out the procedure.

Bikini Waxing

Bikini waxing is one of the most popular beauty treatments. It has the benefit that it lets you wear the tiniest of bikinis. So you put up with the pain to get the gain. But did you know that the treatment carries a risk of bacterial infection? The chances of contracting such an infection seem to be fairly low, but for the unlucky few the consequences can be near fatal.

Infection can occur because, prior to being removed, pubic hair protects the genital area. When the hair is removed so is the protection, and bacteria are able to enter the body. Also, if the waxing removes some area of the outer layers of skin another gateway to infection has been opened up. Thus the body becomes vulnerable to a range of infections.

You can minimise the risk of infection by satisfying yourself that salon staff have been properly trained for bikini waxing and that your salon has a stringent hygiene procedure for this treatment.

The treatments described all carry significant risks. They are all expensive, and their effects are all temporary. You are the only person who can weigh the benefits against the potential risks. But you can only do so if you fully understand the risks. So consult your doctor before having any of these treatments and be safe, not sorry.

Knowing How to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection Effectively

If you think men are the most high-maintenance individuals, then think again. Women are sure to be the most high-maintenance ones. It is simply because their body is very sensitive and very prone to some issues such as minor and severe illnesses. This is the main reason why women should be very careful and watchful when it comes to their body. One serious disease that women can get at some point of their lives is the yeast infection.
What Yeast Infection Really Means?
Yeast infection is one serious disease that is experienced by almost all women in the world. The specific percentage of women that can experience such horrible disease in their lives is around 75 percent. It will occur on the reproductive organ of women, which is the vagina. The one that is responsible for this infection is the organism that is known as the Candida albicans. This is very easy to detect though. Just make sure that you are watchful about the common symptoms of this disease like discharge, itching, and intense pain while you are urinating or having a sexual intercourse.
Some Effective Solutions
Needless to say, there are already a number of solutions that can be tried on how to get rid of a yeast infection. It is all thanks to the efforts of various medical experts who are constantly researching for effective solutions for this particular horrible disease. Here are some of these solutions that you can consider trying when you are experiencing it:
· Antifungal Cream - It is good news for all the women in the entire world that yeast infection can now be cured by a simple antifungal cream that is manufactured by a number of pharmaceutical companies. Just make sure that you are buying the authentic product since there are fake products that are circulating in the market today.
· Oral Medication - There are also a number of pills intended for yeast infections that you can find in the market. Even so, not all of these medicines are effective enough for you. This is the main reason why you need to ask the advice of your personal physician. In this way, you can be sure that you are taking the right oral medication that is very effective for you.
In every health issue that you are experiencing, it is very important that you take the words of the medical experts since they are the ones who know well about diseases like yeast infections.
If you want to find out more important information regarding yeast infections, you can simply go to my blog page with this link,
Feel free to leave some comments, suggestions, and questions. I will be more than happy to tackle all of them.

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How to Get Pregnant Easily - Get Pregnant Tonight

For some women, getting pregnant can mean as easy as stopping contraception whether they are trying to conceive for the first or fourth time. For other women who don't know how to get pregnant easily, fertilizing their eggs can become a nightly job that revolves around some sexual positions, ovulation kits and a series of fertility tests to help determine their problem.
If you've been trying to become pregnant for some months now or even for the past years, listening to common sense advice that is founded on science can help improve your chances of getting pregnant. Here are some tips that might help on how to get pregnant easily.
Know exactly when you ovulate
Women who have regular 28-day cycles can count 14 days from the 1st day of their period to determine their ovulation day. For women who have irregular cycles, gathering help from an ovulation kit can be useful.
Making a chart of your basal body temperature is also helpful in determining your most fertile day. Your body temperature will dip by half of a degree 24 hours before ovulation then will start to go up when ovulating. However, your body temperature is also affected by various environmental and health conditions, therefore it is advised that you don't rely on it alone.
Have sex before your ovulation day
The moment you feel a hormonal surge, be sure to have sex on that day and in the next 2 days. This is because your cervical mucus is at its best for helping the sperm to travel towards the egg. Since sperms can survive inside the uterus within 24 - 48 hours, there will be plenty of them to greet your egg the moment ovulation happens. Having sex at the perfect time can help on how to get pregnant easily.
Another good reason why you should have sex before ovulation instead of having it on the day it happens is that your egg can only survive for a maximum of 24 hours. So when you ovulate in the morning but wait until evening to have sex, your egg may lose its capability the moment a sperm tries to fertilize it. Also, cervical mucus is thick and impenetrable immediately after ovulation, making it impossible for the sperm to go through.
Have fun
This is the most important thing to remember for couples trying to conceive: make sex fun. When sex feels like a chore, both of you can feel that having sex is another thing on your to-do list that needs to be finished. Keeping sex exciting is a wonderful way on how to get pregnant easily.
Now Listen to My Experience, "I Thought I Was Infertile But Contrary To My Doctor's Prediction, I Got Pregnant Twice and Naturally Gave Birth To My Beautiful Healthy Children At Age 43, After Years of Trying".
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Signs and Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids - Do I Have Them?

If you have small fibroids, you may not ever be aware of them. However, if you have noticed a couple of unusual symptoms in and around your abdomen you may have that niggling feeling that something is not quite right and you may be wondering what the signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids are.
Firstly, although you may be able to get a good idea whether or not you have fibroids by checking your symptoms against the list below, you should always get a proper diagnosis from your doctor to confirm this as although fibroids are rarely dangerous, there is always the slight chance that it is not fibroids causing your problem, but something more serious.
1. Bleeding between periods and heavier periods
This can have various causes, including fibroids causing blockages which can cause a backup of blood flow which seems heavy when released. Sometimes fibroids can also cause congestion within the blood vessels of the uterus, which can cause erratic blood flow. Lastly, fibroid growth can cause an increase in the size and number of blood vessels in the uterus which results in a greater supply of blood generally.
2. Pain
Pain and discomfort are often the most worrying signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids. Around a third of women with fibroids will report this and it is varies from women to women depending on how many fibroids they have, their location and how large they are, along with their pain tolerance levels. Larger fibroids can put pressure on other internal organs which can cause problems or sometimes, if the blood supply becomes disrupted, this can cause the fibroid to die and the degeneration can cause painful symptoms.
3. Pressure
Many women report a feeling of pressure from their fibroids. This varies depending on how large the fibroids are. Many women will liken the feeling to being similar to a growing pregnancy.
4. Bloating and Fullness
As fibroids enlarge, this often becomes noticeable on the outside, as your abdomen might enlarge quite significantly. Although these signs and symptoms are not dangerous, they can often cause discomfort and a tightening waistband is often the trigger which makes many of us take action!
5. Painful Intercourse
Fibroids which are low down in the uterus can cause discomfort during intercourse
6. Urinary Problems
Fibroids which press down on the bladder can cause incomplete bladder emptying and and increase in urinary urgency. This can lead to incontinence.
7. Fertility Issues
There are several problems which can be linked with fibroids. Sometimes, the location can block the passage of sperm through the cervix or into the fallopian tubes. Implantation can sometimes be difficult, particularly if the fibroids are large or located under the womb lining, causing distortion. Fibroids can also be responsible for early miscarriages and pre-term labor.
8. Depression
For some women, some of the secondary signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids are depression and unhappiness which are often caused by the response to the other primary signs.
The good news is that these signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids can be completely eliminated by using natural treatments. If you are prepared to take charge of your own healing, a number of these issues can be solved within days, with actual shrinkage happening within weeks.
Written by a former fibroid sufferer, the system you are about to see is, quite simply, groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will feel relief that you have finally found something that will genuinely help you get rid of your fibroids.
If you would like to see further information on how a natural treatment could be your best option, please visit How To Get Rid Of Fibroids [].

6 Tips on How to Get Pregnant - Learn to Have a Baby Using Natural Methods

You want to learn about how to get pregnant because you have been trying for a long time but it is not happening yet. Well, as you know that some women have no problem with having a baby, but some women have difficulties in getting pregnant. Below are some tips about how to get pregnant naturally.
- Learning to know your ovulation period is very important on how to get pregnant. So, if you want to have a baby, then it is very helpful to buy an ovulation test kit. It is not an expensive tool as well. This tool can tell when you are ovulating. So, you will be able to make a plan on when you should have sexual relation with your partner in order to get pregnant.
- The second tip on how to get pregnant is to have sex. After you know your ovulation period from the first tip mentioned above, then you need to have sexual activity with your partner when you are ovulating. In addition, it is said that missionary position is considered to be the best position to have a baby.
- The third tip on how to get pregnant is to stay healthy because you will get pregnant easily with healthy body. Try not to be overweight or underweight. Try to eat more healthy foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables. Besides, prenatal vitamins should be taken as well. Try to stop smoking, drinking alcohol or having any caffeine also.
- The fourth tip on how to get pregnant is to stay still for about 15 minutes after having sex. This way, the sperm will have the chance to stay longer in the vagina in order to proceed its job to conceive a baby. There is no official evidence about this theory, but it would not hurt to try, would it?
- The fifth tip on how to get pregnant is to avoid using any artificial items while you are having sexual activity with your partner because your vagina's pH balance can be disturbed by these items. So, natural sex is considered to be the best.
- The sixth tip on how to get pregnant is to reduce stress. Just keep in mind that stress and pressure are the worst factors that you need to avoid when you want to have a baby. You should get enough sleep and try to avoid any stressful situations. Learning yoga is considered to be the good method to lower your stress as well.
See HOW TO GET PREGNANT naturally within 8 weeks. The Result is Guaranteed!